CC 05-02-66
lO321 South saratoga-5u."!D1ft1e Read
C:lpertino, CBlirorn1a, 95011t
¢One: 252-1:505
lUJIIj'r1l& OP 'l'IIBJIIiiiLÅ!t ftISIStJJN OP '1'RB crrr (;uuICIL - *y 2, 1966
?lACB. Board RooIi; Cu¡liftit'1.iIÞ SC~"l District Office,
lO3Ql ftsta Drive, CUpertino, ~l1rorn1a .
8:00 P.II.
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smJ'1'I'!o _!llB'JJ;AG .
. n lIOU. CAU. .
Councillien·Jli:'eaent1 Dempater, Jlttzsera14. J'ohnBon, lIoel, Stoke.
Councilmen absent: None
::tat't' present: Clt7 Manager, I'b1l Stol'll
C1.ty Attornq, SUI Anderson
Director of Public Works. Prank Finney
City Engineer, Bob Shook
D11'ector of Planning, Adde Laurin
Cit7 Clerk, Ka7 Blddon
Chief 81llding Inspector, Bill Benevich
Recreation Director, John l'a:'hall
Assistant Planner, Jim JluZUIII
Recording Secretary, LoU Inwards
III MINUTES OP THE PREVIOUS JŒE'1'IJI)S - April 18 a. 19. 1966
Moved b7 Counc. lIoel, seconded b7 CounC. Fitzgerald. that the
Minutes of April l8th be approved.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved b7 Counc. JohnBO~I,.seconded by Counc. Moel, that the
Kinutes or April 19, l~, be approved.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Letter or April 19th fl'Oll Architect BleBsing. as::1ng for
one work1nS del' extension on the new City Hnll, due to
the rain on April llth.
So mo"ed b7 c-. Dempster, seconded b7 Counc. Fitzgerald.
Motion carried, 5-0
2. Letter or appeal fl'Oll Bedrord Aasociates, regarding the
denial b7 tile PlanII1ng eo..1ssion tor a variance to tt.e
Sip 0I'd1DØce.
'!'be J')......~ D1nctor stated that. although this appears on
thi.·..... ·.1.t _t be advertised so it ,,111 Co.B up at the
next.~ ~11 _tillS. .
Moved b7 Counc. Dempster, seconded by Coune. J'ot'JI80n, tha"
the Bedford AaBoc1ates 'Var1ance appeal be placed on the
May 16th agenda.
Motion carried. 5-0
Moved b7 Counc. JohnSon, seconded ~ Counc. ])empster, that the
IIr1tten- Co ...1cationa be recüYe4 aDS rUed.
. IIDtlon C&1'I'I18ð. 5-0
ORAL OCL ..(i.:A'l'IoRs:
l. 1itII. Carol1Jle Jagiello, 221108 BI1\1SU'61 'Court, cu¡;.&"t!Dc>.
ataW that ahe attended the 'batac AÞ18017 Com1ttee
-t!J18 at Ian Jose C1~ Ba1~ nø V I .~ the .people
in tile auft_ &0 to tile CU . inODlreetor of' I'Ubl1c Vorlra
ariJ/or '"1~ -..,""81' and uk to ... tile ~ 'r1'att1c
pattem ror the De ADD OJUep ana. ..,.. Coun~ and the
C1~.ot'Ian_Joae are bolð1nC -all nS71", in thet area in
abepnce untU after the _ ,26th -.t1nC.
The Director of Plabl1c Worlal aa14 he, _t with tœ Traf'tic
AdY1sol7 c-1ttee, but it did not he". a quo~ and ... held
over'lIDtil 2130 P.II. on May 26th. Subject to be discuaHdI
The Propoaed V1den1ng or McClellan Road around DeAnza College.
V A. RBPORT 01' PLAlRIlIJ coøaSSIOII (See MinUt-es of April 25, 1966:
CIaU-n B1r8hon recapped the Bedford appl1cation for a
VariBnce; the Merry Tilles Da7 au-aery Use P\!rII1t: and the
Vallco Village rmpping Center Tentative Map: dl of which can
be round in the Planning Coamission Minutes.
ChBl.-n Hirøhon said the Bonanza appl1caticn was continued
tor further study, as _s the Undergro...nd Utilities Ordinance.
Upon reco_ndation b7 the Planning Director, it was decided
the Planning eo-J.sB1on would rec.-nd to the County tlat the)'
deny the granting of C-l zoning on the east aide ot Stelling
Road between Hazelbrook and Greenleaf Drive.
As to the Vallco Village Shopping Center, the Plan.'rtng C~is-
sion rec_nded 5'sidewalk, the location to be approved b7
the City Council atter recoaMndationø b7 the lsndscape archi-
1. BEDJIQIID ASSOCIATES, Inc.: Application for a Variance to
increase the height or a B1gn; Short Stop Market: Richwood
Drive and last Batates. Denied by Planning Coaa1Bsion
Resolution Ro. 343. /¡/25!66.
'!bis ita. _. po.tponed until the next regalar IIBeting.
(see IUøates of April 26, 1966) ,
Chai_ JI1tch rec_nded the IUøate. be approved aa they
stand. In adlßt:lon, he stated that Mr. Chaban is resigning
r- t;he,co..itt... because he baa _vecS·ou; or,CUpertino. Be
baa otten4 to ~ on until a rePlac.-n1; '1..._4e. Mayor
Stoke. sai4 that the Ord1nance sap Mi'., ~:J""n 1s requ~ to
lea". tM c-tttee ònce he haa lert thê Clt7.
Chai~ Fitch a180 wanted to coarent on application 224-HC.f6.
lie sa1d the cbu'cb 18 meetl:¡g aU the raqu1reœnt:;;,
he asked it' the \:i1:7 Council could establish acme minimum
stardards tor the Co8a!ttee to use as guidelines in the future.
'rile City .......&..~ 8a1d that it it 18 not in 'keeping with the .
other Cllpart;1no it.ahøu1d not recei"e the CoaIDittee's
ree ..dat1oa. 011181; becauae 1tl8. c!Im'o!a does not give them
artI special -JI'!'d1IIps. .' ,....
. J.' ,'; ..1 . '. -., -- "; ¡", .'
110m b7 CouDc. fttqeral4, aeeœJè¡.s."',CÔI:Iú"1, tJat the
Arch1tectuftl aøI Site ControllUD1tØ öt"A .. ~th be approved.
... ("" ".... . ,'; .. ". - ," -.: <'.~ . "
AUh ~.. - _ ler, P1~. ~~~I~' Stokes
a!Sa ...... "i~~;. . .. ,. "':;. ',~
IIotiOD caft'Se4, ,504:
~.. OIIDJIR: 1Ioft4 _Ooqaø. Pita&tftl1l", lI8OCIn4ed by CouDc. lIoel.
to accept Mr. ~1_"'sres1gnat.1on no. t~ Architectural and
SUe Control c-1ttee.
AYBS: Counc. o-pater, Pitagerald, Jo~n. Noel, Stokes
WAYS: !lone
Motion carried, 5-0
I'!oved by Counc. Pitzgerald, seconded b7 Counc, Noel, to ap-
prove the B-Control Minutes or April 29th.
AYES: Counc. Dnlpster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, St"kes
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
A. F=:rlTION for the Footbridge in the Phar Lap Drive, Mann
Dri ve area.
The City Manager said investigation showed the dedications are
valid. In the petition for the bridge, there were 52 valid
signatures. In the poot.1tion against the bridge, there were 18
valid II1gnaturee. Six Ba7 they do not need the bridge. There
were several people who signed both the petitions for and against
the bridge. And BOIROne t;ot carried away and signed severe 1
names. In the County, there were 110 who 8igned the petition
for the footbricSse.
The City Manager then explalneo;.! how he had researched thls
project, reading cQllllUnications between the then Superinterñent
of Schools PnmIc Penley and the then Ma70r Laza!1eo, back in
1961, wherein tbe school dlstrict assumed responsibility for
acceas across the creek. There were se.veral subsequent CCr.l-
IIIUn1cations between the City staff and the School Dlstrict,
relocating the eaeement further south. to be used at such time
as the School DiIItrict finds tha need ia there.
The City "'-rr learned, in discussions with Dr. Knight, that
the school bull would probably be diBcontlnued. Be added that
this ..tter 1fOUld have to be taJo:en up 'iii the 'City,Council at
budget time.
Mr. Varner. Wlløoa. .l0237. CrestQn, CUpert~. Kid the present
easement tor t!Ie. ~g\!l termnates aD hi.. lot ~5. The chIldren
would theD godowDbis c:lri~ 1:9 thec1'984. Be..e aware of
this eesemenJ; 1IbeD, he purchased bis holM" ~ ror: ia in favor of
the bridge. Be reels the bri~' II1ght sa"e the School District
$5000 or $6000. PH' :rear to ata11; eQd.lIOreL!.ter on. It will alac
gift access to t;be a1ty parle to tho peOple acraBB the creek and
w111 enable the children on both s1.1.s or the creek to play
ii J.~;,.
, .,.
" ,) .
t:"-:b~/< .
,~. .,.,..,' ,<,!
; of,
1'11'. Bobert IDbsn, l()l!50 Pha!' tap DrlvfO, agreed with I'!r. Wilson.
Be edded that 1;be children on their side ot the !,reE.i< have tv.)
W87 1:0 parl:ici¡a1:e 11> the after-school NCrea1:ion at Ste;rcns
Creek School. Be toOk IIOIIe pictures of I;he brS4ge at Vest
vallQ'Sehool and spoke with 5 or the 6 people who live on t~
_ ,t ôr tbe1fest _12.,. School bridge aad._ øne bad det1nit
ol.;ject1aIIIÍ'4 ít;' 'ftëYproef'erth1a to haY1rlg Uie cb1ldren bu8se
1Ibar or .,' '~.c...í1fll "IíBd "-11' aecessw .1:211 ereek collpletel1
cut oft "7 u.1Ir1dp. 111'. 1.0-" Aid __ d JINHDt. there
'tr 8 ~~al ¡~t. có~ into hill netr~1"bood at d1rrerent
" .C.::. .;.,.¡~Jl .ç e'''"''';;"\'P '. .. -, .
.. . .- ", .. . . ~ ~ . )
~ ~: L t_, . Y.Þca CCUI't, ... in tawr of tiMt bridge f'or
'," £:!f~'."'''1S11"tbII!D~......:-to.-n em Ste_
~a.:"t~~~.~~' there 1dD_lea chance or
1Ír. ~.. fIidtdIa,'10l61·II!àr.LapDri.... c:u,erU~. c!lal-
l__ t1iè ~ii df'222 a18Mtùre8 on tœ -pet;1tion f'or the
brldp. Ibrta1 SeJloft'1 baa BD enroll.ent: of' 6òo students. and
the _ .., ~ oftr there to observe, he IIIt1I about 20 parti-
cipate tlrtbit ânèr-achool activities. With the br1d&e. the
children will !lave w be driven to and f1"OlD achool on raln7
da7B. Be also toudIe4 uPon the probl_ which the Wilson
School rootbr14se aree baa been uperiencing lately.
Mrs. !tal')' Castig11a. lOl6l Ptar Lap Drive, CUpsrtino, said she,
too, las looked at the West valley Bridge and f'ound the adJa-
cent lc.t:! are cOIF.Iletely fenced. The children here would go
across the bridge and could then play in the cre<.Oc.
Upon %":!qUest b7 Counc. JIoel, a show of hems indicated there
were ¡S for and 12 aga1n8t the footbridge.
Moved ~ Counc. Deulpater, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to
close the Public Bearing.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Pitzgerald, Johnson, Ibel. Stokes
NAYS: Hone
Mot10n carrled, 5-0
The Director of PUblic Works IIIIde the folloWing report on the
School walkway and mr._nt:
The requested walkWay tra1ferses the S-ceyenø Creek and would
~~ire a bridge structure acceptable to the Santa Clara
County Plood Control District. This matter wns discussed
with 1Cr. Llo1d Jlbltler and Mr. Gene Sullivan both of the
District. A bridtte spanning sixty-five (65S feet with
necesBBry aaf'et7 reatures would cost a minimum of $10,000.
If a tuture relocation of this bridge became necessary
because or channel straightening, or other flood control
works, the Dietri"t would do this at their own expense.
All necessary easements are of record for _lkWays leadi:l[;
to and rro. the bridge. There are, however, several large
trees tMt will Mye to be cleaI'ed, SOlDe minor grading to
be done, paving to be installed, and a fence constructed
along one side.
A briaf s~ of costs would be as follows:
¡aI Br1dp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,000
b Onu!1DB aD! cl_r1ng. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,000
c 190 x 'lO'-,l900 sq.rt. o.f paving 8 ./¡o/sq.rt. 760
d 190' of 6" fence" $2/rt. . . . . . . . . .. 360
" Sub-total. . .'12,120
+lOl' ~_r1ng . incident&ls. . . . . . .. 1,212
.~ . "'13 j~
. ~_ T ,
Ia. An A.C. dri"Ø117 ~.t..:ên~ e1rtends f~ the .-therly end
of Greston Dri1'è to, tIIe· angle beD4 at wb1ch the '
..._t tlU'nS ~'.. the creelr~ ~ 11111 have to
be replaced with -¥.ì~ aftJ.e.. an A.C. ~ is ac-
>~è .. ceptable to the'l "'::t~' "'Wict. '..' ..
,;. j ~,.^.J- i1.:i"J;,¡r 1 .c.-" , ..
":;,~ ',~ coß (l!,~~~·~j. ~~).'~~~~,~ ~~,~
.~"'~-.fIIS;~t ......1......·. J' -....... and the
~~.." I&W, -... ..... 1 II-,q-orter
. tsoD ham 0.",' 1 .- - -- ~ - -1101__.
f~"",): , .
., .....,..,;;ft' ,.', .._,-~:q_:~' at_
....;" .~ UD. -!lie ' ::~~,.,tt.9 ,..4.
~i .\~I..,,~ c-tz aDI~ t __1IIdð - I¿ ill 0CIñ.
~ ;:~'i'f~ :'~ ~1 .....r,;,;.,,;:~: ft- ,~~:.
,·f>ø.' . ,!'91~;.·"."~1a:- .1 .;.~~
CouJIc. nl ¡¡Iter hela u.,ánf eo..lI - .. -- tIda ..UII
the School Dlatr1ct. Ir" iu sa d'...,U·· I J. all .... of'
school cb1ldl'en 1f111 _¡ . .' øned to alJr Co --"-1.
Cou:IIc. .Johnaon aaJrec! 11' U sa 1ID_1ble ror tile SoIIDol Diatrict
to 187 ~ or the eoet or ..... ~. as- ... do DOt 0IIII
any p:ooperty on ettber aSAle or the bridp. .. -..s th1a on
a recen~ appU.-tion by the ft .nt khool DIaU'let. 'ftIe Clt:r
Attom~:; !<a1d school pol187 c_. rro. the State. Thi. .a .
achool %,,:=,,:t1on, not a e1t;l tuncUon.
Mayor S~it~. sa1d he a .pecial trip to looIr at the s1te
downstn:u. After loolr1n& at that brid8e, it occurred to hl.
that we ~1l1 be r.ce4 with .-1n~e _ta _ _11 a. the
init1al :oat. There sa a ....1'4_ cQftlÜt1_ tœre which needs
atten~·,:::. He 1. alao eo I..hat cooceftMld With the ..e_Tlt
whlch .:a:ea theae ch11~ on Crøaton Dri..... where there al'<>
no a1de1Oalks.
Counc. ¡;;'el co_nted tlat 1t would be a 1011(; ay for SOllie of
the school children to alJr.
Mayor ~ol<es f'elt tt-.t. 1t_ ahould be poat1lDned IU'Itil budget
t~. ("ounc. DnlpateJ' r.ela the CowIell ahould _t with the
&11001 ~strict to i~18ate this. CowIe. ntapftld would
also 111<e _ troll ~ County to be ¡WI. ..t. at thJ.a _tine.
The CU7 Manager.. 1nat~ted to set up this Joint 118et1n¡:.
Counc, ::'empater ~.ted this _ttel' be p¡t 0_1' to the second
C~\h,,=l: oeeUng in June and set up the joint -tinS SOlllet1llle
before :he rirøt Counel1 _ting in .June.
Moved ~, COlU'lc. Dewpøtel', seconded by Counc. JIoel. to continue
thls eatter to J~ne 20th.
AYES: Counc. DewpøteJ'. Pitagel'81d, Johnaon, IIoel. Stol:es
HAYS: !fane
Rot1on carried, 5-0
Mayor Stokes called ror a recess at 9:00 P.M. lleeting recon-
vene(¡ at 9:l5 P.M.
.... 6~-L.
B. IŒRRY TIMBS œy IIJRSBRY: Appl1cation "-u-€6 for a Use
l'enI1t tor a Chile! ca. Center, l03l2 BlaDey Avenue.
Approved by ".....,WIg Comm18810n Reaolut10n No. )lIo, '!/1lj66.
Rt!queat1n& a Pabl1c JiN1'1ng on appl1.-t1on 4-u-66 before
firal 1'81_ or liiio". Use Perllit.
1Ir. Vta\ln)l11a. ~""IG~ the appl1callt. said the Planning
~..ion SmpoIle4 certa1n ccbi1tior.s an4, amen4IIents to the
eond1t1ona to tœ.v.&.: ~~. 'n!ey Ia"e no cQIIPlaintB against
t:beIIe condJ.tlGN1., '!bit: .JIPlJ.c~t =~ls It. would be 1deal f'or
tbe nursery school J;o;~.~p.ed !leXt door .to a X-6 school.
lIo~hers or schoo1~ Cb1141'\U1 cOllld droP the1l oft at tl:e
:'1!L4...17011 tbII12'Wr_JIG1.1tp.aDtl the c!l1ldren co.ald go to
.. . IIChool troll tbe1"e. After ecbDol, tbe7 could returft to the
~ .-1ótI. 1tí~,~. :t~¡t¡þe~~1'8,.to p1ck t.'WII up.
'bJC~ _.:::Jt1lllJ1¥be 4i;J~'eI) aWI:re' J1Øt aU
. .-JIl-;J., , "~"" ~~~'Ì!¡lC~,~~ children.
.. ~·'\W1!l4~~..J~,a~,the
, ~,I&::-~." '>:'
Mf.~~~:~¡~i:- 8tate.
'. . ' . . ,~ of ¡tJìIi .... ct10DlJ
'~..; '~.'~-; oOlldU1CIIIII , " .' . '~1rilîbPé 1ioørobl" wœn tbq
I'Ll .~I! ",......~~1. , ' ...,
~.", f ,r, .. ~.'" ,... '.' ,,.
._, . . . ."~ .,..s "
.... ."'Decbr.;'U3I1'~Blane7, ~d he bU three _Jor
obJectlol111 to tb18 VIle 1'8ndtl .
~x~ ',".
, "
, : . ,.~
1,. Introduoing a e ,,' rc1al enterprise to en R-l area b7 Use
2., 'ltds ~d Iaft a d1.rect 1.mpact on the adjacent property
? . He feels it ilJ a grosB violation to the øo.e Occupation
Ord1ne.nce. Be also objected to the long te1'll or the UBe
Pend. t.
1Ir. Decker feels the old home will probably be converted be)'ond
t..e1nt; suitable to revert back to R-l (doors will open out in-
R.-d of m; escape barB inBtead of door knobs, extra toilets,
etc.) He .~BO reels the Council w1ll be pressured to rezone
other holies f')r r"..thing other than residences, once the
precedent 1s set. If' the City has a need for da;r care nurser1es
he feels the Jack-O-Lin structure 1s more what the Cit;r shaul:.!
!aYe. It 1s desi~ for this p.¡rpoBC.
'1:...... are two properties directly adjacent to this older holM.
C... belongs to a service man who ls t_porarily I1vinS out of
CCMD. but planB to _ back to this ho_ when he retires. ø..
... wr1tten a letter obJecting to this Use Permit.
1Ir. Decker sa10 he ws surprised that this was a Use Perasit
ap:llication rather ~tan a rezoning, which requires two Public
1Iøu'1nga. It will localize traffic. He p.¡t a _p or the areft
on the bulletin board and pointed out the difficulties wh1ch
sould result in the trarf1c pattern proposed. He felt there
as an 1n8urfic:iont DWlber or parking spaces, "-¡en you allow
2 or 3 for employees.
1Ir. Decker Mid 3C1T pupils cross in front ot' the ingress to
this property. Only 2. ~~ of the portal School i"amilies have
pre--school children and working mothers. He said the School
District was not ~ of this proposed use of the property.
~ Fire Marshall's ornee has no record of' coaamlcation w1th
the spplicant, either. Mr. Decker';. neigh,)()rhood is generally
aaainøt the of this Uue Permit for an older residence
to be used as a ch11d da7 care center, he said.
1Ir. RobeJ't "pple~.. 19990' Pear Tree Lane, said he lives next
door and obJ¡¡cts. to th1B uae because of' the potential no1Be.
You are bound to laY. conalderable noise with 25-30 children
together, and th1a -wcs artect the uae of his patio and would
.ake his dog ner'ftIIWI. He 1a aga1n8tspo.t zoning.
, ;:~ .,. ':\~..:
1Ir. Robert Jacob80n, 10311 Xor';h Blaney, CUpertl'lO, submitted
the let~l' trolD the military IIIIn who 1s objecting to this Use
JIoYed b7 Counc. ~ter, seconded b7 Counc. Fitzgerøld, to
dose the fIIb11c Bear1nga.
A'i'lSI Counc. Detlpeter, JP1tsprald, Johnson, 1foel, Stokes
JatSI an.
IIot1oD ~ed. ,5-0
__~, ~~.aa.2A. tNLOmaUcatg:. ~INñewed...b7 the
1'J6id" ðÑoooot~'WbØWiiI""'I' . ot;tII6t ~ and
:l.t aee1W11 ,11IR .. .øcb .ÍIOCJ.Ø as other IPI",ca1:1ona, 'as re-
fIIIINII"'.. :It.. ...~ and poIIted'p the Courier
....u._ lID U't1ele on It. Be H1d he dQ4l8i.·ìlÞtbeUfte tIiei'et
Sa UIJ ~ tar .. .1'IaÞUc Jfear1nP. ADdtM.. were no
~ta at the tùe ottW"~. øe-'tfDbØ.* people bad
111- the pta_. ~..,..... thB benefit of' all the tactll
1Irausbt out ton1stJt. "
Aa to the 1nterence ot creeping c_rcial1.. under the guise
ot a Use PeNit, on!)' a _11 locate1' sign ~ be used and
tro. the outaide 70U wou.1dn't be able to tell that th15 was
other than an B-1 reaid_e. A de"elo~nt plan ... to be one
condlt1oa ot the Vile Penit. Since there "II no re:toning, this
could not be a case or s'pot aoning. The Planning CoaIIII1ssion
attached 21 conditions to the Use Permit.
\:ounc. JIoeI said he was present at the Planning COlllllission
_etins and cont1nted th;.t there were no object10ns at this
Counc. DeIopeter said the Planning CoaIIIIission kn OWII what is
good and what is bad for a given area w1thout being influenced
b7 people 1n the audience, so he does not feel that argument
is relevant.
A .how of h&ndll indicated tt:ere were 17 aga1nøt and 2 in favor
of this Use Pel'll1t at this Council meeting.
Counc. Dulpster does not feel w!: should allow c.-rcial use
in R-I "'-as. He doell not red it is fair to the people who
haYe tx.e. there. Unlesll we .~hange the mode of the area, we
should not allow this use, he said.
Counc. Johnson said this is a p~u1iar piece of property be-
cause this is a school ~ it ...111 be next door to another
school. Counc. Dempster dId not agree with this thinking.
It would be setting a precedent. He felt this shoulc! not be
claasIfied a. a IIchool. but as a business.
JIoved b7 Counc. Dempater, seconded by Counc. FHzgerald, that
this application be denied.
Counc. !'1tzprald ob~ected to thfo parking layout. He likened
it to that of the post of'f'ice. He was also objecting to too
traff'ic congeatlon, since he f'elt e"er.rb0d7 would be plcking
up their children at approxI_tely the 88_ time. He has
observed th1a at the da7 =røery behind the bank.
Mayor Stokes agreed that there would be traffic dift1culties.
However, he does reel thill ia a school rather than a business.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Pitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAYS' None
Motion carried, 5-0
~ ,., '"<." .,...~'.'~ ~...-
~'t":. .:....~l!Ion aa1.d
·t:!.ons by _bera ot
property. He asked
Planning Commission
be .....t.eã a~1n"t ",t b",cQUS" of' th.. .,t>jec-
the audi.."ce who lore neighbors tC' this
that the people volce their op1n1ons ¿>.\; the
1evcl whenever possible. Coune. ~el agreed.
1Ir. 'ut8UJlOll117B asked __I: recourse they now have ~1nCe the deal
18 closed because tbeJ' ... d they had thetio Use Pendt. He
,', I, .¡y'~: told ,the ...tteJ;' ~:~~..,....
~.~~.;;<. -., . .
-,:.~.~'.~.~ AJII) _~~I~~--'
. ..~..Jrj;îi':-'~i7 A~.; ~~~:~e -!'o~ 331'¡"- ~ p_..t'1g.
,~.r3' 7¿..-.,,-~..~~':_·:· -. .: ... ¿5 ::--. ".' ". ;
~:.:~.~;~. BILIß ~- :~ ¡~~.!:: 4.
."! ';<': ~.. -A¥' Reaolutlona Bo. .~ l1li4 1299.
. . -- ,. -
, "
i'. 0 .
'!'réÞurer Dellpater r.-t Jteaolùt1on Mo. l298.
IIO'ved b)' Counc. JIoe1, secooded bJ' Counc. Pitzgerald, to adopt
Buolution Mo. l298.
AYBSs Counc. Detçster, P1tzgerald, JohnSon, Noel, :'3tokes
HA78: Noœ
RGt~on carried, 5-0
Treasure:- Dempeter reed P.ebOlution Mo. 1m.
Moved t;; Cou."lC. lloe1, seconded bJ' Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt
Resolutic:1 No. 1299.
A~: Cc,"r:c. Delll¡)8ter, ntzgerald. Johnson, Moel. Stokes
NAYS: ¡¡eme
Mo-:lcn carried, 5-0
He ! nothing turtber to report.
B. REPORT OP CITY ......·nm
1. ABAG has aekeð tor a representative from Cupertino.
Moved by Counc. ])eapater. seconded by Counc. l:Oel, to !1pP"ir,t
Iio1yor Stokes as our ABI.G representative.
Counc. DetII>S~r, Fitzgerald, Jotnson. Noel
Mayor StokeS
Motion carried. ~-O
Moved by Counc. r>ø, seconded bJ' Counc. Noel, to appoint
Counc:. Fitzgerald _ ABAG alternate representative.
Counc. D, Johnson, Moel, Stokes
Counc. fttzgerald
Mot1on can-led, ~-o
2. 'D:e City Manager 1"e~ted a League of CalU'orn1a Cities
cooamication re1at1ng to the money San Franc1sco re-
tused to take _ ot their street preble.. It is the
fee11ng of the r-.,- that cities, perticu].ar:J.y i',' the
nort.~rn pIU"t or tile State, should go to their Con-
5I~sSIlell abo1$ u.s. ~. It should be pointed out
that the City ...,,- ·U, tbe.De Anza College, au! -n7
people are 1Dt-.............. ,.in the Stevens Cre,ek m'ld exten-
sion (St_- 1")..-. .. '. .
c 8ô'mftd 117 cøaøc '" ~ _ -.,. i ._CODISed 117 Counc. ~.
..:. ' R' ,c_:c¡ur1ed, 5-0
.,,,~,, _,>r t "3. 1IIMd Cl-.aaPC .,¥ J?l&1f:IJIÞ8IBJ.' aslœ4 the..City eouncil
tor authority to -",de - Or4úíance1b. 53.
. ..... ;.:.-,";" .'..::"::3 Go_ ',1 ',. .
·1"'ed 117 C-. 'ÐIoop.u1k -. tJ D1II1'1<t bJ' Counc.fttzpn14, ror
_ Ç11:7 JaM8Ø' to' ..,..:1\:..- ~'·on th1a ~"'&'-...
Counc. Fitzgerald as!œ4 ...t the penalty 18. Thé City Manager
ea1d it IlK la a lieD _ t;be property and, necesaar117, it
becOlleS IIOre expensive ,.. the' City has to go in and clean up
an area and bill the .......; ~7 cnmer than if the property owner
does it h1aself.
AYES: COIl.'1c. Dempster, P1t;qerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
JP.YS: None
Ib~ carried, 5-0
IJ. T!>e City Manager called attention to the copy of a
Cc=,.mity TV ordJnanCe, which waa distributed to the
C::-1.:.r.c1lmen for review.
5. ""e City Manager re=1nded the Councilmen or tr.e joint
=ee~ing with the ~s and Recreation Como1ssion and
the landscape arcr.1tects the following evening, 8 P.M.,
i:,: ~he Board Boos.
1. The Director dU~!:Nted pictures showin¡¡; tr.e progress
of the new City Ball.
2. r.-.e Director 1'e<'_ ended adoption ot the "-Died
Resolution of' In'teDtion w;len presented by the attorney
for the District. 'ft11s was in regard to It.. 9 of
his written repcrt of' Apr1l 29th.
3. The Director 1fOQ14 like to have :Item ll, McClellan Road
froI!I Stelling ~r17, sent to the Planning ~ssion
for discuasioD.
So moved, by Counc. r _ Ler, seconded by Counc. Noel.
~1oD carried, 5-0
4. The Tentative ..p .w.itted by valloo Park w111 be
discussed under JII!II BUSINESS.
D. ~_d OF CI'fY- ....---"
1. ?:1st Oftlce, -u. 81ðe ot Stevens Creek Blvd, across
~ Saich Vet.
Upon re-::-ddatl~ ot'""tõbe C1~ BDg1neer, 1t was !IO"ed b7
~~ ~~~r:I!~-"'~~:~IIo~~,~~~":~~ty
1:be1aprove.ent boDII8 ~ .... be retired.
A1BiI. ecanc: ~~ 'RUØØ8ld. Jom.on. Hoel, .ftokea
" aYSI , t' :
;,. -- = , ~..- 1_. c:aI'1'1ed, 5-0
i>tt;,¡,¡--.., : ',2. 1IeD17:~~~~t~~- <~:creat Drift. ~h.ot T.~"'" YlIIta.
.~.~ :.=-=~~ ..~:'~U~~~g.~=åe~]~· :~~e
1;beC1~ ~tdO' _ UIe cIeftloper aøllda_~~:;;
"'0"9''0" uat the. 1 _ __ I; 1Iond8 ~ _ be ret1red.
1I:ÌØ: O::omc. ~.ft~ld, JoIøoa, Jbei, Stok..
aY.': ~
;. '.
~JoD carried, 5-0
~ Vleck Bea1~. aortbfest comer of Sftratop-SIlnIVVale
:bad and 1C11'IÍ1D laDe.
Upon ~: """",ndation or UIe C1ty Enginee::-, it was .eyed b7
Counc. :-=..;>6ter, SKo-"-' b7 Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolu-
tion Iè. :m IIccept1nS ...~ drain eaBeIII8nt troll Richard C.
Davies, ~~. 81.
AYES: ___". Dem?Bter. ?:.-;z~erel1. Jo':n8on, Moel, Stokes
!lAYS: S;""
!'lotion carried, 5-0
,I' ;-::.ens Creej( B1~. :>edlcatlon.
Upon re-::anendation oJ: ";he City Engineer. it was moved b7
CO"ßc. :'!!'!:çster, sec:~ 1:7 Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt
Resolu:~:" So. 1300. accept~ ded1caUon from Louis L.
Clauai~ ~~ IIose A. C1a_1U8.
AYES: :.:'=.c. DeIIpster, 1'1 tqereld, Johnson, Moel, Stokes
)lAYS: S;=
IIDt10n earried, 5-0
E. REro~ 01> CITY AIl---.&
1. ~ City Atto~ .-_8ented Mayor Stokes with the
~r.t Deed for the 188t of the City parks.
2. ~ City Attv&~ broUght up the question of whether
::"Je City CaUDell _}d like to grant to the Planning
:~ssion aøI .... J)1rector or Planning the authority
:-= deal,direct17 II1th the r.ounty on items of' co.->r
~:ere8t .
.....-.a.a OBÐBR: ""?!Ii b7 Counc.) ....ur. seconded b7 Counc. JOÎ1Nlon. to
grant a::~r1ty to the p1_ng CoDlDlssion to reply directly to
tb'.- Coun~ :>r to 8117 other entity, when a request is l18de fo,;' a
rec__~':ion in reprcI b) a certain problem; to grant to th"m
the 8utb::~t7 to also aaJr otber entities for recOlllll8ndationø on
problems ::~ cOlllDOn intereSt.
'fbe-re follc1led considerable discussion whether or not th1s 18
. ...t1ticetion b7 the Cit7 Council in advance. Counc. DemPf3ter
~nno way 18 giving tœ. thtø authority in hiB motion. All
j;be;y are 8a71ng 1B tbat the)' can expreSB the opinion of the
P1.ann1ng CœD1.s81on. ThieJT have this right to speak but they
are not s~ tor the C1t;7 Counc:1l.
IIQor Stokes tMII to 1JIJe- Permits. Be reels this Will
'~.H'" :,;-:.gv:~~~ =;;.~U~,~?~t~ the right Of~~ to and
~ð'.:W'C1-t1rA'~II1dIt-:CIW''8nt uae ~.Þ7 the
.~ c-t..1oD u..Id·__,1;Iiø'S'-te.~.~. U
j,~ .4.oD 18 ~ to ~ l ~tbe reelingll ot the ft·-illS
'''''~èÍD.·"t1JI''~Q~IIL. .~ "'U,,"'...1'oll 1...:.....1111
'Jí.M..Wd 111 each 01 . ..f IUOII' .'!1118 18 inm iIirttà be con-
.. '1Ibue4.. ·...I1IIW'eø·
CÕUDc. JoIøon ..keel .... t:IIe or1g1nal requeet .. ,.... the
"_1"" Co-1-a1on. . _'11;:" jI"..11 or IIUda1 erat;boritrl
. . .~ecn-. Fitzgerald c~ ~ teiI tlat all tha Count7 _ts 1.8 lID
. eiPreia10n ot ötltn10ñ .... OUI' ....._11\8 ~siOD.
~. R:lel a&ked wbat lalllJllD8 it' the CoUDCil diøegrees with
~ recc.mndat1ön òr tbe ...._111g eo.ission. 'l'he Clt7 At-
tol'Dq said the çouncll c:ou14 ".to it or _1nta1n sllence.
JIa~r Stokes suggested the ~t that any recollllllendatlons
that go out be reported to the Council by the Planning Director
and it would be taken up at tJaI; time.
Counc. De:opster said that just because the Council does not
say anythir.g about it does not mean they approve it. r.aybe
the)' don't care to Get invol"ed in it, either -y.
Chairman F.1rshon said the Planning CODlDisslon is not trying to
usurp any~ody's power; it is simply a matter of expediency.
Moved by C::mc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson:
a. The Planning CoIllll1Bsion tw.s the authority to respond to
any 1'eq'.1est t'rom any other political entity in regard to
a ce~ln problem.
b. The Planning Commission also has the authority to request
from any other political entity their opinion, for or
aga1nst. in regard to a problell.
c. The Hanning Director will include in his reiJOrt to the
Council a brief B7D0pBis o~ what the recommendations were
at the Planning CoaIIIission meetings.
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Vallco Park LID.
The City Attorney introduced Resolution. 925-1 by First Reading.
Moved by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, that
Resolution No. 925-l be adopted.
.AYES: Cou."1C. Dempster. P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
)fAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
~ City :.ttomey introduced Resolution 925-2 by P1rst Res.11ng.
Mo"ed ty Co>me. Demp8ter, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to nùopt
Besolution !ro. 925-2.
AYES: Counc. Dempster. fttzgerald. John80n, Noel, Stokes
8YS: Jbne
IÞUoD carried, 5-0
. :..'" -'.:' .
."1118 Cit7 AttoI'De)' 1ø...... - ...e.s JIeBo¡~OD 1Jo. 9'!5-3 ~ Plrat Reading
....nt~." Wf4cl ." QIabO"Q~ ~..e.. "" "" eo-.;S~.tbat
;,'!!::.:'~.~"'; ~-- :-. -, pt.... . .'-.
"-,~~G,[~ c.··:·~(í''"'!:.'''' ~1..:. 'r...... '.' . ..' t ..... ..
~..r"'~":::1 Cllltl.;1.1I ·£l~~·_í-.Jd, -IoiJD,.~. ~
....... 'to ......"... ";:1 '1' :,.;. ,. .'
.. . . :. ".t.. CU'I'1ed, !H)
..z _
, '
'" -. ¥' ... ~
IIANOU fI' ørn-- ~DIII1"I'
,- ,.
1. tile CII1.r:·_n411.. IJlllpector sa" a ÑPO~ OD pole
s1g:lll .. related 1;0 tho Boulevard Shopping Center.
He ...._teII a plot plan BhoW1ng the equare rootage
allowed _ch -_s estabUst Y't tile". 1JDder the
Or-"-......., ~ are allowed one shopping c_'~ pole
sign (which tbQ' ha"e on Ste"ena creek Bl Yd. ), but
each 1Ddiyj4ua1 buaineBs is also allowed a pole sign.
':'cunc. Dempsœr reels the Sign Ordinance should be
:'eviewed b7 the Planning Co~ssion.
Moved ~ Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. lloel. to send the
Sign Or:I1Dance to the Planning COIIIID1I1ø1on f'or revi_.
Motion carrled. 5-0
.', .
; "1
1. On Mey 7th, the Handicapped Children will make their
f'irst trip to the San Francisco Zoo.
2. In the middle of' JunE'. we are having a 3-day art camp
at Asilomar.
3. This SatU1'ðay. the first track and field meet at
CUpertino mgb, joined' by other Recreation Departments.
4. The Recreation Director said he gets a daily report
t'roII the park playgrounds and there is always good
participation. Sometimes the activities are held
indoors all well as outdoors, so it does not always
look Uke a bu8J' place.
5. On Mey Il1th. they are having a Senior Citizen trl? to
San Juan Bautista Mission and the wine tasting rooms.
1. Resolution)1/2 18 in regard to C-l extension, one l"t
to the north.
Moved by Counc. J)e.peter. seconded by CoUnc. Fitzgerald, to
endorse the raco h,1;J.on of the Planning Commission.
Motion carried, 5-0
, .
JIIr. .Da~d Franklin wOuld lUre to know 1f the Director of Public
Works œs a report on _Uthic s1dewalks for the Oak Knell
SUbdiviS10n. The mrector "id t:~ does not reo.-nd monolithic
,a1dewalÞ for this su1:ð191.8lon because it is standard City prac-
" r' ~'!:e to _ a 5' sid' I ì1t, 5' beck troaI tbe curb. 'l'hde stand-
, 1ØiØ taft been 10 'effect;' a~ as long .. tile C1tJ' IBs been 1n
.;, edaÞDee. . .. .J! 1 ... .
:"', ,-".> .
~~f;.!;t~~~ ::~~C:=~*:lror~ ~~r::;
'f"'" ... ~ o. ! Y1B1Gn dCHiil' tIð'Y . tb1" tbe Bl.lletde· (lldt... ..
,:-.:~",~~::,~,_~ ¡' .<,',~_ "n,,.. . :.
:;. ~~ :';~ ~ébu-. Dt......teÌ"tèl'i_·~1n this a..... 4WN:Cba'e Is
. 0, ~ _uthic ~~ 11r .areas, and 808lIl no side-
. '.1Iit1J!a at all, and. _ ftjft; ~lBt bouleYBrde .... not a1WQ8 given
~'*' bast of C81'e, '''''1* ~s reqœst could be~. MaYor
Stoke8 agreed. Be ·doeII· ~-reel' park1n8 Rripll look ft17 good.
. .. wande:'!! aboUt the eaf'tiC7 or this thing.bøweYer. ~ts 5'
ot grass 111 not necessaril,. too effeetive. counc. JI!oel is not
too la;ressed with tile ..,. a lot of boulevards are kept up so
he 18 1%1 favor of th1a request.
The D1~tor of Public WorkS said that tonight we had s request
tor a f::-otbridge which would empty all these school children
onto a s~reet wlth no sidewalks, and he is concerned. In
addit1:~, space is needed for the plscing or luminaires, fire
plugs, s::-e~t trees, opening of car doors, etc.
Counc. :e=';JEte:- asked the Director to check with Sunnyvale to
see wrAt .~blems they are exper1en:ing with their monol1thic
Coun~. ::r.nson asked what the real advantages are in other
than ¡-~::!.:; areas. JIIr. Pnmkl1n said it gives a long expanse
of lar.:, ':'he street trees can be pu~ 1nside the lawn. Mono-
lithic sidewalks give a more suburban feeling; it is aesthetio-
ally !:C~ pleasing; the property cwner w1ll do a better
_inte:-Ar.ce job. Be asked for an opln10n tonight so they .....Y
procee<! with their work.
COun:. Dec';Ster said this is an opportunity for Cupert1no to
explcre the pros and cons of monolithic sidewalks.
Moved !:T Counc. DeIIpster, seconded by Counc. Moel, that the
PrankH::-Ball request be granted.
Mayor S:cices said the curbs would te poured sepsrately.
Eltpansion should be set up between curb and sidewalks.
JIIr. Pra."1kl1n said the,. do not intend to pour monolithicallY;
it will te poured separatelY. He then read a letter from his
engineer in regard to costs of the two types of sidewalks.
Counc. Johnson øaid he saw a lot of disadvantages and not
_flY ad78ntBges to th1a _lithic sldewalk.
AYES: Counc. Dellpllter. P1tzgerald. Noel, Stokes
HAYS: Ccunc. Johnson
JIot10n carried, 4-1
It was :lCted that th1B 18 the only subdivision for which this
request 1s being granted.
U R1!.Iô æs:A:SS
A. The Cit7 ..nager _i.d he haS l'8Ce1ved the last easement
S1gœ':urB for the Ste,,_ Creek Blvd. Improvellent, with
the ezeeption or ClBrlle Beer.
'!.'be m.rector or 1" ". reported on the VlaUco Vlllage
SboppiDg CIIDte.... .. .~ thB cœrch prope~ ebould be
incbded on tile n..AaU~ )laP.
".I'!.,.,oC-.'" --.uco -.l4 --',",J!InI!8. .a.5' _lithiC. .i~ 11~, but both
-"~;2~ .":1öIIB'D1reI:tor ot,:M!kJIL . .1IId _ PlariD1D&,DJ:Nctor felt it
<y ,,' " ......1d be ~ ..... __ ~ laDe of' trat1"~. . 1It11co then
, sugeete4 a sid 11r 30- l3ï laid then 1t ~ be aD ...18 nt.
_, '!be ).~ aNII1__ ~ ~"'arJ.t the ca.. to tlleClt7 Council.
:. r
.... ~
. '!be DU«torotMUC·.... augeeted a !O' C~ INial lide-
-ur neñ to tile -,»¡. or .1;þq.~ preB8llt; a au1tab1e plan
_11œd QG ~ tbe1r -....-·-CII.. architect to be .....A.oted to the
m.ty eon-tl~ ODe ~2.oD t;hBt cœes to III1DII Ie w..tller this
sid_D, set 1D 30', U out of sight of the pat;rol1nS pol1ceæn.
And the%: there 18 ·the queat1ón of _intenance reapollllibl1i ty .
Mr. Spl1:¡¡tone, or Holte Bngineers, understood it would be a
5' sidewlk, the location to be detel'll1n8d b7 the City Councll.
He feels :here is not _ch necessity for a sidewalk because or
easy ac:~ssibl1ity to the parking lot. The architect is try1ng
to orle!:: the sidewalk l.nto the landscaping plan.
Mr. Wa.l:=:, Ward said Halprin Hid "e would not need sidewalkS.
He pres2=ted a sketch b7 Halprin.
The Dl=-=-::~r of Public Works H1d he would like to include the
dedica:l::. on Homestead f'1'OI8 the church.
Mr. Sp:l:stone Hid the» heve every lntention of' ..k~ng any
private sl:!e_lks to City standards.
Mayor S:.:i<es c_ted that it can be argued f'or every shopplng
center 1:: the City that 10' or 12' lidewalks are not necesHry.
What t~ sbout car doors opening, etc.? This would be settir13
a prece:!mt. Be questioned the advlHbil1ty of 5' Bid_lks
onto ccaoercial streets Volf'e Road and Holle.teed Road. Counc.
Dempster agreed. Be asked f'or the staff's reco~tion.
The D1~::or at Public Works recO>lll8nded they stick to Clty
standar'...s. They could either go 10' monolithic per City
standa:-;:~ ~r 8OID8thing .1811ar where it is moved tar enough
Mr. ~¡ Leonard, vaJ.lco Park, lald this ls a ahopping center
being :~tructed in . high qualHy area. There w111 be no
parlc1n¡; v2taoe"er on Volre Road. Be Hid that ti_s have
ctanged; crdinances lave not. The proposal b7 Ha].prin i8 to
put in 3::' of landacaping. The City 18 asking to take 1/3 of
this fc:" concrete Jungle next to a street with no parking.
Mr. 'oIar:! a.sIced If the s~lk situation could be held ln
abeyanc~ untl1 .. ~ wlat Mr. Halprin tas to orrer.
Mr. Jone Brawn, 196211 a:.estead Road, CUpertino. the
church is very pl...... VBllco's plana. Ttw)" are in ravor
or the tree~t; iþ....,,~ lied along Wolfe Road. There are very
rew holIeS close -!!Þ ~or people "ho II1gbt walk to the
sho~ eenter.
Mr. Ward sai.d the O'ftI2'Cro8slng. onr the tree..)", tas a 5'
Counc. DeIIpster ..14 the Town Center 1'.38 101 81dewalks. He
would Uke 110" ~s.e to think about this. Mayor Stokes said
he, too, is not 1'eII4y to make a decision yet. The City
Attorney saId the 'fentativ~ Map could be approved, holding the
sid_lk matter·in abeyance.
The mrector or l'Iablic Works augest~ approving tbe Tentative
Map tonight witb lO' sidewalk and let thee come in at a later
date to com/1ftCe .. ,of, _thtng elM. 111'. Ward ~ed it the
Council would. eøte1'ta1D the tbcUg.'lt that If a 5' aldewalk proves
1na4equate, _11~1IOII1d .... 8ftDII.. 1Ir. Leonard asked 1.t the
C01I1'1"U Is so1llS tQ SO abead with _tb1DS aesthetically
ple--1yW or SO 1Ieck tQ a sc18ao" aøS slue Job. 1Ir. Ward asked
ttat the CoaDcl1 bel» in e1n4 that tb117 are dMl1nS with IlOO
acne beN. not JaR 1;he ahoJllPing center area. Counc. J)eIIpSter
aa1d tM1;"I!i¿.cIIlLU'·U bidDS set t»ftI. .. JiIr 18 not in a
'pôB1t1on'tQ ....,. dllá1àon t:on1gM;. '
1Ir. IIIrb CJa1'dner, or Varian, ofrered to lea"e a prel1ll1nary
dra1dng at Clt7 JII1l 1;.. following day, showing no sidewalks
on BoIIestead. !be.ore beautiful area. in Palo Alto are those
with no s!dewalD, Just landscaping.
Mr. Brawn said the ~son the church would l1ke to be included
in this Tentati"e Rap is so they will be contiguous with Vallco.
They would like to put in their parking lots when vallco does
thelr other buildings. They would like to put in their dedi-
cations and landscaping along with Vallco.
JuarJ.ta McLaren, local real estate broker, felt this well-known
and distinguished landscape architect's opinion should be consider
Mo\"~ by Counc. Johnson, seconded b7 Counc. Stokes, to approve
the "hllco Village Tentative Map No. b-'l'M-66.
Maycr Stokes felt that further consideration should be given
to e~courage developers to landscape and get away from all
tha~ asphalt.
Mr. Splitstone said this 5' sldewalk will be constructed to
City standards, 15' from the curb, 5' outside the right-of-wa7
The City Attorney said the City would have to take over the
surface easement. Ir we don't acce~t the easement, it will be
cons1dered a private _y. If you ~ake the easement you take
control and maintenance of it.
Halrrin plan: 15' of planting from the curb to the Sldewalk,
with trees and ground cover.
The Ordinance provides that the Plar.ning Comm1Sslon can make
rec.-ndations tor exceptions but cannot exceptions.
AYES: Counc. JohnSon" Moel, Sto\<es
NAYS: Counc. ~pster, F1tzge1'8U
Motion carried, 3-2
The City Manager brought up the matter of pol1ce protection,
tree location, etc.
The City AttorneJ' said we ar" agreed that the matter of dedica-
tion be reserved f'or two weeks. Mr. Ward agreed to this.
C. Ma,or Stokes asked the City Councll for a Resolution to the
Board of' 3liperY1l1Ors, through the County Libra17 Co=1ssio;),
to make a study ror the 1DIDediate and future library needs
of the Cit7 of' Cupertino, and to allk the Board of' Super-
y1sors to proceed Cortlwrlth on tb18.
So aoved b7 Counc. Johnson, seconded b7 Counc. Noel.
A1BS: Counc. Dellpeter, P1tqeftlo1, Jot- oa. Boal, Stokes
M1S: )fone '
Mot10n carried. ;;.0
. .....
IIowð ~ ~ _1~ hCOJIded 117 C:. 1 r_- "bpnld, to
..."cum the MetS118 to ~, ~ 3Id. ,8 P.II., 1D the
'Bopod 1IDoII.
" ,
Motion carr1ed, 5:-0.
JCeeting ad"ourned at 1 A.II.
~ Stokes
't:uy Clerk