May 3rd, 1973CITY OIL CUPE'_`TINO 10300 Tol"re Avenue, Cupertino Telephone.- 25 2-45 05 MINUTES OF PLEGULAi), A..D JOURIMED TMEE` 'ING 07Y THE AR.CHITECTIE AL. A10 SITE i APPROVAL 03124IIITTEE ON laY 3, 1973 !N THE LIu11RY CONFERENCE 100141., I CITY IIALL, CUPE?`l"IIS.O, CALIFOM-IA The meeting was convened at 7 35 P,11. by N ice-••Chairma.n McLaren. i ROLL CALL Members present: Dressler, I:cenitzer, Sallan, Weinsteifi and Vice -Chairman 2'[cLaren _lembers absent: None Staff present: Associate Planner Robert Cowan Senior Planning `Technician Toby Kramer Landscape Architect Ja-.es Coleman Recording Secretary Ruth Cox %1C_vl Page 1 ELECTION 07 0r 1{ IC9 S Vice -Chairman. 1.1cLaren announced that as all members of the committee Officers were present, election of officers could be held. She called for elected: -nomi.nat ons for chairman and vice-chairman to serve Until April., . Chairman 1.974e Ursa _1cLarea Member Dressler nominated rzemlber 7McLaren for chairman and lember -V ice -Chairman Sall en for vice-chairman. Hember Koenitzer seconded the motion. s. Sallan Vote on Chairman Ml Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan and Weinstein AYES., �yembers Dressl , , NOES Y None ABSTAIN Member McLaren Motion passed, 4-0�-1 Vote on Vice -Chairman AYES: ?Members Dressler, Koenitzer s McLaren and Weinstein NOES intone ABSTAIN- Member Sallan Tletion passed, 4-0-1 w o &C-81 Page 2 Staff- reaort 30' of land- scaping on both sides Land uses aot known - linkage of areas Side streets to link area: Overpass 'IounS citiz in favor of foot & bike Uaths Separate paths pre - Proposed bikE path Sz over - as s '_`IINUTES 01' THE .E^ULA_Z �'_)JJUI:NED i1«a' 3 1973 H-COIITI.OL 11LETING Chairman IcLaren introduced ?Ir. Col(- an, landscape architect for the City of Cupertino. 11r. Cowan pointed out this flan is r.ore cont:.le:, than it looks on the surface, covering more than desi n«tirg plants, iredian strips, etc. This plan will be a broad urb�a design for this section of town. He then referred to the discc.ssioa outline which was presented to the committee. 11r. Coleman explained this pro -act t:.-ould cover 30' of landscaping on both sides of High -,Tay 9 prom Homestead 1.'..oac to Stevens Creek Boulevard including median and irrigation system. The side streets will only involve selection and spacing of street trees. 'Mr. Cowan pointed out that since it is not known what the land uses will be in this area, landscaping will have to be kept flexible. He pointed out four areas, Val.lco, Crossroads, Town Center and De Anza Colleges. Linkage of these areas was discussed. A projection of a State traffic study calls f.-:r increasing highway 9 to eight lanes of traf.ic with turf .lanes. The possibility of using side streets such as extension of To -re an.d creation of Bandley for pedestrian -bicycle areas to tie t1i;2 City to, ether was sugSested. The possibility of an over-:)a:3s to a] I.a;o pedestriaa-bicycle crossing of Saratoga -Sunnyvale. =?oa_ wa.s disco _sed. illember Jress].er lied to leave. so inti:;-,duced his son,. .,on Dressler, Jr. spoke in favor of having a bicycle ]. tn: aLid pedi�_Stri an walkway included in the proposed R ` landscaping. I'euiber Weinstein suggested a separatei bicycle lane completely separate from sidewalk and riot aral.li< lir:g the streets. it was noted paths should be differentiated from Lanes, with patlis bein- preferred. 11r. Cowan reported that 'rariani develc«ers are proposing a bicycle path on east side oi: Torre, e and ar. o� :rpEjas. The plan line as di.cassed rega:_din_; sec_oaclary streets. _-Ir. Calerllan sal.' only gen'_r ' I triinki -.3 OFill done relatit 7e to this as the City had given maps ;u;t !.ast we-elc. £,Lilldinp sat- Building setbacks ;ere dlscus:;;�d:, its . L c' n<; i.h January 12 guideline t33.cks adopted foi: ner't.i7<'.;t quaCrane o_ IL was established guidelines had boen se!-_ f L'D l .L- c ew;i f . "'0 '.o J_ V�.. . 'r ivc . 0 T" ?!AY _-1.. 1973 11-CG, It was agreed that criteria, c,-uidelines for setback of landscaping and buildiu.,-s on Saratoga' Sunayvale 11oad up to Alves Drive should. be included. in the discussion of- balance of property, 1"ir. Cowan noted there are so sae legal proble:�_-..s to be considered in discussing signing guidelines. It was pointed out some preliminary conceptual opidelines had already been agreed on, with low monument type signs being preferred. Methods for re-inoving non-conforminR signs were discussed. The median strip is part o�'T the capital improvement program.. discussion was held relative to ways and �means o..' getting the land- scaping planting all done at the saale time.,; This would, insure uniform Growth of plants, It was -pointed out that future street widaningand grading on the east side would have to be considered before the trees were planted, Hir. Coleman said the medians will not be constructed inediately, but will be painted in until widening is co-zipleted. _Maps of proposed lanes and median were viewed and discussed. Control o-": ingress and egress on Saratoga -Sunnyvale _.oatwas 7 discussed, Deceleration lanes were discussed. 'Regarding public in --put., it was felt there should be somethin"- more firm in the way of plans before asking for public inputs it was noted there might be those in, the coamn-unity who are especially concerned about different areas such'as landscaping, etch and these should be given a chance to be heard. .1-leff6er Koenitzer suSgested publicity in papers prior to meeting to get the public input, A shopping center partly on one side of the highway and partly on the other with a overcrossino, connecting them was discussed. 'It was reported Vallco was I proposing something on this order. 11r. Coleman showed two concepts for sidewalks and landscaping, double row of trees of appro�,-imatel y 30' spacing with sidewalk One was for a straight sidewalk such as in Vallco Park with a, down the middle. This would ww stork if it were all done at once so trees would be ouniform size. The second concept was for a meandering sidewalk. Mx. Coleman showed. photos of a condo-mi-aium in Los Gatos using this concept. He pointed out there would be grassed areas with ioounds and trees. He would use a variety of tree types (maybe 3 varieties) so tees could be planted at differ ent times; this would also make for more interesting landscaping. hc- Ell P age 3 Criteria to be considered Signing guidelines Landscaping to be done as a whole Medians LU be pain L-ed ...' T aps viewed. Controlling traff"ic Public Input Overcros,4 connecting ishops Sidewalk concepts Ileandering sidewalk iiC--81 rage 4 Signs would show well Visibility 1011 paths Over-all developing ienefits for all Contract required Plantings sj7,(3 and noise eian a'` p ro ach Irrix;ati.oa 'free types � F 1 T �11s tarlL l awrl, r rc-�coi-) endod 3 3 d �.r 1 ,�. -� L T LAY T� ' .1IIXTES 01 THE `E. 7�JL�.r. A_J U;` iE;D rL 3, 1.973 li-CO'_iTIML 1D;ETI10 This meandering sidewalk concept with moundin�s be advanta,,eous to placing suns, Visibility o-' corners for s1'_ety Lictors was discussed. Bicycle paths should be i.dez).J ly at least 10` wide. The possibility of the City developin; this strip ant. assessing, the later developers for these in:provemLn.t3 was discussed. This would coordinate planting rather_ than haVin:: each developer pl.xnt separately. lip, ierl:,T, the City _%ttorney, dropped :i.0 and was asked for his o�inion on this possibility. lie sa'_d Line stroei: trees aucl landsca•� ink could be put in now wir.h reimbilr�•e:;ent bein required at a later date, lie felt this could be done, but tie would need to rese�-.rch it. Pro- erty owners would beneAt in ter:.s o.'. appearance and improved value of property and the Cite wou111. benefit a':.:_o, Security (requirin- bonds) and m::_intena.nce ar_e t,ho pr: `slex.s to bl eorisi_c?e- ed. 'Ir. Teri— noted it *pro lld h�_ to be <_ .> attractive enou..h to the develOpe.r to pro'.'J_de an i.nci'.'.1ltive, This [JOuld require a contract be- tween City and t_-F, ;i srelore- , i er_iuer Sal J.an reter.r. d to tA,.e _;.eadc- `i.`_, est a-ticl.f� that maintained r pla%��lli-,u a.LOCI.f iP1�'0T __YOn�a�t'3 coni.-z.;_buil o!a Sl. _1-L.':1.C:dT:tly t0 t11C'' rPC'ttiCi.:iOn Of SL, ' -211c1 I,o:i_5e�, 'i'y;7e � i-tees Cvhlch c=111 wi°alsLand heavy cra:r --ic pollution shoLli.l be ledi �,.s �a 1�. be -' 2t, to -,' elide. ' e:_e once ,�:�, eynre_>se'. not tc 11c1Va log'? r!1Lil .i_C`rl: nCP_ a pro�1ch to °;?"i+_' 4' -Ae(li an. it was su-� e: ted look:i_ng into ?ah.lt other c, have (!o e in this rep ard, '_'_ . Coleman said people who T:zr:i__ltai.ned' s:11!-,,e n?c'is t .7:c said the 111:- atenance was difri.cult, dan- , _+ud �.1a Droved to bcm a du;npin: ground,Afferent treatment in surroundi.1,; c_.' .,.<> ,er',-J.6t:lssed and it was su ested that pictures be tr1k��Ii o:__ flip>.;e are 3. Chait'T:iaa _!CLaro;'. L'lOtei.i that: 1'1ri(,ai-Lop, rmst be carr:+fully plaimed for these n::1Y'roCl - oundirg wl.th ot: )t: ' plants uiid er th,t c c.ps I,mts .S'1-1.. t� itE'C�• clative to trf.c s, non)"('r.idl::OI.,s tjG'`.. rSltOulCi >>i^ L1Sed; o'-- if dt�cidijous, ,3hot.lc> have ;-ood e _.t .'�itl;.o ��� .i-t. Instant -L3wns It discus: <<. Then : I.,c (3t:•rbli.stied wii:ll:in 3 weeks of i.ns tall, iT1g, Sprayin- c; ., roa:! ;)1a11ti11 3 '. 1`4:, re..co act„ -: CL t0 ;'( rio�:e r'..bber fro'_': tires, exhaust T>>r.e and ro.:7d scuro, arc) le•a;ca r 1ti1^r than=;)r:irlk1J.a;. • MUNUT_ES OF THE REGULAI iU)JOU1.1ED ILk°s 31 1973 li-•MITTM iEETING Y 11r, Cowan then summarized. I Bicycle and pedestrian linkages bicycle paths not wanted can Saratoga -Sunnyvale load Building set back Signing - low Lgoriuinent type signs preferred City entrance sins Consideration ox installing as mach as possible all landscaping at once Winding sidewalk preferred by cormittee sfeeting was adjourned at 9040 P a Ids � APPROVED e liC-81 ra-,e 5 Summary Adj ournnent