CC 11-07-66 ~ .. ~.' !i;:" '. >, ","".," ti,,',>;::'f'-. ø, ,,;.,," ,~ " i-: .".' ,.<. ~ , ! "'. ,,"";, ,. 10300 Torre Av" CUpertino, cal-.m.a_ 95014 e 252-4505 CITY OP CUPERTI.O j j ~ ~ ~ ! ~ , ~ i II.ØIUTQ OP TBB RBØJLAR JIU5IS.I:.L1'IO OF TBB CI'l!' CUUIIC.u. - November 7, 1966 Place: Co\U1cll Chambers. 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino ~: 8:00 P.M. I SALU'l'B TO TBB PLAG This first meeting in the new City Ball Council Chambers was opened with a prlQ'er by Rev. M. L. Geisler, Pastor of the United Presbyterian Church of West valley. II ROLL CALL Counc. present: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes Counc. absent: None Mayor Stokes introduced the staff to the a~åience: City Manager, Phil Storm City Attorney, Sam Anderson Finance Director/City Clerk, Kay ~ddon Director of Public Work$, Prank Finney City Engineer, Bob Shook Planning Director, Adde Laurin Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum . Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards Mayor Stokes cautioned the audience to please uße the ash trays so the new flooring will not be merred. He apologized for the folding chairs, stating the theater chairs will be in- stalled, starting the following day. III MINUTES OF ~ PREVIOUS MEETING - October 25, 1966. Counc. Johnson called attention to a typographical error on page 2, item 3, the last word in the first line: Delete the word "full" and insert the word "frill." Moved by Counc. Hoel, seco:1ded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to approve the Minutes of October 25, 1966, as corrected. Motion carried, 5--0 VI FUBLIC JŒARDÐS A. Sale of Improvement Bonds - Project 64-1 The City Attorney introduced Resolution 925-lA to the City Council. -1- . -.....-- ,.:....-'-. ~.~.._. '.~-~-'~- , ".,,- 1: ~~ '" k1;j:~ . ~¡,1~)f'~' ~.". I', ( ,,' J:,,' L,,,-,,·., r.', 'Jr'Afi'IJto~;~,__ '-.' Cou.nc. em.on asked it there 1s & to be an overall plan tor this a-rea. Cba1.rman Fitch said he was not sure that it 'lOIÙd COile to tru1t1on, 'but that an etfo~ 1s being made by t.œ Co-1ttee to encourage this. Counc. JohD8cm. II1:ated that we already have a Use Pe1'II1t 1n ett~t tor 1;he 014 t;udOX' hcuse on the !11'0P8rt7, as well as a plan for an ·...'hh Village- type develop.ent adjacent to it. BeaaJœ4 how 1;b18 glass bn1'..1"'g wouJ.d be cOlÇ&tible 1d.tb 1t. CIIa1zìiIm Pitch said the tw-'ttee bas been told tllat this 1III'W'..h '9"".ge develo¡1llel1t 1s 1JIpract1cal to build 1D this dQ'aud ap aDd that perhaps even the tudor house ~ lave to be torn down. IIQor Stokes aaJœ4 the Chairman If the co.1ttee is 1n favor of the plA.... tor tb1s area, in general, as the)' now stand. Cbau.n Pitch IIIdd this was true, but there are still SOlie atters to be 1roDed out. Counc. Johnson wondered 1.t it would be of 80JIe beneflt to withhold the declslon on this appUcatlon until atter the November lOth meetlng of the Oc 'ttee with the princlpals of this developr.é:nt area. Chairman Fitch ~OIIIIIented that the quallty ot this structure Is such that 1t could be used for comparlson as the other applications come 1n. Co:mc. Fitzgerald dld not feel there was any reason to hold up this bu11d1ng because he felt it would be compatible vi';h almost any type architecture. CoULC. Dempster was concerned about starting the t1,'Emd in t:-.1s part::.cular area and would like to see the entire develo~ent plan, to see whether it would be compatible. He and Counc. Johnson felt a ruling on this application at t~.J.s time would be premature. Moved. by Counc. Jchr18on, se::onded by Counc. Noel, to delay applicatlon 247-BC-66 for two weeks. T:'.1s motion was amended by Counc. Johnson, ..econded by Counc. Noal, to approve the Architectural and Site Approval C~1ttee Minutes ot October 27, 1966, with the exceptlon o~ application 247-BC-66, which wll1 be continued to the next regular meet mg. Motlon carried, 5-0 c. REPORT OF '1'BB PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (See Minutes ot November 1, 1966) Mrs. Loo'.ll1s, of the Parks and Recreatlon Commission, stated thl.t Mr,. Beck had met wlth them the previous week 1n regard to Park II (ad.1acent to Wllson School). De'!lelopment of this park w111 COIle to $133,000. not including t~ie building. A coat item1za1;1.on la turthcom1ng. Mr. Beck needs a sol1 teat r:.-o. the C1t7 at th1s time, as well as a _Jor declsion on water. The C^-saion ls also asking tor guidel1nes from the Council. ~ ¡:ana wl11 be presented to the Commission on BoYellber 29 and l.t a decision 1s _de by them by December 15. it could be Pftsented to the City Council the first lllE'et1ng 1n December. >--~._.--.... " ........... .. ~ .._~. -3- Park XII (adjac~nt to~al School) was dlSCU88~ the '^' I-slon at a special meet1ng. A motion was made and pe..e4 by the Parks and Recreatlon Colllll1ssion that $129.000 be spent on first-stage development and to complete the t'1Da1 p;tAftR and q)ecIf'lcatIons. 1Ir. iJobn Sue, of' Ribera a~ SUe. :.u-esented the plans t'or the t~ ~ses or this park ð9velos-mt. ~..~~ ._ger stated that he baa d1scusaed tb1s atter wlth tbe~/...ta Clara County water conservation District, an4 they ~.iDdlcated the;r will 1'um18h the water to the extent that tœ'C1t;v 1flll have to install aU the pipeline. '!'he water w111 come from the Fisher well. JIrB. Loolll1s asked that the Clt7 Council authorize specIaJ. hads tor these pIpelines rather than have this come out ot' the park devc;los-ent money. ~ StoKes advised the Directo1' ot' Publ1c Worka to Jake an lnYest1gation of' this particular problem. Mr. Sue stated that Phase I will include underground utilities, sewers. San1tar,y sewers, electrical lines, irrigation. turfing, trees. shrubs, ground cover. circulation baths, garbage cans, dr1Dk1ng fountains, tot lots, rest rooms and a community center building. ~ changing the function of the bu1.1ding froa a "teen center to a "community center," it will be a multi-use building arid may qualify under the 701 Program. Phase II will includ~ a spray pool and tennis court. Phase III will include completion of the community center area. Phase IV will include completion of the multi-use bathing area. Mr. Sue stated thst one major change in t.he plans has been the location of the restrooms, putting them closer to the community center building. Mayor Stokes asked what the total cost would be for ultimate development <)f this park. Mr. Sue said it would run $185,000. Mrs. 1oolll1s stated they are only asking for $129,000 for Phase I at this time. She said the CO/lllllission 1s anticipatir-e; that service organizations, etc., might wish to participate in developnent of the parks, which will trim down the ultimate cost. Mayor Stokes wondered whether service organizations would want tc or be able to effectIvely reduce the total deve1c,pment cost of' this park, because they will also want to consider the other park sites. Mr. Sue suggested the procedure of getting contractor esti- mates at this time and, with the economy as it is right now, perhaps they should inclllde a few extra items to get the full ~net'lt of their dollars. Co~~ Johnson would like to delay the decision on this until after ~ne first meeting in De~ember. when they can discuss all three parks. Mrs. Loomis feels we won't get to the central park until III1d December. Mr. Sue added that if things should proceed now, the planting time would be ideal and the turf wou1d get plenty of time to get establ1shed before heavy use. The C1t;v Manager suggested that before a colllllittment is made, the Council III1ght want to review the budget. We do not have aD7 f'urther 1ntormation on the Federal grant at this time. -4- ~.. f I . I' i, , Moved ~. DelllP8ter, secondA Coune. Jol".asoD. tœt the !'ark m (adJacent to Portal ~leÞoo:l) .ter be placed in the bUda ot the Finance Director tor a report at the next regular ...ting. Motion carried. 5-0 VII ORDIlWICIS lID RBSOWTIOIS POR ADOPUœf A. 10. 1351: Dec18r1Dg Int6nt1on to Order .....cat1on ot a Certain Boad1IaY Baaaent within the Ci1;J' 1'an'.ìant to Section 8320 Bt Seq. ot the Streets and 114'" rJ'll Code ::.t the State ot ca11rom!a. and Resen1Dg theretrom Certain Basements Purauant to Section 8330 Bt Seq. ot the Streets and Highways Code. (Continued trom October 3. 1966) , The Ci1;J' Attorney referred the Council to the City Engineer for a recc~ ndation on this Resolution. The City Rng'~eer stated that the G~unty and City of CUpertino had to work together on this. The Coun~y did not feel this action was justifiable. On this basis, the City Engineer recommended the City not abandon this pro- perty at this t1llle. Resolution 1363 was introduced by the CIty Attorney. Moved by Counc. Dempoter, seconded by Counc. F'1tzgerald, that Resolution 1363 be adopted. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 VIII PAnNa BILLS A. Resolutions No. 1369 and 1370. Resolution RO. 1369 was read by Treasurer Dempster. Moved by ('.ounc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Noel, tœt Resolution RO. 1369 be adopted. AY1œ: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Motion carried. 5-0 Resolution 10. 1370 was read by Treasurer Dempster. Moved by Counc. Johnson, SeCc.nded by ':Ounc. Noel, the'; Resolution 10. 1370 be adopted. AYES: Counc. Dellpster, Fitzgerald. Johnson, Noel. Stokes HAts: Ifone Motion carried. 5-0 DC REPORT 01' OI'nCBRS A. RBP01ft' cø çIft 'l'RBASIJRER Be had DO fUrther report. , 5 "" - - B. RB1'OR'r or ern .. . . . 1. Tbe C1t7 MlUlager reterred to his report on the -1Ir8. V8r1an-Cbuck property- _tter. 2. As to the 1Iedera1 ai.d tor the Vater De¡B&'L-..t, we should have ao.th1ng on this b7 the t1rat ot the )'ear to give us ao.e direction. 3. In regard to the LID and Asse8811ent District which 18 being pzoepøed around De An::é& College on Stevena Creek Blvd., lIceUe11an Road, and Stell~ Road, a new appra1aal report 1s needed. We have been 1nt1M'~ this 11111 l'I"t run over $1200, and will be paid tor out ot the LID. JlL)vec!' b7 Counc. Hoel, secomed by Counc. Johnson, ..0 author- 1ze the above-ment1oned appra1sal report on the tet'lllS as stated above. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, JohnSC!l, Noel, Stokes RAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 4. Mayor Stokes requested Counc. Johnson and F1~zgerald meet with the Mayor 0: Sarntoga to discuss boundaries. 5. Mayor Stokes said a decision on the County Housing Authority is needed on November 25th. He requested this be referred to the staff for a report. So moved by t:ounc. Johnson, seconde':! by Counc. ~tzgeral~. Moti~n carried, 5-0 C. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. The Stevens Creek Blvd. Improvement Project Is con- siderably ahead of schedule, but the recent rain has caused a temporary slow-up. 2. The Gallery is alLOst completed. 3. Candy J\ock curbing is being poured aOO sufficient base rock has been put '-n to allow traffic to use the street 1n sp1te! of the rain. 4. The County has passed Expressway Program, Phase II. They would 11ke Cupertino's support on this matter. JlL)ved by Counc. DemPSt3~ seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolut10n Ho. 1 . A'II8: r.ounc. Dempster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes BD: None Motion carried, 5-0 -6- ., 5.. radar avrvey W3S made onLey Avenue, between Stev8D6 Creek mvd and Homestead Road. The present speed ll.n 1s 25 mph, and 48:' or the dr1 vera on th18 :ro.I -.ere over ';he speed 11m1t. B1ther the speed 111111. fIB ~ low or .e are not hav1.ng aut'f'1.c1.ent pat- I'll .-,.,. t:o adequately enf'orce !.t. '. >. ~. D~ '. Jbdwrr ~'~:'. .. IIJ5I5t( '-', ~it' . .'. 1. 'l'rac1õa; U52, oak Knoll H1lls. Upon :rec. - e..II..I....., of' the C1.ty &Ig1.neer, 1.t was I80ved by Counc. D~þ&1:ê,.lIlmDded by Counc. fttzgera.1cl, to adopt Resolution 11».1371, authorizing execution of' the COJItIIOn Use Agre-.en1õ. AYB3: Counc. If _t.er, P1tzge:zoald, Johnson, lIoel, Stokes RA!S: None IIot10n carried, 5-0 2. Church of' the Razarene, south s11e or McClellan, 400' east of' Stelling. i;ïX>n recollllleDdat1on or the City Engineer, it; was moved by Counc. Dempster, secor-ded by Counc. Johnson, to liccept th,. improvements c0D8tructed in conjunction with the Church or the Nazarene. AYES: Counc. Dellpeter, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NA!S: None Motion carried, 5-0 Tract JIo. 349'¿, Baywood Terrace, Unit No.3; Tract JIo. ?783, Baywood Terrace, Unit ~. 4; Church of' Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, north side of' Bolllnger 200' east or Parallone. Upon recOlllllendatl.on ot the City Engineer, it WßS moved by Counc. DemJl,:!!:er, seconded by Counc. P1tzgerald, to authorize the Cit:r BÞ~-I!er to 1ntorm the developers and their bonding companies that the 1.ap¡'Ovement bonds may now be retired. 3. AYES: Counc. ~"""ter, P1tzgeralci, .J!:.\hnson, Noel, Stokes NA!S: None 1Io1:10n carried, 5-0 4. Monta ftsœ High School, south side, ot McClellan Road oppoa1.te Orange Avenue. Upon recC'·mendat1.oD ot the City Engineer, it was moved by Counc. Dempster, eeconded by Counc. Johnson, 1:0 adopt Resolution Bo. J.372, approving Final Plans. AYES: Counc. If ....ter, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes BAYS: None 1Io1:10n carried, 5-0 -7- .5. valley Gre~n,.t 2. Þ...-:t side of Stell. Road at VallEY Green Drive. U_ recollllllendatlon of the ~t7 ~neer, it was IIIOved b,- e .. .. De.pater, seconded b7 <:0--. Johnson, to lieeept tbe 1XU- .~nts constructed 1D eaoJaDct1on with valley ~_II'.. .-.. 2. . , -= ",,\ ", Counc. Dellpeter, P1t:zpN14. Johnson, Roel. StoIw1J 1Ione Mot10n ~e4. 5-0 Ifonta Vista park Idw. 1!b.4'6 _s an~.a. -~ v-.a- tbat when the adJ.e~ _4.Io--&." 1s 1aproftllS ... C1~ would 1aprove the1r ioo4t1.aD 1D front of tile pa1r duo n w11l cost apP1"'.'-tel7 tn,ooo to $12,000. JIr. 1J ~ Ruth, the developer, ~d this propert7 .. .C',~~ several years ago. ~.-a a Gentl...n'. 101...· - - that the entire IÞckltOOd AYeIIUe would be 1apro~ at UJe __ t1JDe. Mr. :tuth _14 be can finance his pol"ti~ at t~ t1Jle and hopes the C~ty :an ~ their t.J,f at the ... t~; at least the curb &D:1 s:'~e'II&llc. It would be 1n the ~ 1nterest o~ ooth proper':~es. '5. .__ S1.Okes re~erred this 1I8-.:-.:e:" to the Finance DireCt:::r am Director 0:' ?..:tl1c Wor;c~ ~cr a repor~. B. lŒPORT OF THE PLAN!rr-. :>I?.1?r!'OR 1. He ga\"e a report cr. -'::-.e ():tober 12:h Joint mee'C:.r.g of the =~'..::'lty and :-..:pe:--'::"')O Plann~ng COlIDDissior..s. He sa1': we are inte:-est~ :aalnly in the plann1në: o~ these &:'eas. Four:~ c-.;: ~lve Planning COIIIIII1l1s~cners were ¡::'e!~nt, but ::::::7 tv::: of the seven County Plann1r~ :"mm1ss1oners we:-e there. DiscussIons Invol\"e': :~.~ old Mcr.ta ~8ta area between the ral~:"Oad track and the creeÕ! a..~ the Footh111 Blvd. area. The Co-..r.t:r will be 1.o~ a study of the area in the not too ;i1stant t\;t·..;re. It was a¡¡:reed that we 1fOuld do the "t1,;.:'Ï< of the v::r;c and will keep In contact w1th the Co~ty on it. 2. OUr new ne1ghborhco1 ape¡ should 'ce completed within a few weei<s. B. JŒ!'ORT OF CITY ATTORJŒ!' 1.. In regard to the Var1.an request for acqulsit10n or a portion 0:' the central ¡:ark property, the sale of the property to the C1t7 reserved the pumpIng stat10n to Mr. Chuck. Perhaps KrB. Varùn would be Interested in a long-term lease. .... - by Counc. Demp",ter, seconded by Counc. FItzgerald" to ~ ~t the C1ty !'.anage:¡· to d1..seu8s this matter of a long- tcnI 1eese wIth Mrs. Varian. ~tion carr1ec!" 5-0 -A_ .' , ~ ~ tø :smÞIJfG :msm:roR . . Tbf.re .. DO ftIIOrt. F f,;· ~- ., .", "" it G~ .-.-....:1" .J:..~-2'Iœ D.11tIC1'OR ~ _ _ ftIIOrt. ~. .~.'. I~ IIfCat .....V---.,. Þip-~ .-.'",. :' 1. ".,-.,.tll' 1IIt:I'oduced Pro~~. ""'''. #11. tor &..1r ,.~ ~. tor üe DIN C1t)' BaU. Ia _' r'~ fd $20.20'7.40. ~wd "" ~T.. Zohr-œ. seconded 11)' COUI2C. Jroel. to aatbOrÞe ..._ I r4 ~ss B1lUng Ill. A1IS: et.&t. IJ J....ter. PitageraId. Zolm8on. Jroel. Stokes IDS: ... , JlDt10n carr1ed. 5-0 ~. '!'be quow ter the vertical ol1nd presented at the laat eow-ll aHting vas $790.000. The quote for a ~S.~l blind that would part in the center is $1500.00. '!'he quality of the blind 18 the same. 'rbe 0Dl7 ~rerence i8 in the trac!d..>1g. Jlt)ved i17 Coumc. Dempe';~r. secor..ied by CO'.U1c. Noel. that the contrsct be a.arded '::c the low b1dder. AtE!: Coumc. DeJçeter, Fitzgerald. Jor.nson. }fQel. Stokes "IS: !lone Mot1on carr1ed, 5-0 :. Three blda have been recel ved for -::-.e dump bed needed tor the new 2i ton truck: ~~ Industries . . . . . . . . . . .$1,494 cite Bod7 Company . . . . . . . . . . . 1,385 'l'raDSport Supply Company . . . . . . . . 1.123 Moved b7 Counc. Despater. seconded by Counc. Johnson. that the contract be a-.rded to the low bidder. A'!BS: Counc. D .....ter. Fitzgerald. Johnson. Noel. Stokes HAYS: Bone Wotlon carr1ed, 5-0 Ma70r Stokes called tor a recess at 9:30 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 91Ja5 P.M. VI A. Sale ot ~_....._nt Bonds - Project 64-1. Attome;r Kenneth Zones reviewed the b1d in deta11. COJDpar1ng 1t with 81...,.... b1dø in the area. He reco..ønded acceptance or this b1d, et;at1Dg that although 1t 1s h1.gh. 1t 1s within reason. ~ .':.. .·r I,' '.. .'" ',:~~:'..:~¡¡ ) ~~~';;"rif~';'~~ " . .,.;.,...;,~,.:.:~...~..,...,. -9- , , " - "He! by Counc. &ter, seconded by CounC. .hn80n, to atopt Resolut1l>n Ro. 925-19. , ~: Counc. Dempster. fttzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes "''''-1 Hone ',. Motion carrJ.ed, 5-0 ... Jones stated that UDder the 1915 Act, &n7 portion of . tþa. bcDd the people taU. W PQ', the City itself 8hall pa7, ~~,.wt1711 principal 8Dd 1.ntere8t. Thi8 i8 paid out of the oW v¡œ1ated surplus. It' the City has no IIIOn87 111 un- ~_J vpr1ated BUl'Plus, tbq can and IlU8t leVJ' a tax not to .... 1811 l~ per $100 aueased valuation tor the purpose ot ~ off these bond8. æSINESS II ¡ . I . :1:04, ,¡ >i x ~ was none. XI .. :æsnmss A. Mayor Stokes asked Council's permission to attend the Jlational League ot Cities, December 3-7. So ~ved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Hoel. A~: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Hoel, Stokes JrAYS: Hone Motioh carried, 5-0 B. Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. P1tzgerald, to adjourn to a personnel session at 9:55 P.M. Motion carried, 5-0 The meeting reconvened at 11:00 P.M. C. Counc. Fitzgerald recently attended a Sistex' Cit7 meeting in Copertino, Italy. and there was some talk about our baving a permanent Ambassador to our Sister City. Roved b7 Counc. P1tzgerald, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to appo1l1t Mrs. Blanci as our Ambassador to our Sister City. Motion carried. 5-0 XIX .mromœMBR'l' lIIrred b7 Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. JohnSon, to adjourn at 1.1:05 P.M. Motion carrJ.ed, 5-0 Approved: , AtteÅl /8/ Qar,y Stokes ~yor ~. ;,,"-, ~'.~£~~k :2._.~".~.", ~,-~_..- ... ,.