CC 02-15-66 . 10321 South Sa1'l1toga-Suriñ;Ivale Roat CU¡Ieñ1Do, Ca1Uon\1a, 95014 ... phone: 252-4505 CITY O. COPER'fIWO' , CIi1JJ'ol'ld.a _~ or 2B RIIIJULAR AD,,,.........ot.. _;o-.uoG œ crrr euu....u. - J'IIb. l5, 1966 X . 8WJ'1'B '1'0 !HI ft!,o ' 1:1 . IÍQLL CWo . at:att ... '111'. ftDcb, fttqeft14, Sto....,1J yt.er ~' ~."-'r", 1'b11~. ... .. a~,SIII~· . _~ öt .",.40 __, .~". ~ M" t,;¡;:..... '. , 'lJ- ..J18.... . . øw.. Ib.~, ·au M-.J.ch .... Cit7 ClftIr. 1'1ø1...... a!fid ~ 1Iecre1:ar.V, Lois JœUd8 IIQor Deçeter .............ec1 that tbere _ two i~ to be taken UDder cona1dent1oD tlat ue not on tbe aaeo'-: CDwIoU- preMDt: CDaDcu-D aIIeen':' A. 'ftIe C1t7 IIaDager 8dd the PuraleJ' conetructioD COIIpany. the cont1'8ctor OD tbe Clt7 Ball job, has salrec1 tor an ext_ion or 7 ceJ.ea4ar daya, due to incl~ weather. 'ftIe adld1n8 IDa¡IKtor and the City Rrogt-er teel that he abould be g1 Yen Ii dB,... Moved b7 Counc. Stoll:esl &8conded b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, to grønt an extension or 'I de,.. to the Pursley Construction CoJ11an7 on the Cit7 Ball contract, due to incletænt weather. AYBS: Mts : ABSJ!IT: Counc. Pinch, Pitzgerald, Stokes, J)ea pster Hons Counc. JIoel JlDtlon carried, 4-0 B. The C1ty llanager ~d It i. till!.' tor another Progress ~t in the a.ouDt or $26,757 .6l. '1'h1. has been checlr·1Id 117 the Cb1et adlding Inapector and the Architect, anð the City __pno rBC.C_lnds approval or It. So B)ved, b7 Counc. Stokes, seconded b7 Counc. Pinch. AYIS: JlAts : ABSJ!IT: Counc. ftnch, P1tzgersld, Stoke., DetBpater Hone Counc. JIoel. JlDtion carried, 4-0 In l'UBLIC BBARIJIG A. ~B 22O(g). An Ordinance of the C1t7 of' CUpertino, Mending OI'diDaDCea 110. 002 81 220, Regulating the Height or adldinga ud Otber Structures, and Inclll"1~ Certain Other Regu1atlona ror Television and Radio Aerials. Rec( _nded b7 pt-o¡g ColZisslon Resolution 110. 320. Continued r1'Olll 1'IIbruar7 7, 1966.) -1- JíIJÞI' Dnpøter lsked the audience if they cared to give t!!eir coments tl;t'W't. JIr. ~be, 11076 L1nda nata DrIve, Cupert1llo, asked what the re- ~_ ~ he1.!b1; is tor the_ t:oIfera and antennas. '!'he City Attorney .....2.t; 1a 48' as of now. '!'here hrfe been discussions or BJVIIbere hwã 20' to 60'. 1Ir. Jacoba tbeD aalred about areaa where there are . - _~ utilities and atrelUll1Ded ~1ng, etc. Tb! City Attórney .... aat Sectloc 68.7 of' O1"'1-....e 220(&) anS1lera the UncIergrowñ .,....~ queatloc. '1'tIe OJ'd1-. would control these on new develop- , -:;.. _ tbe7 lave. no power Ofti' tœ.. alread7 1natallecS. 'l'be7 =- t1'eáted .. DOD-COId'ONIDI"'. tbere ia no 1DtentJoD in .~t::;:~-_~:':'ft. _. __.. ·<,or.·. ~ ~.,.....ör' .~IIñIUfID:rul "'1"1& a -- heisht . >, .<âsd 1Ia.ilh.f'....·~ that 70' 1s an adequate . .. ~,-.,... rår.. .....~....-,.~.. reoUi udell ~ the PI.-1r¡g '. ',. .does not ~8IIIr .. J ,.~ beb.aen red10 ant;-., and 'IF: c' -. ......... 81 ap...1..... ~ UIe Mp"''' the antenna, the leaa 10U .. .... to Me n. . 81 I'MPHLI'IoU7 requested they recoœ14er and lID IiIM:I[ to a -- he1gbt ot 70'. Co . Stokes aaIœd 1Ir. JP1tquald 11' be bed an;y opin1on as to the a. & height neecIed. 1Ir. fttaprelcl aatd the a"erage he1ght; is row ap all the tIM, With new products on the marlœt. Be ..ld 40' ... -'s" )'881'8 ago. Be veDtm'ecl a guess that _here between M' ud 70' IIOUlcl be ~ average dea1.red height st this time. Mr. Oratan Bopn, 3r., 11067 u_ nsta Drive, Cupertino, asked fcr a ~ ._ry cf the Plann1nS eo-!sslon's res sons ror 11111ting the hetpC to 1¡8'. C!B1rID8n Johnaon ..14 a survey was made b7 the staff, and lIS' se.ed to be the height that would be the most appropriate, ani! ~h1ng over ~hat would CalM under the Use Penlit procedure. 1Ir. Jlbb JlcWard, 1:>'1;8 Bonny Drive, Cupertino, quoted troa the ARRL Baø:Ibook, which be said is the -bible of hamdom." From a technical st..~~t. It is extretDely Important to heve a certain 8IIIOunt of f're.· .... He the~ ;;:JCted rrom Page 296, ot the VHP Handbook, relative to t.be Deed to ha\"!! ham antennas higher then TV antennas. Mr. JIb~ La_rø, 1::'534 Deodara DrIve, CUpertino, said they would pre- rer ao~ to have t-= go through the Uae Permit procedure. Ir the ()ro11--. gets toe restrictive, it could have unfavorable side ef'fects. Perta~ we should also restrict the Bize of families because children deterSorate neIghbcrhoot';, faster then antennas. We have had expert t.S~1--o' that tOIlers are not al'l'ecting property values. Having to go 1øCo the U_ ñ!=it procedure diacourages something usetul and con.~t1"e ror :~,!l;1ren. Mr. ~_1'7 Dudley, 21813 Terrace Drive, Cupertino, said he broußh~ his~. ge son, w~ is a ha. operator, to this meeting. Counc. 1;tokec' askeel ball ~ he:: cperators there are in Cupertino. He was told there U"8 approxiœ-;ely 50. 1Ir. S7d 3arvls, ~O Sunrise DrI"e, CUpertino, asked it the City CouneU bas the pctll!r to amend the Planning COIIIIIission's Ordinance. The C1~ Attorney su:! this body has the power to ccnsider all the sect1ca:l 01' the ~e and pass a. Resolution deterœ1n1ng what, if a:l7, ...-,es should be _de in the public interest, and a report ::'s tad. to ~ Planning Co&m1ssion. If' the Plan."1ing Commission does :-.ot report back w1t~.!n 40 days, the City Council has the power to enact 1" own OrtU.2DCe. Mr. Jarvia then suggested the Council aet the "~ ..~.,., at 50'. -2- -,--,.,....,..,...,.,....- - - 'ft1e Citÿ Attótœ1 iS1i."I.~b8re are ~ variable8 to be comddered here: f"iat laM, hilly a\'IM', ete. Maybe 8 zone would be In order as certT.ln arez.,. def'ln1te:l; r need higher antennaa. Be urged the Cç~l1 to keep an oper. "-:""4 on tb1l. 1Ir. Bt.n~ Leretz. lOm V1ckaburg Drive. Cupertino, asked whether the C1~ Counc.U ~" re.tñct a _t:ghbor of' his hoo. _tcb1Jlg CbaDnel 3. or reau1re b1a to PB7 $25 f'or. 11.. ~t, to _tch ¡IIL'OII'ImB which are ft1'7 1II¡..."I1:aut to b1aI.. '!be a"enp 'IV l1.a~ .;:an look at lID auteaIa aDd ca..."aOt 4eteJ'ldDe 1Ibetller It 18 '8'. 50' 01" 60'. It 1t U _1sÞtl7 at ~, ,t: 18 -1¡Þt:~17 at '8'. alIIo. '!be ODe. tJw.t look t.. n..t are tIIe¥a.'-1:. Be t..~ tile e1~ COUDc.U abould 11.~ to the teclm1cal people Oft '<Ida. . tile 'P ,1;100 __ w~ œ-!IOt tile C1t7 ~11 .... the power to Nt -.II I.4<LdcUft! Jøa.. fIie' Clt7 A~. ..,~ -tile _te pt.....11\8 . Ie& CIetÞ1teJJ' at... tbe'CI&;jClliariau tile ..... Co Ü/II.tI1ct the be1¡ht _ aÞuctun.. ' " . IIr.BlJb RoM""",,_ n085 LSIIIM 'ftata Dri.... CUpert1Do. .ûed wbat the ~. we or an Qrd1-e 181 Ia It to IIID..*I'u. or 1. It to CODtrol? lie quoted brocJmrea whicb atate4 that operatore caD 1I01'k 1d.tb1n the .......,..,. of' 35' to '10'. Be ~t up tile aatet7 tactor, citing a coap1e of' cases .bere people .ere hUrt 1Ih11e 1I01'Idng on their antennas. lie ~ed tbe touncil that the 11se ru.tt PI'Ocedure can alW87s be \4n1...... where a hBr1eh1p 18 .stablished. It _s h1a bel1er that it 811 a.ateur could afford the teNere he could also arf'ord the Use 1'mw1t, 1f needed. 1Ir. Bob Patterson, 10489 ~ Drive, CUpertino, Aid that as you hig.'1er in rrequencl, it becomes a line of' sight situation. It iB UDCOIBOn to go to eo' or 90'. Gregory Dudley, 21813 Terrace Drive, Cupertino, a teenager, stated that the cost of a Use PeI'lllit is an important factor. He had an a~L::ment with his father that if' he passed hi. license, that his f'ather would pay for his tower. He said he sav=d for a long time for his transmitter, go not Mr. Ben Irwin, 1:116 Linda Vista Drive, Cupertino, said it is a shame the r~uD8 reel t!Je rest of the City should surter because of their hobby. He said he likes to t'ly model sirplanes, but feels he can't in tœ his r.e1g!:borhc~ becauae it is too 00187 for the neighbors. Mr. Clarence Hanson, 20170 Paclrica, Aid it is more a conaideration of what is avallatle on the market than that the hams want thingB to M their way. ~ vas concerned about the 11111tation of the array on the antennas. TI>e restr1ct10na placed in the Planning CommisBion Ordinance do fJOt :oincide with what is on the market today. Mr. Pitzgen!,ld 1IBS concerned about ñghts being taken a_y from citizena. '1bese r..am operators provide a service in _rgencles. Successful co~~=atlona call ror adquate equipment. He cited the work of local t4l1iS during the Alaska earthquake. Mr. Vince LaPorta, 20129 Su1_ Drive, Cupertino, Bald his antenna _a ...p 58' when !'.e took over lOO _ssages from Alaska during the eart.hqualce. As to the ..tet7 ractor, the anutacturere of' these structures give s¡:>ec1tlc and detalled directions tor installation. Mr. Gratan Hogan said the rec_nc!ed height of' 1!8' seema fair enough, with the Use Pen:1: procedure if a~hing ove:, that is needed. -3- ~,.....-(.. . . lira. Charl_ BvaDa, n096 L1.nda Vista Dr1.ve. said she is not against .aI, if' done with a structure that 111 œt oÞnox1ou8 to look at. She does not f'eel '1"1 ant_s and .-teur radio antennas should be in the _ Ordinance. She aaJred the Council it tbe7 could envision a 20' ,µTQ'. Sbe U8ed . tape _11111'8 and showed thelll how large an area that would actual17 CO"ftd". 111'. Don COIIInt. 22W3 þl".trol Court, asked about the polic1Dg of ~ 01....--.. ,.!lie et-t7 Att0me7 ea1d ~a that are alread7 SDatalle4 ~1iit ~ ,to be I Yed. 'fbeJ' 1IOuld be ~ as iIOD-ooat ... ,,:.. 1t~ 1I1D4 aboa1ð·blow ODS down, or 110M- tIdnB, tbe....·to ~ iD tor a ,Un Fe1Ct to III1t up .aotber. ar. ft~_.~ 1dn be .8 ftidlo tower at tile new Clt7 8111. 81..... . 'Þ"'D6t SD the ~_Jnt plana. 81 then aalr'" tM ..tpt ot tM· 1II&b1tchool outdoor l1ghts. Be.s told ~ are at 50'. Council..,. fttqe1'a14 f.1t the turnins radius tactcr should be further explored. lID"ed b7 Counc. P1Dch, aeconded b7 Counc. Stokes, to close the PUblic Bearings. AYBS: MYS: ADSBIft' : Counc. ftncb, Pitzgerald, Stokes, DeIIpIIter IfoDS Counc. llce1 IIDtion carried, 11-0 Jlayor Dempster called for a break at 9:l5. Meeting reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Counc. Finch brought up the question of '1'V interference. He noted that the people don't want the interference. but they also don't want the height that would help eliminate the interference. Counc. Stokes said the thinking that the higher the antelVlB, the less you see, would not &pply in the hill7 areas. These could be individual cases. Be thinka the halD operatora. though few In mJlllber. seem to create a nuisance no matter wt.t they do. He does not feel they should be :Uscr1ldnated a¡µ1nøt IUI7 more than anyone else. The Pederal Gove~t licenses thelll and seta up moI'e strict rules than the City Council could. We restrict the size and he1ght of signs in CUpertino, and It would see. in order to restrict the he1ght of structures. Be felt they should arrive at some figure but, at the present tilDe, was not sare what this figure should be. Counc. Fitzgerald Aid he was inclined to go alon¡:; with the recom- IIBndation b7 the Director or PUbHc Works of 60', mainly because he f'eels there should be a ditf'erence bet"een TV sntelVlBs and ham operatora' antennas. Looking at the aesthetics of this thing, he is opposed to these towera. A minority group does have SOllie rights until they infringe on tbe rights of the majority. Perhaps 1t ia the alYdY as mu.:h as the he1Sht that is objectionable. Mayor Dempster said that, in view of the arguments, he feels that it is proper to restrict to a certain .extent jUlIt as we restrict s1gn heights. Be reellz.s the ham operatora have a hobby they enjoy pur- suing. At the _ t~, the City takes it upon thellBelv"ts to restrict the height of signa. which has a direct .rrect on s business- man's I1velihooc1. 'l'be reason ror this is ror safety, aesthetics, etc. Ve must also take into consideration reasonable limitation of height or towers. Be r.els this limitation is not conclusive, in that if he cares to go higheJ" he can come before the Planning Cc.DlDission and City Council for a Vse PerlD1t. -4- ~ - ~r Dempster cOlllll8nted that there ':'s additional cost and w')rk in- wIved in obtaining a Use Permit. but it the œnetH8 are there, chey abou.ld be willing to take these additional steps. Some ot the3e people 1Iho apoke are baa operators. It th111 doea not bother the ~bo4" there should be no d1ft'iculty in recel"ing a Use Permit. Be f'eels, in view of the raet that we he". a 1D8diUII alzed City, and ttat we have to enact aD Orcünimce the Cc:mcll feels i8 reasonable. ZIe f'eels thet the 01'''''-'' .. proposed W the PlaDn1ng CoaIII1ssion is a lIOund one. Be doeaaøt aee boll the7 can .aJre aD OrdbIance thet 1d1l bene1'1t all and 11111 not affect haIì op&i'ators. lie f'eela this 1Ioð7 ia a fair one, aDd 1iOu1d t8ke a 1'eI'tIOftIOb1e atanlS on 8'DT Use IWnd.ta cOll1D8 bfofore u-. Co. ..,.. ~ sa14 ~"'~,..c:è). ¡et above. u.·lfOW8l"·11Dea 1I011ld _.;¡1Ia~"........-te a,~~:<!!t,~ ~ta...,~- ~~~" BP hish ........p to 81- tile lI~R~:~ of ~~r UJIU. tile C'.11et 1Ia11d1nS þ':P;;¡¡';èd the ..,.. ~ are 1D8taUed at &)IIÆ".øs..tte:17 35'. '!bfSo~.wœld be adequate to avo14 the h1&b p)WBr 11Ðea. bilk come in 2ð'iect1oD8. Ccunc. Pitzprald aSreed tJ!at the 60' IIe18bt dSht not be exceBB1".. hrt!aps It should be eultJeat to Architectural and Site Control, and t:Ma could solve a lot of PIObl_. !IQol' Dempster said, the Use Pel'llit ~t f'or over 48' would ~ that it would 00_ be1'ore the Architectural BUd Site Control, automatically. (City Planner's note: Bot aa the OrdbIance is written; a Use Permit would only go berore the Plsnning CoaIII1ssion unless appea1ed. ) ':he Director of Public ~1o:'kB said Mrs. Ivana haa a good point in that the tower itself 18 unsightl;r. Perhaps the towera could be limited, and thcn go to a single pole sbove thet. There are five he1ghts of towers availa~le: 35', 51¡' and on up to 103'. He would like to keep it something along with commerciall7 available sizes. Mayor Dempster and Counc. Stokes said that to get a single mast on top of a tower may lead to a lot of "Rube Goldberg" setups. Co=c. Pinch was in favor 01' 10' increClents. up to 50'. The Director of Public Work,. t;ald thet, unt'ortunately, the transm1tte~ loop does not remain flat. It extends above af¥! below the plane. The best compromise he could sl\ggest would be 10' above the IJOwer li!1es. He said hls study on antennas included Baywood Terrace aoo ;estacres. He showed the charts 1'.0 the Councilmen. Cc:mc. Stokes feels the Ordinance should be set at such a heiGht that w~ 11 probably be adequate tor most and ..ill not encourage all the exceptions. Mayor Dempster pointed out that they were talking about somethln£ that involves s hobb7. An Ord1nance has slready been enacted ..hich 112dts the height of signa, wh1ch directly aff'ects a businessman's incOCle. Ccur.c. Pitzgerald said the Sign Ordinance has worked. He ha:> no twangs of conscience In denying variances to the Sign Ordinance_ Counc. Pinch felt it would be difficult to compare signs to radios. Mayor Dempater would like to see if the 1:8' limitation would work. Be does not feel it is unreasonable. If it is not "orka~le, it could al...ys be amended. -5- .. - ('.()!1IIIt!. F1tzgerald ,.-as In tavor ot golng aleng 'w1th the Director of Publ1c Vorks' recomendatloDII becaWle be 1s an expert in the field. ('0"-. Stokes aeid po_r :ur.a vary fl'Oll 35' to !¡S'. Ir - arrive at a 50' figure, then we are ".H"Ig people ".0 live in those areas where the7 are 1:5' to _ in tør a usè Perad.t. '!lie CJ.~ "'-poP IIId4 there are 'IIW7 f'_ poles aboft 110'. '!be _'LH~ De~t C8D pt ... ~_t1on"17 eaa117. Zt would ..U . ,~ üat tJIe SO' tIOIt1cI ...~~ cover mat ca_ and thø)" are In 4. ~1 "La of 10'. Qj ì ~ StoIœa as CClDCemecI ~ tile U'I'Q8. '!'be D1NCtor ot PUblic =~1.-:1" tile , ,JIe'" " . N1M bon 1s Ua1; co]or '" . .·"~ber.·· .-. ..~=t;'r~ ~~=~-:r~:ns III~_.. lilt daee DOt; tee1 tile tara1Ds nd1us ~s tile r1pt approach. !Iut IIÞ'ector or I'Iab11c L" J Mi· t..ð the to~ 1IOI'd1D8 tor Sect:1øD 68.6: -aJa11 tile a.... - IT to lie art'1xed to the top or the t... ..m.u not lie in exc:_ o~ 150 l1Deal f'eet or tub1DS.- '!be Director of' Public Vorlra add the general reeliJ!6 ...i the Planning CJ '..ion was to restrict tbe radius to a Idni_ of' 20'. 'l'bey . tool!: the s_llest available in a catalog, and reduced the siZe tram it. '!be Planning Director ...i4 other cities are amlre or the problem and are studying it. Se:tion 68.6 s!iOuld be reconsidered by the Planning CoaDisslon. CC~. P1tzg~rald said the det1D1tlon of' lot size should be spelled o;;t. Mayor Dempster asked tœ staf't' to rind out how the Planning Commission arri"ed at the 20' radi...s. Tt".e stat'f' was also asked to give a better det'1D1tion to 68.6. Cc.ur-. Finch moved that Ord1nan<:e 220(,;) be rererred Plann1~g Commission, and that turther study be given 68.1, 68.2 and 68.6. reck .0 tne to Sections .1 In view of the fact the,. COllIe in 10' increments, the Plannin.; Commission is asked to reconsider power lines and the ultimate height to be allowed. .~ The Plannins Commission should consider the insertion of the ~erinition of lot size at 7500 sq. ft. ~ Planning Commission is asked to consider the availability of antennas for various megacycles and to reconsider the dimen~i0n or the horizontal circle. '=ounc. Pitzgerald seconded the .otion. & .- Jla70r Dempster amended the l.1B1tat1on should be 50'. Pitzgerald. Vote on the Amendment: motion to read that in Section 68.1, <he Amer.dment was 3econded by Councilman a......_.&.: Counc. Fitzgerald, Stokes, Dempster Ccunc. Finch Counc. Moel A"!JIS: IMD: Aõ>end8ent carried, 3-1 -6- . . Vote em the aotion: AYES: NAYS: ABSEH'I! : Counc. Fin~~, Fitzgerald. Stokes, Del!:rs:~r a:me Counc. Nee: Motion carr1fd. 4-0 IV _,a_ --.a: lit. .r.... Q)UDC. S--..o!<es, se<o - - ..,. Counc. Pinch, to adjcJarD tiler'. . '''W to !!»=Ida7. Pe1l..-.. ~7th, 8:00 P.II.. at the ....-...... 1Cee~1nG adJOU1'DId _ 10:25 P.M. " .a..~d'.1I /8/ J. Robert »-Pater llayor A"ra:.DIòII.L.. ;'/.' . ,/ -- ---'o.J -:;; (-. -t. ~_r~ City <:l€:-,: "I -7-