CC 07-05-66
3D32l South Saratoga~e Road
Qlpert1.'1O, Califom1a. 950111 phone: 252-4505
~ . "-
,~ OJ'!IIB R!OOIAB r--'-'-' OJ'THE CI'l'Y CWJICIL - .T\Íl7 5, 1966
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Counc. preseì!t:' 1) .L¡o.~, Pitzgerald, 6ot-, lID, Ho81, StOkes
COUDC. absent: ~
stat! present: CJ.~~, Pb1l Stol'll
CJ.C7 A1;tomey, San Anderson'
Mr. or Public Works, ~ Pinney
DJ.r. or Planning, Adde Laurin
C1C7 Bngineer, Bob Shook
CiC7 Clerk, Kay Haddon
Rec~t1on ~rector, John Parham
Cb1er Building Inspector, ~l Benevich
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
III MIII!;'ES OP THE nusnOOS Þ'.Elfi'DfG - June 20, 1966
~,!!d by Counc. '¡o}mson, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to
approve the Kinutes ot June 20th as read.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Board of SuperYiBOrB' Resolution to withhold disposal of
plbl1c dOlBiD )ands.
2. Letter or appeeJ. rrom Atty. William Pe~ndez, regarding
application 235-BC-66 (Jack-in-the-Box Restaurant.)
3. Letter of' appea1. troll Raydlant Sign Company, regarding
application 231t-BC-66 (pole 8ign f'cr Van Vleck building)
4. Letter f~ Att7. Boris Stanley regarding euperti:'1o
AS8eS8ment ~rict ~-l, Craft Properties.
.i40ved by Counc. P11;zgel'11d, 8econded b7 Counc. Johnson to
req11est a start re¡JOr1; f'or the next regu1ar _eting in regard
to the dispoaaJ. o~ public domain lands.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Øoe1. seconded by Counc. P1tzgera1d, to set
a public hearing ~or application 235-BC-66 for August 1st.
Motion carried, 5-0
Wpon reqaest for a4Y1ce, the City Attorney said the City
Councll hBB the power to waive the five-day requirement for
appeal or an appU.cation.
.;.~-';:l ,;: . ..., "6"';"::-' ~...
'. . : '; IIotloD carried, 5-0 .
'~.~~:¿~:Ã~¡::~=~t::D1~ M~'or=ld,
\" "~. 1Iork8. . .
IIotlon carried. 5-0
Moved b7 Counc. J'S.t::epreld. seconded by Counc. Johnllon, to
allOll the appUC8Øt ror application 231¡-BC-66 to resubmit to
.-control witbaGt fUrtIIe1' res.
l. 111'. Herb. a . . 210910 Pepper Tree lADe. cupert1llo. stated
that he 18 the CIIa1nINl or the coaaittee which 18 trying
to get the 1'e~ -""II!: at the comer or Stelling and
McClellan ~(~ Agr1culturd to c-re18l).
This OJou- .18 to take effect this coming Pr1day. He
requested. tldJl C1.1;7 Council pass a Resolution. speaking
out aga1nB1; Co 1,, zoning around the college. Using
a ;x>sitive approacb to the problem, Mr. Beaven proposed
an unbiased coDSUlting firm be hired to study the lands
adjacent .to the campus within a 3 or Ii mile radius, with
the objecti"e or rJ.nd1ng the best use of land in the area
am to come up a traffic plan. The College, San
;;cse, Cupertino and Santa Clara Coun'~y are involved in
t~.1s. He asked the City Council to appoint one of the
Councilmen to attend the Board of Supervisors' meeting
to point out tt'.e true feeling that Cupertino has about this
matter. The City of San Jose voted 6-0 to send a letter
to the Board or Supervisors, askins them to reconsider
t~.1s rezon1n3. Mayor Stokes read aloud San Jose's 10tter.
!!eve:!. by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald,
~o recommend that at least that strong a letter be sent
to the Board or Supervisors, and to request the matter
be sent back to tbe Committee.
Counc. Fitzgerald f'elt the Sa:1 Jose letter was not as
strong as CUpertino'S previous Resolution; perhaps a short
note saying we atill recommend our previous Resolution
wc-.;ld be in order.
Jlayor Stokes _ved to amend the motion, se~onded by
Counc. Fitzgerald. that Cupertino has jurisdiction ove>:'
3 of the II corDe1'll at Stelling and McCle] lan, and that
a letter to the BQ&rd of Supervisors restating our posi-
tion with reprd to this prime comer and requesting the
rezoning be recoDB1dered b7 the Board of Supervisors.
Motion carried. 5-0
Motion carried, 5-0
Co=c. Johnllon proposed the City Mar.ager prepare this
letter and ba_ i.t hand-delivered first thing in the
V A. RBfORT OF PLAJUmlG CormISSICN (See Minutes or June 27th)
l. JOHIf!h SAICH (WA~ It ASSOCIATBS) Application
5-'DI'-bO. Renslon of prenous17 approved Tenta-
tive JlaP.
'!tie Planning Director stated thai. the applicant proposes
onl7 to .we the bowIdal7 l1De between lots 1 and 2. Mo
~bl_'1IN ~1c1..ted.
So .oftCl'_ Cóanc.1ÍIIIIIIR....-.e6llded b7 Counc. Jomson.
Ã'ftis. CöIiDO.'....teI', ft~, ~OhnIIOn, JIoel, Stokes
.us, ...
'Je)tton ca1'Í'1ed, 5-0
B. aBI'ORf CW ~'D.LT&m.nAL All) SIft AI'1'ROVU. C(JII[['PfIB
(See iii_tea or .rune 28th)
nce-chBi_ Kowitz renetled the decisions møde at the
Architectural and Site Control meeting of' June 28th.
Mr. Donald Gaubatz, 10033 m,llcrest Road, Cupertino,
stated that he was in favor or the butfering between his
property and that of the apartlDents under application
Mr. Ponseggi, 22350 Cupertino Road, said that it thls
must go to apartments, this i8 the best plan the applicant
has CO!De up with. However, parking is still a problem.
lie objected to removal of three psrking space8 to allow
buffering in addition to a fence.
Mayor Stokes said no Variance has been granted on the
parking ratio and before a Building Permit is lssued,
the applicant will have to conform with the Ordl¡¡ance.
Mr. Gaubatz 8aid that as 10r~ as a fence i8 put up, he
would rather see the parking than elimination of three
parking spsces than have this plantinr;.
Mr. A. T. Cook, of Wilson 41 Cook, 25581 Elena Road, Los
Altos Hills, said he i8 not here asking for Variances.
He is pertect17 willing to abide 1rš the CitY'8 Ordinances.
Moved by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, that
parking i8 more inportant than the planting in thi8
Motion carried, 5-0
Roved by touncilllBn Pi tzgersld, seconded by Counc. Noel,
to approve the Architectural and Site Approval Minutes
of June 28th.
Motion caITied, 5-0
Ma70r Stokes thanked Me8srs. Wilson and Cook for their
~ooperet1on in this ransad plan.
(See M1œteB of' June 28th)
Cha~n x-.1s said the CoaD1ssion llet at the PaITlsh house
along with 1Ir. Beck, the arch1tect, the Chief Building Inspec-
tor. and .øIIeI's of cupertirJO Ii1Btoric~ CoaDittee. They are
awa1t1nS a_N detallsd r;:port troll the Building Department.
on the ccmd1UOD 'of' the bou8e beroN dedd111g the fate or It.
'!'be architect cUd not f'eel U .. of IRIffic1ent YBlue, archi-
tectural17. _tJ,te"qoId1t1øD ~ ,(¡1d.te bad.
1Ir. Ribaa.....IPC.. ..... a ~ ~b,OA the Wilson Park
f'acilitlea. mill .111 ik.-_t sc....t1c da1l1ngll and costs
for 2 tllllD1a ~. 1 ~tl¡urpoae _rete slab and ror a
cOlllb1nBtloD of botþ. a~ the1I' DIIñ .-ting.
'1'be Co-1"1oD teels It Is Il1portaDt to he"e a ..ter plaD
and to 4e.-1O.,,, tile Cit7 can.ttol'd it.
'!'be Wilson park site Is landlocked, and street access kno.-
ledge is neeq.O~ be1'ore the eo..lBB1øD can Eke any detinUe
plans .
The Coaa1ssion re~nds a Spanish tbe1D8 for the coaamlt7
park. They hope to diocuss na_s for the psrks st the Joint
meeting with the Council.
Hr. Paul Pinch, f'ormer Councilman, asked if the City Council
planned to mke a decision on the historic house at this
.\oved by Counc. Dempster, seconded b7 Counc. Noel, to have the
Bo.lildlng Inapector report on this mtter at the next reg'" ar
Motion carried, 5-0
A. NORTH HOMDIAY cotPAHY (BOIWIZA): Application 7-z-66;
Rezoning f'l'OII CO to ML of two renced outdoor sales
areas for sale of lumber and nursery products. Denied
b7 Planning eo-taB1on Resolution Po. 351:, June 13, 1966,
Council Ordinance Mo. )44. Appeal filed. Pirst Reading.
Counc. PitZgerald abstained frolll this Bearing because his
offioe has an interest 1n it.
Mr. Michael G. Briski, P.O. Boz 3fJ1. Mountain Vi.., went
over the previOUS hef1r1n£s and decisions on this application.
first, fòr c_rcl8l where it _s establiahed that the
lumber portion of the operation is an ML use; and second,
the request ror rezoning or the lW1ber and nursery portions
of the operat.lon.~
Mr. Briski sa1d the corral and nurBer:r presented no problem;
~ut the lwaber portion 4id. '1'be applicant is .illing to
give up the ..., .hich _s onl7 for the con"enience of' the
customer. U~· application .ere approved, it could have
restrictiona placed on It. Bonanza will _ke profits for
themSelves aDd others 1n the area as well. He feels the
reasons ror d8D1al were iJIproper, and does not feel the ¡ù-oper
conslderatloaa were .-de. Be reels this is a c~rclal uae,but
the ~ the CUpert1llo Or&ßnanCe reeda, it is proper to co...
in with part or It under ML zoning.
ãIoved t:r Counc. ne.p.ter, seconded b7 ::O'1J1C. Keel, to close
the prol1e hearing.
Colple. JIoel aaked if JIorth ~ 18 affiliated wlth Bonanza
Markets. Mr. Julian Vllldn, realtor, said there 18 no con-
nection; Bonanza Jlarl<ets are art'1liBted with Luck7 Stores.
CouDe. JiHoI then aaJœd how aBD;J leased departments there would
be. Mr. Vilk1na eajd ~ 1IDUld be none, at this stage.
JIoel, Stokee
Counc. rl pter. Jomaon,
IIot1aft caft'1ecJ, '11-0,
'!lie p1-.. D1reoW-.a4' tliat, ol'1S1Jlal:¡', be COII8idered this
to be a proper CO _ U COIIducted indoors all ~nded
.....-t a 1Br1Bnce. .. r"18 J'O'Wftft... or -U spots Is less
aeeuaÜe tIleD ....-_~ tJowever. 11' _tblt c:t~ CoaDcll grants
th1a AIR' '., he IIIð ·tbNe reel "'ed cODlUt1t>"..., to be
Mde a IIU't of tlJiit ·n~....
'!lie C!t7 Attomey eajd that it this use should be on thet
propertJ', the zonins ~d be cons18tent so _ don't have
the proIIl.. of too tight restrictions. '1't11s 18 why he spok;;
of' a duel t7P8 zoning here. The expense for the City in
enforcing too tight restrictions would be unt'easible.
Counc. Noel _s concerned thet the City of Cupertino is go1ng
to be sarrounded with shoPPing centers and have none w1thln
its boundaries.
Mayor Stokes ls concerned ir these two ML uses are granted,
it will set a precedent and wondered whet it would lead to
in the t'uture.
Counc. Johnson called attention to Sears, a s1nglp. ent1ty,
of'ferir.g these nried products and services. as opposed to
the prcposed operation where other entities would be directly
Moved by COunc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Dempster, that
this partlcular rezoning MOuld be advantageous to this
particular area or thet it would be the best uae of that
psrt1cular property; therefore, the appeal is denied.
At the request of the applicant, it VIIS IIIOved by Counc.
Johnson, s'!conded b7 Counc. Moel, to reopen the public hear1ng.
Mr. Br1ski wanted to bring up one. point: He said North Homew'iY
Compa¡v 18 comprised of six gentlemen, plus Mr. Boor Bll1awalle.
TheBe negotiations ha"e been going on for 7 IBOnths now, and
it this 1a denied, they wUl sell the property, and are not
partic"¡ar to whom they sell. Perheps something worse, of
a c~rciBl nature, could come into Cupertino.
Mr. Noor BUla_Ua, 9'1811 Baker Drive, Cupert1llo. said they
will be putting in a 2-3 II1llion doUar develo.-ent here,
which 1IOuld be a mltl-mllion dollar operation and would
bring in a lot of' aalea tax revenue ror the Clt7 of Cupertino.
There is lnduatrial Wle across the street. He aaked it' the
Clt;r or Cupertino could find 80_ zoning which would be pro-
per for this operation rather than lose all those tax dollars
to anotbe!' city. Be ~ed that this is an odd-shaped lot, a BerY1ce stetioa ,at one end and the Odd Pellows Hall
at the other.
,-:u. .
Moved by Counc. ~ter, seconded by Counc. JohnBOn, to
close tœ publ1c hear'..IIg. .
Co\D".c., JohnSon, Noel, Stokes
Counc. fttzge1'8ld.
IIotion carried, 4-0
Vote on the 8C)t1e;¡.
eoUllO. It _ tar; .ToØ*m.
eoUllO. "'1
Co1IDD. .i.øe14_
I' JIo1;J.OD CUT'ied, 3-1
JIr. RQDold vataoD ..... whetber a Use Pel'll1t would be re-
quired ~or an an~Ye center scross r1'08 0-0. Bis
application as UJIIJer the JUne 28th H-Control II1D1tes report.
Mayor ~.o!œs said the Council relt the statf should ake t.he
decisio:1, snd it tJ-.1JI decision i8 not satisfactory, the sppli-
cant could appeal it to the City Council.
. .
B. Cr:Y OF CUPERTI:NO: Application 8-z-66; Rezoning from
A!-~3 to BR (Public Park or Recreation) Zone, 32,822
S«..õBre feet of land, bordered by Homestead Road,
~~rdo Road, a~ the Stevens Cree~ Freeway. Approved
by Flanning Commission Resolution No. 341, June 13. 1966,
C~"':1cil Ordinance No. 345. First Reading.
The F;'a:ll1lng Director said this is property left over from
the freeway. About the only profitable use here could be a
gas s~s~lon. Previously, the gas stations, have only been put
in nex': to a cOlllll8rcial property, not to introduce commercial
use ~:ö':o a neighborhood. Counc. Dempster said this was not
an o!:'~oial policy of the Cit~·, but perhapS it haa just hap-
pened , way.
Coun.::. 1>1tzgera1d asked what would be wron[; with leaving it
Agric:àtural until there is some specific use in mind for it.
If tI'.e City rezones this to "Parks", the City Attorney ros
adviseè that the City should be prepsred to purchase it.
Counc. ;:>empøter asked it' the Parks Director has arecollll!enda-
tlon !~r this property. The Parks Dlrector asked to have this
pos~pcned, to Bive him !. chance to consult the Parks and
Rec~:ion eo.m1ssior. on it.
Mayor S';Qkes was in f.vor of the City going ahead and land-
scapln£ 1t IÞCT ~"7, since we are trying to pres.)rve open areas
with1!1 the City.
Counc. Fitzgerald IIB1d we should not rezone it until we are
pre¡ared to pure.... '-t. Counc. JohnSon saw nothing wron;,;
with rezoning It aa4 possU17 letting an organization like
the ~ do -tIdJIC with 1t, like tenn1B courts. '!'he
Pl......... Director _id the !tate wants an indication of what
the Cit)' _ts to do this land and leartDS it Ap'1culture
i.plies that we are ~t1na ror an application f'or rezoning.
No"eI! b7 Counc. DL f.-tel'. seconded b7 Counc. Jobnaon, to have
Or."--- ~5 inUOilþ"ed ~ ftrat Read1Jlg.
AY&'!I: CounC. DI .i ter, i'1tzgerald, Johnson, Hoel, Stokes
!fAts: Mona
Notion carried, 5-0
_101' Stokea ~·"ed ror a recess at 9:40.
at 9:50 P.II.
Meet1Dg reconvened
....,. i"--:-{
'In æ¡¡r..JWl;ß;) A1ID p~œIS pr.It ADOPl'ION
'!be C1tr JlaDBger said we Ia"e been trying t.o get property
OWMrs or vacsnt lots to clean thelll up; but several œve been
reluctan";. OrdL'1IU)Ce 53 giY8B the authority to list; the lots
~ha~ are 1n violation s.u . Resolution and (;1"" the City the
au~borit7 to clean t~ U1I am charge the pro¡;ert7 owners.
..,.s .~ CoaDC. D 8- 1 JÎ!'... Me cP'ed b7 Counc. JIoel. to adopt
JIeIIolut1oD 110. l32. .~,
, .
, .
cøanc. ~.. ft~er..ld, JohUoD. aMl1. Stokes
~ .....
ail JoIip ctU'I'1ed, 5~
--' ~ ::. -' ..
; .
A. JIeIIOlutlon Bo. l322 aDS 1323
Resolution l322 .s reeð _ orreuurer Dellpøter.
IIoYed b7 Counc. Øoel, ~ed by eounc. P'1tqera14, UJ adopt
Resolution lID. 1322.
AYES: Counc. J)ealpøter, Pltzgersld, Johnson. ~el, Stokes
JlAYS: Jlcr.~
IIotion carr1ed, 5-0
Resolution No. 1323 .s read by Treasurer De,mpster.
Moved by Counc. JohnaOD. seconded b7 Counc. Noel, to adopt
Resolution No. 1323.
AYES: COl.:I1c. Dempa,;er, P1tzgerald, Johnson, No.>el, Sto!:es
JlAYS: None
Motion carded, 5~
A. REI'ORT OP CITY 'l'RBASUJU!R -- He had nothing turther to reporG.
1. Mr. warner Wilson requested the City eouncil reconsider
!".1s applicAtion that was approved 1n 1961: to allow
a dress shop to be put 1n hls old family home on
Stevenø Creek Blvd. He now has arranged UJ lease it
as an antique sbop, 1Ih1ch would be a cuch s_ller
operation th8~ previously approved. He would like to
delay putt1JW~ 111 the street improvements. Bis ma1n
purpose in laY1Dg the antique shop there is to have
BQlIeOne on the property to watch it, because there ;188
been lIOII8 ".......n... He 1s negotiating to partic1.'!)at~
10 the LID. 1IIa lease to the antique dealer would t."
for one year. '!be aJilding Permit has exp1re~.
CoUJIC. Dempster aP-' the City Attorney what device could
be ued to control tile tuture use of the property. The
City Attorney ..14 ~1tloDB could be attached to the
Use Permit.
CoUDC. IIoel note4 ~ . lot of antique ebope d1aplay
their.....s outeSde tile bQ1ld1ng.
'(eve-: t'.' ('("'"c. De9ope:Oer, soconded by Counc. Noel that a Use
P>!m1t be granted for 1:he period of ODE: yœr, on the condJ.t1on
t¡18t all items displayed by this pu'ticular occu;ønt be paced
1dthin ':hE< structure and that the Use Permit is to be granted
f'or the :uttiq-U! ahop.
JIa70r Stokes said the City Council has previm¿aly denied com-
,.-rel.l use or~. Perhape the aPPlicant _uld pu.t 10
tho! ~veiDents a:xl aaic 'fer exteDll10ns.
Coanc. .zut__,to1.~ tlat to open a ~I.~J'A" 10 an o14',bowIe
would not ba in ~ beet 1ntereat ot the Oi1:7. COUDô..Deatpater
qreed, except tIa~' u,1a ~ 18 iøo1àted aD1118 soàeè!
~rc1al au! 18 --:r 411'1'1èü1t to pol1ce. A mtor qele
..., d1Bcoft1"ll4 ~ II1"ODId 10 the l1Y1ng _ 1'eC1iIft:õ17.
JIll muld ratbel' _ tile requeat:e4 UIIe in the IIGuBe 'IIBD ha"e
t.t desL~Jed l1Ire the one up ~ Deep Cl1tre. -
CoUDC. Pitzgen14 ~ rather see this come batore the Planning
eo-1BBiCll1 t'1Nt; tar their rulll18 on It.
':be Cit7 Attol'De)' sa1d thiB 18 on an _rgenc)' baal8 and the
City Council ... the power to take an)' steps in the beet
interest of the C1ty. :If' it ill estab1l8hed that DO _rgency
a:1sis, the City CouDCU baa the po_r to send it back to the
Plsnnir.g eo-1saion. Counc. Dempster noted that the City
Council previously saw f'it to grant. cOlllllerc1al use on the
p~~rty .
AYES: Co=<:o Dempster
RAYS: =ounc. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Moel, Stokes
Motion f~11ed. 1-~
Moved C7 Counc. P1tzgerald, se('onded b7 Counc. Dempster, that
this ma':ter be processed through the Plsnnlng COl!lJlission for
a Use P"nIIlt. Counc. Dempster said the Council should seri-
ously 't>r.alder their thoughts on this before encourag1~ the
applicant to go back th.-ough the Planning COIIICIlssion for a
Use Pe:-::~t. He said tt.e prillBry question is whether or not
_ will allow coaaercial use in a hoUlle. The secondary
questic:,: Is whetœr we will allow a dress shop or an antique
shop here.
AYES: Counc. Detlpster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
RAYS: Hone
Motion carriæ, ~-O
2. '!'he City Council hes approved an expenditure for studen~
help. It _s disco"ered that al'! error', in the alDOunt of
$57.71, The el'l'ðr ;.as corrected and San Jose
State Colleo;e 1a requeating the additional alllOunt.
So IKIved, b7 r.ounc. Delllpater, second~ by Counc. Johns,)n.
AYES: Counc. Detq:ater, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Hoel, Stokes
RAYS: Hone
Motion carried. 5-0
3. '!'he Clty IlaDa&er checked with the County about the pedes-
trian croaøþs requeeted tv neie;hbora 10 the Foothill
Blvd.-St. ~,_ó 'lbe county reels It would not be
aaf'e, practical 01' wise to put another cross_lk so close
to one alread7 10 existance.
Counc. Jot.r.scn felt that the City, by putting St. knd:'E!1IS where
1t did, has a res'PtnBib111t7 to put in a crosswalk so th::¡se
people w1l1 not be required to ¡;o half a block extra to cross
Foothill ffi-r.i. He feels tre1'f'~c should be going slowl;r there
alnce there are two intersect;iODa relatively close toget.her.
Since the C1ty of cupertino _ only halt the r1ght-of-uay,
11; ws decided we could not pit a croslßlall{ there w1thout thit
Q,untJ:' agreeing toU,.
1t.;"'1In. Dorot~ Vltr1dD__ ~ -ted the Clt7 sell her a
piece of the Chuck IW-L.r. down b7 the creek, wh1cb
18 1n excess or ,... .... uø.
_ ' .~. queaUon arose 1rbetIIeI' or ~-c 1;bi8 excess propart7 .,uld
llave to go to bid. The 01t;)' &~1'D87 said there is no 1&w
to thBt ettect. Counc. r _ ter... in favor of retaining
'a'lIortioD of this lBDII _ _ td.U Ia"e access to the creek.
Counc. Hoel would like to go 1Dto th1s more tully berore
!I.'be City Manager was 1nBtructed to contact Mrs. varian to
see wha't portion she is intereated in purchasing. Coune.
Dempster s.:ggested a staf'f ~port he reviewed first, to see
ir it is feasible to sell &n7 of' it.
He re"l~wed items in his written report of July 5, 1956.
The D1rect:r recommended acceptance of the P.G.teE. proposal.
Be suggest,e.j a Mlnute Order granting the authority to 100::-,:
out a p::-o:e-:h.ral method tor handll."1g the underground ut1:::'':::'';5.
Each indl'.ii"al case "oould ~ st;1died.
Tt.e Ci.ty felt it woul.:1 be advanta~eous to the City ':0
accept this U!-lB rete sche<:!¡¡}e.
Koved by Ccunc. Dempster, seco:xJed by Colinc. Johnson, to
authorl:ze the D1rector of Public Works to ClOve forward 0".
Counc. Dempster, Pitzgerald. Johnson, Noel
Mayor Stokes
Notion carried, 1:-0
Ra~r Stokes felt there ... not sufficient lntormation or.
which to tase a decision.
Kr....... ORDBR: Moved by Counc. ~, seconded by Counc. Johr.son.
direct1ng t!:e staff to take steps on the Candy Rock road
inpro"ementll .
AYES: Counc. Dempster, JI1tqerald. Jotmson, Noel, Stokes
)fAYS: None
)totlon carried, I¡-o
1. PIC-Ii-PAN JiEs'I'AtJJIAft; _t side Saretoga-Sunn;7Vale
Road, I¡OO' r.orth ot Bo"H~r Road.
'17-.01 recome"d.a~ion of the Cit)' Eng1neer:
It vas moved by Goime. De\II~r, 8econded by Counc. Johnson,
w adopt Resolution No. 1319,
AYIIS: Counc. Dempater, fttzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
au: None
IIDtioo carried, 5-0
.",ed b7 Counc. DeIIpster, IM!C~ b7 Counc. JohnllOn, to
.sopt Reaolution l320.
CouDC. Delllpllter,.ftt _ .a]4, .TohnBon, Jfoel, StokeS
, 1ÌoUaD ClU'ded, 5-0
.__ _ counc. ~ter, ".u~ ~-~ b7 Counc. JOhlWOD, to
IIiIopt Reaolution 1321.
A7fII8: Counc. ne.pøter. ftt... ......., JohnBcn, JIoel, Stokes
a_I IIone
IIDt2.on carried, 5-0
JID"ed _ Counc. Dempster, aeconded by Counc. JohnllØD, to
adopt Resolution 1325.
AYæ: CounC. Dempster, P1tzgersld, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
]fAr.;: None
IIDtioD carried, 5-0
JlDved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to
adopt Resolution 1326.
AYæ: Counc. Dempster, Pitzgerald, JOMson, Noel, Stokes
JU,YS: None
Mot.ion carried, 5-0
""ved by Counc. Dempster, seconded b:r Counc. JohnSon, ':.0
adopt Resol~tion 1327.
AYES: Counc. Dempø\.er. P1tzgerali, JOMson, lIoel, Stokes
"YS: More
Motion carried, 5-0
it. RBPORT 01 CI'l'Y An~
1. Urgency ordiDaDCe read by the City A'ttorne:r.
Moved by Counc. Df:mpster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, ':.0
_ct Ordinance lSB.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Pit:z8erald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
JõAYS: Mo~e
Motion carried, 5-0
2. 'Dle City AttorneJ' utToduced Resolution l321¡ to the
City Council, with ~ date set for 8/1/66.
JlDved by Counc. Dempster, seeonded by Counc. Jotmson, to adopt
Beaolution 13211.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, P1tzgerald, JOMson, Noel, Stokes
aD: None
IIot1on carried, 5-0
C. Moveè:-r Counc. !)ewp8US', secocled by Counc. 1'1<;zgere.lo:1,
to aj:;t the Water De1IU'tllel1t brdget all approve1 by tM
Cuper';:':1) Water Co !-1on and submitted to the tity
AYES: ec=-=. DemPeter', ftt;zgerald, JohnooOn, JIoel. Stokes
!lAYS: No::>e
~ carried, 5-0
D. IIoved ~ CoUDC. J'" ,-. aeccm4ed b¡ eounc. "'1. t;tat
nce-*JQr 1'1"_ '" .......Mllt; the Cl~ or e».-rt1no on
the trip to eopøt;1l». %t:a17. our Sister cs.~.
A1'BS: eoomc:. D-S-ta'. ft.~lIV'l'&1d, Jobnacm. a.e1. StokeS
_DI Jbœ
-.uøn caJ'r1ed. 5-0
D:1 Amuu~"
Moved by c..--unc. Da.toð~. MCODded by Counc. JobllllOD, to
adjourn t!'Je .eet1n:; at 1:05 A.It., to July 5, 1966.
A fl'ftOYJ!1):
Isl Ga~ St~kes
--- --
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City Cle:-;