CC 01-29-68 . . . . cur (g ~.u1U. S~te ot C&litorD1& 10300 'A.u. Aweuue, eaperUDO, CalI~orD1a .,-: 252~ . 95Ol~ _.... " !III .~ " . '-1 cø !III CItr WIoGICIL, _ ,1J-- 29S, 1968 .,Iii œ..~I¡' ~- , em JIIU" w. :..... ~ ~. .idJIW.. ~"... to order . 1115 p... 'bT JIQar ritspra].4, 1Il1o 111..... ..~ 1-' tbI .......,. 1D tile 1'1Ic .alute. o n ~_JAt: ~ter, 8~, fttspral4. AbaeDt: Counci~ J¡ a -fa'" 1IDel. AlIo }Ift.-: Cit;F ï P''' 8tona; Clt7 Atwrne7 a-" racaj Cit;F C1ar~.r1MDee D1rec:tar .,.; Direc:tar of l'IIblic. Woru P1Imqj Cit7 ...,_r 1oJd; Di1'ec:tar of J'la_i'll Larin; Cb1et Bu1l41DS Iapeetor . - .1ch; D1rec:tor ot Parka ... Recreation Parh8; Bec:ord1DS IIeeNta7 ~a1Q. è.m ciCar advised the Co\mCU __ers that the tolloving written i~ions had been received: 1. Le'tter trca the Aasellb17 ot God ~ CUpertino, dated Januar'J 24, ltßP tIZ'OteetiJl& and appealiJl& Use Pemtt 31-u-67, given b7 the ?lanning ec-1881on to tbe ~ Cbevrolet C""lp"~· M _ to this letter h4 been written 117 the Cit7 CJ'!!rk on .1~ 26, 1968 ackDovledcilla receipt of the above letter and askq that representatives of tbe AIIselllb17 of God appear before t.be CltJ' Counc1: to support tbeir position. . 2. It. TabaequeDt letter trom tbe ".._17 of God ot Cupertino, dated :!....;a:r'7 29, 1968 "itbdrav1Ds the above proteat and appeal upon ae'fU'&l c:aatingeDc:ies. Copiea ot both letters are mad~ a part ~ t!leae a1nutes for reference. ~11aaD ~ter .,..-ed, COUDCu.u Stokes seconded and it vall paned -17 that the above ca.unicaUona be fUed. Ull.t1,,1abeol Bus iDess Appl1~iaa 3l9-1IC-6I! : General llators Acenc7 1Ir. W. .1. ~. npreaentiJl& tbe a-ral Motors At¡enc7, appeared bef'ore tile Cit.J' CoUIICil to obtain a uae pel1S1t for the construction of a Cbe....l~ ec-'7 on the corner of St.elliD8 Road and Steven. ':reI!)[ 1IaW.rfu'4. 1Ir. II:GonD asked thl't. prior to proc:eediD¡ with b1a present- at1ca, he be peJ'llitted t.o peruae the withdrawal of proteat letter trCIII tile An "17 ~ God, eubliD8 hill to at.ud;J the contiJl&encies. Tbe Mlllbers ~ tile City Council consented to hia request. Pnt'ac:1lW . atat.øent, CitJ' AttonleJ' ADder.on ascertained that both pertl_ to the above application _re present. He vall so usured. . c:a!l to orür n.a aa1.ute roll call written c~icatiaaa protest and appeal acknow- ledgment withdrawal of protest with conditions 3l9-HC-66 review ot cont iJl&enc lea asked pruence ascertained r , ~ ..... 2 ,. - """".. ....- J4 , ¡ boD ~s. ~ v".... DIIW bu.a~ lea. 9125-31 Y·"IIIW'\. Park notice ~ t"......~iara -..a- _.....L lea. 1558 De A-. 66-1 i 1I8t7 : o~ f e1.'- f .~__Å f f ! > t . 1CJn."tU or tbe Cit7 0··....11 lleetiJII. Jcua17 29. 1968 In tbe 1èar1a prriae. cø, AUornq AbdenaD atate4 ~ M M4 baa 4 uh4 'CO dIedt tile I -... Cit;F ~ tor a 1'IIl1IW aD tile _tt.r ot tile 1I¡IIII&l1l7 ".~;1Y ot 004. ~, . JCllIIIY!M4 tIIat leett- SBI1 ot ~"".. .... Î CIlIa ~ tIIat. a1IIee w.. Sa a OM .: IL£ ~_~II"". ......, \.. ......... 1 ottilie ctt,r .....4._ .....1D4 QrlliI I cae A (:-.." ..jaoødIIe tIIat tile ,'- *'"',,, 'be .,...... b6f\4. UII Cit;F.{~ 1'17 . I -......taD.... -- DO ~ tor a JIIoI:¡U ClII' - -w MI' :--... !lie Cit;F a-cU i1~ tIIID Iaft tile riIM to ~ a h I'.tí~ . "G1aWII t!Ie ¡rat1llC f4 tile ~. 1Ir. .t ~ _ C - - tilt JUt- iInolft4 tor 1IøSJw ~ GIlt a r "1-~. _ - ... eaut1aDe4 t.M't. .1Dce there .. caalittaM to tile ~IIIC at .... _ I.~. the Va. ~rtI1t .JIc oo'" be ..... to allør ~ c:oa41~~. tnI tile 0r\I1JIUIc:e 1IOQ]4 law to üow aD .....-. 1Ir. Jt:G< oon uJœ4 ta... Cr.8C1l'. 1n4uJ.pnc:e UI4 req¡.eI~ ~ tile ftpl!ll AÙtlvea trœ 1M A8. ,¿~ of God Met vith the cbeYrolot pecr,Ile 111 the Cit)' JIa11'. nceptlcn area to d...C1W. tile c:aa4itiaIUI outl~ in their l8tter. !be Council ~CII8ented. . Wai~ the order of tile '-_ 1 ~. anèI 1: the interut of tt.e. tile IIQor uted that _ b1a~. be c:ooail!erec! at this t18e. !lev B:õa ::.eaa Reso:':::-:~cn 9125-31: JlDt;Ic:e ot Ccap.,'!tioc: on VlLllc:c Park 4 Dire~.::" o~ Public WarU PiDDe)' aèv1seè. tœ Council :illØbers that all the -=:k at Vallco Park t.a4 been cœ;::'et~ to hi. uti.taction with the n.:epttOD ot a rev Jd.Dor iteM. wIlleb iteu 1IO~d be ~eed 117 tbe retentiara o~ tile unal ten percent (l~). Mr. P1mle7 ftC ....e<! appl"~ cf the lfotlc:e of Cœlpleticn. co~i::Ian Dempster ...,... Counc11J:mn Stc!:es seco~ed tlat tile lfotice 01' eœ;:etion aD Y!.lJ.co JIañ be approved. . AIlS: councU- r "fter, Stokes, Fitzgerdd laYS: !cne ~: Cc:llDi:i1IIeu JobDeœ am! lfoel The :r.: ~CZ1 carried 3 - o. Resc::::-:~::n 1558:.... La of Claw eDI\ ~-ao~. for De ADa 66-1 Ai'ter :ounc:il:llllD 8~ 11M aac:ertained. tbrovsh ~tiona put to and 8ZI8¥ered b7 the Cit;y C1erk. tbBt the" ...... !Jlc:1u4111a the ten .,e..-cent (1~) ~1œ ot the ccntractor to 8..1. ZI... "rills '"'""'P"'V tor De AIlsa 66-1 were 111 order, Councu- Stokes -wa, Co\IDc:~ Delllpeter .ee ....... that per.aent. be a1low4 aa requuted b7 the Cit7 Clerk. ADS: Counci1lleu~. »-pater, l'!tqeral4 MIS: a.Ie .~IIW. CouDci1MD .1- and ROel The If.øUca carried 3 - o. 4 · . .' 1i!=t-..2 o~ tJle ::~:' C~ü~::!:. Neet1Þ¡;. Jr:;:¡.,rq ,,~ ~-. 196E , '; ~M. ~ J511//III.r7 ~. l~ 1IIHt1JrC fit * Cit.¡ \.a,¡:.e~. the D1rec:tor . ,,:f~~ \'arb Ud 1Ieen. uØ4.~.~~ to t1¡~ CoUDC1l ..4"~. :..; ;( , ,'t:IIe tilliDa alii! a.1q'a t4 bit ~ pro"ecta W1~ 1JZIder ,¡;. 'f;¡,:, "; loa. ao. Ft::¡~l 1..-"'81 tì&êb CoImc:11aeI:. . ~....A_... ~~'~""'~4"iT\l. ~~, ~~ rlu- f'::r the ~, i.e. tncl. t. ~~ I,""~ -.~, ~~ ec:að.1~..~... de. · JII'. F1m:Ie7 1Dd1:sted ~~ tile Ct_ ~ we cho~,œa 111 tbe .-tter: 1) to cancel tile CŒtre~t. h1n . .. cont:"&e"'..or to cœplde tile ~ and back.~... t:~ ~.-1 eœt:-a.-t~::,¡ or 2) ¡rant th1a . ...ctoran ~1C1 c:x! ~ ~ c:-oc.':,,:!.~te the pr?,3ect as IIOOD _ JlDØible. After some diaelõAi:JC ..~ bcw bea~ tc : ':'J.f. t~b ¡,.tter~" " ...-,....'n.ion, Cc:It:cC::&: :.eay.ate: ft~· ~ ~è,~~': in ~he .",rI.:. . f & -*lœ. that the c:crtrt' ~.C'.r be U.:>Dt<.·< '., :.Jditi~~!Ù. ext"~al:iœ to ---19 ,..at .~.- V".·' '.- a...·· ~>. ~o·-·hiona --it..·_w ._6_1 I -~ ';U'. .'. - ~_...., .'...' -- ...-...", ~...- ......., tile pro,3ec:tr IIbc'~ 1::.. ,·o:'.:IÇlct..... C~ .".:-." St"k~~ ,.,,~ed the D:Jtioc . . ~: cour.~t:.eD De '.~ter, 3tôkes, ~·tz:~~a~~ I&1:S : !'Ior.e "-~J.: COu..~C'i.:.:3e:: J'o..'1.....C':1 a:d ~:. ~ ~ion CI\rT:~ ~ - J. ....c.r Fitzgen:¿ ::x!ica~t:t t:.>t ~ l: :,,:;......~ c. r~q.ucs~ ~~r a Te:rbal :oŒ1~.;.=e~~XJ t'1a.:::~ t:.e a·1.~·· e.:......: · lira. Jue.!11ta Mc:LL.-e:: of 221:;-, :.:.::aq ~,,:~;>ert iu. rca" Eo letter relative to the ;'ADico pr~pert:r 1ë~c' ..t.::,,,:: tbet t¡.c 'l·r.pert,- ~ ;'een ot1'em tc t:.e :ity ,revlous:", I'_:.~ that t.he ¡Il":cc bed 1:.eeI:. t'urther rK'~~ t; sel: thia p:'~c_ .- pr~perty to t;.~ C~ty d C..pertioo t:>:- a þ.'ssi~le ~:.tc;r..~ ¡r-- stte. "'~l Fitlgen::~ usur~ Crs. KcIAre:.:.:..-· th<! a:te ~ :':-.e cctter ,__..:¿ be cŒS:'d~~. JIvar l'1tsgerelc! l:a..et. tblot the C~t7 :.a.ua..er haó l'~ceivd the ~~.at1on c~ Mr. ~-:a\:ll__"":- !'rc:: t.1t '-"'-";"ersh1~ or. the i.:'c:h1tect- ~ and S!~e .::x..~rc: ':::~~~ee. &: '!' ·~...hcr at.ate¿ the't eL .;¡plication !'::- the vaCIILC;; t~ crec~ec: bad bee= reed'red b7 ... .1_a S;¡L,l :!' 19812 Me:-r1~ I'Ir1"1e, ::\1~t1::". Ca:1toro1a. " -UJan :I~ter IIOved. C?t.'D~ Stolœl! seconè.e<:. t.hllt Mr. Su.::'l _ &:JPOiDt~ .:! tke nCeJI<;T on ..be A:-C'::itect\:%'8l .r.e. Sit\: ControlrC tttee. -'ZE: C=C~ Der1pster, S~o'kea, :'i.tz¡;:erald .us: l'ccne -..: COU:lcill:.en J:m.~on pnd JIoe: !lie =otton cl'rrie4 :3 - ,. . I I Page:' I I ". I report 01\ , I pU"k rro3ec:t.a ðebp atart op1ntc,n extension grar.tc:d verba: ccmr.unic:atton o~icant ~or "B" Control . 1'1'P01DtMnt I I I i Page ~ I 1 ''''ß.. ',", -,' ~;.t.\, ~"':/, -',~. :~' .' .-,..... øt- .. ... Y.- -Li" - Y pI - vt.u tc alfter ciV unn b1Ja. coct. ' . , . I PUI - I' at~ 117 ~"I c:t.a' )C.:r.:tel ~f tbe C1tJ' eoœ-'1 Meeting, JanulU7 29. 1968 -= Fl~ adv1ae4 ~ !'en.." eo-.òIl¡:~ tbat lie ~ receiftd . .~ ~ ~ t'IIr- IIIIia C'lDb tor an eJI40ranIDt _ ~ c.'iÍó7 CllaDc:U relat1ft to ~"... ~'I nqueat ~or ~iœ to ,.. ~ fac:111UM at De'.....;)!' , t... con... for a n1a __ r4 ~ w..tœD Jz-. with ...~E': '."', . !Ilia cl1Ib 1114 ~ ."._ ~ fUUi~",' JI1¡b St'.hool. 1nIt ,.~ -. r4 ~ h-l »eJII'ft1" t." facWt7... nUr--. CaaDcU-' rWl, ~... ~'\~~ ~_t1cm ._' f ~ ~ Ciq r4 CçerÜIIO, ø- tIIII·~n- tbe bc»tit r4 tIIeir op1D1œ em tbia _Iter, tÎI4,tI¡d..1Iitter be re-RbII1tte4 at tile DØt nplar .etiDS of tJ. cttr C1H -1). IIQor J'!~ JC I - - Ida hllalr CoImci1Jlen tbat tile J.J1Jrar7 iasue ~ betoI'e tile ,A _ em AprU 9. 1968. Co,_n- ~ter _d. 000-1,.... nt _ I". aecoDðed and it ..... pasHll .-..t_17 tbf'.t CoaDen-n 8to1rM .... 11(1 the Cllllpaign ea.i"ee ~ the I.1bra.."T BczII! elec:tlOD. ~ ___'"$ c~ tbe Cit)' C_ 1) were 1nf;)I""..ed b7 IIQOr ntzgera1d that, 1= t.be course ot a .......__tion, Mrs. Barbara ~rca ot 207ll s.::~:~:'i Dri '.", C~t1Do, had ~icated that aœ aDd her huaband ,'.~ a trip to a.n,~ this s=e!', and that abe vou1.d like to exter..1 a COIIIpl~-11Z7 visit to C:pertino, It~. CouDcu.:: Stokes 1IIOftCl, CoaDc:1J.-n ~ter seconded aDd it VIUI pasaed ..--i_17 that ~ C1t7 Manllë;er be instructed to prepare a auita1::'e gif't, to be hui-"-c:arried b7 Mrs. Wistrom, ~or oar aliter :i':7 CopertiDO. Ita17. ~ . . cit7 Na:-...-er StOJ"ll ..ked ~, ~-'\W!e ':~e parties to tbe Chevrolet dealenhi; Use PerII1t 11&4 ~ cœc:lui:et the~ talkll, Part. B. of the tJnf'iJIishel! Jrdn..a em ~ evM... to r..t: review o~ applicantS . I ~or the ;rcp. sed Libr&Z'7 Joc.n"i'1g, be now heard. For that purpose, Mr. Stcr: asked that a11 an:h1tec:ts ,resent leave the Council CbIIIIIbers aD!.ake tbe1r &illS .,t&t~OD or.e at a time. 'l'he Co1mcll mlDbers co::""",..ed. t ~ toU:w'.:as arc:hitec:ta app-.-ed >,e!'orc ~he Council: 1. Mr. äi:..#z'ed B. Bl..a1l:i& of 1190 Colun, San Jose; 2. Mr. AU&: K. Walten ot 2060 Clarma:' ä~', San Jos~; 3. Mr.:Ie.-t V)'D of 651 1I5..ulq, Palo Cto; ~. Mr.:a: ä1naton ot 363 J..:r!t Avenue, San Jose; 5. Mr. Ca.":"OU S. R....1rI.. ot ~1tO &!Inu Cr-"Z Avenue. Menlc Park; 6. Mr. ~n B. Ste~. of 90 But Gis=>. Road, S.,. Jose; 7. Mr. äarr-.n Gilbert ot 1515 !'be Als::Ieè£, San Jose. Bach one ct the arcb1tec:ta presented a briet bac:kgrol:Dl! of tbeir x-at experience aDd, 117 tJIe .... ot visual aide. a DUSIber of prejects which the)- bad deai&Dfl'l!, p'--4 and seen to tru1ticn. 8eftral deacriptive br0chure8 were ---.... the Council JDedlen. Attar eacl1 pre..utat1cD ....._ I'itqerald asked it tbe 1D41Y14ual archite=': ~'1'" provide tile Cit7 with preliminary atetcbu aDd DIIcenarr data prior to Apr11 9, 1968. Each applicant ~oIIered in tbe atfi~'.;1Ye. 4 ". " - . Minutes or the Cit7 Council Meeting, Januar'J 29, 1968 ,. r" r~~~=t~:;' "'='.:..~ ..:::ptho.... ~:t; "w..1i~~~.~~~ Risner ~ 1II:~.·~l~""'-'" tbe attorner tor ~.." t~.·.J'~1r.·.· ~~~~t..~.·~.'~~ ::':~,li~68~~t ~. ~ ';~~'~~òt God ot ~r" . , '."- . r' 1. tIIId UIe vordII "ancl tbe1r1øcGIC1111S" 111 the second paragraph td Pap 1 ot the letter 'be c1e1ete4; 2. u.& the vordII "CD the DØrtIa side" be added ~er "close its ckxø's", in the third ~ (~1ngenc:y 2) of Page 1; u.& the vordII "startiIW at tile ~ bouDdar7 and continuing ~~ I¡()Q feet", be..sa.4~;er "OD tbe propert7 ot tbe ..ai4 church", in the tint ~ of Page 2 ot tbe letter. 3. ar. strn'~ then re-introdw:ed Mr. JIc:GovaD of the Chevrolet agenc7· Mr. Mc'".-.n presented, b7 use ot plot. plana, dravings and an arcl1it.ee'tural rendering of the cœpleted proJect, the data necessary upon 1è1cb the Cit7 COUDcil cou1.4 ~e its decision. Considerable diacusaioo ensœd, there were n_rowa qœstions by the Courcilmen, expl~ioas 117 the representati- of the proposed agency, and a . reque8"': !or an affirmation that the conditions, as corrected, "ere acceptable to both parties to t.he aat.t.er. Bot.h parties confirmed their a.e:ept.ance of the c:ontincenc:i~. Counci:Jlan Dempster moved that Use Permi~ 3l-u-67 (Key Chevrolet Compaq; be c;>pruved, and that the permit be uended to include the three conditions mentioaed &!IoTe. Councilman Stokes seconded the :¡,o~ioo. .YES' IlAYS : .usElr. ; The ~iOD CouncilmeL Dempster, S<:.okes, Fitzgerald lone CO\IDcilmen JobnsOIö and Soe: carried 3 - o. Counci~ ~ster mo\~~ that Applicat.ion 3l9-HC-68 be amended to show <:.be t.bree conditions liated aboYe; and that the application be ...)'6.....d vi th the s_ c:aad1 tiODS 1. through 5. stipu1.ated in the re: ndation for apprcrral b7 the Architectural and Site Cont.rol eaa.ittee at their aeetiDe held January 24, 1968; and, condit.10D of approYal subject to t;ype ot _terial to be submitted to Ardsitect.ural and Site .:ontrol ec-1tt.ee tor approval. Council- ~ S~ aeconded the motion. AYES: Councilmen Deçater, Stokea, Fit.zgerald IlAYS: !lone ~ e.usElrf: Councilmen Jobnson and llcel I 1he 8ØClac carried 3 - o. ¡ Page 5 319-BC-68 caratiDued correcUona tor letter ot vi thdraval presentation by applicant contingencies agreed to 3l-U-67 approved vith amendments 3l9-HC-66 approved vith conditions I 6 lliDutes of the Cit7 C0\IDC1~ Meeting, Januar:r 29, 1968 .~:return1ng to the order o~ the agenda, the CitJ' MaDa&er ..... asked .~~ his report. ;..::,-, ,;~t\i., '. ' ,~ :reJ:'.)rte4 on his d1\u-ta to rel&Ctivate the Clt7'~lIJIPl1catiOD . iDe and Urban ~"y-'L.t. (B.U.D.) tor Federal ~ODÐ .~" the purchase 0~~:1II!IIf ~ taDksite. JI8 r~" p.r.iaaion "i;..... Mr. A_ft' ~ ,~'J't- . C"'''7 at a c:oá'tC<J600~OO tor . DU7 inveatipUcIIÎìI~ plana. Mr. stora.t&te4.~)w. would a tull report aD tile _tter to the Ci t7 Council' c1ar1Its' t.heir :re¡ular _tinge . pw-IOibBn Dempster --a. Coanc:ibBn Stokes seconded and It ..... passed ..1--us17 that the Clt;y -".pr's request be approved. CoaDcilDan Dempster moved. CoUDcilDan Stokes seconded and It vall passed .......i"lQ\JB17 that the Meting be adjourned. oUl"Dlllent '!!ie meeting adjourned at ':30 p... APPROVED : ¡ I I . Isl Jerry Fitz~erald !o'.ayor, Cit7 of Cupertino , ¡ I I I I . ATl'EST: isl WIll. E. Ryder :it7 Clerk