CC 05-16-66 - - . 10321 30uçh Saratof!i&-&.u..., .Ale Road (:apert1Do, Cal1tomia. 9501~ ,oone: 25?-l¡~~ -------------------------- ---------.----- ----- ------ - -- - --..- - -- - -..- --- CZ'l"Y OF CUPBRTIlfO C8..11rorn18 JU.JUr= OP 'l'HB PBJUtA3 M2'1'IN3 òr '1'HB CI'I'Y CUUJtcIL - i'i:;¡ 2.6, .?'ì{~ì~J:,·~~~~~~~, ~~~~lce ....: 8:00 p .11. ¡,-,;, .. 1966 .. :.-".' . -to '. ...~, . , , .. ' : ':f¡ (:--õI t"JC- ,~.,. ~~\.P,·, 1Øz, CAQi';3;; ~'. ,: . J)eepater, P1tzgerald, .Tobnllon. a»el, StokeS HoDe C! 1.1 1CaJIeger, Phil Stol'll City Att0rDe7. Sam Ande!'llOD D~ctor dr ~bl1c VOI'lœ. Prank P1nne:f Director or P1ann1~. Adde Laurin City ~n..r, Bc>b Shook City Clerk. l{ay Haddon Ch1et ~lc!1ng Inaœctor, Bill Benev1.:t. AtIIIi9tant PllUln8r, Jim Nuzum Recording Secretary, Loia Inwa¡o,!s III MDm'ES OF ~ PllKVIœ3 IŒ!ft'IHGS - *y 2. 3, 1966 Councll8eD ~lJIDt: CoImCl~ ~7 ._t: Statt preseÌat: The City -_g9r bad the following correction to pege 3 of' the IUJutes ot Mey 2nd, second paragraph from the bottom: The second se::¢enc:e should reed thus: "The City Kar.age!' said ttat tbe ,.tter of the footbridge should be taken u;. by the City Coundl at budset UmB." Moved b7 CouDc. l)ellpllter seconded b7 Counc. Johnson, to .'lC~~¡;I; the lI1n¡t.. ot .'7 2, 19t;6, as corrected. Motion carried, 5-0 Mo"ed ~ ~. fttzrrald, seconded b)- Counc. Johnson, ço accept the JttD¡tes 0 May 3, 1966, as read. Motion carried, 5-0 IV ORAL All) -..~ COMJJIICATIONS WJ.=-I TI..œ6 were noDe. OBAL: 1. Mr. Joel A. JobnBon. ll260 IIonteN1 Court, CUpertino, suggested tbe City give 110mB thought 'to acquiring laiv.!. tor ~ ~ tile Federal Open Space Program. He raid he.......... I~Cfi4 one-taU to t1fo-tM1'IIii or the coat of t:le land p1U8 _ or the cost of' the 1mþrov_nts could ::0_ 1Inder_~ ~II. Be would also like to sµgest th:1t iiCIIie cf" fJ4it1'latlon be _de to acquirins a, site for a c1t;; park in tbe BQ1r0c4 'l'ex:rac:e area. Thex-e 18·'á:potentlal or 500'" I in tMs area, and the vàcant linid is fa6t being ~ up. - -1- ,., .... ~ /llB)'Cl' Stokes Aid the CUy h81:1 Jl~d7 r"..,e1"e<: ~. r.edcr.ll gftnt tor purchase of' the Cit)' tali[ aitcl' ar.c' 1. c1!!'rently in the procesa of filing for a g:o:mt to help d~yelop them. The BIQ1food Terrace area ia being consi<1e.'Sd a1::-..ady tor a Clt7 perir site. The Recreation Director NS already picked oat two parcels ror tœ poaalbilit7 on one ot them bec~ a City park. The City Council U'i:loae17 _tch- 1JIS the 4eYe10.JIIIØlIt of' land 1n that aroa. IIQœ." 8tIo1ree C'~lMlrted that tbe1'e1a C\.n~t1J .po Ol*'l"! OIl the .... "1Iec1'eat1on~ it bit D ~_t- 1n _~in tlat èå~clt7. be tdDI14..Þ ImøIID hia r..11IIp to the C1t7 MDapr. , 2. lIP. IIalJlb ....lq, 21613 'l'erNce Drift, CUpØ't1DO, aaid that ~ behind tile 8IIeU ~ce .tat~n at aabb aaJlIoCle11aD Roads, there 18 a''jII.e8 of .....~L.., alao SODe4 C! ¡rc1al, on which 3U11ke4 CU'I, etc.,P'I ato~. CoImc. 171 peter aaked that the C1t7 ,",1II\S"1' check on thia 81ÞatioD. 3. 1Ir..J1II IIcCallUII, llr15 P1Mv1l1e, .14 tb9 DrœI and Baton Corpe. of' CUpertino .laa 3ust won the contest in Jf:;..ano UJd the r1aht to go back to II1chipn to co.pete 1n tha conteÎlt bac1l:there. Be aaked ror authorillBtion to In- dulge in a tImd-raising CBIIpIIlgn ror this purpose. Be ..s 1natructed to check with the City Mana&Br on this. V A. REI'OR'l' OF PIA.>œI1lJ CCMlISSIOlf (See II1mttes of Ma7 9, 1966) Chalnan H1rebon reported that the Planning CoaDiasion had a split vote on the question of' c_rclal zoning n. light induatrial zoning for Bonanza. The Planning Coaa1asion voted 5-0 against the requirement or a Var1aJ\Ce for thia pertlcu1ar application; bovotver, based on the ll-year-old version of County Ord1nance NSl200 under whicb the City currently operates. Cheinan H1rabon reported the Bedf'ord sign variance ..a denied WIBD1_17 on the basia that the Planning eoa.1esion did not reel there ... autr1cient hardship UJd there are alternativee. 1. BORAHZA: Report on Proper Zon1n8 UJd variance Procedure. CoUDC. P1tzgera14 abstained rrc. thia Bearing. 1I'r. II1clael G. a-teld, Att0rDe7 ror Iforth Ika .., Corporation, preaented tbe rendel"1J1S i)r the propoaed cQIIPlex UJd reviewed the proeY10U8 proceed1ngll. He Aid he brought along . lumber JU'd executive to explain the criteria of' a lumber JU'd, if tbB Councll cared to beer hill. '!bt I'1ann1ns Director presented a written report to the City CÐuncll. It... his oplnion that thia would be conaidered a c_.-cial use PI'Ovid1JlS deUveriea ara .-de tbrc:Iucb the super aubt t7P8 0i8rBtion UJd no tnJe of' proce"1rIg takes place on the ...-leee (no ..w). '!'be Plann1II8 eo-l..ion 8Q8 this does not nH4 a Ya.r1aDce. '!'be City Council could 1JIpose conditiona on lID appro_l. Ifove\l b7 C~. De..-ter, eeconded b7 Counc. Johnson, to cloae the .t'lablic JIeuo1Dsa. ØIS: aUa AlllJfADllDI Coånc. Dellpeter, Johnllon. "1. Stokee IfoDe Counc. 1'1 tzprald Motion carried, "-0 -2- CoU!1e. k_¡J8ter aaJred tile P1am1ng Director it be ~veðtlgatf!d what tJpe ot _1. otber cities røqu1re tor tb1B t;rpe of operation. !be J>1r.ecwr .-1d be !lad, but .that tbere is ¡." consis1:ency. He 1~, howe"er, the)' .ere DOt tOUJld ~,n C-l areas. Counc. Jomaon aØÞd ,U tbe applicant Iia1d be.would put a roof' on tile 1II11"H17' or.:l.... JUd. Cba1Jiman B1rB1IQft ea1d the aPPl1ces d1d ~-'''''''4I_t4t th1a at 8117 tllllè. . - - .,;-.:~.- .~ . . ~. ~::- ~ .__ ! .~ 1: - ,- .. .' ~ . .,' -. .~ 'r a' .'·~~a;:t"7::.&=;~~...~ú-_t::tt:: . ~ not do tb1a d- the èIJpèrtiÌIo ~t1òD~ ,¿ :::~,,::-!.m-;;J :.': :;~.-:.J: js Ja?,~...·r..',; '):"~ ., ~ ...~. _ .:"': ;'t.~..,... þ.. - ""...,.. r,~ t......-t..... parIc1ns >'1 $7 ~..: "lot' ../ t1 .-.. .·~r . ûÌl" in 0It' ..' u.t they . ~ vrtm:. - 9 .. M =: - I_.U.~ . ~. It .. tile op1n1on ot . .' .. ... the __~. _ ....,¡.. ~.I~ JiIr4 operat1oD. . .. ~.. .... rr'~? " ·CouDc. Jft~ ":.A~ lIÎI~f .u. øbetantl8l uptCt ot the l\IID- ber to the total: .. .... operat1on. 'l'heC1t7 Attorney &Bid that 3U1 llateo ""'....,~ tJda tne ot situaUon bT 8plitting . up the d1rt~ .,..... à.'Y1n8 a portion ill C-1, another is M-l, aaII a> OD. ~... _r been done in CUpá"tlno. howner. Counc. lfoel uked U tb1II would be l1il1ilar to Vb1te Front in San JOM and &.....,...1.. Be... told the)' are in C-2-H and . C-3-R areas. Moved t:y Counc. 3ohneon, secODded by lllayor Stokes, that the a,¡ild1I:g Fendt be dea1ed 1naa.¡cb as the application should be concemeð with u~ Indulltrial Zoning rather than with ColllDerdal Zoning. A~: HAYS: ABSTAIJŒD: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes Mone Counc. P1tzgerald Mot10n carried. '_0 '1't1e C1~y Attorney adñaed the applicant should now be sent beck to '.:he D..\Nc:~ of' Plaming tor guidance all to the possibU:'ty of requellt1ng a rezoning. Moved t:y Counc. IIoel. seconded bJ' Counc. Johnaon, to _ive the t'1l1r.g fee, ahould the applicant decide to apply tor rezonir.g . Counc. DelllpBter, Johr.son, Moel, Stokes IIone Counc. Pi tzgerald JIotlon carried, l:-o B. RJ[I'OM OJ' '1'IIB AJICRU"_'IVM!. AJII) SITE APPROVAL C<JOaTTEE (See tunutea ot *7.11, 1966) A~: HAYS : ABSTADlED: Ma70r S~lres &aj.d that in the MlJU1tes of May lO, 1966. under NEIl J: U:)a&S, there aI»u.ld oot have heen a IIIOtion to adJou.-n to another meeting becauae there _s no quo¡,m. The time and place ot the next _ting should br.ve been .erely sta~ed by the Seeretar;r. -3- Chau.J1 Pitch brietlT Nv1ewed the M1øJte8 ot: Mal' 11th with tblt CoaDcll, stat:iDg u.t he .. out ~ town on busines8 and could not attend eitber llØtiJIB. Be '*1', ~, discussed the _t1nge nth the 'ft<:a-Chau.D. . 111'. a:z-n Christ1a,?",eD. 801 ~rican S1;reet, Ben carlos, "~"L.tiJIB Coo. d:1I1Uon, l'8Y1ewed U» y-~ tor their requnt rol' aDeÀlÌClda1GGOD tbelr~_l."ar~_.a1. Be stated tJltt OVe!>'~ IiIft beeD splat 110 'daM·.fOJ' street 1111- P"VU ~, etc. !bit t1IIaDcSal picture bUCI"~ nd1cal17 1n·*1Ut3:~rdliJ'$.9iltPl_'1IMÞ 0_ _"'''' 18 now uiliable- to ~1': 't:~ ~~ èélllaL' -. tr' ';'.' ;. .. < . .' 'oJ! ro..........- ~ .,.r·: _ - ¡t . ..', :.,i·, c... ".; . ._ ,_.. "* r^n_.~w .... Jiuil_t at tIda...uaë· to protest ,. o: ::,"J;bD'.: [' Tt~~ .' ;.'η ~ I. II)! "'~ .....~ L.~ . F... ..'..n . -ìíii.. a_a .~~~st Road "" . .' ~~~.: fit! - 'J/lØl.L."r Road , . .~283'0 ~.JIDIId, . . , B1UaIIètÞ. .....,~!_2Ii!Ii321 Cupertino ~ . . Mé9iIIl"II"'à.. a.se,lOO9llllUc.~ Road, CUpertino L~ .,L.~~, 22213 Cb1*'t~ ~ tIIr. Qabatz d1s~'a .." ud or1eated the Council with the proPØ1't7 in qltest1oD. ... _14 11; 18.8U1"I"OUIIIIed ~ R-l. The 3I.u....,.1.. 110M ... ~ a VBr1ance. ØxwII 1Ji that a~ range ~$20,OQO 1;0-$60,000. 'ftw7 do not'Teu.b a 2-story apart....-ãt houSe 1Ji tllet aNa, blocking of'~ their vi". " Mr. Pbœeggie øald he has been in, objecting 1;0 thia applica- tion siDee its inception, on the ÞaIIis that 1t Is a traffic øaret)' haZArd. 'l'tI1s 1s a runl at.ospber-a here. Be also feels the ;arlc1ng would be 1ftBdequate for the proposed 22 units. No vislter parking 111 allowed for, ud If children will be l1vlng 1n the apart..nta, there is no pro"lsion ror a play- ground , Mr. Bade ..s concerned about the fire hazard, with no p=vl- sian fcr f1re control for such a long, narrow piece or property. Mrs. Bø:erly øaid the actual size or the lot does not a~e with t~t indlcated on the plana. Actuall)', the property is 39' wlde with bu1.ld1ngB propoaed to be l8' w1de b7 1100' long. That 1I111 allow lO' on one side and 11' on the other. There are 11'Z ~~:-::. and 2/3 acre lota next door. She urged the Clf;r Coun<:ll to guard their high standard or li"ing In that area. Mr. Esterly øaid the)' would like tr- see the appl1c.mt's plans. Be as concemed about: the sloping lot, besides its narrowneRs Mr. I)1L¡; t~ls this would be building a back7Brd tenement. Chai.-::. Pitch øaid this apPlicatiòn _ets all the requlreme"t;¡, as rar as the Architectural and Site Control ls concemed. There ~ 80M diaadvantages. although t:. people who are trying to de"elop·th1a are working with a YBr.r difficult piece or property, and thG BOn!ng has been granta4. The City Attomey sald the zoning has been granted here. If the eneœion is denied, they will haYB to SO back to H-Contro1 Mr. ,.ubatz anted 1;0 take IBBue on seYBral points. Be asited it' the plans ror thoe buildings are the _ .. pre"iouslY approved. Ir so, there are se"eral sub-standard parking spaces. And, according to the new Ord1nance, there are on17 enough park1nß spaces f'or 171 units rather than 22. And this 2--story, long building, or buildlnsa, '.flll dOlllinate the "1_ coapletely. -11- 1Irt. Oautwltl _nted to ..Ie tbe bu11.U;.g con!:x-actor ;,r.at tr.ey are goins to do aboo1: 1:he.Jope.. Mayor Stokes áald Cupertino Jaa II R1l1s14e 0rd1nInCe to wb1eh this IIWIt conform. Counc. Dellpster relt tMJI dUcuaslon was beyond the scope of the requeat b7 the .ppU~ All these arguments were raiBed at the time or 1"ezcm1Dg; a1]:,~be applicant wanba at this t1me 1s an extension' o~ 'MJI .JI.'CO ..4.....1; approval'. . _. J ·Counc. JobWon:telUSbIiI:-¥;,b& sure the apØll~t 18 con- fOl'lll1n8 With the OfI'...., !I¡ i.e.. size aDd JUllbe1" 'òf 'PU'fdJI8 spaces.' :r'~'--:E'> ,':":ÒL',. . '!be CII1et' ~nl'li. ~,....to1" 881d thi"'¡,~PBrt7 '... &&......ed . 8:-.3 -'.1ßde1o tile 014 ....,~c, 1IbicJïalloØll1.¡ ~ ,~ / ;~'¡;:~èeaJl8l':""! IC.... eo' .~ ?~v.e'~~ 2,-~ .¡laCes ,. .,.,~-._ _.I·j~·1IId.t. .f.:.-, ""1~f~'~;' :3 ;.:. ..;':~.;' . '.!. ... .' -,·CÖuae. J'ltzpftiH .ä4'_~'~ ~èw or the ~tB ot the case, be teels it ehould BID back to.JI..CoDtrol ror 6bother ~ew. !'he Cit7 At~'ea14 U,tJdJl'Js denied they must start all o"er &pin, lØIder,tIIe _ OI'd1DanCe. The applicant· R11f the -~t'bood conditions are basically the _ aa they .ere a 7f1IØ' ago.. There is _ple park1nC spnce arid thel'ft 111 even ZOóoII tor 80lIl8 curb parking. There are tire plugs 1ndicAted on the plana; landscaping plana are IItill the same as when the applicat10n was previoualy approved. The reaSOI".8 for the delay in building are that the originsl contrector died, and now the financing has become very diffi- cult and the Savings . Loan f'irm to which he applied and rece:'v=d a verbal cOCll!littment cennot honor this committment. Mr. Gaubatz said the builder died over a year ago. He ques- tioned Oook & Wilson's 1nte~ona on thls, since taxes ~¿ve not J:<een pa1d for two years. It is on record that the builder referred to this as a slum area. Coun~, Johnson felt this was a case of poor zoni~. The builder has had adequate time to come 1n and build thiS pro- perty. We now have the opportunity to better the City. He woul:! like to send this beck to the Planning CODlDlsl!lion as well as to the H-Control. Cour.~. DeII/pIIter d1sað£_ed. Elttentions like this have been grar.:~ :!!IU17 times before. The zoning is not in question at this :1...; only the H-Control approval. Cour.o. Johnson said this one-year t1me limit was set up for so,"" reason. Co~. Fltzgel'ald said this doesn't look any better to him now than it d1d a year'ago, when he voted aga....:1st it~ May~r Stokes pointed out that th1s does not meet the pres en. Zonlr", ordinance. Move-.:! by Counc. n....pe1:er. seconded by Counc. P1tzgersld, to grant the H-Control ext",ntion for 185-HC-65. AYES: Counc. o..pøter HAYS: Counc. P1tBgenld, Johnson, Mod, Stokes IIotton d1ed, 4-1 -5- ",,> 1Ir. CbId_lck. of AutÓ1"IIi*, .. asked about lam_caping p1æUI nJr hi. -propeÍ't)'. ..-a ~be carll would block IUV· 1andsca¢!'Ig Ú¡) by tbe bìdl41Dg.· ..... dedicated am 1iDJII'Ove4 h1a portion of' Stevena creek ~'fd., ~ bee pIIid for street trees. . .. ·ìtiftd ~ eouncò. JoI·....m,,:;·..~.. ~oIId by. ~unc.~, to accept tiíit 'Areh1tec~""1IDIiF ~.I-rv11J1Ø1. tea ot __ 10 . 11, 1966, with tlíe'1f . '_JlJ "~«··185·æ-65. . '..~ ;.~./~.~~,~:cr~_J:....;-I·:,~j30þqr:or'ì ~.....atoIce. 'tIiiB: -.wc .'. 'Wa'f'ii..,\fi'-:i"eií.· 5-0 . :'. -,:' '.~~:".'¥i! 11 ·...·~1 ~!G8·,~~~c·, -,.' . . ,._~:~r ,'~ ¿~ '.it', ,i; ~. . . ,", ". ': ;:;;trt¡';iJ1 . .' .~ êA1lPliéå"~~.:.tOl~'C' . to lu" r~ tile ,. 8!p¡ SIIort Sw ; MchWood . _. . l' . ,:t~¥ ~.. . .' . ~hdld 1!l PJ_1.. n . 'b'o "'. '.. 1óii. .¡~ ., \ 25. 1_. ~U -..olut1on - - WI). 1 '.-·'Ilfrr".-' ... Peter ~. 1831'!BIft'1aon Street, 0.1<1."", ftY1..ed bis Naeoll8 for .PP"""....~·~.app11cat1oD. He·I&14 ~t would c.~,t $28l11 to IIOve tbe aSp out in tront. Be has $1200 .Jmre.ted in the .!CD'." . "-I, aD! 1t caJmOt: be - trom StèYena Creek Bl'fd. B!8'reqart Is to ra1se the stgn t1ve feet to save the$28l4. 1:t.. not bis intention to v2.olate the Sign Ord1nimce; he asIA. n ~ that what he .s pitting up would be classified as a roor Idgn. A letter troll Mrs. R. ø. Borgman, 10295 V1ckSburg Drive, CUpert1llo, objecting to UIe Bedrord Sign Variance _s read by the City Clerk. Section 1t.08lI or the S1Sn Ordinance says a ground sign cannot be closer than five reet to another s~ructure. CoIIpliance would require this to be In "iolation of the Ordinance. Counc. Johnson asked If the carnation building caused this problem. The Chief aailding 1:Dllpector said the Sign Ordinance i8 currently being rev2.sed, but with the revision, the applicanG still would not contOl'lll. . Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. P1tzgerald, to close the PUblic Bea1'1ng. AYES: C'Junc. DelØpllter. P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes HAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 Moved b7 Counc. Noel, see .......... by Counc. Johnaon. to deny the Bedrord aP9l1ca~ion f'or . Variance; Council ßesolution No. l301. AYES: Counc. Dempster. fttzgerald, Johnson, Noel. Stokes HAYS: None Mot;1on carried, 5-0 vn: ORDINAMCBS ANI> ~ A. ORDIIlAJ£BW. 33'11 0e'der1ng S-cop Signs to be placed at the intersections or ~~_ Bella Drive and Terrace Dr1ve, L1Dda V1sta· DrS._ an4 .-. Teresa Drive( x.. P11100- Drive and Santa Teresa ~wè. (Second Reading, -6- .... '~IIoYc4b7 00ubC'. »-....tIe!P, aeccnded 1» Counc. bI, to have 0rd1MDce.. 337 t!M4 _ title 0n1J. ~.~ :::C. DøIIIe~~. _ft~rald, JOhnSOz:t, 1ioel, Stc;kes __ _ __ JIbt:Sea,OU'r1ed, 5-0 "r'",:,' ..J8,:::,~. I ..- - >" '~""-_;C1i.) m.vk 1D'I..ì>~ 1Io~ 331;:bJ' £lec ... Rer'111g. . ;':':1.~e~~~r~~~~~~ by ~._~;:,¡~ ~ct -~Ì ~ ,~.i ca.ae:ft L .l...~. .J~ilq~~,,'~~;.-~ ~~I __ . _~"1-" r.3.f~· - ,.'.~ ,,~I~,,-,,_- _,1~, 5-G ....'.-: :. .... . !' r .. ~ : , " ": .,......,r~ . 7" '. . roo: ~ Ii.~ 'W!ieolut1on.o. ~~~Ii 1305 !,-.......''::;-.: . '. ,. '.: RHolution 110. l3O'1 _ read b7 Treallurer Dt._~Lft". - .'.ft4 by Comic. lIoel, .IICM!ded 11)' CounC. Joballon. to e40pt Resolution 1fo. l3oll. 1m: Counc. DøllpBter, P1tzgerald, JohnSOn. JIoel, stokell WAYS: 1I<.!\e Motion carried, 5-0 Resolut1~!! 110. 1305 _ read b7 Treasurer [_peter. Moved by Counc. Johnaon, seconded by Counc. P1tzgereld, to adopt Resolution No. 1305. A~: Ccunc. Dempster. Pitzgereld. Johr-son, Noel, Stokes WAYS: None Mo~ carried, 5-0 17 RBPORT 01' OF!!ICBRS A. RBPtZl' OF CITY 'l'IŒASURER He had nothing further to report, B. REPORT OF CITY JIUAOER l. Tbe Agreements tn"e been received f'rO. the Landscape Architect-a aod are being reviewed by the City J.ttorney, woo will gi"e a report at the next Councll meeting. These are in rrv"lS to Wilson, Portal and Centrel Park;>. 2. TIle State Cu..n,..tional Authority has lltatd that thetr wor!'load and schedule are such that it would be im- possible to fit tbe City Ball rost1'Ulll into their pr:¡- gram. '!'he arcb1tect has received it quotation rrom the seneral con~tor, who will rurn1sb tb18 Item f'or '121.-60. . . IIoYed b7 Couuc. J)e peter, seconded bJ' Cc:IuP'. Boel, thc.t tile City -_.... be authorized to go.' r" with plan Cor the rostrœo. AtBS: Counc. J! ~ter, Pitzgereld. .Johnson, JllDel, Stok~s IIA'IS: IIone Mot1øft carried, 5-0 -7- 3. . '!be City ""..~..h...1 r U.1; the <;0101'8 ta_ alreadY œp.!,! aent 1ft tor t:bi!t C1t1Coarl1Cœmber c~. II. COunc. J'oJIIjcm iltlNtd· _tile œ4 rece1Y&'1 a ì.t~er from the cuvert1no ~..... JII8b' School Pl'A ~ ,etating that tbe7 are ....'''27-. .-ed in having the ycbiDol purchase n::_ Staw ~ at Bernardo and Ba. I" If~. 'ftd.1I letter,~."" _·tlle· City ~.""" -- ad- ; /,; ~ ".0: " ~.to. f~~;~ ~~. ~~ e. .~ fW m"*-.- i .':'r- .w-. ~·j;'·"'·i." ~)~. . ~..... tr ~ 40· 1'1-......, :, .. ^.' , , '. ' . _ r~. _ '."',,_ "" A l~ïIII5". .. ,... . ao. B. C. ~;- AA18t&nt ~l': ......~. ...~=~".:.,¿J;r ~1cID tI>. . _;;"'co~ oS. portion .ot SteftM cr...... !lie asre_nt MIl bMD cbec:Jœð by tbeCif1,A:lfØJ7" ,. :' ., ' ".' ., MDftð by ØòUiic. ,ftl "J. ..lei, aec,onded 117.co.øc. Boel, to adopt Reaolut1oa~. 1303. "Am:Counc. ..- _ t.tr, ftt.ge~ld, Johnaon.· JIoe1, Stokes RAYS: IIone IlDUCIID'carr1ed, 5-0 2~ ~r Stoke. aa1d 1Ir. .J~ is preparing a County-Wide report to tile for Jlederal funds. He asked tbe Council it cupertino aboa14 œ included in this. The City Manager said he had t..l1<""'" nUl the Director in charge of this pbalie ot gave". ta1 loans and participating grants. We would have to ~t ØID" .-ater plan up-to-date betore we can submit an a~cation. We should fill out the applica·, tion and see ..10 18 aft11able. Counc. P1tzgerald eaid these projects baTe to ha"e a relation to unemployment. MB70r Stokes 1IOIÙd like the staff to check on this im- medl8te17 and me:.ce app1ication. 3. Wolte Road side.alka set back 15' from the curb line. The question _ IIp wbether the sidewalk should be dedi- cated to the Clt7 or be a private sidewalk. "'7t)r Stokes asked whose resp0081blllty It would be if tbe s1dewalks ha"e to be torn up sinCe they would be directly over the public utilities ..·.unts. The Director of Public Worics said the ~bl1c lOtll1ties would be required to repair thel'! to the condltiòn they were In previously. The City AttOl'neT feJ.t tbe time to accept the sidewall,s wol11d be at P1Da1 llap tble. The fomal acceptance snould be on the P1na1 ...p and lie bonded. MB70r Stokes .~ JJøII _ can lIBke BU2'e thiS priftte side- walk is constructed to City s~dards. The Cit7 Attorney said to alee 110 a cond1t10n of the P1na1 Map or _ke a !lpec181 Re80lU~1oD.. Moved b7 Counc. 17 "..t.er. seconded. b7 Counc. P1tagerald, that the Director or l'ubl1c Works be directed to .akc th1s a part of the ~"_ "'p and give instructions that the sidewalks _tbe bú1.J.t to Ci~ etandards and orrered tGr dedication. CouDc. n..pc~r øaidtþe Council would 41SCWJB the acceptance or 411d1cation at P1nal Map tl_. AYBSI Cow1c. D _ Ler, ft'~zgerald, Johnson, JIoel, Stok"s RAYS I IIone JIot;1oP ;:uorled, 5-0 -8- ;: .- 'V; D. JŒII()a'l' OP CIft' v--. ·"-KIt .. -' ~ 1. S1ala 1ÞÞ. MIIth aIde or BoaIelteed RoIð a.t Yallenleaf lane . Upon nco ''; "'"tion of' the CitY' Eng1nee~, 1.t was ØlQved b7 Counc. Der¡;pII~. _DIed b7 Cowu:. Noel, to adopt Resolution l3Q2, accept1DC ~-J' dedication trotI S1a1a Landll, Ltd. Jolløeoø, JIoel, Stokes A1IS: ~~:r"~jtðr,,71ts~ aD: ... ,.J'1c.......;¡ , . .' .aøÞ earned, 5-0 ~ JIMWU' 01' ~,~' ø. bad ...~.w"E;.Ú~; to report. 1'. ...4~ ~~~.r~~œ ø. bad not:h111g flllKber to report. o. mœoRT OlP t'-~--9JOB UJ,ftB,-K3 Absent, due t:o. ",,'n--Te. H. =nad' 01' pr.a';';'._i mØm:'l'OR 1. McClellan Roed Report. ]I::> interchange U plalU1ed as yet for McCl.ellan or Stell~ ~s. The p1--'111g COlIIDission hes ~s1Zed the need ~cr on and of'r ramps at McClellan. The County does not soo" this on theu _p, but everybod3' a~s Bollinger !load should'be &1t1;ended to Stelling Road. Parking lanes L-ñ sidewalks ~d be unnecesaary along the College site ~ause adequate parking lots will be w1.th1.n U~ college grounds. McCleJ.1an should be 60', with four IIOVing lanes. ~e Director or Public Works added that; 110_ method shoul<! ~ found to c......Æct Foothill Blvd. with !Jubb Road. It was also no~ that the radius of' the corner at the w~ery should be __ed. XeYed by CoUDC. Decpater, seconded b7 Counc. P1tzgerald, ~t the City C001JI<'1.l recommend the above I'lan, which haa œen recODleDlSed 117 the Planning CoaBisslon and the staff. AYES: Counc. D peter, Fitzgerald, JohnSOn, Reel, Stokes MYS: None lIo'tion carried, 5-0 2. Service SQ~lon on McClellan on Count7 property. JII70r Stokes _ at the Board of Superv1.aors' meeting w~en this was disc..-.",. It was postponed until the roadwo\Y is worked out. ~L' Stokes feels that the Plzum1ng Director s~ be I1t the next ....ting when this is 00 the agenda. ~ved b7 Counc. P11:zgerald, seconded b7 CoUDC. Noel, \'0 authoriZe tile Planning Director to go to this meeting. a.tlon carri~, 5-0 -9- . 3. Sip QrcI1DanCe 'PÌe pr.~f\g c<.1aaion has eleet6d t.o revietl t!1e 9igÞ OrdlMnCe u soon as the7 have completed ..~~ Underpound Utilities OrdinanCe. II.. 'I'r\1ek 'b'anic Pe'=1t~on f . .1Iq_ _ CØ1:nc..,DøllPlter, _niled b7 Counc. ~l. . to h(' crt". rePort 'boll the C1ct7 ...-pr on tb18 aø1 pat it on tile apoia tor t.IIIi:MXt¡oeplar .eet1ng. .' ..... '~" '. .- IIot1OD~~~ 5-0 5. ....., - rIIøod UIII 1Uk V- r ~'I':' ';t" ~. t4! ~ ":: . ~ _.. 1 ".' '1 !be ~~Dmlo..~ _~t<ed . _11 ~t.._ be nIiL'k,f t< ' tIÌf _,dÎ', or'·~~ ... ........ . .' x U"-I.·-"· r--- ~ - . '1'be D1NCtor ot I'Ubl1c Vorlla ulred 1t there waulcI· be ~ Council 6"'" _B LtAtlon .... the tNtt1e _tt.as CIa ~ 26th in regard to tile IIcClellan Roe4 proPCI_l. Counc. ~l oUered to reJll'ØHllt tile CoU1icil .t tld.s _tt.as. XI REV JlJSIJIB!t!'I '1'bere we JIOD8. XII ADJuu_ Mo"ed b7 COunc. Dempster, seconded b7 Counc. "1, to adjourn the _t1ng at 10:35 P... APmuv&ì1 Is/ Ga~:.okes ATr&7J.·: ~_/ /.. --'" /' ~- "'.:..:~ ,,-.-:-&..- J:¡j' on City Clerk -lO-