CC 09-19-66
10321·80uth ...tosa~..1t ROad .
Q.p.at1no. CaUtom1a, 950111 .
ftIoMt 252-4505
. C&lUo1'DU
"'~&.¡ OP !B IIØIUl l :.,.Ctft ...œ..__ ....."lfiI¡tøber 19, 1_
ì-- "'!I'I .' ~autt~.,otlJ llM,SoIl601 J) ..'
m... 9'1$ " .1O,o1¡;t.e¡ a4W.'<>IIIpdot1M, ·Cå1UÕ......,: .' .
JAt..r~~'n'iÚ ...-,,~t.·, !"'.~rN .~x:,¡...,:n~·· ..... -', 1:::; :.1':,:.-;
,/' ¡ . . .....00"'- -.; f -~~. ¡ . , ,. .. ". , .
T ... - "VI ..,....... ,~.. --'-..." ....' o. . ..
""':t.-t ~ ':.~ ; .', f'.l!-.i "~,!".~;:--":':':: .":~ I--:~',
'..,!,~ "."} , "'''!< ~..~:;~.: Lï.£ ~J:l-~!..:",:C: '\.
~ ' !:. ill.'
':HJ "Ju.""!I'tCJ:.. ,.....,,!>. r
~ - ,'" '. ~."'.. -" " ~
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. .
It·'· JI)U;' cu.L ". (.' - '\. ..' " : .
CauDc. presentl
COUnc. CLbII4m~l
Starf' present:
C1~ JllDllger,· 1'tI1lip 8toIw
C1~ Attorney. Sa. Andenon
DDiletor lOt Plabl1c wo...., ~Ie P1nne)'
C1~ IftS1Deer. Bob SIIOoJr
Diftetor or PlB!III1ng. Aclde IftJ'1n
C1~ Clerk, ICa7 Haddon
Recreation Director, JomPa~
Cb1é1"8alldlng Inapactor. Bt.ll BøneY1cb
Recording Secretsry, IDla IJIiIa\rCI8
Mayor Stokes int:rodueed the stsrf to the audience.
D Iter. P1tzgerald, 3~, ~IIØ
åé1. . '. '.
l. '.'.- 1.
III MIHUTBS OP THE I'REVIOOS MBB'l'INGS - Auguat l5 . Sept. 6, 1966
Moved by Counc. Jol.-oll, seconded by Counc. ~t.r. that
the JI1nutes of AUSUllt l5, 1966, be approved.
Motioll carried, 4-0
Moved by COunc. ;ra' .....:Ift. aeconded by Counc. D1 ,....ter. that
. the JI1nut.. or se~. 6, 1966.· be approved.
IIotion ca1'l'1ed,' 3-0
(COUnc. lP1tzgerald abñatMd)
IY· ORAL AID ¥IU.'n'" "'_¿,JU.CA'l'I01IS
.... ;'
A. lIDUoe n-~to..ot.,.. Ban Jose CIIUIb4n' of eo.-rce· rasal'd-
ms ca\lft~"" ...\ñton Board co..1tHe. IIQ'or Stoke.
will check wUII ..... Ch8aber and asle tlaC' ~ appoint
lÞQ Hoe t_ ~1_ to thia eo..1U_ ... he wUl then
CGllltalet .'C!'J'·1IaU tIa this. . .' .. .
: ': ~ . " ~. i ~, . ~. ' . '. -t.. . _.'
B. :ttt:' ::tf¿~:n:; baoclat~n t:4' c~1ns the City
·.·r'·'·'·· -.> ,-,~~. ,. .
.. .. '..... . _ J..'.l. .... .......
C. Litter rro. tile Uld.ted hnd aak1DC'aa~~ aet the
^ ~.~!f.,~~..,J..I~J!5~ l~.. ... ~~~~;" .,~~,
80..... b.1'~. W ·lltIeI'. HCOndt4·""'. >f¡; JI,1~ld.
. .
1løt1on carried. 11-0
IIDved b;r ~. Jr.I. . ..aJlJded bJ CoaDo. DB 1'lte1'. tba't the
written ~c.t~ be rued.
...1011 carried, 4-0
There "1'8 no onl ~ :u."ioñs.
_ ~, ,II' ~~~., :~ "'.... 1M - L1rf:·;1tnfJ...;t11ll&.~~~~3
:r.ue~~?~=r..~~~~ .
lie ~":t~-u. eDnø:e. iIQoIo.~ CI nte4
Uat he IIOUld 1De ..... au a14.-lkB JlltrfìJIII'-sa na1f(1\1J.'
ather tbaD tea ~ ... m_ing a4Y1Hð. au..r than __1., tllit¡ c~,.... ftowering IUd beI'I7-..~ :- -1118
abI'IIba. CouDo. oT&~- .. ,.:t:;14 tI1t~ ~ pl1d~,'1IIe Ø1ty
.--pr avgeate4 -. ".= _ tI1tb1D tbB parId.IIs 101: _101 be
cIoae at . later date. ~~ cU..o_lon ot t1Ie;..~.f' tbII
;' .,1. -.. ... ";"". '
1JJIon'requeat of'the c, r - i.1~ 111'.: messips tI11i ¡n.... . cost
breakdolm, 1n tbl'ee t.- I rota, including ent1l'e apr1Dkler
QIItllll IUd tlaaio tI T:- ..
Rr?veð ~ CoiDao.:, II. , : - ....., aecondecl' by Counc. P1tzgerald, that
the architect U ...,11 .......... to subld.t the landacape plans for
bids IUd he laina&.:._*'-4 to break down the planS into three
AYBS: Coaric. ~ta'. fttzprald, Johnson, Stokes
!fAYS: !lone ' .
ABSBNT: Counc. Jfoel
IIDtion carried, h_O
B: OEOllG8 F8RIIAJII)BZI 1'I'ésentation or B'ducational Center in
. __ CtlDter
111'. hnmndez prea~1BCI . rendering of the proposed educational
aervice eenter wJd.cb.:'" -.14, 1s a new dillenaion in the field
or education. TheI'W IdU be a relDecl1al and develos-nt center,
. apec:1al !SuPP!7 0.:-1.. ror· booka aøS lducat1GllaJ. _tenal,
and eveZTth1Dc ,~.s. 2e1at'-ve to the JOuth or tocIa7. Th1e
30.000 sq. n. atructaw II1ll also contain a achool .art.
In addition, 111'.,""" _ -.,. eugestø the Santa Clara Count)'
L1ba'ar:J be 100&"""" .."~ to,this edueatlonal center.
'I'h1s propert)' \Ulder ~tion is 5l acres. with 375'
f'rontage on maDll7, .... soee SOlie 800'. There 1d.11 be
acces8 tl'OIII Santo.. - _....le Road, Stevena creek mYd., and
Blaney Avenue.
IIQOr Stokes aaked f'_ [a "lnts troll the audience. lira.
- Lootda, or t..,...,. fJIJ/Þ. ~Jr_t1OD CoI81aalon, ..lel tbia
~ ~ ~ ~ J:: .,~ ~~*"'se1'91ce anll 0118 wb1cb 1a needed
.;. .: . ;' ,:. .";;":.1 :J'.' _. . .J
lira. Certas asked 11' ...,.. PJ~s~ Ubran ait. tIOUld be In
ad41t10n to or a ~..- - 1'or the present locat1.oD of' the
~ pIÙ!l,"c 11~. I~,~_ _ -11'.._4 he l' 001; ,,~. w,take
~ ~'A¡_....,at~ u.t .~ ~ L1b1'U7
... beeD cOIiiIUOUDë. ~ IUI4 la plann1ns to re-eßabl1sh
,~ 'C; ...'~ U.....LU..!-fu"i ¡ ,c,.:· "'.'
" ,. . " ,'I"~ ". .'~ ~ .", . '.. - .
1IriI. ~'11b.., -Lt.adri; ....... wed about tinaDc1nŠ 1'01' th1a
.1:b'!"'ftP~.",,'~,__ - _L......·~,..ed!icat1on o_t4tI',s..a private
Ï*'OJect. '
.' .:. ~.~ '1,.:,:;, . ,.:-:
. .-
Y' &. W'\A(f or 1'tAlI1Q]ItI ~"i~OR (See·l6.nute. of Sept. 12)
CIa1Iwm B:1rBhon rev1-.1 UIe CoaD1U81on's acti..." on tM
...henJr UId Lemeft, La:" ~; and Fire Stat10n appllcaUona,
_ co~ in the II1Doat.. ~ Sept. 12.
; - W. tltt711Ua&V _I*l' jVwioift Cld.ef tnl'viditllhbt tbq are
-"T'^',"9E-1d.tJIch'Q~.- ~~ t-=. ttøa. Coœic.
. .-~, '. teelt'· à·....wt 1 . tar- a tire
CI I""'?""' ~~
, - too .... ~,,-'· .
"';\:..:.~- ;" ;l¡~·R~ urpd
~,1. ___''caa2ü' , Jif-t'bt ' .....817
U' ~1 1t .. bell -' . caìit' Ð!IiIt .,.íDt al10wed
...... -D", ~~tIIe, At~þ'RR:æthe
... '... "'.... . tea t
'3.:!,~~<. "'~-' . - 'H' tf.t
. . ·.7-:" . . .~ ' . - ".øie appll-
, . _ '. JlÞt:" . . IIê ~ speak up
. '.'ü1' after the l'I1IIÙC' . weNclOlled. '.-..,. Stokes
.... be Md aaInIð t..... -tor co......ts f'íIoI¡ ,fiIè .'II!lenc.
JII'J,or 'to th1a. . .. .
~. ~ter IUgeec.l. under the clrc_tãnc_, the
a¡ll)l1cat1on b<t reopened aøI sent back down to the PlanD1ng
O~ 1..1øD for ;-"co ""t1on. Counc. John80n asreed.
1IÞw.d b7 Counc. ne.p.~. .-anded by Counc. JollnlSon, that the
IIerJ7 !'bes JalrBe17 _tt4!r be reopened and, upon rec_ndation
ot tile City AttornB;r,' ~t 'It be adverti.ed at the expenae
ot the appl1cant, and -' to the Planning eo-tsslon tor
1'IIb11c ....ring and ret"':.-a ~ the City CouiIcll with their
reec.! "'-Uon.
JlDI:lon carried, 4-0
B. RBI'ORT OJ' ftB Anl.ia&a_.vnAL A)) SITB APPROVAL (¡_'nIB
(See II1øJtea at a.1!t. l3th)
CllaUWD Fitch NCO L ,-.1 approval of the lUnutea or Sept. 13,
td.tb the reatnnauoa on bi. behalf that appllcaUon
2U-BC-66 should be ~ on the basia that the pro-,)8ed
.sAte 7U'4 ..tbaeD .... leu than· the 1I1n1_ req\l1red b7
Old'....... 'ilia C1t7 Attol'Dq adviaed that thi. Is a .tter
~ interpretation. ....s4.. _t be real1stle In or
tb1a QtIe where an odd-alaped lot 1s Involved'. '!'he Chief
adlding IMpactor aaJ4 tb1a 18 an "unbuildable" lot and
bere we have a chance ~ pt this lot devaloped and acceptable
to the neighborhood. '!be applicant has a variance for the
lot .1M. CbaU-n Pltcb atd there were no ob.f.ct1ona to
tilt. propoaal, but be IUd 1101: r..l the Architect_l and Site
A¡sa'oftl ec.a1tt.. bed ,Juda'ilctlon on 'the llllåtter.
~r Stokes 11&14 ~ U _thing that happena in the cCl1&"se
01'. ~41rIs . sU~ aDd it, in understood troll the rirBt
.t:III.~ .... var1ance.~ to be expected. . .
a)wi! b7 CoImc:. »-'*...... ..~Dfllhd by Counc. P1tqerald, that
t:be Architectural and Ute ApPrcval Collllll1ttee It1ø.ite. be
'. .-..... .
......u....c..:..' ed
.~.~ , 1-0
....., ,," ..' - .
.~P1tc, h ~'_ ~ _tte,r of' o~~ t¡IJe co-1tt..
."-Iap tro. 'thes. I.... fourth 'l\1eeclQil ~ the aeoond and
.~ ~ 1n.......~ Ia"e the' aSenda ÍMbJÜbed in tIM
I J -~.. t:ab101d. !be'é1q-Attome;r adv1Mc1 tM..;.ould require
aD ..œ.nt to tile CJIoØ"!"'-e. "'~ : '.
.¡ ~
" ..
,;;~ '. t¡,è;., ,.;.;.:,
.1IDYed b7 CoU!N. ~ ..eomeðby CoUl\c. Fitzgerald, to
.- t'efer the above aatter t9 tbe CIt)' Attorney-. .
;.' -: ?IOUoa cä1'JÌi~, 4:"0
~'V ,,~ .~4' ~ -Of.¡ ~ ~9rJ"tJA".. Minuter; of ~pt-.l3)
·~l! ';~ /~,.1Wi ~ëít - A'IIÞr.o-veO' JÍltftlo.-nt
.e., ",; : .b:.,·~lï#j~,.!~~~:lv·r;'1 _. .'..:'~;'::'
~~j " ~;nd~~~·
L$1I311.s"..t .-'.' , ,'...; , . " q .~... .
'd.t..1t~ ' ;W1>lL.'·'· ,"" .. ~~t·~" _.~ ~ rro.
,"f(¡.. ð~: '.~'"'''' :. i:'ïmo'k..1tt ~'. . .).....-
_ ";1. ~ -o;.;.~1bi' UoóÙ . , . ,:theft W1l"'bé ~ tot
l_J ¡¡, ._ ., .... "I lJ...
.' .-=¡~ a" ····..8Ch06l-aP...- are8
J ...~,. ~ t........ ,. ...
_ _ '. .~ ~ _",-:.,0 _ _ . . 1:7, ¡a n1IIS eape.,..8DCea
;...., a ~.t aaa. A a.U COIiBUn1t)' ~bIIU"'f.1IIS will
cantain a 1188t1ng ~, ortlc.., 1'eèt1"ÔOll8, etc. fhere will
be 11M",. planting aI'OUIIII the pel'iMter 'of' the ..$ and lawn
area 1D tbe center.
Counc. P1tzgerald not": tlat tbe tinY tot area 1. still
located adjacent to a real4ent1al lot. Mr. Beck aald tbat it
1t is oot tbere, It will be too clo8e' to the school-type play.
'!bore Is quite a buf't'er .pace w1th ~1lnd1llS .IIIS landBc:ap1ng
eo tbe noile should be INt'teNd out. In a441tion. ~h1B age
pooup does not play as 1101.117 a. older age groupe. The
UDD1s courts roll' this pal'lc lave been el1ad.nated. Cost
eat1...tes are $22,000 per ac:re. plua the c:oat ot the bW.ldlng.
lira. LooII1a said the c:o-1s.lon is in favor of th11.O plan.
They would like the Council to also consider a 30' esse.ent
in order to have acce.. to the park troll neighborhood streets.
1Ir. . Dick Looms asked f'or the outalde dl_lona ot this
PI'Operty. He ws told It 18 530' x 1100' average.
*ved by Counc. Joha80n. .ecolllSed by Counc. P1tzgereld, to
_thor1ae architect to PI'Oceed with plana for Park Site 12
.aU.-r: .
Counc. J)apeter, JP1tager.ld, Jol)nBon, Stoke.
Counc. Jfoel
IIJDtlon carried, 4-0
1Ir.. 8eClf next went; over ~ plans ror Park Site Il. the
c~tral park. 'l'b1a PI'Opert)' 18 490' x 1300' alllS there will
be l08+ parldng s..ce.. ~ will be a battery or rour
tennis courts, a ..inS COIIplex,a colillllllD1ty 1Iu1ld1Dg clo.e
W the entrance. a t~ tot area.. scl1ool....e area alllS an a..pM
theater. 'ft¡e wt~ Id.U lilàridar thl'oughòut ~ ¡ark and
the wt.:r for it wUl be IlUppUed b7 Stevena' Creek 118.. '1'h1s
. ~k '~ndaCBPiD8 1f1U _ $20.000 to $22,000 par .cre, in-
.o1US1ng'tbe wter.· .- . . .
~r Stokes asked about the details ror pbaalns ot the
cleveloplent of' ~ ,~ular "rk. 1Ir. Beck said thi.
~d be done b7 the C1t7·Coiínoll. MaJOr Stoke. d1.d not reel
.. .., ""y!- ,.... ;by'~~ colfJ,cSbe blain at; tw.. tiM, ,b\4t. ~t the area
. ... ~, ~ ..' _" tQr 111 .~~d beilat u14a. He cUd not even t"l~ ~he .oney
,..:;. ..: _::..; ;*1114. be,s¡Mlnt at. tli1a t1lll. tor:the de.l~ot It; because
. ,..,.,.... _,~;1,t; tco....t~. ~ ~ 1t¡, .t;~Y.III8.1,wIU'1t8()SOth1ng .
, CUtteren . '; ." .. .
, -~;;." . .
". ...",
..-< ;'~~·~~~.'Ù .'!.,i
,1Ir. Be~k lugsestee! Uaq at leallt go throu¡h the IIchematic
pbaae of it at 1;h1Ia t.1M., It 1s badc to, the _Iter plan or
tIIit~. Mrs. lÞoIIi(íi,~ t~t this should be in the plann1ns
,C _ _. even 1f we ~"t, ~n: the llQUey to SO aheed .ith it.
~ Pecrèat1on' ~~ ..ked thé City CòunèiI to 11',& 'II) a
..~;i:: "$ ~ :':-" --.t tl\1- t~~t1Io.ndghbor-
.;..; , - '...." " . ~ 'tiièhOuÌ;. ," iIS, or shall
.... ,_ ' . ...-.w, 'fbê., ,~, hJwed
.... :>~-=:;.~.. ·$¡...F
. "~~.=i~ect·a '~~.1:ò:~', 'bu1~~O.,
.o, ~tII ~".....~nll f)te.".~ ~tïr ",~ger
tì1U'CODtact tbe·......·5~t"1bn, D1'.~ót ð4 'report back
to tM C1t7 CounoU. -!''''f'....", .
. . . ..
,. n _s agreed' tci cUw'~' ~tr.l1'ark plan o~'tor two ...ka.
2. lit. DRL.P. .... 7804 IIoblndel1 Way, CUpertino, said
he wants to ·..n~two acres of land on Regnart Road.
In order 'for the ..1. or this property to take place. a nap
or aubd1v1B1on baa to be tiled. Mr. Bates asked that the
pr1ftt8 road be accepted on the basis that the road at either
end of this road 18 Uft1~ved.
'!he nann1l1G Director aa1d a Tentative Map and dedication of
streets and 1"ac1l1t1ea Will be needed here. He as¡ted whether
the C1ty would accept un1lÇ1'Ovee! road on th- bUis of the fact
that it is connect on both ends b7 a private road.
'!he Cit~ Attorney ad"ised that if the City accepted it, they
_t then mainta1r. it. He advised that it be required that
the road be improved.
1Ir. Jacobs. 2205l Hegnart Road, said that he was forced to
decUcate be~c:re he could blJUd on hill property up there.
'ItI1s atter ... reterrec1 to the Director of Public Works.
A. TnIJPlII~ W. &:ø All) RICBARI) T-~I Application
8-v-66; ir. var1aac. to Allow Construction of 6' Pence within
Requ1red SicSe Yard to (comer lot) l0390 Pineville
Avenue and l()/lO1 L Batates Drive. ,~2proved b7 Planning
eo.1BBion aøolu'loD RO. 364. 7/25/fb. Clt7 Council
Resolution Bo. 13S6. .
1Ir. Schenk rererred to hu letter which. he said, Is self-
..... ,~n aa1d 11: "'Z'QO~~ t;hat the ~. concern was
~ alnut tree. Be a1d bis ~ concern, 18 that he had
beCOM II "dog cuat.oo'1......· 117 åIov1ng the rence out, he has
.~t ou~ ~bout1' or-'t!Je,aotion." Berore constructing it,
be -.4e aura 'the 'teDcê "lUd'not Jut"out raJ' eno\lŠbso It
1IOuld cause l1al1tat1GD ot Y1sf.~µ'i~y BJ'Ciund t~ ~1'IUIr.
"- Ch1et Bu1l4~.ILIIIII~Wr(.J!Ointed out that a violation was
1aaued tor the à~ Eo at'op work, but he went ahead and
f1n111bed the rence~. 1Ir. Lennen 8&14 the brick pllastera
were alread7 1natal1ed, and he only put up _thing tllllporary
be~ thell to keep tbe dogs out.
-~¡ -5-
.< ,.
Counc. Johneon 8IS4 It 1& unfortunate that the applicant dId
not go tbrouSh tile' Ji.'OPIi1' procedure tor this rence. Be baa
no otlJe<:ti~ to tile. t_ aiBee it does not; obetruct v111b1l1tJ,
but ·....t bothe1'8 tiht'SJ1:he tact that the IIIIÍft .m: ahead with
. it eYeD atter ¥"'!I.ø-. ay1olBt1on notice.. .
-" - _. '1'he DIftC"91'. . . or..,... oft _dIa ..u the Ofdt......- 'èiàUI tor this
. . tactor or' .W!t~Iít)!9' '. It a¡lÌlllÜ'll iIit' '* 'lleclr t'ar
:>:'·e...,.iDt . ii;¡:~~M1t·4cMfe"-"'. tetheintent
~'17'~'of' tile ." , ~*~'I1ola--''!f:'"''''''
a.,'é'oaIì:' 1I~*·_WiUDace
!td. ,!W ')1'..-, .,. . . . ........ .; ,J'1'" ' . ,.,
....".;...f~.r ',,'~', ¡"g , 1irIU.II.. . ' .', ....
--i~~,'.' .' f'_ ~ia. ,.
··HI>!.... _~~. 'MIJ~f'W 117 CÞuhd. a&--14~. to
$->''!'eloÎle the Ib\); ,..~: '.' . . .' :".,
- ,
..~.':lrs ';#
. .,œ". Fe- ~ J,WI', P1tapftld,' .To'-~. lS~kea
COUDc. ae1
R£)tlonC8l'll'1ed, .11-0
Mo"ed 117 Coun~¿ n _....ter. .econded b7 Counc. JohnSOn, tlat
Besolution 13:N '- - ....~ed.
Counc. JT ¡, Jomaon, :;:tokes
Counc. ftnprald
Counc. JlDel
Motion carried, 3-1
Mayor Stokes called tor a recess st 10:00 P.M. Jleeting
l'econvened at lOllS P.M.
A. œDIRANCB MO. 3'0: Adopting the 196'\ 1Jn1rom Building
Code, RegulattIW the B1'ection, Conatructlon, lIft1arc-Dt,
Alteration, ~. 1IDY1D8, Conversion, ~l1t1on,
Oc;:up&ncy, Bqu1¡ .t., Use, Height, Area and a1ntelW'ce
o~ adlding or 8Þucture. in the CU)' of' CUpertino;
Providing tor UIe :IAuance of Pel'll1t. and the Collection
of Pees '1'heretcø:¡ l"roY1cSiIIg Penalties tor tbe Violation
'fbereot; and .""... Ordll'J1nCea In conn1ot JleNW1th.
Se<:oß1 Read1Dc.
Moved tT Counce.! _ tc', .econded 117 Counc. .TobnBon. tlat
Ordinance 110. 3.... .. zowe4 11)' title only.
R£)tlon carried, 4-0
'!'he City Clerk !nta' - -eel Ord1rIaDce 110. 3'10 11)' Secoad Reeding.
IIDved 117 Covnc. n _ /. . I!.I.. MCOnded b7 Counc. P1apmld,
.to enact Ord1DaDoellfr. Y'J. . .
. AtBS: Couno. I'[~ 'tel'. P1tagerald, Johnson, Stoke.e_.1 None-' .
. .1BSBIft'~ CoUnc. ".-i
;i.~ ~
i. ,~2on âarr1ed, 11-0
: "",4 ....' .
... ~:>.'·^.!k f
. .. ~,-,~q~,
k _.'
. . .
..~,..., '.
~ ." ,.,~".-
.,.. .&. ....
......' ¡...W~~~;~,¡:
,. }..' ..,,:~
. i&L~:~¡~y:¿'·~
, ,¿t'.;,~~~;.;.::~,;~
. .':';:;',
_ . c¡~- .c' r B. UI""_r.~ RO. 3'1:' ..pealing oz,11nance 212 .aut AdoptIng
_ JI!"' "", b7 ileterence' tbil..J965 BiI1t1on of .he *t1oJlal Electrical
.:"1::, ... Code. IIb1c!\ *t;4:' -.. .~ectr1c C!>de ProV1d" t:- the Pro-
.."..'1 c, tecUIID of . eiI4 SlU'et7! _ w- - ..tion,
_~. '. . " ' _ 1IiIicIa'at1~ . ~ 1'8røonIa ~>U.r at: ~ Work
~~~. ". .. .:e....: :~. '. . 01' !!IiIdeot': l:oIØct1ll8. ~.~i.r~SoD. "in-
." ".':"i.\ ')')'''''.-'"' .' . tr1cal B¡v.1 ',~ a
,~,j¡~tì~r-' ¡;~ MlM,.:"~'~~I~~':~=
;;.~',,: '.;~. j' ua =-u.. of). tIft Aut s'lt)'a Def1n1n8
~j~:;.:..'. :.': ,};~,¡"t~·~-::,¡;J!I·J . J'=';~:~~=,
"~i' ~íri ". ;:=¡:. . 'IDapect.1ôD' - i P1'o914-
. .....' , ~~~~~~:.-~fio :S':'::~he
.~,::.t'~ r. _II ~ ......... &1~ of QapartJ.Do. Seeept' Reacting.
: ,,' .~ _ CIDuno. II ~ "..eDDled b7 Counc. JollDtlon. to
. ..... QrH_..... .. ....... . t1tle 0017.
. ... t.
at:s. CUT1ed, 4-0
'!he C1t)' Cl.rk 1n1.~eð OI'4.\r.mce Mo. 3/ll ~ Second Reading.
Roved t7!d. aeconded by Counc. Detlpøter, t..t
0I'diJaD:- 110. 3111 be .acted.
COunc. D _ tar, P1tzgeraU, JotwllloD, Stokes
CoIIDC. a-1
IIDtloD carr1e.1, ~-O
C. UKoi~B 110. 3'2: Repealing Ordinance 110. 211, Enacting
b7 ht'erence fort1onl or the Western PlU8bing Officials
Ur.1:'::AI n-bSDa Cø4e. 196/! au~1on which Uniform Code Pro-
Y1~ for the ProCect1on of !'Utl1: Health and satety,
the IaII1natioD. JlilsSatNt1on. Ucens1nC ot hrsona 1!ngP.ge4
in ~~ a.aiDe.. of !Þl~ng or Labor!ng In the Trade of
n.-t1n¡¡; RequirSIIC a hl'll1t f'or ~he Ina~1H'I€ or Alter-
at10a of n\l8b1Ds 8l1li DN1nage S;vat_1 ca-t1nß an
~ftl.tratIY. Au~r1t7 and Pres:rlblne Ita Duties:
Det1!ùDG CertaSA ..... ..tabl1sr.1~ 111m- Regulations
ror the Inatallat:SaD. AlteNt1or. or Repair of nUllb1ng
an! DN1Ia&e ~ and Inspection '!'hereof'; And as
Þ-re1zatter 0111"-1. A8en4ed, and Added 'fo, 'fo be Known
.. '!he PJ..-,.. ...s ... ptpin¡; Code cr t.. City of
Co..lptr.1IIo." Sec.c.a4 Reeding.
Ro"ed t7 Counc. ~ter, aeconded :;'y Counc. Jollnllon, to
""e Or41DI.nce Ro. 3112 read b;r title 0017.
_tlon carried, 4-0
ttIe C1tJ Clerk 1nt~"" Ordinance No. 3"2 ~ Second Reading.
. Roved _ Counc. ~. aitcionded by Counc. fttSgerald, to
_ct QroII1DL·,e Ro. 3'2.. .
~ . -... AYBS:
." .
Counc. IT 3 ~er, P1t&gerald. Johnaon. Btokea
Counc. ~
- 1IIJt:lon carried, ~-o
.-~ .\<.
- ';"1'-
D. ORDDWICB WO. 3'3: Adot!tlng bJ RIIt~. the 1964 Un1t-:rm
!eating atilt ODiItort Cooling Cod., PI'o91ð1n8 tor the Protec-
tion or the I\1bUc JIIalth aM Saf~ bJ PrescribIng 1Un1111U111
Standard for tile U", Dellgn and IJ8ta1lat1on of Com1'ort
Cool1nS áluSs-nt: Requiring a Pe1'1D1t aDð Inapectlon tor
the InBtal1aUoD, A1terat~n anctReplaceent ot Said Bqu1¡>-
· llent ~v1~ tor. the AdII1n1BtraUon aDð Jlhtorc_nt of
· Such ~. ~ Pr:eecr1b1ne .....1t:s1J!l ror Violations
TIIereor;. ~ OI'd1n8nCe!l ~ cøøt12.~ Herewith.
Second' ... .
· t ~ . ~~ . J.&.. '. "
~'.' .~.tied b7 eounc·~n..;~·~ldeð bÍ" .... ft~serald, to
. ~ .. . :- - -.... orünanc'e.t '!'eM bJ utle '"oiI]7" .
... . . . .. .'1\.;....,.;.., '. ,',... . . . .
. _ 7' :';'.: ...'. carried' 'It-ø
..J' .~..; ...' ".'." ..... ".I-~. ~... ~ .
" ." .. ....., .,.,. . .' ~ ' ..
!he City Cle*~ CIi'iUJaDc..."3'3 _Second Rlr..t...
Moved b7 Counc. 1t 'r ·\er..·.ecoaIed _ CouDo. fttzserald. to
eMct 0rd1narièe' III. '3113." .
ADS: Counc. J .!'-"ter, fttzgerald, .TolmeoÐ, Stokes
HAYS: Hone
ABSMr: Couna. *-1
Motion carr1ed, l¡-o
B. BEAULIBU ...tfla1'B (.Tack S. and ~rd P. alplu'8t) I r.ezonin&
fl'Oll Rl-loag (Re.idential) to P-ra (Planned Development)
12.8 acrell located SW corner Stevena ..-:reek Blvd., and
Stellil1ß Road. Approved by Plann!l\g OoIDaIission Resolution
No. 300. Counc:J.l Ord1nBnce Mo. 31'9. Second Reading.
Moved by Counc. ~ter, seconded b)' Counc. P1tz¡;ersld, to
have Ordinance 110. 3118 read by title onl)'.
Motion carried, 11-0
The City Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 3118 b7 SecOM Read1ng.
Moved by Counc. ~ter, seconded by Counc. P1tzgcrsld, to
enact Ordinance 110. 348.
Counc. J)empeter, F1tz~erald. Johnaon, Si;okes
Counc. lIoel
Motion csrried, lI-o
vxn PAnW BILI3
A. RæOLUTIOW 110. l353 and l35"
Treasurer Dempater read Resolution 110. l353.
Moved by Counc. .Jol1aBon, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzgeralà, to
adopt Resolution 110. l353. .
Counc. »-pater, P1tzgerald, .Johnaon, Stokes
None .
Counc. JIoel
. Motion carried, I-o
. )"~.:' .
......J ""
.. .).;
. ',:'jl~ -: '.'
Treasurer J)elllpBter rea4 Resolution 10. 1354.
liIoY8\S 117 Counc. 3obnllon.seconded by Counc. P1tllgerald, to
adopt lalOlutlon Ja». l~. '
amI 'COUDC. ne.pater, P1tllseœld, 301Wlcm. Stokes
:a..r.. T 110" '
"",\. eôàile~ ~1
IfDt1on' cal"Î'1ed. -.:0
, '.- :-, "
--. ~.~.L"ÆS
... ....,.........(,
·a. ,~; oP' cftr 'I'ÎIBASOÌBR
.. tad noth1Jlg further to report.
l. '!be City llana8er asked that the City Coun(\ll authorize
hill to _ke reservations for the October ~6';ue or
Californ1a Cities' IIBeti!Iß in San Diego.
So moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by COunc. Pltzr;erald.
ABa81ft' :
CounC. P1tzgerald, Johnson, Stokes
Counc. Dempa~er, Noel
Motion ~arried, 3-0
2. The Planning Department Secretary has requested a
month's leave of absence, without pay, to r~curn
to Scotland on urgent famlly business.
So mov~ by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. p1tz¡::erald.
Motion carried, I!-o
3. The City Manager reported the C1ty has received a
Notice or Claim from a ronner city employee, Joseph
Simmons, requesting damages from the City ln the sum
or $326.52.
It 111 the City Manager's opinion tha~ the claim ls not valid
an! it is his recO\llllendation that 11' this has to r.o to small
dabs court, that we 'justlfy denyln~ the claim on the racts
presented 1n the CM report of Sept. 15. 1966.
IIoved bF Counc., seconded by COunc. P1tza;erald, that
IÞ'. Joseph SimIDonB' Notice of Claim be denied.
Mo~io,n ,carried, "-0
iI. '!be Director ot Public Vorles _. asked to investipte
the coat f'or II1n1.mUm impi'Ovemem;a . to LtrMl;¡ tanø and
ReßJlllrt Road to !!I8ke thoae roada eafe over the winter
.onthe. and to alee a rePort to the City Council.
, .
'!be City Atto~ read the Sept. 7th letter troll., the bonding
c~, Indicating they are only'inteneted 1ft Ptl"8llent
ll1Pl'O_nts, not temporary road work. 'tile Director of Public
Worka estimated $35,000 would complete the.e l~vements.
~ ; \'
It:>Yed tJ:J CoUDC. DetIpa1;er. .eocmded.1I7 counc. Jolrlaon, that the
proper C1 t1 ótt1c1ä1å be autbo1"1zed to ..t up the plana and do
eve1'Jtb1ne that nellla to be dor.t 1D order to let up the bid
for Reprt ROad au4 L1nd7 r.uaef'O," càp1taJ. lIIP1'Qvelll8l\tl, in
accordance with C1t7 Ordbåncea.· '!'he Cit, Attome,'11 autho1"1zet
to send a coW or tbe.. ~pec1t'lcat1ons to the bond1D4 co_pany.
ADS: Counc. DeQeter, P1tage1,\Üð. ",obn8oò~' Stoke.
aD: ~ . , .
ABSBIft'I -.eow-ø. ,~l.
. ....._, l¡t
IIot1oD carried, IÍ-o
IIN. DoI'O_ Vln."~. ~ r.uae.'~~~M'~~ ~;DÌNOtOr
~b~~ lIDO Joofp....,~,~~or ~Y1ft&
.~"! ':<, ".)"7 ~
, .
. ,
5. !!Ie C1~ ,--... Nterred to the san ",0.. Vater Wo1'lla
cc-...tcaUaD ~t_ "1'II1:fIr!M~1I" of. l~ in
ol'ller ror U- to pt Ðíèlr'6.~~ . .
6. !bere'" 80M d'Milton or tbit ,..queat b1 .... Qerald
II1zzuto tor a péait to operate a pool and bill1ard
parlor next dooIaf to the II1te,' lap Club.
Due to publ1c 1Dte1'eIIt in th1a sort of thing, it _s IIOved
b7 Counc. Dempster, seconded b7 Ma70r Stokes, to pui: this
matter over for two weeks, to allow the .tafr t~ to decide
how this shol11d be llandled and advertised.
Notion carried, 4-0
7. It haa co.e to the attention of the City Manager that a
window in the new Citr Ball will have to be removed (at
the expense 01' *30.(0) to set the new counter info_de.
M8;ror Stoke. noted that, accordina to the contract, a
price _a s~t 1'01' the countera, installed.
1. Work 1a proceeding as as possible at tì18 gallel7,
to tl7 to beat the winter rains.
2. The DJ.nctol' 01' PubUc Worlca pre.ented .... Harry Blake,
repre.ent1D8 the Atto~ for the asseBl...nt district
on vallco 1Þ'k, Vllaon, .Jonea, IIDrton and Iqnch. who
ren it tiou14 be prudent to have the contnactor hold
up on LID 611-1 tor one IIOnth, due to t1aht ØIOney.
Be stated tlat the Pre.-n-SOndgroth CClllpany Is wilUng
to CO alone with this.
IIDYed by COunc. 1'- rater. seconded by COunc. P1tzgerald. to
..sopt RMolut1oD ~16. call1ng tor bids on BIle of illprove-
, MDt bonda ([I&'OJ"~,6II-Ï)~ .
CouDc. P1tacera14 'J1II&Uted we get a letter of consent rroll the
Pre_-8ondßl'OtIi '~"17.
: ! A.'.:' Coww. ø.Pé~.I', P1tqerald, Johnson, Stokes
, .M.: . NoDe . '.' .
: ~: .._:,CoUIìa~"'l,
IIDt10n carried. "-0
'lbe Director ot IUblio Works was lnatructed to hold the con-
tnacta f'or th1rt7 dQa -uñtll he ~ra troll the City Attornq.
Mo'18d b¡ Counc. J'1tzprald. a"l!ondAd W r..""". z..--. "...."
Reao~utlon Ho. 13S5 be adopted. "
ADS: ·Counc. DetBpeter, P1tzgerald, .Johnson, Stokes
.181 Kane
ABSBIft': CouDc. JIoel
II>tlon caft1.4!d.. 11-0
. .
II. '!'he City A\tOIl.".~~~~~rrc-!\Uta Clara
, '~ 1Ja1t1ed 80'-\ D1ì\t'ft'~/" . unrl..........tloD ot a
. n: . ,~.ot,.~~~.1z,II~"~~~~·.[ .
~.~. . ....~ . .~. ~ . 6MM' \nlIW'!Jt .-,or Stoke., to
.' a1ltbòl'1M tb*~~'"It~to·':lI\to··~~i1tb.the 4. T- -tlon,
accol'll1nB to our 1SN -lit. . ·,T.
dilltioÞ CUT111ð . .-Ò
. .
". ....., ~ JIPT"'øani.~
Be lad noth1Ds turttar to report.
l. '1'he RQor or Mountain new 1r."lted the Council too
pI.,. a PM or baseball on Oct.. 7 at JlcBlve)' Pari:.
2. The Recreation DepartMDt hall 1DOve4 into one ot the
two older ....s on the Central Park Site.
A _ or the f'ollow:'ng three itellll had been mailed to
the Councilmen, fl'Oll the nllnnin:; D1rector.
l. San .Jo.. has an application for rezon111£ ten acras
at the SW conwr or ~bb &nd McClellan to C-2. .
The Plam1n:; Ð1reCtor rec~nded rezon1n8 to co_roial, but
to the more reatJ'1cted C-l 1nstead of th3 "heavy" C-2. Ban
Jose's C-l 111 co.parable to Cupertino's CO. acrosll the street.
Counc. JohÐllon w. should IItronGl1 rec~nd agalnst C-2.
Juanita McLaren. lOlOl H. Blal'lt!f1, said thll1 is aeparated trom
the Colle~e 117 the treewB1. . The nann1ng Director noted that
co_ro1al zon1n& in this area Is 1nIlicated b1 the General
mn or both cltl...· '!'here waa s_ queation tlhether
add1tional c~rc1aJ. zoning will be needed 1n this area.
The tenlU'ft ot the City Council was that the Plannll1é\ Director
should So to thia _eting and rec~nd ap1Mt the c0!llD8'"c1al
2. 0 There 18 11ft application betore the County Planning
Co-..lon -ror II rezoning 1n the þta nata area froa
R-211 to B-3. wh1ch 'has been re~..a4 to the nanning
~~"1oDot CUpertinO tor c~nta. &Dwver, there
. 1. no .eet'1iIß or thå~ body betore the COUDt;y HearIng,
so the .tter hall'been .brought to the City Council
3. The DireCtor ot Nbl1c WorD ellPlaa1zed the need tor
support Or JrptHM;Y Progra., ø... n~Ðeta11s
aft ~1a~ in hiB report or Sept. 19. l~.
Be bad nÖ 1'6~¡ ,
.2;f;i ~.,,, ':,.:' .,.
",~.\~j'~" "ht:\~,V!.__-.
,£t:.....£":·..,,.:·,· ., ~
?.c. ~.., i:('·,.' .:L· __~"4~j"';'"' ,.
J ft";...~ ,... ... \..; ,.,. ." :..
1. '~~;"i't~t'tor')~1oD to put 1ft
. ...1· - " \ -. '':':': ,,..
1Ir. Gerald "~A.20lT.1 ØUi4UD Dri"e, cupertino, øa1d he
au.d7 taB one' pOÓl..täbl~t1nback or hia bar.
Due to the contl"Oftl,'lJS&l natµre øt. th1a, it 1IIUI moved ~
Counc. DealPBter, HCÒbi!ed tit MQbI' Stòkea. to'ref'er this
...tter to the 1'1-",",,"8 eo-1salon tor Public Hearing.
... ,', '''.
It was lltated there has been much discuaa10n about the pool
hall In Monta nata.. ,,~ple are concerned, not because of
the people iMide, bUt b7 the tY'Ø8 of people this tY'Ø8 of
business dralls. *oh noise. trom motor c;Jcles, etc., hall
been created b;J tb1Jl. This concerns the .health and welfare
of the peoplè in this area; therefore, it Is being referred to
the Plann1nc ec- ...ion.
ABSEIft' :
Counc. Dempster, Fitzgereld, Stokes
Counc. Johnson
Counc. Moel
Motion carrled, 3-1
Mr. Rizzuto said no minors are allolled, because of ~he sale
of liquor on the premises.
2. The City Attorney introduced the amendment to the
Pec1eral grant for the park sites in the amount ot
$822,067. Tbe Federal Oovernment will pay 3~ of
Moved by Counc. P1tagerald, seconded b;J Counc. Johnson, to
a40pt Resolution 1357. authorizl(Iß the Ma)'Or and City Clerk
to s1¡n this ~&6_nt. '
ABSEIft' :
Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, JohnSon, Stokes
CÒunc. Hoel
Motion carried, J!-O
- .
3. The City Attorne;J said it would be in order to ask
it' thore .... anv obJect1ona to the abandonment of
a portion of'B1~ 85, between SUnrise and Scot1eld.
'lbere ..... DOIIiII.
11:1ged 'b7 Couna. ft~. secomed by Counc. JohnaOn. to
clo.. the Public .-nns.
Motion carrièd, 1;-0
..~ '
'!tie 1'WUI1JIß D1rector adY118d aga1nlt apot IOII1I1gtor h1¡her
deœlt7. 1&71!11 that it could lead to ver.v be4 conditions. He
r.u theN òUgbt; to be &c joint ...tiDe of the 1'1annÞIg CoII-
1IÞII101a or úie ei-.o~, aíId the City to 41aCUa, a Zoning Fol1cT
tor thSa area.
. . .: '. . .:. ". _ ~ t~ t' . .. '
to tile ~ pi-OW ~-1on. . ." : "',' ,
,..\·iJ .'~ : T'ì!::;:'>1 (I
IIÞt10D c4~.d" 4-0
.. ~ . c -_'~,..' ({(.;J ~'l\i.~
3. Aaot;ber _1t~tSon bero!". the Cudftt;7 ~"8
j 'to.. - -"UIIf~~_""'~ð1Jig,ot ona.20t!to .2.
.,', ; . .",û t..·..·~~:a(l it£.... ,i{ " .-··:··.·i;.·
:-~=:ä ==0:-:' t:=n~~o~~ == =~rt-
MDts aN 1I01'k1I!& on, and 1Ih10h 1f11l be III J/ti.btUd to the
County 1'1aDn1n8 Cu 1..lon on October 5th. '
."";'. .
. "
Moved b7 Counc. I) ..ter, seconded b7 Counc. fttc!;ersld, to
uk tbit Board or SUpervisors to not malee a decision :)n the
above appllcat10D until October 5th so that t;heJ"ean see the
Neighborhood Plana.
Mot~on carried, 11-0
1. After further study of the tire situation, it was
reco_nded the City purchaae a truck from CourteBY
So IDOved by Counc. De..-ter, seconded by Counc. P1tZ3ersld.
IIA 15:
AJlSBIft' :
Counc. ~pøter, P1tzßersld, Johnson, Stokes
Counc. Noel
Motion carried, 1'-0
2. '!'he City Clerk introduced the subject of the purctase
of' projection and screen equipment for the new City
*11 at a coat or $400.00.
Moved b;J Counc. I)npeter, seèóided by Counc. P1t~3ersld, to
authorize the City Clerk to tranafel' $400.00 to the City
Clerk's budzet ror thia purpose.
AIlS11ft' :
Counc. Dempster, P1tzßersld, JohnBon, Stokes
Counc. lIoel
Motion carried, l!-o
3. '!be CltT Clerk rec_nded purctase or walnut and
plastic _plat... and bBdces.
So 1IOved b;J eo._. fttzgenld, seconded b7 *Jar.Stolces.
Counc. I)npøter, P1tzgarsld. Johnson, Stokes
<:00-. aMtl
IIÞtton carrIed, 4-0
s - u6.unSIIID !IIS1Mf··
..!he City At~ ~ Uk. to strike tlat po&'t1on or
Rl3olut1oh ~. __~1ng l'Ubl1c Bearing tOI' October l7.
So _'led 11)' Counc. J..,t.. D. aeconded 11)" eounc. ft~rald
~~.....¥ ..... ,.... . . .<-' ,'".:.:.-~'~.....:. .:.::: .' - . ',' .. .
.~:{'~~,?::,;&_~, QMa~,1I _ UJ.. ·ft~. .TCJf'!Jn.1O Stókea
_, 1IoIIe .cl011.:;' C
,........1: CoIme. ad
. Lf.'¡"l"',~ .3:', rho:.. ~ ~ '\~ .
a:U- carI'1ed, 11-0
~, .. ..<', .;. ""'l?~ '1·-·1 ,',1; .
.Š>",:iU ...~. ',~M' i 6_1' ;~~ ....~~·CO '.aIaD
,. ~ J)aytd . .. JJa,.ed aW7 toda7.
t ~; ,!;." J-rL f,.
:. ~ \!. _ ' . f '-;.'r: ;;:::- _.
"~IIII~~ r~,..¡ ; t_:'
'!be" _s none.
Moved b7 IIQOr Stolcea, lleC'onded 1>7 Counc. ])eIipater, to
a4joum the ..et1Ds ,SA -17 of Mr. David Hoonan, and
to send a ResolutlOD to this effect to his widoW.
Counc. Do-...ter. P1tzgerald. Johnson. I'tokes
!:ounc. ~l
JIotlon carried. 4-0
Meeting adjourned at 11:110 P.M.
/s/ oa~;Okea
~- - . ~. -, /. "
._~ /. -- ',4,_- _
t ~. . ,I
JaØ4On, c;n)' c:.lerk
.' ."