CC 03-07-66
l0321 South Saratoga-8UI11'\YV81e Road
Cupertino, California; 951)lll
phone: 252-"505
lWW'!]I$,ðP '1'BB RIIIULAR ~.uu OIl' THE CITY COUNCIL -March 7, 1966
~ RooID, CUpePl;1JD'BJ.!lIlntary School l':1strict
l030l ftsta ~'Ve.. ~t.1DD, California
8100_ F.II.
,: '-.' ...
- ~';" '..,
I .:8AVJfI to'l'RB·'t1.a8
:c: ROLL <:AU.
Counc. present I F1Dcb. Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Counc. absent: JIone
Starf present: Cit7 l!llnager, Phil Storm
Ci.t7 Attorney, Sam Anderson
Director ot Public Works, Frank Finney
Director of Planning, Adde Laurin
Cit7 Bng1neer. Bob Shook
Recreation I'irector, John Parham
Assistant Planner, Jim Nuzum
Deputy City Clerk, Florence Reid
CÞ~ef' Building Inspector. Bill Benevich
Reoording Secretary, Lois Inwards
III MINUTES OF THE IfŒ'IIOUS MEETIJlGS - February 15 a: 21, 1966
Moved by Counc. S¡;o:<es, seconded by Ccuno. Noel, that the
Minutes of Februar-J' 15th be approved as read.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. F1n~h, seconded by Coune. S¡;okes, that the
Minutes of Pebruary 21st be approved as read.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Letter from P.G. a: E., suggestir~ some additions to
Ordinance 329. These additions have been incorporated
into the Ordinance.
2. Letter from Mr. R. O. Deck, an expert in the field, re-
garding the antenna regulations.
J~ Letter from Joseph Du:nont regarding Clty~ Council salar',"s.
b. Letter from John L. Grirtin regarding off' s1 te imorov'!-
ments at Valley Green.
5. Letter from Tom Traeumer, and referendum petition with
714 signatures -- re Ordina~ce 32ó.
~ ORDBII: Moved b7 Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded b7 CouDC. Stokes
to refer Mr. R. O. Deck's letter to the p)......1ng Com·,
mission, to be used in conjunction tdth their studies
of the Be1gbt; Qrd1nanCe.
IIotlon carr1.ed, 5-0
Upon request, the Depu~ City Clerk reAd tbe cover1;;g :'st1õer.
subll1tted td'th tM ¡~...A1mI pettt10n .__.~. Gr>'1..--e J2b.
.'4bmc. Pinch ea14._'- ~....lsedcat ~"" -IF or aignatJ.1res
CD the rete~':_~'SIOt,hel t¡_,~ -'I" have to
bear the øpanM or . rerere~ electioD.
It.. .one! b7 000-- . I'1Dcb. seconded b7 c.... ;,.... llóél, thlkt
Ord1naDce ~, ..hitch _ ....ed st the l~ 1"8"''1.. _ting,
be ~1DSed. It -1" be opened up ,~¡>._tbø' _tee
A"fJ!S: Counc. P1Dch, aJel. Stokes, Dempster
lfAYS: ::"unc. P1t~d
IIotion carried, II-l
Counc. Pinch asked tile C11;J' Attomey if it 1.~ reqüred of th..
C1ty to hold a rereroe-t_ election now. 'lbe City Attomey
said it will not g¡I) be1'ore the voters now. Be reels there
should be a study ...s. and the voters shot'ld be appril!ad of the
law, as peG&ed in Sac1'llllento, regarding pI,..ent to City
Councillllen in General 14.. cities.
Counc. Pitzgerald aaJ.d he voted against ti'¡e last ::lOtion òe-
cause ~ believes ~tion for City Councilmen is
Justified. SiXty-eight cities in California bave already
enacted this Ordiœnce. This is the first protest in the StatE'
or California.
Counc. Noel noted that this 18 being used as a po__tical
issue, and did not reel this should be the oa...
Moved by Counc. P1r._::, seconded by Coun'.. ~::;z:>eral<1, to
accept the written cocm:un:1cations.
!'lotion carried, 5-0
1. Mr. John Martinson, l!¡OO Stephen lIay. Sar. Jose, asked the
Council for authorization for the Cupertino Little Lea:;ue
to use the Harner ~ilson site across froe Gemco, on
Stevens Creek Blvd., for their annual carnival s1.nce t¡,e
Cupertino High School site is no longer available.
So moved b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, seconded b7 Counc. JIoel.
!'lotion carried, 5-0
2. Mr. Tom Trae.-er, 10376 Tonita Way, CUpertino. said that,
as a Planning Co Is,ioner, he looks a~ a problem for ~
specific point.: .a. I directly involved? A8 I incorrectlJ
influenced? Be reels strongly that the electorate should
vote on the pay f'or City Councilmen.
-2- '
3. The riecreatton Dir"Ctcr Introd .ce:.. the cu~:t't1n" ~6'1
School students who were pres""nt at this meeting, dUT'jn.;
Stu1ents in Gove~. .1; l'eo!k: ~',nTY Punderburke, Mari),:m
Natl".1s, De~ble JIorrtssey. NÐn~y Nations, Debbl.. !II,,"h~~"·:.,
Leslie Mallet, Nove:u.a S1DDonson, anõ. Charlene llather',"'"!.
May,,~ Dempster we1" ~ them.
t. Parks and Recreat1GD ~ssio'\er. Mrs. Ethelwytme Hilson,
said the Co;mniss1aD ~ on Pebruary 2200, and have decHecl
upon the ~ endatior.s:
The Pi1'lll of P.cysteJD. --to, Mayes and ,BeCk be retained
to execute the _ñer plan for the Central Park am fo:'
Wilson 1'Brk.
Since Wilson Park md'JÐrtal Park are in such .clolle pro=-~"
mity, it was dec1dedì to recomend the Pin of' Ribera £.00
Sue to d.) the maater plan for Portal Park.
Moved by Counc. St-oa--, lIe(;onded b7 Counc. JPiDCh, that
the City Manager 1:>e 1DIItructed to proceed with negotia-
tions for c,mtracta ror all three parks, as rec_nded
by the !'arks and Bec:reetion Commission.
AYES: (;oun~. F1n~, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempste!"
t¡AYS: None
JIotion carried, 5-0
'J: Á. REPORT OJ! PUNfLZ CClØŒSSION (See Minutes of 2/23 & 2/C:S\
1. J. 'tI. LOUGiILDJ: Application for Tentati"¡e Map for
Lots 75 and 7E. '1'rect /"3571. southeast corner of
S:evens (;8''''':: 1ba1 &n1 Riverside Drive. Cu¡;.ertioc-,
Approved by P'-anning Commission Resolution No. 331.
(?ebruary 26tt-.)
Chalrman J.)hnson po1r.-:ed "ut the two conditions the Planni:l.
Commission attached ~ the approval of application 2-~-66:
vehicular entrance to :.e on Riverside Drive. and grading pl'l!:
to be s¡;bcitted t~ t~.': Director 01' Public 1"orks prior to
issuance of a Buildi::: Permit.
Moved by Cal'Dc. Fitzg.::-a11, s6condeé by Cou-'\c. Noel, to
approve the Ten~ative Map f'or' Lots ;5 and 76, Tract #3571.
Mo-:lon carri~d. 5-0
2. VALLeO PARK: Official Plan Lines. Exhibit to b'i!
attached to tä~ F:anned Developuent Zoning o~ thio
area; Ordinanc~ ~. 255 a:1d 256. Approved b;¡
Planning CO~3si~n No. 3J2, February 28th.
Move~ by Counc. Pin"h, aeconded by Counc. Stol:es, that: the
Official Uan L1r be:ade a psrt of Ordinances 255 and :S;.
AYES: Coun~. !"~,,c, fttzgerald, Noel, Stokes, DeII~ter
HAYS: None
Mot:ton carri&i, 5-v
(No meeting - No Report)
A. HAJœOR SERVICB srAftœB, INC.: APplication tor a Use
PeMit for a Serrl..ce Station, so'~theaat corner of
Foot!:111 Blvd., and JlcClellan 1>.oad, in a CO Zone.
Denied b7 PlIllln1ng Co..tssion Resolution 110. 32l¡.
Appeal. ~PostpoDed troll Pebruary 2lst.)
1Ir. J. Hancock, Att0:me7, 712 Balik of Alleriee BI11ding,
San .TOM. said he __ ft~.Hnt1ng the p:oopa1't7 owwrs.
Counc. P1nch asked U' ~ a1lP11cant would be _ni~ to wait
until the aurYC17 ... 1IemI .-de b7 the PlanD1Dg c-s.saion.
111'. OeJ1¿6 ~. 113B CaZ'o11Dl A_., San JOM, represent-
IDS BIrtIor 011. .aid tIMIJ are 1I1ll1na to ~t for the results
or thia aurvq.
'!be Pl__i. D1rec~r ~ the 8U1'Vq II1ght be ready b;r the
first Ronday in AprU.
Moved Þ7 Counc. ftDch, eecolded b7 Counc. lIoel, thai; the
Harbor ~rvlce StatJ:m's aPPlication tor a UN hnlit be
JlC'stpo:.d cnt11 the t'1rst IIDndB7 in April, to enable the
Plannil1ê CoadB8lon to lICk. a feas1bility atwS7.
lIo';ion csrried. 5-0
~. Al,'NEXAT!01f: A'Çprt'.rtng ti1e Anr.exaticn of 'ertain
C~r.:1g~cs U~~_~ti~ed ~rritory Deai:nated
rUndy 65-5" to tbe City of Cupertino. Or.1inance
!t.... 332.
The Ci:y Atto~7 sat:! :his is s standard Ord1nance, z.nd
=an be ~ad b7 ti';le ~nlJ'
~ De~"ty City Cl~ rea4 the letter trom D property owner.
It was :xIt a protea~. ~t requested certsir. cor.d1tions be
grantej or it coulc1 ~ ::onai4ered a protest. Mr. T. E.
ScœUt. 219115 UD!7 IAne, the author of tr.e le~ter, was
preaer.: at the lIIBe::..r.,r. Be asked fOl' eo'''' type of assurance
that !-.15 property v-:¡::' ~ be rezoned.
Mayor ~pster said ~hat in the past, t~ Clty Council has
not i~tlated annexations. It has been, in tr.e past, the
policy of the c1;:y ocl7 to annex when it was requested by t,;c
property owner. Hcwever. Councils change, and there il.' no
as.uran.:e that _t1_ in the future, this rule won't be
broker.. '1'he City A~:.orney said there is no present plan to
rezone :t'.1s _'s proper1;7.
The Planning Direc~r said this property is presently zon~
ror one-acre lots and it would be desirous to keep it t;L."
The City Manager IIIU.d this property is not in the City of
CUpertino. Mr. Scœ1dt has a right to presEnt hi. case to
the Planning ColBisslon when the sdjacent properties co:ne
up tor rezonings.
Moved by Counc. Pinch, seconded b7 Counc. Stok..s, to close
the Public Hear1.nØJ.
IIotion csrried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. F1ncb', seconded b7 Counc. Stokes, to have
Ordinance 110. 332 read by title only.
Ordinance 110. 332 was introduced b7 First Reading.,
C. 1Iesolution 110. 12lJl. vacating a Certain Walkway Being
lO-toot Strip of Land in Tract 110. 2769, La Cresta,
Unit 110. 2.
'!be Clt7 Atto1'D87 Hid this 1s a Public Bearing. '!bere
are no written protests.
K3ved by CoUJIO. Stoke., aeCODded by Counc. 11081, to ado)pt
Reøolutlon 110. 121a1.
AYES: Counc. Pinch, fttzgerald, 11081, Stokes, DellPBter
NAW: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Resolution No. 1242. vacation of Certain l5-foot Public
Service Easement Iq1ng Within IDt No. I!3, Tract Mo. 2880.
The City Attorne:r introduced Resolution 12112. There were no
Moved by Counc. F1n~h, seconded by CounC. Fitzgerald. to
close the Public Hearing.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Finch, seconded by Counc. Pltzgerald, to
adopt Resolution No. 12"2.
AYES: Counc. Finch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
A. ORDINANCE NO. 327: Regulating Stopping, Standing, or
Parking on Public Streets and Providing for Signs
Notifying the Public Thereof, and Further Providing
for Penalty f'or Violation Thereof. (Second Reading)
Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to
have Ordinance No. 327 read by title only.
Motion carried, 5-0
The Deputy City Clerk read Ordinance 110. 327 by title only con-
stituting second reading.
Moved by Counc. Pitzgerald, 3econded by Counc. Finch, to
enact Ordinance No. 327.
AYES: Counc. Pinch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
F. ORDINANCE NO. 329: An O:'dinance of the City of CuperU,y..
Requiring the Installation of Underground Utilities 1n a
Certain Por~ion of the City Known as "Vallco ParI,."
(Postponed fro.. Pebruary 21, 1966) (F1rst Reading)
14c';;;>:! by Counc. Pinch, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to ¡:ave
Ordinan:e 110. 329 read by title only.
JIotion carried, 5-0
The Deputy Cit)' Clerk introduced OrdinBnce 110. 329 b7 ì"1rs~
C. IIBSOL1JTICII m. 1243: Calling for General Municipsl
!Dection to be held on April 12, 1966, and Designating
Voting Precincts Therefor, Appointment of' Election
Officers, Ordering Publication of Polling Places,
!Dection otricers and a List of Nominees.
In light of' sn earlier motion this eveninc, the City Attorney
s:a~ed that portion of Resolution ~. 1243 ebout the referand~m
aa::;;>r will be stricken from the ReEolution.
t~~ej by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt
Res::btion No. 12113 as amended.
Counc. Pinch, FitzBerald, Noel, Stol<es, Dempster
Motion carried, ~-O
IX P;:i::;~ BILLS
A. ~~OLUTION NO. 12L: and l2L6.
;::;!s.::lutioJ1 He. !.?)'5 waG read 1:>y Counc. Fitzgerald.
~,,';ed by Counc. $00!:e8, seconded by Counc. Noel, to
:;:;cpt Resolution 110. 1245.
~y-~: Couno. Finch, Pitzgerald, Noel, S~okes, Dampc"er
:~:,YS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
;::esolution No. 12i:6 was read 1:>;y Counc. Fitzgerald.
~:~ed by Counc. Pinch, seconde~ by Counc. Fitzgerald, to
a:;:pt Resolution No. 12~6.
AY3S: Counc. Finch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
~:..:.. YS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
He had nothiYlg furtl..:>r to report.
1:5. .-~.."",......;.. -=~ C~'l"Y MADf..!ER
1. A~ ~=e last Council _et1n:;, ~!:" :::1ty Manager was
L~s~::-..:cted to ccn1;act lire. !!es~::l "0 see if she te
..1¡~ to Berve OIl' the L1trary Colllll1ssion, ..inCH
she earlier &..)'£ geeS a wish tc serve in some carec!ty.
She has 1rU·0n.d t;be City Manager she would be mopy
to serve on tLe tð,bñl'7 C4l1111sslon.
JIIoved ~ CoUDC. ~. "COIII!ed by Counc. Stckes, to
aPJt'int lira. _atu1 W ~ Library Coaaisslon.
Counc. P1Dcb. Ø__ld, kel, Stokes, Døpeter
.u.aa carried, 5-0
2. '!'cr.;. Center Pro~". 'l'tIe plan 1s to have all under-
¡;;rc:::nd utilit1ea 1:1 the Town Cer.~er. In order to have
n.:.s service prortded ror the C1~y Hall, an initial
ex;>!!niiture or $1l.295.00 is necessary. Adjacent
prc~ies, when developed, will reimburse City Hall
fc:- ~heir share or this expense. T'>e C1ty Manager
r;,:;''''':Jec.ded that th1s expend1ttore be 1'I8de, since "e
=.:s~ .;et the se~ce in there. ".r. Chrisman had to
¡!: ::-':'s for his portion of the 1'o::n Center.
Mnro'i:i: ~ER: K:'.ò~ by C,=,urc. Fitzgerald, se:cnded by Counc. F1l'ch,
:: ~:CI'C''e I-I)e l11Btallation c~ ~::jet"'rouad service a"d
::-:..¿ ~::11c Wor~{s Department t-e :-Ñtii"led thdt th~ lots
~j:~:em; thereto be r.otitied ::"2: .heir pre. rata silðre
,.,~s: ~e paid tel City Eall.
;.....=::¿: Counc. P'!.::::h. F1tzgeral'::'.. ~o'~¡.. Stokes.. !)er.lpster
K',~ : None
)to~1on carr1~d.. ~-)
3. F.==-:': Station JtGHU has a pro£::,z:': ~'hereby items on
:'-.¿ ~;enda coul;! be reported a:>ò. ~r." f?lJow1ng morn-
~"'; :'1e act10n taken could be r¿¡:-ort- \. The C1t"'
~s"2ò~r asked the City Council if :h~J would Cdre
;:.::"t1~1pate ~ 4;h1s.
::::,- -'··""'d
;; - -,:." ..
... -.. - -..
by Ccunc. Fitzgeral~, s~oonded by Counc.
Motion carried, :-2
II. S::=; machine. The City Manase:- ,.eviewed the parci-
=-..::.!.:s of the p.IrC.hase ot one r..::n~ 3t~r.':p machine an..!
s:::¿ to replac~ the outdated e'<:11p;nent ae City Hail.
M=',-~! by Counc. Fitzgerald, se.onded by Counc. Sto!:,,~,
t:-.a: the City Manager be authorized to purchase a ne,.
s::!.:. IDBchlne and scale from Pitney-Bowes for a total
¡::-:'~e, including tax, of $996.52, \/hich pr1ce in.,luùeo
:~..e -'eduction f'or trade-ins.
AYES, Counc. P1Dch, Fitzgerald, Noel, ,~tokes, DeL'psce"
N/.YS, None
Motion carr1ed, ~-J
The C1~:r Ball architect haa offered to do the land-
scape ¡>lar.s for $1000.00. Counc. Pinch sugge.teG we
get b1<!s trom other 1aJIdscape archHects before œkin{l;
a deciB10D on this.
"<&I -er1 ÞoUI:IiSU'1" tor the City or cupertino. The
Cit7 _poP ~ UIœ the City Council to study and
awtv.. the _p be· JIIIà ..sented to thalli SO be can
IIOt1f7 the otbel' aJ~- t!lat these are the City or
~.s p1.ana t... ftture boundsries. '!be Planner
... rft1ewe4 this... IIDIS has suggesteð two cbanges.
IIond ~ Q)uDC. ft· 'h 1a1ð, .seconded b7 eounc. Stokhes,
to _lit the de~UøDa as shem on the -Po "it
tha l'IK ,Þt1oaa .. _de b7 the Director or Plann-
ing 1Dcorporated 1nto it.
....J;,""..2~-'ér~ i'L "",.
AtBS: Counc. P1n<:h, fttzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
IIot1.oD carried, 5-0
MaJOr DeBpster said Mr. Barry Reidel, head of the Los
Altos Pl~:zúng Departllent, is now studying the o:ollllDOn
bounderies ,,"tween IDs Altos and Cl'pertino. Be sue'gested
our Pla.-:.::-er and Planning ColIIDiBs:;'on meet with their !:::Ii Planning C'.>ca1ssion, at .he1r meeting next
Thursda;; .
The Pla:-:-~"- Director said II Minute Order frou the Planninp:
COIIIIIIis!1::: šu¡;gests the City Com1cll authorize the Plann1i1g
COlIIDiss~::: anè70r Planner be represen.ced at thiS meet1ng.
The Cl~y Å::orney feels we should for Rome
Agreemer.:: ~i.h adjoining citie8. The Planning Commißs1cn
should a~~: direction from the City Council, however.
The Joi::: rJwers Act should also be explored.
Moved by :<:cmc. Pinch, seconded by Counc. Noel, that this
matter be :-eferred to the Plannins CommiSsion, arA for
them tc ~e,ide who is to present the City's views to the
City of ~s Altos in regard to the application for the
commer:i:: oenter at the southwest corner of FOothill
Blvd. ax Junipero Serra Preeway, s1:1"e the City of Los
Altos ."'tended the invitat10n.
Counc. S::~es would hesitate tc appear Þefore the Los
Altos rla:_"l1ng Commission without previouS ground work
being la:.!. In the past, it has been our position tlKot
it is nc: up to us to determine how they should handle
rezonings, etc. The Planning Dll'ector said they have
specifi:Ùly requested we be present at this one.
Counc. S:,jkes then said he has no obJ"ot10ns, as lO¡¡3 8'3
they M\"-': invited us.
AYBS: C;:unc. Pinch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes
ABSTAIJrr: Mayor Dempster
Motion carrie1, 11-0
7. The City Manager called attention to .e AJ!A(' con-
te~e on lllarch l7th at the C13remont Hotel ln
In rt.-gard to Item 8 of his report, the De Anza Improvement
Project and the Stevena Creek Blvd. Improvement ProJec t,
the Director or Public Works saId we a~ applying for U.E.
Funds to help WI 1f1th the 1IIprovements of Stevena Creek
Blvd. A Joint City-County resolution is needed, which has
been prepared UDder Resolution Mo. l2l!7, which III1sf; be
t~ tted to the Board of Supervisors.
Moved b7 COUDc. ,fttzpald, seconded b7 Counc. StI>keø, to
adopt Resolution 110. 12117.
A1BS: Co1mc. ftDch. fttzgereld, Roel, Stokes, Der.¡>8ter
1fA1S: lfone
IIotion carried, 5-0
In regard to Item lO, V8l1co Park, of his written report,
the Director of Public Works said >Ie now have a Record
of Survey. He asked the Council to grant exceptions ';0
Ordinance 47(a). 1\:)r the Tentative MaP. Dedication of
streets and improvement of said streets are provided for.
Moved by Counc. Finch, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to
approve the Record of S"rvey and grant "xceptions to
Ordlnance 47(a).
AYES: Counc. Finch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Motion carrIed, 5-0
The Director of Public Works read the March 7th l~tter
fro!:J AJ pha Land Company regarding the improveC1ent of
Stelling Road. They believe the City should share in the
cost of impro~,ns this street, in the amount of $1300.
The Director said a general policy in the City has been
that when a subdivider bu1!ds a portion of a street, it
!:Just be ascertained whE:ther there was sufficient base.
Nolte Engineers had said there was almost no base here,
Moved by Counc. Finch, seconded by Counc. Pitzgerald, ;;0
deny the request and the developer is to be required to
improve the City street to City standards.
AYES: Coune. Pinch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Thorsten Backman; north side of Bollinc:er Road, 200'
east of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road.
~rA ORDER: Upon recommendation by City Engineer, it was moved by
Counc. Moel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to authori",,"
refund of $250.00 cash bond to Thorsten Backman.
Motion carried, 5-0
2. \;1:y!lall; '1'orZ"e 4U>d Rodrigue s.
Upon reco .....ttan or the C1ty ~er, it was
IKIftd b7 Counc. P1nch, aeconded by Co1JDC. Stoke3,
to adopt RellOlutSoD 110. 1244, :P'ßn1:ing eaa~t to
lItc1flc Gaa lUllS E1ec1ôric C..ilPBny.
CoUDC. J'1acb. ntzgerBld. Noel, Stokea, De:apøt&r
au.œ. Urried. 5-0
3. IDpl mas; I!D1'tb Qde or Stevena Creek Bl911S.. "00'
-.t or nata JIa't._.
Upon htJ.aa or the City Bnzineer, It ..a IIOVec:
~ Counc. Stolrea, eeconded b7 Counc. Pinch, to adopt
lIe8olutlon 1201. approving final plans.
Ro1ôlon carr1ed, 5-0
U¡IOn recolBBDdat1on or the City Engineer, it was move<'
b7 Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to
adopt Resolution 110. 1202, authorizing execution of
Motion carried, 5-0
He ha= noth1n:: f1òr'::her to report.
1. !r.e pro~ssive billing, in the amount of $23,359.30,
has been checked by the architect, the City Y..nager.
a:ù the Chief atl.~ding Inspector.
k..-ed by Counc. Pitzgerald, seconded b7 Counc. Sto!,(:s,
:.:: authorize the ~ty Manager to pay 1.I:e progress
;-a~nt in t~ ~ocunt of $23,359.30.
An:s: Counc. l""..nch, Pitzcerald, Noel, Stokes, Der.Jpste:o
SA!:>: Hone
JIIotion carried, 5-0
2. ~ work tœ:; hes been done t¡11s month is placement
c~ 19 sectiona cr the basement. The job is rap':'dly
~1n¡;; closed 1n from the weather.
1'Ic..e.2 by Counc. JPltsgerald, seconded b7 Counc. Noel. I:he check be f'OI'Warded to the contractor 1111-
Ded1a e17, and not _It f'or two "eeks. It will sppear
cn the Treasurer's report at the next lIH!eting.
ADS: Counc. P1Dch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Demp3te=
)lAYS: Hone
Rotlon carried, 5-0
1. ::15hty-seven people came back, safe and sound, from
~he ski triP.
2. March 12th, there will be a trip tc the Ghost Town
near Felt.n.
Interior ])o.........1:1.on class starts 'lUe1ldaJ', JlBrCh 8th.
Oil Pa1nt1JlS ~)... starts on ~ledneada7, IlU'Ch 9th.
There was a tota1 attendance at the pla.;r.......,.ø!s of'
6. A teen art c.-p 18 b'!l1'1g planned tor
7. A charm-þ& o-'l1€-etiQUè:\:te class for girls will be
starting in April.
There "as none.
xn NEtI KSr..'ZSS
There "as none.
I~vej ~y Counc, S~~kes, seconded by Counc. Pinch to adjourn
at 9:2: :0 an exec~~1ve sess10n.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved "7 Counc. S~o:,'!s, seconded b~' Counc. Finch, to adjourn
tì1e r:1E'~:!.n3 at 9::'0 P.M.
J. Rob~rt Dempster
L.""T.E$T :
£,¿....-~ r G~
Deputy City Clerk