CC 07-25-66 ~h¿ __~. _~"'"_ Q¡ ¡p6& fo1D.'. ðt1t f'onda . 252-'505 CJ~Y OP COP..~I.O __~ ~ ~ SIII-u. am",- .. ~.I.&" OP ~ C1'I'r comrcu. OP ~ C1'I'r ~ . aL1' 25. 1966 r1aoe: CI._ 1Iall. 10321 So. SUatop-~--....,,_1e RDed. CUpcI'ÜJlO. ðt1t f'Ðnda ~: 8:00 P.II. I SILVIS ~ ~ ftAO II ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: D I..ter. Pltq.ra14. Stokes Co\mCllJ1en Absent: ,Johnaon. JIoel Staff Pre.ent: Clt7 llanaser. ~p V. Stora Clt7 Atto1"ne7. Sua Alderson Director or Pul»l1c VOrlca. Prank PInney Clt7 Ehg1r.eer. Robert S. ShoOk CI t7 Cleric. lta7 V. Haddon III ORAL AJII) VruUAII ~Jt.IlAlICA'1'I<MS ON PRO.JEC'l' ~-l ~&...: l. 'l'bere were no written e~cat1ona \JRAL: l. 'l'here were 110 oral protests to l'I'o.Jeet ~-l IV CLOØ -..wnn œ ~I OP PRO.TBCr ~-l A ~Uoa .. .... bJ' ~U..an D ~ter to clOM tbe bear- 1IIS 011 tile pa"Oteat or Pro.Ject ~-1. and .... MCOaded b7 a.~I1MD ftt...n.1d. Y01'B: 3 - 0 ADS: eo.a."c.nP'T- - D _ ...ter. fttzaera1d. Stokes JlADS: Ooomøt 1 . - JbN ..--~: eo.mcn - - ,JolD8oD. 1Ioe1 V ~I'I'.L~: A. lIBSOIDfJœ 110. 925-10: Resolution Oftrrul1ns Protes~s on RnolaUoD or Intention No. 925. IIoftd '" OMmot'-" D~u,p<lter. ..~0ÐI!ed bJ' Counc11aD ftt..-a14.. tat Reeo1uUon 110. 925-10 be ~opte4. - 1 - . . . VCT.'S: 3 - 0 AlES: Cound~ - ~ter. P1tzgenl4. stokea .IS: CouIJ,Cn - - Wolle J"",;:"rr~ Counclt.eD - .Jo!m8On. 1Ioe1 B. .JŒS'JLiJ'fiœf.o. 925-U: A Reso1uUOD 0rISer1.Ds ReduCtion o:~: It as ..ø"e4 b)' eo.;)n-... D .-ter. aid 1I(;..o.14e4 b7 Cù..P-1l!1aD P:,tZpald. t1at Raolut1OD Ifo. 925-11 be aiopteé. VO'1'E: 3-0 ,,-1:::::: !:'~ïJ: .r.BS:!!fl': Coomcl~ - De:çster. P1tzgera14. Stokes O;;ur.clbten - Jlcne C_"¡,l(:llmen - J'o!"ons":l, lóOe1 C. ?ESOIP'1:':011 ~ 925-12: A P.e~lu;;lon &:'11 ~rr1er Adopt 1;;,; L:-_'1"1~1'" 5 ~C'7".:-t, eor.f!r::-Jng the As!'es~nt and Order- ~:oð ~,h<! 'IoCo-'; ;¡.,!¡Q ÞCq'.öJ.a~e;lo:1s (I'RJJZCT 611-~). Ie; tIé.:! JC')~ t.;, CI:Nn::l1oa.'1 ~m:->3t('r, ::~~or.ded by Cowlcll- ~'1 Flt~e:al~. :hat RLs~:~;io~ ~?5-12 be ~jop~ed. '; ::'E: :. - , .;~C;: ~¡'.YS: ,;~l': ~?~cl1~ - De~pster, Fitzgerald, Stokes Cr."JncllJDen - ibne ~.mcll:Den - Johns(\n, ~:oel VI ;.;;¡otJRì;,:F.1:: l... It _s rl)vM b7 coun~tlJan DeEp8ter, r.econded by Cour.,llemn Fitzgerald, to adjourn the l'.eet1ng at 8:"5 P.M. AdJourned at 8:45 P.~. APPRJ\"E): /s/ :ìary J. Stokes x¡¡Qr, CIty or CUpe~1r-O A T'l'F-<:T: ~ ~ -'1/ / . C1 ;.~:+.:.--- - 2 -