CC 02-17-66 10321 South Sa.-a~oga-SUnnJ'Vale Road o."""t1nø, ~~orn1a, 9501l: phone: 252-4505 CITY OF CUPERTINO Calif'orn1a .J: ..à ow 'ftII &Ð.IUUIUUIII aft COIJJICIJ. JIUSIS"l0J.ltJ \fI'l'B 'l'BB PAJIItS AND . . r.¡¡. ~"-$I(If, ~......,. 'Þbruary 17, 196f), at 8100 P.II. ~.,.. be1d 10 the Boa1'II .,.¡ CUp&rt1llo School D18trict Of'tice, _ ~ '11* Ðr1we. Cupøt1Do. QIlUom1a , ~ -¡ .- ~ . %, 1IUrIB!'O 'ftII ftAO ,:Ir"~ . . rr: 1IåU. cw. COunc. present: ftDCb (8Il0), P1tzgerald, Noel, Stokes, »1 .·wr Counc. absent: .... CaBI. pre""t: LtIIn. Loo.1s, Wilson c-. abeent: 8-'J...ck, Acker Start present: Clt7 J(lmager, Phil Storm Rec~tion Director, John Parham Rec:ord1r1g Secretary, lDis Imoard& lira. ....~scn reviewed the previous recor:llllendations _de by the Recrea:lor. Colllll1ssian to the Councll. The central park ,,"s given :"1.-s: priority. It was recommended the City enter into e co:::~~t with the f1rmB of Royston-lIPnamoto-Ma;ves and Bcd', and ~:~~ ar.,j Sue. Their reaøontng was that neighborhoods are be~.g served no., and will continue to be served thro'..lf',h the ~ ~~ schovl grounds and facilitIes. The facilities of the ce::::-al park 1fOuld mean greate.. o¡arlety of new programs that C!~~: be pro~ided no. because of t~ lack of fa~illtles aYBlla~:e. Th!! aesthe1;ics would IIIOtlvate the general public to wan: :c go ahead 1dth the other pari<s, also. The Junior Chamber :::f COClllerce aurve;v srowed a need for a co_unity psrk. lira. 'òI1øon then reY1ewe1 these landscape architects' previous work 1:: :te area. In rep~ to financing, Mrs. Wilson said there is now an Open Space ?e-:ieral Land Program which will allow the whole psrl; progra:z :0 IIIOve ahead 18Uch quicker ~han previously anticipated. A char. was distributed to the City Council reflecting thls. The CI::; Manager reviewed the progrsm of purchasing the parks. It has teen a long and tedlus and soœetimes fNstrating job. They a:arted with the Monta, Vi$ta School perk site. They _nage:i to save $7500 here. The second one waa the coòntral park Ute. That involved several trips to IDs Angeles. It started at $37,000 per acre and finally calD8 down to $30,000, arter fK)ntha snd IBOntha of' negotiating. The Torre property was next. It started at $27,000, and was finally resolve:1 at ~,()(X per acre; 'ftIePa þtn1n1 property ran the same gamut. The C~ property started at $26,000. but came down to $23,00:, tut we IIIIlat bu7 6.23 acres. Conditions were set ",p in adctlt1on¡ lrr1ption rights for as long as they operate orchard. Along the _at bank, an irrigation line csn be in,· stalled to he'ldle tld.., once the parle site 18 developed. lira. 'Arian .Aid t...,. bad f'or many years, tirst reruaal to purchaae property along the creek ln order to tJave access to water. At th1s point, lira. Varian contlnues to say she lllUat have t!>e ~reek 1'rontage. -1- · ,. .. ODe reas;,r.¡ the City Counc1J. wants to con.plete the p.;.rchase ("r the perk sites is 80 that.. can process the appli;:;.tii)n ror the Pede=tl Jl\lnds. 'I!Je end I"9sults hale Justified the lcr.g de18711. !tie City ...-ger then revie:;ed his wrltten report. IIQor DellllBter wan1;~ to po1nt out to the Recreation co-1!1sion Ulat ~-1e i. _~ OD the'-r budget for the COII1nS year. 'W.s.pt PI"Of1t r- ~ P'Ob~. '!he real ~~ ~ .... hc1DC r1&bt: ... û ~e. It talnta _ of ~be1r t:ø doUar tor ~ or their parka. ADS the peftICD in eIìItree of u. patr _I - ~. ... ulred tœ. to do8ble~1d8 ftpN tor u. ......~. .. ahoul4 J I'OCØC! 1I1ua.tIIe park III(~ beP1D8 the ~e dOIID to a .....-. !Dclud,.s sa ..ole'. JIU'Ir8' ~.. an butter .rea. ___ .. ~..-;rs. Ibr --.>1e, plaDt1llS of tile area IU'OUIIII the bua ðepo~ coat .we U8D U. CCIIIII~U- ot the bllilding. In 11ð111t1oD. the}' Win alWQII IIIIed two full-tiM .-ploy..s Just to _inta1n this 81'eII. Counc. Stons asked bCIIII ~ acres of parks the7 an ..rk1ng With now. MQur ~ter A1d we _st get thill lntoreatlon t'roIII Sum)'YBle. lira. Loo-dll c~ted that we _t keep this experience in Idnd in ta)JdDg with the landscape architect. Counc. P1n<:h said CUpert1Do'II tax rate is 2~, or ~2,OOO pe:- year, or $1000 per acre per year, for maintenance. Be was in ravcr of keeping _int~e down to a mini_. The Rec~tion Director said this ls related to hOw intensively the peries are developed. He ill more ill favor of less iotens~ve devdopæflt and more open space. He has estimated $500 per acre rc~ ~intenance, including ~4tering, fertilizer, insect- icides. e':;·,. The a"erage 1s one man for 5 acres. at $5000 per yee:' , It would r-m $7500 per year per 5-acre park. Counc. ~nch commented that design can have a lot to do wit" oainter~r.ce costs. He said that, in vlew of the fac':; t~ßt we now :-.ave acquired 1:he lands, there has been a discussion of' the :oalntenance ractor and a financlsl report, it must no... be dec1.:!ed where we are going to spend the money. He feels the Rec~et1on D~re"tor should be given some guidance trom the Cl:¡ Councll. Suggestions for Wilson park site: termis courts, tot lots, picnic :~bles, irr1sat1on. Counc. ~nch sald some criteria should be Q!'veloped for what we are g-:!lng to develop. We must keep maintensnce in mind and alert the architect to this. Counc. lIoel noted that, under the perk development progra,,', 60,000 !l'OGI the General Pund is for the central psrk. JIrB. I.ooeds said we _t lltart somewhere; and it seems 111'e the toc~ em city-wide needs should come first. Counc. JIoel came up tdth the tollowing proposal: 1. Evaluate the prelleDt l'acillties at the schools. 2. Draw up s _ster plan ot facilities to be offered and what is neet'ed f'or all agelt. 3.' Assign facilities ror each park. 4 Hire an architect to dellign thell. 5. 'Oeteratne which .-1)" be developed first, in relation to co:: and populat:1Dn density. -2- . - c..v-.. Stokn feels the ðenloplBDt costs are "er'1 hard to ..cabl1ah. We II1st ìceep 1D .tnI that W6 will ha"e the new C1CW 1IaU, whicb could œ- ~ Recreation Depart8ent. .... IIDII ~ paJ'ka..... M.~ because there i8 onl;r a ~ ~ ~ or ~ &creap in thne area.. _ 18 perllaPl the tÞl .to·etut at l..at l'baae. ODe or .,- -I JIU'IaI. '!be atUlU._ ft.. J8U'II a80 ahoweð the people -I. ~ cetnl¡lU'lr ~..U- the 'W1~or~ ¡IU'ka. ~ - ,. _ aIIDald atu1l to.'IIeftJop it aloac 1d.th _ or tala ...spt~lb..od puoka. . a .~'l""" . a.. '. J'SDcb add V1~ ;"rn aaI Çc>11t_ ~"o"1a are DOlI I ..... ~ 8ecnats.t DIi_ 1 t atart .aL... after acboOl. ':BIt.œU 1.'7!etr 18 '_.11-" 1'7 to PI"OY1de a .,101' .. _uv ftøoall ,be Ii ~...to... $porta. etc., an .van- ...._ tb.~ the L_ J to with ~ School Diatrict. ~ paople ..... us . ~1"'_ do11an to ~rk II1th, &14 he reels . -..-1 ,.1 a-ñ abould be JI'Odðed tiNt. IIN. LooII1a Aid the JÇ at. ahøwed the _"onty of' the people ~ a cc ""\ity cent... tor larga-t~ 'Ø'ther1nga, etc. CoIIII". Pitqerald asked U the 1anðBCa~ architects reco_ndeé. peRl8l 01' full develo.-nt. 1Ir. L1Dn said de.1gn IIhould be .ater plSDDed, but could be built In stages. !'be Recreation Director said the ..."or need is for the com- Imn1ty center. The whole tBrk should be planned at once. as detinitlon of e CO~...1ty center is s large bu1lliing that -.lid house the following ra,;;llit1es: 7100 sq. ft. gym, ¡, or 5 meetj-ng roo..., srt gallery, patio, adlll1nistrstlon office. Counc. Noel noted tiJat the 1960 report showed th~ needs to be f'aclllties ror ~.iaa1ng as tint, and crafts and hobbies .'ere second choice. Are. Wilson pcinted out that the General Fund, on the "ri~ten report. should read about $35,000 nther tt...ift $60,000. Counc. Plnch esti...ted that two neighborhood parks, plus the central park, could be developed in the beginning. He would l1.ke the Recreation Director to subll1t various ideas for de"elopment or the parka. Counc. Stokes felt that Phase One should be the centrsl park, Wilson, snd POrtal neighborhood parks. This comes to less than the full developoaent or the central perk. Perhaps treea, liated under Ph6se Two, could be included in this initial develoPIIBnt, to give theta a chance to get growing. Counc. Plnch wol'ld like to see the Recreation Coaa1sa10n come up with BOlle idealS or the ultl_te developoaent of. the parks and have thetD œet with the City Manager tC' aee about future t'unda. A lot of work poaelbl,. could be programmed out, to _Jce use or the City statt'. Counc. Stokes said _~.hINld give cor.sideration to the Baywood ~rrace aref!, together II1tb the develoPIIBnt of the Cali propert.~·.. because they do not have ~ racilitles at th1s time. A til'D~ achedule ror future pørk œeda should be worked out. Counc. P1nch vas in ravor or _ster planning the park 8YSteø:. -3- ¡. r '1'he Recreation Director Mid that last Jfovember tlle1 presented a plan for finl'.nclng or a Hven-7M1' plaD. SIne. t., the lfedaoal Qo,ft\_'It tal ~ up 1I1th federal t\IIIÞ ava1l4ble 1Ih1ch wUl ~ care ot ~ of ~8cap1rlg, g1'1141DC, a~1D8, etc. n- is cO'.lCtd:nble tbat: cllmtlo~ of' aU the pu1œ could be COtIPleted .1th1D abøut tour,.en now. ~ -..t.er t_ _ .....101 PløJr oa1: the para _ wøt to ""10;) DCMI II1II _ ,-,- a 1dUa t~. IIN. Loams A14 tile C I-10ft'" ~LDteI'Y1...s arcb!teeta _ tJlWsUpMIJ tile ftJII8cSa1 dcuatiGD. ... StoIIH ..sa. tile Milt.. pial to1' tile c 1 M1 1IIIItr. 1f11- ...aII Iœ'tal '.......1. "~ tua\ Jr1GI'1'7. We _.101 ~... U. archited(a) __ tlHlr to QI II1Ua ..tsatall C.u. " CouDc. Stoó«.. uke4 it It sa tile C,-N1oD'. JDtaDt~ to be". ODe architect 1.....-'.. all tt. pu1nI' .... V1~ add the)' recti !uII the ru. of JlD7Dton."- ·to, ~ 8llllIIec:Jr f'ol' tt. Central l'IIrir. ~ IIOU1d alao l1Jre to _ II1I1eN ad Sue do II couple ot the _1Sbbort:ood parIr.. Roved t1 counc. Pttr.geral4, aeconded b;r COunc. 8to". to acr.ept alternate Plan 3 ror the ...ter plan only. AYBS: Counc. Pinch, Pitzgerel4, Jloel. Stokes, Delllpeter HAyS: IIone Motion carried, 5-0 counc. Finch Mid the Council would look :'It the reco_ndations of the Recreation COIIIIII1ssion, but reels the City Councll and the City Manager should make the decisions. Mayor De8pster feels they should meet and I118ke a report on .hether or not; we should have one or two archltecta for the 3 psrks. As to the ColllD1ssior.'s recoamendatlons and rea lIOns for them, the City Council could make their decision either at a re~¿lar Council meeting or at another special œeting. MIIIUTE ORDER: Moved b7 COunc. Stokes. seconded b7 COunc. Finc~" that the City Council 1nBtruct the Parks CODDlssion tc 'Lake a reconendation through t~ City Manager to the C1tr Council reg8l'ding the hiring of a landscape architect(s) to ¡:...epsre a mBster plan for the three parks t~t have been decided v?<Jn tonight. Motion carried, 5-0 Mr. Varner Wilson wanted to compliment the City Manager for his negotiations on the perk sites. UI ADJOUR!IMENT Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Pinch, to adjoum the meeting at 9:20 P.M. APPROVED: Isl J. Robert Dempster Mayor A'I."l'BST: -11-