CC 07-18-66 . . lO32l JIDa.... aa_~_-ûunu,f\lale Road, Cu¡)o..&Lh.., Callf<)rn1a, 95014 phone: 252-4505 CITY OP CVfBR'!':I:10 c:;a1U'orrl1a _..~.. 'fJIB JIDJLAR _~ f:. 'fBB CITY cw.;.lL, JULY 18, 1966 '.> :,~: ..;, P:I..jr'" _t1.,..L....I~).e ØcoII, l'o~ SchrJ01. 10300 R. BI.âM7AYende .. , c. CUpertino ~'¡r.~ P.~. "',Z~: . .. % riimn!O ftB M -- u ¡¡...,. CAU. ODaDc. present: ~~ (8:l5), Fita¡erald, .Johnson, Noel, $tolrea Counc. sœ!!..'1t: None starr present;: City ....-ger, Phil Storm CltJ Attorney, Sam Ande~son Director ot Public Works, Prank Finney Director of' Pls!U11.ng, t.dde Laurin City Clerk, Kay Haddon City Engineer, Bob Shook Recreation Director, John Parham Chief ~ding Inspector, Bill Benevich Assistant Planner, Jilll !tlZUID Reco1'd1.ng Secretary, Lois Imørds In IIIETBS OF !'HE PREVIOUS ~1'J.NG - July 5, 1966 Page 5, f: ~:,~h paregrapb t'roIII the bottom, Chainan Johnson called at:~::tion to the tact that the ootion shouU have read: "..... ~hat this partIcular re:o:llng would not be aðvantBgec:l3 t;o th1B pa&'tlcul.:'r area and that it would not be the be~: u.øe ot that particular property; therefore. the appeal i~ ~~~1ed." Page 11, ::~" last paragrapb. sholÙd read: "Amend_nt: ...the shake roofs or the co_reial shoppln;;: center at the SW corne." ot 80IIIestead Road and Volte Road are to have an underla~nt or, ~ ~ ~nter-layed with asbestos felt." Moved by ~unc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to approve t~~ Minutes of' .July 5, 1966, as corrected. Motion carried, 4-0 :rY CRAL AND WiL.'"l"l'EN COMJI)HICA1'I<»IS VRI'I"I"15rI : 1.. Reques,; for a private patrol opere tor license frorr. Harold Lee ?etel'llOQ. a»vad ~ Counc. P1tqera14; seconded ~ Counc. IIoel, to I'Itf'er t.b1a It_ 1;0 the City ....-pr. Motion carried, 4-0 2. Letter to the IIQor ,..,. San Jose City c:ouncll_n Scbaetrer requ_t111S a ,oint _ting betweeo san .Jo.. and CUperUno regudq eullßih' boundaries. -1- ,. .. Mayor Stokes sa14 CupertinO would be more than happy to meet ,1Iith thea aM disCUSS C(8)n boW¥lar1ea and appointed Counc. ..Johnson a:d Fitzgerald to this task. Moved by Counc. Wcie1, .......onded by Counc. Pitzgersld, to receive and file the wr1~t_ c~eations. 1IDt1on carried, 4-0 ORAL CL__....CA'1'ICIIS: c' ' "'ftIere were none. y A. RBlœI' OP ~ OCIIIIS!JIœ (see II1œtø ot .June 29 and ~ 11, 1966) . l. ~n JI1J'Sboa ..14 the Coppola 8ign aH1V-l1ia. given w,1th a t18e 11111t of ODe 7_r. At the end of' one year, 1t 18 to be renewed under the new Sign Ordinance, wMch Is rorthcOlB1ng. 2. Chail'llBn B1rBhon said the Franklin-Bahl rezoning approval". baaed on the chang1ng character of Bollinger Road and the increased trat't1c on that street. This approval had two conditions attached: a t:eight lill1tatlon of one story and l5'; and pro- per fencL'1g between this and adjacent property. 3. CoI!IIII. Horgan is willing, if the Council wishes, to serve on & committee for the purpose of choosinß :1~ighborOOod nsmes. Mayor Stokes said this tlould be brought up at the joint meet1nß. )'.ayor Stokes nc.ted that I'.r. Coppola' s signs have been 1:1 violation for some time, and he feels that the signs should be allowed only until the new SiGn Ordinance is in effect and then he should contorm with the new Ordinance. ~J , ORDER: Moved by Counc. Johrulon, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to bring up the .tter of the Coppola Pizza signs at the next regular meeting. Motion carried, 5-0 B. REPORT 01' 'l'HB ARcnJ.T..-l....tlAL AND SITB APPROVAL COMMITTEE (See Minutes of JulJ' 12, 1966) Chairman P1tch rec~nded the Architectursl and Site approval minutea be approved as read. Counc. Johnson a.ked specifically about application 236-HC-66, the re.taurant adjacent to the Mobil Service Station on Ste"ens Creek Blvd. at Stelling Road. Cha~ Pitch gave a resume of the H-Control meetings on this application and the plot plan was reviewed. Moved by Counc. Reel, seconded by Counc. P1tzgerald, that the ,Architectural and Site Approval minutes of July 12, 1966, be appro"ed aa read. ': -2- ~j~, ~, ~,;, ,,.:.- "'"'! '>.j.'- ~': f" I ì ,i. ~. -7_ c. REroRT OF THE PARKS C<M!ŒS3ION (See leinutea or July 12, 19(;b) Chairman Acker presented the plan and liCht_tic f'or the park next to Pol''t.al School. Be aa~d the architect will be present at the next Council JBeeting to present all the aaUent po1J\ts. Ch411~ Acker ¡;a"e a tlulbnall report of the park,developleJ11; plana. :It ~ll have a picnic aree, g.."e8n area, pla7 apparatus tor the 5-10 ;rear old group, tennis courts, and a taù.tl-U8e concrete slab which w1ll Þe sl1¡Jlt17 receøe4. 'l'be contour ot the 1BDd 11111 be supt17l"Ol11áI, and will be up-graded 'oft the IItreet. !tIerè 1I11l' 81110 be 8 "'11 teeD tac1l1t;r. , ' ~ AoJatr' e j Întecf that tlda 1a'!a ,1I18Þe1"4ena1tJ' ~. t!IaD--tt. 'odére'ans 11111 cut üeJIat .130;000. iDClud- iIia'au tadUt1...· "l'bÏs 11111 !Ie 'tJW:ld.Þ1R J I"1ce4 ¡ark per ~~. au. to ~t. :.-11111",. ~ it 111 the iJ!- teDt10n of ,bit· CåÍIII1..Ioi1 to not t'.... .._h;putr1IIS· tac11ities to _ of the puIaI. 'l'be7 dO DOt want'to enèourese people to drift to these neighborhood parka. The Recreation !>1rector aald the architect ror the other park has been lnatructed to present at least a rough sketch of the plan for the park adjacent to wlllSQn School. Mayor Stokes teels It will be necessary to have the cost figures ror all three parks before an7 decisions can be made. Chairman Acker said the Commission is ready any time to meet with the Council in regard to naming ot the psrks. The fate of the Parrish bou!'!: was discussed next. The a~hitect needs a decision from the City, whether or not to include thiS house in the overall plans. If it is economically feasible, and if the house could be pre- served, it would be to the best interest of the City to reatore it as an example of Early Cupertino, and could be used as a museum. An engineer's opinion is needed. The architect did not seem particularly interested in retaininß the house. He would prefer to work without it, but would abide by the City's wisl,es. The Chief atilding Inspector maùe an i~~pection of the Parrish House and found it badly in need or repe.i~. Dry rot has taken place, and 2/3 or the building has no foun- dation under it. The electrical system would have to be redone. One portion ot the house is about 70 years old, another about 50 years old, and ye'" another 20-30 years old. The Chief atilding Inspector then read his memo on this subject, to the City Manager, dated July 18, 1966. Mayor Stokes read a letter to the City Council from Mrs. M. A. McGrath, a member of the Committee ¡or Historic Preservation ot Santa Clara valley, urßing that the Parrish hoIIe be preserved. Mr. Louis Stocklmeir, 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., spoke, in an endeavor to aave this houae for the benef1t ot the ohildren and the school distrlct. The H1storical Society ill interested in the center' sect;1on or the hoUJIe and the tront of the build1n8. saratoga and san Jose have brought in stNctures representative or Early california and, are restoring thell. The blaclœa1th shoP or Mr. and II1'II. Charles Beer should also be preeerved. ferhape it could be an adjunct of thill ;ørticular DlseWl. -3- - It Is the opin1oa of the Historical Societ)" that the ParI'1Sf1 Bouse 18 not be70nd the possibility or rehabilitation. They åon't ~'Ce"'ri1r teel it should sta7 in its present location, ho.."er. ADd tbe7 are not interested in the second noor or the building nor 1D aQ71;hing beloY the r1rllt rloor. 'l'h1s hollle 18 cae tllat could be rehabilitated at a .1....¡-- expense and it 18 a~ ODC1qo-cODtrolled pro....~L,. Be and Mr. lle7erhols 1DQeCted the INIn...... and he 18 a st1'VctuJ9~ eng1nBer and t..1II *t .. Ie 1 -utted to 3udge 1ts.rtb. 1Ir. .. 1~ ~iib.22500 Row.c,.~1~;'åD*I..C!1pert1no, en IJted ._1ÞU Its ~,II?ù!.,.~ ... Its ~ JIIuH. Jf. 1 1"" IIU ita LarIdD _.. aàd Culltoe ØOU8e. m.,IarrJab.:..~~1I be Gt: ~:p1øe:~ the eg. ..,tqo. We ðOD...·.....J . -..,~. '.uäfta. tB.' ~s, etc., .ot_~l.~' ·Be.a è4·to the C1t)"Cuunc11 to .",1..1(.... ~ ...,. '!'be .. 11111 'be dolDs·aucceed1n8 . ~tS0a8'''¡. .t11 IIJ' lett1Ds the 1etJ' pNleI"ft th18 boaH. .. -,...... no reuon wbJth18 ooald not reasonablY _t the D.t '..1.. COde. Perhaps th18 holM! could be ~ved to another 10cat1oD. It is the last ex&lIPle of' Baroque archi- tecture In the period l885-95. Mr. Charles Baer. 2()115l Stevens Creek mvd., said that people are interested 1D artifacts of historical signiricance. Adults, as "ell as boy scouts and ~rl scouts f'requently COIle to his home to see wlBt he has preserved. He said he lived in the Parrish House 45 years ago and it hasn't changed since that time. Mr. William B. Ward, Member of the Santa Clara County Histori- cal Society, said he has visited this house and felt that its principal charm ill the exterior. It is representative of an ere, and he recommended getting it back into residential use before vandals take over. Mr. Otis Forge, 20961 Homestead Road, said San Diego Ms kept their "old sturt" ~~ spite of the Building Code. This old Parrish House went throuGh the 1906 earthquake all right. There is a ways or life here that should be preserved for future generations to study. Mr. Jack Parrish, 301 Acalanes, Sunnyvale, said this house belo~ to hill Great Uncle. SUJII17V&le t>.as lost its "Murphy House and now the City feels its lack or identity. P1rty years tron now this house will be even more valuable than it is today. If' th1a house is established as a muøeum, people rl'Ola all over the area will want to contribute to its fur- nishing with their antiques and artifacts. Mr. Stocklmeir read s letter written to Mr. Charles Baer from some tourists who appreciated the tour he g¡¡.ve them of his blacksmith shoP, etc. Mrs. Bolby, IA l'alœa Drive, Cupertino, said she came from a small city in Oe~ and those people have rsalized the value In keepins these old homes. She asked whY we are build- Ing a CUlpUs as a replica or Early cal1rornia and then, right across the strce1:. _ tear down the gema1ne thing. Mrs. Varner 1fand1'7. 10356 Pnme Tree Lane, cupertino, newest IBBIIber of the .dIII aDd Recreation co-1Nlon, felt the part or the hOIIe thq .u14 like to preae1"'le U too ....ll. Closing orf the upper .tJpor ~uld defeat halt the papoae. If we are so1Ds to save it. then let's have it _pl8tel7 renovated. -1:- - ., . .... Juamta McIAlreD, ,o~m 5. Blaney, cupertino. reels we bave a bulld1nz here that; Could be preserved~ We s~d pre- . .88rve any link to the~. She displayt·d brochureS ot :;. ~rical 1ar¥hIIU'k4 1II.t;Iaa ~ which have beeDpreserved. ;..:....-¥aDd1:7 said t;be¡q~fJ<1i~ Society reelS ~1fOU1d fix 1IP.tb.-JløUe:ad~..t~~ B..:.JIecreaUon 00 t'",~.1'eels . .adS 1'1gure 1_ c _.,¡austic; $25,oootô<430.000 Is ". y!'1IIIIte. ~1c." ." . co, :w WI f..,. " . ", < ,.- .- "', .~~............. :- ,. .. . '. ..... . . ... , " .' . ..'1&','-""'" , .' '. .' ."'''1 ',', '):;~1"V· i. ë . -, ,.f ,......... ..,~c>h"-Gn:t:.. ·;~lo.t,mc;»~u :;.. .·S.u.1'e1'~ .~. ~~ . " 'Í' c.' . ·,..1ocaUolh1'P: ä:œtu no I':þ ,.... . _ the Centftl I'aztt. ¡¡¡ diit architect am" lid it. :=ä.~~:l~e;:;:~~~:~~*~b :~- "JI8rthe Soclet7-_.._._j"U~l~ c..ö:!d work oat; _thing 1n 1;he 1DImcing of the . r '" 1Ind' aintenance. lie 1JJ con- 'dDced people 11111'" t. tMrp once the)' are IUII!N1'ed the _. bouse is to be PI e.... _~ wtds Is as 1IIUch a pert ot our cOlllllU1\1ty as other park 1'acWties. He does not blame the arct.1tect for want1J:lg t;o ~letely tiol'k out his own planS 1'01' the pari:, but he 1'~ St could be handled 111 conjunction Idth other service clubB. Counc. Noel :;oes along 1d.th the Historical Societ)" ia wanting to preser'le an old howse, but he fi?els this one is too small. Counc. !>1.tz¡;erald a~. Be does not feel thiB old house will do the job. The houae itself on the Central Park site would be a bad !!lOve. Mayor Stok"s feels 1re are f'aced with not only the renovatlon but the constant a:aint;mancEl =.nd upk;::ep of it. A IDUsew:J would have to be staf:-ed constantly, and he has a reservation of spendi~ the )X)nd B:)ne7 for thll' purpose. He as]æd Mr. Stocklrnelr if the His:ortcü Society 110uld undertake a fund raising ~or preserva:;ion of' the Pan'ish House. !IIr. Stocklrneir øaid they had no inteDtlon of securln:?; Pederal t'.mdf: or m&.kin:; this into an h1storica1 landmark. He asked if this house is in the proper ::'ocation. Be øaid they are only interested in preserving i to the ex~t that 1t is safe. There arc no other eX8J:Jpl..a of th1s qpe archite:ture in CUpertino at this time whi~h ('ould be _vecS. As to l1nancinc, he reels the City has a:::::>le fUnds :0 take care <:>f ;;::1s. He f'eels there could be a ~ocperative 1'SDancial endeavor between ';he City, Chamber of COlIIIDf:ree. B1sCor1.cal Socie~Y, and otber organiza- tions. II' '"he City wU1 _ve and accept this thesis that we will have an histor1.cal center, he believes the restorat1o~ will be tal:en care of'. 1Ibetber at this location or another. It was learned that u.e State would have takan over the Murphy ØoIIIe In S-.umyvale. it' arrangements had been made before it was demolished. A non-pro:f'it cor¡lOftit:1oD COIIld be set up to take over the Parrish lIDIlae. 'file 1.IIIID~t th1n6 is to preserve it now. A city øployee could ~ ""to It at a low rtII4 IUId possibly do _o.e tIOnc on l.t. _ ~, been done in San Jose. .. - Counc. Dellpater yjÃ. ~ pII.7 not be the best bouH. but it .;Sa the oal7 one ."....~~...._. 'fbe Clt;r Council sJIoul4 .ttempt .. '~1I01'k this pr"b1e..-"...· ,.. Counc. Hod s~t;tid .~,.; :"to~ical Society ~te to the City Council, det--fu.....t ezactlJr thet iIou14 UJœ to have retained. '1'hen t;be CU;s 0ØI1ld hire an architect·1;O tell ua what it tIOuld coR. .' , -5- . ... ...l 1:17 couno:. ~'Cer. Sf!: ---eo u:¡ f"Jk&~"'U' ";;O....J\.~þ# -.-- ---- CÞ;r or CUpert1DD attempt to __urve this psrticuJ.ar ......lding 1'ÎII' 'fbtu1te use. -' - ent: JlJDged Þ7 CoUDC. 11 ..~r. 8QCOnded b7 JIIJoI" SrtckeS, 1IIId; t;be Parrish BDu8e be pt4r ,ðd wUhin the confineS 0 '--'Clam1 pa:it and to d1l'eet tbearch1tect for t.~ JIØk ,~."" . ent the C1t7 with ... p1I-- with this in 1dJId. .. ~ted: Roved _ o..w.... Dellp8ter, secoø1e4 - ._tea. tbat the 1'II1'd8b J1IaiaH be preserved anII tllat 'lie locateð tì1tbíD, UllltClÓllt1DØ or t.. ca'"-1I~,JIU'k , . .:~ arcJd._t"Ü'tO'1»,tt!átl'UCted to i"·1 J -te .. CiåJU' 1In1·1I1t.sä:1:IIIë ,",hU ¡:ark laJ01;tt.' , : ..,....., . - . .... ... - ~ . \. ~. . ' '. ,,' '" , _: '.;'~.' . . ¡¡ ¡~~ Iro.~ ~II."'" _,.... .' ,~. ft If, . - - h.p-."'ft!I> ,"',' . .'" 'Ä' , , ~.' /;-;r=,:' ~ odÌIi.ftJ.edl' 3-2 ~. ' -- $~' - ~"' ....~ ., - . - . J:MíIIe. .Jomeœ ezpJ......... ...."" 1 t.1ng vote 1ft tlat, .... ...... 111 Ii better locat1OÍ1 fbr CIlia house than In the ceøt;ft1 1-. ~ r'. Woel 1IOIÙd like to ...,.,.... at; the Historical Sociei:7 -~te wha'; ¡;arta the)' ~d lUte to retain and what perts -.& to keep. n :rç JIBARDIGS &. lŒSOWTICS m. 1328: Declaring Certain Private Properties Within t~.e City to be a PUblic Nuisance, Under the Pro- ,,1111ons o~ Ordinance 110. 53. Giving Motice Thereof. ..nd Setting Bearing Date 'ft1ereon. ~r Stokes ~s!ced for relBricII from the audience. There 1Ie'.%"e none. ....ed b7 Cou::~. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt ~lutlon Ne. 1328. .&%BS: Coun~. ::empster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Moel, Stokes ~: None Motion earried, 5-0 JL r.wotLIJi-VINDSOR DBVELOn-n COMPANY (FRANKLIN-BABL): Appllcat1::n 5-Z-66 RerO..1~ tram Rl-7.5 to Admin1atrative and Profeu!.ona1 Office (OA) Zone; Lot 1, Tract 2551, approxiœte1y 500 f'eet east of comer of Sarato~-Sunnyvale Road and 3cll1nger Road. Approved by Planning eo-1sllion Bellolutlcn Mo. 358. Cçuncll O1'ðlnance No. 346. Firat Rea:!ing. 1Ir. Don Bahl, ~! Pranklin-Bshl Development Company, recapped U. prvceed1IlgS which can be l'ound in the Planning eo..1l111ion ~. lie said this lot.. part of a group of' loti! which DiI:F PØ'Chased tram a bank. :It _II a package deal. '!be)- ~ this lot along tdtb 6e otlMre, and not one pereon .3 .T to have h1a hodIe bull~ on ttd.s lot. even when told the7 . - -.. have the _ hOII8 bId.11; on this lot for $2000 less than ~ ~Ì'II. Adjacent œtaJ-l' _ lUll! the neighbors acraea the .~_t are not PNteat1ng tII15 ~n1ng. Mr. Bahl ~.Aented ..L . ....."1nc or the Planned ofi'1re building, which w1ll bou8e -- . " ,t;eœ.nts. Bued· on I IJOIt ~, he does not 1'ae1 ttd.a -:.~ble ror R-l~ " . +- Mr. B1 n ...,,,,l>crs. ZO,",:5 8S1j.i.o:C ~. ropre:sentec1 the neighbors on 01111;;: 1Iay who 1H!I'tt ~ ....ent to prot~lIt th1a rezoning. '1'he7 r~~ ';00 developer oøu.1c1 put s 1es8 (>.xpen81v~ hoIIe on thi8 lot &!ñ it WO\1l4..n. The)' feel the value ot the pro- pert:r 10 -;he a~ ..111 be 4bI:ln1shed 1f' tMs lot 18 rezoned. ~ rende::-1n8 1.B atf:ftIcU"Ñ, bIlt no'; accu·...te. ~re is no> guarantee ..hat 1I1J.l be _1;/1 on the propert;r, once the zo:rtng 1.8 granted. This 1IJ SJDI: ~ng. They are co..,.ned t_t a l'1'eCedent ..111 be se1;. ..2I3e pntleœn acrell,s tile street t'roIII th1a lot 1JIin rea1 J_t=..,j,t,~ loP~'~ be~ not be protesting tb1.8. &' <of !iatIda 1riS1cätelS 8 9~-- this raon1rls aDd 5 ror 1t.. " . .. .,,-~~s.=-- 1be. J.'1--.... D1recto&" _ ~' . approval or tId.a app:ucation ~dw it 1IJ 't!IÎ ~1~ .. . 1.I.e 'lÍ8e tor Uo' '.1 111 IÏ:>t de81rable because 01' tali 'bUard f'b1" *'if -.n....... JJ.rtng bere. Ln:5tI1I!Ie. IIiII1Up1e 18 undea1rable lis ¡; . the _tier or "i11ld1'eD. ~,,~~ to.be h1~r, ba.. ...... of' the "'pt'deœl1;J'. . " ,- ft!! èil2er B.d.ld1Jig h4 '6- ..id he built a .... on 1!D1].1nger øo8d ir.ls60-6l, II c~ot ¡)loclrs east of' this lot. Due 1;0 the r-""'''iY!g on BÓ''~'' at Blane)', and now the D1 .11011 rezon'.ng a'; Hiller a:ll! ~'"1"8"r, the character 01' that streat has changed. Rø~ _!"ts to live on 1!D111n1Jer Road. Be has had his home up bsr _le f'or some tl188 now, and Is 1>'.4v1ng difficulty aeJ.l.1J ¡g ~'c;. Mr. Bahl sai:) the peop}~ proteat1n(; this rezoning live on G1lJ.ick Va:', and they are concerned about what 1I1l1 happen to the va:<L,t lots on tbeir street. Mr. Dahl is or the opinion that they 'tCuld remain B-1 because that 18 II resident1aJ. street aDd they ~¡¡ld provide a ~f'er between Bollinger Road and the reside..~t1al neighbo.. hood to the north. Mr. Jack Ð~-:;artner, 20352 Gillick \1ay, :..dd they are object- 1ng beca"~~ ';hey don't v:ant to be a buffer to a~' commercial on Bol1in..:;;::" Road. Mr. Nick r.:-,:;=lopolus, 20378 Gillick Hay, said there 1s no perticule.r :,:;;00 for an of'nce buildinG in the area because the::-e 1s s; :rJ.ch of this ~ of thin¡; close by. JlDved by C,·c..,,,. Dempster, _o:onded by Co¡¡nc. P1tzgerald, to o:lose the ?~:11c Hearing. AYES: Co=:. DemJB ter, P1tzgerald, Johnson. HoeJ., Stokes JlAYS: Nor.., IbU,Oft carried, 5-0 Counc. Noel said he voted 8)10" on thin a year ago, based on the f'act that it is spot ...--1..g and for lack of propet' parkin¡; s¡:e: =s. I"'.ounc. If1tz:;erald said he 1IVted "No" a year ago, too. Be ~izes t;-.at it wilJ. be oU1't~cult to sell a hoIIe on BoJ.l1nger JIoad, but he 1s also cçnc _..cd about the parking. '!'be D1rec- 1;or or Publ!c ;rorks said !.~ 1.8 possible to get in and out or tbere 1I1th 1': cars. ~'are 200 sq. ft. of parJdnC spece; mIlS 8' x l6' parking spBrn. . C:OO-. Johnson d~d not teit1. ~ property should be rezoned û the expense or the ~ already establlllhed. r: r -. ÐetlPBter said the I J" Were built f'irllt aDd the ...v1.17 traveled stree~ _ ]ater. He compared ~t to our .___ent d1t'r1culties w~tb IIu7 Avenue, wt>.1ch Is 90' and should .. opened UP. People U~ aD 1Ia~ Avenue in ~ .ale argue t:Ia~ ~t would be detr1 -... . 1;0 their hoIIe value.. 1fe IaIotI ....~ 1IJ goiDg to happeD ~ -.o¡'1ul\ß8r Road and slxlal4 "u:Sse ~ lot ac:eord1nSl7. -T--· Moved by counc. ~1;er. secOtIQeQ oy ~. E....."r,C..·......., ...-.. application 5-~ be approved BJI per the condi t10DII set forth by tile Planning CI ,..1oD. Counc. PltsgeraJ4.. atUl concerned about the park1ng and hesitated a~...,1JIg th1a resoning unless 1t· _s proven aut1'1c1ent. 1Ir. JIiIIIl aajd this park1ng la70Ut - directly :rro. CoImtJ' P)--. ,4.h . ~. Ä' .II ~LeP ~t.1,'&1d 1IU8: Coano"" -lØ.- .c ..~. ,Stokes Iløt10n ta1leð; 2-3 .~~~~~.~~""te rèoØI.'.t 1Oi20' 1'''. R....~..,n~... ,* ..~.16r 1'.... . ' ."".'- - Y.II œu.LØlllèïS AJ8) Jœ ADO&'DOJI ·A. UI\DIÞ_ m~ 3'5. ~ hoII AI--3 to, _ (PUblic Park or 1Ie...._tiSGD Zoœ) 32.822 equare l'_ttit laD4, bordered bJ' llea.at.II Road. Beraardo JIoIId. and the Ste"ena ~ J'l.-Ie7. Second Reading. Moved b7 Counc. DeKpster, seconded b7 COUDe. .Tohnllon, to have Ordinance }lis read b7 title only. Motion carried, 5-0 The City Clerk mtroduced Ordinance No. 3lt5 b7 Second Reading. Counc. Fitzgerald ae..ed t~ City Attorney about t~e legality of the City rezoning this property without the mtent of' purchasing it. The City Attorney said the City might bt! subject to inverse condelØl8tion. The Plann:!ng Director said the City received a letter rrom the State, ask1n8 what our intentions would be f'or this property. Counc. Fitzgersl:1 said there is no Ccpertino resident that can walk to this site, and he will vote against this Ordinance. Counc. Noel agreed that probably another City will be using this; however, he beliEves in green spaces and open area. AYES: Counc. De::lpSter, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: COunc. P1tzgersld Motion carried, 1:-1 B. RBSOWTION m. l32l¡. This item _. written out, per instructiona or the City Clerk. C. NBSOLU'l'IOlf m. l329: Settin& a Tax Rate ror the P1scal Year l! 66-67. Moved b7 counc. ~teT, seconded b7 COUDe. JohnAnQ, that Resolution Ho. 1329 be adopted. MaJOr Stokes f'eU th1a was sett1n: the cart before the horse sinCe the budget œar1DS 18 on the tollow1nS n1gbt. Moved b7 counc. Do..P6ter, aeconl'.ed b7 counc. Johnson to withdraw the abo_ _t1oft and put it over to the rol101ll.ng night. AYBS: counc. 111 s.ter. Pitsgerald, .Tomson, Roel, Stokes R,\Y81 JIone A>tion carried, 5-0 -8- . .. D. 'R!SOUJTIOlf 110. 1338: Declaring Certain Private Froperties 1f1thin the Cit} to be a Publ1c Nuisance, Under the Pro- vislons of Ord1r.8nCe Bo. 53, Giv~ Botice Thereof, and Sett~ Hear1ng Dlrte 'l'hèreon. Moved by Counc. Dnrpøter, second..., by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. l336. w· ~. _ ~'.' ~:' COUnc~: ro. ~teI'. .l'!tzpz'81d, J'øbn80n, JIoel" Stokes aYS. RDne Høt10n o:arried, 5-0 I'1rat Hearing tor- IJ/¡T- ~.AOft 1338· 1I1l1be ou Aupat lst. :"""!. 1fJiI 1'AYI1Ð BI:.LS . . -;1 A~ KBSOÍ!/T.wII"~: ø- iIIIId, ì337 TIHIolution' 1336 1Iáiá-~ bJ Treasurer De lp8ter. Moved by Counc. Roe1, seconded by Counc. P1tzgerald, to adopt Resolution lb. l336. ... , "YES: Counc. n.-....ter,P1tzgere.ld, Johnson, Jfoel, Stokes HAW: Jfone . Motion ;:!;'rried, 5-0 Resolu.tio!l 1337 was read b7 Treasurer Dempster. Moved' by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolut;ion 1337. AYES: Counc. Dempster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes HAYS: None fbtion carried, 5-0 xx REPORT OF OFFICERS A . REl'ORT OF CI'l'Y 'l'ftEASURBR He had nothing rurther to report. B. REl'ORT OF CI'l'Y MAMAGER 1. Mary Avenue will be discussed by th~ Fremont High ~chool District thP. rollowioe: night and the Director of Public liorks will be there to answer any questions that III1ght arise. 2. City Ball JPiXtures. Moved b7 Counc. Dempeter, seconded by Counc. Noel, that the contx'act ror the City Ball counters, cOllplete" be awarded to 0arc1a 1food1forklns ot CUpertino for $1036.00. AYES: Counc. :ce.peter, Johnson, Noel HAYS, Counc. P1tzgerø1ð, Stokes Motion carried, 3-2 3. Change Order JIo. 7, with 3 itellls, has been submitted b7 the CU:)' JIa11 architect. ?he City Manager _w no juatiticatlou tor Item 1. It was .felt that. Item 2 had been ioetIo1ve4 previously with the contractor. The City ..._ger was lnstrocted to discuss these items with the architect and report to the Council on the f'01l01f1ng ev.en1ng. -9- JIoved by counc.ns ._ter, 8e~0 )ied by Counc. Fitzgerald, to approve It.. 3 ot CbBnge t'J';er if,. AYES: Counc. DellpBter, P1tzgerald, Jobnaon, lfoel, Stokes JfAYS: None )i¡)~~ carried, 5-0 Counc. Noel aslced the C2.t:7 lIZ>nager about the coç~ete St;eritt's report. '1'be CltJ'~~1d.1l see to It that one ·1s sent to Counc. 110<:1. . -. . ::f : : f. c,. , ~ 011 u~..'_J'IJBLIC VORIS Cu IIUng on Ida 1IZ'!.tten report: 6. VALU:O PAJI[. A na_rçh or bidll is hÃ1i"llt Jade, and the award 1d11 be ÍiÍldeat tile !"Øt ~'I- _tinge 8. CAmJr ROCK..- . J113IJB)IVISIOIf. fte C1t:7 AttC)rnq 18 moving t..&_.! on this it.... EXPR&'3SWAY l'ROORVI, PHASE n. Theproposa]. b7 the County of' san" Clara tor n PlfASE II ElCPRBSSWAY" was very brief17 lø"&~uced by the Director ot Public Worl:s and _II c!18cUBsed in very general ~rIIB. A report is tort:.........np;, pending the arrival of addi- tional 1nt'orration trom the County. Mayor Stolces c~ :bted that the Trefficways COIIIII1ttee is concerned about r1rancing and 1!D me drastic chan~es 1II1ght have to be made. Under Phase !, we are getting out 7~ guarantee on Ste"ena Creek Blvd., however. It will be late 1961 betore t.be Rapid Transit Study is completed. 9. D. REFORT OP CITY BIIIJDiEER 1. UE 1000 - Stevena Creek Blvd, .::!aratoga-Sunnyva1e Road to Lawrence Station Road. Upon recc~~endation of' the City Engineer, it was moved by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Pitzgera1d, to adopt Resoluticn 1335. AYES: Counc. Dempster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes JfAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 2. Tract No. 3351~, Candy Rock Mountain Upon recollElendatlon of' the City En[:ineer, it wsa moved by Counc. Decpster, aeconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt Resolution 1330. AYES: Counc. Dempø~r, P1tzgerald, Johnson, 5oe1., Stokes JfAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 Upon recommendation c-f' the City Engineer, it was moved by Counc. Dempster, aeco'lded b7 Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution 1331. AYES: Counc. DemPllter, P1tzgenl.1d, Johnson, Heel, Stokes HAYS: None IIotion carried, 5-0 -lO- Upon rec~t1on or the Ci.~' Eng1ne~r, it was IIOVed èy Q:.unc. De!t;s'.:er, seconded loT Counc. Jc~scn, to adopt Besolut1~ :332. Ð"BS: Co=:. Dempster, P1~erald, Jc~on, Noel, Stokes .D: Nœ::~ IID~ carried, 5-0 __1JpøD race .dation OfUle C1~ ~"'oeu'. it was _"ed b7 . CpO)e. ~1", HW:-:"' .. COaDc. JoIm8On. to adopC .-ob'c1a1l 1333. . - ¡ '_' .;".:i..,.~~'" . k",:::&'fD.'ì ~:. DetIP8~ p- 1 -JAt. .JobDaøn, __1. 8tolœa .":~~S JbIe ,,~~::.::':'~, 5-0 J '; .~ .to-l'/1 .'¡::: _ '1JoD recoo-n-""tion or tIIt..eur - 1- ar. 1t .. .4t11ð bJ' _ ~I!I('. Detz;lrter, see - I ." COaDc: Jc-n. to ecIoPI' <:; JIiIIo111ticD 133J:. ' Jft!IIB : .18: Com.:. ~_, ft, !. -.14. Jo.__, ~. Stat.. Mo:)i! ; ..' ~~ carried, 5-0 B. P.&~ 051 crrr Au . l. :;¡;s,::"tion 925-9 _s introdu~ed by the CitJ' Attomq. J!iOved by ~=,.o.~. Dellpeter. IIeCOnded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Res::~:lon 925-9. AYES: c:_-::. Dempster, P1tzgerald. J:;:,son, Noel, Stokes MW: N:c.: IIDtion carried, :'-0 2. :.~..::: request b7 the C1t;r CoIl."1:!l, the City Attorney ro=~r::hed some statutes rega.-11ng format. I: i:; e=:~~11shed that ~he City Attorney shall frace all C:-:::-.ances and Resolutiona. It 1s also estaòlished :,¿: the City has the power of subpoena. 3. c:-:.:.::ance 31¡7 was introduced ::;- the City Attorney. IIDved by :,,·,;nc. Dempster, aeconded oy Counc. Johnson, to enact Or: :;:a:-:ce 347. Mayor St:,::: "<!Quested ~a Ordinance te qualified, not1ng that it ~:::;¡s wood ahaJœa, with un;;er layment and interlay- ment of ~::estos felt, !"or the Vallco ShoPpin;.: Center build- 1ngB her¡;:::'.;¡re approved. at the SW c::-rner of Homestead Jbad and i',,:re Road. AYES: c':;;:!.:. Dempster, P1tzgerald, J.;¡hnson, Noel, Stokes .YS: ¡:-. JlDtlon carried, 5-0 11. '!'.:.: :ity Atto1'De7 J.a awaitin.:; tford trom the bonding; c=opany about the candy Rock Mountain improvcllents. P. REl!O?-: OF BUIIDDIG DlSl'BC..roR He 1s mnager or the C11;J' Hall œseball team now enßae;cd in t!'.= Recreation '-go- Thursday ctghts at Collins Schoc:. They loat U3eir last r;aæ, 19-1. He invited th.. t:.:;r Council to participate. -no. o. Râi'OR'1' or lIICRIA'1'ICIJ DIJIJ!C'l'OF Be re':1~red lIOII8 ot the h1ghl1¡;t.';S of the lUt fiscal ¡ear tor the Council. B. IIAZWU OP PJ.&.-na DIRIC'!'OR ,. . r I ...tcatSoD _ nces.ftId troll the ~ Pl--'. .~t'Sa r_ oot-to .. appl10atiGD ,lor I'U-;';g. to_ r .-01&1 _. 1_ ~lll. ataUGll tIaIt ..-4; ~. -- 011- .. of' S~ ~ ~ 81911. IUd JIboUdU'.wd. tile ~ J'Jaa & 1. r tq c... '. ftøo tbe ., 41 of Uda ...lfll.... .. tMla 1~ .,À, 1" ~ · pod JacatJøo tV. -.see ataUaa ..s ...,,- _, .b........'er. _ _.... _ ,_ , ..-_;1 J t. Udà ....·àøJ Ud.a ....1. be b... A'..teð betvN ." ... r I '... 'I'bere . ~ )<1 be _ ..'.. '........ 1II»'f811 ." CouDc. m _ &oØ-. IIclIO:1ed ." CoaM. ftapftld. to laft a letter .-& to tIaIt CcIIaDq. l'IICi '11 .~I.. tIaIt ""a-'l. DInoton or u. :1 At... ... ot the Cs.q of Ca~ino e__ aulc IUd coordiDate tile Carne pattema. III»tioD carried, 5-0 '!tie City Ranager ..14 that ." area served ." CUpertino Water ~ _': &!IDU to the City of Cupertino. IIDYed b7 Cc·mc. Dealpster. seconded by Counc. P1tzgera1d. to 1natruct the City --ger to notir,. the appllca$ of' the City's poll::y. IIDtion carried, 5-0 X UJlPDISHED!ÐSIJŒSS - There was nor.~. XI JIIII IIJSI1IESS Joint _t~... with t.be Parka and Recreation CoaDiøøion for the purpoøe of Mo:!".ns the city parks to be set up at the tirøt Ileet1."1;; 1."1 August. XII ADJOOJI1Imll': IIDved by Counc. Dempeter. seconded b7 Counc. P1tz¡;erald, to adjoUlT. ':!1e meeting at ll:30 P.M., to tOlllOrrow night, .July 19th, 8 P.M.. at Portal School. IIDtion carried. 5-0 APPROVED: Isl oa:z Stokes yor ~~ cs. C1erk -12. , ~