CC 11-29-66
1Ø3OO Torre Avenue. CUpertino. California
, Jl.UU'I'SS OP TBB AD3V::~KlJ JlUŒJ:.laG 0' TBB cr.rr ~~.a, 0'
ZW-ber 29. 1966
111'~ Council Challlbe:N, lC~OO Torre Avenue. CUpertino. C&l1.t.
~·~t 1:30 P.M.
Counc. present:! J'1t:r:gerald, Dempster. Johnson, 1foel. Stokes
Counc. absentl Bone
Statf presentl City Manager. Phil Storm
Clty Attorney, Sam Anderson
Director of Public Works. Prank Finney
lI'1nance Director. Kay Haddon
Recording Secretary. Lols Inwards
Tr.e first portlon of the meeting was held In the Library.
Tt:ere was a d18cusslon of the De Anza LID. with presenta-
tion of a detailed map showing thþ. proposed 1mprovements,
by Mr. waynt. Howarth, of Lawrence: G. Brian Consulting
Er.gineers. The De Anza LID includes those streets en-
compassing the De Anza College: Stelling, McClellan and
Stevens Creek Blvd. The only sidewalk to be provided
11111 be along Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. Cutler, ot De Anza College, sald the College Is now
planning to purchase the Ð1phrat property for parldng pur-
poses. The College was concerned about the parklng slt\:a-
tlon so close to the audltorium, and since Mr. Ð1phrat has
stated that the tax burden was too much, this seemed to be
a likely solutlon tor both. The Ð1phrat property '1111 be
included In the LID.
Counc. P1tzgemld was concerned that the Ð1phrat property
had Just recent~ been rezoned to COlIDDercial, and now It
i! being so14 to the College.
Mayor Stokes ..ked why that portion at the northeast end
ot Stevens Creek Blvd. was not to be included in the LID,
with the result tlat that 8111&11 portion in tront of those
buildings w111 r in unpaved. He was 1ntormed that per-
alatance in t171Dg to include thia property may mean the
::ollapee of the entire LID. There waa aome diacusalon
that aurely tlat property owner would not object it we went
ahead and paved the 15' width frontage, but lt was brought
out that the other property owners might not be so recep.-
tive to the 14_ that they would be for the paving
in front of that property. Illus added right of way and the
coat or moving two bu1ld1ngB.
1Ir. Jk)nrt;h d181;r1buted s'-YT cM.rts tor the De AnA,
et al, IIIpro" . ..t District. _He exp,_1..eð that with tMs
1II~'Ov.-mt, st.v.. Creek Blvd. w1J.1 be 1mp1'oved to the
.... width as u.,t port1on east ot JP.s'-7 85. The center
11'.....", cooqØate 1I1th 2' water stubs, till be 1ncluded.
!he '.....lIcaldllB ~ the 1s1ands 11 not lDcluded, hoWever.
!'be 011:)' IÞ-.... 1.nt01'llled the council t!'at bills will be
totuented tø .. 011:)' start expenses 1ncurred 1n 1IOrk on
tb18 LID and. 'Jìid4 tor as part ot the inCidental expenses.
A loop serviCe _t81" ma1n taken ott the 12" ma1n on Stevena
Creek Blvd. tor t11'e-pol1ce protection will be 1ncluded in
the College perJ.pberal road.
JIQOr Stokes ....... about the s1devalkB. Mr. Cutler sa1d
the 01117 one COD1;.-plated 1s within the LID and 1s on
Stevens Creek B1vd. It 1s the College's teeling that
sidewalks on the other streets would serve no p.¡rpose and
might detract from the aesthet1cs and from the street width.
He added that it is not the pract1sp. ot college students
to walk to school. There is a 1andacaped mound on the
per1meter ot the college grounds. In case a car would
become stalled along one of these streets, there is ample
room tor the person to walk without having to walk 1n the
street. There U a 9i' striP belong1ng to the City,
similar to boulevards and streets elsewhere in the C11:)',
which 1s to be ma1nta1ned by the College. Mr. Cutler
will conter with his landscape architect as to how this
w111 be treated.
Mayor Stokes next asked about the intersection of Stel~
Boad and Pepper Tree Lane. The Director of Public Works
sa1d a "pork chop !sland" will be provided on the Pepper
Tree Lane s14e ot Ste1l1ng to discourage through trafr1c.
This 1ntersectl.on will be signalized and will have stack-
ing lanes 1n both directions on Stelling.
The d1scuss10n reverted to that port1on ot propel't7 on
Stevens Creek Blvd. that will not be included 1n the LID.
The C1ty ""-ger was asked to get an appra1sal of the
15' trontage there. Counc. Dempster 11&8 not 1n favor ot
asking the other property owners to absorb the cost ot the
improvements 1n tront of these properties. He also does
not teel tMs one p1ece of property should hold up the
entire project.
1Ir. Cutler cODt1med that the entrance to the College has
been moved to up with Mary Avenue.
1Ir. Cutler sa14 the water main included with this project
will serve the entire College, and tbua is urgently needed
in the near 1'ut11re, so he hopes the project moves ahead
'l"here 11&8 d1.8cnø...."'" o~ earmark1!'.g the pa tax moDie. tor
191)6-67 ~or tile s.provement of' Stevena CZ'esk B1.vd.. as a
part or tbe .....,.,-1; D1atr1ct. The cs,Q' Atto1"DQ' as
aaked to cbeCk aD tJdJI.
RQo1' Sto....·· ·'.töllat as 1.0111 as we haft aD Aþt4111~t
v1th ~co· . . :'ÍSJIB" tax JDOD1,ea. - 8Iø11" teU them
tllat we 1Dte5" '11M tile 1966-61 .... ta aød" ~or the
De ADD LtD. ',: '.. '
1Ir. BNarth ..sA....,. Sf tbe .cbeðu1e4 pø1pbea1 I"O&4a and
vater.m. '^. t.. CODCU1"l'8Dt17 with tbe Ste,_ C1'eek
B1.vd. 1aprO~ ' I.. .. to be coap1eteð. _~. 1961.
it 11111 hav. to bit ¡;U~ to SO to b14 _ ~ lat.
The C1t7 _~...... SDatructed to Uk tbe 'Vallco ott1c1al.
to :llHt v1tb tile C11:7 CcNncll at 7130 ¡teL aøt JIoDda.7.
1."1 the Co1mC11 ~- '--"II. before the replar 00\mC1l ...t1Dg.
Moved 117 Counc. ¡) peter. seconded 117 ~. .To!maon. to
instruct the C1Q' ......g.r to contaot tbe pro~ to, 01lM1'S
conceme:1 v1tb tbe LID and obta1n .1SJI&ture..
A~: Counc. D .-t81'. :r1tzgeraJ.d. .10--. 1Ioe1. S~kes
1t~1S: None
Motion carried, 5-0
It was noted tbat the College 18 a.......'''1 3/4 o~ the cos~
or 1JIIprov1ng tbe .treets surrounding the campus.
Tr.e City Atto1'll8)' introduced the Resolution ror payment or
money to vallco tor the "take" or plbl1c vays. The Director
of Public Vorta: :'"'&d the 1Iovember 23. 1966. letter rrom
:'~torney lðnch.
Resolution 925-21. vas introduced 117 the D1rector or Publ1c
Moved by Counc. DempIIter, secor.4ed b7 Counc. 1Ioel, to adopt
Resolution 925 21..
A!ES: Counc.]) ¡leter, Pitzgerald, .TohnJlon. Hoel, Stokes
NA!S: Hone
Motion carried, 5-0
The Cit7 Atto1"DQ' stated that $313.330 as a secur1t7 .Iepos1t
1n the cas. of CI1pert1no va. Craft. et &1. 1s necesaar;y.
Moved b7 Counc. D peter seconded 117 Couc~. Jo'1tzgerald, to
authorize v1tbdawal or ~313,330, to be deOlO.1ted, interest
tree, with tbe COIm1:7 Clerk or santa CJ.a1'& Count,-.
AYES: Counc.]) peter, Fitzgerald, J'ohDaon, Hoel, Stokes
BA!SI Hone
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
t..::r.g ~...-~ ~ tt.e Co~1 ----"'ers a~ 0::):) r....
---:-..ster. F1tza¡r.-l4. Johnson, Noel, S~oøa
. prese:::.::
Acker. Bu'1 -"".. Sedlak, Wi.ndt')'. II'-4-
C1t)' ,.....rr. 1'b11 storm
.:it7 At~. SuI Anð.erson
F1nanca 1M --w&o... ][a7 Haddon
:)1rec~r ~ r-l1c, Works, Prank F1DDe7
ñecreat10D 1M IICtOr, Jol'.n Parballl
!lecord1::g Secreta:")'. !.cia Inwards
,.~. ... Loom1s s:a:ed tt'.a~ !'azÞ 2 aM 3 are caster p'.~
-.. 1:I;a~ the ce::~¡ park has beeD bung up because ot tbe .a'Car
~_ 'l'he :w::.::.¡ O)t tt'.e parka ~ lett tor a Joint meet1ll&.
~ r -48810r. :'3.~:<ed v1~ b1stor1cal s1gn1t'1':&Dce 1"&~1»1'
- I rarr œ.2!'. or the Y'da__' 8'Ub:D1 tted. tt'.e COamd.se1on
zor n4ec1 ~~:"e :~r.: MeI:lOr".....1 i'&J'j[" !or the centml ¡ark;
~~__ Park" !:~ ;:e.:'IC /f2; aM ·Portal Park" tor park #3. '1'he; ~ were c:~..:~e~ c!11etl7 tel' in thelll.
--"'11 Stokel sa~': ::-.e Council vou.lI1 cons1der these sugges-::10r.a
&.-:IC eel.r any ;ie:~!~.;m unt11 the ~x: regular Counc1l mee::.r.g.
. ,,:p..aent:
. . "~"..,,
.. 7".;;"
'!2 ::'::.-::"1 ?a~ ;::.i~S were cUscw.sae:1 w::.t. Messrs. Beck a::4
3ic11.FS=::.. Mr. 3e:.tI: ~:'spia:red ~ ~6..¡:oaœt1C par., wh1ct. r.u
__ .~=11 bee~ ;:~.ented :0 ~ Co-~c1l. '!'he pro1>lelll to te
:!'I!SQ:TeIi 1s :t..a: :~ :he water supp:y. All elenents of' tM ¡:&=""
::&.-we c..r. ~pp.~\'!': :1 the Co~.a1~.
~ ~ta Claa :~':'<:'1 Water Consern,':~on D1..:r1ct 1s not w1::-
:.:s to ¡:&1 to) r:. :~,e 11nas to CIt ¡ark 10c.1<:':'0::. It tt.e wa:e:,
~ -:0 COD» f'rc:t ::.e:. 1t w111 ~ $7OC~ 1!'. pipe11ne constr'';'':-
~. The cos: :~ ..a:er rroœ t;b&t S:I:.¡:-ce, 1nc:~:1dir.g pumping
~-pa. Is $2:.;': ¡ acre toot;. iãat;er troa: :l".e F!shel' ".l~
-,.. nm $}iò.X ;:>e:" acre toot. ,:,t;l¡ a g\l&ranteed 400 gallons
;a: :1n;¡te. :: _:-.;.:,: run $140 to $¡60 per acre t:lot t1'oc -::t'.e
~':7 ìllLter De;:a:'"'..::.e~:. Three Lere teet; per mon<:.h w111 be
. ~ to hanè:e :.:.e irr1gat10n. :r we use P1s!1er _tel' we
~ not; be us~:-~ ~<:. ror pe:-co::.&t;10r. ~poses, and a s011
---..-t; '1111 1)e ::~:e'sary. !Ir. Beck A1d that 1t' at 1I0me
~ date 1: ..~-';':;i be better tor ~ L"ld tor the Santa Clara
-- IZ ilater ~'::-~e:-vat1on D1.~r1et to use the1r water, 1t
"'#1 :'e no pro1::~: to sw1tch 0_1'.
'DIe c1:-culat1o:: ~~ would coat ~t $5000. This would 1:4t
- 1.0 iteep t;~..e :..u:e water :.n c~.;laUon and at night we
, ""'";1IIe the ;:;Jes 3.::ci pumps tor 1rr1gat1ng. The S011 sea~t
~ cost $25~'::. ~:". Beck aa14 ~ greate.1t cost would be tbe
~=-nt ot ~e :ùe edges: a~tely $20,000; plus abo\¡t;
~'.c. :cr br1~-e!. :"he electr1c1.t)' w111 run approximately
.~~ per mo::':~. ~:". Ro7ston ~ t;he wat;er 1s absolute17
._."!::;'::'"i to ::::e ':.'lelo¡:a:en~ o~ u. central park.
-'II -
Be City Ma:~;-:= suggested the eng1r.eer1ng q'Jest1ons be d~T'E!cted
1;0 ~ Dire;:,,::.:=- :;~ Public VorkB rather than a consulting r3.%'ID,
1IIIø 1IDUld On:"T :C::2e to the C1.t7 ror the intonation.
... Beck atateo:' :œt it wou14 be necessary to engage a consult-
,2111& arcb1tec: ~ regard to UIe ~41ngs, wh1eh w111 aeeOlD-
'. l -q 500 pecµe. 'I'b1a .......,.. 1DVolve abo1;t tive da78 in
.,l- w.. ~ee a-: a cost or aÞIut $'Too. Mr.:seck recOlllllleDded
;_. 8ul'8& .~to bee.LU Ida omee 18 in the same þn1'd11'lg
.f_ .-..s~ aD! :~ have WI¡, - - ~r prev1oua17. Another
'~~: be ~... _108011. ICZ'. Beck said the)'
-.iI4 11Iœ tc ~ dea1p _"^-1 at th1I point.
... D1Nctor :;~ ?ubl1c 1fo1'IaI ~ted the landscape arch1tect
... _t 8D7 ~:zo~'-:;.tl0D8 cI1Z"eet17 to his oft1ee to expedj.te
~ 1IIDrk.
- _. Stoke. &Htd 1Ir'. Beck U" be felt a.1equate park1ng tael-
Uu. were ;::o:~ed 1f1th1n ~he park. 11:-. Beck sald there are
_ 109 par;.::.; spaeea, .. :ell as parklng along
.Uw108 CrH.: :: ~., and ~ 1f111 be avallable acroBs the
~, on :--! ::llege alte.
!be Counel: :'::':':':ao;ed the,' W~ :r. ~.v'r o~ '~slng FiBher well
~ at t;,~ : ~::::'&1 park.
~<; Mr. ~:.: :-e;:,ommer~~~ re';&~n1ng Är::-.l":ect MatBumotO,
":tie Direct.:::- :: :'~':llc VQr;cs ~~nded &-:,,:1"1se and Wat8¢r.
1:Ie.c&wse tr.~ ~: --: :8 pres~r::'::7 1IIC:"id:-~ ntr, ::-,o!tI and they are
~ t:·-- W·· . - ~robl- -."..,- ....o·iCes ~,..r.- that ..~....
~-.. _ __,.. 'Cõ...-. ~....,...;¡þ.... , ........... ~ ~I.o....
-'A..ted a:-: '_ ~~::s are ~:"% 3&:-. ?:-an..1B;:'.). vcnjered it ":r-.ere
~ be a :'::L c:h1tec'; 1r~.c .::~:j be nnre :~gnIzant o~ o;t.e
w:.abea of :-~ :~:;:e of ,=".;.;.e~:':-.:. ':'he !'t:-/.s ~ollllllBB1o!: rec:om-
J!ed the ~:_-::.: :hooBe :V:. :3e::.:'s f1rs- :-ec~ndat~on.
~.&C. Jot.r,:!;~ ..;~ed. and .,~el';~ ':he \:'C;:1-:ect f1rst CODe
':C c-.-pe:-tlr:: 1.-; £t!~ th~ ~..:..:.:-~ :~ -;r.e ~~~~=e:'..s.
11=-..1 b7 Cc..:.:. :-:'::;gera:~, .e:o:-~:::;i by ('~'.;r.:. Noel, to re':a1n
Afthj,tect ~::';~ Y.ats1Jl:lOto u ar-::r-,~tect ~':- :he buIlding on the
:.e::t~l pa:- ,: .
~~I Cour.:. ~~rs';er. P1t:~.~:~. JohnS'!:. JOel. Stokes
"Y~"t 1Ione
Mo~::r. carr1ed, 5-J
CIa1.Jowan Lc:::.:! sa1d the Co---! .alon would l1ico! to Insure that
.. ~l kee; :-,~ :arge oak "::oee' at the entrance to the central
JIIa&4t. even -::.:_;...... It IB no'; or. park property. The Clty Manager
-.. treeB ;:,~.::c-: be remov~ W1thout Clty approval.
~ subject :~ ::'e retentloc or ttA Parrish Bouse was 1ntro-
- ed. It r.u ::een establ1ahed that the Parrish House 1f111
De b1 the b::'.~.¿ complex, ":he loeatlon to be declded by the
,.........cape a-..·..· -.:t. ...t
...~_.._\,,; .
c=. '\cker r.~'¡; ~er.'¡; o-¡a:- :':-.,è :~::~~~g aspect1:· ot t;he pazobl
4éveJ.o¡:lllent. He presented a 5--=T c: the tt.......1aJ. dtaa1õ1oD
'to the Councll.
The c--- ..sian reques1;e4 ~ CouDcll authorize appUca1:1øD
tor :1edera1 a14 111 4eveloIdZIÆ ~ tile pa1aI. Th1a would
1I1clude 5O'J zoe1mbaN it!. f4 i:be co.t ~ dø81ol..U:.
Bowever, thft ava11ab111.t7 or ~ ....." sa ~.-"""'t
nebuloua &:.Dc. .. bave 110 ~ fd Jmo1dJIa boll 10IIII It 1dJJ.
take to get 1t.
" i
2. ~ C~-1oD. :reo -. .. ....... 1JII.& ~ . tszed · ,
IIIIOUnt ot the O1tJ".. ....., .... ... i'IØ' JUIr~.
!rile 1lUgp8te4 ........L 18 . . IN sa tM -"'1IoI1IoocI or
$50,000 per~.
CCDm. Acker went 0'fU t;he .. ~.. ooñ fd .s.nJ.c¡a ..t fd
each 0: t1'.e ¡:arIaI, u 1Dd.1_~ sa h1a... "'7. Be IMIIR .-. 2
~ explore pr1or~t1u 1I1tb U. Cia ....11..
:O-.::l(:. ;a::;;ater wall.te4 to DOte u. to11øll1ll& po1DUI
:.. :!n re~-j t.:IIIOCa7 a_~'.bl.. Be t..~ DO ~ aboul4 ..
allo~a:ed to:- ex~""~t"~ 1IØC11 1~ 18 ac~ 111 01.:%"
possua1o:. Ve 1'.av. on17 .,....000 a9&11ab1e at tJ"~a t1::e.
~. ~.¡; c:-~~s:lOMd w.t! or ~ be 1IICIu14 lSJIe to allocate ~-7
;ort1or. or the C1~'a RO. . tor pa1'Ic dø81o......t a:da/O:"
ma1J:ten&:loCe at ~ t1:Ie.
Cœ::. Ac".r .. 111 t'aWI" 0: ~ ."a~ 1I11:h puok cievelo¡:::e::':
.. :..t as õ'O..lbl.. ~ RauMt10c 1>1reOtor aa14 t;he appxooYW.
ot t1:.e Pede:-al ~t aba,¡J,4 ~ plac. 1I1tbSa tw _-IHo.
::ccz:¡. i'a..~... ~X't 41acua.ecS JIr".ozo:.t:.... It.. the C 's-
.1.0:1'. rec·· -"'''.t1oD t1'.at PMae : or "~1.&"~ft»04 JUoIa.? :. .;
be caple:ed t1Nt aDd to 1D1t:LaU the .1ft1o.-.nt ot tu
CeDt:'&l puì(. 'l'be :r..·o~ 1a ~t the C1tJ". ,. C-.c po¡ll¡1at1œ
:.a located ~ tbB &I'M 0: tbB DO -''''~ClII pu1cB.
CoImc. De=patv .œerecS, ODe. _ .v. tbfI ...ce:r p,......, .~
~ l1evwp:leDt ClDu14D'C be barI4le4 1dv ~ IM-otor fd
l'WIl1c Vora.
CouDc. Jo=-= felt the Co\mcU .~lð 10 0.... tbe W4p~ t1rBt.
aDd tbe the7 cou14 c11aCUlla pII'S.cø'1U...
1Ir. Paul !'1nch, t01WØ' Co\mC1I' -'I felt tbeI'e .. a DH4 f=
..- on. on the .tatt to 1\114. ~ cSev.lo....t fd ~ 1IU'Im.
Be was COZlCe1"Md abeNt the b1P coat of pa1'Ic dø81op¡eDC aDd
1IICmdered U CUpert1zo' would be able to cop. 1I1tb such a
1IOph18t1cateci P:~' or U' ~ cS.t1sClll 1fC"e 111 ta'lOr.
Counc. JO~II()D he !:as bea1'd tJat the Je'. an sat.eatecS
1.D help1Dg With the park deve1cwmt. CoImC. ~tezo sua..tee!
.. ..It the zuulta ot the C ...11t7 S\4U7 to pt tM tHl-
1Dp of the peoplo about the pub. ,:. , .
. '
" .....
. ... -'~ ~_.
X~ -.a f'elt IDOst or the peop1e do not want to be burdened with
-"1tional taxes. IIQ'or 81:okes f'eels the development of' these
...... will take aIems. :J.cas tble. Be f'eels $lIO.OOO per acre
28 too weh. Counc. D rater ea1d 1t 1s 1IIIpe1'8.t1ve that the
&.!~ll tirst take a look .~ the tiseal s1tuat10n betore
""--. &nJ de01s1ons. Be... in tavor ot eu~t1ng comers by
'''Ir C1t7 statt wberever pou1ble.
no . Parsons recapped the ""11 080~ of' tt,e !'arks and Becrea-
=- (!ftw-1 sslon. as 8"1..... by the C1t7 Cou.'1cll. Colla. Acker
a14 the Collllld.sslon teels it û now t1me tor the P1nance
DJ:1oector and Cit7 Manager to look into thE> developaent situation.
ec-. Sedlak took exception to Counc. DeJllfster's remark that
Uae Public Is in no bIrr7 to develop the parks. Counc.
JI'.1_erald tIOuld like to develop the f'irst phase of' the two
De1ghborhood parka as 2~n as possible. 'Jhe Recreation Director
~ized that : 18 a complete park in itself'; he does
DOt antIcIpate P!lase :I in the ver'7 near ~ture.
JII70r Stokes said it is the decIsion of The Council not to set
aJJ7 priorities unt1l f'und8 are available. The Commission again
requested the Council to take a clos~ look at the budget to see
II the park devel.Jpaent money can be sUJ:p:emented.
~r Stokes ann.:ounced the ICC has requeEted a~pointments to
-:he new County P-_anntng Commission. He askei! Counc. Johnson
tc. serve in tttl::. capacity.
So moved by r~unc. Noel. seconded by <:'Junc. Fitzgerald.
MOtion carried. 5-0
Jllcved by c.~unc. Johnson. seconded by Counc. Dempster. to adjourn
the meeting at 11:10 P.M.
Ar.1'äS:r: .
- . ~,-~ /~'
_ ~ _-;~ . .:....V'~t~/,A -
G7 Îfaààon -
JI'1r.ance Director