CC 08-01-66
10321 3out:: s.::-s:osa~1e RcPd
~-ert1no, C:!1~:-0rn1a, 950l!l
lbone: 252-4505
.- UI ~ C1ft 1iUUA1.&Jo - A~t l, 1966
....-. Boarà 8:I0Il, a.......u... School District otnce,
lO3Ql nata Dr.I.9If¡p T 1 UJD
- 8:00 P...
% lAID':"! !O or.- JIM
u .... ~.AI.L
C:Iunc. pn~1 ¡¡ _ ter, PJ.t&gerald, JotmaoD, Moel, Stokes
Co=ë. absent: ...
JIIIT:r StokeQ 1nt~«1 the start:
~~ "'nager. Phil 5to:w
C1~ Attome7, Saa Anderson
~tor of Putl1.:: 'lo~kB. Prank Pinney
c:.t7 ~r, Bob SilOOk
~t.<'r or Plann1n¡;, Add. !Aurin
C1~ Clerk, Y.a,. IIaddon
A~1atant Planner, ,111!1 .._
ClI1et a.l1d1n~ Inspector. BiB Benevlch
l'ecor:l1.,.:; Secreeary, Lola Imoards
nI Ja:~:7::S OP THE I'D'lIOOS MBlft'!r.:S - Jw.7 18, 19, 25, 25.
k·.-~~ ~- :Ol.:.c. J'?t" .ecO{.~N 177 Counc. Fitzgerald, to
a¡:;:::"=;~ ~~e JI1ra¡~a ot .11.417 1¿. 1~-6.
JIotion carried. ~-c
\IIc\'~1 ~:; Counc. Jo!r..-on. ae.:onè..j by Col.:"\c. F1tzgerold, to
a.;::-:'..~ ehe IUnutea or .July 19. 1966.
lIø':lon csrri.>d, 5--C
1Io·,~~ :'y Counc. Ptt&&eftld, s~;onded by Counc. Dempster, to
s..:-=ve the JI1ra¡tea of July ~. 1966.
Iløtlon carried, 5-0
(c~unc. .Jobnøon . lJoEl 3.bataine<1)
/...r:''41 of July 26th IUnutes was withheld to gIve the
C.:::.'1loen tt.e to read them.
IV 0liI.I. ;,,10 WRI'l"rØ (In JJJHI\:ATIOIIS
A. Letter tro. C1~ or S\l!UI7VSle and their Resolution 7509.
Move<i by Counc. DeIIIpster, 8~COnded by C.ounc. fitzgerald, to
pailS Reøolution l343, authorizing the M3yor and City Clerk
to sign Sw~vale's Renolution 75L!9 and return it to them.
AYES: Counc. Dell¡láter, Pitzge19.ld, Jc>hnBon, Noel, Stokes
RA13: IIone
JlDtion carr1ed, 5-0
.1Iove41tr~.:·'" ·W.... HCOIIde4 _ counc. Bod, to file
tile w1ttaol ¡ ,tCllt1oDB.
(. :. ,,0 _.' .#
JlDUIIn aør1ed. 5-0
ORAL CCR ...."...,~
A. 111'. CoPIIDla aaad ;0. be bIIII.rd at th18 tt.a nther tJan at
the ØDII or the ....... because he tas a preY1øuS ~tt-
So mved IIJ' Ooanc. tl _ Ler. _coaded ..". Counc. Pitqerald.
IbtSøft c:arr1e1J. 5-0
111'. Col)llOla l'8Y1end I\1s _QF lKetings with the X-eontrol,
the Pl&!III1DIr C I-ton and tile C1t7 Council. Be said that,
according CO tha ~d111g Inspector. he :s appro¡.;iatel:r
10 .q. n. o...uo that allowed 011 si~. HiS poslt1c>n Is tohat.
s1nce' that eorner 1& opea aDd 111'. Call col.lld build on the
vacant 00_ lot st anr U_. WI1ch MOuld block or. Mr.
CoPPOla'S alp r;alDted on the :aIde ~r the building, he has
requ"s~ed pera1.alO11 CO let tha root Ugn ~in. The
nam1ng c-1.a1on óec1decl to ~nt t.ll11 a one-year extension.
Be feela t~ :a ~r.
Co'-lnc. .1on-n aalred it the oriS1n81 approval for the painted
sign and the 0_ Oft the hont .a srar.ted on the cond1 Uon
that the I'OOf aip be re.l)ved. Rr. Coppola ~1<j he >lBS
srante4 a asa _th elela7 to ","Ye t:>e root 8ign l11nce 1t
tIOUld coet hi. $50 to have it _-.owed and he 10J on a WIOnth-
to-aontb l_ beaia and -bua1ftefts is rulInl~ In the red-.
Be aBle1 the ....-. 00-1..1on then reviewed ~he cZlle and
poaute4 h1a a _-~ extenalon.
'1'tIe Pla_lDc Dinctor said the MW S1pt Ordinance would pro-
beb!)' be in eUect in about two WIOntt.a or BO.
Moved 11)' Counc:. Dooepeter, seconded by Counc. lIoe I, tha t
111'. COl!llOla be a11øwed to keep his ~aent signa and that he
COIle back in whe:1 the new 81p Ordinance hes becOlle la..
The CMer adld1ng Inspector 18 to not1!'y M:-. COPiIOla when
it is to be re"i-.:l ap1n.
IIotion carried, 5-0
B. Mr. Kull1ck - ~pper '1'I'ee
Mr. Herb BeY1D, 209l0 ~pper '1'I'ee Lane, said Mr. ItIÙ12ck _s
unable to attend th111 _tinS, 80 he and 111'. Al Platt, who ,,111
be &t this 88eting at 9 P.M., would lIke to present the~r
case. Thia.. PIt ove.. on the B3enda until later.
V A. RlU"ORr OP I'tA1IIDIO c:JIIISSIOIt (See Minutes ot July 25)
Cha1nan B1rBJIon asked the iÄluncll If' they had any Questiona
Ir.sed on the II1nutea of July 25th. '1'tIere were none.
-, .
..~," '.'
,,,, .<., ài. ~ 1JP '1Jìa1awlais...-unAi. AJID SITE Ai'mOVAL CI)II'IIIII'l'l'EE
~.. [;.<;~- '(Bee tlhltit_1it ~ ~.. 1966)
(-~~'lJ ¡.~:,.',. . -} ;"',"1'< .
( .. r;r'.,~ . Pi . the JU.nutes or JW7 26, 1966, be
::.. í1!t~ ":' ~ftAß1cant ~or Iw.:r _I'did appear
. ;¡J:,-; tQ . . Ofttr to the JofDt ....t;1JIB 1I1th the
" .''cø.t~ ,_slectect. to table it.
.1Itrb'iI)..'~. .
~ ~ì..··;¡ ¡... ¡.. ~..., >-::, -''; '..~
:.. QjIóIDiII'.1Ibidbe.¿ 'It~14. to
, . - M" ..._~mIè·.
~~«P4~:.~n-'· _~ .'J.:Jt·f-:./!..~ X ) __J.;) : C,':· ~
.,<~*'Ù.t.J£:"\(h'.'¿~·'::;·~ 'i'r '0.1 <'
Ii ~1 ·,··i1:t~->' . :, .....
_ .1 .....F -' ;::~' .:::~ rf'... '"1' .1-" . ~
t.:' -; 1. ·i.·, .'
:wil.....l~~'Ór ~ 26, 1966)
JIJ..!s,...t4 j..,.1~... ';' ~ .',:,;, f f !.. .
'1.r:¡ .S.:""!' ",:, ......-- .
r~'- .
I1Iin' the f'our..,aC1'8 perk they are suggest1n~ ao.e grading to
,*"dde _-bu1!ter1ft8 rro. Portal Avenue. '!he eleD'!!,1:8 iI.
the pu'.c 11111 be:- 2 tennis courts, picnic ares, 1Ia11t1-"'~e
UI¡Ib1~ter, t_ ares, volley ball, ping pong. equipment
1Itozo.., tacUl"_, spray pool. tot lot. Pla7 appa;'8tus, and
~ _. 'l't-. will be !llUch turf aoo .'1117 trees, but the
0D17 1I!INbbel71111l be the screeniJ'lg arowd the periaeter of
t.. ¡artr 8Dd al'OUJ1d the tenni8 courts. Mr. Ribera tt.en
d1aplaJed a aeries of sketches ll1ustratil1& how various areas
W1ll 1cIok.
Counc. fttqea14 ..ked about the costs. Mr. Ribera I!ald the
ulttate coat 1f1U run $l35.000 to ~l1¡O,OOO, wt.en cor.plete17
dfteJoped. ~r Stokes ..ked for a '.ost breakdown :.0 tt'.ey
~ a.. Idle" to cut, if the7 have to. :It _s pc.lnted out
tllat this could be de"eloped in phases.
.... AeIr8r ..- t:be 0IIwIC11 if' they are Battsned with the
~wr, quaU,q &IllS _...l faclllties of' thl! par!, and
st·... m"lI. _,,, ..._cøed. Counc. fttzge1'l!~ i esked Chai:_"
. ...... 11' ...... ilia ......, _ch area partlc1pe.U'U1 1n this ¡:.lan-
1dIIK. ~...,- . aid all the c-1s&1oners t-e'le talked
'1IÞá ~ _t.,.-... to get the reel or tt>1nga. .~ Co=1s-
...~ .... SD .......,.<01:. with these pla:lll.
ec.-. a.1 hIt üiIIF h8d done a relatively gpod job with the
..u .~I' -p tJIe.J: 1114 t~ work with.
.' . .
a.n-a Aob. saJd.... Ribera is four to siX _ka a..ead of
,.·tM'OtL .. aroh1,"_ &IllS he would like to see hill authc rized
1!0 ,,,.U 1111.
-.- .
: ~ Gc:..è.' ~ ......:.. ...t the procedure 18 for deletion of
. .,,;~ .1r-.~.··.'l'be C1ty Manaser Ba14 the C1t7 Council re-
, . ·Iii' . t...-~~ present a _ter ¡Ilan to the Parka and
.," .' "6ì' 1*,-. 'l'be ..ter plan 18 tho!n lIent to the
;.I:'~''::-~';'..L"'. ..' ·1"" . ..."-.....··are to be .ade t;ben ICr R1bera
.~~....d'· ~1ifD'_:.1~.prooeeclwith stáge cleftlr,i-...nt: if'th1a
.t!~".,;. ~>:",¡"-jl' ft.._·A..· .0.. 1 tn el_ts could be 4ef'eft"ed ,,!~hout
>'.'" ,, ._ter ¡Ilan.
,;;,f:-.f::-'· t~:f:' ". . , .
.' '~:r.-::· '- ';,
:'~ it~ ~~ '~""K ,.{,',
...~:t''''<iÓ;> ~:...
~., . -., ~'.';.,~,:,~:1It, ,~""'
'. ~;. ....,4 UJo..-. j,#":"-\ ..q',
'i:: . ~~1~~\'-,'1; ,"
'~.~. 1,,' .
.)";·.,~~~';f:~~<" "
-: - ~,,- ;':
In 3œwJ' to Rayor Stokes' questiDn, Mr. Ribera said the
tClll1å courts are 120' x .L2D'. Mayor Stokes then asked
Cbsiman Acker It it i8 their intention to hB7e tennis courts
in everT park. Cba1.1-.n Ackf'r sa1d tennis 4.J ~"f' IIQre
am .mt P<>PI4U'. 1Ir. Ribera said the tenn18 courta would
coat abaat $U'..OOO.
~J.t,L-,.,_te4 tbenI are t-n'. courtaa~:antbe h1gb
"A . IICbø01ã .-SUì be Sa the ceatal park. u4 be t.U thq
~:"."';¡",".',·"j"...."-':A..~'CIC'E,. . ,~.,:1 " ..~~, ' ,ltl*ÞP\, .... ts.,
.h",,?'AI' W1r_~, ~.. .;~ r·o acIœr IIUØ: .....,KIIDol tcD1a
.' i ~ ,-:; .....4_ 4D IIØ&'" t:t slW. t.o ~~I8f_Auœ &114
"r' ': 'F ... DOt ~..- ."....J.. 1Ir. R1bU'a iIa1d 1t ttat ana
t" ðI not 81» ~i~-:rJ: ",~ .....""11017 tÞ into tam.
'~ ' . &114 'cMN 1á s.-t alløII8DCO r. tøt.
'~'-'ft~,. ao-.ae1~~~C;¡; __A ar¡, ~. ap'tut; in
. ,', poJlll1al'1t:7. to atatiat1cs. 00uDc. l~ aa14 he
1JJIø the coarea in ~" particular _. .
CIa~ Ac:IIIø Mid, *'. Jlibe.. needs .~v&1 to II) aNed with
tile -'dD6' dJBJI1Iip. it ~ Council 1a satUfted this
..ter p¡.ø. ~.. Stokes 11&14 tie are talJdng abol&t quite a
bit of ~ per acre her. ($20,000 per acre f'or de_lo~t).
Mr. Ribera sa1.d tb:1a j.s " _11 perk and 18 _1'8 intenal"e
than the otherS probab17 will be.
Moved ~ CounC. I)eœp8ter, seconded b7 Counc. lIoel, to adopt
the aster plan set rcr Park Site B. Some it_ -.:r be
deferred but not nec_sarl17 deleted.
MaJor StoItes reels this is ;00 expensive and we can't afrord
to devclap It. Be reels this should zo back and be redone.
Counc. DetçBter ""teeS that thil' parle ,,111 service quite a
la..-ge portbn of the pop1lation of Cupertino.
"YES: Counc. Iletr,)::ter, Pitzr;erald, Johnson. Moel. St'.okes
Motien carrie<!, 5-0
2. lI1laon Park Plaror
~ ~ .
C"i~ Acker presented the schematic disgram for t'1e Wilson
Park, 1Ih1ch ... ~-:'e¡,ered b7 Royston, ltanamoto, Mayes and Beck.
Be deecribed tbe geoeral theme and the architect is present17
mdit)'1Dg the plana as a result of thèir cU.scUBsions. He said
that, at present. twre 1a very poor access into the school
..... '11IIq have proposed a p.sthvaY t¡1l'Ough the par.. to the
BCbool. '!'he chi.:! objection to this 1s that i'.; ~psrates
tile turt or the pu'k rIOt> the turf of the s;:hDol. but tt.e
advantaps s_ to out',oei~ ttoe d~sadvantages.
i'!Ie park tr-3ntaBB will be on l'Qrtal Avenue. as 1(; turns.
This park "S e_1;l8lly ¡¡he same fllc11ities, e'''cept the
arch1~t reo -"eel a s_ll buildiß3 ror tro,:;or recreation.
'11Iere tr111 Ò)I) a QU1.ø:.Ï;, U"eII with treen, the b~d1ng, a con-
crete slab sllghU,~ aunken, school-age plQ .,At, 10107 tot
.... wS,th a tr1lle 1;ISck. picm.c and BBQ a~, C;8IIpt'1re and
nature stq ~., _11 plQ ",rea a.1Jacent to .the two
tIesm1B coun.a. ~ w111 be eo_ grad\ng. S- of the
eo--'..1~ le.1t '¡oDI;Clrn abo\:t the pattwa7 \brou8h tbe
ga~ ~OZ' ~,ebU"~ ping to s:hool be<:a....e '.be J&th tended
to. b¡oeq ~. turf UUII "r t.'Ie school aDd~. '1'bc eo-1s-
sioft 8UßBested the ö;enaia courts be re¡ocated. 'ftd.B park 1s
¡rM~1' tbIw., f1vc .crea.
Co~. ?1tzgeral:: felt t:J1t æV1n6 the ~ area adjac~nt to
the ::-~e might be cbJec:t1Þnable ~o the neighbors on the
other sii1e.
CoUD<:. Jroel ... CI ~ !;bat ~"e two ¡:erka. ~ess than talf
. .ue a¡art, __ ~ 118. dup11cst1ng each otller. Chairman
AcIœr a1d the .' ,..-~ be the _. bat; t;be tœ.ea and
tile cbaftcter of'u.......w be quite 41ft'~. Mayor
StokeI -.14 tile __'.r ~.. or tbeae pp1!It:Ü to keep theta
w1UdD ...'IrI"I.",...r· t...... Creek .td. 18 between
ti1ese two IIU'Þ. 'IIIII'~,'" IDt f'elt ~t. w enrourage
cb1lðreD to cl'ÔØ t:IId 1iIIIQ atl'eet.
: '::r' ,
IIQor Stoke. _14 ...·~satea tile intereR 01' ÜIe CoID1s-
a10nerB 1n tile &ec = w" tile acbool propert7. .~. baa been
a probl_ ror lie.. ITl ~ _.
cœu-n A=lter aa14 U. V1lIIon Parle PlaD will be preeented 1n
IIOre :!eta1l at a later ~.te.
~.' .,!
':'~ .irt"'Þ;.'~
1~'~ 4 .'
. -'" ~ .
c '
>( ",'-;
A. ESOWTION m. 13211: DI!CURIBG I1ft'BN'l'IOR 'lO OiIDm
The ;;::y Att')rœy l.."1troduced Res.,lut1on 1324. Mayor Stokes
ask=~ ~r ~he-re were a!!7 protests. There were none.
Mc)\':-: :y Counc. P1tzg\:rald, seconded by Counc. Deopster, to
c1-::=. :~.e Public !fearings.
Ai.=:;;;: COUll<:. De:n;:.eter, Fitz¡;:erald, Johnson, Noel, S;'okes
HAì,,: lion"
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
The =~t7 AttoJ'l1eI :"-:"roduced Resolut.1on 13~9, abandon1n¡: of'
thE ;::-cperty lis!;..:! iT. Resolut1on 110. 1324.
Mo\'~:' =:r CounC. Dc_pater, seconded \:y Counc. Johnson, to
adc;: ~esolution 1;39.
AYES: :::ounc. Des¡:81:er. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAY:;: Nonc
Mot10n carr1·':!, 5-0
,:~\"e~ b7 Counc. ~..ter, seconded 1'y CounC. Noel, to close
thE ?~!:l1c lk'aringS.
AYES: Counc. J)eepIIter, Fitzgerald, John8cn, JIoel, Stokes
HAYS: Moue
MOtion carr1ed, 5-0
Mo\'e-;! b,- Counc. Do&. _~r. seconded b~ Counc. 1Ioel, to adopt
Re~:~t10n l33B.
AYES: Counc. DeIIFIJteI", Fitzgel'tild, Jol~naol1. MOel, Stokes
HAYS: None
Motion carñed, 5-0
C. J..?i'L!CA'fiOllIlO. 235-HC-66: JI.CK-Ilf-THE-BOX Rñ!?3I.'INO
APFROVAL '10 ...-!ìuwo,l.' A RESTAt'RAHT .88nu.ft THE URICH OIL
~CE Sftuœr AJII) 'l'BB RED Tr:s: RES'rAURA1lT ON lS"1"JSvlSÑS
WüŒX BLVD. (&ppea1)
1Ir. :ill Parow"''''_ 20.3 South It1rph;y Stft!e1;, &.u.u."...le, ex-
p'.·nood th1a ",,~u'4 bWl1DeBB will be ~ on ste"ena
Cre* Blvd aDS -~A_e, bet1reelJ tbe 1Jr1ch SerY1ce Sta-
t1œ ad the Ì11111IIÍIIII;.1IUtaU1'BDt. 'ftIe .....ál-I.;, biUJ. oDl7 a
75' t'raltap ~. 4eep. Be IIa14 \beir operation 18
cI1ttU'llD1õ bœ~' . .So tJat the7 are DOt ~Jo1_. '!bq
are c......LnlUea··.- . .~~t1oD lIDS are -....'7 CODtacted in
cue theI"e 18 .. ¡Wò1t~ to be worIIeCI' out. !be1r other
1ocat1oDll are Ja.,:-.... ~...,n. SuI .JCIIIe. ~ Alto 8DI Santa
Claft. !be 11M Sit ~u!>!t17 zoœd C- J'Csa1.
!be applicant 18 --.. to put in a 41'1ve-UIroagb opaftttion.
It 1a dU'tereDt; Ja uat . ta.117 in tbeir car, obeerY1ns the
eatBbl1BhDent. cJrS.... up to the can boX, gi_ their or1er.
and drives to the .......... to pick it up aDd peJ' ror it. !be
whole operation 0Dl7 takes three IÛB1teø. Seven out of' ten
ears ~ve otr and tlJe3r eat elsewhere. 110 t'ood 18 coolnlc!
on tœ pree1aea. ~ cooked food is brought in b7 trucks.
'!bey :ave all _Ie .-ployees. They ha"e had no teenage
prot~_ to date.
Mr. ?~:T.andez pz'l!ses:ted aBJI7 pict"res of other buainessas in
the ~.."a and of .Jack-in-the-Box restaurants in other areas.
He sa.~~ they want to cooperate with ';he City of Cupertino.
The c::¿ thing they cannot change is th~ physical cha1"'~~eris-
tics :: the ÞO·!lding. They are wllling to cooper:-.~e as far
as a~s::-.etics are concerned. They aI'~ w!.lling to put in the
pla":~,.~~. lncluding ~he brick wall alcr-.g the side. In
add!: ~=r., tI~y are wlilir.g to recove the signa on th~ sides
of t~ blldlng and tone down the colors. They are willing
to r...~~ -e the pole sign to 20'. A landscape architect has
rrepa,.~~ II plan listinG the plc~,in~s in detail. He passed
out ;~=:'a'es to the City Councll of a Jack-in-the-Box in
Dallu sr.J contrasted it with plc~"rcs of the Jack-in-the-
Box :.:: Santa C1aIW, illuatratln.:; how much the applicant is
wll:~,.¿ ~o ~oopeIWte. !Ie :lescrlbed the great len:;tha the
appl:':a.:.: ls will1nc to go to keep this a clean, neat operation.
Mr. F~~.andez pointed out that the property is only 75' wide.
'l'tIat ~l1~tes it f'1'OII the possib1.i1ty of be1ng uaed for
~st ~1nesses. It Is their opim.on that this building is
entire::; ;oapetible with those in the area. In addition.
they .1!~ \Jillin:; to &dd landacaplng, tone down the colors. &nil
edd t:-.è _nry..n. '1'be ph.yslcal conf1gura~ion is the one
thing :!Jo.; cannot be clanged. Th1s building is 2l,' high. The
_SO:l....,. ..all will be on the Red Vest side and across the tack.
Mr. Do!lL')O said a 6' _~l would not be to tbe ~st interest
ot the :led Vest; pertape a 3' or !. wall would be better.
Mr. IIot-e!"< J. llel1.a, lOl91 Vista Drive, 11&1.·1 this hideoua
build:....~ is oost17 ad"et"tising, sign" or DOt.
lira. R::t~r. Bos\.e8dt. 1981ll La Mar Drive, c:bJected to this
land U~. sayil1ß It doea nothing for the ~.
lira. D..:..o:n. 197ßl ~tt Dri"e, reminded tbe Cour. 11 that there
1s a lot of unde"elopea land alone Stevena Blvd. which
should also be considered here. She obJected to this proposed
land uae.
Mr. Rob.>,... Scott, 2030]. Stevens C:-eek Blvd., this appears
to be a s1ngle-¡u.~ we bu1lding and if theJ' don't _:Ce a
t'1DaDc1al "uccelis ot it we are <;oing to ha"e to look e.t this
bu1ld1:l€ for a lODC t~.
Jl:)ved by Coun~. J)eIIpIIter, secoœed by Co\U1C. John1\On, to
clcse the 1'Ub~c JIeal'ing.
A'!BS: Counc. [)nIpIJter. P1tzgerald, JohnsOn, JIoel, Stokes
IIDt10D c&ft"1ed. 5-0
Counc. JIoel IIIU4 he haa Yined ~ of' tbeSe eatabUahalents
in otbel' ~ IIIJ4 _;e1~, tbe1'e 18 u~ter up and down
. tilt abeet. .. tar .. a sUe~. ~ __ tbq get bua7
'Ui8re ø,.bCd.Ie tIIItI ~ dI"-.· et;o. ~. .r-I-~. when
~~c too...-n: ..... ...... up wa tall. _ w1ll ha"e a
11"'1- .... .n~~ .... theN .~ oaøe.
1ID'ftId 1')' caanc.Wøel. _ .. _ CoIm', 11-_ ...)d. to d8l17
tilt ~ or ~ 235-11=:.66.
CouDo. 111 I.wr.aid he ... o1Ie..ned ~be Jeck-in-the-Box
reanUNDt on B1 o-t.... and be.1Ud DD~ t1llll it ¡articular1)'
obJectloœble. ADotJ1er th1Dg to COJIII14er 18 that we have
the DBb7 nun. Bn'ger P1~ and Ur1ch Stat1øD in tbe 18-
IlelUBte ~ and œIl7 75' t'1'cnta&1t. Be can't... that tlda
will be "ery ...117 developed. ~ appl1caDt 18 offering all
the &"sel.ø&7 ani! the 1Ih1te f'ence and l-.e reela this is much
leea objectionable than .any otber applicationa approved b7
the Clt)'. Be f'øund no litter or coru;lomeration at the Jack-
in-the-Box re-staurent œ visited. And he hasn't found any-
bod)' co.2Jlg fo~rd and requesting to build one of these
large oft1ce buildingS which we have en"isioned for Stevena
Creek Blvd.
Counc. Johnson feels this 1fOUld not be advantageous to the
City; tt¡e "hole building is an advertlsement.
Mayor Sto:<es asked if there were provlsions for e.~"-ln:: on the
prell1ses. Mr. Fernandez sald there \lould be three aets of
tables for O).nyt);'Ie who II1ght wlsh to stay t:'ere am eat.
CoWIC. F1tzce~"81d said he objected to the bo;:-l1ke bulldln:;
which, in itøe:if, is a sign. We iõJ\18t '\180 consider the 16
acres of cOllllllercial zoning in the samc block.
AYES: Ct>unc. P1tzgerald, JohnBon, Noel, Stokes
RAYS: Counc. Dempster
Motion carried, 1<-1
Mayor Stokes called for a recess at 9:3<ì P.M. Meetine reconvened
at 9:1'0 P.M.
IV A. Pepper Tree (continued)
Mr. Herb Bevin, 20910 Peppel' Tr.te Lane,presented SOlll8 of the
chronology of events and the t~ff1c probleIIB anticipated
at Stelling and McClellan wbeD the College opens. Last fall
they polled the re-sldents in the area and. subm.tted a petition
to the Board of' 1kß'nt;s of the \.'ollege. rece: nd1ng the
offaettio¡g of the proposed driv....y to the south of the
College campus to minimize the Collep tndrs.c ao~ through
Pepper Tree Lane to get t.... saratoßl.-Suun)'vale Road. The
College lave 1Ir. BeYiD . copy or tlr.1r tral'1'ic atudy plan,
fl"OlD wb1c:h he read tlleb' concluai.ons to the City Council.
Mr. Beyin also aubÌ1.t~ a letter tram JIrII. *1'7 Hedges,
Principal of Par1a Elementary School, stating that she is aløo
concerned about the traf'fic in that ar<'4.
Mr. Bevins reels more is needed than a trafnc ,,1gnal, They
wanted to show some concepts, try1n:> to see ..hIo_ the;¡ could
do. He in~roduced Mr. Al Platt, 10270 BoI1Il7 Drive, who went
o"er the trattic patœ=: possible traffic control systems,
channelization. regu:Lator7 signa, cul-de-saO. tart1c di"erters,
atop signa. . 'rhe.J' .,-- ~t the City Councll pasa the follow-
,,;;~.. 1III.lIeIIolutionl
. ........j' .«:'Qøt.. or ~ ~ ~;-..L"· -1D addition to nofta1~ectlon
,'~;. '=aøllIIo~' 1 _._..n." to naa ~ ~.L øa11 be
~ .. ..,. ," wti10b 1IIa1:t."-"" ~. to provide _.W ~ oban-
,;..~..t!" 1:1OD to Øi ,..... or t¡oattl0 tN..uti. De Ansa
, .j¡¡" putISDs lot on It.t'....~JIaIIIi·.ud 1'epper 'h'M ÞDe.
'!(~.)\, :: ....'C1t7 -naaer _~arenow in tl)e proo.. or &. t)e Ansa
....s_t D1Btri"" ··..·11111 .81"8 theBe ølaD8 to our Depart-
_t or 1\1b11c Vod18 aD! PlaDn1ng Department aD! thll1 can
110ft out øo.etb1llS _U8hetor7 ror all concerned. 'l'be cost
11111 not be .xc_1ft.
__ 01111]1111 Moved b7 eo-. DeIaPIIter, seconded oy C?unc. lIoel, to
put into ef'fect t.hat theSe plana be put in the hands of the
Director of PUblic Vorb and City _1oeer to ~ over them and
1nBert these suggest10na into the basic street plan.
Mot10n carried, 5-0
II:I7Or Stokes tool: a ~nt to publiclY recognize forller MayOI'
Anthony Pelosl and Coø&j.saioner Joe Adamo in the audience.
A. R5S0Lt"TICNS 1:0. 13-'1 and 13~2.
Treasurer Dempster ~ Resolution 13'!1.
Moved by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, tn adopt
Resolution 131,1.
AYES: Counc. Dempeter, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stol(es
NAYS: None
Mot10n carried, 5-0
Treasurer Dempster introduced Resolution 1342.
Moved by Counc. lIoel, seconde:! by Counc. Fiu:gerald, to adopt
Resolatlon 1}42.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, N:)el, Stokes
NA1:3: None
Mot10n carI'ied, 5-0
. He had noth1n8 rurtber to report.
B. RBPORl' OF CI'1'J' JIAJI.......
1. Be has rec::!.øed a letter frQIII Mr. Fott" or t:,. County,
10 regard t.o JIcCle~lan Road width, 'rt.e County and the
City of San Zoae t'avored 90' while Cupertino preferred
60'. Ø!. l'b" DOW said 60' "ill be adeqUAte.
Be rece1voo I) letter !roll Mr. Joh!} S. Gre1Der, Rlght-of-
Way ~nt for the &tate, asking if Cupert1llo i2 interested
in purchasing the P«4I8rty we recently zoned for park pur-
poses. The City -eel' has replied that we are not in-
terested in purcbaa1ÞS It and only rezone.1 It because ..
we are intereat:.ø.',~ ¡weserv1ng open land ~ and, rurther,
. development oa ~'1?...,.r would be detr1Jlitntal and dllnger-
0!18 to the tN".pJ. Jlàbl1C.
.. C1t7 ~1IÌIIId_ a letter troItJ;~, eoanty Librarian
UIdJIs that . ~-1Ie sent b1 our MaJor poJDt1ll8 out the
pi'~' 1nhu,Ø þt,a. Ubra~, partl~"Ø17 in the Town
Center area. . .'J-;, ',. .'
>.' 3
'..'~'~") ."
-''I: _.;.."
-.~" ::'1
.. .
~I,l~ ....=:_ Vl-~ 111'. J1.lI'ro.,~ ~tary or the
0........." of CO-"_. ftiiueilt1ng t6QoO &;!I",appro"ed b7 the
CouDcl1 f'or tile'.,. ltt'.' oparatlon and U-..1rl'1g the
COuncil for their hriort and coopsret1on.
5. COunc. Johnson baa outUned a position in the administra-
tive starf to the CoaDcll at the budget Maring. Copies
of his s¡,¡ggestion 18_ been distributed.
6. There 1fBS some di_l.on of the Mary Aver.ue _t'~er, as
outlined in the Cit7 Jlsnager's report of July 20th.
Mayor Stokes wondered it we appropriated DIOney for Mary
Avenu~, if this would strengthen our position. He urged
that >Ie pursue this _tter from every angle possible.
Counc. Johnson, in diacussing the situation with a
Sunny-.-ale resident ~r Mary Avenue, feels enlighterunent
of too residents 1B13h:; be a very effective idea. Many
of the homes have been reflold.
The City ManaGer reels the City Counc:l,l should work with
the School District on this. Our plans have been well
advertised. 00.11' _in purpose ls to get traffic throußh
to t"..., College. '1'he7 are still driving down Mary Avenue
and tarnin::: on øo-atead, anyway.
Counc. Johnson f'el:; it would be wise to formulate some
tyoe of' plan on what we are golng to do with *ry Avenue,
Counc. n:;zgerald _id œybe we soould ask the home-
owners' group to co.e to a meetin,o; and we will try to
sell thee on the idea.
The Director of PUblic Works said the overpass and
approaches would .-t to $300,000. The State takes
care of the overpaaa but Cupertino must talce care of
the approache..
__~ ORDBR: Moved by Counc. It) rater, seconded b7 Counc. Fitzgerald,
to proceed with prB¡8ration ot plans, as pecessary.
IIDtl.on carried, 5-0
7. 'rhe Cit~ Manapr .-- the Council fòr authoriZation to
SpaM $500 for a tftIp)Nry sidewalle fl'Olll·Begnart Road to
Bubb Road.
So DIOved by Counc. J'1~-Ald, seconded by eounc. Noel.
AYBSI Coun~. Dellpllter. J'1ta:gerald, Johnllon, lÌoel, Stokes
ays I 1Ione
_UoD carr1~.. 5-0
;"^'ff .~
··,;;k¡g. ....
'r.:^;'1"' ,
h, <"~ " ,
'. ·Iè~·: .... :....
. r
. ~:'
.. ~.. ~~
.;:,·it.ii ~-
REPO!\'! OF DI!U:N-iOft t:ø PUBLIC ~10RKS
1. ~ Stevens G. I' Mvd. Imprcv..ment Project is in
.tTO~3. .
2. !!Ie low bH' òl't818.5l8. .53 from F'NeIIBD-Sondroth is
apPl'OX1_~ _~ -t.. ~eer's ..U_~e for the
construct1oá Gr"1IaD'eo' fark street iID1JI'Ove.ents.
Resolution ~IIÌW ~od by tha cstt Attcm1eY.
.~': -. t~_ "; ~. ~ . - .
bed byCOudO·.'r~ 'l -.... leConded 117 Co\lÞoò IIoel, to
adopt Reoolut1GD 9I!5-13.
ADS: Co1iDè. I'" ;-1';;'.. ft-tzgerald, JohnBon, IIoel, Stokes
.:1$: lfone
. ItJUðD carried, 5-0
Resol\:tion 925-111 __ introduced by the CitJ' Attome;y.
Moved b;y Counc. It _ ter, seconded b7 Counc. Noel, to
adopt Resolution 925-l4.
AY!!S: Counc. ~~. P1tzßera1d, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAYS: ¡)ne
Mo~10n carried, 5-0
3. :!:e trnfflc s1gnal at H~lIIestead Road and Saratoga-
S;;..n.nyvale Road responsibility is going to be rel1n-
¡;·.:.Hhed to ~he County and CUpertino. The Director
::¡" !'l,bl1c' t'orlat presented a Maintenance A¡;:-eement
~::r authorizatlcm b7 the Cit:r Cou!'1cil.
~ ŒlDI!R: !k-':ed by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Cuunc. 1Ioel, to
authorize too Ma7Qr and the Clty Clerk to sign the
Ma~~e:\ance A~~e .t for the traffic a1ß1\81 a''; Homestead
RoB:: a!').! Saratop-3lmny".'8le Road.
, ~
, .'!
Motion carr' 'Xi, 5-0
D. RBPOR': OP CIft ~r"I-";.
He 1'.1.:: noth1n& to report.
B. RE?C-ir. OF CIft A& &~
1. .he City Attol'De'7 introduced Resolution 925-l5.
Mo"ed ;y Counc. rr J+ter, seconded by Counc. Noel, to
Ikdopt Resolution 9125-15.
The approval of U4S Reaolution was subject to the staff's
review. It __ ~.--".red that this revlew had not been
c~letedJt~ON. it was defered. Motion aud second
were w1thdra_.
1. As Hanapr ~ Uae City Hall Starf Baseball Teall, the
Chief ..,.,n......1IIiI8p.,ctor stated thft)' would like to
·take on- tile CSt7 COuncil snd Plann1nt; C IlIIsion
at 7 P...~ "liiio-- "I, Collins School.
O. IW'OR'l' OJ' ~-"o- Dum."l'OR
'!'bere AS no re~.
,', '.' -10-
_'R: ;~/.~1i>::t,..":!
1. The Director stated that appl1cat10n a..v-66 st1l1
needs COUJICll action.
Xoved by eour.c. ~t;er. seconded b7 Counc. Noel, to set
application S-v-66 ror Pu1>l1o Hearing the f'irst meeting
in September.
Blt10n carried, 5-0
. I
A. Setting 1'Ub1l~~ on ()rd1nanoe 3'tO-1JÞU01'll Bldg. Code
"n 3IIl-Blectr1cal Code
. n 3'l2-PlUllbinG Code
. n 3ll3-Heating II Cooling
The City AttorDBJ' said the above Ordinances could be
heard together.
Moved by Counc. DetIpIIter, secondw b7 Counc. John3on, to
Set Ordinances 3'10, 3'11, 3/12, 3113 tor Public Hearing the
f1rat meeting in SeptOlllber. '
Motion carried, 5-0
B. Set date f'or na.D1ng of psrks
M3.yor Stol:es suggested that, until the deslgns ar(:
approved, p.erhape this should be postponed.
Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel, to
take thl" matter off the agenda for t;he time belnr>.
Motion carried, 5-0
C. Counc. Johnson stated he and Counc. P1tzgerald I~,t wlth
three San Jose CouncilllBn with recard to common 'ooundarles.
Properties 30ing up into the foo~h111s from Bubb Road will
be discussed apin. He asked if the City Manaç<,r. or
somebody delecated I;y him, could make a report of his
suggestion for an additiunal star!' member. The City
Manager said he will prepare a report and it may be
scheduled for the second meetinç in September.
D. Mayor Stokes c~nded on the TrafficW87s Program, Phase
II. He is disturbed about psrts of some stre.ats belng
fully chal'ßed to CUpsrtino, slthough they are not com-
pl~tely within the City's boundnrieø.
Moved by Counc. Jroel. seconded by Counc. Dempster, to
ha"e Mayor Stoke. talte this up at the next Trafficways
Motion carried, 5-0
B. Counc. Johnson aaJliBd the City Council if they are in
agreement that we do not want to buy the property at
BoIIesteed and tile freeway. Mayor Stokes said the School
Board waa 0~na117 interested 1n this property.
X NEW msn~
Moved 11)' Counc. Dempeter. aeC!onded by Counc. Noel, to have a
800rt pe1'$onnel session at lO:35 P..i.
MotiOn carried, 5-0
X1 AD.JuuJúWœR
Moved bJ Counc. »-&*...., seconded by Counc. Noel, to ad-
. .1ourn the Deet1nS at 10."5 P...
':".0 . kl'â/"...,.
/s/ 01..17 Sto;~1I
r ~W~~~_'_-
~on. C 0