CC 05-03-66
U!32l South Saratoga-SwIlI1_1e Road
CwpetIt,1no, Cal1t'ornia, 95014
phone: 252-11505
. . .
~ OP TIIB AJ»wlWUiu RIIJDLAB.......&'~ 0' 'ŒB'C1'I'r """".ü., TOGEl'HER
1IDII·,ftB PAR!S AID ~ cumL.~ AJI)._. T...~P.! AlteJU<!1!IC1'S
ftPIBI 8:00 P.II., _ 3, 1966
t:.!f"''1'_';- ~~"'..~.."..,-~'-'r,. ~~. . ..'
ftMar, 1Iaud__; ~-~I ~tØ#1c... lQ3Òlftsta Dr1,,~.
--:'~, c ',CllpertiDo. cau~·· .",.... '....
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8AlmB '!O '1'RB ft.i8
Counc. preøentl De.lpBter, fttSprald, Johnson. JIoel. Stokes
Counc. abMnt: an.
~ .. '."
1::" q I
J'.. .
l'arka . Ree. C-. sa~.l..!t.: tooII1s, Sedlak. Vilson
Architects pre_t;:
Mr. lU.bera, or lU.bera aDd Sue
~. Beck, or Royston. ""....-to,
1Ir. ltaauo Adey," ""
Mayes /I: Bee!<
" " "
Stat'C present: City Ranager, Phil Storll
City At1;orney, Sa. Itnderson
City Clerk, Ita)' lladc!on
Rec~tion Director, John p.;.,rha..
Recording Sec"tary, Lois Inwards
Rayor Stokes was not1fied that Mr. Linn, or.e cf the Parks and
Recrea:10n COIDiSsionBra, hes been tranare~j o:.:t of the
Moved by Counc. JIoel, seeoDded b7 Counc. Fitzgerald, to adept
the Resolution to accept the resignation of Mr. L1nn.
AYES: Counc. De.peter, P1tagereld, Johnson, Reel, Stokes
HAts: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Santa Clara County Library eo-1ssioner Hoyt's tenll ends on
June 30th.
Moved by Counc. Datapllter, seconded 117 Counc. P1tzgerald, to
reappoint Mr. Hoyt 1;0 the Library eo-1ssion.
Motion carried, 5-0
1Ir. Bctck's riN baa been selected ror the Wilson and Central
Parka cievalOplllBnt. Mr. lU.bera's f11'lÌa has been selected for
. the 1\:)rtal Park d."elo.-ent.
Mr. Beck sa14 b1a r1.nlls located In ~ .Pmncûco. Hie !"eSUJIe
wall presented llœetüe ago to the City. The 1181 they start a
park project U ~ .tql'lallate I program !11th tbe Recreation
Director, 011:7 'CGancU 'and Rec:reation eo.lssion. Thc7 then
dnnr up a dlasz-~1c plan which t!lkes the el_ta of the parle
111_- .....,.-IIlMee. t;þsa. on the o"erall plan. '!'hey go into
1'1rItte detáU ~ t:be.~, shrubs, eu., óD~blfr!Jal plan.
- ~ tá1<e the ~U~~ Þ1an ~irøt ..~ ..peat 1~ .. the· budpt .
.~._~ ~.~~......:ehø._~_~ 10 accordeJlce witll t;be calUol'DSa
,. .-:.. ~. ~¡"'~.:Wé SòJo-'D1..It· tIIt¡tMÐ~"" dte\;
. _ =1eft101*1'''·a.a u ~ be'''''';·U·-u.,*,~ a pol'-
, UaD, the p&U_ - ., ...~. '!tie -11er the ,jOb tile ht.,....
; the pu....atap.. :t~ 18 _ a ~1"1. 8cale.
~ ,.::¡ .:-~~:- r.:..~ ~':'"~;. .
~, ___ .~. _ aft .."_1 1IU'k dt:ea. u., e'_ R
..- ~ '-.r1løta 8& u. _ t18e, due tile --..... a'-the
""_~', ~r~' ~~ ,tile ree.~ ~ bo. Id4JIn' U clone 1IIIU.YS4-
IIQor Stolrell a..... wit;h respect to the cen1:N1 1IU'k. since -
Will probøb17 lie _b1e to ðewe10p the en1:1re·tJdaCat _
t18e but ~ lib a ...ter plan tor the wbo1e th1Dg; boll 1.
the lee adjuatecJ '1'01" t;bü type of situat;1011? 111'. IIIIck said
35If COYVII the ~ pleD; -,,~ is for t;he worlc1JlS drawi..;
2CØ'18 for the supery18ion of construction. As an _ple,
U the Central l'L-fr de"elo¡:aent c:oøt $lIOO.OOOi the ...ter pleD
is 3~ of ~ or the total cost, or $9,000 01" .10.000. Baaed
on the mster plan. they would do a c:ost breakdown. Broken
down into $lOO.OOO lÐcà6w,nts, the fee would be higtler. For
the work1ng drawtns f'ee, the total fee would be 7.31> or 7.,»
less~. Conatnxtlon and auperv18ion tee is about 51'. It
c:oees out a little higher when done partl8lly rather than the
whole thing at once.
Mayor Stokes askecS about _etinga with the staff, City Council,
and/or Parka and Jhereation CommiSsion. Mr. Back said aaeetings
would normally take place for the fonaulation of prograaa1ng,
after the f1røt ac'-tic, the master plan, am the working
dNwln!B. lllach of' the8e sbou!d come bef'ore the Recreation
Coaaission and the C1t:r Council. Typical17. there should be
f'our meetings with _ch group. They will probably halie _ny
.-ore I18etings witlt the Recreation Director. In the1r office.
Mr. Beck would be Cupertino's c:onta"t man. Mr. ltasuo Adey
would be s~ond in c: 914. There will be no change in
Counc. ")01 asl-ed bolt long their firm has ])&en topther. Mr.
Beck said the f'il'll __ established in 191'5 (Beck, Race am
Vill1amø). 'l'he7 are al80 Involved in teaching at cal. Mr.
Beck displayed three large posters of the type of _rIe they d'.).
The City lllnager ..aeð what the fee would be it' the planting
cost, say, $30,000 II1II1 it' the City Council elected to do tM
central P!rk 1ft roar-....... Mr. Beck said the _ter plan fee
of' 2.5IC of total _h'w:tion cost ($200.000), then the ,"orlelng
draWings or CQD8tracUon drIaw1ngB would then be 7'1> leas 351'.
'l'tI11111Ould end'~ 1p t:be neighborhood or'~ ôf' tile conat~ction
cost or $:!C.).OOO: Pblalf'ee i. baaed on aot1a1 o_truction
c,<.>IIts. ~y will be ¡a14·1n 1ncretlents. WIleD tbe 1IO~
drawings are in the7 W1ll be working with actual coats.
Jfo~lly, there 1a a 10J' le~.
The City Attomey uked Ib'. Beck 11' they fUrnlsh eng.~nee:'~.n;;
services as an 1n~ part of ¡:1ftrks, such as streets, se.."rs,
so11 tests, etc. 1Ir. Beck said they do; they øubcontract this
and it is inclUlicd .. pert or the costs. The City Attorney
asked lr the City ~ do the engineering, woul.d th1s ref'lec~
In the contract fee. . 1Ir. Beck said they would then delete the
engineering c0et:8 Ira. t;be1.r scope of wo1' drmdJ!S8. He
does not rec· ....:.t:JdØ. ~"er. Mr. Beck does not see "here
. : tbII7 would be 1mO=..'Ja _. b subcontl'foct work. ~ would
.~ 11118 a-ct, ___ f'or sewer work, lIDS .. conaultant
. 1IOt1lð check tbftr .
- .' .;~. 'Ç1t7 &tto~ ~pk,V"·V tbII7 WNI local buaSDeM or it' they
-.. 8IØ.oUta14e, ~:... ....~ SO oat to bid. Bq do not
",:;.: 00 117 bq~..n thMI to CIIa-n"l. a-ver,
...... !'or .~ Ansa Cò1'J6i~.-£ ~ . JaW'1IIJI"Ohued ~ .... CbeIIe plants
wUl be &I'OII1rIK'~ ~ bel'ol"e tbe7 aft p1ated. In
order to do tbia. tIIII:F~ ~ 1.. ..... to haft aut'1'1"lent quantity
or plants 1n'101'f184 to - .-nt doing th18.
~ C1ty Atto1'lle7 ·u1œd 11' the;, have _ standard rol'la for a
contract. Ml'. Beck eaJ4 ~br' either WIll one s1a1lar to the AIA
ODe or h1s ott1.ce can dnnr ui. .,ne.
IIQol' Stokes sald tile Ciq council is considering planting of
the trees throughout tile entire central park site as soon as
;¡ossible. Ml'. &ck _i.d that onclI the proper grading is done
th1s 1IO:11d be riDe. '!'be I'ooner the trees are In the ground
the better.
Counc. F1t"gera1d aaked it' the total bid prir.e would include
the sh..-"bs. Ml'. Beck _i:1 that it would.
The Recreation Director asked if the proposed S':I".lcr.ure on the
Central Park site would be subcontracted. Mr. Sec:': said tl:e;r
probably would ~ta1n the arct~tect previously "sed for ~~11d-
inza in parks so the cOl::Plete picture 1s preser.':ed to t!~e Cl ty.
It could be dor~ with a separate architect, or ~he City cocld
select one troa a group suggested by Mr. Beck's ~irm. Mr.
Geor:;e Matsumotu Is their suggestion for architect f'or this
The Recreation Diree-.or said there is a lot 0:' Pederal psrtl-
c1pation with open s¡ace these @ys. Could it be the normnl
recponsi~ility of' the landacape architect to research this
possibility tor CUpert1no? Kr. Beck said it could; however,
the open space P4 ....._ 18 geared for large parka rather
slll111 ones. The terIðe~7 is to give assistance "here it would
serve a regional concern. Perhaps the Central Park would be
Ml'. Ribera said h1a t'1%'D operates along the salDe general l1"es
aa Mr. Beck's. 'l'be7 1'0110w very much the same practice as ;:;,;,
t'cnomer speaker and UIeJ.r _thod. or "orklng through _~ter plan,
working drawinsa. Re., Is essentially the AIDe. They are ,1:>1:-..:
work for a ftUllber ot BaIIt Bay cities and tor Sun."1J'V8le. Aroui;
7~ to ~ or "h81.r worIr iø in parks. Their fee schedu:e is
based on the Call1'GI'Id.& State Archit~cts Pee Schedule.
1IrB. Wilson Ba1d 1~ 18 cI1acoureging to hear i;hat there is no
money coming ~'t;be l'ederal Govet'nlllBnt for _ll parks.
Counc. Dealpeter ....... u.e Recreatlor! Director about the first
Federal grant. 'Ibit·II!I.rec~or Aid they have .-de an amendment
to the original .....4...Ct. due to a park site change. and this
hes held it up s. -~t;; but the money is set ror this
In'. !'Libera Bald CUpertlno should apply for H.R.S,A. Fundt' Por
the sm11 parka f1ret and at least tr:¡ for it and get on th2
priority list. The Director quoted excerpts from the goverr.t1ent
~es and regulat1o..... Both types of app11cations requ1re site
p1.an8 .
CIaunC. Stokes s¡I8Sf"'~ .... City Council now give the Commission
..: 8O. direction lh::Vor .......,1De.. He f'eels the ('.ooO-1alll1on should
_ . Ia 81ven the autborJ.~ CO ..mtout the Probl_ ail'! details along
. -;.81t& the !1IJIer of·&Ðe Btatr.... u4 then present tbe. plana to the
Couneil. !'be r! -1""- or 1:bÞ,èomicll agreed 1f1tJ1 tJI1.
'. ~ 1I11l __ tbd UIIt -....10'1 1I11l wark dSreCt17 with
àieUcbitecta &DIÍ--eMb.~ 18 coIip].eteðtbe7 abouid
. . *"1.t it w1th tbe·o.. n.. Be~t1o~r:.. 1f1l~~_l
<; :.... caordtllator. ,~ _ - ·CO -.;. in 1I1Dd:. . e, y........ ism,
.- 8Dð prodtl1on or ---.:r riw ... th1ngB. can a ¡a1'k be develop-
ed With lOll aatDte.·...·__ 2ft 1dJId?
111'. Beck said you can d-.a1Ð1 to low maintenance. '!'be things
tiat coat a great dee1 in _inteœnce l're the s_l1 planting
becia. Keep s1Qlici~ in 1dJId; large sprinkler heeds; do the
Job right ln the firs; p1ace (soil additives or lIIporting soil).
111'. Ribera said the 1D1tl8l cost of s park can I80re than pay
or in maintenance in t!.oe long run. >/here you have a lot of
people present, the ~t_ce costs gG up. Mrs. Wilson said
~he eo-1Bsion has discussed but not decided c>n anything
specific as yet. The Director said they "',uld like to see
something ~or all age þrOUps, but minimize I;h. th1ngB for
el~ntary age groups because this would be '..,plication since
<;;he parks are adjacent ~ school playgroun.1¡¡
JtrB. Wils.:'n pointed O';t; <;;hat the cen: ~rs of u1age precluded use
or all the park lam 1r. so.e of the parks. S Ie feels the centel',ò
or 1nteres~ in t.he par1al ~nould be spread thrY ughout ';00 parl:s.
'lhe Recreation Director said a park-like settJ ng would t-e
preterable over the playground setting. Mrs. Loomis said they
should not duplicate <;;he ,;!'~ngs on the schoo~. grounds.
JI!rB. Wilson said too~ 18 a wonderful psrk in Ol>sdalaJara,
JleXico. with an 8IIph1~heater, fountain, :ages of IIOnke)'B aM
~s, and children's playground. These things were spread
1:hroughout the park. Rayor Stokes said he noticed the same
tb1ng in Mexico City. It... his feeling that th1ngll in the
¡arlcs should be designeo1 so they can be used. We ahould create
_thing that people 1I1.ll want to use. People go to parks for
~ different reasons. We ahould provide fa"ilit1ee which will
attract all age groups.
1Ir. Beck pointed out the ract that since they adjacent t.'
schools, there will be ~ f'_ling that tOO&e parka are an ex-
~ion of school grounda. Be feels they will have to try very
lard to create the f'ee~ that this is the park. Mrs. Loomis
f'.-ls land contou~ caD help this. Mr. Beck agreed, adding
tJ ~.t trees grow very well on JIOunð.s, too.
1Ir. Beck's Assistant ~ted the active areas be concentrated
80 those who do not w18b to ¡articipate will not be lnterrupteã.
~. Beck aaid typea ot aprbdrlers, trash containers, type" of
pasa seed, etc., ahoa1.d be coordinated for a.ll parka to lower
....s simplify the ~ inventory. .
'lbe City Mar.ager as.:ed "hat tile minimum, average am high
per....cre ccs~s would be. 1Ir. Beck said it should be one man
~ fi"e ac~s for maintenan<:e when estaHished. In the begin-
tng, the staff would be of' a consistent size. A rovlng mower
......"" also be taken into cona1.deratlon.
CIt-... Johnson said Su........le .pends $l/!,ooo year!J' ror taking
__ of' the c01llllllll1..,.. ceøter. Mr. Beck sa14 it shclUld run
$12.000 to $15,000. The 1.arger thE> park the lower the per-acre
-~. Be t1gured,j,t 1ÞI1d. ftID about $¡7,ooo f'or the. Central
, ''':'IIIdIr. 'ftIe Director -JJOte6 tIa~ 7o to ~ Is peracmnel; lo is
s ::.... _; the balaDn. i8 :1JwecUcíde, l'ert1l1zer, e1;c.' _
,- .
. -~.;. _'.1( BIlked 11' .......;.. 1Íe us~ p1Ut1c or .-tal
, "If .....,_ BJlS1:8. Mr. 8IIdr reo¡ oded pJ.uUc because It
" ~-'lcmger.
~. P1tzgerald asked 1'01' co_ents on the use of old loco-
~".., jet Planes. etc., 1D parka. Mr. Ribera ..14 th1B is
an rIght it' the right 1ta. 18 chosen, and 1s a'f811able.
2IJe Recreation Director asked ir there ill an extra ct.rge ror
creative-type th1ngø. Be orf'ered to help work out some ideas
a10ng this l1ne. Mr. Beck added that you can change the siZe
or the elements for th~ d1t'ferent age groups e1"recti vely.
Rr-. Sedlak asked i1" we shou~d consider that the neighbort.ovds
_to Shou:j we invite the neighbors to an area meeUng? He
was told t~~s was a óood ldea. Mrs. Acker said the JC's took
a s'.œvey s~wing de1"in1tel:1eas along this line. The JC survey
categorized the type or ~uipment needeð. but not theme develop-
?he Recreati,m Director noticed that when an area is marked
=~f as a base::all diaoorrl it lsn't used for anythi!".g else, even
W~.e!l left :;r.:;sed. Paople a-.-old using those areas for anythil13
o..t baseball.
C':J'U."1C. P1tzgerald asked hew tr.ey felt about a. pond. Mr. Beck
saj.:1 they have found _ter a very attractive sit:.:at10n. There
b a droppill6 water table Lox! the Sante Clara valley Water
cor-.aervatlcr. District w111 s".:pply water and malntain the area
at no charge. The _in problem with ponds or streams ls one of
=ntrol. There are a DU:!lber of methods 01" keeping children
=1: of the water. Kr. Ribe=a mentioned the spra7 peol. Johnson brought ~p
!1ow much they would cost.
~rom $1000 ';0 $50,000.
'l'he D1re<.'tor suggeste>d perhaps an Early Callfor.,1B ther:e,
not too dissimilar to De Anza College, for the Central Park.
t~e subject of founta1ns. He asked
Mr. R1bera sald they nm ar."wherc
~or Stokes summarized:
l. The Parks and RecreatIon Commlssion is short one member.
The City Council hea set the end 01" Mayas a deadline, and
.election ofOomll1ø.~oner will be made in June.
2. Perhaps there should be some discussion ot names f'or the
f'i ve parks betore the adjacent school' s name is too firmly
1IIIplanted in eV61')o....e'. !II1od. Should this be opened up to
~ city-wide contest? Entries should include the reasons
wl17 those namas "'BIP"'"ted should be u.ed. The eo-1ssion
should meet with the Council to select the names. Schools
.hould be notiried of' the contest, and we should enlist the
aid of the newspapezw. This will st1mulate interest in the
parks program.
3. :'he C1t;y "-vr hilI! done an excellent Job of acquiring
all the park rites without one condemnat10n.
The Director telt __ grou1¥1 rulea should be la1d down. Mayor
Stokes disagreed; reeling that some very good ideas Ojlght be
mia.ed. Perbllpa _ prel1m1DIU'Y idea. of' t-be developllent of
the ¡:ern could be "'-Yen. ho_ver. We could hold the contest
in about six Wllb¡ establish the cOl'ltract; establish the
parIœ progrldlf.;-"'",".·.b sc~t1cs. Contract:8 could probably
be reað7 for . -.-t City Council _tinS.
1CrII. V1lIon t.iaà 1:&' ., .!IoIIl4 be __ d1rectSCm before a con-
teat 18 beId .ro.- . "'''o,g or the IUD. tile- CitT IarJager
sugeated (or-"~ ~t: 'to the h1sb acJIoo1a. tI1U1 the Rec~t1on
Director ~to ea1;e&or1aB t.. entr1e8; then !Ia"e the
1'UIIa aÞd '00 ,..ton~" 1:'-...., 1.a8t1.v, the
Cit7 CouIICil' -_,oil t'-. 'ftJe.C1~'JIIInqn' f'elt t..
parIœ sbould be _ - "Ushed b7 _bar untl1 ROh tiM a. the7
are Slven _.
Moved by Counc. 3~, seconded b7 Counc. JIoel, to adjourn
the œeting at 9:50 P.M.
~,- <>?4-:.----..
City tIer\<: