CC 07-26-66
10321 South Sarat~~-SurllìJ yale Rea:!
Cupert;1ao, Cal1for:rl.a, 95014
Phone: 252-4505
AND ._4ft, J:.:l'\JRAL AKD SITB AtniIML CCIOII'l'l'Ø - Ju17 26, 1966, 8 P.M.
.~~.~:~ ':..:-~.
&14-211 UIe ICUltl-P\u1X)se RooIa. 1\Jrtal School, 10300 ø. B1aJW7 Avenue,
CUI ! ~ ~ Cal1fornla .' ,
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"., ., eo-. present: &;là. .tMlllth. PIol1Gh. "1_ -'. Ø1rBhon
"-18 ea-. absent: lone
a-o . -,4 .ea... present. Io1r1ts. Sall, Stem, Pitch
8-0 "",' A eo-. absent: I1'II1n
City 1'Id.l Stora
City Attol'lW7. Sail Anderson
Director of Publ1c Works, Prank !"1nneJ'
City ~r, Bob Shook
;)1rector of' nanning, Adde Laurin
Assistant Planner, Ji~ NUzum
Recording Secretary, kis Imerds
Stan' ~tl
llayor St,,;:es' opening statement indl.:ated that the meeting was
an intorca: !:eetlng of the City Cour.:ll, Planning Co~ssion
and Arct.1::;tural and S1te Approval Co~ttee to å1SCUSS any
and all l:e~ that the Commissioners Committeemen and Cour.cll-
_n desirej. He further stated tha: he did not i!l any way
wish to es:.aèl1sh any aet or stamsrds that would in e1"fect
pre-Judge a:¡y future applications, but that each applicant
should ra ':e his opportun1 ty to be heard and }.O , led by the
respective C~omission or Co_ittee, a!ld by the City Council
11' appl1ca:lon were made to do so.
The Direc :or of Public Works gave II ~rief' outline on the pro-
posed II County Eltpressways Pro:;ram, Indicating to the
City Cour.cll the various projects in this study that would
directl:," af¡'ect the C1t7 of' Cupertino. In the ori(;1nal con-
cept for tè,e Expres...,. Program, t!',~ increased rate of
1nt'latio:l ¥as not contemplated and the second phase which had
been anticipated at $70 lII111ion will more than likely run to
$lOO mill1cn or $llO œ1ll10n.
The I~yor noted inclusion 01" the wldening ot Stel11n~ Road
t'rom Stevens Creek Blvd. to Homestead Road and opened the d15-
cU1;sior. wi~h regard to the pcssibility of changing the program
to In;,lude Mary AVeDI1e t'rom St",;¡ens Creek mvd. to Homest.ead
&"'~ rather than Stp.lling Road. Councilman Fitzgerald felt
that both routes would be necesS81j".
, The l'lann1l1$ Director presented a Tra1'ficways Plan 1'01' tM
City of Cu,*rt1no, ildiea.ting that the plan 18 premature, and
based on -educated SW!sti_tes" rather than statistics, bul:. it
111 tentatively released because 1t has a bear1ng on the express-
~ progruI. A tratt1cWa7B P~ should be based on analysiø
and QDthesls ot popalatlon census, land inventory, ~pulation
and auw.oblle _raMp trench", ori:;in-and-destir1'itiOn survey
and ta1'l1e aeneJ'tt1øD 8U1'!Fe)'. Several such data will be
.,. muable thia ta1l. ,~ n.""t"18 Deparœent. 1'111 then start
1IOrIdJIs on a ~N ec,,1ete17 40cumented '1'1'att1C~ nan.
, tdI1cb -.14 be a )IU"t of tile NYised General n-. and pl'f'lu.nt
'<)¡r;"'S~1:O tilt a1tJ'.Cr. 'Øt'. " .
Ì{tbe ...-.. D!NGtGZ' SDUaaWl a .,..t_ of ø1ñ1DSaDd pro- .
.~';tIOM4 Joeal atneta.,.· .ueeta and t'n_ r,.. VbeI'e new
i'~.; ~:..... "" .' ~ ' . c r':.-- t~.. :I.U.~ Of'. ~:..
. OJ' .U~. __= . lIP. ,of·.,.sac1t7....
.,:..,..., _,,, be .'-'4'" .. atW uød CClWYlsita troiI tile
:1<'.II'Uldß_ - 'If "'''''·Jìl.l~ be .,..,,~.
:It; Iaa been the cv 11ft of other PlAnD1n& Ð1rectcn'8 bI the
CouDQ uat tile i.a HI" ..... or the 81..-__ 17 prosrea would
pre-,J1III&e the COUI1Q2. plåm1ng and trat't'ic s~ now in
111___1". A ð..1ftbl. concept or citills with 14entlt17 and
focal pointa ~ lead to other locationa of ø;pl'eS8W878. aDd
a ... tftnBportaU- Qat. II1ght _ke so_ of tbelll un-
necllB8U7. In the caN of CUpertino, ho_wer. tM proposed
part of the ex-prellha7 ¡.ropem would tit into an:t conceivable
concept or the t'utU1'e o1t7.
The Plar.n1ng Director sugested that the Council take no
position to the plan, but he thought it proper to let the
County know that we have a tentative plan which might serve
as a besU ror discussion. when detailo of the expressway
program come up.
Coal. Prol1ch asked about the possibility of the northbound
on 1'&1IP and southbound off ramp of Stevens PI eeway a ~
McClellan. There hall been no further action on this.
There vas SOlie discussion about the unrealistic speed limit
on Wolte Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. _or Stokes felt
this speed limit should be reviewed after the improvements
are cOClpletad.
Mayor Stokes suggested the Council, Planning Commiseion,
Architectural and Site APProval COllJlllittee 800 the Parks and
Recreation Commll1sion each appoint one person to a committee
tor the purpose or studying neighborhood boundaries aOO
names. He appointed Councilman Noel to this committee.
The Planning I:1rector stated that the ~rposes for these
neighborhood boundaries aOO names is to create safe streets,
try to get cer~'in facilities within walking distance, and
because there i8 a theory that people will be better citizens
it' tbe7 can identity with the nei&!,>l)Or~j they live in.
The neighborhoods 1'111 probablY be in nalf-mlle square grlds.
Mayor Stokes asked the Commissioners and Cnmmltteemen if they
had an)' specltlc qU'Jlltions of the City CO'I1'.cil. Comm. Bryson
said he did not see a need for names of neighborhoods. He
t'elt there WE're more urgent matters to take care of. Mayor
Stokes t'elt th111 study could be wrappe~ up in a relativelY
short time.
Counc. Dempater wanted to voice &11s o-p1n1on on a tew matters.
Be telt the Plann1.n8 Comadasionera should give their indepen-
dent thoughts on . gi"en attar; exalll1ne the problem on Its
_rits and lake rec_ndatione. Be ðoea not want the Council
to gi"e the1a too IUch direction. Be said he IIIII.Y not always
asree with u.e.. but tbat 1111 beside the point. Council
dacll110na on ~ appl1ca~. should not bave too IllUch
bear1Ds Oft, .~ ~. .... ad'71aed the Plann1~ COlI-
td_1oM1.'I! ~ , ~_IÎIßtè. ôf the current cue. DOt
pre'f1ou5' ~1!Dì11 01' ~be ctt.i·Oao1ItiI1.1.. ~ .t..""· "n..t.t.......
¡;¡.~l.~~. -.. ~<C~f" UIIiIF.· ·.to~st ~.... 8Uch
_ . btj'~~àìIN __ ...... hnd.ta SNntecS
1IefOIIe ø-o .....'JIÐ':~. ..,.,... SWIll .tIIe .att ... been
c11noteIJ 'to iîIiIìa·. Jeurn 't-t1GD 'IIIIIiñber . Vs. l'eftd.t Is
MDln 17 "'!'lI'tbe .,=t~ .... DOt IDe the ðec1lll1on. he
GaD tbeD .....1 to tile _ aAmoll. .. ftarIn1ns D1ftCWr
aid tllat tbe~ 18 ......~...s to .... the V.. I'8n1t
. ~..;,.~~.. ....-:... l'~ __ tile .J:.~~iIt"s uaual17 plead
to .... _ ~\ ... - ·...11... It 1.8
111th1D ~ '..ui ot tbe ~AI\:l ~ Ittae to not a11011 the1a
on the ~ìiIo UbtU the v.e hNlt 1.8 SNftteð. 'I'be C1t7
Attol'ftllJ ..14 . t1a. t1Hc1 pollq 1111 needed tbet the Vse
I'Imdt be olPbt-.!l betore pSIIß betore B-Control. IIQor
Stokes d1YeCteI! the ad1d1Dg Ðe~ t Ilot to check If! th the
nanning DeparWent to ðetel'll1ne who needs Vse I'81'1ñtB or
Mayor Stokes s~sted service station landscaping be required
to be done b7 l1cenaed landscape architects. A further re-
quirement to be that they be øprinklered and all spr!.nklera
to be controlled b7 one aster "al~. This would tcnd to
encourBgß the service statIon operator to maintain tt.e land-
Chall'llllUl Pitch submitted the followinë, "Su~ested Standard
Conditions for Service Stations" which the H-Control Com-
lIittee worl<ed up on May 2I1tt-·
1. General appearanc"
2. Signs
s. in/on windows
b. stand-ups
c. pole
d. those hung on pole
3. Outside displays
a. types of materials
b. types of displays
~. Outside lighting
5. LandsClaping
6. Used cars
7. Canopy
8. Continuation or Vse I'81'1ñt contingent upor, the maintenance
of the landscaping.
(Items 7 and 8 above were added at this meeting.)
Counc. Dempster asked the City Attorney what the þroper pro-
cedure would be tor _1d1'l8 up. this set ot standard conditions.
The City Attorne7 said he would review the Gas StaUon Ordinance
to see, possibl7, it 1t could be handled as an amendment to it.
The alterna~ive would be to pass a Resolution to this effect.
Mayor Stokes directed the H-Control Committee to make up the
list, have it ch~cked by the City Attorney, and sub::!1t 1t to
the Plann1ng eo-1aalon 1'or review.
!'he City Atto1'lwY eaid City Ordinances provide ror the re-
vocation ot 0" Pe1'll1ts.
*¥Or Stokea ..ked the City Manager to get a coW of Western
~ tor ~ fttch. Be relt there we, re aome artiC.les in
IrDat ~ .\Ie belpt'ul. He said thele.,... conalde1'atlona
ùGQJ4' protlaÞ17, be .-de toe 8IIIall. ~v1'4ual ~lnesses.
JlUWt.1.., .fOp, prbap ab01.\ld 1180 be _ -¡oM1~,~t1on.
~."11ob'~ _ -ted, tbe~"Iß 1Ie~ $:o~l ..
_,.. ~'tM.._ -1 rt:.·t;ùe _ "'Jk a~. ""_
~ ,.." 11f. !':~; ¡" .'.' t. 'f ," .... ......
..: : ~~. ,-: ,. " :).! ~. . ' .,. .' , .. . . .
. i::
a._...r.~ ,.F.,..
~,,¡, :'l--mn& DiftlCtor .tated that the CObDQ 1"J,IÜIn1nß CollI-
__laD ... ~&-eCI to us tor c_nt an appUcat10n tor a
1J8e Pend.t tor . _"1ce atation at the SV corner of JlcClellan
ibid an! SteU1JIs Road. '1'tIe Board of Super'l1aora baa recent17
rezoned tb1a weU-d1ltcuaaeð property ;:01' such 01' aimilar
parpoae. The Plann1ng Director said he would rather not
atate 1 preference betweer¡ a saG station 01'. ror 1n8tance, a
wDGggie Diner. W
Mayor Stokes would like a system devlsed whereby all past
proceedings on a given applicant be c~mp1led and sent to the
Ccuncilmen prior to their review of éhe case.
The City Attorne,. suggested s control ledger. whic:' \lould have
a time diary and a short entry on what each case \la;; about.
The City Mana~er reco~nded a synop3iS of each case, in-
cluding date and app.ication numbers.
Comm. Prolich COtllDellted on a system u3ed by a nearby munici-
pality whereby the Planning Commission, after their denial
of an application and approval by the City Council s >~~
likely, would ma:n, a motion of intent to oerthrow the
Planning Commis&ion decision. The applic~~ion then ~ocs back
to the Planninß Commissicn to enable them to throw in any
condition:! they see fit. It was thou';ht that this procedure
would unnecessarily delay the applicant.
Procedure by another nearby municipality is that the staff
prepares a list of conditiona and the Planning Commission,
in den71~ an ap~lication, attaches a list of conditions
which they uould have imposed if they had approved the
Mayor Stokes sUCCested the Planning Director verbally point
out these conditions at the Planninc Commission meetin~s.
Counc. Dempster suggested the ar;endas could have a \lider
scope, and could include conditions for the applications.
Plann1.!'Ig Coamlsslon Chairman Hirshon feels the Planning
Commissioners ahould give their reasons ar~er the vote i8
taken. Others relt they shoul1 ~lve él1eir ::OM sons before
the vote.
Tb- City Attorne1' Aid tlJe City Council could request a
Minute Order troa tbe P1annlng CoCl!l1ssion contair.1ng the
conditions the1 mu14 lave put on the appl1.:atlon H they
had approved it. !be application would th~n come up again
at the next eouncll _tinge
....ting waD a43uu.tD84 at 9:!¡5 P.M.
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C1~ Engineer