CC 06-20-66 .~ ''"\ ~:..ñ.':-'; 10321 - .. 8lU'atop-Sun.'1)"lale Ø!*I Cu~U-.. Calitom1a, 95014 Phone: ~Jø5 ------------------------------- .-;". . ;!;'2;'::, c --------------------- , " - .:... -:'''-!o- C I ~ Y 0 r ~'.. ",aR or I N (, c:aur-ma . ,. ".:>'So - ',,' ·z...... 'e'li-. __~ 4» .6.1ØIAB N>lD4r_ '. ~uz """jIÇ.u., JUDaQoUfiIT, .'f , .,~ bl. .l~ ~~h~~~~~# . ,~;~::-,::'-.;::'':''%.',~- ._'+."'::....'~.-:o;..... ~... '" . .! ,,' ~- \?I!;'.','"-'" . ." VJI"'dor ,"I~~' ,- 'k;mn -?;..,....I~ft4þ.A6 ...., ~~......-- i'f . 'If'O, CalUom1a , .- Ú.. P... II' _ 1 T (81]0), PJ.t&pra]d,~" L 1IIte1. BtlJr,.. : ,,', ,~. .... :-:~:; Cq.·- I'.' Pb1l Stol'll Clq- At i ..." sa. Anderacm D1rec:tor ot Plabl1c WorkB, J'kwaå ~ D1Nc.... or ~. Adde la1lZ'la CUF - ~~, Bob Shook Cit7 C'l.G1r, D7 Ihdd:m Ctd.er _,d1nB IMpector, Bin .....1ch ø--r- ! Secretal'7. IDis I..ud8 -."..1 StC;c~5 :!I'~t1oned all _UN to plt'BBe usø tile eah trays .-_..Ided :-a!~~:- :I"...n c".h ~~l clprett;os O'lt on tile echooJ''! r~. _.~.... '" þ p.r- 'T'~ " <r',. . .' "l~~:" ft.IØ. U .... C&U. ~ ......mt,1 C J.l8eJI .bs~t: 8I:an present: _. ._~ Js. o:.;"¡ ._":-¡'~ó;: : ~..:':' '" ~ .;; "'"i ..' ;" ~ '-CXt'7.-' .. -.. ......: " II::: ~~ Q? ,:;.:. ?REVIOOS _.~......s - Jur..c 6, 7, 9. 11. 1966. ~ 6th c:~tlor.a: lap a, :UC ::. Mayor S~_ waMed tho! JIIõ1!altea to ~t net ' tIIa~ he 13 .~ ~&vor or CJ ...1&1, but ~¡-.t there -- ~ __ othe:' :~:': reøident!la:. tlat 1IOull! be compat114e w1U1 the _""&1. JIIøt 7, It~ ~. Counc.. 3-~ . wanted the lIOrda -do ~.. ~ it· ~~:!.~:~ and tile _ð. -take !10 action at; t:bIaJ ~- Sakrted 1.." ~ ~:'r place. a.hCJ by ,,~:. lIc>el, ae, 'Id "" CoIlllC. Jotnaon, t;IJa~ t:be JIÞa1;es 0: :""'"'!e 6, 1966, lie alll'l'OYed as corrected. . ~ carried, I!-o . . .........4 by Ccun:. F1UpraJd. anOllded by Counc. 301 IIII~ t;o ___...,e the JUnüteeor ~ T. 1986. IIDt:s- carried. 10-0 . -...4 by CoUD.':. P1tz~ _anded b7 CounC. ~ ............ tile 1Unotea o"'.JInt~. 1966. , ..' " ØI/- -- ~ed, 11-0 . .~åd bJ CouDc. J~:"~ hð~ Co~. P1t~~ ~~_ðve the IU.lIIlI:es õr.hiìi 11. 1 . ........;¡: . ",-. t JcJw. ~JJ . ,J',.J ! ..q.Qa t;o . ' ·U4";:;~ed. l:-O -í:'- .. D ~ A1ID 'IIR1'l"1'!N C_._...~CIIS . caLI a. '!he City Attome)' rep.'A toed on the contracts WØ11..h tave heen dft¡m up with the ,_ - .J.p£-arch1tect8 tort 1'a:rír8 #1, 2, a: 3. "...4 b7 Counc. P1t.~~ ~nded 117 Counc. JIoel to authorize t:IiIIt IIQor aIId Cit. C1edt ~ execute the A¡sx'ð!l rut 1dth t.he .....ror:8DJ8toD. ì _ ~:..... _,'~~o.~~ l1,ud Ie. ,f--.....·~-:;CoaDc. ft'~_II~"''''', J' ~ -oÐi atI" ~,J, - ·'~:_I"'CoaDc. DI ~- :' , ' ." '. c{.·,(".: ' - - .. , ~f" .u.. carried. 11-0 .~' .'\-. b.J CoImC. .-. 8n - - . b.J QIuDC."n, _.J :,.r·':"'!Ot:t1Ior1se ~1IIJor aIId C1~ ~ to """....doe the ¥IIT .t 111.... n. or Ribera and 8IIe ~ IUIr 13. ' .', . ~I.' CouDc. ft~.,~-~. !Joel, S~ aD: J(one - . .:I:>. - &: C.ounc. J>eIIp8ter III*tcID carried. 11-0 2. 1Ir. Will Blessing .-sS-éted tentative plana f'or the land- scaping around the _ City Hrall. _. Blessing said the deYe).oplent is so laid out so that anY or the three builcU.ns8 eou]d use anY of the three parking lots. Xt 1s planned to develop aoee park-like 81:angement in such a -")8r that would develop an open green along the west side or the Ci:y Ball bu1J.ciitl8. which would not hide any access to ~ parki::;;: lot and to a1lD1f good traffic circulation. ~r Stcò:es asked bow 1øpOrtant the front psrking lot is to ÛIe overall developøent of' the Civic Center site. Mr. BlesRing aid that by utilizing a1l the parking lots, it 1dll help to d:18perse the traffic. *70r Stokes feels the entrance to the CJ.Y1c Center should ha_ _thing outstanding. _. Blessing said that .bat. he was askiDß for th1a evening is ~rizat1on to uud7 the plan and possibly not blocld.nß of'f UIe read 1n front or the City Ball. Cost would be $1000 for ~ or the de"elo~ or the portion of the Civic Center site t;lat 18 unSer conatructs.œt at Utis time -- the north one-third or the total propert.7. . 8ø _wed by Counc. fttz__ 4014, seconded b7 Counc. Johnaon. ØIIS: Counc. Pitzgera14. .lohnaon. Noel. Stokes aD: IIone AlENiW¡": Counc. De-.peter .~ carried, 11-0 ka.L-rrsl: ~ Letter of appeal ,.... Beel.tor JIoor Bi118..11.a, raprding application 1-z-66. ' .. .... c ....ed1l7 Counc. fttJ:r1~seèOllded \:7 Counc. JIoel, to set àJIp11caUon 1-Z.::66 or" e'~ ðIÌ·~'5th. ~ ' ~,.. ~Ion carried, 11-0 - ,- - ~ -(~'... -2- . - - Moved by Counc. P1tzgerald, aecOllded 'tr.' Counc. Hod, to file the 1II'1tten COIiwri1cationø. JIIotlQD carr1ed,'~-O ORAL C(ft'lUIIlCATIOlIS (contiDued) B. 1Ir. BoÞerl¡ Scott, 20301 SteYenS ..'reek mw.. cupertino, . .. ..~...,.4'~ ,-.et1lrP ~_~ the "'.....t..g Department and the en- > .B-ConQoQ: ,J:~tteë. .....14 1öbiN 1IJ ~ teeUng at " .~t7 ~,~,.~,:JûJii1t~ 1'eqId.recl tor M8 tJ1I8 or .. ' ··o,bwI~..~Uoà~, " . . ;f- 2 '!'he J'1--hlS D11'ect:o:t' ..sat tbU· 18 '''·'sltUa1:íôD 1;Jat is not 1. .'.84,_ og m.. - .,IIND.. ..,t)ae..-~ f'or _ch ~:~ '~':I~'~ fòl"Jteê·", 'Iod¡t 111 that '. 'tlere-18 a " -,c" -~,_'ot ~:1;)'Øeor bwliness . . 'QUtcIooria. vai' Wa14 . . to do' tÍ1tb tlllit portion of' the bwiìness CÖnð\ictë4 ~. ,. , ' Counc. 'P1tzge1'8ld asked 1Ir. Scc~t it' he a1rM47 Is conðucting th1s bua1nesa.. 1Ir. ~tt aa1d he baa been in buainess for 3 7earø, and hall purchUe4, the pi'opar1;7 nut; door 1I1th the ic!ea of enla1'g1Jlß h18 bllt1i1t1'1g and expanS his buainells. He said all the tools a."1d air hosee are to be 1n81de, so no work would be done outside. He i8 not addiJIS a new operation; just ex- panding the old. Mr. Scott ex¡:lained the layout or the new portion of bulldlng he plens to have constructed. Entrance to the new bu~ld1r.~ would be on the east side. He has agreed to add a chain link fence wi"h redwood slats in it along the east side and across the f!'Ont and 11111 eITen plant ivy or something if the H- Control requires it. Moved by Counc. ~tzge:t'llld, seconded b7 Counc. Noel, that no Use Permit be required in this case. Motion carried, 5-0 Counc. John30n felt guidelines should be civen the City Staff tor fut~re handling of this type situation. 1lla70r Stokes Celt Mr. Scott should have been given an I1lI8wer b7 the stafr and th"n i4 he did not like the dec1Bion, he could come bef(\re the City Council. The City Attorney agreed. The Plsnnll1ß Director said this was what had happened. B. Mr. W. C. Ruttan, lG!'12 S. BlaneY, Cupertino, subeitted a letter tram the Veterans of JPol'P.lgn wars, which was read by the City Clerk. The Veterans of JPore1gn Wars will be unabie to use their per- . ",it tor f1rettortœ this ~r and have requested the Ra1nbow Girls te pel'll!itted to use it instead; ~h18 year only. They do not wish to relinquisb the pendt for future year:¡. Mayor Stokes said tha~ these pel'llits are issued only to chllrit- able institutions and asked what the Rainbow Girls are doir..?; in this respect. Mr. Ruttan said they help support tt.e Sc¡)Oc,i of Hope and the1r activities include wrapping bandages for the hospitals, etc. Moved b7 Counc. Jfoel, seconded b7 Counc. P1tv:gerald, to issue a fireworks permit to the Rainbow O1r1s f'or one year In pIece or the one no~_lly 18SUed the Vetenns ot ~re1g:1 van. AYES: Counc. t.empeter, Fitzgerald, JOÌIDSon, JIoel, Stokes HAYS: None ' Motion cAn'1ed, 5-0 -3- ., .- C. Mr. Jack Pinney, 220~1 Lindy Lane aOO MrS. Dorothy Wlll1al!lS, 22022 L1nd1 LaDe, submitted a petItIon regarding the Reg- nut Road-~ !.ane improvement. '!'he eit)' ClerJt read the petItIon. Be then read the statf!é wr1tten reply to Mrs. Wi111a11B, 1.ndlcating the City cannot leplly take ~ action unt;l1 Jul7 11th. '!.'he C:J.ty has rece1ve<l 1nf'or- _tio>n trom the developer that; he plan& to begin working on the subdirlaion apw this month. . 1Ir. 1"11b_' doctor lIaS 1IÌ:IbII1tted . letter, ~"tin& that he laB -V-- ~*~ CC'id1tioD IDi4 the dust !'roll 1;h1a road èOW4 .'HiT .*1i~'" 'Ma 1Ue.< 1'D l!dds.tlon~ ML-a. V1114- 1Ià14 tbé rOII4 ....~~ t,..&imI .t:cir ,he 'put 'Jf/I&r. Sbe aakK it. ..t1'o1'.GU" coul4 _1'Ir 11! 't_1; awe _t11 ~tb1Jl8 " ~ ðaae"~tõI:9!.,~. . ~ . ,....., . .. Diné~':";"'~' f" . '*&1a:'iiâ14 wdt:t¡þ aot ~'OII tldJl 1'åê4 "'T,d¡~.~' r.êiv8ð:no ..:....;.pùll.tþ 111 SRtlllS e441- tloaal bQÖ~. .p~'~ or tbe'jlNlent ODH. It tbq _ked d111&ent17~ . cdìi14 ~ete the road _rt: in asxq -,. '1'beir reqaeet ter an uté1i81onwu ~ on tbe bUis that tbQ' woa14 COIIplete tþe job bJ' .Jul7 11th. Moved b7::ounc.fttzgeraÍd..· seconded bJ' Co~. JIroel, to In- st2i1ct the Director of' Publ1c vò'l'inl to write . letter to the developer that the City plans to' move a!""'d on this on July 5. Motion carried, 5-0 D. 141'8. Shields, ~1137 St. Andres, CupertL"1O, as'.ced what can be done about the w!!eds on the lot facing PotJthil1 Blvd. and McClelll\n. A w,~ed ..òatement notice haS been posted for five weeks. The City Manager said he would contact the property owner the fcllowing day. E. Mr. Charles Beer. HiShway 9 and Stevens Cr~ek Blvd., CUpertino, said he has the same problem with weeds just north of his property. The City Manager said he will also check on this the f'ollowing day. F. Mr. Vince Merkin, 21932 Woodbury Drive, asked for 60-90 day delay on tbe decision on the footbridge across Stevens Creek to allow tiala tor a study to be made. So moved b7 Counc. Jobn80n, s~onded b7 Counc. Pitzge,..ld. 5.)tlon carried, 5-0 V A. RE1'OR'l' OJ' fLA..'", CXØlISSIOII (See Minutes of June 13, 1966) Chai~ B1rahon requested the June l3tt. Minutes be accepted b7 the City eouncU. B. RE1'OR'l' OP 'I'IIB ARCBlDlOil'UnAL AlID SITE APPBOVAL COMMI'l"1'F.B (See Minutes or June lll, 1966) Chai~ Pitch c~ted briefly on the applications recom- 1IIeoded tor approval bJ' the H-Control Collllll1ttee. Mo"ed b7 Counc. .TobDaon, seconded by Counc. De_peter, to ap.- prove the H-CcntJ;'Ol Minutes of June 111, 1966. M:ltion carried, 5-0 -"- '. ~" C.. ø'Wll or 'lIIB ~ CCIQIIS-qœ (See MlD\Jtes or June 1", 1966! 1. eo... IDoII1S a14 'the COIIIII1sB1on stron81t !'e¢ommended ruto:raUon ~ _~ 1'arr18h hoWIe s1tua~·OTl Park Site 11; ~ ~ to chëcÕl: it. ou~ 1I1tb' 'tare archi,:;ect to t'1n4 out t!ie . téùlblUt7 of' th1a. Pe1'IIf pe It can be Intpt 10 SA ,. ..eat location. and tJw7 1:õu1d then r:- ori_t ~... ~ 'Ibq 1f1ll .-t..~ l'arr1Bh baaH åt'7i30'I'X"Diit 1\Ze8dIÎJ~. . to tbeir ,...- ...~... ' -' . 2. a-. ~.._ti.i'- bee ....ULAI11I1th a 'Ief7 ~~.'.'_" ...... .~ot~at ,!.:'¢r.:~. " ' 'IÏStUII . - ~ tn.' oQaI'ta"àøJ' . ....~er, _c,::JI ',' ~. :"=-~~bet a:~~~ot ,'; __ ~1J;~n... ~ ,.,.' 8ites. ___ ~I' I ,.-.._ 91)- )IU'k 111 ... tlat ana. .. ..... .. .fge1." ~ ~ ~ be .... to pit pe..... _, 4 _ _.U I 't..... other tJ!sD tJ- rs.w ¡IUIr .Ue. at this tÞe. ... C1t7 Atwme:Y coan..-.. thla. 3. c-. 1n'-4- saJd tJw I'Utat eo-o-·ton 111 aak)DG Cupertino ~ Soelety and "thet' Mí'Y1ce groupe who are 1otereatec\ 10 cor;tributing to tZ» rest<.raUon and ealottnwnce 0: the Parrish house. to I18rtic1pate. 11&101' Stoke. a14 the Councll will be "'1'7 illœres':;ed 1:1 restoration 8JId _intenanee COIItS. Councilaan ?1tzgeralcS a_J.I-ted tile Chief ~lding Inapect¡ r ake an offlcl8l iMpaction or t~.e Pan'1sh hou... I ¡ VI PUBLIC ~ A. APPUC..nOll MO. Ú-V-661 BAJUUE R. PREaWI reque&1tin': a V3rla.'1Ce to 1IIc~ he1&ht of sectlon of ...... fence toy addl:10n of decorat1.. IJCreen . 1:>301 V1cJmb-.J1'Ç Dri "'. Den!!'d ~ Plaan1Dg 01 i..len Jieaolutlon ~. 35l, Jllay 23, 1#. CouncU JIeaolution~. 1308. (APPM!) Mr. P4rl3n Aid he bl'OU8ht along two nel Jhbors to the 1Dee:1n.; wbel are intereated in t.b18 applicatlons. two others are working and one other _ved ..,.. Mr, Melvin caldwell. 10300 B. lllltates said Mr. ~_ "' taa c..eaned up the ranee on h1a side. Be now let't It up to Cupertino, whether t~ -.at lOt fences. 'Ihe children have not created a tardabip here. Counc:. Detlpeter aalnlll, It' the IICI'e"!ft were allowd ror one or two y.æara to a11'.)"O tbe weptatlon to grow. would 111'. CBldwell object '" U. ,~. ~, 1 11 aa1d he taB no obJecUon to the aoreen .~ \tp Þ-. _ftt17. ' Counc. F1t&pt!ald ...- 111'. "'_1 "' how lOt)ß !t 11111 tak!< for tbe treee to ..turoe ~ to be eUectivea. . screen. Mr. Pre_ said. h;¡. ; JU'III.rr." told b1II it would ~ about 2 ye.rs. (loved ~ Counc. Jo!m80n, aeconded ~ Counc. JIoel. to !:lose the lub.lic IIaar1ng. ~tloÌ1 carried, 5-0 . Vpon .'e¢Uest rl"Oll tbe ..uence, 1.t ..s IIkWed '~<CdunC. nt;;;- gerald. ØCondeêl-1i7 .ou.iIio., ,lIoel to reopen too r",bl1c Hearing. IIotloncarried, 5-0 -5- ~ Mr, l'tr:er, 1~6 E. Estates I:tlve, CUpex-'Pno, Mid it 18 a good-l~ structure &IX! ahould !;e allowed to reœin. He 414 not reel there a.! been any .t~eøpt to cUt any u¡Jeralona on the neighbor cbi1dftD; 1Ir. 11''1(. " just wanud to create bacQard pr1 '1&07 r(1r. Ida tam1l,... 1Ir. .Jiaa~, lOI295 Be EIn;o;·1:ea Iirl"e. ..1«1 ftc1r!lbul'g Drt;e . U el_ted and '1Ibra1'bu7 i.a an aeeUent aolutIon to the _ <, . . '1I1'O'lea. . c'''''. "~. "l.T~:'ÍfØid 1Q> ~!~~; 8e<.ded 117 CouDc. fttsp:~, to ".}..:", - . 01Me tile '\U)Ue'~ .. , . ~::£. : ~~~:~~c ·'Jl..~f '. . .' . "''l<;J ('!"....; ~. ~e4, 5-0 _ _. . -~_. .~··'''.J1~ii;-j" . ·~~1I7CoaD.t1~1 ~. tn ;J." . . .'. - tit tile -""-""""Çøn41t1oa:s: ~': <"l~ '." .~'-.J., _"',,,, !,~:.o~ st...· A,,!,~~, . };~:... -"'="-..J-re~' . r a: m.~~~ JiioIdt McíJ"í ÌmaUd and ,~~. . ......... ,. . ..~, . . . ...... ·'lti"- _# ...... r', v' '._. " to ~" _t ...... u& ...... .n· '.~ tlat:~" ..... he'!Ie alloWed' l_" uP. ',~. ;p.,z '.&QII;~'tIDi"... à'..U-1nðl1Ced hØdII~P, caused 'Þ7 tile deck. ~ StotiW'Qreed. COunc. fltqeral4 wall not 111 f'Þor ot a .ftr'.~ but felt . 1JBe 1'erII1t W1t:b . tilDe l1.ll1t on it 18 the anrioeI' 1Iére~ ADS: 0:Iunc. »-~b!tr.. P:ltzgenld 1IDS: Ccunc. JollDllOD. ílbel, Stokes . > , , t MotIon faUed, 2-3 9IX œDIJVJC3S AIID RBSOL1J'I'IORS pœ ADOPl'ION A. ~B JIO~ 331: Requiring Underground ~~nit1es within the ~ty of CUpertino. Approved b7 Plenning eo_iBsion R::s=l:1t1on No. 3'19. Ma7 23, 1966. Second Reading. Moved ~ Councilman P1tzgerald, seconded by Ccuncilaan Noel to han Ordinance !ro. 33l read b7 title only. AYBS: c:~=c. Dem¡:J81;er, P1tzgerald, JohnSon, Noel. Stokes RAYS: ~e Motion carried, 5-0 '!'tIe a:y Attorne)' introcSuced Ordinance 33l b7 Second Reading. Moved Q- Counc. Hoel, lIeconded by Counc. P1tzgerald, to enact Ord1Janee No. 33l. AYBS: C'ounc.~. P1tzgerald. JohnSon, !foel, Stokes RAts: ~ne Motion carried, 5-0 B. ORDIlIA.::B m; 333: VALLCO PARK - Application !fo. II-z-66 Rezoning to 1'1--- De".lo~t (P) ;,r t.o parcelB (one nMr the SB co~ Gt JiHlestMd Road and L1Dnet Lane. the other at tile ~h em or Linnet Lane) to cont'Orll 1I1:h zon1D¡ o~.edJacent properties owned bJ' ftUco ~.·k. APIJI'Ove4 b7 1']_.. eo.ùll81on ResolutIon !fo. m. Seeond ~D¡g._ Mo"ed h.,. Counc. P1t.zpald, seconded b7 CoUDC. JIoel. to h....e Cm"-....·e 338 ~ b7 tI~:t,e only. AYBS: Counc. J)o~1;er, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Jfoel, Stokea WØ3: -- . IIotIOft carried. 5-0 -6- - -- ftMt C1ty Clerk introduc~ Ord1nanCe 338 bJ' s.,CoOO !\êed1tlC,. 1IoYef! b7 i:oImc. DelBPllter, seconded by counc. 1foel, to enact 01'd!..nance lb. 338. ASBS: .-r&: Cou:>c. DellptJter" P1tzpra1d.. Johnson, !foe1. Stokes IIone '. '1tJt~ carried,' 5-0 , 1 !t, ..::..., -~l . ___ ~ _n...~ '01' . l1iëì.(~'.t·9:30 P.1I; .~ 9s~ P.II. _' ,.,..., ' . . . '"' ..... .. - ,.~ ~1JIS I'8con'ler.ed vrri "'!.u.~ .......' ";, .,'.,"" '. '!~~. .~~. å.~ I RHolutSoa.. ~. 'ÎìIIII -1315. Yltu"_ ~~ ~ -..olut1oD a». l311!. ~ 117 ea.mc. aael,.'Ùl ~ 11)' Counc. J'1tsgea1d, to adopt Resolution !lb. l31-. ~: \oOUDC.~. fttapald, Johnson, JIoel, Stokes aYSI JIoDe Ration carr1ed, 5-0 Resolution 30. l315 was read b7 Treasurer Dempster. Mo"ed t1 Co¡;nc. JohDBon, seconded b7 CQunc. P1tzgereld, to adopt Re5;)l...~ion Wo. l315. A~: Ce:z.~. Dempster, Pitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes rtAYS: No::~ Motion carried. 5-0 IX REPORT OF O!'PICI§IS A. REPORT OF CITY TRBASUJU!R ~ had IIOth1ng further to report. B~ RBPOR1' OF err!' JIAIIAOIIR 1. 1'b! City JlSnapr s_rized the June 10-17 traffic repor' fI'OII the Sherrir's OfU"e, in repro to the P1x:th111 Mvd. area, which wes cOllpiled I)y an unr-.ark~d radar pø.trol c&I'. C.,pies of this report were given to the Counci¡.en. It 18 the op1n1on of the SherrU's Office that a 35 .1"; speed limit on the entire Foothill Blvd. f'acil1tates t~ traffic tlolf and ent'orcement of this should central the altuatlon. Sp111ege wes not noted in this report. '1'!1e schools aøI parentIS could be helpt'ul in impressing good ,øatet7 heblt:a on the children. HoiDe !rom the ..,. tNckB SOInS up the road to pick up their :i.oaãs ~s quite appal'8Dt. The City l'IN)ager saLd speed limit s1gna have been IIOsted.S 1CrB. Lucieþ' ~rt, 22830 san Juan Road. suggest~d a eros_lk be J e1Dtedrroa St. An.:11..... to the store. ~ ne1gbboa 1D that Yic1nlty would also like a second conaideration ('n the :speed limit being lowered on Santa wcl8 to 25 Mm. -7- L ~ € t ,-' " .~ " Counc. DelDp6ter ¥O'.~~ ~U'8t. like to see ",-,. results 1Ie get 1Iben we uk tI!e SÌIà'U't'. Ofnce t(, st1'1ct17 enforce the 35 m. Þ ~ ~~ It ~uld be a soo4 Idea to educate the adulta 8IÍd c1d.14ren t<) cross ,rpecltlcaUy al: the crossing areu before Í'educlng the 1!¡Jeed Utdt. Moved by Counc. .1~Ln~~ 1IeCODded b7 Counc. P1tzgereld, to at this ti_ tIP ~1~.1d~ the report b7 the 3he:ñ.tf"s Of't1ee a11d to ..... it; ~tlY ef'torced. We sbould alllO talk with tile CcMmt7 .,..., the poll81btlity of' a croe_lk tr.St. ~~~;m,Bt;.. ..' ~C'ft ear1'1ed, 5-0 2. ID ~ to........,"""'" lunIÞ. _ ..... """',PDt1fied ........ tile 'te_!!':'_I~rr- JuntPØ1'O "'14111'.....,. to SU..... C1 f- .. . œen placed on tile 11at to be ~4t"8CI. . ',- .' . ". 3. A DOUce Or '''íå':~ ror the ..t1em ~t; ... 1"0 tùe p1MA ~ 23.. 1966, ror the exc.. III"Opart7 otIDed bJ' the state. it BinMrdo and ~ laB been received. ¡. !bree street llCfd:8 em J.1nDet UnIt will be 1DBtalled on the SUDnJWa1e,.a1de _ vallco Park and Sw..y..Ale will aullP17' the ...øu.,¡ to light t:1eGI. Ro"ed by Col:Ilc. DellpBter, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzgerald, that the ftllco Park Asses 1 at D2JJtrict be uended to el1JD1œte the five street lights ~ b7 the City of Sunrl7Y&le and in their place, three street light!> will be erected on the _t side of Linnet x.ne and will be energized b7 the City of Sunnyvale, AYES: C:'.;nc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stol:es !IA~: N::::.e Rotion carried, 5-0 C. REPORT OF DIRFCl'OR OP PUBLIC WORKS 1. ilcrlo: is procressing or¡ the new City Hall. 2. Ba)"WOOCi 'l'errace Unit !15 street ImJ)i'ovements are cOIling &lons nice17. 3. JllDlte ~ ~at an extension date r1'Olll July 1, 1966 to July ~l 1966, on Cupa,.':1.nc Assellament Dis- :r1ct Project C>'!-l. '!'be JUly l:'-~h 1fearing would then be set for JulJ' 25th. So 1IOY8d. b7 Counc. "l. IIeCOnded b7 Counc. Pitzgflrald. AYES: Co'.mc. DetIpIIter. ftuprald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes JlADI !IDÐe JIot1on ~ed, 5-0 D. RBI'OM OJ' CI'1'! .___..d. l. l;JIJ&iI 0' CJØISI' ,. çu...~.ùIO¡ northalde or Bollinger a-t, / ()()' ~ or ....AY8ø.le. , __ rece ndatiOD ör tbíI C1t7 ~eer, it was _ved b7 Counc. Desz;lBter, aec(,-'eo' __ COunc. BDel, to adopt RMolut1on 1312, acceptinS ~ cle41~t:1òn. ~t Counc. Dnpater. fttqulald, JohnSon, Noel, Stokes aDz JIaDIt _Uon _rned. 5-0 ~ , UlIGn recoraerd4tlon ~t the City Eng1n4!er. 1t was IIOved by C.ounc. Deorpet2r, secoøded 'b7 Counc. Noel, to ado~ Resolution 1316 a~Y1ng fInal ~. ' A'lBS1 CcI:nc. ))m fJter. fttzgeNld, Johnson. JIoel. S1:oke:s ays: )lone IIDtion ::arr1ed, 5-0 1Jp)n ftc: uðat10a oC UleCiq 1I>I1'_r, It .. _,~ by CIDaDc. t'! . wr, 11ft ....- ~ _ c:øanc. 1IMt1, to adopt r.eolution 1317 autbor1z1Dg ..~..:, II... ot ¥_ll1''IIt. r, &1BS: CouDc. », ~tczIt. at _ dld. .JohR~D, ~. Stœea aJSl JIaDe 1111 t 1- CU'I'1eI1, 5-0 .. ~. ~.-;.. '"~ L IIDI'WD" C'Ø crrr 4...~ - l. Upon reo -Uon 117 the Cit7 Atto1'Dll7, 11: .. ~ved t7 Counc. ft· _ 614. aecolllled 117 Counc. Dr . 1:er, to autborize tile -.,..... mill City Cleric to a1&:I t;he option for Ie:.<,lo&l of' tbe Vater Ao.-~ð_Dt With ~te. A'!BS: Cour.c:. I)empøter, fttspftld, JoImaon, Hoe!, Stokes RAYS: Her.e Jlction carried, 5-0 2. t'oon reco--s.tion or the City Atto!"'l8Y, it _s moved ~, =ounc. Dempllter, seconded b7 Counc. P1tasereld, to ¿icp'; Resolution l318, authoriZing execution of Agree- ~::~ dth cau.f'C4'It.1.a WIater Service, including Yallco ,,:'Ie and ownere In that partlcular are.¡, AYES: Cc=c. Deaipøter. Pi tzg~rald, Johnson, Noel. Stokes RAYS: He::e Jlction carrled, 5-0 p. REPORT::P BJILDIJIO IJISPBCTOR 1. ~~.aJ<e roofs in Cupertino. The Ch1ef ~ldin~ Inapec1:or said that Vlallco Park originally ~ted tc ;>;t cetllent tUe on the roofs. but t'ounrJ they broke easl17 ~ 31nce they azoe near residential with shake roofs, 1;be~ woul~ like pel'll1..ion to do the 88111e. '!'be Ch1ef BuUdi~ Inspector quoted from the BuUd1n@; Code, wherein i~ states that 11' . public meeting place hes a seating ca...city of less then tU'1:7 tile City Council can 18ke the decision en the roor ater1alll; it' over f'1t'ty. tbe7 will have to conaider the stat_1It1l of the State P1re Harehall. Be then Bubc:1tted letters mid a brochure showinC: wh,y the P1re IlarBhall 1s opposed to ahaJre roofs. JIr. Walter Ward 881d the .hopping center will he"e an unrJer- 1a7ment and spr1nlcler ~ a.'!d the serv1ce station vUl have ~nt tile root'. '!'be l' ·t lllakes are not _ttllt'actor)' ror 1:he shopp1Jlg center be<-e_e they leak and they CUJnot be .alked upon. 'Jbere were COOBentll a1:Jout .Jake roors on build1ftS l in nearby ~c1pal!t1'!:s. The C1Q A1:tomey p;,inted Qut 1:1a1: 1;IIis is a quelltion, n:, onl:f ('It' _~1:ics, but also of' t'lre 1DBUrance ates. -: - It _s t'elt the ftN ~1 should be g1ven a chanCe to v01ce his opinion ~an th1a dec1sion 1s made. M.>ved '::y Counc. D ter. seconded by Counc. JoImSOn, to table the _tter uøU.1, UIe next regular meetiDg. ~ carried, 5-0 8. .~or~ 'Ibere .. no ~! t.~" ..' Jmft IIr f1' fâ"~,'" . 1. !lie i"I-";" 'èliìllllâ:d¡i'1iu given the CoaDcl1 a dJD1ce of ~ø. ~ Uleu Joint _tinS. 2. A eet or 1_. .aJ~Î_";''' .. diRr1bu1:eÖ co 1;be Cj,t)' Coancil and tIa ~,... J'lam\1JI8 eo-!sa1-er8. 3. Popu.lat1on..... r &'ITS"IÌ'IIOJ't was distributed m the Clty CoUDC1J.. ". 'l!Ie ns"",1O\ß J)I ~ called attention to h18 June 20th ftIIO regarding u.. 1both111 Blvd. tratfic probl_. % UJIPI1fISE:> æsIJIESS A. Mayo::' Stokes recappe4 t.be proposal for Phase 'l'IfO of the Expre~7 Syat.... Be _14 the clties are to review this durir..., July and A~t and have their recoaaenðatlona relidy ~()r the Co~1;1;ee in September. The bond 1ssue is set ~~r December, 19Br. fUJIIIoi= ORDER: M,ov,,1 b7 Counc. DeIIpIIter, seconded by Cou."!;;. !bel. to 1Mtruct :::e Plann1no; I)1.reCtor to make some invest19tions on the ·traff!.~ situation lnClgd1ng Stevens Canyon Road as a scenic h1ghwBy, ~ll the ..y to ~toga. B. Sett!.:-.g of the date ror the joint meeting w'oth t.he Plarming Co~ss!.on ..S c1e~....ð4 until July 5th. XI JŒW BUSIIŒSS Moved by Counc. Jo....-. seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adjourn to a personnel _ion at ll:OO P.M. The p.JbliC _ting re~onvened at 12:50 A.M. A. M.>ved by Counc. ft1::Zgeftld. seconded by Counc. Jfoel, to adopt Resolution 1311. nth amendments as aBde by the City Counc1J.. A'!BS: CcU,T1C. :Dempater. ftt;zgerald. Johnaon, Noel, Stokes JlAYS: MoDe ~ carried, 5-0 B. Mo"ed 117 Counc. n-. _ ·W that the ~ acron-tbe-boerd coat-of-Uv1ng ~ 1Ie .c!opted. Motion dløc1 ror lack or a second. . ' Mo~ b7 COW1C. ft' '~I!leCOnded b7 Coune. JIoel. that a .;p COBt-Of'-l1~. pe Inèorporated into the Resolu- tion JID. l31l." . ,', ". . ... - j ..'.' . AYBSI Counc. ne.pøt.er. ftapreld, Johnson. Hoel, Stous _'181 Waoe øøcsao~ed, 5-0 -10- \ c. Move: :.. CounC. I)eÇ8ter. secor-led by Çcunc. ntzgereld, tv a:!c;". the Water De¡artment tudget as approved by tha \;uþer:~:'O Water C. 1_ion and subcitted to the City Couno ~l. AYES: Cc-.;-:::. Demp8ter. fttsgerBld, JohnsOn, lIoel, Stokes JlAYS: No~.e IDI»t.S.on carried. 5-0 D. Moved l'7 CoUDC. ,J~ l~.. aecolll1ed II)' counc. "'1. t..t V1ce-*JOr P1~ 1loiii RSW 11..t the Clt7 of ()ap.4't1JlO on the triP to Co~. J:ta17. 0Ire' SlIter ~f:7. .~ A1'BS: 00u!IC. Dt-ø-ter. ftupralc!. Jomaon. -.1. Stoke. ~. aYS:)Ione ..-tðn CB1'I'1>_1, 5-0 XI:[ AD.Juu~ Moved b7 ~U;1C. Dt-~;er. aeconded b7 Counc. JobnllOn, to adjourn ~~..e œetin:; at 1:05 A.M., to July 5, 1966. APPROVI!D: /8/ Gary St.,lces Mayor An'E3T: -:::::--- - ...-: .-' ' k,y Hàá:.o:: City Cle:-i / .. --. J I'_~ - .ll,.