CC 03-21-68 , þ · · · · -- C11'f or CUPElTHIO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupert1øo, California 95014 .....: 252-4505 mmns or TD SlICIAL HDTIIIG OF THE CITY COUNCIL IELD !IAIC1I 21at, 1961. D THE COUNCIL CBAKIIDS. CrTY BALL, wraalUlO, CALIFORNIA ,.. -u.. _ adjclQl'Mll ", tW City Clerk at 5:00 P.M. until 5:06 ..... .... all C_I~ coII1AI be pruent, at which time it vaa ....n.. to order by 91~ *Jor IIoel. .,. _s-us aar_nt, the Mlate to tile fla& _ .-1tted fraa the ¡.roc:eedinga. c -u- ,usent: o.peter. W.._, Stous, Noel. Kayor Fitz- .-.w _ ahent. Alao pr_'.' Cit.y KaDaler Ston and City Clerk- pil 1. D1rect~r Ryder. 1M City Clerk announced tbt.t he bad in his possession a telegram (rea Kayor Fitz~erald IIvI.. his consent to the holdiftB of a special ...t.1BI by the City CouDcil at. this ti.. aDd place to act on rec~- -.adations f~< the purchaae of a park 8ite. The City Clerk also read iD~o the rec~r~ that he had peraona11y notified the Cupertino Courier, tile ~y.a:e ~tandard aod the SaD Joae ~rcury of the calling of this ~ial _ti~,.. and its purpo... _re than 24 hours in advance. He :ikev1.. not"': a:l COUDCll_ present had 81gned a vaiver ptior to the ...t.1DI of t"e <equir..-at for vritten notice. Vice Mayor ~ve; 7equested that City ~nager Stora review the negoti- a~ioea he ha¿ ~Hn conductlna vith ~. Arch !kDonald and ~r. Steve ~r... OOß.ero :: the suòject property, and the tentative cDnditions atUchecl t.' to.. u1e. Tha Cl~y !'4analter referred the Collftcil to the vri~t... _tn>a: prepared for tn_ and ,,_plaiDed the de~alls. Af~er _ eDS"l'" <iiac....ion it _s ....ed by CouDcU..... Dellpster, aecoeded by CvuncUMn Sto..., aDd passed _~...ly (each one beina a separate ..,t t.>n and 'fOte) tba~ the follovill8 reaolutions be adopted. Iaaoluti~ 1581: Autborizina the acquiaition of real property for public perk purposes situate westerly of LiNIa Via~a Drive and aoutherly of the Deep Cliffe Golf Course. "'01utlvn 1584: Accept1JC Irant deed frea Arch McDonald and St.... DorM. bsolutiOD 1585: Autborlz1øa the execution of an agreement by tba Vice Kayor aad the City Clerk. ~I~ o-pater IfDved, CouDcl¡.an Johnson seconded, tbat Resolu- ~ 1586 be adopted. Thia 1Dcluded the dr ,.-ins of Warrant 2537 in ~ .-aunt of 5100,000.00 in pa,-.at for the 10.968t acres being M:qIIirecl. AYES : .-s: £D~t: Councilmen ne.pater. Jobnaon, Stokea, Noel None Mayor Fitzgerald 'cc-8 \ ¡ 1 tellporary adjou~t call to I order roll call notice and consent for special meeting presentation by City Manager adoption of resolutions Res. 1581 Res. 1584 Res. 1585 Res. 1586 , . . · · . · . JI1Jmtu of tM City Council Keedng, March 21, 1968 Ia repJ.y to a qaestiOl1 by Coo'-"'- JohDson it vas agreed tbat DO ""-r --ton or approval _u14 be .-Ie at thl8 .pedal .et1D& re1a- t::t.we to the CODIIitlona coauil _.a 1D the qr_t or to tba esc:rov 1.-u..ctlaaa. tbese _!AI be MW I. abe)'ance peød1na acceptaaee .,. die a.l1era _ review b1 tile c:-cil. -11_.. ~ter _eel. C ell --f-1, thee tile 11'1_ Stokes ucODded, aDd it vas I ..iI~ be ad,Jouned. C 'I n. _tilla ad~- at 5:%3 1'.11. APPI.onD: lal Jerry rit...rald Mayor. City of C....rUDO ATTEST: s¡ w.. E. K~;.= :1t1 Clerk cc-8 page 2 DO dl8- cuasion 011 cODditlona of sale adjou~t