CC 10-25-66
lO3OO 'lDfte
c-'f' tW, Cll1tom1A. ~.
PtIoDe I ~-1!505
- :~--: .--"',--:--_.
. ~
. . -'ðiútOm\a
.. ~~Jt~;~M~~i~~~~~~~~i, City Council..:, pc:ober 25, 1966
'a:;~'" .J("~l'I<", ,,, .~ .·..."'v-"ò'
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. tM cb!l'!!!l'"'a.:: ,.", "to ".r.:'!,.;; '10 In· . .' .., ".
d;.. ¡z ~"r.œ=, ~~, ft~g81'ÍI1~;' J8(í ..~. øoel, Sto1cea
. .
:\.~~,8ÞÌ't PrUent. < .. '''UitötDe7, 81. ~... - .
..'. r' .'!. 01' PUblic ~¡, ..-.nIt P1nne7
. . . , far~ - IIadIton .
: r, Ibb 8œo1r
. Planner, .Jþ __
. ~t!oll Director, .Tolin l'arhall
, . ~ )llI1ldins Inspector, Bill Benev1ch
.~ Seeretal7, LoI. Inwards
IJZ .......~.,$ OJ' _ l'IIBVICIIS _.uN - October 3, 1966
CoID4C. JobnBon tad ~ tollOlf1nS correctiona to the Minutes:
hge 7, Itn X A; a;...... Jollll8On would like thø plan to be
_d.. a part of' the otn.cUl ùnutes. Following is t'lls
report, vert4ti.1
A. Additional an Requ1nd
Zon1ns ord1nBnc:.. ..-oPDaed b7 VUsey, Ba. . Blair never
r1Jla11zed 1n 2t ~re.
o-ral Plan needa N'IS.1on. updat1ne;, and conatant
3. "ateI' Plsn should be ~poaed.
-. Jle18hborbood Plana aft not .tarted.
5. Procedural ordlM.. ahould be 1lDpleClCnted.
6. 110 future plann111C - III'888nt work load taken up with use
perllits, var1anc.., 1'1 '7'11\81', zonin¡s regulations. and
adll1n1stntive dutl...
B. .......1...t1on 1Ieq\l1nd
1. fte topther undazo _ d...rtllBnt head all related activities
aad to reduce the ,.-.... ot independent oUlc.e.
2. .elc principle or søad adll1n1stnt1on 18 the consolidation
1II'OJIOaed wh1ch JIII'OYSdee the opportunity ror better coordi-
..t1on or activ1tlca aad ab1l1ty to know and n.x responsibilities
3. J'Undah DBCUaal7 -.Ie.. of' government in a eore et1'1ciønt
_. ProY1dBe be~ter cc .Ication between adllin1.trative staft,
tile Cit7 Council, aad ~~ comunity.
c~ R\,vrpl\1aat1on .4...1:r Stated
'ftÌe JiJ.apt41\£ tlmctlon all4 InapactloP' sei'9ice IWI'gt 1InI!.....'
... Director, tile Director or Co.un1t)' DeYelo.-nt,
- ,. ~ ' . . ,.
D. Add1U_l a4ftøtapeor 8ÞI Rlliona tor Jeol'pn1Zat1on
;; 1. ~~,,~IDE=r~tI:P~tt:'~=-~.
ðne1op.. .4~ " ~. ·J.I"".ß _...;.;~ .
2\ FïB14-:, . ~'1l' Ilbtl1~J-'.c-S:j:.o-1"'f!- .---"'
øqIJ. _ ~. 1'4. ,. , '" J'II,,~..,~
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; ;' 3. L.. _ '1~-. ." '~.. ~ _ c'~-'~J~t a1tuU
~~ ,~- 'T uu. ¡ ... ..-. ~;.
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.' '. ¡¡¡ , . ..~.. . _.. aD 1IuS8 fit r"AWða ....
Ð~...: ~ .1.~~' ê;t71t- . ..~~~ _ .. DIÎiI ... ~""1.
. .. ..:' '::.~ _.. _. or... .....
y-...,.:l. ~'-;U1-'~. .'Iowa _ éleftlo..... .. ha...~__.
. a; ~ ~ ~ . 1IIÞ'....'IIIt eIIII elJmnate ooatuSoa
9. ~ . . .-.ita !:.ï ..... Jlrldta .... _ a..4.
lOa COoI'41Iate ... _ '. õt C I It)' éIeft18IIIent IIIIIIer _ laNd.
.ll. tlUl a1loII U. 1')-.. "-UCID to coaoetnte Oft tut1lN
p1aaa tgr tile CI~ ....... ..,.4,. II)1'II4__. ..-l plan
NY1a1oa. _~ ~, JI'OCeclural 01""--_, rooth111
12. Aaaiat C1t7 ~r- _ 1oo1WlC aDII 1'1__4.. the nøt ten
JUn. then_ "k4...cI _ /-r of oar åfted a_h mIf!llp.
ll3.. AlI0118 tbe C1t7 to tûa 1IdUAt1ft aDII ___ a lllldv.
_ Pl'0Y1dea tile Cl.t7 IliUt t... oPDOrtua1t7 to r--te cuprrttno
.. . JII'Þe Ute fw *-o1ü aDII 1nduatftal d8ftlo.-nta.
l5. ProY1cS.. tile CI.'t7 IliUt a ....~t to _pent. &lid _I"dl-
118;. .1th tile - __ or Co m Il"Ce &lid tile ~~.. of CJIf "\1tJ
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Pase 1. Item I Ai aecolllS 1111e; delete word "County· and re-
~ce 1t with .~ Jose."
Page 7, Item X C¡ third 11081 Delete toord "coordlna~orn and
replace it tlith DJ.rector ot Co..-mity De".lopeent. n
Page 7, Itea X CJ third "1'8P'ph, third sentence shall read:
"'rh1ti new pc~ could be called D1rector of eo-m1ty Ï)evelop-
_to althouGh. d1ttel"8llt t;1tlfl 1I18h~ .180 be appropriate."
j '. --
~ 7. Ite. X C. W1'4 ~-. l"~~ Delete tbe worda
"1Iinta to" 8l1li., JU _ ,." 1dúì;u. 1110~ · ..
~ ! '. . .
lap 8, t1ttb .......Iæ·'.f~~~ an4 replace it
With the toU__j~Of '1dU~' t10JIII that he
aboulO 40 aa .not. fit _ Øña10 S. I'I1D inter-
f_a 1'01' tile C1t7 ~~ IIiO .UCIIt bill'" ÑI'I7 out hia
...·t·.. .. '...,.
UK.. . . .'
JlDved ~ Counc. IIoel. ieoabded b7 CO\21C. ftUpreld, i;o
approve .tM. ~ 'aa 'COIftCted. .
. . . . .
Motion carried, !:-o
1. Letter or October l6th to the i)ity Council froQ Ot1kdoll
Ranch 2Iomeo_rø' Association, stll~1n8 tbey had v,:¡ted
against the footbridge.
2. Letter ot October l6th to the City COuncil t'rotø the 081(del1
Ranch l/oaleoWn8rø' ASllOClst1on requeating they be placed on
th.. October 25th agenda.
_ . Letter frea Attom8:r Trac:r '1'wIlin, appea11ng October 2~th
Pla~ eo..1salon decla10n on Usa I'Itl'llit lo-U-66.
t. Letter fl'CGIlIra. Barriett R. SII1I;I1, 1050l Madera Drlve,
operetor or the MaOera lIvrøe."Y ror Monsoloid c¡¡lldren,
request1ns perm.a.1on to _ke a pla:r _ o,·t of ¡leI'
prage rol' the ch1lcll'all.
5. Letter fl'CGI ...... -17 lAluiae I,yon, teacher st lIe_stesd
Hiah SchDol. tlllDk1nS tbe Council ror the attention given
her claP wbeD tM)' .ttelSed tho) lUt _ting.
6. Letter troll Santa Clare .Cllunul"'lfetJ COuncil, inviting
the Col:IICll _abere to the JIon~ 18th 41nner, to be
held at Lou's V1llage.
7. Letter troll San"· Clara County Heart Aaaociation, announc-
inS their fund ...lalll8 plaaa tor 1966-67. '!'hey,do not
participate in the UÞ1te-'l JrImd. The) plan their campaign
for: Pebruar7, 1967.
_om CIIDER: Mona- b7 CoÜDC. .o.l. aacoDlSe4 by Counc. JP1!;IIßerald.
tbat publ1c bear1n& ror application lo-U-66 be set for the secOr!
regular lleet1ns in lIov..ber. .
MOtion' carried, 5-0
.a.n-A ORDIIR: The atarf __~"teð to 1n8truct Mrs. SII1th to make
app11cation to the n.nñiDs .eo.1"slo~ to .MIIIS her Use PeI'9l1t.
'- - - ..-..
~ ORDEa: The Heart Aa8ocl8t10n letter WIlS rererred to the .tart.
Moved b7 Counc. 1Ioel. seconded by Counc.. 'P1tzsera1d, t;c, file
the written co~CI"ItloDB.
,t -.".
;~, '~,' .
t'\.. '
JIIiotlon carned, 5-0
A. OIlo;del1 RBÞch f5' I:lIIIMrB' .AQocl8~ deolllon on Puot-
brid¡e 18... ¡, atDce there _s no repreHDt:atl"e of the
grt""in~' ........ ,at thi. _~,1~'" "IA'"", the
letter. . . _"hlUoD IR&ft1ced) _..fUrther
act1oli.a . ." "".' '
. J . ~::~·'t)i~o:,·~' ~ ,'~ ~ ;-'.:, . .
A. -""" o..-J'.. ~. (~. .tiDateít ot' Oct. 10 't)
Utll1;':'es "--1aD. !be CcmceDIUII of op1n!Oft on tho! IUrY87
or parking .~,_...~ ..-'f.' th87 lhoIoJt.Á -'ft lO'.in
IICst instances. but UDder so. cond1tiona !RIch al an induatrial
parlc1ng lot, th1e could be reduced, to 9'. Anotber hear1ng
on the Sign ()rrI1-..... II scheduled tor JIo"..ber ll!th. We have
heard tl'Oll the c-- ot Co_roe and will be beerlne: sh.)rt17
troll the 8111dera' As.oclation.
Co'.a1e. P1tzr,ereld expretUled cone,m that perhaps ;some method
Dhould be devised' whereby the pubUc can be made !DOra aware
of the Public Bea1"1Dpl on Voe Pe1'll1ts \;0 avoid proõJëms
ørising after the Planning Commission decision has u.en made.
(See Minutel or October 13th)
Chaircan P1teh reco_nded too IUnUtCB of Octo1>er L.;h be
spproved as they st&TA.
Coune. Keel allked ir's woul:1 be ba:k in t.:;aln.
He aake.:1 if a~ de"elol*eftt plan tor t.hill parcel has beon
subl1tted. He nl into.-d thet none 1a Chlli...n
P1teh pointed out tlL~ there .ill t.-e at \eas" tour dlrferent.
t)'IIH of arch1 teet_ in thil de"lo~nt. He slked ¡or
c_nta fro. t.he C1t~ Council. to Itren¡s1:hen the position of
the Ar:h. .. S1t. Appova1 eo-1ttee.
C. REi'ORT OJ' TBB PAØIS CQMIUSSICII (See lI1nut... of Oct.. 11th)
Mr. Sedlak c_nted on the October 11th II!DI1tes. The ea...
aission is currently working with Ribera and Sue on the 1'I)....~al
Park dndop.ent ror 1Ib1ch the total dev.lo~t costs
or1e1naU;r amuntèd to $186,000. This haa been tri.-ed dowí'
to ,~,OOO am d1ñded into four increlllllnts: 1) the Recrea-
tion bu11d~, 2) 1IOIIld lnclude I tennis COlII't, 3) would
include sny recreation equipaMtnt needed at the tille, and
II) would include... .J11'17 pools, etc., they telt would be
needed. In a441tion. ..rvice orpnizatiOlll are bei~ 6iven
the opportunity to doaate _ ot the aIMn1tiea.
IIQor Stokes qUI,CU9"J1Ò4 that portion of. tbe ÌD1nutes interring
that the cboiç,e ot, tll"!lhitect 18 up to ~he_ eo--t .don. The
Recreation D1.rec;~.....4 this. was a poor choice or worda and
that t:wt ainutea _14 be corrected to retlect the ract that the
cho1ce of architect 11)' the CoIBl88ion 1s subJect to approval of'
the Cit;r CouncU. 'fhe word ·suggest· 1s to be inaerted in
the äø¡tes. . .
A. RBSOLU'1'1œ 110. 13551 Declaring Intention to Order vacation
or !We Parcels or Land Ið'1ng t'ith1n the R1Sht-of-\faY of' tlat
CertB1n l'or\.lòD of Saratoga-8unnyvale &Dad. (Sta~e B1st!WB7
85) W1th1l1 the C1tJ ot cupert1llo, l'UrauaDt to Sect10n 8320
, It Seca. ot tile ~ts end tI1sbI81B, Code ~t the S::at8 ot
,~.'!"'.' '; 't-Cal1toftdI\"r;fMtId. Rüd1nS) . '. -:.. ,
;f·'ri..:.~::i:'!' . ,.·,1 ,;,~.v-;",-,- , .' . , -.c.
. '~~ ÂttêØ66"eUd thBt1t t1ière-'a1'è iIio ób~ect1ona, It
, , " > ,-'1Jf oìðèi"w:>*-16Þtó'th1s þ8õ~t1Ö'iW .
...~ ~~.. .".";,,, _ CouDo. ~ r..ter, Hcondfld b1-. "1, that
, '~'., .¡¡¡:,'.lOlut~ l~, 1!.8 ell9Rt~·
Pt..>'J¡"1'!.;oto L" ',¡ ::7'.. :!O~<:~ .'" ,l' ""j.T··'
...., ,: ···~",,·,iiíi·'- ·'·.,i'· .;. .
,-,,;.:; ..~, Couno. ~ J..M1', I'1tzgera1d, Johnaoa, aMl1, Stokes
."~.;1>~,.,,,.1S' JIone . .c',· , .' ','
, . . .:;.~ ,'.' . .. .' 1Io';';lon carried,' 5"0
'.; :
.- ''fD'œDDØCIS AHD ro..........A.. FOR ADOPl'IOJI
--., " "
t'bere were noDe.
A. Resolution 50. ljÓ5 and 1;66.
Resolution Mo. 1:)65 _II read by Treasurer Dellpllter.
!loved by Cocnc. Johnaon, 8~conded by Coun~. JIoel, to adopt
Resolution NO. 136:.
AYES: Counc. Delllpeter. P1tz¡;er3l<1, Jo:lftllor:. Moel, Stokes
JlAlS: NOne
!IoLion cÐrri~'(\, ~-O
Reøolut1on 1 ',66 \la. read by Treasll~r Dellpat~r.
!Ioftd by Counc. J~n, s.<ended by Coune. JIoel, to adopt
RHolution 110. 1366.
A1BSI Co",,". »-Pater, Pitzgerald. Jolln8on, 11081. S~ok..r
_W: IIone
lIot1on carr1ed, ~-O
A. IIBfCII'l' or crrr ~.
Be had noth1nß further to report.
- "
B. RBl'Cn"': or cm IIØAO!R
III tho absence or ttø -City Nllnaser. the ¡)1rehor .:: l\1b:t1,c
Work. e~ted on U;.e f'ollow1ng:
1. '!.'here have""" sev!!rsl cOllplaints or speedit1ß along
Bl&ft8y AY~ fto1D residents on tlat street. Pel'll1s-
.10n ... ~ted 1:0 do s radar cbef:k on'thD.t street.
AuthOrtsat1oD 1IIIIS gronted by the CO\mCll. .
-0': r;;
. ~ ,; :.":o~:¡':¡..-è-' ....
~1 !or.
2. Senta A:lMa COUDtJ' l'lood Control aDd Vater District has
requested $3000 tor construction of a tum-ou; fscUity
to be 1n8all8d on the west pipeline .at; St;ev"na Creek
Blvd. f'o~ f'IItUI'e use by the City of' Cupertino.
So mved b7 Counc. Dempster, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzgerald.
~.. : ,J. ;..: ¿",
1.'..0& Q, A1IS.
. .?~.a.:þ:''-j!'''.s-.L ; ~ ' . a1St
..,,~~ _"j~',~Q'J:;;,'. "
'. .~. ,
~ ~-T "
COUDOj I [,· P1tzgU8ld, JohDaon, !foel, Stokee
JfoDe,..o.... ;.t .
. ,',~..," "~~ .tSOra csrried, 5-0
.~: :::"~ "'.á ;'~,¿r)-:· ,
~__;.II" ,,-~.,y ,3..0õuDt7cISUJ'. CJ I ttee requelte4.appo1Dtment or a
eounou T L .~ to atterad their DØt'. _tina.
.~. ;,$ 1C..: .\~:.
a,Yed b7 CcMaC. II r.ter, 88C'Jnded b7 Counc. J'1tzßerald,
to appoint (b.,,-'. ael to the County Airport Co_Utee.
IDt.1ora csrried, 5-0
1:. Ba7 I'roDt DrHIlU_lftt Committee _et~g will be held
October 26. 7.30 P.JII. at the C"unty Adll1nistration
Building. IIQOr Stokes sugges~ed the Recrea tion
Director attenll this ....ting.
5. Tranaportat1on POlicy CoGIDit¡;ee meeting was attended
by the Director of Public "~rl:s, where the ll': million
dollar P!>8s~ II Expressway Bond Program ..aa pasaed.
1. There have been ~1tO respcmaes 0;0 the blc:l for the City
Hall landscsping:
Ves;; ColIst Landscap1n.c; Compan~'
Pba.. 1 - sprinklers, etc.
Pha_ 2 - trees, etc.
Ph£se 3 - ahrUbs, e;c.
'fo tal
2 "81
Palo Alto Landscapilll!' Company
Phase 1 - sprinklers, cO;_.
Pbaae 2 - trees, et~.
PhaBe '3 - ~brubB, etc.
'fo tal
8, 119
The Clt7 Clerk, noting th~ ~reQt diff~rence in quotes,
dol\ble-(,beC~ with the bidders and leamed ',;heøe ..ere,
indeed. correct.
Moved b7 Counc. DetBpster, seconded by Counc. Noel, to
a_I'd the ~Lnct for the City Hall landscaping to
WeBt ,=~t LaDdBcaping Compa,1Y.
Motion carried, 5-0
2. '!'he ~ 8)C1c bida rill be reported upon by the
C1t:r JnrI-J". .
. '
3. The c;r.Ue%'7 30b is substantially t'1n1she4.
D. ftBY'f or em IIIIII~
1. 'Bids "ere l'IIICelved snd o~ned st City Hall, 2:00 r.M..
October 25th. Cor ill~"ement .of portion of Regnart
Road snd L1Dd7 Lane (Candy Rock Mountain)
Upon ",co_Iodation or the City Bnc.inHr, it ...s IIOVed bJ'
Couno¡ n.p.MI', ,&eoODded b1 Counc. P1Þþft1d, to ...rd
the contraot to tbe loti bidder. PerbI. 0QIatl'UCt1on COI!paQJ.
tor. cootNñ ,JII'iO.-ot $2~.210.00; the ooatractor to mve
011 to the a1te aD October 20th.
&1ISI . eouno. 1/ J 1 1'_ fttspnld, N--nD, ~l, Stokea
. a1l1' ".,..,,: "'.. ;;.¡ 0' ,-'
_SOD CU'I'1ed, 5--0
!-. ,
.. _...
. ~ i ~ . ...
I. ~ or C1ft a1i..-.a:
. ,
l. !be C1t7 Attol'MJ 11111 gift . full report on the water
righta aid ..rk line .s it partalna to the varian
propel't7 at t:M _t Council -~.
O. RBfœl' QP, 'lIB '''~'fICII u.ucà.~
l. Spoolc Da7 11111 be he1d on Saturday, Octoter 29th,
l-5 P.M. f'or the. 70unger children and Hallo"een night
for the older youths.
2. Collins Teen Club "ill hava a Battle of the Banda on
October 29th.
3. TWo Holiday DecoratiQn Clallaea have been set up; one
for children anü ';:!Ie ror adults.
~. A Home Landscaping course will start in January.
;. Pencin~ lesaona will co_nce 1n January.
6. Instruaaental 1llU81c inatruction ",ill start th1s coming
MondaY, :.1th the idea of fOrm11'1(1 a co-..n1ty band.
7. Pla¡rground acti v1.t1es are proco!ed1ng wi th ~rest intereat
There tlas no report.
1. The alV\ual report should be out in tl_ ror the
dedication of' the lie" City Hall; MovelDber Illth at
the latest.
2. Due to the treMndous \iorkload of stufting and mailing
t~~ annual report and the dedication inv1.tatlona, a
quote was obta1Ded f'rom Precision Co.pooition for
$4~.lll to henl!le the.1ob, including the stamps. Th1s
WIlli not allowed ror 'in the budßet, but is rcco_nded
by the City Clerk.
;);;;:. ','
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Moved by Counc. D I'Jpeter. 6ecnnded by Co~. Johnson, to
authorize expeøl1ture or $46;.41 frail the General Pw1d for
the .stuft'1ng an:! _111ng of the annual report and ded1cst101
AYES: Counc. ~ter, Fitz¡;erald, Johnson, Meal, Stol(es
NAYS: None
IIotion carried, 5-0
3. 'f1M De_~ Þr. $125.000. A quote of.~ .e given b7
aU.t'our·.___. .'I'be.P1Dance Diractor¡p". Q reeU118 ot
the 'ftIIe n.pø.s.1:II at the various bendltl
I I £./.
1fe11a"!- _ . $63.000
Bank:~ ~ca 35,000
P1rat ~tIY 159,000
crockft'\oCl.UUDe 235.000
Moved b7 ~UDO. It ....tar. ":cOllded b7 eounc. Ifoel, to split
. the $125.CIOO bd .. Welle-Parga and Bank ot Allerica.
This lIOt1on and _ODd were withdrawn wbeD It was brought
out that the Interest rate would change if the deposit
were under $lOO.OOO.
Moved b7 Counc. ............n, seconded by Counc. Detllpater, to
award the '1'1me Deposit or $l25,OOO to ~el1s-Par50 Bank
for 5~ for 6 IIIODtba.
AYES: Counc. ~ter, Fitzr;erald, Johnson, Meel, Stokes
NAYS: None
Motion carried, :-0
4. Anar thorouz}'.ly lookinrr into the matter, .;he City
C1~r!: reco~ed the purcha:Jc of Model 3/5') A-B Dick
o~r-s~t printer for ~3,966.7r..
Moved b;( Counc:. I>e!llpater, se<:ondcd by Coun~. Jot-.naon, to
authOrize purc:t.ase o~ Model :,60 A-B l)icl< off-set printer
fot' ~3,966.75.
AYES: Counc. Deta¡:e~er. Pitz~ersl,1, Jot,nson, JIoe1. Stokea
NAYS: Mone
Mo~ion csrric,i, ';-0
5. The CHy Clerk rec'.)tIIm~nded the purchase of a Garwood
hoist and bod7 for the new tru, k recent17 purchased
for the sj;ree~ d;¡¡.ertlllen;;.
Moved b.f Counc. Dc wpeter, seconded by Counc. Meel, to put
this i~cm over until the next reGular meeting.
Motion csrried, ~-O
6. Per the instructions of the Council, the City ClerIc
presented a aa.ple or the drapQry .naterial and a sample
ver"icol blind f'or comparison. before the decision is tor the new City Hall windows.
Counc. JohnBon asked it the ~erti~al blin:!s could be
dra:m to \Ach side, thereby fully exposing the window.
It \/OS pointed c.ut this was "lot a teat~ of this
particular bl1!ld; only the 10l','res could be IiIOVed.
Mom =.: Counc. D, seconded b7 Counc. 3obnlon, to
plt t!:1s ite.'ll over tðr WI) weekl;;o enable the City Clerk
to ~~: >lith the --4ac::urer to sea it this feature CSII
be 1::1S:dled p.i1d at 1dat cost.
1ID~10n carried, 5-0
][ UllJ'OOsm::> !I1SINBSS
j , &. Counc. Johnson ..1184 s.t tbe City Councll should have snothe
',' Joint _t1ng witb t:. I'U1aI co.1sBion, in l1&bt of' the
'1~,"~,1~ .. P¡:~II_ WinlilllWtltua n.-'" to I'I:Il."tal park de"'1ø~t.
-+t~,t ," *Jv ~.~ tJdajo1nt ...t1n& be held atter
~'ij:i 'we !aft bIIdpt.~~ 'ct:MI' parlla. '1'tIe JIeOreat1on D1reo-
~ '",'J'''': . tor U1d ~he CO 1_- If1ll be ..sUns with botb architectl
;. \"'~.~ cma:n_ber l. ..... ~ ,-vt'FUilUucted the Recreation
. ~" fit';· JIUK...... to let up. ,U8a ttlble with the architect..
.. '!'be Beczeet10n m...... 1ft ,reprd to the request by Mr.
'rÞberB 8JId other ..u1ð_ta on Gillick way, stated tbat the
Parb am aeo'reatJAla Q: -..ion would not' like to consider
the w:snt lan4 S1I tIIe:b' neighborhood for the City parks
The ::-UCs have been picked out, and all that ia needed
no.. 1~ :he pict_ of' the Mayor and Councilmen to grace the
w81:s ::' our new C1q Ball. Hc ur::;ed them to tal:e care or
th1s m:~er this week, it' possible. .
XX JO!W BUS:x::s.s -- There _s none.
IIDved "r ~.: en". Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adjourn
the lDee:'-~ ao 9:15 P.II.
/s/ Gary Stokes
, T ..<!r::