CC 06-11-66
1.D321 South S&ratoga-s~e Road
Cllpertino, California 9<fll!¡
Ph-me: 252-4505
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~ CJI 'lIIB ADJuu_
. . '*i OJ' 'l'BB crrr cu-.JIMÔ.u. - June 11, 1966
ø-: City Ball, l0321 8. Saratcp-suDD7ftole M.
~: 8:00 A.M.
Councillllen prelleD~: ~ster, Fitzgerald, .10bn8on, Noel,
~or Stokes stated that the purpose ot the _eting
__ W ..lect frca the çplicants that had been interviewed
tor the various cœlll1Bø100s.
It ~as moved by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Counci~~
P1tzgerald, the f'01l0lfing te named to the PI.ann1ng Commisslon:
D~n Fr~llch - 4 years to April, 1910
John Buthenuth - !¡ years to Aprl1, 19':"0
J. W. Bryson _ To till the unexpired term of Councilman
Johnson to April, 1968
Motion carrled, 5-0
It va~ ~oved by CC<L~cilman Noel, seconded by Councilman
,;:ò.~son, th3~ the toll""Ú'..g appointments be made to Parks and
1IIecreation Co::rJ.sslon:
Patrlc1a L. Wandry _ To fill .he unexpired term of )
Ethelvynne Wilson. (~ I, c¡
Don t:!.!'!:iÄ.s _ Por ~ year to fill unexpired' term of
C. William Lynn. (~"7)
~oti0n carried, 5-~
It vas mov·~d by Councilman Johnson, seconded by
Councllman Fitzgerald, that the toHoving app')intm,,:>t& be
...s. to Architectural and Site Control committee:
Iteith E. Irwin _ Por the unexpired term or ChArles C.
Chalman to run to April, 1969.
Motion carried, 5-0
M:'tion made by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman
fttzgerald, that the rollow1ng appointments be made to Architectural
~ Site Control and that dates tor term of of'tice be establ1shed:
Commissioner Itovitz _ To run to April, 1969
Commissioner P1tch "." April, 1969
Commissioner ~11 "." April, 1967
CoaIIdss1oner Stern .." April, 1967
MotIon carried, 5-0
It was moved by COuDcIlman 11081, seconded b:J Councilman
.1d1Daon, that the meeting be 1Idj0urned at 9:05 A.M.
~!on carried, 5-0
a.Q .-nager
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