CC 10-03-66 - - 1Q321 South aar.top-s.·'-,'wålô M4 Qapertlno, ClUto1'ft1a· Phone: £52-4505 ~--------------------------~-~-~----~----------~--------------------- C I '1' Y '0 P 0 U 'JlK '1'-1.0 . ; Cal1torn1* .' , 1 ...' '.. ~." ,-. " '. -ut. or m RBQUI.AII _.IJIU or' 'l'BB. œ!tt ~JgL - .October 3. 1966 _~..l.;. j JI ÍÛið .1boII.,~... .< _~1' ,:!~~¥è. . .', ~ - 1M^l ''I.DI1*' - ........-. . .: .,. .' :v~. "r \..: .. ~ .~.~.. ,- <"...... . ~. . . . . '..... . . " .. ,iòiIiì_. 8tool'.II..............,'..:· ".. ..' ~,. , "---' '., ·."1[ì":"··..·~..·::.. ._...."::~:!.,,_ ~.",' : '. .:. ,':::,.' .:' 7_,<.Î '. .,~~. .tJ· ':' . -% '. SWJ'ÏB 'fO ftB JUG .' II ROLL CAU, .' . . CouDc. present:... DeIpIt..·. P1tikeftld.. 'oTobmlori, Johnson, ØDel, .., ,-' Stokes .. '. . Counc. absent: Bone Staff present: CiÌ7 lfånager. Phil S1Iorm City At,tomq, SUI Ame:rsejn Direc~or ot.PubU-<> Works. Prank Pinney Director o.t Plann1~, Adde .Laurin C1ty Brigin~r.· Bob Shook - City Cl~rk, 1Ca)" Haddon Recreation Dire~tor. John Parham Assistant Planner, Jim NUzum Recording Secretary, Loi,s ~I'!"srda . ,~'. . . . , .Mayor Stokes introduéed t;he. ..taff· to the audience. The Cft7 Managgr 1ntroduced Mrs. Lions, Homestead HiGh School teacher and members' of ''her Civics class. III MINUTES OP THE PREVIOUS MBETINO - September 19, .1966. ~ved by Counc. Johnson, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzr;erald, to approve the IUnutes or September 19, 1966. . Motion .csrried, 1'-0 Co~c. Noel absta1ned IV ORAL AND WRITTEN C......;~~CATIONS. There ,were no written communications. Mr. B1ll Timbers, 203113 Gillick Way, CUpertino, spo!te on behalf of the homeo_ers on Gillie!': Way in regard to the now-VB cant "Lands or Hoover,· clORe to BoJ lin(!er Road al1d Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. They request this property be considered ss a tuture park site. Mayor Stokes referred this to th~ st;atr ror a report. V A. RJl'OJ\T. OF PIAIINIJ~ CQMMISSION (See ~teil or Sept. 26) Coal.. Ør.Yaon. said he.... .sitting-in 'f'or bdth' the ChaiJ'lllln and V1ee~~:\r.IIIm, Who··worii ñòt aQl-e··to att~· thie mee~ing. He ortei'ed .to an...r arIF questions. ;·tUM!ft a&iced 'about the Soderstrom '1'entstive Map aPPllcat10n, håstated thj~ ..s a resurvey. It ....ts all t;,e Ordinance requiremente al» ..s, therefore, approved by the Planning ComiBsion. -1- B. REPORT or '!BE ARCHI'L's..-!-uRAL AHD 8I'1'1 APPROVAL C(IIIII'1'1'Ib (See Minutes or September 27th) Chai1'lllØ.n P1 tch recoaaended that the IUraItea of September 27, 1966, be appro"ed aa Nad. Counc. Johnson aslred to see the Pic and Pan Resta~.rant render- ing. 1Ir. CbllDCe, the applicant, d1Bplayed it and br1ef'1.y øp1a1Ded the ~t. 1Jþon ~.~ 00UDIt. Bofii.' Chau:-.n P1tcb expla',nad the nucD tor t'ùIf;þØ contacting Mr. JllyWh1te, ot Shell 011 0000iP"IQ' was a1löiit; 'òe duplicity of' poleS ror signa. aw.d b:rCouDc. ,,-....-on, seconded b7 co.mc. noel, to ap IIIOft tha arold.teotaN1 aid Site Approval _tea of Sept_bar 27, l~. . ; Motion carried. 5-0 c. aua'CIIRt ~ aJIIS C<IUIIS$I<II (See IUmItes Of September 28, 1966) Mrs. Loomis, of' the Parka co-1ISBion, cOlllllented on Mr. Sue'. wr1tten rep)rt Oft Portal Park. The Commission is currently tryinSto reduce the quantity but not the quality of the equ1¡øent In order to reduce the per-acre cost. There has slso been a meet1ng to discuss çhe water situation for the ~ks. And it has been decided to label the atructure a Recreation Shelter" ro.ther than a "Teen center" and to make it more versstlle. V A. 1. CLARENCB R. SODEII8'1'ROt!: Appl1oation 6-'!'M-66 Tentative Map real1gna¡ent of property lines, lor.ated east side of Hillcreot Road, 300 n. + north of' Crescent Rosd. APProved by Planni~- Commission Resolution No. 375. The PlsnninG Director statoc that three conditions (or rather concessions) have been tacked onto tr.e Resolution: 1) 50' rsther than 60' wide street; 2) An arreellBnt that whenever an assessllBnt district for improvement or the street is fo~ the ownera or these two lots would be obliged to Join; 3) An agreemant that whenever an assessllBn;; district is rormed the owners of these two lot~ would be obl1¢ed to connect Mith sewer lines whenever accessible. Moved by Counc. Jfoel, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to approve application 6-TM-66 with the three conditions as approved by the Planning Cocaa1ss10n. ,Motion carriad, ~-o VI POBLIC HBARINOS A. ~WTION NO. 1351: Declarlne; Intention to Order Vacation of' a certain Roadway Easemer.t with1n the City Pursuant to Section 8320 Et Seq. or the Streets and H1~ays Code of the State ot eaUf'orn1a, and Reserving there1'roal' Certain Easements Pursuant to Section 8330 Et 8eQ. or the Streets and Highways Code. P1rst Reading. -2- 'rile C1-;r mr-.1neu: -.t4 ~ "...1:1oD U 1n aD ....~ where we Ate adJacent to tbe COunty. It WI' felt tœt the County would " 81eo .-oot 1;het? area l-Sl8te17 adjacent tò th1e. We have . ,",en 1Dt~ tJa1¡th1a1s not tbB caile, IN.h,ftr. 'It is, .' theNr_, ,NO<:! -111 ~ this _tter be a1; ·lea.1; deferred , .JIO ,be sWl' wUJ..1Ie:aUowed t~ to 'st~ \IiIJ_tter turttler. ~.~ ,-. : ,.... . "~.' .: . ..' . ."\ '. ; < ¡ )lDYed,Q Oo1IIIIø&YÐlnll....' ... _~ed b7 Coaøc.".'~· '" to continued RalOlut1oft,oð:j1: ODe mDth.. . . . ",~ {. ~~ ·.~;~n~ \. ' ../1 '0" ¡"!í!A:r :s' -;-_-. :GU'J"1ed¡ 5..0. . ~ì;;,:;;':; ".~<I!L; .t:iI'"i--....~..1V~.., s!-'fèn a 't.P·'·~¡J:=~ ,..·.l;;J,,:~~~'~..~~~;~~ included ,l:' ',' !I...I.tÌ;<j .·:,'~~~~I:,foW -¡:.r~1'ìtíf-J,:IË .f:'Í;~ .£;,:.tï:!:~:.Jo'J.'~·;:· .... ·:'~tl --:'i. .~r,.· '^fìiÚ 'J~~~'~- IløDlutiob. 1:361._ WSdild''8nd the . ~t<.b$ CIø,*U.~;. _N 1!I-"C1eu..te51on ReIIo1UC1on 315 b7 . . II1nute Order. whicb ... a1JoeadF bftn do_. .' ,': -,. ~'~ r 1'; ;. '"'!.~ ::.:.::;c..:k '" .t'< "JIQ.'Ied b7>.Counc.·tft~..1IS, aecdnded··'::-Counc. XDel, to void '-.flV Resolution l361.· . . . r JIot1on carried, 5-0 VU OIIDItllJl:BS AIfD IUISOLU'l'IOHS '1'I1ere were none. VUI PAnllJ MUS A. RSSOW'i'ION NO. l359 and 136.1. Treasurer Dempster read Resolution No. 1359. Mo"ed by Coun·~. Noel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolution 1359. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Pitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Motion'carried, 5-0 Treasurer Dempster read Resol~tion 1360. Movéd by Counc. P1tzgerald, seconded 1Jy Counc. Noel, to adopt Resolution 1360. AYES: Counc, Dempster, Pitzgereld, Johnson, Moel, S~()I{es HAYS: None Motion c~r.·ied, 5-0 IX REPORT OP OPPICBIIS A. REPœT OJ' CITY 'l'RBASURBR He had nothing rurther to report. . B.. REPORT OJ' crn MAJlAGER 1. Librery rac1l1t1es in Cupertino The C1ty Mana¡"er reported there will be a preliminary h.,sr1ng on this proje~t on October lOth, 7:30 P.M., on the 7th floor- of' the County AdIl1n1atrat1on Bu11d1nz, by the County Library Co8D1saion. -3- , , . 2. City JIIIll-.J,&. n,mg plana. .'!be C1tJ !Imager &W_....:.ted the final laDlSlcat'1Jtg ,1anl to the C1t:r CouDcU. 'lllHeplaDa have .1ready beeD a¡iproved by the :-',"" ,~J)cllUncll. Bids wiD be ~ October 21st .8Id the bids will .'" 'Á>ò"'¿; lie J . at 1;be ~ C11;T Couuc1.l l1188tins,. 0 ~ City Manaser po1Dted out thBt tba COIi1:a have been aegII8Dte4s 1) The , ;¡...;~P ....-'-.,.en" 12-~'1IJ,IInt1llg .l'OIIIII,....'c~billl.. gil, 3) '!lie p1ant1n8 .AI_ I .~ tJa¡ íeàr. ;.: ~¡ '; .;" i ,', . \ ~,t~" :Ji 3~ l'a¡DIg'" -.. ·~r I17Btell tor ... ~t7 Ball. ~:.f,: ~ If ' i"~ ~.-.r,r1"¡_·lIave ftf.eiftll'æ¡.' ~r1'Oll ~ JU ~'.---"'1""lîJiIWq¡æE· '.,.,-- .,....t.o'#' .,. '!'lIeN '~'''"to11 1 co. .' , ':cU8euesion o~ tht' ,~~. ~t.r , '.... UIIIIer the _= ___ tbat the record" WCIU1d be built In !:II~ t!IID :po).tt.........~~ 1J1rectol' ot "ìbIaø;~~8814 the ~';:."\': rIða _ to 'bue..:l1IOO t.1a1: .it could be '" \Ji( ,co. " quieter plaee for tNDBCl't."'-i· , . ' " " , CauDc. .Tomson -""aiI..ore. s.nto~tlon on 1IJIe.l'1'opoaed paging Q8tee. lie Aid he ._ agøinst the paging'aDS Þeclc#(Iund _ie, feeling it _.Il4 interfere with the concentration ot the people work1Jlg tJIere end, further, the mullber of employees did not wrrant the need tor it. Ma70r Stckes and Counc. Der.:pster Mere In fa~"t.'r of ¡;he paging s78t.-... The cost of' it "ould I:e less than that. c! hiring an 8IIPlc¡~~ ~o 30 f1'OlB orric!! to off1·,e, looking tor SOO)8(me. Counc. Jloel questioned the eUec: the paging system will have on t~ wore: being carried on a: :r-.e City Hall. Counc. ¡>i;Z3erald d14 not f'eel t""!'e \;as a need tor either the pe;1:'l¡¡ syatem nor the bacl¡¡;rc'""d mus1c. Mov~ ty Coune. Dempster, secor.::~j b:¡ Counc. F1tz("erald, to defer :t.e decision on the speaker system unt1l af~er we move into :~.e City lfall and to then ::eke the determinat10n of whet!:-e:- Qr not lt is necesaary. Motion carr1~d. 5-0 .:. Re·~·lremen~ tMV'&&6m. 'l'he City Manager 8814 the StsLe requires an Actuary Report before we ~an proceed with th, ~:lrement ¡:rograll. Stsndard fee for th1s report i_ $200.00. \Ie tIould gn ....ults fl'OlD this a!ter ~he tint or the year. Moved t)' Counc. ne.pe~er, seconded !)y Counc. JIoel. to authorize the abcve e~penditure or $200.00 for an Actuary Report. AYES: Counc. Dem¡lBter, P1tzgeral:!, Johnllon. JIoel. S~okes HAYS: 1Ion3 Motion carried, 5-0 5. u.g. Pundll 'report, '1'he C1C7 Manaser reported on bis Sa~re1ll8Dto· _tin¡: in regard to the U.I. t'\mdB. JIlt lias been assured thatL belled on the raet Uat De Anza CoUege i_ being built inwpiØ1;1no. it there 1Z s~ !lOne)' awaJ.lable. Cupertino 111 S01nS to be ¡;£ven RIMer ODe COnB1d_~, ' ~. -r:~:'!' . .~; "".;.. -' '... 'Zi ~ : t ~4- " , . ~ .' . I"~ ... :.. :: j ~ .. " <i'):~_:""/;:'" >/\)~'>:~ ..,"'........ v';:;J(\f;k .'>' l:t.:.: HÞ'4'«: _,~.' . -, :.!~:~~;., <, .~..ÁiiJllii.i'&"~\...'.. ,¡,¿, . .,..:':i;b . . 6. Mr3.. V..l'illft'.requøt to i1UrChut propert}' alQng the eree..... '!'he C1~:r *~er hea rece1"ed a lett.er from Mra. V. r1an 1'8- queøt1.c& :::'e reel1Dg or t.be Council regarding the sale or that pol't1011 or ;;he ChuIr pro~-;,b1ch u:c_s tne acres: 1.326 _.., ..". _ aC)res.. ~..,~,~, J-.. ~ . ..;;,¡.~ .~~. . ' .. ~~:;l.::~~~~J~~_UI1':.~:~;;Y' but ... ;;~.#;;~.JIbor Stokes ài~""·I1.I~to UlII-.1th.... 1Brian :'¥}f;' -1IIIð. Won her .....1aMIIII to D1Ata1A _ternpu, run a ~':','f; t.~:~;k., p1pel1De. e~c. ,t.'" .~. . : .'~. '- ~ . .. COunc. løhn80n -'I" 11JIe a NJIOrt tro. tI» CUT attome7. JIDved b7 Counc.' ft~~. Meotl4ee1 b1 CotIM. JIoel, to author1:e the Clt7 .._.- 1:9 _t with .... ftr1an to gather Intorwetlon and .... a' ~.t. re1'Ort at the next lIOetlng. 'I'htr ~t7 A~tornet 1. to clleOk out our Wlter re1'Ort. JIDt101\. carried. 5-0 7. Lea:;ue of calU'om1a Cltiea Convention The C~t:; Mana:.¡;er would like to take h1s vacat10n ill1l.>ediately arter ~::e ~lose of' th1a con"ention: October 19 to November 1. So oo';e~, 'cy Counc. P1tzgereld. seconded b7 Count'. Noel. Motion carrIed, ~-I} C. F.3?C?1' OF DIRBClOß OP f\JBL¡C WORKS 1. S:~vena Creek Blvd. 1mproV81'1.olh ls progJ"Jss1ng per s.;"..ed ~le. ~. 'r.:e :.,allor.r project snodd re \1rapped up tj <he eOO c: the week. < \Ie plan to SO a'-8<1 w1th tho' blds for the GarAy ao"k Mounta1n atreat 1I11prov_nte. If sOll8th1JX:, develops ~hro1l3h the bondil'l3 cOlll{en)'. recelved bids could be r~J~cted. é. Å portion or Oak Knoll Hills has been Graded not ln a:cordBnee with the approved ~red1ng plan and it does :1Ot ¡;]Bet the Ordintlnce. '1't1e Director or Pul>l1c Works ste.;ed that a 80ils report 1ndlcates that .;'111 slope ,,1ll be a~~ble; however. 8011B _ana of eros1on control ::II.!" be lnatalled. D. lU:PORT OF CIft IIIODBIIR ~~al'se of the t1_ it taltea to advertise, the Cðndy flock la;rovement b1da cannot posslbly ;;ake placo before Oct. 211. Tho! !:l';y Bn81neer asked that an sdJourned meet111ß be held on ~ha.; da;;e tor the awardil\3 of the bids for Candy Rock and tor the Cit7 Ball landscapin:¡. Moved by Counc. 17- pater, aeconded b7 CounC. Fl.;zgerald, tG hold an adJOI.Imed _tins on Tuesdsy, October 25th. Motion carr1ed, 5-0 -5- Mrs. Dele \i111iB_. .22022 LiI1l17 lane asked It they could call upon the Clt7 tor help In case there Is a Good ra1n betore the street Is improved. B.. RBl'ORTOP CITY A'l"l'ORIIBt l. ReaolutloD l36'l Ds read by t,he CltJ Attomey, aett1nS ~"*i!f" the ·a.coIlllLaad_1'01II'tb'1'l\U1'BdayB ot ..C~ qth tor ttò!l '·'if!. . 1'l1lUlU'...tiDI·,ot ~blÞArcb. . Sita A~. eo-1tt... " ,>:t;.', . . . .......~ .. )..'.~~.'.'tC'\. '" . taa'ftd,1!Ì' COUII9fP1ÞceØ.' ~.;aeconded 1.y CoIIIIC!. ~.l. to adopt ;. ;*~n.~ ,8Molllt10D 130'10.'" . '. .... " . , .~,.; . . Amh Counc. DltÇllter. P1tsgerald, Johnaon,liriJtì; Stokes . ""'!'I' ,-a181 . JtonIt " ", .... " Motion carried,. 5-0 2. The City AttOmq reað· Reaolutlon 9125-11. amend1I1s the date for calUIIs for bids on the 1IIprov_t bonds tor V811co l'Iark troll october 17, 1966. to Novetllber 7. 1966, at 8:00 P... . 'lOved b7 Counc. Dellpøter, seconded by Counc. ~t.~erald, to ~dopt Resolution 925-l7. AYES: Counc. Dempster, P1tzßerald, Johnson, Noel. Stokes NAYS: None Motion carr1ed, 5-0 P. REPORT OF THE WILDING INSPECTOR There war. no report. O. REPORT OP RæREATION DIRECTOR 1. The "Live Long and Like It" senior cltlzens club las ta!:en it upon themselves to form a car pool and the;r visH l1ve-irw at Pleasant Hills. 2. The playground program 18 coming alor¡g very I'ell. 3. We now have 21 dirferent spec1al classe., 1nclud111!; candle making, drama, !<DH~1n.Z and tenn1.. There are about 40 in the tennis "lass .:his tall. lÃ'st spr1~ there were 200. ~. Tho Director reminded ~¡-e CouncU...n of the sottball game with Mountain View, th1ø Priday, 7 P.M., at McBlvey Park in Mountain Viet:. H. REPORT OP PLAJIHIJIO DIRECTOR He had nothing f'urther to rflpor~. I. REPORT· OJ'. CI'n' CLBRIt 1. The City Clerk reco_nd~ the purchase ot a 2t-ton trucl, ·ror $3.809.33. So moved by Counc. Dnlpøter, seconded by Counc. Johnson. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Pitzeerald, Johnaon, Noel, Stoke. MIS: Mone Jl:¡t1on carried, 5-0 -6- 2. !'he City C1ertc ::oeco.ended ~h! 1nstallation of vellC!t1an ~l1Ms 1n tbe DiP C1ty Hall, at s cost of $.800.00. There was conaldeftble discussion on this item. Before ttey decide, t!18 City CounciJ I!ould like to see some exBClp1es of alten1&tlve tr"a~Qent for the lIindows. 3. !tie City Cleric recC.'lnded pa~~nt of' Prozrcaø1ve Bining &10 1ø tbeallOUl1t of 3,920.82, -pal8<ble to I'\:rsley C<>natrw:t1on Company Warrant 116$2). 80 mftd 111 Couno. JIOe1.i~nded b7 eounø. fttqereld. A1ISt Cotmc. Dempate1'. fttsgereld, Johnson,! Jfoel, Stokes a1S. Wolle , ".Uòncarr1ed, 5-0 ;!v~ ·...lOr StOl,lID called tor a'ten-'1D1nute recess.: , ,~.- ;: ~~ x UIU".uw>III5Ð 1IUSINBSS ' .') A. Counc. Johnson c~ted that he and the Plarm1n¡; Director had !QDe to the eoun~ Plannin¡; Colllll1ssion hØr1D3 on the lIcClellan and StelU.ng l'don1nr;, bùt that it hid been postponed because' or the Swift Meat Packing hearing. The Direc:tor ot PUblic Works was asl:ed to find out the exact date 01: the next meeting. B. Counc. P1tzßerald commented on the Manta Vista fire station hearir..::; at the County P1annil\:£ Commlssion. AlthoUCh it passed, 11-1, it _y be appeal"" to the Board of Superv1Bors. br.> were peo¡:le in the audlen~e uhe were protest1n¡; this presen~ location. C. T!1ere followed a len!7,thy discus3ion of the pros and cons of Co::nc. Johnson's proposal ~o ¡lire another pereon to wo~ ~lre~tly under the City Mana~cr and to act as a coordinator. Counc. Johnson went over his writ'~cn pro- posal, .>oint by point. He said ;;:',e original proposal csllðd for an slternatlve plan 0' adding one additional man :0 ~he Planning staff anù reol'~,:anizing the ·,¡:ain of co.-r...i. Coum. Dempster asked Counc. Johnson if he did not acrea that there really is no great need for this type position at this tima, notinr; that there has been s trelllendouS reductlon in the amount of bulldinß. He 881d wo rcally are not that ovcrtlbelmed by ~ha~ aUlount of applications. Cc~:. Johnaon replied that the Zonin3 Ordlnsncc 18 overd"e; the 10nlng Map must be :.cpt up-to-da~e; the Maste:- Plan needs updating; and n~ir·.hborhood plans are needK. A procedural Ordinanca should be implcaented "lth eœphllsis on :'uture plannln.:~. Th10 new person could be call~ Director of Communlty· Development, although a dlf!eNnt title might be more appropriate. San Leandro, Sunn7v81e, PresDO and Berkeley have such a man. His t\!nctions would be plarm1ng, inspection and redevelopment. 'rh1s wol!ld allo" the City M8na~er to spend more time ln the areas he wants to spend theLl. Co~. Dempster asked cOunc·. Johnson what salary he pro- posed tor this indiVidual. Couno. Johnøon answered that he œrely proposed a function; thB~ the capability of this in41Y1dual would d1c~te the aala'7. He suggea;;cd that this .ndividua1: could be one who is already on. ç:1e stafr. Be 881C: CUpertino 18SJ'0111ní.\ Q t a (¡re&ter rate than the four otber oitles 118D!;1oned; t:¡\Jr3fore, there io a grester need for th1s runcUOÐ.. . -1- . _ Ci r ~. Ds:;:ater aslald 11' tId.8 penon ia go1113 to ph1loaoph1.. 1IIIat the C1':¡ v1l1 be. co.-. JoJ:In8on said that. besides CG01'd1IIat~__ ~'ldld1ng _ pI....... l1e 11111 coordinate with e ..--.les r..sh1.nß to _ m Cupertino. 1:' ~. IIDel suggested tMt pøbape ,, -.at is needed 18 an ',: " _ ;~.tant ;0 tœ Cl1õ7. - _... tile Cit)' .-œgeJ' ahoUl4 pre- ,.:.~..... a Jot! apec11"1catSøt .... lie lIDS COunc. JobrlBon could C~ " . .... notes. :f,ÚiA. ,1\.. III _ .\.er said ..,~- " 4.)f1t 11õbe city 1n S&IIta Clara " .~¡:t\:':'~ touD! it~;;~~ ~ aee afl7. ::dVBn~e;~ t..t c11õ7 ,&¡.J ~.~... .1],..,. P1t;qeald...,.... ,..~~~ :idea of a coo~~i:or. bÚt . .'i~'... ~... :"'" not bel1ne tb1a SIIIIS'd""""'1 should be OftI' sfl7b0d7. ft1. ;¡,r~ í; ... abDu1d be at C1t;Ji.-u.- tilt ..Jw1P. 4eY8loPBra. eto..'·, JIlt abould ~',~,' .. _ an to ~ to 111» M IIDøIf "here to get all the .....ra ~.~. T '.' ._'.~. »-¡¡eW .. -.i".t COIIb1n1n8 de¡arl >t. . . '.; .....,.., lIOII. Be said t" a_ _ger could'"' iaN 1IJ ItC11'lc . r- the ~ apec1tlcattlm. '.' ~ oj;...... ...- ,.., .. i._.... ~..-- did not --'" ~ OYØI'-CtIIPlI8siH havinC eo_one . ",._ the tIIo depart -.. a-. u one function ttat he ~ . ~1d do, and tlw.t U too ..... 1nterteren·;e ror the City þ-ger, ~c allo\t hill ~ can7 out his duties. Ccoanc. P1c:erald repeated that we don't have ZOOd coordina- 1;1.oD be~n depørtllleDU. QNnc. Jo::c.scn aaid ~th de~nts have s trelleœous re- IIIIO"sibil1;;. He tee1. there should be some authority to see betore the pdUe gets to _ the City "nager. Counc. ~ster ~·~¡s that wou1d be Juat one more person for the deYeloper!! to have to d~ with. ESch time :fOU add another personal1;7 .0 deal tdtb, J'DU will ::e~ s. slight variat1on. ~r S~;;~s pointed out the !Situation of Pederal :;rants that II.I'e avall~"l;. It would ta::e precticsllY one person Just to lœep up wi.r. .l'.1s. 'l'be C1C7 JlaMser \tould then be left to 40 the að£in1s.raUve _rk. OIr.mc. De.;:;:s.er said he 1IOuld ",0 alone tilth sn assistant to &be City ~.:1~r aœ pot~ ela.. He is specif1call;,' a,.ins\; ~ininG ~e.-artmentB; ap1Dat BnJOne answering to anyone but Còe City lIana:;er. '1'bere abou14 be no separate depar'~lDent set lIP at th1a ;i:ao>; we wou14 gat; be in'.'H1ng IIOre obstacles. lira. Cl'Ola<~l:, 22571 ID. Otlde. said that since she has armexed ~ C<lpertl:x.- she has teJ.t tId.a need for one person to wholD she un .:;c .'or snsweN a. .,. proceeds to develop her property. CDanc. ~....~er asked 11' tb1a penon \louldn't t.hen ·~o to each desartment and uk taw. u. questions ;)r else take ~¡)e ....eloper ;c these depart P. He can't IIIIIke the d~cisions tor the cb_-eloper. . P8d by C;)UftC. Nod. -.... -.. "7. Counc. Johnson, to 1nBtnlct &:lie Clty ana...'"e1' to _ up dth ~ho Job spec1tica:'10na for . ~ to omco.pass a lot ~ ...t Coline. Johnson Is trying to *t. Be aboçld be ple~ em _ orpnlzat1on char ; that the C11õ7 1IaJa:= draws µp. ~ U. Council will have _thing .. IIeI'ID1 te ~o øcrk wl'tb.. '-"....;. ... C1t7 ltmB::;er ..ieS t:IIe ~ a¡lec1fication wll1 be drawn up ~" :.7. _ 'the first ot the ~ .... 1i11J. include these lI01nts thet .,,~ Þ-" / .... been brcNBht up _* Ud.a _tSn$; We are currentl7 pre- . ~.~ ~.,~ a trocb.lre ahøIdIIIIt ID atÇl. lCl1ßUllge wtat a person Is "("~""_~.:"'_ cIo aøS uI-ere to 8O..... .. ~ business at 011:7 au. Be .,. .' lIIIIJed tbat eyeX? appU-~ b processed as talr17 aud ..i.>.\; equ1f".ab17. and as _ .. fJ I I~e. if'. ,..·.)i~ :<i."""''§f''--<:- ~;.k';~.~·A~.;,!,.. ." ~. ,."~.,\ '.'.... . ,0(.. .~~ ; :~~,- - a.u... CIU'r1ed, 5-0 + , , ,'. Ie. i.., .;;.~.....,..,I....:.t....~i\~~"Å.. ........... . . - - XI- .<:.- .,a~ ..' <~ " " ... " Vàlter "'u'<1, Genere1 ""-IV'" o~ Vlillco Park, wanted to d1a~us: ::!e propo.eeI II - --tion of schoOl pro~1't7 to tbe ti~ or Santa Claftt. S1nce it tl8S not on tœ ~ of Se~r 19, tbe daU J.t ..s a,;ted U¡Jcm4..,þe"-M to ftter ;0 'fU'1oua __ . ". Be ,said .11eo éIoeII .., w1ab .. ,C1~ ~. to..tl~~r:~~=a~~~~';''' .. ur ~teII aner" ~.. 1ÎIþrO_ts'tö;.'W- . t.ftIoted .JIIr... tile C1~ of '~.' .. '.' - the LID Pro3ect M-l ....T-eeI "t_ Q¡pe1't:1DD>" -. OIIMra and to which U. CJ.t~ ~ QJpert1no JIU ,. e( t38,852. CU;r Atto1'ft87 tídå UIa-c at the last ...et1Jlß of tile O:IiIIac'U'.... ~ _ 1nBtructed to proceed .UII tbi. ~on to .......-1o·Uae at,. has cOGlll1tted ltaeU. lie IIa14 tœ appl1cats. 18 JIIØII betore the !Dcal A~DC7 Ibnati::n Coaa1..S. (UKO) and r.ill be heard tbit rirft 'l'ue~ or November. ~. l1tzgeralel aMe4U ODe condition or· this c -It- MDt ';.: :1eamex tb1a ~..J !..ty was 1t' we did not..œve a:tI7 llÇ1'O_nts In. It... bro\!ßht out that the CUpertino Asaeasœ:::t Diatrlct Project 64-1 has been torlDed and asaeS$lIen:a spread to CUpertino property o~mers to pro- nce !::..:. services to tbe school site. Sewers are pre- sentl.T 1natalled ror aerrl.:::e to the site. Mr. ...:~ '.UIderstood LID Project 61'-1 does not 1n=lude the sem;: ~perty ~or a_sment purposes but does provide all !!'~=-.-:'oea ror sale1 property, such as undergro~ \ltll~::"~ . It "..: :~:t the minutes or the 190': meetings with Mr. :-~~S may turn ''¿¡: 1.ntormation that the understanding was t~..: it' at any tt.!! ~he Jefferson School District wanted to t;.:.:~ a school on the propert~', then in that event they coul~ ~~::.:; it back 1Dto :;he proper city (Santa Clara). Mov8'~ :;¡ Counc. P1tzgeraJ.:1, seconded t:- Counc. Noel, that this :.:.;:¡~1l reels the)' will honur the Agreement, but that :.:~ feeling of ~he ;:.rev1ous Council was tha-; there was ~:.::; .0 be a schDcl on that property. The ;ñcture has =~.!.::.~ed s1nce thel1. Coun;. :e<r.pster would 1.11te to see :h1s deannexai:1on held 1n s~mce. The prertows motion and second we~ with- draw::. Mov~ :;¡ Counc. P1tzgera1d, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to V1t_"é:sw the app11ea~1on for deannexatinn f'1led with the u...~ for rurther 1Dt'01'llllltion end further Counc'l review. IIot1DD carried, 5-0 Co~. :empster askeel tbe City Manager to go through the 1963 ,,'=-..;tes, 60 4Qa SD both directlr.>ns. to see when .Mr. c::"-;;is was pre.~L lID:! what discuuionB were held. He ast~ that it be r4l.-'PChed thoroughly. -9- xa I r . t r;L~, ',;~ <:~. :t... f~. _'. ~,..,:,~.~. ,;. ~. " ;¡, i. ~ t t, ''''',-'', , < ~:~;. t , ~ ~'-:. f'~~¡ B. Counc. fttaget'81d aeked Mr. Davill, or t'elll·Parso Bank, .hether the7 .... baPPJ with their venet1aft bUMS. Mr. Davis III1d tllat after three yens' UH, the, have been veIT pl...., with them. AJ)Juu.....mrf 110m bJ Couuc. ~ter. seconded by Couuc. lObnaon, to ad30urn the _.UiJI".~ 11.10 P.... .. .,;.... '\, "... " . ." '" ~,,: ;' : . AtritOyabJ ,-' "t ..J: . ,. ., /81 - ~ . ;. ..1 ", ~ .. on, ~r' -lO- ~k.S