CC 06-06-66
1"321 &J'lt;, :..::-a~;Jgs-sunn:rva1e Rosd
Cupertino., 950111
phone: 252-/15-:15
1l.Ullr1~ OJ' 'm! IŒDULAR _ISn.~ OF 'DIB CI'1'Y ~IL - June 6, 1966
I'1ltl ~e â:ili., '~School,
8:00 P .11.
lO3QO R. Bla~. cupertino
; ¡-
. ,#" .
':r: SAIDB 'i'O !lIB PIM
U 'RQU. c&I.L
Counc. ,DearP8ter. Fitzgerald, JohnSon, JIoel, Stokes
Counc. absent: JroDê
starr present:
City ..._ger, Pbil Storm
City Attorney, Sail Anderson
Dir. of' Public Varies, Prank P1nney
Dir. ØfPlann1ng, Adde Laurin
Clt7 Bnsineer. Bob Shook
City Clerk. þy Haddon
Acsistant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Recreation Director, John Parham
Chief ~llding Inspector, Bill Benevich Secretary, LoU Inwards
In MI1IIH=.;:::7 THE PREVIOUS !ilEETINJ - May 16, 1966
Coun:. :~hnson had the follo.lng corrections to the Minutes:
Page :;, ;aragraph 9, add the rollcwlr.g words to the e:1d of t~..!
last s=~:e:1ce: "...if it were feaslble."
Page f, strike the seventh paraltrap!1, startlnl' with the words:
nSect~=~ ~.084...n -
Page 15, ;aragraph 8, add the following to the end of the
sente~=.!: "....which is part of the sa~ overall ~ildin~."
Move:! :;; Ccunc. NoelJ. seconded by Co"n~. P1tz~eral:1, to sppro,',"
the Y~~'~:es of May 10, 1966. as COM""cted.
Motion ~arrled, 5-0
xv ORAL Me '.'3ITTmJ cal.JMICA'l'IOllS
1. C:>=~cation t'roID lfational He:!cp!lllia Asseei.tion. asl:1n;:
t!'.a: :-.lpertino proclall1 the week of June 12-19 "RelllO;>h1l1::
¡{.!e",.· and a suggested Resolution
Moved ~7 CQunc. Dempater. seconded by Counc. Pi tzgera Id, t
adopt t~ proclamation as set forth by the lJational Hemophiila
Itotlon carried, 5-0
2. l£t~r from Mrs. wcien liert...rt in regard to truck trsfflc
on :>:x:thill Blvd.
.~...-~"~ _...."- -<- -<.----,....--:,.~._'.
1. Mrs. Ethel Bo71e, 882 Kim Street, San Jose, submitted a
. petition for the naming of the city psrk adjacent to
Wlløon Scl¥>ol. Ma70r Stokes reterred the petition to the
farks and Recreation C.on-1asion.
2. Mr. A. '1'. Cook. of' Vl1aonand Cook Developers, IDa Altoa.
revteweð _~;.pp11oatlon tor 1Ih1ch tbe1 bid requeated an
atenB10D òf ·the B-COntrol a~ tor their alJpart8e!1ta.
Be aa1d ~'....... . JIIIIIf ...t or plaIIII wbicb c:onro~ to
the rev18é4ètt7 ordinaDC....· ,
!be C1~ ~ 11&14 the 4811d~ sa soirlS to be reduCed aøI
ad41tioaa1. ~ 1I11l be pI'OY1de4. in l1pt ot the reviaed
Grt',........... .
1Ir. C001l: 11&14 Yat, in "1_ or the tact that the)' ""e
al~ NOet.ft4 B-Control a1lP!'Oval on their original pl~
and pr.., ~ p1UIB ha"e a reduced 4e1111ity and higher parldng
ratio, tbet' woul4 like to haft the eouncl1 _ke their
decision tOn1ght, without going baclr to H-Control.
CounC. Detl¡l8ter noted that the)' ha"e the right to applY for
a Bullding Per.1t with the ol4 set of plans up through
June 7th. .!be City Attorne)' ..14 there was no intent on
the part of the city Council to cut short their penøit.
Mr. Cook assured the Council that they have no intention
of taking out a Building Permit on their old plans; they
want to abide b7 the present City Ordinances. They wvuld,
however, pref'er to bypass the H-control this second time
around. Counc. Dellp&ter felt this procedure would be in
Counc. P1tzgerald felt it would set a precedent to not have
the applicant go back to H-Ccntrol slnce there are material
changes in the plans. The City Attorney said that a con--
tinuance of 30 days to the old application would keep the
matter ali"e, thereby not forcing the applicant to make
a decision tor ualng the old or new plans before the Coun-
cil has had a chance to act upon it.
Moved b7 Counc. DeIIpster that the Building Permit b<> ex-
tended one IDOnth and, in order to not create a precedent,
send this back to H-Control. We have not then jeopardized
his right, but have given H-Control a chance to review
his new plana. Motion died for lack of a second.
Moved by Counc. 1foel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald. to
refer this tllStter back to H-Control.
Mayor Stokes wondered, since H-Control has heard snd ap-
proved this application, perhaps the Ci4 Council could
review the new planS tonight and they could then go back
to H-Control. The City Manager said the staff has seen
the plans but not the elevations.
AYES: Coun.::. P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel
NAYS: Counc. J)ellpeter, Stokes
Motion carried, 3-2
Mr. & Mrs. B. G. Ponseggi. 22350 cu¡:ertino Road and Mr. a:
Mrs. D. C. Gaubatz, 10033 Hillcrest Road, were present and
were interested 1n the above application. Mr. Ponseggi
said they felt the present plana were more compatible with
the area.
""" ,.~..,.", _~, ,.W, ~, - '.
The CIty Clerk read the lett2" fro':! Mrs. wcien H,,:"t~rt,
22830 San Juan Road, CUpertino, in regard to Foothill Blvd
troll Stevens Creel: Blvd. to McClellan. She 8Ugg~Sted en
area committee be appointed to study the problems.
The Clt7 ~r read the Sber1t'f"S report, which was a result
cr a raðar check of the area.
Mrs. Cå1'Ol1ne J&'g1ello. 2211p8 Balustrol COurt, said she pre-
aent~~lt1OJ1 to the l)aJIII1ng Commlsflon three weekB ago.
Mrs. .". V~.. ~QO $étb.a Can70ft Road, requestect the
~'''''' ~ tllat petltiOn'1iê ree4. '!'he City Cleric cOllPl1ed.
:r.. , ~Jti~=~:~&}::~ng: r::ura
~ - . 'DåIIê 'be left on the petition
" ' '~'to Wft;b' the"Í'lHúlit III'Oblem. She
IIa1d tJIdí"C1'II -áM:ftiW-:''' Db1; . otteÌide". She ~ated
tbIt .h I' ~-1. _ tile .... or tlla ottending trucka and call
tilt ~ t!*"ftuclter.'1Iói1î--f<or''to' get acCiOn ,"-1"dl_ apeed-
Ing &JIll ap111age. ArI7 ap1lla&e troIII bei-'1IrÜcn 1IO\11d occur
long batON thIa7 pt to the De£lP Cliffe area beca'lBe of all the
S-c1lJ'9Ø tbeT·t:ri1verBe betore getting there., the
trucks were ping Foothill Blvd. long before all tho:.€: ;>eople
_,,84 1Qto thè area. .
HrB. Jagiello noted that when the squad cars are around the
truckB do not exceed the speed limit. She recommended they
pe w.arked cars to check the speed.
Mrs. Hertert agreed with Mrs. Vo!:s that the cars are the chief
offenders. She did a little research and came up with the
following: There are 33 drivewa7B within one mile on which
cars back directly out onto Foothill Blvd. There are 11 side
roads coming onto a major arterial. She feels a committee
should be appointed b7 the City Council to make a st~dy of
the area. Some provisions should be made for the hikers,
horseback riders and bike riders. Extremely hazerdous condi-
tions exist at this time.
Mrs. Shields, 22L'37 St. Andrews, said there is something tM,t
is all over the streets, gutters and yards, and said the street
sweeper operator will back up her statem~nt.
The Planning Director said that, south of Riversl.1e Drive.
there 18 a chance to make a better development of the area.
He doubts that truck treffic can be averted from Foothill Bl·;'!.,
Counc. DetapIIter sugzested the Plannin¡r Department take thiS
matter under eonside~tion and co'~ up wir.h some ideas before
the Council conaiders setting up a committee.
Moved by Counc. pitzgersld, seconded by Counc. Dempster,
the proper speed limit for Foothill Blvd. Is 25 MPH and to
request the Sherrif's Office look into lt once agair. anå con-
sider setting a 25 MPH speed lillit in this area.
Motion carried, 5-0
J.!ImJTB ORDER: Moved b7 Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald,
to refer this matter to the staft for reco_endation.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
~"'''~''''~~''P~..~·.:.,," .~.' ~.~,.:.,..."",~.,. ....".
By request or the aud1ence, it 1IU moved b1 Counc. Fitzgerald,
secoooed b1 Counc. Dempster, to reopen the matter.
Motion ~_ed, 5-0
1Ir. Wlll1a. ConDor, 22lI34 Rivers1de Dri"e, said there are two
important rectors to be '"ona1dei'e4 herë: the speed 11lll1t near
the school ia not po8ted; and the c1tiZena will have to keep
t1gtlting tarr1c and nolae ractor here. He said he has
been uaIœne4 at II A.M. 117 trucks øo1nS ðotm Foothill Blvd.
Be also A14 * 1I1te .it...... . ~cJ.dent inVOlving a
.PU~1.. ~._ . IIc:hoo1 ~~ ~- . .
. '!'be ~1ÌÎ1~Ør _ta .ftata .sc"';"1."µ.t11e7 ban requested
~ r.r.-~.~t1.~.. d.~t C1"ØIIa1DI.Prd. Tbe
~hn.._'., . ......entl7 111 ~~ØPDn o~ cb1.ldren.
Sbe &ÍIIo. ._ ~K of ¡IÒII.' ~_~~~tlJ.
. . . _ "·1·. ' . l ¡.." , - .
IIoYed .~ 0Qir-. ~ier,lIec ~r'W liIJ Counc. Jfoel, tò cloae
the PUbl!ø - rl~s; .
Motion carr1ed. 5-0
Counc. Johnson ..ked when the resultll 1fOU14 co_ before the
Council. Be ill conceme6. at Whatllpeed the cars would be
ticketed. '!'be Clt7 IfanBger said It III no~lly done when the
offenders øceed the speed lill1t. Lenienc7 is SOlll8ti_s
imposed, depending upon the circ_tances. Counc. Johnson
would 111,e to see the signa posted 1~1ately. The City
Jllanager said 11; Will be done tomorrow.
V A. REPORT OP PL\IINING CQOŒSSION (See Minutes of Jllay 23. 1966)
V'1ce-Chai~n Hirshon sunnarizcd the Plann1I1b Commission
Hearings on applications 6-v-66, 5-'1'M-66. 4-z-66 and the
Underground Utilities Ordinance, as covered in the Planning
Commission Minutes.
1. BARRIB R. PRBI!MAN: Application 6-'/-66 for a Variance to
increase height ot section of rear fence b7 addition ot
decorative screen - 103Ql Vicksburg Drive. Denied b7
Planning eo.ñssion Resolution 110. 351, May 23, 1966.
Council Resolution No. noe.
Mr. Barrie R. F~'e_n, lO3Ql Vicksburg Drive, said he can sit
at his kitchen table and look directly into his neighbors'
windows. His prdner checked the neighbor's leat -.old on his
cherry tree, and said it Is not caused b7 hi8 new fence, but
by not spra71ng. Mr. Pre_r dlsplQ~ pictures ot his house
and yard, illuatratil\ß his problell and how he thinks he has
80lved it. He said he can expect no privacy tram his natural
shrubbery ror at least a year. Purthel'lDOre, the neighbor's
only complaint _s the nails sticldng throu~h and the lack of
psint on their s1de, which Mr. Pre_n did not have a chance
to complete bef'ore the cOIIIplaint _s riled.
Mr. Freeman sa1d . 6' fence ofters h1ID absolutely no privacy
from his neighbors, who have six active sons.
Since the neisbbor _s not present at this _eting, it 1I8S
~"eCommended 11)' the City Attomey, IIOved b7 Counc. P1tzgerald,
snd seconded 11)' Counc. Noel, to set application 6-v-66 tor
r'Ublic Hea1'1n8 at the next Ngular _UIl8.
AYES: Counc. J)capøter, Fitzgerald, Joth18on, Noel. 3tokes
NAYS: Mone
Motion carried, 5-0
2. JOHH Ã. SAJCH (v.at8ðD . Ass<.el8,tes): Appl1catIon 5-TM-66
Tentative Map d1V1'". lot 1nto three parcels - iN corne:'
of Saleh Way and Stc-_ Creek :èlvd. Approved 117 Planning
COIIDissIon Re!SoluUGu .,. 352, May 23, 1966.
~ TentB~l", Map was ft"WÍ.èwed b7 the City Counc1.1. '!bey
were 1nto..-..ed that the ~ problem can be .U~~ out b7
U. City ~el.~, .
'!lie Director or PubUc 11#&" aid this 18 a "el7 _t;iD8 sltua-
t:1oÞ and no probl'" ~ _tII8J1... the drainage, wb1ch can be
.orkec! out, are 'anttct¡tiad.- . -
8øved b7 ComIC. Jfoe1...~"'~.b7 Counc. P1tzgera14, w approve
allPl1caUon 5-'1W.:66." '. r:--:>Tr.
ADS: Counc. DeIIpIIt.iÇJJ£.~"'1'ald, JohnsOn, )t)e1, SœJœ8
.'IS: JIoIIe
~. carried, 5-0
B. REPOffi' 01" THE ARC..u.-xu1tAL AIm SITE APPROVAL ..oø«'l'rEE
(See IUnutes of JIII7 2', 1966)
Chairman ?1t=h reco
of May c¿, 1966.
..... ap;n'Oval of the H-Control Minutes
So lOVe<: '::;¡ COUIIC. 5oel, seconded by Counc. Pitzgere1d.
Alï;;S: C=·;::~. Dempster, P1t%gera1d, Johnson, Noel, S=l:eB
NAYS: :::~,.;
Mot10n carrIed, 5-0
VI PUBLIC E:;.F'::::~S
A. VAu..:C P,\RK: Application 1'-z-66 RezoninG to Pla:1:1ed
De\'el~poent (p) of' 1:110 parci!ls (one near the SE corner
of 5::>e.tead Road and Linnet lane, the other at the
sou~~ en:i of Linnet to conform wIth zoning or
ad':e.:;::: propert1es '-I'W....d by Vsllco Park. Approved b7
Pla,..=-.1ng Cc.mmissicD Jlesolution No. 3"7. Council
Ord!..-a::~e No. 338.
!,!r. Burr.;l Leonard, 19160 Bcmestead Road, CUpertino, sald
that be:a';se of tt: lengt;h;;( agenda tonIght, l'ather than go
lnto a l~r'.g dissertat1on. he would answer any questior.s put
to him. :;:::1 addltIon, be would submit a wr1tten sta~e=>ent
rerlectL~ ~.1s views on the matter.
The PIB!"_-.1:1g Dlrector _14 the PlannIng CODlllission ~:1 added
Cond1t1~,..s 13, 11' & 15 to the 12 Standard Conditions :or. this
rezonln,;: application. It _s ooted these 3 conditions were
inadver:e:o:tly left ort OrcUnance !{o. 338.
Ordinance 338, 1nclnil1~ all l5 Cond1tions, was intl'lrl".1ced by
First !\,od1:¡g.
B. ORDI~E NO. 33l _ JIequ1ring Un:ierground Utilit1es within
the -=1ty of CUperUDo. APproved by Planning ~1s5Ion
Resd:J.tIon No. ~, ..,. 23, 1966, First Read1ng.
.e Planning Director .tated tllat t.hi3 Ordinance haa been
U _oighly explored t~ Public Hear1n¡;S am haa had !1 ve
ttiIafta. Section 8.3 18 tile Ø!117 cøntrovera1al 1tes not resolved
ß t;b18 tille. The P1a--h~ D1reCtor reco1l'rnended 1nClaalon of
:fSect:lon 8.3. Be added tba~' th1Þ Ordinance deals only with new
... ]op.enta; it would t:aJI& Ordinance to ÞandJe o]d
....ntJo¡8eft\s .
._..4 117 CounC. Dearpeter. lie .......... by Counc. Noel, to cloee
t~~.J'øbUc Beer1ng.; ..~" .
d$;', .....;.-
~; ,,~: CounC. I)øp8ter, ft'i' ''IÍ1. Johnson, Noel, St:okee
.. .;.u: JIoDe ~
","/'¥~'''~$ '? <;.
;~~ eQ'1'ied, 5-0
;:,."'BIIi.Clt7 Attomey In1;~. r ":. ~1_Y\ce Mo. 331 b7 l\'1.1'R Reeding.
~ were none.
.... Resohtlon 110. 1306 and J.3f:r7.
Besoluticr. No. 1306 _s read b7 Tressurer Dempster.
)Dyed by C;)=c. Noel, sec.cnðed b7 Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt
~luticr. No. 1306.
AYES: Cou:::. Dempster, fitzgerald. Johnson, Noel, Stokes
MYS: Nor.~
JI::"~~on carried, 5-0
JIeIIolutio:: No. 1307 was reed b7 Treasurer Dempster. The City
Jlanager requested inclus1z:2 of the City Hall contractor' 8
partIal pIly:!!ent of $62,9:17.91' in this Resolution.
~~ by C;)unc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to
-.!opt Rescl'..ltion 1307, iDe1.uding the City Hall contractor":)
partial pIl~nt of $62,9l7.9I'.
AYES: CO:¡:1C. Dempster, ?1tzgerald, Jchn~on, Noel, Stokes
a'IS: None
IIotlon carried, 5-0
~re followed a 10-lIIiDute break.
lie bad nothing further 1:0 report.
1. '1'be City "'-pOP .-s the letter from Mr. Lou1I1
Stock¡.eir in .......... be thanked the Council ror his
appointment.. C1t:7 JD.etorllln. He considered it a
greet honor.
2. By req:.:est of the Council. the City Manager wrote to
Congressœn GubSer to chllek on the possibillty of some
of the f'unds refused by San Franoiscans for freeways
being d1verted to the ~naion of Stevens Freeway.
A copy ot' his answer 1188 been s~nt 11> the Councilmen.
3. A o;opy of tæ l~tter recei"ed fl'Olll Hr. W. E. Rogers,
Santa Clara Cit7 p)......W1J Di.rector. was sent to the
Cou'1Clllllm. ~ Cit)' Ii" - .1' 8ußested'the Council
. - 0 -trr11:e a lett~'Í'totbe M1. Claft Cit7 P1ann1JIS Depart-
.> ""1Ì!ent ~1hef¡ctct'tM'1:We 11&+- alwP had a worIdJIS
,,' _ .:"" relationship 1I1tb ...1Iei:r...... ,t..,ba"e al..,.a f'o1J.DWe4
r ~' ::: . 'tbrough w1th~h1Dg ,f~(,~'!. 'PI'O"'i.... the City.
.~·1DOVed by rO'.D1c; Nw~i.ft.. ,'MEorded ~~. Noel
am: Counc. Dempster, fltzr........~, JoJlnBOn, Noel, Stokes
.YS: None
MotIon carried, 5-0
l!. Past experiences in the hiring of San Jose State
qualified /Students in the Recreation Departœent have
been very favorable. '1'b1s year, other depart1ll8nts as
well as the Rec~t1OD J)epart_nt, would 11ke to take
advar.tage of this arrangement, in the amount of
$. 5,172.001n wages. Ten percent, or $517, would te
the City's share of the expense. The IIIOney must ~
in t~e College's hands as soon as possible so .rra~~~-
ments ~2Y be made.
So mc\'ed by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Cour.c. Noel.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel. S';c¡:~s
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
5. The excess property at Bernardo and Homestead ha':e
been offered to the C1ty tor $36,000. Since this ng-~
seemed out of 11ne, U'" Counc1l decided to do nott..1ng
about 1t.
6. The ~stor1cal Society requests preservation of one ot'
the old Cupertino homeS which is presently located on
the No.1 park site. Mr. Stocklmeir said the preser-
vation of historical ~rks i8 becoming IIIOre and
more acute. Saratoga is preserving an old home in Cni!
of' t:1elr parks and San Joae la !lOving one of its old
hl)mes out to ther...1rgroun4s. Mr. Stocklmeir said
thls seeM to be the on17 hope tor a buildi~ in whi<,h
'GO place the old recorda. artifacts and treasured
things of historical s1gn1ticance which are presently
being held by Individuals.
Mayor Stokes asked Mr. Stocklmeir if the Society would
take over the f'urnilJ' of' the structure if the City
Council should undertake'the returbishing of it. Hr.
Stocklœir said It _14; 11: could be a coordinated
ertort by the H1storica1 Soc1et7, the De 01'0 Club and
the Pine Arts Society. Counc. Dempster Buggested
settir~ up a coma11:~ conaist1ng of 2 Councilmen, 2
Recreat.!on Collllll1aslu......... ~ the Recreation Director
to detenline it th18' shoo,''', be done and it so, to then
work togetl:1er anð' ~~.~ recOdlBtldatlona to the l(1ty
Council. MaYor stokes felt the' H1stor1¡:al Society
could wcrk with the !'U1I8 clilÌla10n am they could
check with the architects f'or the parks and get SOlDe
,~ .~:: ,J
Moveà by COunc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. JohnSon,
to reteI' this matter to the Parka and Recreat10n Com-
mslion, tor them to work and correspond wIth Mr.
Stockllleir and the Historical Society to discuss this
and submit theÛ' f'ind1ngS to the City Council.
Motion carried, 5-0
7. 1Ir. Stoclrl.1r ."ld ,that starting AUgullt 26th, there
will '1Ie!a~ sø1n8~to Copart1llo l~, and he f'elt
-It ~1Ié,~~. 'U,Cu¡iért~'a MQOl' 01' a eounc1l-
.an ~.(.J;tO.ur; ,to,aot;-aa oùl' '~Jjaaedor to
<1oP81."to1.1io.,aíiII;;tJ¡ua 1Datituta an ord~ corrøp0n4ence
with' ÒÙ1' sta'1ier"ën~~ 'counc. Dempster telt tld.a should
berellOJ,~f.IJ~~..a(JOnbeo'auae August .26th 18 not rar
aW8¥. Al8o, CCD814eæt1on si~uld bð gi"en to p871ng
~ ~"~~,'G1I8nøell, but M... :'he Counci~'s
.u II II ez¡IeIIBeII.
Moved bJ' CoUDC. ])ellpllter, seconded by Ccunc. .Johnson,
to contlmie this _tter until ne7t ThUrsday.
Motion can_'~, 5-0
8. The President of' the 'United States has asked the City
Council to proclaim October 21!, 1966, as United Nation..
So IIOved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by COUrt.:. Noel.
Motion carried, 5-0
9. The wideninß of McClellan was discussed next. Counc.
Johnson proposP.d a Joint resolution be prepared, pro-
testlng the go, width for McClellan and the proposed
service station, which will come before the Board of
Supervisors next Wednesday. The Foothill College
people said they would be at the meeting to protest it.
Moved by Counc. JohnSon, seconded by Counc. P1tzgera1d,
to:> prepare a resolutlon oPPOsing the rezoning for the
service station property and the widening of McClellan
R;)8d to 90'.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, JohnSon, Noel, Stokes
HAYS: Mone
Motion carried, 5-0
It was felt the reasons should be included in the
reaclution. Counc. ])ellpllter felt it would be a mistake
to commercialize McClellan and to exploit the college.
McClellan is a re8ident1el area now and should remain
as such. Counc. ])empater feels the City Council shaull!
make known what their intent is for the property around
the college.
The PlBnnirg Director said hg sent a memo to the Planning
Coca1ssion on thill subject on October 27, 1965. Resolu-
tion 319 was . then rorwarded to the City Council.
Counc. Johnllon felt lIure that one thing that will be
brought up at the Board of SUpervisors' . lDeeting ill the
Light Industrial aerolla the railroad tl'8cka on Stevena
Creek Blvd., ".. Y'--'''.g Director said that ~bb Road
rather than Mèc).ellan' would ~le all the light;
.' industrial t,raftic.
.. ~j ',. <
)0'.:'. ~el Leonard re].~ industrial zoning (of the type
at Stanford ~\.!1.a1 Park) 1s cOIIiBtlble with the
college, fre~ aøJ the railroad trAcks, and thiS
U'Ü. should not be restricted to R-l.
Juanita Mclaren, ].Ø]011f. Blaney, local realtor, feels
counc. Deiøpater'a¡tropoaal would be very detrimental
to CUpertinO. '
Mr. StoCkluKi~iè68. 60' street 11111 ;nô~ be adequate
for lIcCle:pao.. JIIi'!a.l- coller;e ari1 thé new high. school
tœre, eIÍPeê~ãD-~ngø when there are sporting
ewsY., ',," . :_.'Z' .
" - I ".......,.:II.~ ~¡ ..... .
CoImC.~¡;.~~jbe l-011ega peÒ'Ø:i~ will be quite
d1a~~~.M that allot a S\1ðden we will
Jaw c". :. ' 'the colli=48.· ''!lie college
JaB set üp',. . ~ '. ~ ~ ~'·~ema].
tftttic p¡;.tteI'ÍCðIà. . . . 'aas1JÇtlÒD tbat:lt!iClellan wil1
be 60'. ,~ ':, ~. . ., '. '
110m b7 Counc. ~ ,.tar, 'Ieconded by :. JohnSon,
whe~S, the _,Cll;7 ot Cupertino is conc' witn the
properties witJdD aøJ without its boundaries regarding
De Anza Col1ege; UBI; other than the. properties con-
"1g'.lOUS with S~ creek Blvd., all-others are to te
c-,r..sidered resJJ'-1al.
Hr. Leonard reels this 1S rezoning without HearinG and
is not proper.
.."",' '-...<:- :'.
. -,:>':.
-~.;: ~..~ :;- <
Counc. ~ter, Johnson, Noel
COlUlC. Fitzgerald, Stokes
Motion carried, 3-2
The ~rector cOC!::1er.ted on items if' his written report of
June 3, 1966.
D. HEro=,-, OF CITY EIIG..~
1. C~'18dwick car Lot. south side of Stevens Creek Blvd,
~:-O' west of Bl8L~ Avenue,
Upon :'ecommendatiOD 01' the City ~inee::', it was moved by
Co=-:. Dempster, aeèoø1ed b) Counc. Fitzr;erald, to authorize
the Cit;;! Engineer to ~orm the developer ard his bonding
that tt:e iø¡Prov-..t bonda may now be retired.
AYES: Coun.,. Dearps1;er, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAYS: Hone
JIo1;lon carried, 5-0
2. ?rank ",antia. east end of Green1food Drive.
Upon recolllllendation or the City Engineer, it was moved by
Counc. Fitzgerald. seconded by Counc, Noel, to authorize the
City i!ng1neer to 1Dt'ozw the developer and his bonding com-
paQ' the 1.JDpro,,~t bords may now be retired.
AYES: CounC. Dempster. P1tzgerald, JohnSon, Jfoel, Stokes
NAYS: Mone
MOtien carried, 5-0
3. SiLa landa, eœtb l1ðe of Ji)mestead Road, acro..
t':t8 Pallen IA8f'.
Upon ~:- n¥Sation i:)t' tM City Eng1neer, it -. IIIOved b7
Counc. P1ts~ral4, ..,-...-'"'d by Counc. Moel, to authorize
the C1.~ ~ ~D' tþf'ó~_ the developer and hi. bonding
c_~ tbat the kr.b. nt bonis may nOw be retired.
;~1:;~ .=~ :c'~, ,21tZgerald, JohnSon: Boel, Stokes
~;.8c'!' ·<":i,.~ ~èd, 5-0'.;
,/~ .,.
'1:,~.~' . .. 'ftKt at. !1152. GIIr Y.'JXll1 BUls; 88.1;,~ ot' J'oothill
.~ ...: ¡ ¡ B1w1., ':IMIlLl~1Ia AI"..... DI'1ft and Starl1Dg DI'1ft.
f:cl~~:;':Îh- nc ~'ê2~ª~C1~' ~r~ It ail' 80wd 117
~ :~': c_~;~~;.;r;,"¡'~~~~tcÏa~~'': :::riza-
UOII- rro. Oü 'l'Þolt ðMJ~~.· .
_, ,ADS: Counc. o-p.ter. fttzgerald, JohnSOn, JIoel, Stokes
ta!S: a:me
IIot2.on carried, 5-0
5. i'a.lJt Aveœe-San ~""PO .ins; bids were opened
My 31, 1966 at 2:00 P.M.
Upcm ~~ndat10n ot' the City Engineer, it ..s IDOVell oy
Coun:. ?1bgeralð, see i>'lded by Counc. JohnSon, to a..rd
cont=,:'.: to ftlrley ('.onatructors at a contract price of
$ll, 7':::.00.
A~: Counc. J)elllpllter. F1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NA~: JIcne
JIotion carr1ed, 5-0
6. ~:a:...s report on Candy Rock MoUI'ta1n, Tract #3351~.
JIo a:::'::\ ... taken. A letter has been rece1ved from the
deve:~~r Indicating that be will be becl: to wor!< w1thin
thir:' ja78.
1. ~,~ City Atto1'DQ' reported on the landscape arc~tects'
~ementa. Be recOllllDBnded that th~ Agreement with
:~~ra and SUe be opened up to permit any _tings the
:::.~ deetllll necetl"PF. He also felt the ... Agreement
~ld be utni-ad with the tin! of' Royston, HanBmoto,
*¡es and Beck. aDd ar17 subsequent landscape archi-
:<!cts retained tor development of our city parks.
*:lor Stokes ___.!d.
2. A ~uest was .-de ror an interpretation or the Sign
:rllnance in "g"'lS to sign surface on .ore ttan one
sUe or the h,n"i"'8. It..s the opinion of the City
l.:t.orneJ' ttat 1t .tall not be cumul"tive.
___ CllDER: ~ :!lOved b7 CO""".o 1)eaIpater, seconded b7 Counc.
?1tzgerald. .
AYBS: Counc.' De8IP8~er. P1tzgerald, Johnson, Roel, Stokes
NAîS: None
Øotlon carr1ed, 5-0
1Ir. Blake, Bond AttorDl!7. IWd Mr. Duke, Consulting Enginee.r,
presented t.'1e Reso1utlorW.
'1'IIe City Clerk reed 1;IIe 1:2.:.1.. of Resolu1;1on 925-11. Mr.
Blake said planS lUll! .~cat10D8 contaiJi 1111¡11'O_nts
of IJ.Dœt IaDe dUdD,-* Cit7 or SwuQ.Ale wltb their ap..
..... . ~tal cœd1t1oD8ll ~ .""~t 11ghta conf'01'II w1th &;mv-
"'''''. ~id'.../';'-_'s.- 1Ia11CO'*,ll.:._. _""'.... .... 1Ir. B1ak8'~ tbis does
. . .':t.,. DOt .... to be nHl.....-W. ....t1ng; a (:1". Older
..'.../......~...!.('.....;.:..;~. ....?be .....,..:ar~.tI..¡. n. ~. ee.~ of l'Ubl2.c
" .~;': "~ __ Bald thB1'e w:µ1;~"""'" ~ ~a J!ÍI'OtIa1t17; tb2.8
. .Î¥l' Sa . C oc..:;.~- MJ4 the teN ·S.......... the
.'" '" ~1:C!«1Ata.....'~~ ~tb1D ~ ;RD. ...&1....
.*' 'f . '1'IIe I8B1ataDt 1'16 "'r "-~ðe Use hnit .,.118 oat tn-
. RAUat1aD or l1&M · - . - ".
'~;: ,. .., 1-:,1" r· ,
1Ir. Qordan IU.ller. ......- W·'· ting the City or s....-. .&18, said
. ::-::- tb* -11sJ1tB CID T.1~ ~,8N spaced 390' apañ oa ths one
.ide, due to St.u.......1J... paactice or altematiJIS 1:~ on
both. a11IeII of the .1.&.-&.. When these were 1n8Alled they
aaau.ed ~re 1IOU14 be IUlDther home develo¡aen1: on the
other dde of the sL -"". end that de"eloper would CQID-
plete h1a halt of the A..At 1Çroveaents, Inc1\dUJ!g the
other tal! of the street lights needed to adequatelY
Linnet taœ.
3. vallee Park LID
Besolut1on 925-4, -5, -6, -7, -8.
Mr. ~rt'!: Leonard'S ~ts agalns!; this line of think-
Ing are ::<:~tained in ~n ~1X A to these IU.nut.'!s. .
Counc. Dec:;ater fe11: t"'I; the electro11ers ~hoUld be
inDtalle=' certain sat'~7 factors are lnvo).ved here.
The City At"::orne)' asked Mr. JUl1er ,,~t sunnyvale's policy
:'don the 1.!lstallatlon or 11gbt standards along streets
where are onlY on one side of too street and ~here
is an ur.~rci<en curb along the ø1de. Mr. Miller said
their m1n concern 1a tbat the street 11~htB IlUSt be spacf"'t
a certa~ jistance apart in order :0 sufficiently light up
a stree"::, "hether the l1gbts are on one or beth sides of
the stree:.
1Ir. Leonard said that 11' ftllco 18 given unl1üted access
to Linne: lane theJ' 1I11l pat In the street ] ights. With
only one access, tt.e)' 1I1.l1 onlY put in one light. Pur·ther,
it the ::1"::1 of Sunn;rwa1e 11111 pave the street, _l1co wil1
pat in t~ 11ghts, but he won't do both.
Mr. Bau=!:¿~!<, "light expert" representlnß the CitJ' of
Sui1n7YB:e. sai~ that siDee there will be no parking onhthat sU~ of tlll! atreet;. 2.t will be mostly ingress and
egress ~:Jr the f'8IIidences on the one side of' the street.
In ana..r t!> Counc. .1o-'s question, Mr. Miller said
each or the five llgbta 1I1.l1 cost about $1150.00.
Counc. !'1ugerald t'ee1a electro11ers are to light up a
street; and Vallco --)<II pat the.. in as part or the street
improve.enta .
Counc. Jc.':nSon asked U 2.t 1s sny dlfferent to be asked to
light ~met lAne tbaD to light Homestead and Volfe. Mr.
Leonard 1:ased his ob,jeet;1oa8 on tb~ limited access factor.
Counc. Deall8ter prc.pc¡ , postponement of this problem and
to '!<Irk out the pro~ the City of sunnyvale.
. -11-
- .
Mo-led by Co'nc. Dempster, seconded by counc. Johnson, to
adopt Resolution 925-1;.
ADIS: Counc. DetÇSter, Fitzgerald, JohnSon, }¡)el, Stokes
_'IS: None
Mot;1on carr1ed, 5-0
'!'be City Clerk ~ti:ôducêd ReeoluUoD 925-5 by -P1rat ReaItlng·
. -. .... .. . ,~ . ..'
!!Rftdb3'~£.~"'" øeéclll4P,4,.counc. Pitzgerald,
.... adol't Bd6.1.1Ø -925-5.'" ....... '. ..
.,,, . >', ..,.... T"''''. '.. .... .'. -. - c. .
';::~; . ~~'l.:~~nF~" Ír1..;:,(~~'i:~~' -lIod, Stokes
..;[.; .{ ~ ';~;:-.!.~2·~
, .. . . JlDt10n c:a:rd.ed, 5-0
- .'.. . ...: ...::! .-,; -. ..; .. '. ':... ';"'~" .
_ C1t7 CUlt1r-~ RI1 ]fttSaD 915--6 by Firat Reading.
. It _s etsta1Q4....... .tbat tbe,...uaa·1fOUlð be held on
~ 11, 1966~ 8. _~.II. ,. at tha C2.~ otfteeS.
. JIIo"ed b7 COdnC. ÐéII1*terJ. seconded II)' ClJmc. P1tzgerald,
. to adopt 1!e801~bn' 925-0·
AYES I Counc. J)eIIIp8ter, P1tzgerald, JoImSon, Moel, Stokes
HAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
The City Clerk 1.ntroduced Resolution 925--7 b7 Firat ñ..d~ng.
It was estabUshed the bld opening wou1d be at 10 A.M.,
July 1, 1966, at City Hall.
Moved b7 J)ealp8ter, seconded II)' Counc. Fitzgerald,
to adopt Resolution 925-7.
AYES: Counc. J)ellpeter, Fitzgerald, JohnSon, Moel, Stokes
HA'IS: }fI)ne
Motion carried, 5-0
The City Clerk introduced Resolution 925--8 by Firat ReadinS.
Moved by Counc. Dempster" seconded b7 Counc. Fitzgerald,
to adopt Resolution 925-0.
AYES: Counc. ])empeter, Fitzgerald, JohnSon, Moel. Stoke:!.'
HAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
The City Manager _s instructed to meet with Messra. SweeM;;
and Miller, o~ SurllJ7ftle, and Mr'. Leonard of Vallco Park,
to work out the details.
He had nothing to report.
Ik> had nothing to report.
'rbe 1>lue-covered copy of Ord1nBncea governing residential
zones haa been updated &nd replaced by the gold-covered
A ltuI2:r ... been ot accounting _chines to handle the
buaSJIeA at C1t7 Ball, ard lDclul!ing the ..tar De¡l81'tment.
!lie JI:R or U. ~ could handle the job eft'1clently,
II!d ~ COIR .~te17 $6000. Si.Me it tabl 60 to
90 .. to pi; tb1II _ch1ne !Mo operation, the City Clerk
~. JlW1h,t_.r,y ([ troll the City Council. Vith
tbe use ot tide _ch1JIe, .. 1IUl go to a ca.plete. ¢nted
f'1-,,1 ratOI"t, å1c:11 11111 be in co.IPlete detail each
.mtli; ' ëüt tba" DlllJU'tlMlnt billing b7 ~.
'1'be City -ser said thls 18 to get a pr£c1ae report with
the least _,t of cost. 1IoDe7 f'or this _chine would
c~ rl'Oll tbe General Pund and fl""Cll the Yater Department.
'J.'he ......., aervic;e contract runs abol1t $200 ~ar year for
each _ob1JIe~ T.1meWise. the Clt:y Clerk øa~.d the City could
grow cons1derabl;; and still use this machine for 10-]2 ye&rø.
Moved b7 C~unc. P1tzgerald, õeconded by Counc. Dempster,
to authorize the expend1::ure of $6000 for the account1ng
....chine recomc;ended b7 the City Manager and the Clty Clerk.
Ax~: Counc. Dempster, F1t~gerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAYS: None
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
Interviewing of' appllcants for the vacancles on the var1cus
co~ssiona and comllittees w111 commence at 8 P.M. on Tuesqay,
June 7th.
Those not interviewed on the above-mentioned date ,,111 be
ir.terv1ewed at 7 P.M. on Thurada7, June 9th.
letter of resignation from Parks and Recreation COII'I!\1ßs1or. by
Mrs. WaMBr Vllson, be"ause they are movlng to Aptos.
The landscape architects w1l1 be at the next regular City
Council meeting.
The City Manager hopes to present the budget lit the meeting
on Thursday, .June 9th.
Overall BcoDOldc DeveloplDent Act: Moved by Counc. Fitzgerald,
.,econded b7 Counc. Johnson, to go along with the rest and Give
our conaent to the project.
Motion carried, 5-0
R"~~ ~..:. ¡riðSC' 'net"! i8 80118 concem ttw.t there is ria
sidewalk he':'!!. 'I'IIe City Manager said there is adequate
1'001II to walk on tbe br1dge wIthout getting into aoving lanes
ot traffic.
Counc. Dempster ~.te.1 painting. strip along the bridge as
a guide for tho8e _lJdng. 'l'be Director of Public W<.rks will
check this out.
~ ¡>~. '.
. ..... f . ~
, 'lbØ'e ... ncm8'.
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-:It ... _1-~1L .~ to adjourn '~;~- at '.2:30 A.II.
Arrnuv IØ):
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