CC 04-19-66 t " 10321 South Saratc~-~.nyvale P.Qßd CUpø-t1nO, California, 9501L! telephone: 252-1!5<J5 CI'l'Y OP CUPERTINO California maR!IS OP TBB ADJOOJIJIBD RDJLAR 1mJD'.ufQ OP THE CI'1'Y COUNCIL - 11/19/66 ~ Boud 1bœI, cupertiDo Kieilental'J' School District ornce. , 10301 ftata DI'1ft, CllpertiDo. Ca11fomia .' '. ~ .¡ iW-, ,..~p.CIO r .K. . . . . .~ 8ADJ'fJI 'l'O 'ftIB ftM.. U RØU. CALL Counc. presentl P1Dcb. Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, DeIIpIIter CoIIW'. absent: ~ne ¡. starr present: City llulager, Phil Storm Cit7 Attorney, Sam Anderson Director or Public liorlcs, Pr8nIc Pinney Director of Planning, Adde Laurin City Clerk, Kay Haddon Deputy City Clerk. Florence Reid Recording Secretary. Lois Inwards III CA.~ASS OF ~ON RETURNS - Resolutlon No. 1275 Stating The Whole Sum of Votes cast in the City. the Names of the Persons Voted For, For What Office Each PersonWas Voted For, The NUr:lber ot Votes Given at Each Precinct to Ea~h Person. and the Number of.Votes Given tn t~e City to Esch Person. The City Clerk read Resolution No. 1275. Moved by Counc. Finch, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to adopt Resolution No. l275. AYBS: Counc. Pinch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster NAYS: Mone Motiort carried, 5-0 :IV ISSUANCE OF CER'l'IPICA'lBS OF EIÆTION The Certificates were Issued to the elected Councilmen ~y the Deputy CitJ' Clerk. V INSTAlLATION OJ' lQ!Iof COUHCIUImf Councilman Johnllon replaced CouncllJ:l8n Finch. VI SEUX:TION OF MAYCR Moved by Counc. Pitsprald, seconded by Counc. Øoel, that Councilman Stokes beco_ the new Mayor of CUpertino. Ii' " Counc. JP1tzgerald, Johnsc.n,JIoel, :oe.pllter None Counc. Stokes JIOtlon carried. "·0 Mayor Stokes thanked f'or.er Ma,-or Dempster ror a. job well done. AYBS. HAYS I ABSTAINED: " . ! -1- ¡~. ,. -m ~Rr.TION 0' )!A~ PlIO 'r~ JL,.ed bJ Co\;'''!C:. Dempster, 8econc!ed by Counc. Hoe1, to select Coanc. Pitzge....dd aa MQ'oIr P2'O '!'etIpore. ~: Counc. DetD¡:et;er, J'oJmøon, Noel. Stokes .us: !bne .-rADl!D: Ccunc. Pit~ 'fIot1ca eør1ed, 4-0 VDr --rICII CIII !RBASII1UIR . ......s 117 COUD!:. Hoel..' -..". Counc. Pitzgeftlct. to ha". "" '_'. ~ter .. 1ft 1" r_ the cOlll1Dl J8U'. ØIB: __I aæBDBD: Counc. Pit._ 'I... 30Jm80n. Hoel, Stok.. JIone Counc. ~ Mot1cD eårr1ed, "-0 1J[ JWlCBLLAJI]I I S &. The D1rector of Public Wen" atated Reaolutiona lZT7 throu8l' l296, inclusive, have been prepared, wb1ch cOllPl'iae all the dedlcatio:1lS needed rar the sœ"ena Creek I_pro"...nt Project Roved b7 Coœc. Dempster. seconded b7 Counc. Hoe1, that ãeao1ution lie. 1277 be adopted. AYES: Coun~. Dempster, I'1tzserald. Johnaon, Noel, Stokes _W: Hone Motion carried, 5-0 Roved b7 Co=. ])empster. 8eConded b7 Counc. Johnaon. that BeBolution k. 1278 be adopted. AYES I CoW::. DeIIpster. P1taprald, Johnson, Hoel, Stokes sts: Hone Motion carr1"'. 5-0 Ro"ed b7 Co;;,::,:. DMlpllter. 8eCOnded b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, that Beaolut1or. Jic:. 1279 be adopted. AYES: Cou.'\:. DeIIpster, P1~rald, Johnaon, Jfoel, Stokes ats: Mone Mot1.oD c:arr1ed, 5-0 Roved b7 Cc~. Dempllter. 8eC0Ided b7 Counc. Johnaon, that Beao1ut1on k. 1280 be adopte4. ~: eoun.:. DMlpllter, J'1taprald, Johnaon, Hoel, Stokes Stsl None Mot1.oD carried, 5-0 lIDÝed b7 CoIIDC. Dempete1". _ca~ b7 Counc. Johnaon. that Beaolutlon 10. 128l be - Veil. A"fBS1 Counc. ])empater, J'1~ld, Johnaon, Noel, Stokes _tsl Hone Motloa carr1ed. 5-0 JIoYed b7 CoIòDC. ])øIpllte1". _c.,.""'" b7 CounC. Johnaon, that JIMolut1on 10. 1282 be a:topte4. ami. Counc. Dempater. fttapral4, Johnaon, Hoel, Stokes _D: IIone Mot1cD can'1ed, 5-0 -2- ~. ,- 1 .' ì ¡ ¡ ¡ I I I . ¡ ¡ - .....e4 by COu,"1:. Je!Dpster, K_.lde.! b7 Counc. JohnSon, that ....lutlon No. :283 be adcP"'..«!. .ADIS: .-.s: CounC'. ;:)ecpster, ftt;zse.-a14, JohnDon, Noel, Stokes Mone Motion eaft':';<!d, 5-0 ,,,,,,by Coucc. DeIIpster. ~ by Counc. Johnson, that - ~tlon 10. 12811 be W IteØ. , ~... ::c. De-øeter, 'ft1.¿.,.....u. ·.Jotmeon, Noel, stoa. .. .'.:' ~.' : . Mot1åiì .....~ ..... 5-0 ~t~o~~'Jä5':e!"tr ~Ils. --. ","Counc. JobnaoD. tbat ~ ''', ."...... Counc. IØpster, ft" _ '4i1d. .JotInaon, Noel, StokeS _: Bone Motion ..........1eé1. 5-0 ._A b:J Counc. Dempster. .I!e~~ b7 Counc. Johnaon. tlat "'lutlon No. 1286 be adoJlC;ed. am: Counc. =empster, P1,"-&'&1ð. Johnson, Noel, Stokes laD: Nonl! Motion ~ed. 5-0 .......,4 by C,,=:. Jempster. seconded by Counc. Johnson, that ~lution ~. ~287 ~ adopted. ~: Coun:. :e"pster. P1 tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes .as: None Mot1.on t.:a.rr1ed, 5-0 1Ic~ by Co\;..~:, 'Jempster, aecomed b7 Counc. Johnson, that ~lution ;:, :288 be adopted. AYES: Coun:. ~pster, F:.tzgerald, Jøhnson. Noel, S<;okes .-!S: None Motion ~ed, 5-0 L.A b7 Cc=:. Dempster. seconded b7 Counc. Johnson, that "'ìution H.:. 1289 be ado~. ~: CounC'. :e:!lpster. ~tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stoke. ~: None Motion :arried, 5-0 a..A b7 Coun=. Dempster, aeeoaled b7 Counc. Johnson, tlat "'lution Mo. 1290 be ......pted. ~: CounC'. :>eœpster, fttzserald, Johnaon, Noel, Stokes ..-ø: None Motion ~ed, 5-0 "_...4 b7 Counc. DetÇBter. aH uded bJ' Counc. JohnSon, tlat T , lution Mo. 129l be aðapteð. ....: Counc. !)eB pster, ft" _~PA14, Johnson, Noel, Stokd None .,.: Mot1cla carrJ.ed, 5-0 "_A b7 Counc. Dealpster. an .'--'1' by Counc. Johnson. tlat - ~lution No. 1292 be - p1;V'. JIIa: Counc. ne.pster, ft~"'a .-.3.4, Johnson, Noel, Stokes _: None Motiaa c:arr1ed, 5-0 -3- - - Moved by Counc. DelllpBter, øeconded by Coune. Johnsen, that Resolution No. 1293 be adopted. A~: Counc. Dempster. J'1t;zprald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes M'IS: Jfone Motion carried, 5-0 ~ued bT Counc. Drç,wr. aecœv'ed b7 Counc. JohnSon, that Beeolution Jfo. l294 be 1I4optec!. ¿.A'II8:Coanc. ~t~.~U~ ,dd. Jotmaon, Hoel, Stokes aD: JIcme , I,Ict~S4IJ^~e4, 5-0 a.HCI'{1Iir c:auno4 ,Ill _ ~...,n: ~:~... b7 Counc. JolmlloD. that ~lut1oD.,. 1295 be 8l;lAI"''!'- ' _~, oaunc. II _...teI'.,ft,~ -.14. Jolm8on, JIoel, Stokes a18, ... 1IDU.. CU'I'1e4, 5-0 ~ved bT CoUDC. 1)1 p8ter, _~... b7 Counc. Jolm8on. that Resolution 110. l296 be ~. AYBSI Counc. DellP8ter, ft~ld, Jolm8on. Noel. Stokes JIA'IS: IIone Motion carried, 5-0 B. The C1ty of' Cupertino haa been asked to J,l=claim the IIOnth af April a& -Cancer Control Month. So lIO"ed b7 Counc. Pitzgerald. seconded by Counc. Johnson. AYES: counc. Dempster, Pitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes )lAYS I Jfone Motion carried, 5-0 t:. IIII70r Sto. fS would like to set up a Joint meet1n8 with the Rec.-tlon eo.ñ..lon and the landscape architects f'or the Wilson. Portal and Central Parks 1'0r Tuesday, IIQ 3rd. D. Arter ~ c!1aCUll{;lon wltb the Council. lllayor Stokes direo:te the City .....ger to pra¡are a list of the vacancies coming up on the var¡Oua C~ I..lona and Committees, and to notit'y the C\¡pertlno and SWllyw.le newspapers that the City Council will be acceptlns app11catlona through IIIa7 27; interviews will take place the to11olr1rlg week; and those selected will begin on the tlrat _ting in June. B. The City ,..-ser ..u the LeasUe or California Cities I Mayor and City Counc1l..n IDatltute will be held on May 23rd in IIœItereT. All p1._ to attend. Mo"ed b7 Counc. Jfoel, ..c:on4ed b7 Counc. Johnson, that the City w111 deha7 the exr--" ot t.hoae attending thic Institute. AYlISI Counc. DeIDpII~. fttzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes JIA'IS: Jfone lID1õ1on ~ed, 5-0 _4_ E. II'JIlyor Stokes thanked Pa~l Finch for the time and effo."t he has put forth these past four years In the Inte~8t of the City of CUpert1.nO. ' ,i f Ii. This was put In the form or a motion by Counc. Demp05ter, seconded b7 Counc. Pitzb-era~d. AYES: Counc. I)earp8ter, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes IlAYS: JIone 1Io~1on carried. 5-0 . ADoJw..-Dft IIoved ~ ec-unc. Woel. .ec ..\ðed b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, to edjourn the ..t1Dg at 8:20 P.M. APmuvJd>: ~. i. Isl Oa~ Stokes yor &'rr.aíSj.": .... -, / - /.. ¿' / ~/ . ",:--~.,. ......,,/ .....-..-- T.a7 ·v.;¿ddon, 'City Clerk I ! f -5- " .i_