CC 08-15-66
10321 ~b Boad
CU....t2IIo, Cal1tom1J, 95014
phon.t: 252-"505
t .
,:,~;1: ,~i:!) ~, ~ '. --
._ ,........'1 .-_.~. R"IØ·CI'Pr cœ-Tt... A~~,.1966
.a¡..... Ca¡~1I) - ar,trlc" om-. ...
. ___:c- '.... ~. "'n¡ . 117"""" I: QI11tonda .
"P. -
a.oo ....
':. j~ 1 jCi'
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D ...,. cau.
~ "'V. II''' .flit: ft1''' r'~, J~. StoIre8 .
eø.o. ~t: J _ 1 . IINl
SUtt ..._.C·...: C1t7 It.¡..., I'tdl StOl'lS
C1~ &t:f;~. So Aufenon
C1~ ~Ji1 -Ir. Bob Shook
Clt7 C1eftI. EQ ø.ddon
D1NOCGr or PlaDn1nS, Adde tav;-1n
Reo~UøI Director, John 1'aI-hUI
Cb1ef' ....14_ Inspe.:tcr, 811.1 llenevlch
A..1a~ Planner, Jl. Ja¡aua
Rc.:orcl1llC Secretary, Lols IJø2rda
'DIe C1t7 Mr.!"er report;e4 ttat CounellUD Jfoel called rrolll
D.ll..., øa~ ,tat, ~e tG tt. alrl1ne ."r1ke, he
~ be ;m¡.ble to c~ .... and attend U11. _tin¿. *lOr
Stokell U1~ :ounc. ~ter hIId also called to -1 he woald
be unable :: attenð thia _tinge
Auplet l, 1966.
ftt&&err.ld. to
~ OP nIB Pl&VI0U8 _...JIJS - JU4' 26,
...... b7 Oc;mc. JotwJ8CD. MCOnded ~l Counc.
&1IIII'Oft tbe JUnut.. of' ~ 26. 19bó.
IIIJt1øn can-le4. 3-0
...... b7 C.;)UDC. JotmeaD. øcGDded b7 Counc. fttasereld. to
JOet... approftl ot tile &\ICoMIt 1, 1966. IU.D\lte..
~ carr1ed, 3-0
ø C8L." ~U"'" -__ -,,...,,..
1. Latter rrc. 111'. If. W. 'lIoballk, ask1n¡ f'or poetponeeent ot
nñew or .¡Jpl1oaUOD B-V-66.
.~ _ Cbmc. J.,"'" 1'-. MOÒaðed b7 Counc. fttqerald. to
," III! .. awl1oat1oa'~'1IDtU Sept-'>er 1~. .
"'," . .~: ~l(;" t..--: '
MIoIJo carrled. 3-0 .
Ii:-:': =~ ~ '~~ ~ Counc. fttqerald, to
'^~, ..
.?J9o' c&ft'1ed. 3-0
,,~>-¡..,~ "::~:-;.;."
.,;.' y",
",' . ··f;;.~;'::u
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,,1~;', '
'I.'beI! were none.
V A. Ml'ORf OJ' fY..xJIO CalRIS$IOW (See IÙnutes of Aug. 8th)
ftce-Cbll~ ~th said the August 8e1a Minutes speak for
tL lt1ft8~ ørjf' .r,il the COundl 'I'I,Mdaør queatlØ1Ø.
Coaac. .TobrleoW ,. . 1ID'tr'~ 9.11.. S-~1Io..J"'1oD: It.,."
neolftd. ea.. ~'Ia14' 1t", ,.rtpÞ.Mamd.reterreð
to tile Cit7 AtM. . f.
11. ~.... ._'''.'DLI'~ AIm 8JIS AI'I'aiWAL ~TrlW
(See ~,or Auc 9th.)·-~' .
~ fttcb ....1 T JIll... the Ausuat 9'b IfiJutes stand al1
CøImI:. l~ ...-' . -rot' a "'~ or the VaI'D81' Wilson appl1-
cat!œ. Clla1.- fttch reYiewe4 the ~. IIb1ch can be
tCMd 1n the 1I1r~ Qt the preceding _ttnp. Mr. Wilson
u.14 110 tÞe llaSt: .. placed on t.he U.. ....t ~ the nanning
ea-1H1on. .... la1Ktb of tÞe tbe \I~3 1I1ll be an &11tique
ahop .Ul be d1c~ ~ tICOIIOIIica. '!he house will reaøin
1n a poIIP or acl_1ft Ingliah Village ahops, ultilll3tely.
At tile .....ent _s.e. the lleNa. :s beLlg destroyed by vandal.
aøS ttII' _In _ tor the antique shop so1ne; in there now
la to get a 011 the pa-s.aes to the destru·:tion.
~. ftt&;;e:oaW uked the City Attorney it there 1s &n7
polictns probl811 w1th an ant:que shop. '!he City Attorney
said ~top 1s fUll or thls t7P8 businesa enterprise and
tbere ._ to be 110 proble.. Cha1ran P1tch added thet the
applicant has sale! there WOUld be 110 outs1de displaJ's exCErpt
a .1@21.
IIB70r StoJres a.ked wh.7 there .ill be no at th1B U....
tile Cny Attol'lMl7 ..1e! t:hia Is nart of an s..eBBment district
With :be C~llese ani thll're 18 so_ question at this ts. Juat
when the s1dewaUr abould 80. When the aboPPing center 18
dneloPld. the a1lll12.O&IIt will have to coliP17 w1th the SUb-
diYU10D OrI11JIance. Be COIIpand the applllach to the problBII
With ~hBt or the JI'Oduce _rket on Saratop-Sunn)'vale Road,
which 1a under u.. I'Wnit.
'!'he City ..nag.r _14 1Ir. Wilson has alsneð . petition for
the LD. '!he tb1M1n8 now i. that It would be better to
.1tI'.hold the .14.. 111<. at this time. ..yor Stokes' co'\cern
_s Uat we haY.- no ~ of laIoWing when _ will get sidewalkn
hot.... 111'. UilllGn aid that tlhen the sid_lka are brought up
to the propart;r UDe rro. either the or west he ~uld
be .UUng to pat u- 1Ð t'rönt or thÞ;014 hou...
lIo"ed by Counc. lobatNm. seconded by counc. P1t&geft'ld, that
onl7 two or three pieces are to be ~'J1l1plQed at this antique
shop. -
IIotion carr1oo. 3-0
IIoftd tIS Counc.··o1'a- tn, aeconded by· Couno. ntaprald, to
a'!lS'l'Oft the Arcb1tectoaral and Site Approval JUnutea or
A\4Ullt 9, 1966. ' . 'J
lIot1on carried, 3-0· .
C. RBI()RT 0' TIm PARKS COMMISSIOIf (S~' JUnutea of Aug. 9th)
'i'he Director a1c! no ...t1ng .. held on tiat ·.iate, dua to a
lack or .. quonma.
D. ~ o. ftB VA'l'BR CCIiXI:SSIœ
~. IlHa -iIaSII tM·.... ':, ..-.;ftftt. d1ð lI¡"teI' pJaD tor
tile C\IpeIÜJID _tel' ~ 1ft 19(;1. fbI7.ft JWlt"'~) . 1M "~~j:81111 tldacllu beta ~
UId aPPl'Oftd _ Bel101ut1oa bJ ~ CIapeI't1DQ ...... eo.dU1oD.
_ ~wi t -.. .~qc'~ .'~ . ; '. :
... A~. ~ tbe IIII'Ir "--a :"a . 'V. r.a14 the NPO~-..
coftNII ,.. .,.ttII'.-SCoia_.:.,.JII..tD4. .. tIleD ..-
tha 1IIpl1 Iltat10n n..~ to aptaCtt the ho111t1u. Be øaJd
adequate _tel' atorep allaa1d be SDco1'POftted snto the PN-
'MIlt -Iofllllil" ! " '. -.
'!'he Cit)' êo.mou reque.teð .on tSlÌe .~ d1&Øt tbe Nport
Pl'èeented'to tbI8 'atthU_u.,; IIQoI' lito... ask8d ....N.
Kll1a anð A_ck 1t thq could _ to the Co\IDCll _tinS
on Sept..... 6th to a_I' a~ queat1o!l&. '1'b1." qreeable
to all cOllCerned.
VI l'UBE.IC mwmros
'I'tIere were DOne.
'!'here were none.
A. RBSOUJ'l'IONS NO. 13~¡ and l3/15.
'!'he Cit:r Clerk 1ntrodu~ed Reaolution 110. 13/1".
Mo"ed b7 Counc. P1t......ld. .econlSed b;r Counc. Johnson,
to adopt iterlOlution l31¡It.
A1BS: Coune. P1tzgerald. Johnson, Stokes
ABSJIH'l': Counc. J)ellpeter, Noel
Notion carried. 3-0
The City Clerk Introduced Resolution 110. l345.
Moved b;r COunc. !"1tqerald. .econded bJ Counc. Johnson, to
adopt Resolution l345.
Counc. JP1tagerald, Jollnaon, Stok.a
Counc. Dealpahr, Moel
Motion carried, 3-0
A. RBl'OR1' or C1'1'J' '1'RBASURIR
lie hac! noth1ns turther to report.
D. REPOR'l' 01' em JII,\:lAam
1. 'l'IIe Cit)' ~rr asked taP Counetl author1Zatlon to
transter $55.952.60 in surplus VBter Depart_nt l'unds
rro. the ft~ Agent 1n .!!en Preneisco to the CUr
'l'rea8urer tar the purpose or p:&ac1ng it in an interes-.;-
bear1rIs ac_1;~ '. ' .' , .
~,; ,ao 1IOftI:_IWJ ...~'.Jc~LDD, AI' om-t.. QøQDo.,J'.t,~.
.' .... .~."tf'Ï.: ~,. :'.t ,iJ.·(i<;.': ..:.^..>~ '..~
" L'~"'"¡'A_. ,.¡ :I~ --- "paJ.d¡;¡ ~¡~ T_J',.V.
.~..::;l~,,,,,:,=-,~J(·-...' ....·I,.,~.;--:- ~~"'~' :.~~':~I.... ": ",'
...,. 0ØáDe. u..p.tar. Woel
. ..- W~.-: ,"",¡,"U!X:(,1(''''' .:'. ·""It:;;· :L' ~
;:"',..1 l :~ ;,:,:i .-;~.t~:;;.~ ~&~j6:3-0~·_:"·
bLft~. . t! ; :;. F.n . ~.6 -' '.:" ¡ -'~ .
'. . ',' :':.",."'t:""'r:" ....,. j .' ,. .
2. '!he CiQ 17 -.... ulced t~ CouDcU au~t1oD to
uecute U. .11.& I. rot tor tbe De ADa LID.
',< .; ....'
80 eYed _ ~. nUprald,seo-~-ð ~ COuno. Jo~.
COaDc. ntspald. JobneoD. StoII,.s
COUDC. ~ter. ¡t)el
IIotlon t:arried. 3-0
'1'tIe City Mllnacer added that 70 ot the property owners
ha"e agreed to .-rticipste 1n this; only 6()C 18 required.
3. Pursley COnat1'\lctlon CompelV' haS asked for an exten-
sion of l7 worlung da:f8 on I;he City BIll, vhit:h 18
Yer1t~ed b:J lettere from Gillard Electric, Inc., San
Jose Steel and Anehor Porge and Iron COmpany.
So IIOved by CoImC. JobnBon, seconded b)o Count:, P1tz~ra¡ð.
Motion can'1ed, 3-"
R1s written report or August 12. 1966, ..s dlstrlbutcd to
the C...uncll. I.... 2. the aallel7, is covered in the
VBter Report distributed earlier.
1. MACKAY AEI 8(111'8. Pacifica Drive at Sarato3&--
~. JIDIId.,
U1IOD ~amqt--tSO;¡¡ or the City BÞg1neer. it was ~ved by
CoIIJIC. P1taprald. seconded b7 Counc. Jobnaon, to aut~r-
1.. the City ~r to 1nf'oM the developer and his
boIodfng cc.-...... ..-that the '11lIII'O.1 nt; bond. _y no" be
Motion carried, 3-0
.'l4t -
< _.~..,'_':'
B. RRI'ORr or '1'I!B C1ft A'r ...........1
1. CAD JrØ _.ør1lI. 'l'I:e C1ty AttomQ 181 _de a
tœ..l d ft/t tor releale or tbe boøla. AD lnvest1-
ption is under ~ and a report Is tOl1;bcoGng,
proIIab17 .. De DØt ColD1Oll ~
'ftIIt Cit7 .~"'T - ~ Ü8 C1t7 Att.v4.q u.t:. cSue t<>
tbe s.pø&Uft r..n ITI~ to at least ~ repair
the raa.l. lr ~'_ CJ._.~ to step 111 ud do tile 1IDrk,
couJd _ con_ct ......^CitJ At1:01'MJ ,~. - .....14 be
110_ _ COUDc. J'a- ~r 'I MO.ed _ COØP. ft~4,
tbat U. C1tJ ~ iMtNCte4 to ..-sf'J' UIe bond-
1118 ~a _ '-J tlaC. ta, -, ~,or ...". ~"'.eat.t7,
~ De...... . t or l!....iU~ 1fcmI8 18 '-1118 s..L.Ate4 to 40
17 .A'_te rd t.. ...~ would ah ",¡.lI1ate ...-.ledp-
.-t or tJI1a',....- t·omce.
IIoCSaD carried, 3-0
'P.Ie Cit;p' IirIsIftHI' heÞ tbe two aiD arteI"J,ee could be
I:aIIm care or berOft UIe rainJ season. !'be cu1-de-eacs
are not so crit1cal.
,Juanita McIarerl. lOlOl .. Blane" A.,enue. Cllpel't1llo, urged
hst .~tion on tb1a baroN the raif17 seaaoa. the excuse
used by the denIOlIft' la8t year. Right _. there 1s
a "17 ~ s1~t1øn 1n that a~.
2. '!be City AttorDeJ' introd\:ced ØKt)lut1aft 131fT by
P1ra~ Read1ll8. It 1a in re@ard \.0 abR..... wont of a
po~ion of' Sctlft1c Blvd., due to rea!" -~. It
is set tor Publlc Jlllaring on Sept.-ber 6th.
Itoved cy Counc. 301maon, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzgeral<1,
to adq:: Resolut1on l3b7.
IIIGt10n carried, 3-0
3. !be Cit)' Attol'DeJ' l.'l1t1Ated d1scusslon or the property
a~ the sout~st corner or Foothill Blvd. and Stevens
Creek Blvd.
At the present t188. the tavern ~s another siX ¡reGra to
II) on his 1_. A NqUest has been rece'.'led rroa. the
realtors "_4os.'lII8 that property owner to 1n8ta Ù a
_U-elAss ehoppIDs cMlter there. 'l'heY haft o:tet'e4 to
annex to the City ud v14en the street and put in the
þpro_ts U' ,.. C1ty 1IOU1d be wUlinlS to 1Dtroduce
8II1nent dON'" ...",..~,.. to null11'7 tm sU-7e&r lease
on the baS1s the, after street 1IIprovI I .ta. there would
not be au1't101.c .-ddIIS space. f'or the ... __.10 business.
CoUDC. P'1taø1'a1d aid he would not like to ... the City
be. part of pu~ . ... out ot bUB1ne88. .. would
rather see th1a SO tbroush the no~ a--'I. through
the CouIØ7. ..~ _11111'1 ~d lib to ... aU t'our
,00I'I1II1'8 here. '........ a1llce this 1a II ..r, 1ia8)' corner
,and 1I1ll be boa*WI'. .
1Ir'. Büor. of"'~ "lty, ...s pres.nt to explain the
bacQr0un4 of t_ ..... .
'l'be pt-_t'13 D1reCtor _111 it \~uld be he1'd to set the
requ1.:Nd )I81'k1aS 1D lIB"". in thtu UlI1ted ..-.. At
preset',,-. tbrM loW .... R-l and four loy ... C-l.
Mo':ed by counc. ft~cIt'.ld, oeronded tIT 0:Jun::. J'olmaon,
to refer th1Js atter to the City starr for a re~ort.
Iløt1oncarried. 3-0
The City.... .I - _..... 11' the daV'!loper -.on1" be wllling
to prepare a uacaU- plot plan. Mr. BskI!:'1l' 1IIU inStructed
to contact U. cs.~ .tatt on this.
, , :.. . 1'.' .' -', ~
.. J'~' RIPOII! or ¡,... ....A ,~l'ØO'lOR,
!IIere .... no óÍ. í' l """':..
'. J ,. ~ . .. \~, r'\';"'1'::: ~;*'_~(~:"" '-"': ..,
-::.."~ oP'~':' f4Wii~..~ . , ~ . .'
.'. .~ .-..,., 7-!¡~..~ $;f ·:.r.:t i:",- .'.'- ~.-. '.:-:';' '"~ - .
"1. We aN!.'11....r .'two_þof.~ <I . .. .-ve&fk. of
the tJdøI .-~.01JIIP1oa""', thi.
Sat~ _ Ir t_ð JI1gh 'l're.llk 1'1.14.
2. It brief r- .;-. or the other reoreat1Gn act1rttle.
now be1Dg uI.f_..4 .. given b7 the Db'eCtor.
B. RBPORr OP 'P£AR!u - U.I..UiLJ~
l. The DireCtor .-at over the sugp;..ted 11&bt Industrial
zones. Veb1C1dar entrances ftt.ould not be troll ..Jor
streets. ~ ahould be an unbi'c.-keD facade wlth
dr1v~. !t.-ft .hould also be an unbroken back
vall border1.DS residential ~s, abollt lO feet ln
from the IlaCk IIftJpe. toy line and the propert7 owners
could 1., " t'" tilth vines or s~th1nc<. Thft
Director po~ out that condltions 1IOUl~ lave to
be appl1ed at the rezon1n:; stage. Ir the City Coun-
~1l and the prope. \.1 owners are interested in this
plan, rezonillClll coW.d be ini'.;iated.
Counc. Pitzgezoald _115 requests for light 1n!1;.1strial
property are al~ acc~ed by the condit1on that
there DISt be t),va&age on _jor street.. JIa70r Stokes
said that pertape if' we create an industrial cer.i:er. the
bu8ineSIi tI'ODta¡;e would not be 110 neceea&r7.
Counc. Johnaon IUd fttzgerald could not eDY1sion the
l1ßht induatrial _ .uggested near the Colle::e.
Juamta Mcur.D, 1010l II. Blaney, CUpert1llo, ... in
fsvor of this plaD ~ the rallroad tracka. She felt
it was surt1c1_~17 cut orr from the Coll.,.e. JtrB. Ann
Anger, &aptre Blvd.. JIonta Vista, suggested the Council
be very c:aretul in opening this ';;ype general j....\...trial
zoning because the ~ult. could be veI7 UIllSe.s.rable.
'!'be Pl.ann1ng D1Nc~ _s inBtructed to aeøS .;.opiea of
th1B report to the åIO absent Councilmen.
I. RBPORr or 'ftIB ern CLIIII[
l. A brocœn fd ca. ~SBOgraph eqU1, t rec_nded
by the Cl~ c.1G'Ir _diBtributed. lie a14 thet 7':1f>
of the coat ~ 1t will be financed tbJ'oU,gb' ~he Vater
Department; t;t.a other 30J"through the Qefte:ral Pund.
In aNnler t;o oÞo-.e. JobnllOn's que.t~oD. UIe C1t,.
Clerk said t..... pieces of equi~nt -.......14 be
adequate ~OJ: 15--20 ;rears.
Moved by Counc. JobDllon, seconded by Counc. P1t%gerald,
to authorize tbe City to ~rcha8e the A4dreseo:;'TBph
equlpœnt lUted in the brochure distributed by the City
Counc. P1tzge1'81d, Johnson, Stokes
e»-'J",,~~ter, Noel
~ c.tÎè:ib' CÙ'Med 3-0'
,.. .. r~;- ; ~ .. ~ I.· .
... ~,' '1
~'l ':
~i Y!~!"~~!'JN!I'....
tire....' .r~-
.: ~ ,. .
, ..-. '.. ',r
XX ;....·"".-'*9 '
J \,
1. Mr. Joe~. .. . ..,.4.1e StaWl-Pd aoeIIO~r, said that,
on bøta1t !)t UIe tbNe Il8llber8 or the'lINaa present, he
1IOuld Uk.' to req -It duplicate packetS ot the intona-
tion given; to U. Clq Council prior to the meetingS.
Be pointed (ftI1; tllal;' tMa is done In other cIties in the
area. '
Counc. J'nhnaon _14 ttat, with the exception of those
things dealing 1dtb nBgotia\;ioDB, it would aeem feasible.
He asl.f!Ù the C1 1:7 Jll.nager if there were all7 inherent
probl_ in do1.Ds th1a. The City Manager reques~ed
dererment ot ~ practica until after .. IIOve into the
new city hall. At tbe preaent time. crowded conditione
would _I,e tt.1s an added burden at this time. Another
reason he is nealtaDt about it is that hs does not want
the Councilmen to ~d things in the newspapers before
the ieems a~ reported to thE'CI.
It was decided the City Mana$cr \/ould have a pac':a;>e
prepared f'or the preas and they will be distributed at
the lICet1ngs.
2. Counc. P1tzse~d has had reports that there are drag
1'8ces on Bubb Road. '1't11s will be invest1~ted.
3. The City Ma.na6er tas invited the Moffett P1eld Naval
Band to participete In the Saturday, Nove1Dber 19th,
dedication of the new City Hall. Acknowledgement has been
received, but tbere was not a definite acceptance at
this tilDe.
It. Mayor Sto::es waul4 like to see the Trailer Oräinance
enforced ~re atrictly.
5. Counc. P1tzc;e:rald ..ked when we will get the traffic
light at Rodr1p'.. and Sa1'8toß8-Sunnyvale Road. The
City Manager ~ he has been requesting thia rrom the
State at regular 1œerVBla since 1962. Counc. P1tzgerald
suggested the State B1gtMay Department Of'fic1alB be
invited to our decU.cation of the new City Ball BO they
can see how hard 1t Is to get into the 'fo1m Center.
6. Counc. Johnaon ~ the street light at 8.lbb and
McClellan atU.l n8f~" to be turned on. The City
.PiIgineer will once again notity PO a: B that it is
authorized to do tb18.
7. Mayor Stotea brought up the question or dealing with
doór--to-400r salesmen. The City Ràna8er aald people
w~ ,aN botbered 117 them should ~1atolY can
Clt7 aµ. who w111 get tl1roußb ~ the 1'bl1oe Dep&rt-
meni;, ...ho .1.11 check and see if' tJ:-.ey ha"e a business
8. Mayor St.cIIIN, 1'eqUlsted,action CJIi the Intérlm Zoning
O1'd1JJUCe. to tha d1aèuia1oft t18t tollOWèd. the City
Attomq.J'Ie1M4 1;þe 1Wt,'SaD ot 1Ibetber the approach
should W·!.r'1t·18 thil'lI1SIJitat IIJIII beat use or \11'0-
pe~ a,**-, 1:J1an bow aoon It 110111" be developed.
The ....,.... DSrector 8aSd ttat<1IIiü:.w...: ~' 1OÞ1ns"
in 196O..;IIibt DeOeaaar117 øoo4 -.. 111 1966.,
CoDIUH......IIIDge. .' -" . . . -I'
The C1Q',;tt;tomQ' f'elt there CO"," be "-'.~I\t¡s to
the ~-" ,.., 1IODinga, but ... "'it8rlt'atiout doll18
t~.....~_ c~1al _tWP'.. ttae question of'
ret1"Ola~Y1_ 81eo cue uP.' , ,
9. The C1t;)-'1Ia1l architect, 1Ir. w111 m".1ng. as
scJiec!u1.ed to present the 1and8ca1l1ns plana at lO:30
P.M.. but 1dJIce he as in san D1eso. and due to the
alrl1D1t strike, he as unable to come.
Moved by Counc. .Tomson, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzgerald, to
adjourn the IIIHttns at lO:45 P.M. The next regularly-
scheduled Cit7 C<Mmr1l lIIIIet1nC will be 'l'Ueada7. Sept. 6th.
/s/ Gary Stokes
/ .-./
_.'-' /.' ;:;''l'~~'
~on, ty ::.;: