April 18th, 1973M CITY 07 -TJ-"Z'-'T1:.40 10 300 To e A.,7E,-n-ae , '7ctr, Telephone: 252-4505 -1,IT" C-Y S. AINUTES 0- TE '-REGULIC� U 1_. � WIE A7Z. -j� Co,�7 I 'IL CHL,-',9M -TEE 014 APRIL 1 8 1973 IN THE COU-IC jr,, G ---'L T Y r:,-'U-'!?E-,TINO, CALIFS Rii I A SAIXTE To r HE I'LAG The meeting -as called to order at 7:33 a:I. by Chairman Sargent witft the Salute to the 'Flag, POLL CALL Kembers present. Dressler Koenitzer, Sallan and Chairm.an Sargen 1-Tem-bers absent- NcLaren Sta--':'f present- Associate Planner obert Cowan Senior Planning Technician Toby.Kramer Recording. Secretary --,,,uth Cox 111INUTES O-THE PREWIOUS 11EETI7G I.,lember Koenitzer said, -"he last two lines O.L paragraph 3, parre 2, s -onal ones." should read ....parking space replacing the dia., He -,%7ished to add to first paragraph on page 15, his suggestion that some rocks or other decorative material be added to the corner radius area. _L 4 ncl th -1- C, pp0 S t4 or " V. -J removin6 posiLioned ':without a line of site elevation of the proposed trees and visual impact from Stevens Creek Boule- vard. On page 15, first paragraph, 11ember Sallan wished to add her two suggestions: that the Peter Pan be changed to Lily o-l" the I -Tile and to add xzyleuni to each of the corners of the island planting., Ideidber Koenitzer looved to approve minutes as corrected. I-Iember Dressler seconded the motion. 1-lotion passed, 4-0 Hc-.79 Page 1 IIC-79 Page 2 HC-51,083.14 Hill Signs and Displays (Biomation) Staff report Slides Set -back Committee taken advantage of Plans should be followed !)if::icul_t and uz:pensive to move 'IINUTES Or, THE Ai'IUL 18, 1973 H-CONI:OL FETING I'r. rowan reportea item 2 on agenda, Empire Perr:,it Systems (Exxon Company) ::-as postponed. idRl TEN GOII:11IN ICATI0NS : None OPAL CO'"NNIC:A`iI�NS: The representative from Hill Sims and Display (Biomation) listed as item 10 on a enda asice,_' to be heard first d-L.e to a conflict in CLI meetings. The committee agreed to hear this ite-_ first. PUBLIC REAa4CS 10. Application HC51,088.14 0 7 lull Signs and Displays (-Bioma- tion) --e uesting _.pprcval of a modification of a sign. plan for a=_igiit inclustr .al bui_ldinc, located in the 'r1e t Valley Industrial lar'_;, Lot 16. Continued from Ii-Control meeting of n i1 4, 1973. Staf:= `edber ("o-:-an reported this application was requesting approval o' _n t_: }_ticnal face a: well as a revised site location. The origi- nal sign :,at3 in j_ovember 19;'2 to be placed in a location 40 feet north o:: ,)resent location. Sli.des were shown of site and present location oA sign. 'ir. Cowan pointed out the sin was to have been parallel to Bubb =Load and is in fact perpendicular. 0 Alember ressler as ked about set -back restrictions and -sir. Cowan said there _7e.re none. ilember Koenitzer said he had no objection to sign or adding second face, but felt the applicant had taz�en advantage o-- co-_,n:ittee's approval in not adhering to original location of sign. Iieri�er Sallen agreed, noting that aj plicants should have to pay o. er_c_s :r,. .e. She fe.l, t.Le p i_ans should have been followed re-lative to .:!lat was appro.ed. Chair: ---an Sargent noted the concr,.te base of the sign would be difficult and expensive to move. lia felt this particular proposal would I -Lave been approved; however, if committee felt the si-n was not accepta"le or va:: not in an acceptable place, then the appli- cant should bc; askau to : ove it. ilr. %on :Iastel_, Hill Signs and Displays, explained he had made a snap judgment to move si ,a as concrete. truck was waiting. Since there was no sidewalk or bike path, and witli the bend in the road, MINUTES OFT14E APRIT 18, 1-973 H-CON"'.1, �EETI dG the sign would be facing an open field, giving poor iden-tifi- cation, HC--79 Page 3 After further discussions Chairman Sargent announced this was a Public Hearing and asked for comments from the audience. There were none Member Koenitzer proved, seconded by Member Sall.an, to close Public Hearings Public Hearings. closed Sotion carried., 4-0 'Miember Dressler recommended for approval to City Council HC `ii X8,14 Application HC-51,088. 14,. again subject to standard K-aControl approved conditions with Exhibits A, 1st Revision.. and E,: allowing Eio*ration to add second r- ^e to monument sign. Seconded by 13em1ber Koenitzera i ' AYES. Tiembers Dressler, Koen:itzer and Chairman Sargent NOES: -.Her,,ber Sall an AESENT e11'ember M(:I Laren Hotion passed, 3-1 Application will be heard before City Council at their meeting of1 ay 7, ,1973d i 10 Application HC-51,218<1 of George Ahamnos (eon's Burger) HC-5122M 1 requesting approval of a modification of site and Dons :Burger architecture for an existing building located at the northwest corner of Portal Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard, Continued from H-Control meeting of April Mr. Cowan. noted this application was continued from. the last Staff report meeting to allow the applicant to make changes. The revised plans were put on the board, Chairman Sargent requested the discussion be kept basically to Discussion to be the ideas. anal conceptsthat are being presented in revised of revised. j application since architecture was discussed at previous meet-- plans ingo j The applicant, IIr, George Ahanzos,, 20567 Russell Lane9 Saratoga signed in. i i i i HC-79 Page 4 IPlantings in 5 triangles Evergreen trees I:tesponsible for watering Two pots to be added to patio Most landscap in center Bases too large for planting 'Public Hearings closed KC-51,218.1, a -proved wl conditions IIINUTES Of' THE APIUL 1.8, 1973 H-CONTROL METING iember Kocnitzer suggested putting, plants in triangular areas created :y angula_ parking along Portal Avenue. :Ir. Ahamnos pointed out there are light posts in twc of the trian-les and it was su gested planting junipers or somethini• that would grow approxim..tely 2' or 3' higii around the posts also. A:ember Sallan wanted 5-gallon plantings instead o" 1-gallon and the liquidaui:ar tree changed to an evergreen. She suggested the street trees on easterly boundary should be 15-gallon evergreens. Mr. Ahainnos questioned who would be responsible fo.-- watering the plants in the triangles since these would be on city pro_)ert.y. He was in"ormed it ..as not unusual .i'or private owner's to maintain plantings on city property. .Iember Sallan reco:..:.ended adding two additional 5-gallon potted plants to patio; pets to be 30" in diameter. Aharanos pointed out he was adding 17 plants an:' would have riuch m re landsca-ping than anyone else in the shopping center. After discussion, it was decided the light post stand girds were too large at the base to allot- planting around the.^ so there trould be. planting f.n the center triangle only. Chair,,; -,an Sargent announced this teas a Public Hearing and asked for co -_a ments from the audience. There t•,ere none. 'LIemi)er Koenitzer tioved, and 'Iembc r Sallan seconded, to close Public Hearings. 'lotion carried, 4-0 Chair:..an Sarg rent noted his feelings were still the same regarding architecture of t?.e builc:ing. :Iember Sallan Moved to reco:-..end to City Council approval of Application HC--51,218.1 w .th standard II -Control conditions and enclosures Exhibit B 1st "revision. This is to include previous architectural exhibits -dth the ,following additional conditions: (1) Liquidambar tree as .!C;.'n on site plan is to be ch..: gel to an evergreen tree of 15-gallon size to satis _action of the City Staff and the plicant. (2) I esar_-c-' 1_ng the patio, add two more Dracena palms in planters tThich are a minimum of 30' in di_a.-eter. • MINUTES Or THE APRIL 13s 1973 Ii-CONT OL EETINC (3) _Ltalian Cypress trees to be 5-gallon or minimum of 6' high trees. (4) City trees as shown on plot plan, to be 1.5- gallon size evergreens to the reconruendation of the City Staff, (5) One additional planter on. the easterly parking boundary of the property is to be added with plantings to the specifications of City Staff, the intent being thatshrubberyis to be placed in it with a mature growth of 3 to 5 feet. ember Dressler seconded the motions AYES o Members Dressler, Koenitzer and Sallan NOES: Chair -<:an: Sargent ABSENT., Menber I c L a r e n 1.1.0tion passed, 3-1 Chairman Sargent notified applicant this would be heard. before City Council at its Tay 7, 1973 meeting c HC-79 Page- 5 3Application HCm-519199.1 of Newman. Properties (R6 Cali HC-51_ p 199E l & ° Bros.) requesting approval of a sign plan ,:continued Newman Properti iron. H-Control meeting of December 20, 1972 aid a modification of the previously; approved site and architectural plans in.:con�?�cti`on with a proposed neighborhood shopping ,center located at the n.orthz.7est corner of Saratoga --Sun yvale woad and McClellan road Staff I Tiber Cowan gave, background of. application Current appli6 Staff report cation is for .odi.fying site plan and architectural plan in that one of the satellite structures.will be eliminated and the square footage incorporated in the bank b'cilding; The sign plan is also included. The other _modification will involve the western terminus of Terry Way. A decision was made that Terry ; ay could be made a mini c;ul�- de-sae ending at applicant's property, The applicant has agreed to 1l.dscape ehe portion of Terry Way that is a public right-�-of-. way. The remaining 20' of street section east of the center line will be completed when the adjacent property owner develops his property. A concrete wall with a pedestrian walkway connecting the cul-de-sac and shopping. center will be built. The applicant wishes to be drive -up windows for bank on the east facing elevation, The three kiosks will increase stacking lane capacity but does place drive -up facing on Saratoga• --Sunnyvale 1 oad HC-79 11INUTLS OF THE APIUL 18) 1973 H-CC) Ti:::?I. ':I,LT1N , Page 6 Member Sallan noted there was no landscaping plan i-ncl_u-?ed for frontage; :-r. Cowan said the only impact on landscaping would be two columns for cano)y that exterd. d into landscaped area. Ilodif i cation on :uin building wou] (1 re::.ove trc-l.lis work and widen the :our 1_oot wjo fascia in the enter part o two main buildings to allow for greater visibility of signs for major tenants. After a reminder tilat there was to be no signing on buildings advertising products o- services bein; sold :in the stores, Hr. Cowan said a decision should be made if back sign should conform to rest o = t_1t,�� center or have its own sign program. `X. Bob '':P.1i.tted, 19 "91 Braei.ar -)rive, Saratoga, signed in, 303 trees being Chairman S1r�ent pointed out that it had been established that good planted sized trees would-be planted on north elevation of _"alph`s .:(arket f.n 1-1 -eak up ma-<. o'- �,,�.I1.71r. rdlitted said 303 trees were being put in, SITL =_`ember Sallan exp-e-,sed he.r concern about drive -up Taindows bein., put on easterly elevation. She said landscaping on f,::ontaLe T • � saou d pro , __c_e total screen_`__n- if the, chan„o. *,:ere made. Storage vz,_ult _1r, _i.ttcd ex ,la in -..i reasous for uaak Iaodifica_ions. Tile extra square- {:oota< e :ij.l be use('-, as a s' ora.ge Vau_Lt. LandSca ,in- wi-11 obstruct any view of drive -up wind:)',,; ; from Saratoga -,I _,'.cad. ;_OVe bank It way su noted t': at til.e an.lC iJ it .di ri be Moved L�VC'r and ellP.li hate building angular oarkiny. r, ai '_ted S-14 t,,10 'llU 11 7a.3 loc -ed in due to vi-34-_=-_.it - _o-r .. _jor tenants. Eui_ldin locked After fur.tiier discuss:ioa, ._. , _`itsur_11 luder, ix1 555 -)'utter Street, San �'r�.rlc?.,co,r .pre:-entntlVe fo:_ 1:h Su_.iitor.o Ban_.. Tuder sax_J thare .... an agreement ")etwecr: .'a�rll:.r_ r,rerties any the i al -it t'`Lat t:..n CvuL_ three 6riVe'- up wit1'_10-'siriterZQr- in�" with tra-fic in parkir_­ , area. Canopy In a ;_iscussio-a rela`--i- e to the ='-a-,oT)y, .r. TuJer Said he felt t=1e overl-lan- as present-ed `.av,r a -m-rc atu ,al feeling, to the ba.Ilk archl.teurc. :ielaber Koer-i-r.er st) ,F;i.:asted sho.:tenin.g the cano-y anQ re,":i % z n tb.e !.--sY t?d;: CO).il _:I1S. ?:. 'ui�er Saiei the driV -u'. trios`:: 7houl�_1 .7e :�._..quate .:e .t:1 r p_:otection. It w:ls noted the arc A; t. cture �:a,� :r.t:er 1 ockin,-, tci it ti;e ueeper ca-__o )y, I ire proo:_ The stor: ge rco. -Ji_11. be _i.re proof; esscnLial. to U11, operation vault of the bane. ivblNTUTES 0' THE APRIL 18, 1973 tI-wCONTROL 11EETING HC-79 Page 7 In answer to Chairy-an Sargent, it was noted there was an appr_oxi- Grading mate 2' difference between finished floor of bank an-1 the si&i—,.7a1k grade level. 'There is a G" .to S" berr: with grade being dependent on drainage. Bank will not be higher than rest of parking lot. I1r, Cowan. pointed out the total rise from front of sidewalk to 4' berm Sav-On Drug will be about 5' Chairman Sargent noted Exhibit C 1st --tevis-_!-on .shoT,=7s the grade level at sidewalk is the sanie as in. front of bank, He suggested increasing berm to 4' with landscaping on it. Hrg Tuder pointed out that taller foliage would obscure the detail Canopy detail work in the canopy, 1,1ember Koenitzer suggested "No Parking" signs should be installed on.' No parking. on cul-de-sac end. cul-de-sac I.1r, Uhitted said that having the signs remain in position previously, 111alph',s interior approved would ruin the entire effect of interior design of Ralph's 1'larket blember Dressler suggested dropping the elipse shaped sign which is Dropping sign to Ralph's ;Harket logo and the Sav--On Drug 'sign just below the canopy hang front fascia P aad'.hanging fro;_,! the fascia. Mr, Jim Wood, 3410 W,, 3rd Street;, Los Angeles, said this would be Agreeable to agreeable L representative A blanket .sign: plan for shopping center was discussed., Preference ;Blanket sign plez was expressed that each shop be allowed to choose its own colors as long as the sign was well done and followed over -Hall patterns r4re T uder said the blue, and white sic7a shown, on r,a-on is the �Li. ' 7 r o P-n-ni 1 nab Bank logo. :1rt Cowan said the architect has suggested that signing for the Center signing center have a cream or white background with variation of :Letter colors. The sign can would be dark. brown, Staff would approve individual signs for colors Chairnan.:.Sargent reiterated the policy that no signs such as Extra signs on liquor, dry, cleaning, etc. be placed on buildings. Mr. Whitted ``buildings asked if prescriptions was in the same category as liquors,etc. It was ruled that it was,, Member Sallan again expressed her concern that Landscaping in front o` screening,job of the bank would not coo a 6' screening job,, s i . i 11C-19 :TINUTES OF THE AP11'11U 189 1973 11--CO-aTi"OL 1TE'tL G Pave 8 Chairr._an Sargent noted' this was a Public Bearing and asked for corsients from the Liudience. There were none. Public bearings i:ember Sallan riozred, seconded by 'le,-.i er Koenitzer, to close Public closed heari.n'-r� . 'lotion carried, 4-0 HC-51,199.1 Member ilressler r-:oved to r.eco-.--eod approval_ of Application 11C-51,199.1 approved wl to the City Council, subject to standard H-•Control. conditions, to conditions a -:end the applicacion tLat was approvea and recom�_ended by this bod_; on Dece..:bez 20, 1972 t;ith the revisions to the plans as submitted with Exhibits i 31: l l evision, 4`;-231 Exhibit S 1st 'evision, 1-3 1st 1.evisiol� , _.nd inform�F� zional items presented with tiie application aloe, with tie zollo:.ing additional conditions: nLi0 ank Oil e 'il_:-li? a'' be lncreos5 i1 froIil 3-1/2' to 4' T7ith l� Zc<_: yiJi11^ p].an':ec. on this berry to from a hei`lit of 1' to 3' so as to give a ;1x_:-:_U1D1 7' scrr:,:,lifi- o,' auto_.:,obiles. (2) The c;rade increase ra.:. ti-le top of tare curb on Sar-ito a--� uzi;.—y'v le in front o- the Su.Atomo haul, call not exceedl' :i_rl rise to the east ele-.a— _:.or, o,. th i3anb- '_.-ai.n bank building. (3) To --e -ove t c vaCi.ol'3 s'.:Or�s advert'isia__s within Jarkc i and a�. - 0 1 1;rut s from tine b zi l:.lin s , specifically to elj... inate the proposed liquor sit-n anti oresc-,ri, tiny drug, sign. (4) To r,.odir y the f_e-_scut plan for t.Ie front of L alph's llarket and Sw,-On i:o be- a str_zi ht and clean fascia as o-Aginall- j,—.Llned and to hang the �Li1,�li's and Sav-On identifi,.ation signs under the roof overhang at a location suitable to City Sta- approval. (5) To dopt the s*-„n plan oa the small shops as proposed with a da,.� c bro�:;m s : u Lr.::e can i-Ath a cream colored bt!ckLround, leaving selection of the cclor o letters to r he approva}_ o% t --ie :store tenant and Citv Staff, .and to per,,air the S, '1:ito. o Hank to use their existing logo and colors, pu .tin8 �-Ahite letters on a blue-green back-roun.1 ; to Lurti_ r_ c.Larify Sumitom.o suns ,:ill be encased �-i.;-;n can c, the small shops in center, and to a ai.ri compliment the a plicant on his developo.ent. Seconded by i`e--Aber Sall m. AINUTES OF THE APRIL 185s 1973 H-CONTi�()L ?:•J1EETl%JG 'RC--79 P age 9 AYES: Members Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan and Chairman Sargent NOES- None ABS%1,.To Hembez _=cLaren .lotion passed, 4• 0 Application will be heard by City Council at its May 7, 1973 meeting 4� Application HC-51 g 199 e 2 of ;:Ievnrian Properties ( . Cali HCW51 § 199 0 2 a Bros.) requesting an- exception. to . the -Sign Ordinance Propertie to allow a shopping center sign its, addition to a ground sign for a pronosed, neighborhood shopping center located at the northwest corner of Saratoga - Sunnyvale = oad and. McClellan Road. Proposed shopping center sign was reviewed, It was suggested Smaller sign using same basic plan but sizing it down to 16' x 12' or. 12' x 9e Member :.oeni.tzer felt the la_ge-r words should be the shopping main function tfi center name and provision made for covering minor tenants. identify center Chairman Sargent agreed the Diain function was to identify the shopping center �n.d the secondary function. to identify major 0 tenants The establishment of a shopping center sign policy was discussed. Policy discusseu 11rm . ,-,Tii teed noted the sign ordinance would allow a sign for every Competitive building. The applicant is trying to keep sign clean as possible ' advim-acage for but 'give tenants proper identification. He said it had been a :.am'bo v s difficult and costly process to get the Sa:rnbo`s sign lowered co . 13 r and he was concerned with the competitive advantage to the other tenants if the 12` was required Chairman Sargent felt there was wasted space. on center sign and Continuation ` suggested the sign could be redesigned. He asked the applicant suggested if he would like a continuation of this applications i?re 17ood asked if the coimmi ttee would approve a 14° sign, keeping 14' sign McClellan Square portion at 2` and letting Ralph's and requested Sav-On: Drugs split the difference, Member Dressler proposed a smaller sign on McClellan Road; a I'' Identifying si u1 monument type sign identifying McClellan Squares Tyr. e tihittedon ?`cClellan asked they be granted the right but not the obligation to put woad a sign on 'IcClellan ,oad, r i;_LilU':Ci�S 01' THE APPIL 18, 1973 1i-CoilirOL .'i;:'r'.TTIZG T, J_v After further discussion, Chairran Sargent announced this was a Public Hearin- and opened the rieetin- for coi-amen.ts from. the audience. There were tione. ?c,hlic iieari_n.c;s Iem er. Voenitzer r.ioved to close Public Hearings. Member Dressler cl_o:s .d seconcE-_d the r:otion. '..aoti_on carried, 4-0 i i;--51,J.99.2 iiember '.oenitzcr moved to reco___m`ad approval of Application HC-51, 0:o)proved W/ 199.2 to the 'amity Council with the standard H-Control conditions t.C`i:i(IJ_tion5 and Exhibits _' Is`: '_evisi.on, �-1 and other infor_r.ational material with the f'ollowin„ a: ditional coaditions : (1) That the sign on Saratoga -Sunnyvale ':-:oat: shall be 14' iii4,h x 10-1./2' wide with the _"' 1ph's and Sav-On suns in proportion to rli (-qa overall outlines; the ._cCi.c i`_an ju i i'_ p3r.(: CO (2) That a r_onuriiefit si,Li <.p;}rc; ;i.r ately 3' be provided on ' cCl.el.lan road to s,^ `uClellan Square", if they desire to p:a .such a ntorawil nt sign up. Len-th to be approved by Staff. i:em,Der Dresslelf secorided the motion. ,.,,E,S: ietrilbers Dressler, KocniLze'r, Sallar' and Chairman Sargent 141,07"S : L". E'. _,fo Lion carried, 4-0 ')i rn aot to be ilr. Cowan wantedl it clec_: Lhat sign would not be on mounding. on Mound Chair:._an Sar_,ent announced this ail',il ication would be heard before City Council at its i'Iay 7, 1973 '' Ch-i nivan Sar-ent decic',.rcd a ten recess at 10:20 P.'!. with the i,,eetin- reconvening at 10:30 tlt.lt4 0-Cler L`_2rtbel Sal.lan maC1e a moti-ori for 'i _`mute �)"td.er that: in the future relative to si�,lis, si-n_Lng for i :_i..t.ial phasinc, of developi.,.onts to be -.onsidered temporery and -inal. :.-t,vvlLw to take place when the last-. phase is roposed. 'ot,ion carried, 4-0 liC-D1,080,.i.7 5. Application HC-51,0<30,17 3E "Lic:ron,a, Inc. requesting approval iicroma, Inc. , o : li(,ht7.n for a ii,,rrt it a,1_ t; i a1_ builuinn located in the jdesL Valley Industri.;:l_ Pa::_c, 1.0260 Bubb -load. M MINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 1973 H--CONTROL %+.EETI!iG 9 Mr. Cowan -said the major concern was the flood lights " anning1Q out. Lights could spread over into DeAnza College, I I HC-79 i Page 11 i i Staff report 1Ir; Bob Byrne, 1525 l,iurre Lane, Sunnyvale, said the applicant does Does not want not want to take up a lot of asphalt which would be required.i.f to remove light standards were placed in the lot; lie noted there is a line asphalt of redwood trees about 6' high with 10' spacings behind parking lot which would protect adjacent property from lights, Chairman Sargent noted need for lighting, but expressed preference Light standards for light standards, i preferred ember Koenitzer noted that wires can be land in concrete, and Wires in concrete suggested light standards in parking loto j. ira Byrne showed models of lights and photos of back. of building, iiodei photos He said because of employee's patio and, fencing in tank farm, lights distributed on back of building would be blocked off, Mr. Cowan noted that no info.ration was submitted with the appli- cation that gave lighting pattern, Chairman Sargent gave the applicant the option of continuing application and presenting information showing how these lights can :be focused to cover only parking lot or coming back with pole lights which the co; ,ittee preferr-edo Member Sallan moved to continue this application. 'llember`Koenitzer seconded the motions AYES: I•lembers Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan and Chairman Sargent NOES: :None ABSENT: Member 1,lcLarer_ Motion carried, 4-0 6, Application HC-51,311,2 of Hogue Construction Company, Inca requesting approval of site, architecture, land- scaping and grading for three duplexes located on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Vista Drive and two duplexes located on Lots 4 and 7,, Hogue Courts Mr. Cowan pointed out lots under consideration on the boarded plot map_, The application is requesting approval for five duplex lots, all single story structures, Mr. Jim rogue, 888 Saratoga Avenue, San. Jose, signed in'..and the site was `'discussed, No lighting pattern subru.ttec Options offered HC--51, 088 a 17 continued HC-5'1, 311, 2 Hogue Con"sts'uc- tion Co, Staff report Site discussed C-79 age 12 rchitecture rading andscaping andscaping parse ence questioned dditional trees trees crowded I ove f ence and nd scape lublic Hearings to ed plication -51,311.2 proved with nditions MINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 1973 H-CONTROL MEETING Member Koenitzer noted elevations C and A were adjacent and had basically the same floor plan. He also no=ed roof of C was much higher than on elevation A. Mr. Hogue said the roof line had been changed to give a custom look to duplexes. No problem. Chairman Sargent reminded all trees must be a minimum of 6' at time of planting. Member Koenitzer felt the landscaping seemed sparse and small in size. Member Sallan asked about fence. Mr. Hogue said it would be a 6' fence and planting on interior of fence would be done by the individual owners. Member Sallan asked about orchard trees remaining along Vista Avenue. She asked if the applicant would consider putting more trees on Vista Avenue front yards, and change the Peter Pan to Lily of the Nile. Plantings should be a minimum of 5-gallon in front. She suggested a clump of 3 trees (15-gallon size) in front of each unit. Mr. Hogue felt 3 trees might be too many. Member Sallan expressed her concern about the fence. Suggested moving fence to the interior and landscaping the exterior. After further`di.scussion, Chairman Sargent noted this was a Public Hearing and asked for comments from the audience. There were none. Member Koenitzer moved, seconded by Member Dressler, to close Public Hearings. ;otion passed, 4-0 Member Sallan moved to recommend approval to City Council of Application HC-51,311.2, Pogue Constzuction Company, Inc. with enclosures Exhibits A, A-1, A-2, B, B-1, B-2, B-3 and the standard H-Control conditions with the following additional conditions relative to landscaping: (1) All plants along Vista Drive to be 5-gallon instead of 1-gallon size. (2) The plant variety denoted as Peter Pan on landscape legend to be clanged 1.:o Lily of the Nile. (3) That a total of 9 trees are to be positioned along the Vista Drive frontage.. These trees to be a minimum • 0 TIINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 1973 H-CO ;TROL MEETING HC-79 Page 13_ of 15-gallon evergreen. This total of 9 trees may include,eyisting orchard trees, Member Koenitzer seconded the motion. AYES: Members Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan and Chairman Sargent NOES None ABSENT: Member _icLaren Motion carried, 4-o 7, Application HC-51,311.1 of Ted R, Young requesting approval of site, architecture and landscaping for a duplex located on Lot 5, Hogue Courts Mr, Cowan pointed out Lot 5 on the tentative map. There is no j problem regardin- set -Back or grading, 1Ir, 'fed -Your , 1017 <<�andy Lane, Cupertino, signed in, 0 There were -no � LJ+ea bi obi'3 on site.- Cha7 rw» a a.rent felt the stucco wall as shown on Exhibit B was not attractive and could use some wrought detail to break up stucco expanse -until the Italian. Cypress was grown. Member Koenitzer asked about second maim. entrance, Mr. Young said it set back about 4' into building. There were no problems with grading. Member Sallan noted applicant had tried to put in maximum greenery, 1.1r, Young said he was to be living in one side of duplex and wished to divide his area from the tenant's, Chairman Sargent noted this was a Public Hearing and asked for comments from the audience. There were none, :Member Koenitzer, seconded by Member Dressler, moved to close Public Hearings, Motion carried, 4-0 MemberKoenitzermoved to recommend for approval to City Council Appl.icatlon HC-51,311e1 with standa_d H-Control conditions, Exhibit A and B and additional condition that some decorative wrought iron be applied on right' -front of building where there is a blank stucco wall, lemUer Dressler seconded the motion, HC-51�311,1 Ted R. Young Staff report Site Architecture: detail needed Second entrance Grading Landscaping Public Hearings closed HC®51,311,1 approved /1 condition Iiit_-79 Page 14 iiC-51, 283.2 Coast Signs (Sandpiper i1estaurent) IStaff repert Shopping center indefinite -estaur.ant to be allowed a separate sign '?.ajority of coujDittee satis- fied with sign IPublic Hearings closed HC-51,2i33.2 approved 1_INU"4.;;S nTTHE L7 -"I'L 1S, 1973 I?-C ,NT :OL ::E-ETING AYES: ?!embers Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan and Chairman Saroent NOES: None ABSENT: Member. 'icLaren :otion passed, 4-0 8. Application HC-51,283.2 of Coast Signs representing the Sandpiper 1"estauAant requesting approval of a sign plan for a restaurant located at the northwest corner of _fary Avenue and Stevens Creel" Boulevard. Staf: member Co ,yin noted this was a continuation from August 9, 1972 and was a question of signin on a shopping center site. Based on a meeting with the City :A.tto-ney it was suggested the Sandpiper _estaurant be allowed a te.porary sign permit to extend for an inde:inite period o-: time until a comprehensive sign program for tiie shoppinL center vas submitted. 1r. Bill Byrd, 15 Carden Lane, San Carlos, noted there was no guarantee as to when o_ i:z the shopping center would be developed. Chairman Sargent said a te--porary si=_n permit could be ;ranted and the applicant would not be required to co -ale in until shopping center was developed. The bond vould continue to be held. He noted there <,7a.s so : e thou-ht that the new sign o�zdi_nance would allow a restaurant to hare a separate sign. The applicant asked if the committee had any objections to the sign itself and was notified the ma'oxi_ty of the committee had voted in its favor. Chairman Sa- ent announced this .,as a Public Hearing and invited comriients fro"::: the audience. There were none. -!ember Dressler moved, seconded by "ember Sallan, to close Public Hearings. -,lotion carried, 4-O Member Koenitzer roved to recomrne.nd indefinite continuance of tempofary sign perzr.it to the Sandpiper ::estaurant until such time as the entife shopping centc.- sign plan is brought before the co-o,.ittee. The bond f:o: the ter,por.lii_y sign will be in force duri.n this time. Mlerlber :.'a.l.lan seconded the motion. AYES: ilembe"s Dressler, Koc,aitzer, Sallan any'. Chairman Sargent NOES: None ABSI,-T; iiember -cLaren lotion carried, 4-0 • MIINUTES OF THE APRIL 18, 1973 H--CONTROL 11UET.ING Chairman Sargent notified the applicant he did not need to appear before the City Council. j i REVIEW 0E CHANGE OF COPY ON SIGN f'A:,E 9 Hichael Del=`onaco requesting change of copy of an existing sign located at 19930 Stevens Greek Boulevard, formerly Purdy's-Restaurant, Hro Cowan explained this was a restaurant which was undergoing refurbishing,,formerly known as Purdy's restaurant. The sign face was being changed to reflect new management. 'Slides were shos>?n of site, present sign and proposed sign, Mr. Pat Gaines, 1066 Paintbrush Drive, Sunnyvale, represented Del Monaco. He described the sign as plastic letters on white background which will be illun-inateda The gondola is the Florentine's logo. The sign will be 20' in height, Chairman Sargent expressed his concern about change of copy and asked Staff for its opinion. `r. Cowan said the ordinance is very clear that sign can stay and owner can change copy. Iiember Koenitzer noted application is pending for addit-:onal parking and landscaping, so the applicant might want to consider revising., sign, In answer to Chairman Sargent, Mr. Gaines said the applicant plans to open on April 24. Sign can be erected within 3 days of .approval. I/iember Sallan said she was concerned about height of sign; was interested in seeing a sign a good deal lower, Chairman Sargent asked if copy were to be approved, would the applicant consider bringing new information regarding lowering of sign when the landscape plan is subiitted® Itro Gaines said he was could, not speak for ' ra Del 1-Ionaco; he wasjust just the sign maker, Member Sallan asked that Mr. Gaines communicate the feelings of EC-79' P age 1,5 Hichael Del lonaco change of copy Staff report Slides shown. Illuminated 20' sign t Concern expresse-' re new copy 3 i Sign revision suggested April 24 opening date Sign i.oW t a i i. Lower .sign if copy approved? Communicate this committee to the owners I feelings Chairman Sargent suggested continuing the request until the whole ;`Existingsigns plan was presented with Staff approving a: te-. iporary sign change:.. ican stay which would allow them to open on schedule. Mr. Cowan said there indefinitely was a legal position to be considered; existing signs can go on forever. After further discussion Member Koenitzec moved to approve change Change of copy of copy to Florentine Pasta and Vinci® Member Dressler, seconded approved the motion, j tic-.19 f liINLITES 0i: THZ A131UL 13, 1973 F-COM1'i:0L NEI,TIM ; !)age 16 f AYLS: Sc..-bers Dressler, koenitzer and Clviiriian Sargent 11JLS: none iillSTAIN: .'ember Sallan ABS„iiT: .1eciLer :'cLaren Notion passed, 3--0-1 I t^i_itiISKED L`�'S-F_ dL'SS Bob's Bid Loy (r. Co%.Yan said r. Bob Falcin fro-,. Bob 13i,­ i3oy wanted to be ce-tain if i.a sterns on builc'_in(; had been-gpproved as part of the applicar_ion. Hr. Ea'. -:in aL;o expressed his deep concern a'.;out the ty_,e of-ar'c:i.n,,� lot li; llts w1iich were approved. He diu not feel they I..oulu be co_q)atible t-,ith his restaurant. Lanterns approved The cor=ittee a ree`' the lanterns on the buildling had been included in the approval. ArchlCcct to dis- It 4:as Voted that C'?c_' parkin., _.r,I: -Lighting was a-0. 01,-CCaLl cuss liZ.hting Crossroads 7roject and this sh(;uld `,e discussed with the architect who had beer. liire(� to do this. Special r-:eeting '_-r. Cowan reporte!l• that 'ir. Cole: an, arciii tect for landscaping on "_ay 2, 1973 of meaian c:nd ri;�ht-o,:-i�:ay on t'arato^a-Sunnyvale -:pad, had co --- dlet< d Tics ').tails. Since Denais and _.Bob's Big goy were ea ter to --C;- started, tie sugge!; ic3d a special_ with .;.r, COln1„ Il t0 C.1SCllSS file prOT � r'_!l 1an��scapinF . A tentative data of I:;ednesday, i'ay 2, was ..'et. doles i.n Portal '_e,:'oer Sal -Ian reported she had received a cor-.•)laint regarding Plaza 1ai kislg lot the surface, of the par�,in­ lot in Portal Plaza Shonpi.nc- surface Center. Tiier_e <ire holes in the: S11r: aCLIl� throw; hout the center. Staff to fellow up. Article d.-stri- -era'er Sall, -.I also distributed an ,article out o - i;alley Journal buted ragardinC lan(lscaLing importaa:e. News vending ::ember Koenitzer asked ii therf'. ,oere any re,)ort oi, news vending machines at P. 0. machines 1I1 front of Post Office. '.fir. Cowan said there were some legal inolications in c;h:ich th,, City Attorney Baas involved. il�rless plants it was reported that the plant.; in front of Payless were creeping and fertilizer further out into tl,_e 1, .r':in; lot. Staff :'e•.ber Krainer said the projecting fertilizer szcls were a p,roLleii. This will be checked into by tiie Sta`-f. Adjournment ''e ber Sallan Toved to adjourn the meetin- at 11:35 P.'f. seconded by :'ember Dressler. ':otion utlanii-,I,usLy carried. . ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder _ — City Clerk /s/ Juanita McLaren Chairman IU