CC 03-04-68
em at "";'_u.-, 8t;a1;e of Calltornla
lO3OO ran. A......, Clot- LiDo. California
ø.-: 252-'*5gL
...-..-·cw. ~H\ JafIm ~ !BI cur ~~H,
11m ... 1dII, 1_ ø !II c:,~r. CP--, em JaLto, CUIIR.
!be __i. ... -".. 1;0 orðer at 8:00 p... 117 IIQar ritqeral4,
wbIt ~ W tile... . _, in the tlI& aalute.
~n_ 1 ~ -aD, D L-ter, 1Ioel, ';toll8a, ritsprald.
AlIo ....uDt;: CitJ V _ atom; C1tJ Attoft.4' ADderIon; Cit)
Cleñ-liDDc:e D1rec:tar Jr,rder; Director of Pllblic Works r1DDeJ';
Cit7 ....,_ Jo:'d; Pbeetor of PlaImlDe Laurin; Chiet Building
Inapec:tor BeDrfic:h; *<:Or41DC 8ecre,;ar:r Matzley.
Co\IDcilMD »-pater aøN4, CQancu.,n Stokes seconded and it vas
'!Used 'ma..h...'Ul17 ~ tbe lliDutes ot the FebruarJ 19. 1968
:.~"::."ðbe a~,ed" priDted.
City aerk IIJder reed. the tolloving ,:œ_ul1ications to the lllelllbers
ot the Council:
Letter f'rca ~ reaidents llviD¡¡; on Madera,
tbe plaDtiDs aDd .a1JItenuc:e of treos UId ahrubs adjacent
to Junipero "1'1'&;
Letter nllaitte4 117 ten citi&en, relative to the acning
CrdiaaDceI of tile Cit7 ot C\qIerl;1Do. aDd iD41catiDc that
s:¡ article in tile ~iDo Cou:der bM n.&raDt17 ais-
stated the t 15 ""tow awov'.l Ol~ a lISe pP.nút to~ a
h1P c:lua ~ store. vllic:b store tuned 0IIt to
be .tuat uotIwr 1 - u .-:e17¡
x.ttar trca the s. Altai ~p c~V iD anawr to
~'.i"", neei...., aDd heuð. b7 tbe Co1lDCil trca
=itu.. ...... with tile MrY1<:es ot tllat c YV·!be
:'etter ..tea t.IIØ the Loa Altos OIzMp ~V bed. ~4IeD
cœtac:te4 117 tbe Cit7'a Cbief JQ11t~iDI lDapector "l"Uve
to tbue ~".i__, aDd a1JIta1J\l)(1 that the c~V
.auld 40 ....l'JthiJW pœaUtle to rn..q tbe aituatiOD;
1.e. nbId~ M\P' ~.., I } 'et. to the c.ut~rs with
a stat t as to tile -' ....; ot tba servicea to be
ra4encl aDd the ,.... to be c:harpd.
CoIIDc:u.D ~ _._4. CouDcUan Stokea seconded aDd it 1IU
pl...." ......i_:q t.IIØ tile lft~.r relative to the plaDting of
u- ~ .~ be ~..e4 to the C1t7 JlllDa5er. and that the
other letters be flle4.
1Ir. llllartiDi 1'Í I_.A 1tef'ore the COuncil to perl'(>"·"7 anner
qϖ_ aDd to Rate Ilia UF~ ebOIIt tbe obYiou 41Ipl...ure
ot the c:itu.. of tile ~ ..·itJ wbIt aft beiDI .&rft4 b7 the
Loa Altoll Qe~... 0 _ _.
roll c:a1l
C"" _t cat ion
l'IIp 2
.,.,~.. ..
i'är·· ilo-
,~~.... {
... coatrol
lCi:&ates of the Ci107 CouDc:U March I., 1968
Oral 0
i c:atioDa - coat'd
In _ to a 4JIIÍIR1GD b7 Co1mcu.D 1ItoUa, Mr. DlllartiD1
reiterate4 t1IØ .~'r ~ ~ nse4 to be ~ outside
. tile... 1 _ faí"Î!ði.... 1IOt CD t1Ie curba, alIo, tJa10
Jd.a eIp1øJeø ~"ra-Si111b1ac:te4 as to t1Ieir oblJpt1au
to the 11 ~..~ Ilia stat 'it in tile pNTi~
fteð . 1_4__, .. ril.. atata4 t1Iat a pr.par'" ~'e1;
1IOa14 be fI:o. -.:'1.1 tõ 411 caatœen in a a1aort. ~_ c:oatA,..i..
àen:a1te d.11 ' 'è\it 8éI"ricU to be nDlSare4, tee. to be
eIIupd, pick-uP"'. _s.M, etc.
~ Pibpn14 1;11... '" I! 111'. DelllrtiD1 tor appeariDI betore
the CoaDc:U an4 for Ilia cooperative spirit.
JIeport of 0<-1-810118
A. }I1.....i..S ec-1aa1era
Mr. Br)oson, the Vic:e-Cba1J:Mn ot the PlaDniDI Cœaisa1on,
appeared before the ~1l to p!'esst the minutes ot the
Pebruar,- 26, 1968 ~iDa o~ that Cazission. In answer to a
question b:r Co\IDci1MD S1öokes, Mr. Br)'son aided b7 Planning
Director Laurin, stated 1öhat DO discusa10õl had taken place
relatiYe to the Monts Vista area, as it had been sugeated
that this _tter be p1ac:ed on the agenda as a Public Bearing
in hopes that, throush _ media coverage, this _tter
becœe acre vlde17 ImowD b7 all cit1&ens.
On the atter of the revision of develo:pment plans (26-u-67),
Mr. Br7aœ said that it vu the conaensus of opinion that the
plana ted shand E1Ch improvelDent over the ones sub-
mitted previous17.
B. Architectun.l and Site Control Cœaittee
Mr. Keith ~......ln, the ~ ot that Cœa1ttee, presented the
aiDutes of the hbrual'J' 28, 1968 meetiDI ot that b0d7. Council-
_ Stokes aûed that the CO\IDcil be shown a renderiDI ot
appl:,,~~ion 326-11:-68, ..kina approval of the relllOdeliDI of
aD uiatiDI bu1ldiDa 'to aD office building.
'!bere vu s_ 41acuaalon era tile set-back ot thr buildiDI, the
1¡Uel1q. ot c:caatruC'1:1cr. aDd the fact that, because ot the
JlllPic:al location of t1Ie lot an4 its depth ot 50 teet, the
JOSaibUit7 ot aDOtller -res1;aurant" ~ for the aite vu
indicated. It _ also MDtioned that the applicant had a use
penI11ö tor a tvo-:r-ar plriod. Mr. Irwin advised the CO\IDcll
that, bec:aue of t1Ie L .1 troll a residential to a c_rcial
OCCllpUlC7, thi. )1111"''1&'" now in lire Zone 2.
CoIIDc:u-n »-pntw ~. CoIIDc:u.D Etoku seconded and it vu
1JI'..ecl --..i...W~ tllØ tile ainutea of the rebrual'J' 26, 1968
_tiJII of "B" 0IIDU0l1le _O,ed ... subaittecl, and that
Applicatioa 326-z-Œ be _o,td with plans as rendered and
with the _ OOD41t1cø u .tip.1ah4 in the iDiiTi4ual
~"'W of tile p1--''I& C.-inion and ot 'r Control.
. ·..),I~""':Lh"~ "'..
II1Dutea or tbe Clt)' CGœcllllarcb 4, 1968
C. I'Ub er-hatcJD.
1In. ..,.- the ~ or tJat~. prueDtt4 tile ta4·Jlnl
é:if tile MaoAŒJ 28,1Sfi8'~ to the.....rI of'tM.OaiIIIcll.
u4 rÇartecl t1Iat .' ~""·H1aD bill 4iaCUde4 sneral !:WìII.
ÏlIIÏ:1I as the -wr, "'f¡:L "']111& p1IID tar vaUco l'U'k, tile 1U4-
HllPiD8 plan tor It.... c:nek BouJ.nar4, ID4 the uae of ftrie4
~..;...d "".edJII tor ... 'átr1p. '
ID __to of tie ~. .~ caata1De4 in the ataft Jl'0J0Al.
1Ir. Bcm.IDik. a ~......... 'i .'CII1~,... preaent at the MetiDI
ID4 ..dIh..sed the CøallCl1. .. Rated that he ... in basic
1111 to witb sœe of tile 1"ltiou ot tbe Parka cc-1adon
but c:aut1aDed that he ... biased because the proposed plan had
1_ of hia ideas t.-..~.ted.
ID view of what had been said Counci1MD Dellpster moved, c:ounc:il-
_ IIoe.l seconded that lira. Slater'" proposal tor the laD4acaping
ot Ste_ Creek Boulevar4 be accepted witb the subatitutiou as
requested 117 the Parka ec-1ssion, i.e. that the use ot cliabiD&
}yrac:antba be ..i"i_' and that alt1f other use of Pyracantha be re-
stric~e: to the lcnr-¡row1Dc Santa Cru>, var:e-:y.
After this, Mrs. Wan4rJ' aaid that her eo1llDlission 1fU ~aiJlat
the us.. of grass7 areas tor tbe tol1ov~n¡;: reasons; l¡ tbe7
vou1.d iDduce j~-va1king; 2) the7 would p~"sent t:a,'t~n'iI1"e
probl_ in vell-travellecl areas; and 3) ill their op~i0~, the
proposed ¡rass7 areas 1IIIIre ill chosen.
IIrs. Wandr7 also maiDta1Ded that, in orð~r to break toe moDOtOD7
ot the landacapiD& and to live it a definite identit7 with
CupertiDo, the identical landacapin¡ f,at'llre8 should be aaed
throuchout &D7 proposed laD4acaping, uch as on Wolf to Road and
on Bte_ Creek Bou1.evard.
CO\IDCUaD Stokes ISOved to _nd the above lIII.'tion to include also
tbe Parks en-hsion'a rec:~dation tor the substitution of
the Copper nnc GuaD1.. tor the Jò'pericum.
Arter that, CouncU- ~ter stated that it vas his feeling that, personal tutes wre getting into the picture and that tbe
stair b..s suba1tted workable plana, but DOV everT0ne' s preterences
were becca1ng obvious. It ... his opinion to dther accept tbe
plan as presented with the corrections u made, or sta.-t all over ;.lid initiate a.. plan.
CcNnc:U- Stokes add tllat. in his opinion, the discusaicra ...
about the basic idea of coatiDuit)'. that personal preferences
would c:œa into view .o--bo-, but that this vas a utter ot hav1na
crae opiDioe atùeèi apSlll1; aDOtber opinion.
Boll Call on the --- ~ to:
Ares: CouDcu.u JoIIDaCID, IIoel, Stokes
lcea: CouDcUaeD I _ rtar. P1tsaerald
Boll Call 011 the or1~-' llØtiœ:
Area: CouDcUaeD J¡' -la, ~ter, JIoel, Stokes, P1tapnld
ba: Jfone
. -....., ....................... """,-
~ ,.
lana and
~ .
Pap ~
........ .. -
nat 1
........ or ~ ~t1 Ccunefi JIareh a., 1968
~~u ~ CI ',- Johnson seconded aD4 It -
.. -"'-""'7 that tM -41 ~ . - Of the qenda be valved 1;0 ."0-
haG. utarnq rœ VUl1ul8, to addreaa 1;IIe c---U.
. '.- .%- .
. " " ,'- ~ .;::. --:', '.
~_ t!Iat h1à~.'W'f_" received a le1;1;er tl'ca 1;IIe
. .aw1abi1dÌi.'''. .'. :1ìe 1IU in violation of & C1q- Or<4~--e
,.. _oIt.1œCot1då'" 1;raUera.
..... c:mataenble...... . ·'f....,-.1;he mattu of prev10Ua ..:1 ar-
,:'befme Wa CoaDcU bi.... '""i......, the (;:¡uncU atat;SJ/c their
. . , Ed Mr. Wn'~ ". '__ccmf'Orm8Dce or 8ame. It 1rU alao
.. '_~ I oat in the 41sc:uø1GDtIa't a cease and desist orðer -- alreað¥
_ ftle bat ~ this tact biid cIIv1oua17 had 00 erfe:t OIl t.he oper-
oiìt4- ot Mr. VUl1U11.
-. 4¡lJeat!.a::ed, Cit)' Att.-~J' ~rson stated that the ::crrect
... Q ''''''1'£ -ca:d be to illoIr J(r. iIU1iams to puu·..e hi8 apen': lcr.s ..
Sa _, aD4 ......-; the effect or the let-::er writte:1 by h~ be 4...y~eð
ftIr . 3O-dq ;eriod.
c-.--.1JJMD ::-¡:'ter moved tUt :y minute order, tI.r. iI::::a::s c""
-"""bed Eo er..ension ot the uae for h~s tra:.:ers ur.~ ~l tt.é :...~
CIoIIIIDcU ~~, to' be held IIIrch 16, 1968, and. ti:a! :.~~s ~.~
__,..-9' ··be~:~ ~ =ontrol v1-:.h &:"",;"ßtectv:al :"E':l.:1;T ;.:.! -:: .~¡..~. 'f~~
..,proval o~ ~s plans. CotmC~ Johnson secO'nied and ~ ~ vas
~aed ~:.:r~ly.
JIeowerting ~ to ~he p]......P1S ~s8iO:1 min"td, ~:)W'.:~::.:.n J.!=~a~er
a:rwecl, Co...:.:~ Stokes aec:~ &:1d 1 t. "lias pa5s~.i ·.ma.:.:~ual;¡ ':. ~.a~
...._ Perm't .,,:: ., 6.. be app--" _0 .. . ,. ·jø' ". - -- ---. "lon
.-.:: ... ~..._..._ , ~U"~ ___ _ - .__.::....... ~_ . ~ -....--6 ------- .
l'abl1c Hea:' -=.,,-s
Ord~ So. 369: Belà!.zl& ~o the pNc"dure of i:.~:od=t.~~:.. and
pass.."'!! ~~ JrdiDances aD! Jt.eso:!.ations, and ~o ~~ e.:1d p1ac:., and
cond;;:: ... æetings aM ~:ting for pu::ishmen! or arq pera':D
tor disorderly behavior. ~ declar~ng ~h~ "lrg"ncy ~:lereof,
hc»".oe o~ i-:I nature. City ø+crney Andersoc .·.:,;¡es~ed ~~ the
QrI"...nce ~ rftd in its eøt1.ret:¡. and City )I.a..~age! StOl"1 r:ated
~ this ~ce is a re-"'__1= ot the ",x:': ~:.,¡; ';:1es ,,~~:':: are
_ CCIIIpletel;( .:JUtdated.
After C1t)" aert B;tder had r.a H.e entire 2rdinanc". CG=c~
r _ ',er~, Ccunci1mllD ~ seconded ani it vas p&n~;t
, that the ~l1c &ar'..%Ig be clcaed.
r -n- ~ ,.ter 1IIOved, C; 11_" Jobnaon B~ccn:le;t t!.&':
-"."<:41 k_ 3S9 be enaete4 .. _ _rgency C:'dinance.
~: O:JaDcilMD J--. ~ter. Noel, Stokes, F~tZ&era14
...: IoDe .
M \: ...
M'tu tile 1IIaYe, Cit7 A"-_ .lader.on stated t~at be bad received
j~-=' "'. ..... calla ufr'" U UI:1a Ordin'lIce ,.. pasaed with
" ....._ in a1D4. .. .. ~ tbe record to show tb&1; 1;bU
'/JìØt tile cue.
.y~ "
, JD.Date. of t!Ie CiV CowIcU IIrd'da", 1966
Pap 5
2. OJ'o1i-- ~. 3IJ1:"Jf,:" ," '!!ÌII tna Qreen Belt ("A" -. "Ord. I'J31
1d.WD tile Coarql.~.."'-1all61ltiPle JleD8it;F (10-2.7-4&)
~~ 1-17 6:"" ,"1ocded at l()l¡45 rooth111 B1~.
hi 111 Alc:a1.ðe ..'......... A_e. Secoad Itee4iJIII.
COaDt>n- bl mftId., 0 " -*<t- .Tobnaon secoD4ed and It; was read
~-.ed -i-"'7 1;)iðI ~ 'Gíri"- be read bY' title ~.
Cø bl_a:. -CùÙII'tu-D Stokes seconded that and
0rd1DaDc:e ~. 387 be -.cte4. enacted
..: CauDc:i1IIIIm ;¡~=. Jleslpeter, Noel, Stoke., F1tzae~..:Ld
Jroe. : IiaDe
Absent: Wor1e
3. 0rdinaDc:e WOo 368: BeZCDiD;¡ (n-10) te (Rl-7.5), e;;prox.
3.5 aerea locate<: north aide of Price Avenue, eart cf
Blaney A'ftIiue. SecOllè- Beading.
Ord. 1368
CoImci~ St~es moved, Cc1mc11.:ll8D Noel se,:on"ed ant i -: vas reed
passed ,,".,,;--usly the.t the CTdinance be ;"ea.i by t~tle anl:r.
. !(eel IIIOTed, :oancll.-D Jobns=:: seconded that ::r:i:nance and
Wo. 3B6 be enacted. enacted
Ayes: Coun:i~n Joncsoc, ~pster, ~oel, Stokes, ~itzgerald
!roes: K=e
Absent: :!or.e
1. No. 1568: Accepting Ded~ca<:.~on of !"e&l property ~'::.: !":::.6dw8.Y
pur;IOIIe s; R. Cal ~ an.:! ":-0::. ne-pster roved, ::r.;::.-::i:men S~;Ùes seconded :,0; ~~~F:ion
ot Resolutic::. lio. l56e.
A7e8: CO".;ncill:lcn Jcz..c 0., ~: "~cster. ::Ooc'l, Stokes, :- ~ ~ zgerald
Ifoes: :Jcœ
Absent: tor.e
2. 1:0. 15-:'2: ..:~~;t,;~ dedic:at.i::.n of real propert.y 'tar r=-advay
purpoaes. a. :.:.11 r:? BrOIl.
Cow1c:~ ~:er moy~, Coanc:i:lJn&D No,,: se,:onded fer ~¡rt10n
ot Resolut~œ '110. 1572.
.8: Couz:c:i1JDen Jo--oo. ])e;Jpster, Seel, Stokes, F:-:Zëerald
Jloes: Jrœe
Absent: lODe
3. JIo. 1573: AcceptiJIs ~ for ease:oen'.;s, Western 7i~le
~w.e.r!L11:'~. ~:,,:-!,.n:r..
Counc:ilMD .iaàDaœ .oYeè.. Ooœt'i:n..." lIcel seconded for K.option
ot IesolutiOl1 r.c. 1573.
AJas: CoI:nc11D1D Jc.......oo. Deslpster, Boel, Stoke.. Fitzgerald
1Ioe1: Joœ
.u.ent: !lace
~". -
Res. 1568
Res. 1572
Bea. 1573
.... 6
'. ''!-
..'.",. ,
.... »M;'
r _.8 i~'" t~<>
1~_ . J' ,,:.:~-. 'H:J, ;,:::-1, ',~~
-_.j.¡.~ ,~
!, "f!,'?
.'it --<Jf.
. ;'-; ",",
.... ua-·
.'1 - ..'
. ·4
city _
volfe roM
h....... "PÜ'II
to 11m)
park alte
prO(' 1 or
. .'
;ô!:-_;_:¡i¡.~..~ .,-<
lUnutes of tbe City C
....., Jlarch 4, 1968
CC-6 .
1eao1utions .- c:crat' d
4. Bo. lS74: ra,zol1 he period .-.11... Februuy 29. 1968
1:b1a naoluUOD _ r ..... by Clt}" Tr~er Scœ-.
r_...1I1- Roel ",,!,,-J¡(. - -n Johnaœ .ec~ foe edopt1aa
of ...lutioD 110. 1574.
AJea: CouGèf1' 1· . ~ter, 1Ioe1. Stobe."ft!'~dd
1Ioea: Bolla
AbeaDt: BoDe
s. Ho. 1575: ~-~1'1 -T J .w_pA"dttan8.
1:b1a nao1utiOD _ a18ø .. ..ted by tile City TI' 1.1:.
Counc1bla Noel _0..... ~ -n_ JobnMD ncoaded foe .."t1aa
of hsolution Bo. 1575.
A7es: CoUDcl~ :S. ~. o-pster, Noel, Stolr8e. .ltaaer·1d
Roes: Nolle
Ab.ent: None
Report of Officer.
City Treaeurer
There vas no furtber report from the City Treasurer.
City Manager
Mr. Storm stated be had bad the opportunity of .bov1ng, just
this afternoon, tbe landscaping plans for Wolfe Road to Hr. Ward
of Vallco Park as inst.r..cted by the Council, aDd that he would
have a complete report on this matt'_, at the nat _tinge
The City Manager also reported that the applicatioa for a Federal
grant to assist in the CODStruction of a vater storaae facility bad
been prepared and would be taken to San Francidco this Wednesday.
A complete report on this vould be forthcoming at tbe nat ..eting of
tbe Council.
Mr. Storm said that relative to the! purchase of land
for a park site, it vaa fOUDd that, out of tbe a~.t 11 acre. avaU-
able, 2~ acres are not usable. Hr. Storm bad prev10ualy suba1ttee!
a detailed map of the area under discussion, aad ~1cIerable conver-
sation ensued duriua which Councilman Johnson ..aiD .tressed his
point that Mr. Stora .hould not be restricted in hi. power to
negotiate the price for che acreage as presentee! aDd agreed neitber
with the price nor rith che acreage. In answer to a questioa by
Mayor Fitzgerald, Hr. Stora .tated that the final descriptiOD vould
be in the hands of che ~il during the next ...t1D&, after which
t1lBe the matter c:ou1cI p tD escrow.
Mr. Storm also .taced that he had received. c:al1. fr_ a
Hr. Young relative to the support of the Oakland Athlet1c:s by
_ans of either tbe .."rI.oD of a resolution or tba preparation
of a proclamation statt.a that the first ¡ame of the season rill
be on AprU 17, 1968 ... to 81ve this fact the ..ue.t pos.lble
Councilun DeIIp.ter _9.... Councilman Noel seconded aDd It vaa UIIAIl1lloUIIly that the City Manager be author1&ell to draw
up . Prodaaatica 1D t.- of the Oakland Athlet1c:s.
"- '^ ~_. ..* ,.
. ----~
II1nutes of the Ciq. e
n JIarcl1 4, 1968
Cit:r~'s ~ - cœt'd
~ Ci\J' ._-~ J ~ A_ tad tbat Mr. Bic:hler h84 ~ 1da
of his iDteDtlœ to,'tIIk 1IftIa," _ t!Ircugb, the Cit,'........... r of
the Cit7 of Su.....".~._tha .-tter ot MarT AYeDUe, r.u.r than .
"~H~ with two Mr.. - ......le.. Mr. 8torIII 1;;JSt be, too.
would 1IOI'k c:loael7 w1t1a ~ 8-.,-\, yale Ciq JfaD8pr.
C. C1t7 AttOl"DQ"
Vpon !"eC¡UeIIt by tile C1t:.7 .A~orne:, Co¡:ncilJ:løn DeIIIp81;e:' .øved.
CouncU:an B'oel ~ a:>4 11; was pused unanillloua~ UIat the
lllatter of' a c""1p'.~- zece~"ft':! or. the keeping of' 11'1ert~ 011
Steve:J.!t Creek B~ 1..7 v.r. Foster be continued over 'to the
next :ounc::.l meetiDS_
D. ~,-e;.-tor o!' PC:;.:~c ii=a
D7 use ~f a pre,"ic;œ:~ s::"-·::dtt.eè. me:::OrL-1d,~, ~~. ~i=e~· his
repor. to the Co.¡:.c~ ~ ~ered '.';el:l8 S'¡C~ cc V...::-::: ?ark
(92.00;:; ~ lù:ck 1IIc="'"-L~ (5l,C:6.l); McC:ellt.: lice:: St01""..
Drai:: (S7,OOO.1); Par'.a:. Co:::' ';ilso.. :?ar:, Site ?:'~:e~~ (;?2,JOS;
192, ::::); and the ~ ~::. Dorsa Pro:¡:er';y par·" s i '::e {52. O::,ó. )
E. ~ity 3ngineer
1.1r. Bc.",i ?:-esenteè.. b7" "t:Ae of' a prc'"i?as17 s,i:;:.:.i~~ed me:IIOrand=.
the :-e::ort f'rom hi. de<;:&:: P:l't.
Upon ~~e rec~ndattaë. :;i: ';he City ~.gineer. '~o·..;ncn-~- Dempster
moveè., :ouncilJlaL J-v-.,., aeco~ded t.:1C it. WIlS :;a&s~ '=iJ:Ioual;¡
that. I> 3O-~ extenaia::. Oe granted ';C' the de,·e:o:",r :.~ ":r&c:';
No. 42:'5 (51.108).
Again ""?OIl the re<::' '·~~n of'the City Er."inee:-. ~::F~.cill:lan
Jobnsœ: :r.oved, Co~':';.':¡"-..t ::::>'!l secondcè. c,··..: it ..e! ;:.....s~e-:.
unan~":sly that ';he ~~ Zngineer be authorized, t;¡ ~\o."1:e
ol'der,~" i:1f'ona c1eftløãIer£ and thei:- tonèi:-;: c=?8=-ies tl:et.
impro=::ent bonds ~or :;'~~leu Apertcer:t:J (5l.~29); :>~"OOd
Terrace ::'ract 3896. ~'; 50. 5 (51,11,5); and ¡.Gsecl>~· o;,~ God
C!P'^1: (5::'.166) cq' _ be retired.
On the œ"ter of hü t......4tigatlon of' ::w:thods ':>f' ;.u¡d develop-
ment o! Hillside ~erftdD, IIr.BoJ'd reported that the i~i..te
establis'-ant o~ a ~ ?'-8D baaed upon sound eng1l:eer!lls
and K~ criteria __ or "the utmost importsr.ce.
Council2D Stokea _...L, Co=CUtl...·l JOh"'lGO¡¡ secoc¿ed aDd i't
vas puBed "..........___ ~ t~ City Sngineer be 1:Istructed to
UDdertake a suner- ~ tile coats, time invdveó. end DOS1;
et'f'ic:1ent _tboða .....,.....,.. in prov1èing the ..........,1l1g
and ~iDS tor a IbIJkr Phn.
PIp 7
I c~iDI1ed
I ='I.'~ ·o·,ement
i bonda to be
. r'.!tired
I survq
ì authoriM4
hp 8 -i,
--++~ .j~:'~
ref!" - '~}
to : "';< 11
." ,~
, -t
p ..--
dill .. ~
Minutes of the City CoImd.1 JIuoch 4, 1968
C1q. BDaiDeer - coat '4
On the utter ot the prCJf :111 poliq for handliD& Faitldb1 ~r.,ra-
8IIC8 JICIIda and Labor IIIII1I111teda18 Bonda, Co\IDCu.D ~ _.64,
Co1mclliu 1Ioel I«'~ .-11~ 1IU puled ~ u.t it' be
~erred to the C1t,. Art ~ tor at1U17 and a report _ tile DØt
P. Director ot "..-..
Mr. Laurin 1IU in cœp1.ete -cr_nt with the Cit7 ~- tllat
a Muter Plan with 1ntrtc:ûe .-pp1ng was of absolute DKra1~ tor
a protective and strict17 ~rced Ordinance for ~ ~
bill areas.
There was SØIe discuas~oc ~ the 1ntrcduetion of OT'i.....-e.
prior to Mr. "'uriD's 1L!>s~ation with the City ot C..p6~t1no.
and it va.;; the vm.ena= ~ o¡:in~or. that the ;toning aDd :Sevelop-
ment of hi:lside& shu":~, ~';e in a Master Plan.
G. Chief Building Tn.~~=
There was no repcr-; ~ ':4t departcent.
H. Dire.::~~r of Par;..£ aD::i 3~::~a4;~or..
Sln::e Mr. Parham vu ~~~ing e. co~r"e::~ioll &:!d vu absent
from the =ee'ting; the!"~ VLI ~ r~¡c:-t f'::.:r. ~~!; depa:~.
city ~ !-
pre.~"""""'" ~
rec:e i ftII
\IDt'i ftil - -
pre. -
~ ,~'
C~t:.. :l.è'rk-FinL.~ce ~~=-=,j:'
B7 a pre\"~c·.1Sly subai t-:~ ~!'ar.:i=, Mr. Ryjer presented hia
depar~nt' s repo~ 'tC -:œ :>::r==~: J:lt'J:.b;r:;, i~=luding S1õo:h i<;ems
as Bond E:ection arg-.:=e:::tS. ¡:::-c-::sior.s fer e. n~s)1t ~itor.f for
monies n:eived after <:.~ ';cJu; ar.d e. :-epo~ on cu1:
Mr. 1I7ùer als'~ sta~ -:__': ~ had received ~ne è~d tor ~be inatall-
a t1œ of a jeep well pc:r oX -.t.e W~::'aor. Schoo::' prC}erty £rea the
! Westt'rr. P..;::¡ COI!If&IQ' rer: a -:-:r:a::. d $5,57£ X Flus a bid bcDd or
¡~ (tt-!: percent) ot the ':~~.
A~er it !lad been ascer-~ the Coun=~::' p:e\"icus:q n1ed that
bid bonù were ac:ceY..aJ¡le ~ :10 Cashier's Ch.:ck or Certified O:eck
.hould bt' d-.....-d. ~.-_.. Jonnaœ: IIlJved, :cunc~~ Desl¡.-ter
secoaded aDd it .. pu..s -_i""'\Ul17 tèa': th.. bid be accepted.
UDfinished Bl¡aiDus
1Ir. Walter Ward ~ V-"oo ~ tated that there.. - ~_ q
OD tM _tter ~ Vo~. .... ~t .. be vu FlJW to att.eDd
MYVa1. cœzveDticaa. Be ~ ~teaiae<' se.. ot tile qualiticaUallS
,:tIr. I'Jalprill. the lMI4a~ U'dI1teC!t . !~r ~t.. ....: ~:o !Utt pOI'tlOD
I ~ the Ifclte Bae4 ,.....p 1.1:11&. characterized.
.... Ward.... ~ -. UId tile plana would be beton 1;_ CøaDcU
_ their next -.tiDe u4 ttat. he wou1.d haft thee _n"'1e
4 "I'.teJ., after that 'tt...
Kinutes of the City C~il March 4, 1968
... ...iDe..
_Lf~~' error on the alenda. I.e.,
-t", it should correctl,. read
11 cIu1,. DOted this diacrepaq-
there had been . 1..1'. _
of the listed ".uaø a
AaStf t".!be ~
Covn..iI..n p..pec- __..... Councilun Johnson .eu'll'~ that the
ICC .bseH1aeDt f_ ... pI!I!d.
Ayes: CouIIc~ ,. - _, Dapster, Noel, Stokes. Fiuserald
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilun Stokes ~...... Councilman Delllpster sec:oøded and it ~...
passed unanimousl,. that dae City Hana¡er contact the Division
of lI1&hvays to aac.erU1D their plans for landsc:apiD& the certain
ponion of land bel BlgbYay 9 and the freevay iDterchanse
within the City of Cupertino.
Mayor Fitzgerald a.~.d the cooperation of the pres. to advertise
the fact that there vas a vacancy on "H" ::ontrol. cre-ated by the
resignation from that body by Dr. Kowitz; also, that the vacancy
on the Parks Comaias1oa vas still in existence.
Councilman Dempster .wed. Councilman Johnson seconded and it vas
passed unanimously that the meeting be adjourned.
The =eeting adj~uraed at 10:05 p.m.
Isl Jerry Fitzserald
Mayor, City of Cupenlno
Isl WaI. E. Ryder
City Clerk
Page 9
fee to be
reque.t for
to be