CC 12-19-66 . . . , . , -, p"c.,,,· ., ..... 2-2 ,-~- ... _...- ...'O" - .- 1'.:)300 Torre~7~~'~i!, Cupertino, Calif.. ~- . - CITY OP CUP_ CalIfornia .' - ~ I NO IU.-'~ OP 1~ ::.:DULAR Jluusn-' OP THE CI7Y :OOWCIL - Dece!llber 19. 1966 !'1M3: Cour.::': :hambera, 10300 Torre Ave::~e. Cupert1no, CaUfornia ~: 8:OC :.~. I sn.....-::....... "HE PIAO II ROt:. :.1.:.: Co¡;::: . Co~:. ~: ent: :1t: ~~er, Fi~=~~~:j, Johnson, Soel, S~o~es Rone Sta:"':" ;:-~s¿nt: C1ty Attorney, S;~ ;nderson D1rec~or of ?~~:~: .orks, ?ran~ P1r.ney P1nan~e D1re:::~. ~ay Haddor. D1rec~or of F:~~~:::~, Adde La~~~~ C1~7 Er~lnee~. ~: S~ook P.ecrea~lon D~~~:::~, John Pa~~ã~ AS8is~ant Pla:"".=-.-:::-. ..-i~ Nuz·';:-:. Cr..1e~ !Ul1dl::~ ::-:$;"-=::or, ~1::" =~:'".e·.-i :::. Recording Se:~~:~~Y, Lols !::~a~~ --.,. --- K!~. .:.E :?" THE FP.EV:OC5 !o!EETI~:; - - ~ ~ ~,. :--:,:¿~ber :, -;,,":-: Þk';-:?: ::- :~unc. JO!'"LS==-., secc::':::.-: =:: :"o'..lnc. ~¡:.-e:"~ ~J '1PI=':·.:·,-~ t~e V"- -.8 Of D.~.-~.- ~ l~~; .- - -.- ----...--..." ...-~. MO~~c~ carri~': --: (Mayc~ Stokes ;:~:~~::ed) :V OF":': ....:: -.1UTTEN COMK:~CATIOX':: WE:.. ~s: A. :.¿::'!:' from !itr. Don Marks, a~...:~:".~ that t!"".e ~~::¡ of :_~~~1no procla1= ~he mc:::~ :~ January as "O~~1c1sl V;a~::: of Dll!:es Mo:-.~h." Sc =: ~: :y Counc. Fi~zgerald, ~~::::jej by C~~~~. Johr.sc;. Motlon carr1e':, =-J OR:..: : The::-= "-::"e no oral c()l:lllU111cat~:::~. -1- ." _. _"__0._0__.. V A. REPOR::: ::.ANNING C~SS!ml (See ·,:~:-;';t,=s cf 12/12/66) 1!ce-Chalr:æ:. 3uthenuth suc~ltted tr.~ ~~~~:e5 :f December 12, 1966, as ~::~ed. Be commented tr~e::y :~ t~e applications reviewed a~ ~~4: meeting, as well as ~~e progress made on :he ...~1ting :::' ~::.~ S1gn Ordinance. Counc. Jot:~:~ asked for clar1fIcatic:-; :f Condition 13 on appli- cation 8-u-:¿. CODlD. B.1thenuth said ::-~s was the saCle as on the original at...·~val regarding atreet imprc';ements in front of subject prcpe~y to be to the satisfa:~~~n of .the City stafr. 1. PRANKl--S-3AHL: ApplIcation 15-Tr.-¿: - Extension of Tentatl.~ ~p, Oak Knoll Hills s~td1vislon. Approval reco~~~ by Planning CODlDIss1c:-; ~e~olut'Jn No. 389, Decemter :2, 1966. ~ Plann~=-.f :1r.;!ctor s8i1 an ~xteì!S~::-, ::' a Tent8tI':~ ~p lIOuld not :::::-::ally come te~':)I-e the C'::·.;:._·~l, t~t 1n ::-.1s cas::!, one addi t10na: : ::::ii t10n was p:aced or. : ::e :,=::ewa 1. ~he City ~_~:'::-?er expla~::~~ ~r.e ajj~-~:7"'_~::' :0:::::!~1cr& ·"¡3.3 ~"-.a: :'mmed1ate ~:-:$~on contr~: ~s ~c :e -::-:..::: _~:r-? ::', :=:-~~ :~.~z :-AS alrea':'~.~ >=~:: done. ::--_~ ::-~:"lj!~~.::... ~: :: :'":o?'l -:: ~:-.: '::-'": ·~:--.a: ~ efrec~~ -= -=-~slon c~:'"'..::"-:: !s !~p:::.-.:;-:'.'>_': :·.~r~. MI~u_.:. :!?~EP.: M~·:~:: ::.- Coun~. :~:=€"eralj, ':-:':~".:-~:'::; ~-:-...:"".-.. ~~:.~--, ";0 appro';~ - ~ ~xtens1:;=-. ::- ::-:y.-~. "'·,1~·~::-,:. kYES: ~YS: c::_: : N- -~ "-.'- :'-=~pster, :~..:z~'!?r::::j, -..-,_.~~_., '~~'~<., 5,,:::,.:1.:: Motlc~ :~~~~j, ~ -. REPO¡::- :? :'RE ARCH::=::-:'".-P;',:' A~':' (See ~~~_:~S of 12/:/~~) .. --- .~ :~::;;:O·:.:..: ,...,...,~......---.-== ..".. -- - --.... :r.alrman ?~::...... recomme::1e:' :l'"'..e DeC'e~.,:.~:- :-::~ ~·~~~,..:e~ -_ appro·:ej. So moved -::: :.:'..:...."lc. Noel, s-:conded t:; :-::.~~.~. ~"TO!.::SO=-.. J..YES: NAYS: C~··- ' I,.. __... . ~c:-,~ :'emp3ter, ?~ :zgerald, ...-~;.:-.s'::1, Noel, S:0/.'23 Motion ~a~~ed, 5-: v: PUBLIC 1E.~.:==:J.s 1. APPLI:~~J~ 10-2-66: J. MARCHES~ & SON - Rezon1n~ ~f apprcx:::2.~~1y 20 acres from Al-1¡: :: Pl2.m.ed Devel:;¡pment (P) ~~:~ ?lanned Ind~s:r1a1 Par~ (X?) use, located at 1nters=::~:Jn of Pruneridge Road an.i 1'a¡.tau f.venue ex- tensi:~~. west of Westsood oaks s~t:iiv1s1on. Approval recorn=¿::.ied by PlannIng Commission Resolut1on No. 334. Counc~: ~rd1nance No. 3u9. (F1rst Read1pg) -2- Attc~ey Lou1s Pas~u1nelli, lE94 ~he Al~.ce1a, 2a~ ;~~:, re- presen~ed the applicant. He said they are req~es:~~~ tiÜ5 re20~~ng beCRuse it 1s in keeping with adjacent p:~pertles. The Planning Director said the Planning Commission was in favor of this application and conditions hav~ beer. placed on the rez;)ning. Mr. walter ward. General Manager of Vallco Park, said this rezoning is conaistent and compatible with the adjacent pro- perties. Moved 117 Counc. ~",pøter. seconded by Counc. Noel, to close the pt..1bl1c bear1DP. A~: Counc. D~pøter, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Coun<:. Noel, tr.at tr.1s cons~ltute the First Reading of Ordinance '.k. 349. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fltzge~ld, Jo~~son, Noel, S:~~es NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 2. ,;?PLICATION 11-Z-66: WILLIAM NORTON - Rezcnir.¡: c:' approximately one acre fro~ Al-43 to L1g~t Inj~s:~ial (~), located on east side of Blaney Aven~e, 3rp~~X- ~::J8tely 360 feet soutt: of F.ornestea:' Road. Aprr;:\'3.1 ~~commended by Planning Commission Reso1~ticr. ~2. '~~. ~:~ncil Ordinance No. 350. (First Reading) Mr. Je.id MacKenzie, P.O. Box F, Los ~ltos, was pre~~nt to repr~5ent Foothill Publishing Company. He said ! !'.~ ~ prope~::: wll: be used for a publishing ccmpany. The ?:annlng Director said Condition 13 st~uld ins~~~ :~.at we get a nice facility here, :ust nortt: of the p.G. & E. bul:jlng. Move: èy Counc. Noel, secondej by Counc. De~pster, :0 cl~s~ the p~tlic h~ar1ngs. AYES: NAYS: ABSTA:NED: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, N~el, Stokes Hone Counc. Fitzgerald Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Co~c. Noel, tr.at tr.e Mayor's reading or Ordinance 350 constitute t~e First'Readln~. AYES: NAYS : ABSTAINED: CounC. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes None Counc. Fitzgerald Motion carried, 5-0 -3- VII ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION There were none. vxn: PAYING BILLS A. Resolutions Ho. 1384 and 1385. Counc. Dempster read Resolution 1384. Moved by Counc. Johnson. seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt Resolution 1384. AYES: 1IA'IS : Counc. D..-pster. Fitzgerald, Johnson. Noel, Stokes None Motion carried, 5-0 Counc. Dempster read Resolution 1385. Moveù by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolution 1385. AYES: HA'IS : Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Jo:-.nso:-:, !:oel, Stokes None Mo:~~n carriej, 5-0 :X REFeR':' OF OFFICEP.s A. REPORT OF C!TY ':'F.EASURER Cc~nc. Demps:er :-~j no fur:~er repor:. B. REPORT OF C!:'Y Y';.!:AGER .. In the atser.ce of the ~ity ~~:-:ager, :~~ City ~::orneJ summarize1 ,;:-.e Va11co LID as ::-.e Co:¡~er-Unr''';:, :".mds apply to ~:. Mr. Ward also maje a ~e~ s:ate~en:S and suggested ';:-~s matter te put ever ''';:-::~: the C~:y Manager IS present. So mc";ed by Counc. ::>e:1pster. seconded t:¡ Co-.;.::·:. J ûhn¡;"';!l. Motlo~ carried, 5-0 2. May=r Stokes announced that the ~~tJ Y~nager has suc- ceeded in signing up 8~ of the proper:y owners involved in the De Anza LID, and w~ are no~ assured tr~t it will proceed. ~J~UT~ O~ER: Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded ty Counc. Fitzgerald, to authorize the Director of Public Works to proceed ~ith the necessary steps as regards the De Anza LID~ AYES: HAYS: Counc. Dempster. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes None Motion carried, 5-0 -4- - - C. SPORT OF D~ OF PUBLIC WORKS .... The Count7 Board of Supervisors have postponed for one week the _tter of the extra-terr1tonal Jurisdiction for the soatbwest corner of McClellan and Stelling, with regard to the De Anza LID. 2. The De Anza LID 1s proceeding, as has a1rE'ady been reported. 3. Work on tbe vall co LID ha3 cOUlDenced. The City Atto1'DeJ' adv1sed that it would now be 1n oroer to authorize escrow proceedings 1n the amount of $61.550. Moved by Counc. 1Ioel. seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald to place the :xmey in escrow upon request of the Bond Attorney. AYES: HA '!S : Counc. ~_pAter. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Nvel, Stokes None . Mo~ion carried, 5-0 We hope to ~2.e the necessary plans :or Homestead Road from the Cc'~~7 in January in order ~o ::Je<;t tÍ1e February deadline ~or acquIsition of necessary rig~ts of way in the City c~ ~~pertino. - - . One of ~~~ v~ps up at ê~e gall~ry ~s g~~nE. We have received :~~s :rom Weste~ Puu-þ ~n1 :as~a1e Pump. The Dire:::r =: ~Jblic ~~rks recomce~=e~ acceptance of the Weste~" ?~,p bid for $1)60.62 for :~e replacement of the p~, a~j we ca~ save the oo:or. Sc =~~ej by Co~.:. See:, seconjej by Co~nc. ?~:zgeral~. A~: RA~: CounC. De~r~,,;er, Fitzgerald, Jol".:¡so:-., Hoel, Stokes None ~~ior. carried, 5-0 ~. The Director o~ Public Works said t~ere 1s also some exterior ~~~ter work to be done :7 a~other contrac- tor for t;:;.~. So ~~ej by Counc. Je=pster, seconded by Co-~:. Pitzgerald. AYES: HA '!S : CounC. D pDter, Fitzgerald, Johnsor., Noel, Stokes None Motion carried, 5-0 -5- - D. REPORT OF CITY ENG:rN'.EEli - 1. Vallco Park office building, so~theast corner of Homestead Road and Pruneridge Avenue. As recommended by the City Eng1neer. it was moved by Counc. JJ _ ",ter. seconded by Counc. Johnson, to authorize the release ~ ~he bond. inasLNch as this work 1s encompassed by the P.roJect 64-1 Assessment District .blch is currently under CCG8truction. MOtion c~ed. 5-0 2. Tract No. 4188. north side of Voss Avenue at Lockwood Dr1ve. As recommended by the City =:Ilgineer, it was moved by Co'mc. D I~ter, seconded by Co~c. Fitzgerald. to adopt Reso1~tion 1382 . A~: BYS: Counc. Dempster. ~:zgerald, Johr.son, N:el, S~e?es None Motion ~a~~ed 5-0 ~. Howard R~:~, develcpe~, ~~~nked the Council ~:~ :~e~~ a=~~on and tte City fer :~~ lc,e1y Christmas ~a~~, ~:a:~~g ~~~ this set a pre:e1e~: ~~~ ~1m. }.-S :-ecommende.i by t::e ,:~::.- ::~..g~neer, it was r.::.--;-::-: ::.- ::-..;.:-¡~. Sc~:, secondei ~y Co'~.~. ?~:zgera1d, to adop: ~e~::~:~c~ 1383. T."L V'" . ~.__. Counc. Demps:er, None ?~:=gera1d, Jor~son, "..- &;0 ~ ........ --, '::::::":~s l~' -....- . Motio~ ca~~ej, 5-0 J-e recommended by tte Ci:7 ~~ineer, it was rnc,e~ :7 ~~~nc. ~1, seconded by Cc~r.c. ~:zgera1d, to adop: Fe~c:~:~c~ 1386. J..~: ]¡kYS : Counc. Dempster. ~:zgera1d. Johnson, !::el, :::::.;.es None Motior. ~a~~ed, 5-0 3. Tract No. 42t5, WAC- side of Saich Way a: S:e,e~s Creek Blvd. ~_. Reynold M. Watson, o~ .a~son and Assoclate~, ~a~= ~hat :.n order to o~ ~aln a bond ~!:.ey have to have a ccnstr-~c:ion oontract. He asked 1f tr~ Council would accept a $25,000 cash deposit, including the $4,000 required ty tte Sanitary ~tr1ct. It was his understanding that an assessment district ror Stevens Creek Blvd. 1s currently under way wrdc!:. would a~matically pick up the d1~ference. -6- - e lByor Stokes asked who is now the legal owner of the property. JIr. Watson said they wnl become the legal owners of this pro- perty right af'ter approval of' the Final MaP. Mr. Watson said they will agree to enter into the Assessment District after the7 become legal owners of the propert7. However, there is a good possibil1t;r the;y will be wanting to do this work themselves prior to the LID project. He said they are in agreement with the LID if the Council will consider they are within their time limits. The City Attorney gave the opinion that this is a substantial enough amount of money, if the Council cares to grant this request. The breakdown is as follows: San! tary District. . . . $11,000 Lots 2 and 3 . .. . .$10,00(: Lot 1 . .. .... . :l,a~ Of' the $21,000 bond posted, they are to Rat: 3: days after conclusion of the contract and then recei.e :~e return of 9~ of that amount. The remaining l~ would be re:ai~ed by :~e City to guarantee the one year's maintena~~e. Mr. Watson asked if Lot 3, which they are sel:~ng :0 :~e yyç~, could be excluded from this. He asked ~or ~o~ple:e de~erme~: of Lot 3. The City Attorney said our Ordl~a~~e ~as no prov~~~:~ for this. Mr. Watson said the YMCA is ~lcs~:-.ã ::-;e ::!eal wi ::,~:-. just a few days. They are closing this ieal ;-:er a y~ar te:' :r':: they plan to build. The agreement was that the Council would ac~ep: t~e $2l,QO: ~~~~ and also that Mr. Watson sign the Agree=e~" :~ enter t~e L!: in order to obtain approval of the Final ~~p ~cr Parcell. Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Co~nc. ?~:zgerali, to accept the cash bond for $21,000 and the applicant ~st si€~ the lID, and this approval is conditionei O~ approval by t~e Sanitary District. AYES: NAYS: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Jo:-.nson, ¡joel, Stokes None Motion carried, 5-0 Upon recommendation of the City Engineer, it was moved by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to adopt nesolutic~ 1381, subject to receipt of the $21,000 bond. AYES: NAYS: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes None Motion carried, 5-0 .. . . . Z. REPORT OF CI'l'Y A'l"l'ORNEY The City Attornq stated the Varian report will be ready for the next meet1ng. II. REPORT OF BUILDIBG INSPECTOR He had no report. G. REPORT OF RECREATION DIRECTOR 1. There are now 1018 people registered in 69 classes of 22 different: courses. 2. There were 65 senior citizens attendir.g their third annual Chrls~œs party. 3. 7~ere is now ar. ajult oil painting class at Palo Alto Savings a~1 Loan. ~. ~~ere are t~~ r.ew jog tra~ning classes. 5. T~ere was ar. :~ t~rnou: ~or the firs: Sræistmas Da~ce for t~e ~~enagers. 6. :";0 trips ar." planned f>:,:, "The Wizar6. :: Oz." 7. :~e Director =~s~~ssed pa:'~ planning ^~:~ Ribera and S~e in thel~ ~~~~~es. 8. :~e Directcr =a=." a trip :0 the Federa: offices in San Francisc: :0 discuss ~aricus progra=s and funds a,"a1lable. 9. :~e City Eng~.eer, Mr. ~lien Beck an= :~e Recreation Jirector me: :: discuss park utilities. H. REPORT OF PI.ANNTI:O DIRECTOR 1. :'he City Mar.ager r.as l"skel that the report on the St. Joseph's area be defered and expar.d~d to encompass adjacent prcperties. 2. The Zoning Maps are now ~ompleted. The Director pro- ~sed they sell for $3.0~ for the complete book or ~1.00 for ar~ four pages. Ee proposed t::'e set of Ordinances sell for $3.00 or $1.00 for separate Ordinances. The Director said that, in the past, the General Plan has been sold for $1.00. He proposed the whole new package sell for $6.00. In addition, he introduced an entirely new service in the City of Cupertino: that of a subscription service fer keeping the above up-to-date, at a cost of $6.00 per year. -8- . . The Finance D1reCtQr said he went over the cost of reproducing for the past siX øonths to a year and, since we have no further bac;cground data, these prices seem to be in line. 'I'he City is not proposing to II8ke any money on them. Counc. Johnson ~e1t the taxpayers should not these booklets; t:tat they already pay taxes. stated costs for :reproducing these booklets. Counc. Dempster d1.aagreed. He said the average taxpayer 1s not interested in obt:A11'11ng copies of these documents. Counc. Fitzgerald ae,.£¿ed that this is of no use to the ordinary citizen, but the info1'lll&t1.on is very valuable to certain people. have to pay for He questioned the The City Atto~F said this is common practice in other cities. The charge does DO~ include the documentation expense, only the cost of reproduc~lon. Mo,ed by Coune. Deops~er, seconded by Coune. Noel, to adopt the pri~es suggested ~ the Director of Plann1r~. AYES: NA!S: Counc. ~ter, Fit~gerald, Noel, Stokes Coune. Jc:::-.son ~ct~on carr~ej, 4-1 I. REPORT OF ~ -1~SCE DIRECT03 The Direct:~ ~eported tr2: the 19E7 ~/~-tcn pickup truck ordered frç: :c~tesy Che,~olet, ty orier of the City Coun- ~il, was ~~sej within ~J days. It ~AS now bee~ 90 daY5 and the sa:e~r. had no ~jea when this could be delivered to the City. ~r.e City ~~nager and FirAnce Director checked around, ar~ ~c'~1 another suitable one ~~ West Valley Ford for $413 1~~e~r.ce in pr~ce, ava~latle immediately. The City At~:~ey said t!~t since there ~as no performance by the c~~ser. :~1der, they can go ahead and buy from anyone. ~~ed by Cou.~c. De~ter, seconded by Co'~c. Noel, to authori=e the purchase c~ t~e pickup truck from West 7alley Ford. AY3S: NAYS: Counc. j:_P8ter, Fit=ferald, JO~~50r., Noel, Stokes None ~tion carried, 5-0 X ~~SHED EU~·.~~ ---- There was none. XI NEW BUSINESS------------ There was none. XII ADJOURNMENT Moved by COUDe. DemØ6ter, seconded by the meeting at 9:35 P.M. MOtion carried, 5-0 ~~h- -' ~rector Cou.~c. Johnson, to adjourn APPROVED: /s/ -9- Ga:l Stokes yor