CC 03-18-68
C'Ift OF WftK1".LØI.I. 8ta~ f1I cautorlÚa
10300 'l'ozTe AveDa. Cupert1JllO, California
s......J.I. ~ !D ~.Q ìtu:r,UOU OF 1'BI em WlllCn.
IDD Ja1C1118m, 1968 ø _ WUBC1J. CP-, CI'l'!' BAD.. Qlraru..LØU.
'file -.tiDI _ -"... to orIer at 8:00 p... 117 ViCfl Bror 110&1,
11!10 IlUbs.d¡MDt17 1..s tile .....lap iJI the tlas aalute.
x-41Ate~ after tile tlas ealute. Xr. Koel -.!Yiaed his telloll
COUI1CUMD aDd the aad1ace tllat IIIQ"or Pitsceralct bad been called
œt of town due to the deatb ot M. 8OtJIer.
CouncilMn pre.ent: JobnacD, Despaoter. !reel. Stokes. At.o pres~Dt:
City ~r Stont¡ City At~orr y Anderson; City Clel'å-piDanc:e
»1 rector J:rder; Director ot Publ].c Worka Pizweoy, City EÞciD~n B:)'d;
Dil'f'c:t.c:- ot 11-i... Laurin; ASlia1.a:rt PlaImer ltus-5 ~Tector of
Parka and bereatiaa Par....: RecordUlg Secret...,. Mat.lq.
Counc1a.n JobDeaa ~ved t!1at t~ IlilNtc. of the Marcb 4th, :966
_tillll ~ c:orrec:tect OIl P8pI 6 under ~Park Site DetaUs~, .eventh
liDe of tte parsçapb, to ~~ ~. . . powr to necoUate the price
tor tlae a~re. as preaented aDd ecrHd. I.e. lli acres... Cot:Dcil-
_ Stc:kes sec:ooded aDd it. _ pe..ed 1U\aD1mcNa~ that the ailNtes
118 appro?e4 as c:or.9cted.
Cit1 Clers II1der edv1aed the Councilmen "f tbe follov1D« VI'~thl1
c '''1e.~1oaa:
1. Letter trca the BaDta Clara '=OUIIt1 Board of Superv1BÐr.
"lathe to tile or1c1Dal tlmc:tiœ of ABt.G¡
2. Letter trca *Jor lerka. of Un7 a..-n Road. Cu~'l"tiDO,
relat1ft to a atat_t 117 the CitJ' At~y in c ction
v1~ .. al1..-4 Ulep1 Rb-div1ston. ..,kt"ll tha~ . tentaU...
MP toe tuect 117 the sllb-4tYiðer ~ate17;
3. L1at or "148 tDr the ..". A~ Vater IIaSD rec:eiYeCi this -
afte~, aù\1Itr that tb1. _«er be ctt.c:u&sec! 117 tile Di:'8ct.or
(If Public VIIIrb 1UII!er ..... Bus iDe.... .
CouDc:UMa ~ ~, CoaDCu-r> Jchnaon .ec0ti4e4 aDd it vas
passed _..I__:tr tt:at tt.e 1IJ'1tten Co· "'ieatiODl be rUPC1, aDd
that tile letter traa *Jor "ñ1na be turned oftr to tbe Cit1
1In. Iftateet. the freai4aat ot the CU¡lertiDO lep.lblicu WœeD.
~aae4 t.he CouDcU UI4 Pl'Uented Vice ~r Joel v1t!o a portr.'Ùt
of o....~1IOI' -P--pø. Itr. Ifoel u".,,".a her 011 behalf ot the Cit.J
of Cupeñ1llo. his ~_ CoImcilJlen and tbe Ctty sta:tt.
lellOrt of ~aa1œa
A. :r::i~C-.aiOl1: 1Ir. Buthelll1th, the Clla11'MD ot that
-_ __. -.. .e4 the a1JNte. ot March 11, 1968 of the Pl-in«
cc .-]
c:all to cm!er
tla& aalute
I utter
report of
pap 2
f atat
..... 1S79
for l-V-68
U_ of
.... UIO
for 2-v-68
c:oDCe 111
JUnut.,. of the City r_l1 Karch 18, 1968
pl.ftfti~ ~i..ion - ~·d
1"refactJotlllr. Ilat~tIa·. 8ta~ts rela~1ve to tile r-<: ~·c::I.OD
fe ar-t1D& a var1aDce f;o Application l-V-68, City Ae~ ADder_
.tn_ the CoUDc:l1 -. that thi. utter had c:c.a Won tile Plan-
.II11II ~ h...illD, had ~ ..... . tie _t.. had ....T ...,. '- c:oa-
-. ~"øøM .. bad tbea ....' ___ .,4" with . 3 - 2 YOte. (' 1'1
~ aabcI for a briéI' ø by the appl1c:aat 1a .. n of his
~t for this van..ce.
JIIr. SnJder .tated that de addIt10D to b1a houae _ I . 7 ~IÞ'..
of hill arøw1DI f.uly. det his aai&hbor. vere ill CCIIIplate -ar-t
1dth hill 111.:1'0.... addlU- .... that the addition, at tile .._u'" spot,
~d _ the least i. -. i___. to aU conc:.rDeCI .. tile laaat
llard_ oa his buIIa.t.
City AttorDa)' ADder_ ateted that thl. vas to be a 8K1III~ atory
bulld1D& oa the ulstl.Da .Ita aDd ';hat this lot _ ..... ~·9'd fr_
Its iDCepUOD. Be rft 'eel approval by paa.1D& a __latl_.
CouncilMn Stokes 8ØYaã. C-Cilaan ~st... secoad" that Iesolutlon
11579, &pprcwl111 the ray--t for a Yariaace (l-V-68). be adopt.ed.
Ayes: Councl~ J-L lID. o.p.t..., ~l, Stokes
IIoes : !loDe
Abaeat: Couacllaaa Fltzcerald
!fr. Jot::: IIodrlpea, the ......loper of the proposed 12o--1t aparr.ent
house praject, app.arad ~fora the Council to obtain appr09al of the
tantaun !Ÿp (2-nt-68) ~ . varlaace (2-V-68). Be .tated ~hat a
variall~. vas Doteded to allow _1'. thaD 20 dvel1illl lIDits _ ODe lot. aad
that there would b. a total of 120 Wliu oa a 7't-acra alt..
Vpon N1:1a que.tioaad ~,. C-Cilaan ~l, tha suff atated that tlw
l1a1taUon for R-3 MAI.Da is 16 lIDitS per acra aad that the tanUUva
.p ha4 ~ approved coaditiODS. City Atto..-y ADdar_ cau~loaad
tile Coœc:ll .....1'. :hat ~ .tters _ra to he C0Dl1Alered: (1) the
"arlaa~e. aad (2) tt.. ...ta~lve .p. Mr. ADdar_ ..uta1Dad that the
"arlaKa would have ~" M approYad prior to appr09inI the t_tativ. .p
.... that ~ act108 ..... in a ~......acI ordar vou1.4 CODItltGt. a viola-
tion of tha aonl111 Ordt---.; al_ that aa1 approv.l be .1.- la the
ton of a IaoluUOD.
C-dlMn .....t.r _.... C-Clœa Stou. HCODIIad to adop~ "_lu-
ti_ nS80, approvinl 2....-61, var1anc:e for 120 .w.tipu _Ita on OM lot.
C-d~ Joa- __.~ to have _1'&1 points clarUiM. Be voadered
_ the oriablal appll~_·t- .tated Lots 1 aDd 2 0It tile teateth. .p.
Ik. Iodr1pes add tlaat Lot 2 _ a -.11 parc.l of ~ ~ad fr_
tile other .....ed. .... ~ tb1a piece of land _ CCIIIp1etaly _dasa
.... __ slat'" for - :1_ laDIIacap1D&; al_, that tMre - -
_....... iat...... e If..... _1M. to this placa of laDII.
C-cU- J"- _1~ Ida c:oac.rn that, alt.... tIda lot rapre-
_ts 0IÙ.1 a -.11 pSI C I. ilia vou1.4 wish to avoicl a _A r II t requut
for a ..._1111 of tb1a pt_ of property, aad sua-tell diet the appli-
c:aUOD auta that Lote 1 ... 2 couUtut. a .illal. ....n....~ alt..
- ~.. of t!Ie City CouDclll1øda 11, 1968
.. f"S c.-ission - cout'"
.__ lødripes said tha:: be 1.. .. _t happy to sive this phce of
,... to the City of Cuper~ fne of eberle. thus eUainat1Da all
:,~ta of a ~seqveDt n-·-·.. I. t.
- -f1_ o-pater aovecI to . tile _tion to read that LoU 1 ....
2 _titute a s1ll&1e tdte. Coœu:I1aan Stokes aecoaW.
- -tlaan JoItft-OO inquired _ to die aub........·..eI atreeU aDd .....
... c "u froa the Staff. 1Ir. ~ atated that the froatap
..4JC_t to tbe ust vas aube" ......... vas _t to separate tile
__.1 bulldUlS site fr_ tile - ~-t of BlaDey Avenue .. we11 ..
c. eUainate left t11r118 lID to.1 y." the r... is fairly ateeP ....
aafUc hazards ai&ht d..e1øp. .. also aaid that the bulldlaa alu
_U the requirO!!llents for off-sueet parldna, and this vaa a r__
f_ the approva: of tbe teøtatl_ -.p.
c-cUaan :"hnS"1I also askeel 1f ÜIe _iatina substandard streeu
Jd be aèe<¡u.a:e to haDdle both apar~t projects, the _istlaa -
.... the one n"" beillg propa..ld. ]!r. Iodr1pes assured the CouacU-
~t the street would be auffic1..t as a traffic carrier of 10.000
care a day. a,,': ::wt he did DOt feel that tbese _ny aut_bil- _14
travel th~ 5::~": as it is located on the sl<>pe of Blaney Avenue aDd
tbere is n~~.,r. :" go.
&011 call f:r a:w"dm....t to _t1oe "Lou 1 aDd 2 cons~1tute a st.nau
Mt141na ute."
ay_: C""".;>:::aen Johnsoo, ~ter, Noel, Stok~s
Jioea : s.:-".,
&r'SDt: C"...:.;>:.utI Fitzlera14
&011 call I:r ,-a¡lnal _t1oa, aeao1u'.1OD No. U80.
.,...: C""".; 1 :_11 Jomaa-. Noel, !>to...s
....: ~C~
aL..--t: Cou:t':l~a..&D F1tqeralcl
.. Ar.;hlu(ture aDd :Sita c-trol. Mr. Keitb Irvin, t.he Cbai~
øf chat Co.aHtH. presented tbe !lard> 13, 1968 aioutes of that 1tocIy.
Pr1.or to the :eulled pr_tatiOa, be asked the Council's iDdulaeDCe
... peraiS51"n :0 baye Mr. IIalter liarel of Vallco Par" sbcN sUdee of
__ landscapUIS bad b_ eff_teII 1D this as vell as 10 other ~ i-
u..a aDd c it us The Couacll ap.....
Br. Guy Fitch. a .-ber of .... ~D1, introduced Mr. Ward 1Ibo .w-
I . ....t1y sbowed lI...rous a1.1.clea of areas where t.he landsuplaa ~
.... planned &lid uecuted b7 _. IJalprin, tbe landscape architect for
Ya11co Par". After the pr.......t~. Mr. Fitch and Mr. lrv1D .tatell
diet they Md beft shown ~ .J4"-- before aDd they vere _t
-..redaUn of the efforU .. p.£ forth by Mr. Halprin aDd Mr. 1Iac4.
DIe Coundl.en tlw1ked Mr. liar.. for uldna tWe to present tbe a1JAlea.
offer of
lad to
"ø" cOGtr01
~ '-'._~~-r~ ,.,...
--". of the City CouncJ.1. ...~ U. 1968
..... Control - CCDt'd
-. "
to the ainut.. of ....... 13. 1968 Mr. Irvin stated that
-11'1114 ... appeand Ja~-."" r. Ittee with a aketch of Ida
operatlaot of ,- 4 ........_'... pointed out that "II"
.,:. . ' . '. 1 had J d this ... ,- ...._ tile c-cU as it had DO
;.'k!'''II~dt 1Datnctlau .. _.... a ._ of tha Councll1n thie
'¡"'. In, 1Ia abo __t.L~. r ·..1 had been _1I1e to j.... tile
-:". -I"a 1ntBt. bat ~ at·.,. ~d haft to pat polu fD100
"1M ..,halt of die service .0-- -..... the GlllDer of tile atatioD
. . 1.'uot pen1t L.. to do. OII"'~ hand, sufficient ...-ce hu
.. .. left so that tha. ,.- ~ . - CaD lat into the atatioD. thaa
,,_JMting the trailers r- -.. ca.plete1y covered.
. of
- -t~ Jo-! C'I re1tera~. r~ die .....Ut of hie fa11_ Council-
_ and the auclince, the _. ... 1 .''''' \ the present Bituatloø.
.. some tt. Alo two .-..rtce .uthos had applied for the U-iIau1
aa11ar operaùaa approval. 10..- ~ the requtr_u, one
..,Ucant had vitbdravn his rat t bat Mr. WiUi.... has persbted in
1Iiari.Da his r...-st approved ad .... -creed to the conditions aa
.npulated in ~e approval: to totally shield the trailers fr_ aU
.s.cJn and cœ;~e:ely hida the tta1lers behind some sort of fence. It
_ the UII4D~ stat_t of tile Councilmen that Mr. Wi11~ had
canaistently ~ ~ontinuoualy .ts12t.erpreted the Council'. directivea.
atat -..
1Ir. Jia Fros:. :::e lelal ~---.l for !!r. WiUi...., appeared before
the Council a::.: "id that !!r. iI:.:.l~ would renegotiate his contract
1dth Mobil ,11: a::.:! that Mobil 011 _ld possibly not aU_ the rental
cd trailers 1" ~!le n_ contract. This. chen, would render the current.
JInIbl- scadsi:.
d~--'- ::I8pster asked that t!oe CouDcil take a chance until the
Oc~r dead~~; COUDci~ Sto&es faIt that Hr. Will~ had done
ùl that coul: ~e done vlth the eocr--1ftl and wondered what otber
JIInIuit Hr. lòi~:1_ aipt ..... Sa 1d.Dd. COUDcilasn Johnson wondered
11, ahould CM ="ntract be r I U,ated in October aUov1111 the rental
of trailers, :!:e COUDcil'a acq-1--:--e for the past twO year. _lei
_t be peraissive for Mr. VilU- to operate as he bas been doilll,
.... ..ked if !:~s fell_ ("-11_ aat1afied vith the way the
..tter stands a: this point.
... d1acu..1= ....ued d~ .....- J!r. Frost stated that Mr. Wills.-
'-II 11aited his trailers _ site .... that he bad done all that cou1.d
.. doae baaed upon the physical c:t.IIracter1atics of the lot; alao.
diet Mobil Oil _y refuaa to .n_ Ia1a the rental of trai¡ars when the
_tract is r-aot1ated. J!r. ~t also said that the twO appl1c:.a-, as cited by COllDCI~ ;r' I. vere coapletely aeparate, to
-"eI> Mr. Jolmsot1 read1l7 _ ..
.1 -_ IIf the City Council March 18. 1968 .
... - - -\ - cont'd
-, .-" .Johnson ...ved that Hr. Vll.J.~ be aUoved to cont.1nue bi.a
,.,:, '!::-~:"~! ':;::-.:=.. ~~-='::''::;.:'.:;
. '. ,.. perunent proposal for f . ~iI~P'¿ _~tation. eounc11-
..... .. .... ". "conded for discUlls10lÌ ai1'_të4 .to knøv it' the contract
t-':.'" 1 of the lease vas for the statiGD or for the trailen, sad
. ~;.-ft'!Jf~~~;~t that it... for ~ .rariloa. The motion_
-,,~ . < >¡". -,','"
"':,"';.#- ~
-- Stokes ...ved tbat a letter be ~ to Mr. Willu.., out-
... .... die c:onditioas of the te.porary .....~....&l. with a carbon copy of
... , -...... to Maloll Oil eo.p.n7 thrøaah ,utorDe1 Jia host. Councll-
_ r - - aeconded and it vas passed --{_ly.
Yi.ce ....._ Roel inquired as to the r_ for a "Bo" vote by K-"er
nu:Ia _ Ç¡tlication 329-aC-68. VbeD Hr. Irwin stated tbat it. vas
~ . ~17 Mc:ause !'~. Fitch felt a concradiccioD co the best interesC
of die aty'a future, Councilaan Scobs uked chat Mr. LeBer, the repre-
a p.rf,. for the applicant, explain lObe proposed venture.
Pr1--s- = Hr. LeBer's address to the Council, CouDcilaan Stoltes said
~ be 11M read the IIIlnutes of "a" Control wi'h ,reat interest and
~ .. _ in complete agreement V1.cb tbe vievs as expressed by thac
Do!7. specifically. that he, too. vas di..ppo1nted 1n the end
r~t of what had ~een presented as an ulte,rated unit. He reiteraced
~ be ~ approved ~!te car ..uh only beea.... 1t had been presented u
a ~ o! the propcsed development, whlCh. 1%1 ltS enttrety, had looked
li&e a YeTY attract~ve addition to tbe Clty of Cupertino. However. now
tJ:.a:: a !Jcl)onald's testaurant had Just been denied in order to preserve
~ ...~cic value c: the area next to lObe Junior College, another
r_--.._t chai" haJ pr<>mptly apphed for the site and vas now ask1D&
.. _.1 for its plans. )tr. Stoltes adsIoIusbed Mr. Watson, the developer
of :;be ~, for n.:>t having adhered to the ori,1øal plans for tbe
11 '. c.
(" {,_ Johnson concurred vuh CoaIIcilaan Stokes and said that be
~ riYi.dly reaesaben.-d the lntecrated plaD u ori,iually presented
~ ~.. _ed, and that the Council had. bee..,- of the s-diate viciD1ty
of die toeautUul DeAnza cøpus, the _ll-duiped Post Office aDd a ,oocI-
1 . .~ daurch consauction and ln order co t.he continuity of
~e and to further the atcractive of the area, d.ctt...
. . VI" ot requests for 1Ibich ataply would DOt have
o M the aru. )tr. Johnson saU thac the CoaIIcU had att.-pted co
..... .u CUy beautiful and tbat, 1A his op1JU.on. thia had baeD d_.
. __. Sa alloviaa restaurants like "Jack iJa tbe lox" to be ccra-
..... .... the Councll's purpose _U be clefaated .. thia is a drive-
da J aparation and the plac. _ld probably be Uttered at aU tJ.8ea.
,. ~ . .1. discusslon ensued durtAC _1Ch the C-cit.eD, joiAt17 sad
......._1- Uy. asked question. of the appUcaDt r.lative to the propaa"
_I....... -. and in upkeep, the propas_ ,........"'iD¡ and the rev_ a
1 ' _ture like the one propaa. -,,, kina to the City.
... 5
.II ...
" .... I
i C7p1JúODS
! voiced
.... 6
.~ .L - -
UK..1 .
ells ,-
of aip
orcJf ..
328 -= "
.:1.. r
WI_.. of the City CouDeil Marc:h 18, 1968
~ CoDtrol - coat'd
.... 1Ir. 1IIoel asked for .....t_. c_u. Mr. Sc:1Wuc:he1Mr of
fto'· . tA Avenue. CUpertino. c. -tecI tbat he vas happy UId ..tia-
_'~to ... tbat the ~I ._ with b1a iD tryiD¡ to avole1l1ore
"f "IDta In the CUputiSID CitJ liaita, ad that the Council c:ooU
,..iI''!' J.i ..xed of the araUtd of die c:1tlzena.
*.'?IIätøm. the .~...... to .,uk to the Council UId aaU
diet he, too, ... eliaappo1Dtell Sa the _y the or1&iDa1 plan ball .crUd
.. .... tbat hla fim ball ... øerythiD¡ poaalble to attract & aøocI
.....atr c:rovcI" type rut-A..oDt to the area, but bad always b6a
-J~ because of the t 'iI"ta vlc1D1ty of the au atatlon. 'rin.
~ flun Noel told Hr. Vat_ that he had not adhered to the or1¡1-
M1 cIea:t.p concept ad that, althoa¡h his iDtentlona MY have b.- the
~. he bad not lived up to tbe Council's ezpectatlona. Hr. Staba
-ted that it was unreucmable for people to call Cupertino
-c..tro_ Alley" because, ta his knovledge, there is only oaa elrl..-
1a ~e restaurant in ezlstence within tbe City Uaits, and eøothar
two applicatioas have just been approved.
u this point, Councilman ~ster vaa called out of the Clwabera.
CcaDcllman Stokes moved, Councilaan Johnson seconded that Application
329-BC-68 be denied, which _tion pused 3 - 0, with CouncilaaA
ø..pater absent.
Hr. Irvin present~d Application 328-BC-68 end ezplained the reaaons for recOllllllent!ed approval for the exception to the sip OrdiD&DCe.
Councilman Johnson reiterated that be bad been reluctant to
voce for approval of the Use 'erait and that he had voted - the
penIIt only because it vas for a period of two years. Be atated that
die building ..its entirely too cloloöe to the street, and that, .. such,
It is a sign by itself without an7 need for a pole sip; aleo, that tha
-.ery purpose of tbe sign Ord1Dance vas to pravent _1&htly sips on
City atreets. Be Baid that the applicant had ~ that an acapUOD
to the sip Ordinance vaB needed and that he had atated hla iDtant:l_
for çplying for tbis ezcepticra at the the UM Peratt ... p'aDteel.
TIle fact that the sign was 6Is feet lover than tha alloooable 20' ...
~letely t..Bterial.
CouncI1aan Stokes agreed with Councilman JohuoD aDd _ed that A"l1-
~1cra 328-BC-68 be denied. Councilaan JohuoD seconded and the _t1cra
r-weel 3 - 0, witb Councilaan u-,ater out of Mo-t.-ra.
Vice Mayor Noel noted that In tbe IliDutes of '" Control'. March 13th
-e1Da he found that the proprietor of the Strav Bat Pi... _ _re
0( his Ordinance v:loletlon, and ..ked the staff to c_t OD thl..
Ci.t7 JlaDager Storm aaid that, after diacusaina the utter with the
~ Bulld1Da Inspector, tba proprl.tor of Strav Bat Piaza ball b.-
__ . Peel to r_e the a:lr ~lt1oD1ng equipaent protrudiDa OD the roof
0( ~ establishaent and fiDd a'place for.... within the buileliDa·
1Ir. Stan stated that the propriator b of the fact thet - f1Dal
~latlon approval rill be a!.YIID unl... this condition has bean Mt.
- -- of the City Council
... ~ol - <=-t'd
'-'r> _ a_ 4it~·slol1 of AJlp14__ 32l-BC-68, request for · poJa
.....líir Xen~ Fried Chlcta.. .. tile ataff aasund the CoaIIcll
i'lj¡j¡Ca11 r~U bad bøa 8e£ .. the sign vas in confer--- dtlt
. ... Ordf- e.
- . f_ Stokes WIVed. ~1 ;J" on seconded and it - ,.. .-
, . dely that the mnut.. o£ tile 13, 1968 _tlog of "B"
-. u.l be apprcnd with the -- ril- o£ Applications J2I1-BC-68 aDd
C- Parks ec-1ssion. Mrs. ~ "'Y. the Chaiman of that body. colAt
.... Council that the ec-issioD .... __ to approve the plant1D& of
. 011 the Deliian strip of Volle..... between Homestead Road aD4
Sf . Creek !.."<I1evard and that, at a later date, flover beda aD4 shruba
wSdt a aaxillnm :f 2' in height .ay be added.
~ ~ger St:rn strongly voiced his opposition to the planting of
.. r for s""e:al :-easons, i.e., a definite maintenance probl_ since.
pE:Lør to movi"i, ,ieces of glass aDd aeneral rubhish vould have to be
" . picked out :: the grassy areas. cigarette butts would be scattered
__ the area aX it would generally be lH!~red. While in Southern
r...l1f'ornia, Mr. ~~:rn had made it a point to view areas in which grass
~ originally ~~u planted. They DOV shLw plants in planter boxes, the
.... ,._ has bee:: a«eu O'Jt and coacrete has been poured in its stead ~
F"'~""ed green.
AI: tlús point. :.:c.:ilman D.-pster returned to tl.e Council Ch..'>:'er.
:r: .... Hr. St,,"""s and the Staff's saa&eation that a fev olive trees be
jp'_-" in the :....cian strip, as it -U lend beauty and dignity to the
__ aud vou1¿ i= no vay distract.
r-'--Ilman DeDTs:er =oved that Lbe Staff's landscaping plan be accepted
'Idáa the excep~~:c "f the trees. CouDcilJllan Stokes seconded.
JIIts_ Vandry coçluely disagreed with Mr. StaB's stateJDellt aD4 asked
~ Mr. Walter äard speak in -......~t of her C~iss1on's _tion.
Jk. Ward said 6At his suggeat~ -U be Irass first, then low shruba
-.a the fever s;>eo:ies the better, bat that he personally did not like
,. for the -:ian strip.
~ .otion vas ~sed ........._ly.
ftee Jlayor Noel ~led a re~ u 10:0S p...
DIe _tlng re.:.."CVened at 10:15 ....
...1.1.c BeariD&S
L Anne:ution of Certain CøaI;...,..... Uninhabited Territory
duip>ateci "Pe~te 67-6- co the City of Cupertino.
aiaat.. of
"B" Control
parka c_.
opposi tion
ataff plan
no trees
pap . )
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title '
Re.. 1S1'6
Res. 1577
Res. 1578
ezt ..
lllmatea of the City Cound.l IIBch 18, 1968
~~c Rear1DaS - coat'd
1,t'ØtJ Clerk a,der advised tIIIIC _< uoic:aUoas IuId II.- ~".. for
;r1fii ....f...t ~ _·C~ r ·n.... JoImsoII .avee!, C~ .-... -
~.~«'.. h- ._~ ad it .. '~ . _~ly that the ,..1fc 1IadDa
. ..W ..1A.ed.
'~,</ .
"\ ,'. , '
.. 390: (r1rllc - -I..> a_·uOD of "P..
-ce 67-6-.
~t~ Stokes .aved, (' 1'1 JoIInsœ Hcoaded tbac tile ()rdil.......e
be read by title ouly. wb1cIa aKløI vas passed .......i A1y. 1Ir. aydar
_ proceeded.
1. So. 1567: ApprOYÚlS f1.Dal map of ::n;:t !Ie. 4417. IløDcebello
~t So. 3.
CouncUlUn St.:kes aoved, r_1laaD Johnson ,econdee! that tile aboYe
~lution ~ adopted.
A:res: ':~cUmen Jo....~. Delspster, St"iLu. Noel
1Ioe. : ~-::e
Ab.ent: :.:-.=dlman Fitz&eral.d
2. S:. :5-7: Payroll :or period endl~ ~rch IS, 19fi8
City Treas~e:' Stokes pre.....,-"'" the payroll .L."¿ seconded CCNDCi¡"n
Jolmson's :r~:on for adopt1.=..
Ayes: :.:=cUmen John5':C. :>espster, S:"iLes. ~oel
Jioes : s..:::e
Ab.ent: ==dllUn Fitzgerald
3. S: :5~8: Kiscel t us Expendn<:ru
Councilaan ::!:.nson aoved, C--1¡"n Stokes u;:onded that the above
Keaolution ~e adopted.
Ayes: ~..ncUmen Jolmsc:e. ~ster, S::i<.u, Noel
Jioea: ~:e
Ab.ent: :.:uncl1man F1tzlerald
Vnfinishe¿ š.stness
::.. 1. had be_ dUposed of ear:ler on the ........
2. ~uector of Public iIorlts Finney reported that tile c.-p1etioa
elate for Pcrt&! and WUaoa ~Its _ld be approxiaately AprU bc or 2Dd,
1968. Couo::1a.n St.oke. __-AI, CouIIcUman ~ster sKull" ... it vas
....ed ........_ly that the CØlplet.ioD date be extended to AprU 1, 1968
3. CouncUman Jo....- ÚM¡Uired as to the progr.... If aIIlJ, of
die contellplated traffic .~ ... the cost thereof. CouDcU- Stou.
..A. ed, ~~ ~.ter 1 ~.... and it _s pass.d __iI J1y to re-
.,flra the c-cU's d..ire 1& obtaining. cost estimate far a c:a.plete
talff Ic . tu..;- .
_~.. of the City c..efl llarch 18, 1968
_ ...taM.
:L. City !lanqer StcmI reported tc tbe Council that, In prepar1D& the
- 1J. t for the DUt fiKal ,... he had reviewed the rev_ upectad and
aU. "ta 1Dbereat to ~he ,..1b1lity of reduc1D& taua in the City and that,
.., . .fttJ ~tlve eett.ate. the anticipated revenue -W warrant a
5c nductioD in the UØ8.
Q.._f"'rable d1scua.iOQ - ~ after Mr. StOrll'S .tat_t aDd Vice Mayor
IIDe1 ..ked that each CouI><'u.- voice his individual opinloø.
<: -t ~ St",us said that b1s _ly concern vas that the City does not
.... to ratsa taus in a ~ or so a. there are .any proar- In the plsD-
~ .tqea, in prosr..., aDd _ at.ost cœpleted, all of which ueed
{ ~... lie said that he vas in DO vay oppo.ed to the reduction but he wanted
1:0 M sure that all proar- could be carried out without bav1D& to raise
tÆZaa at . l.ter date.
F1DaDce Director Ryder, in aDaVer to Councilman Stokes' concern, said that
~ the current year the ......ed valuation had been $32,900.00 aDd that it
_ld be S37 .000 00 ne"t y-.r a. far as could be estilsated. The incre.sed
.....sed v.luatl.,)n and a red~tlon of ~c on the tax rate actually would
~ only S2.~OC.OO less than that rece1ved thiS year.
~ouncil..n J~hns~n said th&t he wanted to be assured tl~t there vere suf-
:i:ient funds 1n ~he Genera: Fund in order t. t1nance all of the prosr...
&iter the .olutl.ns had bee: def1ned. It. after the Coancil asrees on the
aclutions and t~e tinancln.. of our problems. 3Dd we then find that we
.till have a sut?lus in our General Fund, ~e are obllSed to turn this
surplus back ~~ ~he people 10 the fora of a tax reduction. Also, that this tax redu_tl0n was DOt in the be.t 1ntereat of th~ people aDd the
:1ty of Cupertln~ and its dynaaic programs. such aa the necessary t.prove-
_t. on !teCleI:an Road
=OUUcilaaD Dempster said that it would be impossible to .pend City funds
~ County prO?ertles, such as road., laprovements, etc.
::o.mcilaan Seel H\d that M could not understand the pesstai.tic reception
. of the proposed Tn cut an4 stated that this 1. probably the only City
:cuacil in the State of California that can reö~~e taxes rather thaD rai.e
~. and snl: _eu with little, if any. enthu.i.... Be said that it vas
~ Obliaaticn of this Council to the people of this City to ret.urn .ose of
~ ~ aøoey it it i. DOt Deeded for proposed prolr....
~e _re .-e audience c -nta, IDOSt of which indicated a very re.arved
uti tude tovard a ta" reduction and it vas felt that this aurplus _ay
__ld be put u"to park developaenta and the like rather than returned to
~ cithens.
0.. of the audieDCe. a Hr. Jim Jacobs of 11076 Linda Vi.ta Drive,
CllpettiDo, said that the -t of the tax reduction .hould be .t least
tripled .nd that the re_tng, as given by the Finance Director, vu
iI-....rehenaible to hia. JIr. Ryder, joined by the City Kanaaer, once ISOre
eq1alned in detail the intricate procedure of budsetary consideration.
paþ 9
a ions 011
tu cut
10 IliDut.. of the City C-cil Karch 18, 1968
r" J
Tø CUt - cODt'd
Yic:a IfaJor Roel, after lwv1Da listened to fellow Counci~ ad the audi-
-.ce.. aa1d that if a tas cut vas .pprcwed, builD... and prof..s1ODal
feOpla wuld be lookilll toward C.¡pertiDo U aD aøple of vbat can be done
., . frvpl aDd far.tptell aovernina body ad that thi. .we -u m.t a ~. ,..~ of buain..s venture.. Thi., in turn, _ld
kaat... tJ.w tax baaa, raille the .....aed v.luatlon and,, tMuld per-
.tt fartIIar reduct1oÚ.
Ia cmler (or this _tter to receive the proper .ttention fr_ the Council
. au _ f~ the .....1 public, Counc11Mn Stokes 8OVed, CounclluD
JoJ-..,.. ..c:oødeo! aDd It ... pu.ed WW1moualy that this utter be placed
OD the aaeada fot the Council ueting two -u hence.
2. lid Openilll for Mary Avenue W.ter Main
Director of Public WOrks Finney st.ted tbat thirteen bid. bad been received,
with. r.Dle in bid aaDunt. of $19,789.00 for the low, .nd $2~,68l.70 for ~
the hilbt.t bid .ubaltted. ~
Councilaan Deapster 8OVed, Councilman Stoke. seconded .nd it vas pa..ed
~~.-sr. UDant.oualy that the lowest bid of $19,789.00, as submitted by West V.lley
c-.truction Company, be accepted. The motion va. passed uDanillloualy.
~ta IaDOrts of Officers
t~er A.
City Treasurer. There vere DO further reports.
I. City Kanaaer. Itr. Stora reported on the following ..tters:
1. The neaotiaUons of the park site Councilman Johnson
said tbat he would .uc:h prefer to spec1fy the nusher of acres rather than
the dollar .-aunt in any n..oti.tion.. Councllaan Deapster aoved that the
Council, by a1nute order, .llow the City ~&. ~~ nelotiate, .nd con.u.-
ute if po.slble, the purchase of the surveyet are. with its eilht acres!
:.':!' ~l~,u\ì:!.OO. CouncUun Stokes seconded !lith a que.tion.
After h.."Villl "sked Councilaan Johnson how he wanted the _tion worded,
C-cilaar.: o...ter 80Ved to bave the above _tion read "tbat the Council,
by ainut. o~~er, allow the City Manaler to nelotiate the purcbase of the
park site for the total nusher of dollars but nQt the total nuaber of acres
.pecified on Parcel A .. .bown on the record." Councilman Stokes seconded
ad it vas pused unaniaoualy.
2. The date for tbe dedication of Portal Park, i.e., April 6th.
3. In connection witb tbe po.sibility of having a nev library,
Council..n Deapster 8OVed, Councilman Stoke. seconded and it vas pused
,_...f_ualy that the City Manager contact the Division of Highways requesting
thet they prepare for tbe installation of traffic signals at Rodrigue. and
Blpvay 85.
Ølantes of tbe City CoaacIJ Karch 18, 1968
Clcy K8DII&U - c:crat' d
4. CIIa die .....iI-1oD of die appl1caUola for redaral ...1aUIICe
for .dIe cautnctioD of . _ter unit to die JIoaaiDI .. Urban
Dwelgp..t aalDCJ Sa Sa lrac:1aco. - that it .. looked upon
fawrably by die reatoul office.
S. On die bu1ldiDa proar_ for tile Ceeral JlDtora aaency on
SulU...,~. Ifr. StonI aa1cI that be had ~ c:oaferdna with Ifr.
~a at Att"rMJ SIIulYaD 1DcI1cat!na that the .ttorDeJ VIIS In the
.udleace. The c-c1l -.reed tbat Ifr. SIIulyaD ahontd report to th_
AUorne)' SaI"!ya of 220 Bash Str.:et., San Fr.-¡.co. atarted his pre-
aentaUOD 1-, aay!na tbat be VIIS here tODlabt to object to the 12th
cODdlti~ of tbe TWelve StaDdard Cond'tiooa aa enforcecl by the Plan-
ninJ ~ssion In conjunction with their approval of the project;
apecifically, that this condition statea that his client has no
further riaht to neaotLate t.he price offered by the City for his piece
of land aDd had to st.ply accept the appraisal value. Hr. Saulyan
atated c~teaorically that. the property had been purchased on a very
inflated land price.
Considera~le diacussion eD5ued durina which it VIIS pointed out by the
City Manager and tbe City Attorney that there is, before the Courts,
An ea1nect dOllAin suit and that becauae of this suit a buUdina penit
had been refused to the applicant by the Public Works Depart-.nt.
Mr. Saulyan said that hia objectives vere to 1) retain the riaht to
neaotiat~ the price for the land and 2) obtain a buildina penit durina
the t1ae in which the ..ineot doaain suit receivea it. due process of
the law.
When ..ked .:or bis opinion. City Attomey Ander_ stated that in his
thirteen years aa City Attorney be had never beard anyoDe accu.e the
Co\mcU of violatina die COD8tituUooal ripta of an individual, as
Hr. SaalYaD had iapliecl repeatedly. Also, that under the lava of the
State of Californla'a aubdiviaion Ordinance., dedication of riahts-of-
_~y, str.-ts, sever.. etc. is indicated when t.he nature of tbe land i.
c:hana.t4 .
Auomey Sallyan reiterated thet it vas not the Dece..ity to dedicate
to which he objected, but the fact that his cli_t's riaht to "eaotLate
bad been curtailed .. that this vaa absolutely aplnat the .::onatitution
of t.he l'Dited Statea. Be alaD askacI that. the COUDdl re-evaluate tbe
12th condition of the TWelve Standard Conditions .., In bLa opinion.
the vordiDa conaUtut.. _ InfriDa_t upon _ incIividual's riaht to
free pursuit.
. 7
.... 11
report on
GM aaency
... 12.
:¥;C:. Ii
.. ..;- - .,--
f'''' I'·
, :.r:
1,.. ..,1M
for tank
use of
lUnutes of the City Council March 18, 1968
After prolonaed anù .t t~ heated continued discusalon, Couør..I1JIaD
Stokaa __ that, in view of che fact that there is ... ~ dIf-
fer_ of opinion .. to doe iDterpretatioa of the applicable ~
and _ other developer .... pr."iously been asked LO drop . peD41øa
mt, aDd be c-.l1ed, ..... .Sllce there vas no other c:boic. to the
eoun"n, . buildin¡ perût: ðøt be issued 1IIIile _ift..t ~iJa pro-
c......... are still pend1D&. Councllaan Dapater aec:oaded awl It ...
....... -i_ly.
6. Petf.tiara reedy" relatlv. to the noise ~1er aa !llldera
Drl".. !fr. Stora that be had personally 1napectM the - .t
_ryiDa U- aDd fOŒld that there vas DO noise probl.. lie received
pera1as1oa of the CoJUDc:1l to so iDfon the petitioaera aDd that DO
plantiDp be undertaken.
7 . !Ir. Ston that Mark '1'h-.s EDaineering had prepal'M a
contract for the preparatiOD of plans and specific:ati01la for a c-
.Ul1oa pllon w.ter tauk, and that the City Attorney had .pproved
f.t as to fon. Alao, that the plans and specific.tions would be
completed on or before July 1, 19ó8.
Counc1aan Delapster aoved, CouncU..n Stokes seconded and it vas
passed mwlimously that the contract be approved, rith Ice. No. 14
amended as indicated, and that the Mayor and the City Clerk !)e
authorized to sign the docuaent.
8. 'se of facilitiea for the Library Bond issue.
Stokes ~ed, Johnaon seconded and it vas passed unaniaoualy
that the :DObUe tr..iler uaed for an infonaation booth be penitted to
be parJr.c¿ on the property until the election.
9. !Ir. Stan said that the traffi~ study for the lubb Ro.d
interc~e vould be ready for th~ Council at their next aeetina·
.tt0nIeY C. 'ieT Attorney. Mr. AZlderson ¡-eported on the follov1na:
1. !bat he had reaearched the proposoed policy for handlina .
Faithful Perforaance .nd Labor .nd Materials Bond and that a suaa.stion, ~
boDd policy in the fora of a Resolution, would be before the Council .t
next _ting.
abere of
2. A complaint received on livestock aUeaedly kept on St.even.
Creek Soõõlevard. Ie v.. Mr. Anderson's sURestion that no lieiaaUon
be started at this tiJle but that Mr. Foster be induced into compli.nce
with the applic.ble Ordinance, especially since his pr..ent 1....
expires June 1, 1968 and he twd been inforaed that it would DOt b.
D. Director of Public Works. Mr. Finney ..ked penisalon for
Mr. lillavalla of 9484 Baker Drive, Cupertino, to . pr.aentation.
The "-il ..reed.
Mr. IU~lla ..1d that $3,450 vas needed for a field aurvey pre-
p.r.tory to an .r.. topoar.phlc.l ..p covetina 350 acres, and that
tÅe ~v,1 -nt Diatrict ~ pay $1500 of t~is ..aunt, intereated
citi_ ~d pay . like _t, and b.e vas ukina tb. CouDc:Il to
pay tIae I ..,.." $450.00. It vas Mr. IUl.valla's opinion that ·
detail" aDd .ccur.te topoaTaphic:.l _p ~ld aid the City atatf In
effactiwaIy d.f1n1na ....'. -t of the hill .r....
IUlMates of tæ City Council March 18, 1968
(" ft.aJ> Suèes, .ided by Ida fel1øool CouDcit.e!l, said ~ha~ DO -
IP . d finalbarion of an ~&~ t d1a~r1c~ could be ... until a
a.flete report has been ..... awaiJable ~o ~he Council upoa vb1cb
tIIey can base their ded.1cra.
L City Rlwf n. I)' way of . prepared _raad_, Hr. Boyd ~ted
_ dae foll-ua ..ner.:
1. Be satd that . tentati1l. _11 had been filed vith aDd ~<)4ec1
Illy the CoaDt"¡ of Santa Clara f« . 4-lot subdivision of the c.-t..iø
... l.rty on San .Juan ao.d. Be 1:.... oded ~ßat, by aiDute
-*r, the í:;)omcU .pprove the fiDal ..p to be recorded, aad that IlUCh
-f'pLo,.l be liven upon the c:oaditioR that the ownen of Parcel A
eaur. deferred iaprov_t asr-t with the City bind1n& ~ to
ialprOVellellt cf San .Juan ao.d "'- such iaproveaent is required, aad
daat the couditions set forth by the County for iaproveaent c~ the
drlVew3YS to :ots C and D be _Ived.
Councilman :~on so IIIOVed, CoUDcU.llan Stokes seconded and it vas
p:.!:lIed unan:.a.-,¡sly.
2. ~e Oràer for the Wilson and Portal Park construction
coatract. ~?'~ the City Engineer's recommendatt~n, Councilman St.okes
_ed, Coun:::"an Jchuson seconded and it was passed unani1llOusly that
this change :::er be authorized.
3. C~~::l~n Johnson moved. Councilman Stokes seconded to
accept, by ~:=~=e order, the t.provements constructed in conj'1Dction
vi~h Tract ~. ~I04, Montebello. Unit No.2. Motion passed unani-
..:IOUS 1 y .
4. C,,=:::~n Johnson 1IIOVed, Councilman Stokes seconded aDd it
vas passed ·-.-imQusly to authorize the City Engineer, by .inut.e
order, to i=::~ the developers and bonding companies of the Car
Wash on Sar1~:~a-Sunnyvale Ro.d a~ Kirwin Lane that the t.proveaent
boocIs may '''''' ~e retired.
F. Director:: Plannina. There _s no report from that de~rtaent.
C. Chief ¡¡,,::.iing Inspector. There vas no report.
B. Director:: Parks and Recreation. There vas no report.
1. City Clerk-Finance Direc~or.
Hr. Ryde: had pnviously .w.1tted a .....,r.ndua of the it_
about vhich !Ie vished to report. Because of the laten... of the hour,
_ "erbal rep.:tl vas ude.
C_Uun ~ter moved, CouDcU...n Stokes .,.conded aDd it vas
.....01 ~ly that the aeeUna be djourned.
páse 13
Do dac1a1oa
bonds to
be retired
parks " rec.
c:1 ty clerk
aotion to
;,,¡'. ".
'. "
,í: -..;
~) .
. -".
_ r.. of the City Couud.lllluda IS, 19::'S
___UJI& adjourned at 12:45 p.a.
'" -t
/a/ Jerry PltuaraW
IIayor, City of ~
!\..- ';;.
..:. .. ---.í :
1-.1 VII. E. Ryder
CI.£y Clerk