CC 12-05-66 I 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, California . 252-4505 CITY OF CUPERTINO )I1J.ftU'l'~ OF TBB 1UIIItU.LAR ~l',UiG OF TBB CITY COUNCIL December 5, 1966 .. II.ACB: Council Chambers. 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino. Cal1f'ol-m.a ~s 8:00 P.M. I SAlDTE TO 'l'BB ftAO V1.-e-Mayor P1tzprald presided over the meeting, in the abaence of ~yor Stokes. II ROLL CALL C'=.:',:. present: C':. :-::. absent: Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Fitzgerald Mayor S';.:J:<es ~ ~ :':" p:-esent: :1';y Man3ger, Phil Storm :~ty A~t:rney, Sam AnGerson ?inanc~ Jlrectcr, Kay Haddon 21re':~0r :;:' Public Works, Frank Finney D1rec~or cf ?lannlng, Adde Laurin Direct:r c~ Recreation, John Parham ^SS1Sté~~ Planner, Jim Nuzum :~1ef r-~~:jlng Inspector, Bill Benevich F~corjln. Secretary, Lois Inwards III ~,:';-':::3 OP THE P!I.E-¡rOUS ~:-:£'rINGS - Nov. 21 & 29, 1966 ..~ ": ~y C.:J~~. J~t~son, ~e~ondej by Counc. Dempster, that ·,:~~'..:tes of Ji~':. 21, 1'?66, be approved as read. .0 ~-:::..~: Co;;.nc. ~:::pster, JcLnson, Noel, F1 tzgerald X~ :-2 : NO:"le . r.çayor S~c~"?~ ~Ivtlon carried, ~-O c: .:::. JOlll:son had the following correction to tt'e Nov. 29th ~~:-~:es, page 5. last para~raph: Strike the last sentence ~.:".:: :'e~lace ",1th the following: "The Parr11!h House w1ll be revieweà by the landscape architect for feasibility and posSibility ot location." ~c~ed by Counc. Johnson, seconded ty Counc. Dempster, to ap;r~ve the Minutes of Nov. 29, 1966, as corrected. AE;S: NAYS: ABSEm' : CounC. Demps1;er, None Mayor Stokes JQhnson, Noel, Fitzgerald Motion carried, 4-0 -1- . . \ IV ORAL AND WR.l'l"r.tJ'i Coroom:CATIONS There were no written co~~i~atio~. Mr. Robert Bennett, 10346 So. Stelling Road, CUpertino, asked for clar11'lcat1on of who i8 to pay for the De Anza College park1ng lot 'Which the newspaper øa1d has recent17 been acquired. '!he C1t7 Manager sald this wl11 be sprn43 over the total J'oothill College DistrIct, not to 3ust the ad3acent property owners. 1i j ! ~ i , A. j , ; , ~ v RBPOR'l' OP P.LA1IlIIJIJ CONMISSIOlf (See Minutes of ~ovember 28, 1966) CoIIID. Horgan, p1Dch-hltting for Chai:man B1rshon, felt the Minutes spoke for themselves. He "ffered to answer &n7 quest1ons. There 'Were nO!'le. B. REPœT OP Af«;J:u'l'&'-l"tJML AND SITE APPROVAL COKMIT'l'EB (1fo meeting) Chai~n Fitch explained there t~j been no applIcations; hen~e, !'IO meeting. However, h¿ w~uld reserve any comments on ':h¿ iil1son PM~rt:¡ ".u-.tll that ltem came up on the agenda. C. REPORT OF' PA..~S COM;-aSSrO~ (~eE't1ng cor:1::1.'lec! wit!· ~~~;n=ll "ee~ing of Nov. 29th.) VI Fl'FL! C ~JGNQC A. Applicatlon 13-&-66: WrlRN~ ft~LSON - Use Fermlt for Auto~bl1e Accessorle~ anj Appllance Store on Stevens Creek Elvd., 487 feet e~st of Cupertino Post OffIce. Jenled by Pl~~!'Iing Ccrnmls~lc~ Resolution No. 381. ~ouncl1 ResolutIon No. 1380. Appeal filed. Mr. wilson distributed a plot plan cf the entire development tc the Council, stating that he ~ld not agree with statements made ln the laet iH~ue of the rvurier. He saId tha proposed Fir¿stone store is a part of the shopping cert~r they have been t~Jing to develop for years. He explaIned that now~days, it 1s very pract~cal to have a TEA operation (tires, batte~!es, accessories) in front of" a ùepartment store. Firestone has over 1200 stores allover the cou~try, and they have offered the concess1on of a gabled roof, which will be unique at the CUpertino location. Mr. Wilson said it has been established that there is a higher traffic count west of Highway 85 on Stevens Creek Blvd. Pirestone wants to be right across the street from the Gemco TBA. In addition to the TBA, Firestone will have a retail store sf:1ling t~levisions, radios, refrigerators, and other electric appliances. -2- . Mr. Ba~CUe, 1228 P1ac1ntra, ruarton, california, Real Estate IJIft..10n of' lP11:'e8tone Store8~ they have ade IUl'VQ' aD4 have chosen Cupert1no .. a location tor one ot the1r .t~.. Be .aid Sears, ,......,., lIa1e., The Broadwa7, aDd otber 4e~t atores gene~ locate the1r auto aerv1ce otores in tbe 1"ront, where t~ caD be seen 117 mtorlata. Be Nrðr1'8d the Councl1 to tbe new ~leld ..11 as an eDJIPle. Be .tree.eeI tll&t th1a 18 a clean operat1on. !be1 40 bada-.. 1Iben tbe aJ1opp1DS oeater 18 open. '!bq .eU auto acc6U01'1.., electric app11--.., and eo. 1a1ID aDd f I1"4eD npp11... Be II81d he be11.... the p1........ eo.- ld8a1oD 4eD1e4 tb1a applicat10n becau.. tbe7 dId DOt ant tld.a tJpt 01" bu81œ8. in tbe area. Be 1"elt this .a 8G~.bat capr101oua .1Dce there 18 a1read7 tb1. tJIIe bu81nes. acro.s the street. '!be ".I'mt. D1reCtor .dd the reason beb1Dð the Use P'enit procedure 1s the s1t\ßt1on where a use Id8ht tit into ao.e c~rc1al 10cat10D11 bat DOt necesaar1l7 1D all. '!'he use 1s DOt cOllll8t1ble With the rest ot the area, except tor the comers ot Stelling aD! HighWay 85. Th1s ls start1ng to develop 1nto a vel7 nice shopp1ng center, but could be .t11l1ed 1t uses are DOt caretull;v screened. 111'. WUaon teels the Pl.nn1ng Department ls taU1ng to recog- nize the T!IA relat10n to department stores. The Firestone people know IIIOre about this than we do. Counc. !foel agrees that Firestone does know this 1s an excellent place to be. It would be right 1n tront and would get all the traff1c and turther, 1t would not be so good tor anyb0d7 go1ng 1n the baCK. We JllU8t look at the whole plcture here. C.:Iunc. Dermpeter asked Mr. WUson w~ these newer buildings are being brought right up to Stevens creek Blvd., when the earlier developllent was set back w1th park1ng 1n the tront. Be DOted the proposed department store w~ll have DO exposure to Stevens Creek Blvd. Mr. WUson expla1ned the;v "L'd" the shopping center ott betore the grove ot trees. V1ce-Ma;vor Fltzgerald asked w~ the aesthetlcall;v nicer bul1d1ngE were plarmOi#d tor t'le rear port10n ot the propert;v and the Firestone store and Red Barn are scheduled to go r1ght out 1n front. Counc. Jobn8on agreed w1th the concept ot a 'l'BA 1n tront ot a Sears or P'ermeya store, where there might be many uses w1thin that cOlllll8relal com-plex because the 01117 people attected would be that Seare or P'erme;va store. But here we are running up aga1nat a ..11 vUlage shopp1ng center. Be asked 11" we rea11;v want an auto serv1ce center wlth open ba;vØ tactag out onto Stevena Creek Blvd. In this area. Mr. Wilson asked w~ we can't do It It a Broadwa;v store can. V1ce-Ma;vor Fitzgerald sald he ls atrald the proposed department store w11l end up as another discount store. Mr. W11son sa14 there ls n.,t enough land here 1"or a dlscount store. V1ce-Ma70r P1tzgerald sald the answer lies In the Ordlnance, whereln this t;vpe use calls tor a T1se P'erm1t because 1t 18 something other than what 1s des1red 1n a commerc1al zone. . . . :. -3- e Moved by Counc. !foel, the Public Bear1Dgll. A~: CO¡n1C. DeIIIpIter, Johnson, Noel, Fitzgerald XA'!S: None ABSßRT: Mayor StoJáts . 8econded by Counc. Johnson, . to close . Jl)t1on cur1ed, 4-0 Counc. JobDaon stated. tJJat we should _ke ever'7 effort to keep this the pr1IIe ~ ~ n7'Q1a1 area that 1t 1s. Be does not teel open bQa would contribute to this. Be believe.. it would dictate the t7P8 bII8111ees ~nd architecture to be daveloped here. Be added t~t be would like to see Firestone 1n Cupertino, but at S«118 other location. Counc. Noel agreed. Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Noel, that appli- cation 13-U-66 be denied. AYES: NAYS: ABS~T: Counc. Dempster, None ~3yor Stokes Johnson. Noel, Fitzgerald Motion carried, 4-0 Mr. W~:~o~ then read his prepared statements in regard to the proposed $600.000 improvements. He emphasized that the Straw Rat a~j :he Red Barn are the highest and best uses which can be ~je i~ this grove of mature trees near the Post Office. All è~~:j~ngs are set back 65' or more from Stevens Creek Blvd. He said ~~pertino ~eeds this development. There is now more traffl~ on West Stevens Creek Blvd., than on East Stevens Creek Blvd. S~aw's Is a gem of a bul1ding. The old house wl11 be landscaped professionally. Straw Hat is a ranch type buildIng and the Red Barn i& a classlc. De Anza students wl11 love them all. ~~. W1lson asked If the Council wants the students to go sOM;where else. The Co~cl1 noted that the Architectural and Site Approval Commlttee submitted the Red Barn application without recommenda- tion. Straw Bat and Shaw's have been recommenðp.d for approval by that è¢dy. Mr. Jor_"1 Challis, Western Regional Director for Red Barn, sald the bu11dlr.g has undergone a substantial change since the 3-Cont~ol approval ot their business three years ago, which was subsequently den1(:d by tne City Council. He would like, at the end of the meeting, to take the Councilmen to Red Barn's new building at Rengador1' and El Camino, for their personal evalua- tion. He brought no rendering of the new concept of the Red Barn. He did, however, present several pictures ot how it will look, with Dome III1nor changes. Mr. Challis said they cater to middle-class tamil1es. they do not cater to teenagers. They do not intend to have outside eating. They anticipate doing a business of $300,000 to $400,000 per year, which would give the City a healthy revenue. -4- , . Since the ~ectural and Site Approva~mmlttee ~na1rman had left the ~ting, Committeeman Small~s asked why the Committee passed t~~s app11cation on without recommendation. 1Ir. Small said that, unfortunately, he was the wrong one to ask lI!!nce his vas the on17 d1ssenting vote on that motlon. Be said the ColZlll1ttee noted that land offered for sale or lease must come under the Subd1vlsion ordinance, over which the Co1lll1ttee has no Jur1l1d1ction. He added that this appli- cation 1s Dlch better than the Red Barn's previous one. Counc. Dellpeter askad the .tart about the parking. The Chief :adldlng Inspector aaS.d that slnc~ no plot plan has been ebo1m to the Architectural and Site Approval Co1llD1tte, thi8 ... not been reviewed b7 t.... Architect Ed Myer8 sald the parking area doe8 meet the ordinance. It has been calculated within the red lines on the plot plan displayed ton1ght. 1Ir. Challis said that, wlth the tight money these days, his corporaticn has the mone,' available to go ahead with thil!. Counc. De:¡pater vas 8t111 concerned about the radical change in set ta:i< ~or this ne1o' portion of the development as com- pared wit~ t~~ C~ssroad8 Center. H~ also is concerned that the appl~:~t~:ns now proposed are net shopping center services. ~~. WejMên, :~ Gunn-~1l1er Realtors, gave the reaso~ for the nature :~ :~~ "L" in t~1s shopp1ng ce~ter. He saij peo?le ctJect t: A~:~~ng :lore t~~~ a certa1n distance along a mall. To prope::-::; ':'e':elop tr,~ s property, tr.ey had s'J.g~este1 to Mr. Wil~:~, :: ::1:ake tr,e treaì< in the form of an L". Gettin~:~:, :.J tr..~ arcf.ltect\lre cf the Red Barn, Co:.;.r.c. Noel ~cted t~_=- 'A~::-, tr.e ~.G.:·~:'e trees, ~:r. Wilson cc'Üj r.a'/e a jeligt:t~_.: ~:·_.:pping :e:-,:er 1e'lelcp:::en: here. Mr. C!".allis said :~ey wo~:~ :~ willlr.g :c :a~e the s~~n off the b~i11ing. Mr. .1lson sa:: n: t~sines~ w~:.;.lj be ~11~wed to r~ve a pole sign. !: was :-,.::-=~ t:-.:1t t!".,= e:-.";lre Red Parr. t'Jilding 1s a 3:"';n. The Flanni~~ -'~:tor e~'ll~lcr.ed the Straw Hat and Shaw's builjings ~ittin~ ~~:: :~e .r~a, t~t was do:.;.ttf~l about the Red Barn. Mr. Chal:~s ::':'ere,j tc a(:cept an a.Ultional è~llding permit in ~gard :: :~e trees an1 ¡a~dscapinf. Mrs. Pa,;:~:-,e ii.:odrufr, a prlncipal ~" the Wilsoc. de'lelopment, I1sked tr,e ~:'..;.:::il to consider ho,", !:13.:;J types cf arcnitect:.tre there are ~n t~e City cf Carmel. Counc. Nee: 59.1d they have or.e of t~e nicest possibi11ties for develo~en: ln this County, but he believes It is be1ng dis- torted by a !"~: dog ptand. Mr. Cr~llis dId not wish to have the Red Barn clas8ified as a hot dog stand. He sald the antjcipate~ ne: prof1t hera 1s $40,000 to $60,000 annually. wr. Ul1sor. said each of these applications are for a chain- operated b:.;.slness. Each has 1ts own image and wants its own style building. He sa1d chalns are more responsible because they have !:lOre at stake, and it is possible to borrow money to build thelr h:lldings. He prererI"~d this type development to the repetltlc:.tS look of the TOwn Center. -5- Hr. W11~c~ 3al~he now has a lease for th~udor house for a dress ~Xpj and vill be com1ng before the City for a change in his Use Permit. Counc. Dempster noted that the Council could box themselves in by the applicant coming in later, stating that he ~8 unab~e to lease the back portion of the property the way he 1-.1 ant1c~pated because o~ the way the tront port1on developed. Counc. Johr.son asked the Straw Bat Picca applicant .hat tha east s1de of his bn11d1,.,g 1IOuld look l!.ke, since that side 11111 face the 1811. JIr. Benderlon saId this was the t1rst opportu.'\1ty they'd bad to see this plot plan. Be said the east side would be essentially like the other aIdes, but 1I1.thout the used brick. Atter not1ng the proxl111t7 ot his building with the 18l1, as Illustrated on the plot plan pre- sented at this meet1Dg, the applicant suggested perhaPII the building s~.culd be (Up-nopped. Counc. ~=p8ter asked the applicant if he would agree to the tollowing: 1. A la~is~aping pla~ t~ be submitted to and passed upon by the ~~:y Co~cil. 2. The :~:y Council :~ allowed to see what Is to be done on tt,.? :-,~:-j si1e -;¡:' ::-.e building. Mr. ~11s:~ sald that :':~ one thlng, there 1s a forty-year-old wUd ct,,,:,=-:: ::edge al::-.~ ::-.e sUe of the t::'.l1111r.g. ~. Ra:.:. ::,~j, 75':: ~er~: Oaks ~ive, Menl:: Park, said he is the fr"r,::-.~:ee for 3:-..,. '::; ~f San Francisco. T:-.e rendering of the N::r,'::. ;;las5 t'..;.i::~.;; ìoIas placed on t!",e :...llet1r. board. ~x. ~:i: .~~: ir.tc t~~ :irc~m5tances wt~c~ led to their 1ecl~~=~ :: ~4ke ~~~~ :~e locati~n of their S~~w's Ice Cream and Ca::':::; 3:~!'e. Foe s..~:i tr.e property had :·~S'; what they 'Were l=.:~~:-.~ fo:-: ~:-.e =.ature trees. the en·¡~:-onment. and evider.~( :: future ~.t~. They feel thelr t~11ding will be struct'.::''i.:::; in keep:':-.g ",ith the other t::u.1ld~ngs in the area: the ~cj~:,~ :hurch, t:-~ post office build1r.g, the modern Safeway =::~e, et~. E~ ~a~d thls building 15 distinctive in Itself. :: is eS8ent~al¡y white stucco and glass, with muted shade~ :: .~::k, ~er., ::ue and yellow. All mature trees will te :,~:,,~ned, sc:e i~ their or1g1nal locat1or. and some moved ':c :i~e the test a~vantagc of ':nem. Tt.e parking area if large a~~ well åes~gned to be in keeping with Stevens Creek Blvd. ~~:'. :'o:id 8ald '::-.ey prefer a free-star.ding building, operatl:-~ ~::dependent:7 within an 1ntegrated shopping center. Due to ':::e~r type of ~,;sines3, they plan to be open evenings. Be said :::ls is a bea~t:.rul building that tlends in with the lovely s~~und1ng8. Counc. Jcr:.son agreed ':hat the Shawls buildIng is distinctive and will tlend in with the junior department store. It W3S noted tt'.at the 8ign 15 att.ached to the build1ng. -6- . Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by cation 247-HC-66 be approved. . Counc. Noel, that appl1- AYES : RAW: ABSENT: Counc. Delllpster, None Mayor Stokes Joh.'1son, Noel, Fitzgerald Mot1on carried, 4-0 It was agreed that the Straw Bat would 1mproVl' the east side ot the building l1ke the other two sides, or landscaping, or both. Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Noel, that appli- cation 250-øc-66 be approved. AYES: RA'fS : ABSENT: Counc. DelllJ)8ter. None Mayor Stokes Johnson. Noel, Fitzgerald Motion carried, 4-0 Counc. Jo~~~on noted that the Red Barn applicant agreed to no sign on the building. :::t walJ felt that the whole building 1s a sign; they need no other ldentlfication. C~ur.c. Johnson dld not think that building blended in with the others. Moved by Counc. Johnso~, s~condcd by Counc. Noel, to de~~ applicatlon 242-HC-66. A Y"'...s : NAYS: ABSENT : Counc. ;)emp~ter, None ~!aycr Stokes J~:-J1~on, Noel, Flt=geralj Mo~~~n carr~ed, 4-8 Mr. Challis sald he "as a!r.azed at the lack of t...siness sense ln the Clty of ~~perti~c. He sald he has made every effort to cooperate ~ith the City and 1~p1ied that the answer may lie with the Courts. The rnee';lng was recessej at 10:00 P.M. Reconvened at 10:20 P.M. v:: ORDINANCE.<; AND RESOLUTION':: FOR ADO~ON There were r:one. v~...I PAYING BIlLS A. Resolution No. 1378 and 1379. Treasur~r Dempster intl~duced Resolution NO. 1378. Moved by Counc. Hoel. seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolutlon No. 1378. AYES: RA'fS : ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Fitzgerald None Mayor Stokes Motion carried, 4-0 -7- · . Treasurer De~pster introduced Resolution No. 1379. The Chief Building Inspector said there are three complaints against the carpet 1n8tallat1on. He adv:tsed against inclu- sion of Warrant 7808 in this Resolution. Moved by Counc. !foel, seconded by Counc. JohnsOn, to adopt Resolution No. 1379, nth the exception of Varr8Dt 7808. AYES: XA'!S : Al!SERT: Counc. ~peter, None Mayor Stokes Johnson, Noel, Fitzgerald Motion carried, 4-0 xx REPORT OF OFFICERS A. REPORT OF CIT!' 'l'REASURER He had no further report. B. REPORT OF CI'l'Y MAlfAGER 1. There has be~a request from a residen~ on Scofield ~rlve for permission to remove two sycacore trees. Th~s woul~ ~oncur with the Council's w~shes of a year ago. This r~ceowner wl11 be responsible for the removal of ~he trees and will replace them with trees that are in accordance with the street beauti- ~~~atlon program. The City Manager re:o~ended this req~e3t te grante1. So moved, ty Counc. Neel, seconded by Counc. J:~:.son. Y.c~~cn carried, 4-0 2. ~s ~cted in the :Ity Manager's report _Þ ~ec. 1, 1966, the wrecked raIlroad cars in Monta V~sta will be taken ~a~e of as soon as weather permits. 3. '¡'he City !I.anager 1-.as contacted Mr. Dorsa, of Santa Cl~ra sand & Gravel, who assured him tl-bt they will ta~e ~are of any sloughlng of dlrt int~ the public- right-ot-way_ 4. In regard to the De Anza LID, specifically those pro- pertieS at the northwest corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Highway 85. the City Manager has contacted those property owners and at least two of the three wIll go along with this. The cost of the college parking lot ~111 be spread over the entIre Foothill Assessment j)!strict. C. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS The rains have delayed most projects. 1. The De Anza LrD is awaiting a contra~~ for engineerlng services. -8- The City'tomey introduced ReSolut! No. 1381, questing ccnsent of the Board of Supervisors. re- Moved by Counc. D.. peter, seconded by Counc. No.~l, to adopt Resolution BO. 1381. Counc. J)... p"ter, Johnson, Hoel, Fitzgerald Hone Mayor Stokes JIot1on carried, 4-0 'the City Attornq introduced Resolution No. 1381-1, appointing engine ~a and attorneys. A!ES: HAts: ABSENT: JIoved by Counc. ~, seconded by Counc. Hoel, to adopt Resolution BO. 1381-1. A!ES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. DellOpøter, Johnson, Noel, F1tzgerald None Y.ayor Stokes Y~ticr. carried, 4-0 The C~:y ~:torne7 ~r.:~1~ced the Resolution =~ ~ntention. 2. Val::~ ?ark. ~~e:~ :he inclement weat~e~, Sondroth ha~ ~s~ed fer a 1e:a7, with their start~~~ 1a:e set ~O~ ~cembe~ :2:~ ~O~ ~he 8-month pro:e~:. So mo\"e':'" ty Co·~:. S=~:, seconded by Counc. ~=:pster. y~:~:~ ~a~~ied, 4-0 3. Tt~ ~i~ector :~ ?~::i~ ~crks presented :~~ :~~~il wi:~ ~ ~ill ~O~ ì2:,7:¿.3ô from Nolte C~~i: ~.gineers ro~ 2;-{. progr~~~ :~::ir.g for er~ineer~r.¿ se~~i~es for Va::~.:' Park. .4. Ca.::.::; Rock ~:e~":. ?ain damage is mi::~=-a:. F.owever, i: ~i:l take :~: ~e~~s for drying out ar.1 :A~ weeks' wc~~ :0 have :~e :== ~o~pleted. 5. A le::er ha= :ee:: ~e~elve1 from Mr. Exce::. as~ing that, as :"'::~ as ";!'..~ ::;,-: v~l:;' be completed it':. =a:",.-..i&r"'".i. and it is :l:::¡e to re~.ew :-~s '~::j, that his pre~= :e reduced to l~. The :~~=:c~ o~ Public Works ~e~c~er.ded this re~~~s: be de~~e~ :ecause it would set a p~~~e~ent. So mo\ej, by Co~r.c. ~el, seconded by Counc. Je=pster. ¥~~1cr. carried, 4-0 -9- . ~_ :EE?ORT~:'= :::Y ENGIN 10: "'r-. . .1. Trac: ~-=. 4058, lianct.o Ventura, east side of Pooth111 Bl v:!.., i';,::.therly or St.e'YenS Creek m vd. '!:pon rec':-::¡::€:-·!ltion o~ ~be ~ty Engineer, it was .:»ved by QJunc. J;;x.s:n, seccmded 11: Counc. Noel, to accept tbe SJIprove!De:::s ~onstructed in conjunction with Rancbo Ventura. IIot1oa ......£~ed. l¡-O 2. Monta Y:.s';a 81gb ~..001.. '¥.>uth side ot McClel1aD Road. oppc"o-" n....._ '""--- .---0..... Vpon rec.:-~:¡jstion o~ tile C1ty Engineer, 1t waa 80ved by Counc. ~:, seconded b7 Coane. Johnson, to adopt Beaolut~~:: ::'76, accept1l1t II1:orm dra1n easement, h .nt 1!n1on æ.F- ';:;:-.001 D1strtct. Motion ca:_~ed, 4-0 't'pon re':==~::':3t10n o~ :~ ::,~,;y Engineer, 1t was IIIOved by ::O"..l11c. :~;,:. "~condeoj q :%";'::0. Johnson, to adopt :'e801;.::~:..-. :-;. __1m, ~c::r:::':'..¿ rcad~a~- :!.ej1cat10r., ?:-e:oon~ ~ -~ ..:-:' :--1gh Sc:"'.c=. _-:':=':r1ct. MO~1=~ :~_:e1, h-C ':"=:-..ì..r:.c. \ ~ _ ,~_. 3skeJ ::-.-== :~~::7)r c:'" ?..:.::-:~c WorÌ{s ":.c c::eck ",~.':r:. t:-.~ ~a. :':::0115 ~=;:-!' ~z :0 wr:e:: :::'e reco!:M1e:--A.a":1cns £~ a r~~_~- := :he 3Ç~:; :~~: ~~~lj :~ ~~. 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ThE' r:!.:~· :"ouncl1 "::"".e:""_ a..;.':ho:-~:::-": -__7 :1t~,.. 1'.a.:-.a~== ::".:1 Cit::,- ;,:::~rney to s:='p',;la~e ~:-. ìi:-1t::-.~ -.-.': forwar-:! :: 7::":'co tr..:? a:':"a::gement =.:-.. ....h1:::: :':-.t~ Clt:;·~ :·:.!.bat1:;r. ,.:.:: :~ =:aù~ '...;.::j,e~ the cor.d:=''":~c~ .' A-re----- .ate" 1.'--_:' -.',. -- b ":'-:. ... - ... .........---. _,;'"":-'''-. r _ ?..EPCRT~: =--::..JINO INSS- .':...? ~~_e Bul:'::':~, :""partmer:: '".... prepared a p-..:nch I1st ::: the -o..y n.·· -,-~ Chief -;>r-o'''~ r I ,~~ 111 - vitr:o --- ......--. _.,~. _~__:.g nspe~"o. w mee. " ~-essr3. =:=~~~"g and ?":'-~::7 t;o enal:le them to ge'C ::.ack =:! the : ~: :..:: ~()rrect t::.e ::~~1clencles. -10- G. REFORT O?ttCREATION DIRECTOR . 1. T11e Christmas Teen Dance will be held this Friday, with an expected attendance of 300. 2. Two tripe are scheduled for the Circle Star theater. 3. Playgrounds viII be closed between Christmas and New Years'. since past experience has proved the,. just are not used at this time. 4. Direction trom the Council is needed regarding the applying tor Federal grants in the parks progr&lll. There is a clause wherein we must break ground 1d.thin 6 1DOnths alter receipt ot the grant. He suggested ve waIt W1tll January, to œtter coordinate the various applications. The Council agreed to this action. B. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PLANNING He asked that his report be postponed to the next meeting. !. P.EPORi' OF FINANCE DlREC'i'OR 1. L~~jlate paymen~ c~ $8,730.72 of the total $12,126 1s ~equested ty West Coast Nursery for landscaping of tte C1ty Hall. E1gtty per cent of the work has been completed. Mos~ o~ the work Is in the sprinkler srste~, wh1ct r~s teen accomplished. The trees and shr~ts are also 1~. The lawn needs to be re-graded a~j ~lan~ed. The ~1rector of Public Works recomcended t~~s ~~~en~ te oaj~. So mo":ej, ::;.- :o;.¡nc. Hoe I, s",~onded by Counc. Dempster. Mo~1c~ ~arrled, 4-0 2. Re~errlng to the :lnancial report, the Finance Director n::ej that ~e are ~eeping witr~n our budget. X üNPINISE.::.;) 3l'SINESS -- T~,ere "tIas none. x: NEW BüSI~.::.S3 -- There ~as ~o~e. Ã.L. .ü>J0URNMEN:' ~o.ed by C~;.¡nc. DeDps~er, seconded by Counc. Johnson, ~o adjourn the meeting at 1~:55 P.M. APPROVED: /s/ Jer~ Fitzgerald V ce-Mayor A"!-...DIrì'''' : ~ / r - - ?-0_~_ ay , P1nA~e Director -11-