CC 01-02-68
10300 TOrr! Avenue, CUpen1.DO. eautorula 95014
Phone 252-4505
IImI1l'ES OF TD RmULAlI ua:uA; OP mE CI'n COUIICIL - Januar'J 2, 1966
PlACE: Coœc:il cu.ber, Cif;)" Ball, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California
TIllE: 6 P.M.
I s.cmE '1'0 'l'IIE FLAG
II R::':' CALL
Co;o::=. present:
C=;o::c. absent:
S":; C'~ present:
~ter, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald
Ci~ Manager, Pbilip W. Storm
Cit7 Clerk, WIll. E. Ryder
Director of Public Works, Frank Finney
Director of Planning, Adde Laurin
Assistant Planner, James Nuzum
Ci "-7 Engineer, Kenneth Boyd
Recc~ng Secretary, E. Stobie
~:~~i by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to approve the
~:=~~es of the Dece&ber 18, 1967, meeting.
Mo"-~on carried 5-0
~:~~i by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. ~empster, to approve the
~~=~~es ot tbe Dec~r 23, 1967, meeting.
MoUon carried 5-0
A. li1"itten
A letter vas received from tbe Cupertino Sanitary District advising
"-he Cit7 Council of a public bearing to be held Januar)' 3, 1968,
relative to the eoanection fees tor the Portal Park lateral.
Moved 117 CO\IDc. llcel, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to accept and file the
written c~ic.t.ioD8.
~ion carried 5-0
Mr. Pat Willi_ çpeared asking for further information on the revoking
of his Us. Penú t for the rental of U-he....~ trailers. It vas explained
Citl' CoImell Min~M
that. :~ ~ not ccçlle4 1dtla the Council' 5 previous req_st.s .
for t:e s~ssion of p" 1;0 the ArctIit~tural and Site Approval
C~ttH, nor had be ~ at the tiJle of revocation the
additicaal ei¡bt teet ~ wSJwI to the fe::c:e he erected. In re-
Ti~ t!:e put aetlTi.t;F .. ÜÚs perot aDd the maq c:oatiDuaDces
arutri hà, it _ l'-.- ~'.ined that the revoc:atiaa ... DOt
conai6ered a penalf;)". .. _ advised that he shou1.d, i~ be so
ðesi~. resubait aD __"ii-lara at the P1azminr ~sslaa level
Incl~ with it wild ... 1:IeeD ðoDe and also includ1Dc hia tllture
plans ;r: f'Ddosing tile --. purallaDt to the CO\IDcll's directives.
A. ~ :::IIIISSIO. - JIo nr: rt
(1) :::s.:.::an lteith Irvi: ~eved the '::::~~es ot the :::aIittee'"
::-'::=6 ;,t Decestler ¿-, 1967.
~:.~: :~; Counc. ~ ..~r. secor..':~i _,,' _.:''.U1c. Jo!4::.s:.::. ~:. ap-
;:-:7~ ~!:~ Arc\¡it.eet~-":' and Site .~;;:-:';,.:'5 ~:r.utes
I.! !-~::':"~ted.
Mct.~ = =a:-ried 5-:
(2',· . - .
~-=.~:. :"i ¡,,;ounc.. ~~~r. secor.i~':' .. : ;:'¡'''lC.. Stoites. ~::&~ the
:::, ;'~~;,rne:r inves-:~pt~ the :::::;~;,,:c.:. and the 5:.a~·.os :;¡t the
::-::~:~ :epot's ~:~:iance ~::: -:~ sign ordi~:e.
Mot~::c :a.P%'ied 5-:
(3) ~,::seph Slút.h. .s,...",.enting ~:.~ :::-5: ';alle)' ~, a~;:eared
L::~ ~:¡uested claz-i!~=ation on A"~::~::.Jn 317-HÇ-¿~- ;;e re- .
~.'!'!':~': penai..ioc. :.::-: ~c lnst&:::' !. !;:"~rJtler .ys~e:. vi ~h tbe
~L:::is:a;:ing or a ¡...~ lot. as ~~::=,,:::1ed b)' tht: J.r=h:tect-
_-L &::.:1 Site ApprcorL :~ttee. ;:~ eXFlained ~ha:' ~!:e Bank
e=;~:r~:1 a ~ _inten&:.:~ :~ ~!:e lands=ar:=4 v:;¡uld
:..:: :~ a proble. vi~~ a .pri~j.::'~:" 5;"s-=.em.
-'-::=6 the disc:uas1œ it vas br:+: :~~ that the !>aL& vas
':'::=6 this laDdaea¡::.:c or its c>r.:. ...::' '. ~ :0"1 and net at. the
~:;.~st or a CitJ' ~'7' also ~::,.~ ::.e inatal:at~::n :;¡! the
s;::::£:er sJ'stt!s -.,-A DOt. req~~ ~=e :1igging up o~ tile
;&:"..1=6 area. Mr_:rw-'...II advised ~e ::uncil that his :=-ittee
a~-:.:8I&tica117 re~ a sprinkler s:'-s~em tor landseapinc on
a.:.: c-eas vhich .... 114 a certain s::~.
:~ vas lucaeated 1:17 ::ouac. Demps~er ~:::at tbe rec_ndationl
.~...'~ as made ua4.-"""Ü4 it d~ve::; ~!:at a hardship uists.
!t:'. SlLith cou1.d ~ return for re:::::s::1eratioD of this.
C. PAIUC:' :':!OCSSIOIl - JIo .~
a::cF ::øaa.cil )I":'=:~~s
n PUBLIC ;n"lTr..<:
A. JOU MCGC'VAJ: A1'I'LICØIOI 2l-Z-67 (First Reading)
~ s¡;plic:aDt, Mr. .TaIII -....¡(OIaD. presented eùibits to the cO\IDcil on
hair be proposed to a.w.1.c:p üúa propert7 if the Co\IDCil sramed his
I~....t tor a ~ _il... He stated that his ~ vou1.d be
the It" #' 1 t aDd ~ _ t'ar 'thi. propert7. aDd tha1; a .err1c:e .tation
at Ws location ~ __ create V17 undue noise or øcnsive liFt inas-
-= _ it _ at ] r & 1.50 l'eet avq t'rca V17 residence. He said that
DO add1tiaDal tra1't1c: JII"01I' voul:! be created and further proposed that
he pn:Ti15e a siJ:-toot _no.... OYer the utilit7 eaae.ent. for the conveni-
aee ~ s::bool c:h11~.
'lbe :~ t"J n-r .t.ate4 t.bat .....ral :rears "0 this parcel vas zoned for
rec:rea:icaal pII%1Ia... .. It ... thou¡ht a service .tation vas Dot
_irab~e. 10 public: 1_ q had since purehued it for thh purpose. He
acrer. that there ~ be no I14ditional traffic coacection becaU8e ot
the ;. .~<:sed stat.iœ w: ~=-.õCht there :o"¡d be t.ratfic: hazards. The
Dire:t~:' :~ Public: Vc:rb ~.... of the opi::.:':n that aD7 potential hazards
ve:-e :=.~.
Mc~e: =]" =:~.~. DelÇs-:er, seconded by =~-..::.:. Johnson, -:~ ::~se the public .
Motioc. :L.-r~ed 5-0
Cc~:_ ...:....'00 c~~e-: ~a~ ~rllina.:~· -;.~e Schoo:' ::i.~r:'ct- ~ad wanted
U::. ~: :~ an open~. Be ecreed v:'~:: ~:::.s c:oncept, :...t ~::. viev ot what
has ~u~:: ¡:ace dur~::c -::e ~::.t..ri.. he vas i:ubt.ruJ. t.hat it co-.4d ever
be.::CI! ~~&~. Be .ai~ ::.e t.U :0 pres~::~ =·::e~tiona to ~:'e cha.c.ce or the
:,c:::=4. =:-.:1c. St.o&es screed vith t<.is ;;s:t1on and ~ded -:hat he c:ould
nct :.~-:~~ the e~-:~" ::~ publi~ ~.::i. for the lo:e purpose ot keeping
it &:: :;e= area.
!(cvei ':]" ::unc. Noe:, le-::on<1ed by Ccw::. ::hnson, to a;;rove tbe c:bance in
Motion :~~ed 5-0
Meve:: ~ :~\mC. Joe':'.
.... .,.'~ ,t 'rdi ~e
w~ _. ...'Iõ.. oJ DaZ1...
-=n4ed b7 Cow::. 5~:kes, t.bat the Mqor'. reading
50. )83 c0D8titu~~ ~te tirst read1nc c~ the
AYES: :::-.:1c. Demp.ter. '¡cènaon, Noel, 5t~"es, Fit.z,:erald
KAv", Jc::e
Motion :a.-ried 5-0
Ci t7 Coaneil Jlinutes
A. Jlesolution 10. 1548 (~'ee tor Appozl;l_Dt of Unpaid Asseslllllents)
~ 117 counc. Deçster. sec:oad'" 117 CouDc:. Johnaon. to approve
- olution Wo. l51a6.
A1JI&: Counc. Dspster. Jobuaa, Woe1.. Stokes, Fitzgerald
D18: lone
Motion carried 5-0
A. Jlesolution 10. 1546 (~ll for period ending December 31, 1967)
JIøved 117 Counc. Joel, sec:0ade4 117 CoaDc. Johnson, to approYe Resolution
~. 1546. .
Dempster, Johnson. loel, 5<:okes, Fitzgerald
Motion carried 5-=
I. Resolution ~:. :5-7 (Miscellaneo~ expen~itures)
Mo?~d by C~~:. :eøpster, .econ~ei t7 :ounc. Noel, to approve Resol~~:o~
Ie. 1547.
De:;.:~~. :~hn.on. Noel. S~~e.. Fi~zgeralj
~~~i~n carried 5-:
IX ~~~ OF OFF¡:~S
A. :it7 Treutö:"e,. - 50thinc f".Il'ther ~c report
I. :i t.7 Menace,.
.... He repor-e.i that he baa been vorkinc on t.he Junior ChlllDber of COIII-
Mrce re:¡uest for a carnival peBit. He reviewed the complaints
the City ~a.i received in the last 7ear or tvo on carnival act.ivity
and adde.i t! he had not. 7et beeZI able to contact all or t.he
property ovuers Dear the cont.~lated carnival site but tha+: he
would !:.ave a report b7 t.he nen
Mr. Robert 5:001t. Jwior ~r or Ca=erce president, clarified
the site as one betv..n the c;e.c:o store and the Bank ot America on
Stevens :reelt Bou1.evard. not. the previous location. He concurred
with the request for the de~ or two weeks betore Ccuncil action
CU¡r t:'
-11 MInutes
is taken on hi. ¡..... ~ ia CB'ðer to enable the Cit:r ......V"" t.o
~ete hi. h_t ... øIB1t a list of controls and recw.-
tiOllS to the roar'!'.
2. Be h_ ted OD tile - - I ot correspondence and cODversa1;laas
with the Alcoholic ..._ r Caatrol Cœaiss10n on the liquor li_e
appli~,,-tion for tile _ - ~ corner of Stelling and McC1""·" 1Ict-...·.
The A.B.C. has ña:te4 UId tile cit:r vou1.d be notified at the tS- of
~lic heariDS aa this __ Hu'I;ion.
Be t""..rtber re_ te4 ~ tbere vas conflic:ting info~t1OG pT_ ...
to v:ether or DOt a li~ .... can be issued in an improper zor:e.
3. Be "ported on a public ~iZIC sponsored b7 the Citizens ~:;r CYper-
ti:lC ?rop'ea. ec-1t.t.4!e bell December 19, 1967. The mat: t::¡.~c: at
this ..tine _ 0Ge =-nÚ12C street patterns an~ trat~ic: :~~-
tio::s in the .outhver.: prt o~ the City. He stated a su:=a...,. rev~ev
vu ude on the Ci~'s ~...._ for the betterment and ~eve::;ae::-:' o~
t!:ese roads in tbe ~.rttö:"e. :1e particularly pointed out t~e ;=- ~¡>cse~
iç:-:vements on MeCl-elia=. ?O&d, the extension ot Bubb ?::è ~::
5teTe~s :reek Boule'~, ~e extension of Stevens Freev&7 t:: Steve::s
::-~~ 3oulevard, ar.~ ~ ~.~bility of an interc:hange v:-:.~ t~e F:-ee-
~ ~i McClellan !'~. ::. -:'::'e latter instanc:e he sai:i t::'e E-:.ate's
~as~ ~csition baa ~e: ~~~itely negative but, after !:a7:~ :ee~
~7:S~: or the ~ou::~:·. ~~~ion. the Engineers h&v~ ~r~5~: ~~
:-e-e..-L.;öate tbe si-:....-:.~x. Ee had not yet heard trœ t:-:'e ::·.;:.t7 as
~: ~~e~:- partic1pa-:'io: ::: t::'e ~~bb Road improvements ~:i ~a: a
~~:~ schedu1.e~ vit.:: t::'e :i:-ector of Public Wor.u o~ t~e ::=t7 :::-.
:e:e:::er 8.
::=:. JohnaOI1 sUC&et~ ~r..:I& consideration to the i::p·:;7e:.e::t :.~
~~:: ?".:1 at it. .ow:.r.e= =:1, in addition to the other ::.:at::.::a
;,nr.c-..s17 ..nti~. -... :i't7 Mana,ger replied that. ~t vas ~~s =:!er-
stci:::e tbat all :a~~ sect.ions ot Bubo Road vou::i 1:e!
~.: ¡-e'~t drirlnc ~ :'-:. en"tirety.
At t::'~s point in hi. report 'there were questions and c~:t. !r-:a
t!:e &:o:!iencf" :oncern1roc a:ten1&te proposals tor trafti: patte=- an:!
the ~,¡ture plat""""C ~or .~"'. area. Th~re vere C~Dt.S a.:..s: =. ~.t.e
jes~:'&bilit:f' and øeees.~':7 ~! having sidevI<:lts or pedestrian va:k-
~s an::: ~he r.-au o~ 1:3st.all1ng and t' such improv_nt..
In :-esp.,r..,. to ODe c: t that. it vould be impo.sible t.o have a
tUßc~! fr.. the F£ç.__ œrt.o L 6o-foot street, both the Cit.7 -""Cer
ani ::>unc. t~r rerl.ew4 put eftorU to mùe McClellan Road a
9O-~:xn. street. th1s t.II4 beeÐ t.he Ci t7 Council's intent.ioc but.
ett'crts were .~ed _ ~ Cit.7 of San Jose and the COImt.7 had
&!read;)- set the vi4th ot tile .treet through earlier devel...,-nt...
4. He reviewed hi. oecot~1oaa aa the ac:quisi tion and fiDr.lcÚIC of a
park 51 te in tbe SCIIIt!Iwest area of the Ci t7 . Be c~nted that. toe
should have s~ 1'Iu't.ber 1.Ar_~::';:n shortly. A ctiSCUS8ÌCI1 followed,
Cit;r C.
'''1 ~..t+~
w1~ ---~ of the auoU._ Mnucing their views on pret'~
a quick acquisition of tile site rather than vai~iD8 rive ;rears 1;0
p1D title b7 the inat-n L -.thod; it vas arg1.:ed that the ti_
~ to acquire and IIDCItIIer five 7ears 4;0 !:œplete were ...:h ~
1aac. 'l'he JIqor c~~ t.IIat; the Ci t7 Council vas in .... t.
1Iat. ather tact.ors had 1;0 1Ie _idered. Counc. S~oItea po1llted CJIIt.
tIIa1; the Pvb Cœaiaaiaa -.I rec_ded a bond haue vi th1A the
..xt two )'ears and. ahoal4 th1a be a realit7. the parka cøu.ld be
--.ple'te4 within three ;rears iJlatead of the tell as _ntioDed.
5. Be reported t:at. pura~ 1;0 the Council's i>1strw:tions he }:ad
1.IIveatipte4 the poaaibWt;y of acquiring the D' Amico prope~ ..
~ site for t:e \:it7's C,,~~.~1011 Yard. He tho\ltt1t this vas ::<-
çpropriate ~::r this purpose .. the cost vas too hish tor a =-=r-yo-
rat.iœ J'ar:i ~. itself a=4 t.c ;:.&ce a park next to a c:orpc:rat~=
;rard vas n::t ¡:)Od. In ~s eII';~tion the available lan:i nero -:~
~e ::::¡.;:ration y~ a:a:: vas too expensive.
,,-,-prev": vu =-e;¡uestec1 !:7 ~e :i ~7 Manager !::,. the c:ons~,...~~:::: :;~
a co~ter ::; ~~e Plann~:c :~ss1~n Otti=e a~ a c:ost :;~ !-;~.::.
K...-ved by =:~=. :>emp8te:. .~=~~e: by C01.ò.."1~. ..·.;::r:son, ~:..~=.::"'::'=~
~e purc:as~ :~ a co~~~~ a:~ ~: &V&r1 the =c~s~r~ctic~ ~:~ .::.: ~~
:~ bid:ie,. s~ :-52.0C.
Ä!ES: :e:;5~~~, Johns=~. ~:. S~~«es. F~~=&e~a:à
XAYS : :\:=~
~=~~on carr:~: ;-:
Be reques~ei =-e:;)nside,.a~:::r. .:-¡- ~~e :oun:::: :::' ~heir p,.e·..:::...I
~n1al ~= ;:., _a.rrUlt ~:-: -:: )I':_~ Slater f.:;r ~he pre~a:~-::::. -,
;.:...n. a:d. .~:~~1c:.tlœ..a -:::: P-;;:o-;&: Park. :1:e jenlal ~&j ':~~:. :.:.
';~e basis ~::.~ the ezpe:.aes :.=..v:;:ved in dra\l:"~ the Wi:s~: ?!.:-.c:
;:ana ve~ :: !:.ave inc::·~:i -:.=.e ;:ans tor r=r~a: Park. :-:....u :=.e t
:::acsellsua t!:..~ probab:.y t=.e~ ~ been a l:".:s:¡:ljerstanc1i=4! ::~ :::
:&c:k of ~;:c:-..;:.::at.ions :;=. ........:i!:c work vti:t vas to have ·:e~:. ;",,.-
:'onDed a::..i ~-::~:her 1 t va.s ': ': :.aTe ~een done :>c ~he emp::';¡!!'e.! :-.-::.
~ime or ::. :::1 time.
:::ounc. lloe: ~!:.::usht the ::';7 vas obligated to pq tbis a::.:i =Te::
!or apprcva: ::~ pIIiJ1IIent., vi~ -:.he c:onditior. ~h&t all tu-:.......
.1tuations ::! similar na~'.U"e ~ acCClBplU1ied by ~~ t:.:>e
aDd -e'J' pr~~ to the alnbcr..zation ot the vork to be per.':;r:.e::.
nte IIOtiCII vas seconded b7 ::=. De::lpater.
Dellpster, Johnson. See:, St.okes. Fitz.gerald
Motion carried 5-C
Cü;t- ('\
ell Minutes
6. Ee reported on tile )IQ1.1q ot Pacific Gas . Electric ~or the under-
grounding ot uUUU- ... that $12./¡()O.OO had beeD allotted for
vcrJr. in the cit;y ~ 1968 tor this purpose. Be atated he had
bee:¡ advised tIIa& ~ "1' _t be expended cIuriJIc the 7e&r in
,.....i~ it vas __1--. bat the situatiœ".. at111 UDder atud;y
a::4 I:e vou1.d ~ A£-w A"A""rt..
9. C=c. De!apater _ _ till tllat a lle!lber of the C1~ Council attend
~e pubUc hear1Jlc to he held br the Cupertino 5alút&rJ' Diatrict,
~= ddit~.on to a« . -. 117 the Director ot Public Works. The
:~:-e~tor~f Public _... stated he understood the Sanitar:r District
Y:'"~:i :Beet but waaJ.4 CGIItiD_ t.he hearing tor an addi't~onal two
weeu. Mqor FU~ said he would be in attenda.:!::e, ~.
City A~~~:-:ley
1. :~ ,.~'-ieved t.he a:.:.e~ cor.tl1ct te~veen the ti= ;:'a~:::g trasb in
:::;e::~ion viti: ~ ~:.::!:.ise holjer ~or garbage ::::4!::~~ons. He
!:~:~: ~hat the ~~ra ~ ;~.~ion haj requested & =~:~~ss license
~::' :~~~ but vas ~~:~ ':.: ~rJt out s%et.hing sat:9~~:~:::; with the
~,.s=:~ise holder. :t... 't~e City A~~orney's :=re ~~~'t we could
,"::i eX}'enslYe ~''t~o: and he vi:: report ~~ 't!:~ :.~r. :eeting.
2. ~~ ~~;:r~~d aD t:~ ~-=:a=ce ~et~e~ ~~~ State ~, :.::~:~:& L,d the
·.~s: ";s.::'eoy In:1..--;~a.:.. ?ark o! thre~ p:'eces or' ç-::~:' :..~ :.:5~,
.: ~:. !L::j .084 acres. ~. exchange ~ook pla::e ~~~~,. 't:.e referen-
':..=:. !':~=tion oc -;:'e =az:.ce o:! zon:~. ~~d C'ocse:¡'..;.e:.-;:..;r ~::'ese three
;~~:!'! r~~u1re ~:~ ISDe %c~inc as ~~~ r~st o~ ~~~ r~~~·:" Me read
~~::~~:. !o. ~~_ ~~~ ~~~. rezon:r.~ anj d~clar:~ ~~~ ~x:~anges
::.~:-~:~ .
~.:'.',!:: :y ~O\lZlC.: ¡ '-:'eor, le:·:>nde.1 :)" :~unc. ·'~~-9
;1:.:~ S::. 364 u -.r. :p:.r:y :>rdina::~~.
~:.a~t Ordi-
..:...:=::: :empster. :::.~:c, Soel. S':.":Ì(~s. ritzpr&.::
.......:.::: :¡,:me
Mot1o~ ::L~~i 5-:
~ire~::,. ~~ Public -=r&5
He ~.~o-t~:i that the -~.&...y... Içrovemen~ Project, t.&e -"L~::= ?arr. -.¡:rove-
_~~ ::-~:ect, the Où 11'·....'1 Billa DevelopceDt, the :!l:.dy ?:;~k
Dev~::;==t, and the ~ Road Project were nearir.c ::=pletion.
The :;:.::-a=tor for ~ JIeCl.elllU1 Road storm drain i:1t.e:::!e:1 to start con- next veek. 3e~. ..ted that Portal Park a::.d ;;~:son Park
vere 5.>;:-oximate17 50S ::~e at this time.
He re,~ested permlas1cc t.o ha....e the cash bond of $4,000.00 ret\IDded to
Mr. ':::ue ot Mt. C~ ¡:;rl_ at'ter its replacement vit~ a suret7 bond
of l::t~ a::ount.
Ci t;r C-----] JI1Dutes
JIøft4 b1 cOllDC. stolt", HCOGðe4 b1 counc. Dempster, t.hat on receipt
of a auret:r boD4 ot $1t.000.00 tbe City Clerk be authorized to draY
. warrant retmw'i7'8 the ",000.00 cash bond now on deposit.
Mot.ioa carr1e4 5-0
Ii&YS :, Jotmsoa, 5oel, Stokes, Fitzgerald
L Clt;y Engineer
Mr. ltenneth Bard vas int.rocIw:ed 117 the Director oî Public Works as new City Engineer.
JIoYed 117 Cou::c. Keel, seco:1ded 117 Counc. Stokes, to adop" Resolution
Bo. 1549.
Motion carr~ed 5-0
? =:J'ector.:>~ Planning
Be advised ~:e :oUDcil t.ha~ & set ot neightorhood =aps tad :ee~ ~istri-
: .rted to t:e: as the prev~O".a !:lapS in use were outdated. F'.<r+.;her
.t~es o~ ~h:s are in pr--cress.
~ief Bui::i:::g rnapector - S~ report
:. :~rector:~ ?~~Às and Recr~a~:~~ ~Absent - Xc repc~~
:~tT Clerk - :~rector of F~~=e
5e ba4 not::::,J to ~rt b-..t re:inded the :ouncil tr...t :ar:....ary 15, 1968,
... t.he last recular sched~ed meeting dat~ at vhict ~he :~~ci: could
approve vt1~ vas to be cn the :&:lot tor the April e:ec+.;i~~.
Å discussion ~:~n took pla=e on the procedure to be rolleved in selecting
an archite:t to draw the p:&:s for the library, should the bond issue be
axcesstu:. :1!e Cit.7 ad-,ised that when the C: ty Hal: built
t;:¡ere vas no need to advert~se tor an architect as about fitt7 had
a¡¡plied. ~e :lumber of 8P1':~can~s vas then narrowed te betveen five and
tea and reterred to t.he Council tor selection. Coo..;.nc. Dempster suggested
~t. the City Manaøer review all applications received, reduce the number
to no IIOre than five and auba1\; his recommend...tions to the Cit7 Council
for their consideratiara at an adjourned meeting on Januar:r 29, 1968, at
7 P.M. in the CitT Manaøer's Office. This suggestion received the con-
c:=rence 0:' the other Cour:ci~n.
X -.-1. .mnm BUSIBESS - None
Ciq Courlcil Minutes
II n.~ BUSIBESS - Jfoae
~:d b7 C ounc. Stokes. seconded b7 Counc. Johnson, to adJourn the
Notion carried, 5-0
i'he _ting adJo_oAd at 9:46 P.M.
Isl WIll. E. R:Jder
Cit7 Clerk
1M Jerry Fitzgerald
~or, City ot Cupertino