CC 03-21-66
1032l South Saratoga-Sunn;yvale Road
C [' '-!Do, California, 950lá phone: 252-1'505
OP '1'BB IU!XlUIAR IIIÆrUIf 01' ~ IE CITY COOlfCIL - Jlarch 21, 1966
....1" cBdU'cJ JIIJœ, CUpA't1Do m_ta17 School D2.str1ct
. :Jo.~U,"~·J.03O,l:>ftata Dr1.ft, c..pel't1Do
~....'" .
'T' !O:8tòo~ .... - '
':Z 8AID'1'B 1'0 'I'IIB PUG-
SoU , ::--.L cau.
CoJUI\C. present: I'1Dch (8:05), Fitzgerald, Jfoel, St.okes,
Count:. absent: lIone
start present: City Manager, Pbll Storm
City Attorney, Sam Anderson
D1rector or Public Works, l'rank Finney
Director or Planning, Adde Iaurin
Cit:>" Engineer, Bob Shook
Recreation Director, John~Parham
Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Record~ Secretary Lois Inwards
Depu~y CIty Clerk, Florence Reid
In MINUTES OF THE PRRVIOOS MEB'l'IRlS - February 11 a: March 7. 1966
Moved by Counc. Stokes, se~::::,:ded b7 Counc. Pitzgel"81d. to
approve the Minutes of February 17. 1966.
Motion carried, 5-0
tIIoved b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, to
approve the Minutes of March 7. 1966.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Letter from P.G. a: E.. stating they have no objection to
the abandonment at Homestead Road and Wolfe Road.
(Resolution 110. 1239)
2. Letter trom P.O. a: E. stating they have no objection to
the abando~nt or a public utilities easement located
within Tract #'Z1l9, IA Cresta, Unit 2.
(Resolution Ho. 1253)
3. Letter tl'OlD Vest Valley Ad-Hoc Committee initiating the
anti-poverty program here, and asking tor participation
f'rom this bOO:r.
~. Notice ot change of' date of auction by Division of PJghways
for property in lIE quadrant of Homestead overcrossing at
Stevens Creek Preeoay, from March 2l'th to June 2l'th.
5. Communication trom Ins Angeles Board or Supervisors,
regarding initiative to legalize t~ Ale ot: marijuana.
They urged CUpertino to come out' strong17 opposing this
Moved b7 Counc. Stokell, seconded by Counc. Noe~, that Counc.
Fitzgerald be appo1nted CUpertino's reprellentative at the
Ad-Hoc Economic Opportùn1ty Commission meetings.
JIIotlon carrie4, 5-0
Moved bJ Counc. ftDcb, seconded bJ Conn/'. Stolœll, that the
City statt be 41recte4 to 41'a1r \1P . IIMoluUoD'.a1oas t~ ,..
requested bJ the r.ø. ADae1ea Board ot SUperrttloN reprding
the 1D1t1atl'" to ~1I.. the Bale of' 18r1"", to be
adopted at the ~ C1~ ·OøImcil -101118.
JIotion carried, 5-0
Moved b7 Counc. Ifoel, lIeconded t:T Counc. Stoba, to rile the
II1'1tten co-.....catlona.
JIotlon carried, 5-0
l. Mr. TtIo.... ar.ter, 2211117 Balustrol Court, Cupertino, asked
that the application ror the service station for the SE
corner ot Foothill Blvd. and McClellan Road be put on the
agenda tor the next regulBt' City Council meeting, regard-
lese or whether or not the. ~erYice station t:easibility
survey is coçlete. Be said another service station is
also being contemplated ror that intersection. They would
like this matter to be decided upon before the election.
2. Mr. George BollingB1lOrth, 221'38 Balulltrol Court, Cupertino,
said major oil companies are no longer considering
c-..;pertino locations because or the -7 the people feel
about an over-at:undance or service stations in this City,
a~.d the fact that several are not doing so well, and some
have even had ~o go out of business.
~ayor Dempster explained that no action could be taken at
this meeting l11nce it ia not on the agenda. It is already
slated to be on the agenda the first l!Ieeting in April.
The Planning Director said he hopes to rb':e his report
completed f'or t~at meeting.
V A. REPORT OP PLA!ÐfING COMUSSIoN (See Minutes of' 3/14/66)
1. JO-DEL, 1.:.: Application f'or Tentative MaP. north
side ot Voss Road at Lockwood Drive. Approved by
Planning Commission Resolution No.335. March Ibth.
Chairman Johnson said this property wall rezoned from R3
to H2. It wall agreed by the applicant and the Planning
Commission that they dedicate the. roadway thro"gh the
R3 property to the west. The road will go through the
Voss property to the road going up to Permanente.
The question of' f'lag-uhaped lots was also brought up,
but the City Attorney 8Bid there is no Ordinance against
(See Mnut". ot IIIrcb 8, 1966)
Chainan Pitch nobId a tJ1lDgrapb1cal error in the third para-
graph under Verlal r.[ "'''cations: The' f'igure ~.50.000n should
in tact be ·.50.00.·
Cha1Nan Pitcb al80 atatecl that the B-COntrol co.dttee i8
.'....,"8 to ~..--~ a .et or atandar48 tor service stations.
'!be acIrtae aDS rlb.· S. or the C1t7 Atto1'DllJ' 18 requeated.
IIoftd ~ eouDc. t-.~~oS, see'" - ~ co._. 8toke., thet
tile B-Contl"Ol -. - II Of IIu'ch 8tIa be .~..,~ed.
'c:~ - .CøaDc. IIoe). ~~<ø ÙOppoJa ft,áa IIaI'1os'SSp aituation.
. " : !. ubd 1t'~~~~ dftIp tIIit ..~ ftIou.. .11olled.
'.;: -::~¿:~~-r:t~:t~~t.~=:-:ni:
8oatb- . - . .. 'på'llQlllen1enq ....,..,.. lie 1D o1'4er here.
COUnc. JIoel....., ti Ctt7 Attomll111' thia 18 perII1_ble.
'!be 011:7 At~..... tb1a .""""" _ t'ro. t;be 1'lann1nS
eo-t8810n, tJlat . 1Iu'Sance 18 neell;cí. On t..t buia, COUnc.
Stokes 1I1tb:!rew II1a ..J:DÐ4 and counc. fttzpra1d 1I1tb:!rew
bia _Uon.
Moved ~ COunc. 1ftoIIee. seconded ~ COImc. fttqe1'llld, that
the B-Control ~ or IIIrch 8th be .W1vwed, with the
exception or I~ n B. and t..t tile applicant be advi8ed to
either re.oYlt one a1p or _ke application ror a var1Bnce to
the P1ann1ns Co ,..ton; the application f'ee to be waIved.
AYES: Counc. P1Dcb, fttsge1'llld, :øel, Stokes, Dempster
IlAYS: ](one
Notion carried, 5-0
A. w.UEY TI'I'LB COIIPAJIrI Application l-z-66 to Rezone 5.?2
acres trot. Jt3-2.~ to ea.. Gen.; BOut~at comer of
Itlller A"e_ aid Ste"ena Creek Blvd. RecOlllll8nded by
Plannir.g Co I-~n Hesolutton 110. 329.
COunc. Pitzgerald abeta1ned from this Hearing Blnce thi8 is
being handled ~ bia office.
Mr. Don Bandle7, 211;90 Columbus A"enue, CUpertino, submitted
a prepared stat..ent on bellelr of the applicant. It is
attached to th1a set or JU.nutes aa Appendix A. He stated the
applicant could not accept IU17 of the conditions imposed onnappliC'ation l-Z-66 ~ the Planning eo-ta8ion.
Chal~ JOhnaon atated that the Planning C~8Blon had
rec_nded no b.--k in the center divider 8trip on Stevens
Creek B1 vd. Jro ~U'2.ctlona as tc Ingresa and egress were
l.posed en the atde Rreet. The reasoning here waa that the
Planning Coaaiaatoa .. atriY1ng to 1II1n1aI1ze the traffic
congestion on Stey_ Creek Blvd.
The P1Bnn1ng Director said that the Planning co..1aslon also
wanted to avo14 tile Qpe of cOllllll8rcial developønt that is
presently in ex1a~· ~lately to the eaat or this property.
They hope for a Uldt'ozw developaent, whether it i8 kept as one
:i.ot or subdivided 1Dto . aeries of lots.
, -
The :It:-~"11nó D1T¡;,~ror :-.lid tr::¡f~!c w::os a ccnslderati<:'.l h"re.
It Alõ-e was an ef!ort to get a 2C' buffer betwcen the c'~vf'~Op-
ment ;mJ. Steven;> Creek Blvd. An ordinary ca without a
development plan w111 create sepa~te lots and each would pro-
bRbly iave a 5eptœte entre:1ce ant·., ~tevens Creek Blvd. It
would be to the advantago of the C1.ty to hove one nic'11y
develc;>ed area with a unitot'!ll pla..,.
Ma70r DeIIpster: ~ whether it would be wise to put all
these st1"1Jlgtlœ' C:ciøHt10ns on a p:.-opertý befOre they even get
going. C~'\ J.~n, øaid this is thet1J;8t application
unier t!111 ~~"'!'~"'." . _ . .. . '.. ....
~&Ææ II 0 yt_......1r'fJ ~re. ctor it ~ .development plan
18 ". < - ,#",~1;' ;r.,\Ùd beal). .~t¡. to add the
condition. . <piIerit ',lan 1Ioula be ~ ·Vh1ch IllUlSt
be aPllft)ve4.kB'~' .c.c-., ASion and 1<1)8 B-Control.
1Iequ1re tbè' ,at; 'the time o~ deYélotJlllnt rather
th1n at ~. ,... 'fbePlann1nè J)boector feels
that at thef1tì8~ '~18 the time to'do this becallse
the a~can~ ~ JaxNa .where he stands.
MQor DeIIpIJ1;er 'ù.ø _1.4 the tact that the appUcant is allowed
0Dly one aocøaà 0Dt0 Stevena Creek mvd. could contribute to
trst'nc cOng35tlon. De f'eels this Is too restrictive. The
!'13nr~r.g Di&'f'ctor ~d the one entrance onto Stevens Creek
Blv-';. ,,:)\Ùd uaure a unif'or:ø dc'..elopaent plan.
~=;. Zt;c;CotS ¡;aid ~ underst;::.".};o what the D:t:-ector is trying
to ~~~, althouth he's not entireiy in f~7cr of it. lie i3
S&}"i:-.¿: :rat if this 1.. not dc';<!loped under 2 comprehensive
co!:!::'" :i:l.l ,,'.ar. It Is not a g.:>cd pl&n. Poe 1:; not sure that he
fee:s -:~ Baðe _y a~::'''.lt it. ¡':2)"')r Dempsteor said that just
teC&~~: ~h~ ~3t~~~1c~3 are ~~t there doe3 nc~ mean it ~111
be ~~~~~~ l~t~ a~l~e~ lots.
The ::E.,__"11ng Iì.tre<:t:>r said he > ::~ld have stron:::ly recom:r.c!1ded
der~a: :~ t~~3 ap?llcation 1f ~t was not accomPanied by ~he3e
cc:-:.~ -= ~::-.~.
The =i:, Attcrney sa~j, in ana~e~ to Counc. Stokes' quest10n,
tt.: :~e best way t~ t.ndle tt.iS ~~uld be to pass a ~inute
Or.!er ::: strike cer<;e.1n items ~r.d to return it to the Plannin:
Coc=is.i::n. If' ~~ should fail to act ".l~Jn it for forcy days,
the~ :~~ City Council can pas~ It. Sir.ce ~t originated 1n
the ::er~1ng Co~ssion, it m~st ~e refcrred back to them fer
tt.eir re?Ort end tr~ ~he Co~.,c11 can enact whctever it sees
Co=:. ?inch could Bee nothing wr:mg witt. ap;n-o;ring tt~3 aï>Pl1-
C&t.:~ with the cryDdition tt.t an approved de,elopment plan
be re..·..;ired. Cont1n'.11ty can be a::hieved thrcugh H-Cor.trol.
May::- :e::Jpster a~, Counc. Stokes &greed~ w1th cert~i"
rese:-,~:ions: there !IT.lst be no break in the oedian st·.'1" on
Steve:-~ Creek Blvd., end their development plans will to
go al::::g with thi8. This is co:-.j,¡cive to E;cod; and
lets :l:e applicant k=w where he stends. He reels the de\'elope.·
shc~:~ be allowed to develop his site the way he sces flt,
wit~~ ~hese gu1de11n~s.
Mr. :a.~ley said that 1t' this propel'ty we:og to be divided
Into even two parcels, it ~ould coma under the Subdivision
QrdJ.r£:lce and would be controlled by it.
JIIo'led by Counc. Finch, leconded by Coun:. Noel, to reter
appl1catior. l-z-66 back to the Planning CommiaaIon, ...ith tM
rec~ndat1on that all but the standard conditions be removed;
and the addition otcondit1on l3 be the requiretD8nt of a
deYelos-ent plan; and tJat the P1....1918 eo-1...10n report to
tJa City Council OD tM..
AJIS: CoImc. P1DCb, a:»8l, Stokea. J)empeter
alSr Jfoae
~I Counc. ~1!~~c!
lløtion carr1e4. 11-0
B. JO-~ ~.I lpp"tcat1oD 2-z.fi6 to" ...... 10.5 ac~
r:ra. ~.te ... 10-2.1-- to ---.251; noftb aide ot
Voaa RDeð at iÞot"..ulI Drift. 8u a-I" I'lanD1IIS
eo-1u1oa Dtn~1oa ... DO.
111'. Gene IQut1ll. CiY1l JIDS1IIHI'. .._.....:.W tile p1aD8 tor
th1a proparty. .. aa1d tI11. .. sODIII tor .-s and 9. and
tbe7 are aak1ng tor c!up1ex ~.
'ftIe City IlaMgeI' oriented the Council and .uðleace. M71ns
that the t'ive-acre park .lte 1. ~1ate17 to the _R or
th1B ¡:oJ'Opart7.
The Planning Director u14 th1s 1. a reduction 1n den81t7.
Be reviewed the ~ for the propoaed ~ pattern. 'l'heBe
reaøonø are to be found 1n the Plann1nS C:-18e1on JI1nute. of
March 14, 1966. Be notc:d that there 18 .till the reed pattern
to be resolved with the ~po.ed police acad~.
Moved. b7 Counc. Pinch, seconded bJ Counc. Stokes. to cloee
the Public Bear1nS.
Motion carried, 5-0
Mo"ed b7 Counc. Stoke., seconded bJ Counc. Pitzgerald. that
application 2-Z-66 be appro"ed.
AYES: Counc. Pinch, Fitzgerald. JlDel, Stokes, ne.peter
1fA'iS I IIone
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved b7 Counc. Stokes. seconded bJ Counc. Pinch, to have
Ordinance 110. 335 read 117 title onl7.
Motion carried, 5-0
Ordinance 110. 335 .. Introduced bJ Pint Read1ng bJ the
Deputy City Clerk.
V A. Moved b7 Counc. Stokes, seconded bJ Counc. lfoel, to a~ve
appliclI.tion l-'111-66 tor a Tentative RaP.
Motion carried, 5-0
VII C. VACATION or !'-.o certain Strips of' Land Destgnated a.
"Corner Se,plnt. ot the CUrve ot tile Interaection or
Homeetead Rae4 and Volte Road S1tuated 1n V&llco I'Iark
within the Cit)'.· Resolution 110. l252.
The City A~ _id that, in o&'der to chaDsti the radius
or the curve at tld.a Intersection, It 1. nec....1'7 to
vacate tlJO DaZ'I'OW portions of' la~. 'ftIere have been no
1I1'1tten proteat8.
~1:>VErl by C·)unc. Stokel\, scconlied by COU!lc. Nt>e!, ':h:t t:1f'
Public HearingS be ~losed.
Motion carr1~, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Fitz;;;erald, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt
Resolution 110. 1252.
AYES: Counc. Finch, Fitzgerald; NÒel, Stokes, Dempetel'
NAYS: HoM, , ' ,
. . .---:,,-¡-;r--. ....1.
D., VACATIOR ôf' Certain'lo-toCit Public Utilitiee Baeement
IDeated within Tract No. 2769, La~ creBta, Unit ko. 2.
,:~l!Ition Bo. 1253. . . ,
, .
~ " -. . " . -r' ..
'fhÎI De¡ií¡t7 'CJ.1;z c~erk said therè airi! J10 obJectlona b7 the
Public Utill~leB on tbis, .
Moved by Counc. Pinch, seconded b7 Counc. Noel, to close the
Public Hearings.
, Motion carried, 5-0
t~ved by Counc. Finch, sceo~ed by Counc. Pitzgerald, to
adopt Resol~tion No. 1253.
AYES: Coun~. Fin~h, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempste~
¡tA;''S: None
Motion carried, 5-~
A. ORDINANCE NO. 329: An Ordinance of the Ci ';:i of CUp"rt1r.',
Requiring the Instal1atlon of Underground Utilities in a
Certr,ln Portion of the City K..'1own as "Valleo Park."
(Second '\eacH:-.6)
Moved by Cou~le. Fitzgerelé1, seconded by Coenc. Noel, that
Ordinance No. 329 be read by title únly.
Motion carried, 5-0
The Dsputy City Cler~ Introduced OrdI:1ðnce No. 329 by Seeor~
Keved by Counc. Noel, seccnded by Counc; P'tzgerald, to enact
Ordinance No. 329.
AYES: Counc. Finch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
N.\YS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
E. ORDINANCE NO. 332: Annexation of Contigu()u~
Uninhabited Territory Designated "L1nd3' 65-5" to the
City of' Cupertino. (Second Reading)
Moved by Counc. Finch, se%nded b7 Counc. Noel, that Ordinance
Mo. 332 be read b.'; title only.
Motion carried, 5-0
'ft1e Deputy City Clerk Introduced O&od1nance No. 332 b7 Second
Moved by Counc. Fitzgerald, secoroeå by Counc. Noel, to enact
Qrd1nance No. 332.
AYES: COI1."1C. Finch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
C. IIBSODJ'l'ICII)I). 1251: Appoint1ng IDu.1a Stocklmeir,
Resolution 110. 125l .s read b7 the city Attorney.
Mo"ed b7 Counc. JIoel. seconded b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, to adopt
Resolution 110. 1251
AYES. Counc. Pinch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Delllpllter
M18: 110M
Motion carried, 5-0
D. RBSOID'1'IOR 110. l257: A Resolution of' the City Council
of the Cit7 of' CUpertino, Desi~ting the Week of March 21
through lllarch 28 as "Countdown '66 Week. n
The City Manager explained that this is the county-Wide census
in which the City Council agreed to participate.
Moved tr.f Counc. Pitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt
Reøolution No. 1257.
Motion carried, 5-0
A. Resolutions No. 121!9 and 1250.
Treasurer Fitzgerald read Resolution No. 12h9.
Moved b7 Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to adopt
Resolution No. 12~9.
AYES: Counc. Pinch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
:u.YS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Treasurer Pitzgerald read Resolution No. 1250.
Moved b7 Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt
Reøolution No. l250.
AYES: Counc. Pinch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adjourn
to an executIve session at 9:10 P.M.
Motion carried, 5-0
.._.-Üng reconvened at 9125 P.M.
I ,"Y-:- co- C'mcEI>S
A. !'..::?C~ OF CI'l'Y '1'R£A~
~ ~d nct~ng furt'Íer to reper..
The contrac1;o~ 'for the City Hall has asked for an
additional six da)S, due to Inclement w~athe~ 1n
Jal\UU7. '!b18 hi.s been substantiated by the C1t:¡
Jianà&ìer and tile City Bng1neer. '
Sc mYed, l17 (,"~. I?tokes, seconded b7 Coun:. ¡li~zgerald.
)lotion carried, 5-0
2. Ve have .1_t concluded thO purcbeM ot t.he fioa¡
3. Our Stevens creek Blvd. IlIprovetDem Prop'lt. is forg.i.r.~
ahead. TIle property Ownðr8 have been "ery cooperative.
iiowever, _ still h3ven't heard trom the pl"jperty
cwnera of' Cupert1no lumber Yard.
C. F_,,-"ORT OF D.uu..~ Or.' P\JBLIC W.>RKS
7he Di~ec~or called attention to an error in Ite~ 9
ot his written report of March 21st. In the miJj'~
of the firBt paragraph under VAILCO PARK, it st!ould
:-e&cl: "Our consideration for the preferences of our
neighbor city is ptrely the result of courtesy, si~ce
any additional construction will be entirely within
the City of' ~Jpertino, with the ~xception of ~ 15' str~r.
ebst of the centerlir.e of the street, which 1S i~ the
City of Sunnyvale, II Tr.iS fact was j;.¡st brought to the
attention of the Director tojay.
Trect No. tl03, Montebel1o Unit No.1, west side of
Bubb Road at Columbus Avenue.
ë'pcn recollllll8ndat1on of the City Engineer, it was mo'·.,d by
:~';nc. Pitzgerald seco~eà by Counc. Noel, to adopt
7.i!solution !fo. l2'¡8 accepting "~u1tclB1!!: Deed and Aut.hori..
::a~10n" from Ditz-Crane.
Mot1on carried, 5-0
2. ~ep Cliff'e No. I!, south side of McClellan Road, 7ao'
east or Pbothill Blvd.
':.';IOn recommenSation of the City Engineer, it _s movE'1 by
:~unc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Pinch, to adopt Resolut1.o:'
~. 125l¡, a¡>prortng Pinal Plans.
Motion carried. 5-0
':;IOn recoa..øet1datlon of the Clty Enginee.·, it was move.-1. t:.'
::::unc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Pinch, to adopt Resolc-
:i~n No. 1255, authoriz1r~ execut10n of Agreement.
MoUon carried, 5-0
Upcn recolØ:ll!flðat1on ot the City Engineer, it was t:1Oved by
Cccnc. Stokes, ~ by Counc. F1nch, to adopt Resolu-
tl:n JO. l256. Accepting Roadway Dedication.
IIDt:J.on carried, 5-0
E. ~ OJ' C1ft AA.& "
l. !lie ctt7 1'1; t.,.cpíoopoaed adoption of' Resolution Ro.
l258. cooi .... tile Chuck proPørt7.
So 8Oftd, b7 ClIo- ..... ftDch, seconded b7 Counc. Stokes.
A7IIS~ Counc. n--.. fttzgera'.d, Roel, Stokes, Dempeter
.031 Ro..
8DüøD carried, 5-0
2. The Clt7 Att0zDe7 proposed adoption of' Resolution Ro.
1259, concendJIB the Chuck property.
So lIO"ed, b7 c-. Pinch, seconded b7 Counc. Stokes
AYES: Counc. ftDcb, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempeter
RAYS: !tone
notion carried, ~-0
3. The City Attorne'7 adv'csed adoption of Resolution No.
So !!lOved, b7 Counc. ii1nch, seconded b7 Counc. Stokes.
AY3S: Counc. Pinch, F:!tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion ~arried, 5-0
L The City Attorne'7 read Ordinance No. 255, regarding
rezoning va:llco Park to Planned Community. He said
there Is SOlIe disagreement of certain plan lines.
He then reed O~Y¡'Cucy Ordinance No. 333, amending
Ordinance 110. 255.
K::ved by Counc. P1nch. seconded by Counc. Pi tzgerald, to
er.~t Ordinance 110. 333.
AYES: Counc. P1.nch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
5. The City Atto1'DeJ' read Ordinance No. 331!, which amends
Ordinance 110. 256.
Nc~-ed b7 Counc. JI'1neh, seconded by COUr.l. Sto)~es, to enact
Ordinance 110. 3Jl'.
AYES: Counc. ftDcb, Pitzgereld, NoeJ, Stol,es, Dempøtf;r
laYS: None
1IDt.lon carried, 5-0
p. RBfOR'l' 011' ~ ~P8C'l'OR
There wes no".
1. A year ago, at Baatel-t1l'!E', 0. ¡;reas¡v... p~ race was
planned but ca_ 01:1:.
2. The Ghost toIIn. lIMch the tiecreation DelXlrtmcnt organ-
ized an O\lt~.:to ~lore, h/:.. di8Bppeared.
3. There was a hlp1,. auccesst'ul !)arty for thd ~lcal17
and etIIOt1onal17 ~ca~·ch1l4reD.
,"":~¡¿'.~'". A tbeate~ ....~ _~ 1IOm1n8 to aee -'!'be
Grateat St;oG~ foJ4'! .18 p1...-t.
- ~: .:..,')-:-> .. "" ' -
, ir. "~ OJ' PWaiÔD'J>~
.. ....:;: " . . -. " . ,- . .
1. The Height ÕJÒÌ'i;;.w:...-e' 11111 be on the A8enda at the r.ext
regular meet1il8. '!'bere were public hearings at the
Planning Co . t""1oJa and there will be public hearings
at th.. City Council ..eating.
Counc. Stckes was interested in i;h" rianning Director's state-
taent "We alre&dy have too IllUch coo;:."Iercial in CUpertino end
don't need any more" in the diccus8lon of the Valley Title
~pplicat~on. ãe &Sk~ what the status is for th~ Interim
Zoning Ordinance, wh1cl¡ was requested by the City ,Council.
The Planning Director said the Planning Commission has just
reviewed and sent t.he Height Ordinance to the Cl ty Council.
~ey are nQW reviewing the Underground Utilities Ordinance.
The Inr.e~im Zor-ing Ordinance is corning up direct atter the
Underground Utilities Ordinance.
Counc. Stol(es IDùVed, seconded by Counc. Finch, the.t this
evening's Iteeting be adjourned in Honor of Mr. A. Peter Ðnig,
and that an official Resolution be prepared and sent to
Mrs. SniS.
AYBS: Counc. Finch, ntzgerald, Noel, St»kes, Dempster
RAYS: None
Motie:, carried, 5-0
Meeting adjourned at 9:1'0 P.M.
J. nobert Dempster
)Z.-.~~ r~
øepn¡y ty Cler
Ah AIR A to Minutes or March 21. 1966. Cupert1no City Councll Meeting
-. -------------------------------------------------------------
~ JIIalt7, Inc., l()()5ll South Ai£'-7 9, Cupert1Do, Cal1ronda
_. .~ a. 19156
..,~ . . ..,. . 01tJ' CouDcll
....:... '.·1110
~. .aì1Uøftda
... - .:.... ItIPUeat1an 11-z-66 - .~ 'flu. C--_
1! -. ' -
.... f'uIotber a1.u17 ot Qrdt-. 220P Oft .bleb 111". Ia1ll'1a --811 Ida
ru - '1~ to the p1a....t.. OJ 1_1aa. _ t:1ld tlat t:IdII Qplt_.
_ ted ~le~ to .terw:IuIUse ~. Qllbol. tJøooushøat c..-tJ.
8Id Ii: Lt""7 not to ...tabl18b ... ~tt1olW tor son1Dg.
I 2eter ~ to Sec. 5'1.3 ot OJ'I't........ 220. ot C1t7 ot Cupert1Do,
widell atatee, 'the coøenlon ot the aon1ng ..;,..bo18 doe8 not elall&e
tile c .. -enta ot an:J zon1ns o~tt"'''''e ot the C1t7 ot mJirnJfo~
1Dk.....t tb1a to includ. th1a c-o Ord1œnce. Theretore. _1187 'flu.
C ("0' cannot accept UI7 ot tJo: l'HC IRlled coRll1t1oM .. Nt torth
in All( I Ib A b7 Plam1Jls D1.1'F.::tor, 111'. Iaur1n, aa a son1DS requ1: 1 ant;
~ _ uk tb1a Boð7 to pant ..14 son1ng aa .et torth in application
l-z-66 co~ all proper!.;, .. deecribed therein, the dupl1cat. ot
"Ide" ... Nt torth b7 the ft aM1t Union B1sh School Boarct 1n the
Re801R1on ot Intent to Sell sa14 JII'OP6& L.;, l.aa the port1on ded1cated
tor raed p¡rpoaes on 1/10/66. all aubject to the C1t7 ot Cupert1no
.....t, OJod1nance C-o (C-l-B) be1ag panted b7 thia Bod7 1dth1n 120
Ù78 ,..,. date or b1d acc.ptanc. on 2/1b¡66.
It S. abeolute17 nec....I'7, 11' tile ..1. 18 to be co~ted tor tile
b14 ¡aoice ot $376,250, tor aa1d JII'O.-. L.;, to be 80 zoned. 1'heretore,
_ uk 7'OU to pant A1d son1Dg to enable U8 to co..,..te tb18 sal.
to tile _t18"et1on ot the School Diatrict. proepective bII7er (va11e7
'!'Itl. 0._ V). C1t7 ot CU~J.r..;., anð the tax IIt71ng c1tizens or the
ec .....1t7. Sinc. there ... been no o~rO.1t1on vo1ced at UI7 or the
~. to IIIJ knowledge, I t..l all concerned would be lIOat gratetul
1t _14 &OD1Ds would be panted at ~a hearing.
Reapecttul17 sublD1ttecl,
Don O. BaRll1ey
Representative ot Appl1cant