CC 01-03-66 ~ ."Co . ,.,~:-.__..",...~,... "". . ~ 7·, . 21 South S&ratop-SunnJvale Road ert1llo. CalIfornia. 95014 phone: 252-4505 CITY OP CUPERTINO cu1ronu&. U'1'BS or _ IUIIUI.AR JIDl'IJIJ 01 'l'BB CITY COUNCIL - Jan. 3. 1966 .CBI Board BooII. CUpertino School District attice 10300 V18ta Dri"e. CUpert1llo. CalitQrnia 111'...00 ;..,.: . :r .... 'ÍBB PUG ÍI . 1à.Ii ctt.L eoa-n.-, ¡lre8èn1:r ~ abllentl atarr pie8ent I ftM't. Pitzgerald. Jfoel. Stokes. Ilellpeter None City Jlulager. Phil Ston Cit7 At'tome:Y. S8III'Anderøon I>1r. of Public WoI'lœ. P1'8nk Pinney City Clerk~ Larr1. lllartin Dir. at Planning. Adde Laurin Cit7 &\ginear, Bob Shook Recreation Director. John Pl&rham Chief Bldg. Insp., Bill Benevich Assistant Planner. Jim NUzum Recording Secretary, Lois Inw&rds :11 IIDRI"ræ OJ' THE PREVIOUS MBB'l'ING - December 2C, 1965 Moved b7 Counc. Moel, seconded by Counc. Pitzgerald, to approve the Minutes of December 20, 1965. Motion carrh~. 5-0 IV ORAL AIm WRITTEN CœMUNICATIONS IIRI'l'TEN: 1. Motice at January 6th meeting of the Inter-Ci~ Council in Los Gatos. 2. Letter trom Division of Highways re local franchises being considered (Collier-Burns Act). 3. Letter trom R. A. Anderson, Westacres Homeowners Association, re sycamore trees. 4. Letter trom Sanitary District re sanitary sewers in the Town Center. 5. Santa Clara County Tratt1~wa7s Co.m.ttee report, dated Dec8\:lber 17, announcing the January 12th meeting. 6. Letter troll Cecil G. Criger re trattic accidents on But lllltates Drive, and appealing tor preventive action. Moved b7 Counc.Pinch, seconded b7 Caunc. Moel, to refer this letter to the Traffic Department of the Count7 8herr1t's Ofti'. e tor a report at the next IIBeting. Motion carried, 5-0 -1- . . The City Manager sald thi3 ar·,a has 1x.oen checked diligently at all hours of the day and night; perhaps a barrier of some sort i& needed. Moved by Counc. Moel, seconded by Counc. P1n~h, to accept the written communications. Motion carried, 5-0 ORAL: l. Mr. Donald A. ParIIona. l0530 P1DeY1lle A_e. CUpertino. of the CUpert1DO-JIonta V18ta 1JIpro.-t ..liociaUon. 8poke about the ah1bl\:1on1sta aDð. 4b1lc1 1IIIII1.-.tezs problem in the creek. ~ Wil80n School~ '1'b8lr srou.ø hU bad a meeting and _ up with the t'ollowing reee.! ~Uonal . . a. ImPI"Q9I" _,to over eå.BUnI board walk at the But lllltate8 end and rsoval or the bOudwalk at the Blaney end. b. A cont1Jluatlon or V1c1n1burg Drive on down to Pric-e Ave. c. BwI tlMI_achool ch1ldreD until the situation 18 resolved. d. '!be chU4ren he required to uøe the sidewalk along Vicks~ Drive. e. Erect board tence along the creek in the area where the children could look down into the creek. f. The)' ask that the City Council cooperate with the School District in gettiDg thi8 problem reøolved. The City Manager said Mr. Parson8 haø discu8sed thi8 with the Director ot Public Vorlts. It would appear that we now have 5' along Blane)' on which to construct a 8idewalk. Th~ cost will be $1560. The City could, if the Council so desire8. take care of the labor and perhaps the School District could take care of the re8t. Moved by Counc.Stokes, 8econded by Counc. Moel, that the City Manager be instructed to get together with the School Board concerning the reco_ndations made by Mr. Parsons and worlt out any nece8sary arrangellCßt8, and report back to the Coun..il ao that action IIIBY be taken. A. Ve8tacres Petition with Re8pect to Sycamore Trees (continued t'rom December 20, 1965) Mr. Dw1ght Long. or the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation, and Tree Conaultant t'or the City of Cupertino, 8aid that at four tiDe8 during the 8ea80n8 he has examined the 8yc!UlOres that are currently experiencing a problem. Since the Coaamit)' 18 not entirely in agreetllBnt in whether or not to try to 8ave the trees, it waa his recommendation to wait a year before doing anything drastic. either removing the tree8 or purohaaing the expenaive equipment to spray the t re08. Mr. Bernie Yaldez, or the Ve8tacre8 Homeowners' Association, felt Mr. Lone ... out of order in que8tioning whether the hoIIeo_re _I'll orpn1zed. Mr. R. A. Anderac.t. 10357 Vestacre8 Drive, wanted to know it there .. . contllct of interest here. believing that Mr. Long we. . .ta.e sal88aian. He... ..aured by the Mayor of Mr. Lo~'. role of con8ultant and that there was de- t'init.ly roOt. cOllf'lict of intere8t. Mr. Anderson then said thei~ sroup tee18 strongli that tbe tree8 should be øaved and the hoIaeown.rs will cooparah in any way they can. -2- · ~ Co:.:nc. Pinch asked·Mr. LOng about the forced water teed1g. Mr. :.ong described the water Jet aerosprayer, which encour-ages the roots ';0 grow dee~. He said he haS ta.ken trees as old a.s lOO years and use<! thiS irrigation lI'ethod successt\1l1y. Mr. long said the sp~ing program is expensive. He is not rec~.ding the planting ot a,n7 trees that require spraying becauaeot' this ract. Be said sycamores are sUbJect to air- boroe spores thBt spread disease. There are IIOIie diseased sJ'C8BOre treea. nearb).. on ,Co.unty property. Counc. Pitzgerald said he couldn't see the Clt7 spendine; all that mn.,. and. aa Jrr. :LollS ,ø1d. . still not .. sure of haYing aood trees 1Ihen-C01IId~t:ed. . . 1IQor Dl\lllpè1:er aslced tor =.enta rro. the atKUence. Mr. Jack Oates. ot' Vestures Drive, p1d t~ ~ not have a problem with II1dewa1JåJ. àn4 he Is in ravor óf, p"ing the spr87lng program a chance on these large t1'8eB ·í"r tllO or three years. bet'ON l118king anJ' definite decision. Counc. Stokes said there 1S a good chance, according to Mr. Long, that the tree a "on' t be atle to be saved 1IJIY'RI7. He asked it tt:e homeowners are "illing to pay for t!t1s sprey program. Mr. Anderson telt the City sMuld be financial responsible for the spray program. . Counc. F1tzgerald said he would be willing to go along with the spray progI'llm 1t there is a chance of saving the syca- mores, but he does not feel it would be successful¡ there are diseased r.ycamores nearby, on County property, wl'.1ch woul~ reinfect these trees. The City Manager said it would be a whole lot of years before the City will be able to purchase a spray rlg; 1t would cost fro!!: $3 to t18 per tree to carry out the program. The rlg waul: cost 1500. Counc. Stokes said that the taxpayers ln Westacres are paying about $13 per month in taxes now, and all their tax money would be spent on the spraying program. Ue d1d not fE<el this _as 'fair to other Cupertini8Ds. Movei by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to go ahead and spray the trees, at a cost of $600 per year. " Amended by Counc. Noel. seconded by Counc. Stokes, to try this ~~r one year and it' it does not work, then remo"e the trees. AYES: Counc. Noel, Stokes, Dempster NAYS: Counc. Finch, Pitzgerald Motion carried, 3-2 WRI'¡'¡'EN Ca4MUNICATIONS (continued) The Clty Clerk read a letter from Mr; Charles Kelly, Housexver, requesting permission to move a house trom 547 Lindy Lane, San Jose, to 21665 McClellan, CUPertino. The Chief Bulldlng Inspector explained that his Depsrtment was unable to accept the application without Council appro\-al .because there 1e already a small house on this 5. acre lot, which is zoned RlA:Bl; thle would put 2 houses on'one' lot. He we:lt on to explain thåt the old ruiUBe would be the living quarters for the ~plOy_',. .t:~ly, &,rid. the owner "ould move into the "ne they propose to move onto the' property. The houses would be 55' apart. ' -3- - who works for Mr. Kel17. was present at the _ Co1mC. Pinch, seconded b7 t'~W1C. Fitzgerald, to grant ror the Ddld1ng Department to accept the appl1caUon. 1>7 IIqor Dempster, seconded b7 Counc. Noel, that a full 18 to be presented to the City Councll at the next Motion carried. 5-0 "':-.'1' 'ðP I'£A1IRI1IJ ~SJœ cn-.~,,_ ~. .tobnaon aùecl to __ b4,.. report on the 1Dd1Y1dual app11c:at;1ona a8 thq are diBcuaae4. .~ 011 'l'BB ARCB1TIIL-~"nAL AJII) S1'!'B ArmOVAL ~nd report. C ....1rTMGS ed b)' Counc. Moel, 8econded b7 Counc. Stokes, to review lication 19-Z-65 next. Motion carried. 5-0 JOSBPB AND ROSE ARATA, et al: Application 19-Z-65 to rezone 2 acres from R-3-H to C-I-H; ea8t side of Saratcga-Sunnyva1e Road, 170' north of Bollinger Road. Rec~ed by Planning Commis8ion Re801ution No. ~ on December 13, 1965. r Dempster and Councilman Pitzgerald abstained. Attornt!7 James B. Jackson, 10601 Saratoga_sunnyvale Road, said th18 i8 the only property along Saratoga_S\1nJVV&le Road, between Bollinger Road and Pacifica, that i8 not zoned C-l-H. The or1g1na1. Use Permit applicant 1& no longer involved in any 1187 with thi8 application. This is 2t acres, with 300' tront&8e on the H1.ghtIay. Pl~ Collll18sion Chairman Johnson said this application was una:ûDlOusly a.proved by the Planning Commis8ion. The statf had no additional comments. There _re no co_ents from the audience. Moved b7 Counc. Pinch, 8econded by Counc. Moel, to close the Public Hear1ng8. AYES: NAYS: ABSI'A TIIRI\: Counc. Pinch, Moel Counc. Stokes Counc. Pitzgerald. ne.pøter ItItion carried, 2-1 Moved b~ Counc. Pinch, seconded b)' Counc. Moel, to approve applicat10n 19-Z-65. AYES: Counc. Flnch, Noel NAYS: Counc. Stokes ABS'1'AI1IBD: Coline. Pitzgerald, DnlpBter Motion carried, 2-1 -4- · ~ Counc. Finch asked· Mr. Long about the forced water .feeding. Mr. Long described the water jet aerosprayer, which cncouragcs the roots to grow dee>,. He said he has taken trees as old as 100 years and used this irrigation method succ8!Ssf\ù.ly. Mr. Long said the spraying program is expensive. He is not recoaanding the planting of any trees that require spraying becauøeot" this f'act. He said sycamores are subJect to air- borne spores ttat s~ disease. There are IIàIIe diseased s;reamre treea nearb7. on ,CQunty property. Counc. Pitzgerald said he couldn't see the Clt7 apending all that .oney and. aa Ik. LoDS,Mid, still not be, sure of haYing aood trees 1IbeD collip11ited. IIaJOr Dempster uJcecS ror dolllllenta frOm the ~_ce. Mr. Jack Gates, of' Vestacres Drive, !laid tbV do not have a probl_ with side 11tt1. and he 1s in favor Of å1Y1ng the spr&71ng program a chance on these large treitafor two or three years, before making an;, detinite decision. Counc. Stokes said there is a good chance, according to Mr. Long, that the trees won't be able to be saved 1UQ'WB7. He asked if the homeowners are willing to pay for tMs spray program. Mr. Anderson felt the City should be financial responsible for the spray program. Counc. ~ltzgcrald said he would be willing to go along wlth th~ s,ray program if there is a chance of saving the syca- morea, but he does not feel it would be successful¡ there are dls~ased sycamores nearby, on County PMpem, which woul~ rei~fect tt.ese trees. The City ManaGer said it would be a whole lot of years before the C1:y will be able to purchase a SP1~y rlg; it would cost from $3 :0 $18 pel' tree to carry out the program. The rig would ~ost $1500. Counc. Stokes said that the taxpayers in West3.cres are paying "bout $13 per month in taxes now, and all their tax money wou.l1 be spent on the spraying program. He did not feel thil' war. l'air to other Cupertinians. Move1 by Counc. Moel, secondeQ by Counc. Stokes, to go ahead and spray the trees. at a cost or $600 per year. Amended by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to try th1s :":>r one year and if it does not w.:-rk, then remove the trees. AYES: Counc. Moel, Stokes, :>empster NAYS: Counc. Pinch, Pitzgerald Motion carried, 3-2 WRI'nEN CCMMLNICATIONS (contlnued) The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Charles Kelly, Houseoover, requesting permisslon to move a house from 547 Lindy lane, San Jose. to 21665 McClellan, CUpertino. The Chief aIilding Inspector explained that his Depsrtment was unable to accept the appl1catlon without Council appro'tal because there is already a small house on tMs 5 acre lot, which is zoned RlA:Bl; this would Put 2 houSeB on' one lot. He went on to explain th&t the old hQuøe would be the living quarters for the ~o'yee'a J'8Øl,tly, a,nd the owner would move int:. the one they propose to move "nto the' property. The houses would be 55' 4part. -3- . . 1Ir. Bill Nevis" who woriaa tor Mr. Kelly, was pre&ent at the _ting. IIIJnId 117 CounC. P1nc:h. _oded by Counc. pitzgerald, to grant approval for the ~J"'1'\g Department to accept the application. ~ Hided by MQor »-pstõer, seconded by CounC. lIoel. that a full "IIOrt 18 to be pns....Aed to the City Council at the next _t1Jls. attJøD carried, 5-v - Y A. ÙIœT 011 PJ.&."·. ;~~~ftSIOIf CJIau..n JohnBoD· - . to make his report on the 1nd1Y1dual applications as ~ are discussed. B. RB1'OIft' OP THE a-~xvML AND SITE APPROVAL 1,;VI'UU'l"¡:£B There waa no report. n PUBLIC HBARIlÐS Mo"ed b7 Counc. Moel. .ec:md~ by Counc. Stokes, 1:0 review application 19-Z-65 next. Jlction carried, 5-0 C. JOSEPH AND ROSE ARA1'A, et al: Application 19-Z-65 to rezone 2 acres froll R-3-H to C-I-H; east side -:.~ Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, 170' north of Bolling"::' Road. Recollllended by Platm1ng Commission Resolutior. !ic. 314 on December 13, 1965. MaJOr Decpster and CoUDC~man Fltzgerald abstair.'1d. At.ton1e7 James E. Jac;œoc. 10601 Saratoßll-Sunnyva:" Road, said this 1s th~ only Pro~7 along Saratc¡;a-Sunnyval" Road, between Bollinger Road and Pacifica, that is not zcned C-I-H. The original Use Pena1t applicant is no longer i:-.'/clved in 8117 w&J w1th this application. This 19 2t acres, with 300' rrontap on the ~. Planning CoaDission C~ Johnson saleS thia application ... unanilllOusly appro'NCS b7 the Planning Coaaisslor.. '!'be s taU had no add1 t.1......1 co-.n ts . There were no co_ta t'roa the audience. Mo"ed b7 Counc. P1Dc:b. seconded by Counc. Moel, tc ~lose the I'IIblic Kearinp. Counc. P1Dcb. JIoel Counc. Stolre8 Counc. fttapald. Dempster IIttti.on carried, 2-1 IIoved by Counc. Pinch. aeconded by Counc. Moel, to approve &pp¡ication 19-Z-65. AYES: Counc. P1ncb, "el ays: Counc. StokeS AllS'rAIJfBD: Counc. ftt8pdld. Dempster AYES: MYSI ABS'l'AIIDID: !løt;1on carried, 2-1 -4- . .- A. CIW DBQLOl'IIlIIU .-.. Of l5f acres, troll R-J. to RlC, . at lIcClellan Road ... ftl1ecito Road (Hortle Ranch). . ~ .Jom8On A1d . ....1&1 -~1n& _s c:a11.e4 ~ revi- ~ appl1cation. Ib"-.. are the Planning c= '-Søn'a . ~ tilliDcluø1oøl: ~~. . flood CIIatI'ol _... ' .~uld be exca"'~. I!' n- . . p1a1II -'-4 be ..-. -- a. II1th a' ben ot",~ L""~ t11l ;~.~:.:.. to PI'Owctt~" I...::, ~. .~ h.ot t'roII the ·lOO-;~ ØoN.. "j"",~~ .'1'JoUnc _.-..--= :íJaftt..tJ!Ð, hall been œ.'ß _ die C2.~ ':-'1 F...i\~. _ a~. ..'......._ i '-yj4.. 80 people wm. ad ~ . .·.--.-W't,~.......·-·.~ ðaor°to<dtei _ _. "".... ~. .' ".. ·i:~· -:: . 3. setbaCD -- 51' '.' - ,,'-...., . "... CJaN&e widtba: á;. __ tIIan City Standards. 1IIIt (lt14 b7 the 1'I_ftftt-. Co ,....ØWt J 5. Viden1Dg or McClelJaD - '1'0 be determined at a laAr' date. '!lie de<reloparll beye iøI1cated a wish to coopøate. 6. Hiatorical IIU'Iwr - ~ be erected on an island in the art1tlc1&l 1ake" ... dedicated to the Cit7 or to tile De Ora Historical Soclet;r; U retuaed fo!" SOIll8 reellCD. it is to be 1&Œscaped b7 tile ðeYeloper. 7. Pron~ yard setbacÞ - Should be reviewed. 8. lerlc'-.g __ Prov1a1GaB tor 342 cars, which is 4 spaces per dwel:1cg units ~ of' the normal 6. In adIlition, there "Ul be gueat pu1ring, some 600' away. 'Ih1rt7-eight out c~ the 78 ~t8 ftll not have parking space in the dri nva,-. 9. Denll~::; -- SectioDa ~ and 25 will be reviewed b7 the Dire::.:r ot Plann1J:IS. ... '1'011 T:<aeuMr. l0316 '2aa1ta Vç, Cupert1llo. d1.Bplqed the propo..d c:...ter d..-' _ t to the Council and introduced Ute Pla::ner Ant111m7 "" "'oodo, IlerchBndiZer Dave S~. Al'Ch1tect Bob l'U&e. azIIS ..,_er Bill Reisa. 1Ir. 'l'ra.....r ..14 tb1.B 1d.ll be a cOClpletely self-ccmta~ I -1<;;;. It will ~ in three d1rectioD8: one crouP of anita around the pedJIIIe17. another group arouDl1 the lðke, ... a th1r:! sroup uauaI tbe c_n green. 1Ir. ReiN said the nOOII Control ruling is that the ('--el _t be able to take ..- or the lao-year storti. 1Ir. OIIZzardo ... mitred within tile .... UDe along 1;he per1~a '!'be ..sa. area ot d1tf..... a .......80 th1a cluster de"elo¡ .t and ftC\Ilar B-1 haM8 1.B .. hont and aU. yard setbaCks. Town IIoUM UDita do not be_ .sde JU'ds. ... David Stolle. of - ... Schulte, was verT _t:IIuS1.Bai:1c a1Iout th1B Pl'03eot ... ... done a lot of exta ~ _tate , ......rch 011 It. a. aItI n ... are 5 essent1al8 ~or ~cess: 'j . - - . 1. Pr1 'laCy 2. CoIIftD1ence C'T .---.,) . . ~ ReI .... and Øftj:t .. (Spanish t'1elle) ,. Identity (1ndiy1-'I1IQ) . 5. Securtty (nA) . -5- 'ftIeJ then showed colored sl1des or a cluster development in SIn Juan capistrano, }ioSDt1ng out the similarities and thE! d1rterences. 111"'. Bob Paige said the7 1I1J.l t.Ju:<>;;¿",ut the d.velo~. pooups of units 1J.lustre.t1ng s~ "ith the SpaDi8h IIOtlf Be sho"ed several ~els of the continuity ~ exteriors. , : '~jfJlle1' reviewed tile JI1at;orical JfarICeI" area. He said '--. ..,1I01n~ W1'e ,...-: . ..... - .' . - !. .:.- . - . '~'.~' 1.~. ~1:~~14t;~~:.ty~~~~-=b~t~~ ., ,~ft~-ÚF ~wø 1õbD".' In_t; 1'8- in an R-l sit1aU_ U ~·tor:.tOltr¡oC ~en toolS. etc.. 1IM.cb _"t; be oecea8&1'7 here. \'bat; 1"8 wa. used 1nBtam to 1I14c t;be ent;1'7 areas 0, 2.' Rather than set; 1mOlved with the 4ed1caÞd ueBi becaUSe it _t be wo11£e4 out 14th tbe County. they lave decided to resolve th1.B at; a later date. 3. CoIIIUtlons of' the B18torlcal Marker area are that it be dedicated to the City; if' not accepted for some reason, the developer _t; landscape this area to the satisfaction of the City. in cm!er to quality tor 85 UJñta. COunc. Pinch asked "here the water for the lake would come rrolll. He was told there is a 40' diameter wet well. Stag- nancy will be prevented b7 continuing to add new "ater from the "ell. Mr. Traeumer explaSDed the Historical marker pos8ibilities. COunc. pitzgerald ..ked Mr. Traeuller if they are willing to dedicate a 60' right-of-way. Mr. Traeumer felt that possiblY so_ of the street "idening could be on the other side of the street, in order to save trees. The DireCtor of nanning said this is an application for reaon1ns which will be tollowed later 117 a Tentative lllap, topther with a reY1aed De"elopaent Plan. Be referred the CoaDc1l to the p1_1.,. COañ8sion IUnUte8 ot December 7th, .. well as Append1xeB A. B . C, attacbed to tho8e IUnUtes. aDd said that there bad not only been a thorough discussion dur1n8 the P1am1DC eo-t8sion _etiDS. but also much prepara- tOl7 work. 'l'td.8 pI'Ojei:t os closer to the ozo1S1n&l 8tandards or the Cluater OI'dinaDCe than the other ~ject we have before us. The applicant 8hoUld ha"e some leew&7 in de"elopment design; the City retainS control b7 the De"elopll8!1t Plan. 'I'he Director ot PlaDn1DS said so_ of the depa~S from the Ord1nBnce are: red1ICUon in width of prage. length of drive- ~, gravel ~ wit;h1n the flood control plain. and three variations troll the 8t;~t denSity regulations: A. C~n Area stHpeI' than .,. ~ be inCluded in the compu- tation or denalty. according to Sec. 25, second 8ub- paftgraph; pI'OY1de4 tbat the landscaping en)Iancee the o"erall'quallt~; B. The-area to be dedicated to the City and the Hi8torical Society 887. accord1ng to Sec. 24b. be included in the area on which mmber of d"elling UJñt8 18 coa¡puted; if provisions A aDd B both are applied. t;he Dllllber of UJñts allowed w1ll be (1ø1: Area + cò¡¡¡¡¡;)n Area + Dedicated Area). 7.500 - 78 units. -6- . .. c~ To encoare.¡;. quality or 1;he devalopaent, the denø1ty may be increased, according to See: ~4c; the .requested 1n~realle 18 ~, to 85 units. '!he 'Cluster Ord1n&nCe allow~ this w1.th the approval or the P1amûng ColZ18810n and the City council. . . "."" ~ D1reCto¡o _~t!Wecl the tllen1:7-U~ conditlona , ....-.w b1 the 11ff"'1~ 0.. . I.ifon. 'lbe·n.-"~ eo-18aion'B IIeIIolutlon 18 .1iIht:17 d1tfê..t ·ftOII t:be ...,ted resolution ., ,....Ü1:IDeDIS1X B tQ tIW Dee.... 7..- n:r"us Co l.eSon IUllUtes)¡ _..~ " ~tfiü-4òt8-lIÖt.~_iinr1tØH."f !Dõþlidô'n. 0ftl7 results or di8OUBaioDa dur1DS tbe -.rsøs. . . ~!~~i~^"'~Db-êotò.:~:r~tl~<1IO~~=n.. ..,..... preaentecl . _ _ ~. ,''''., 1I!a1l' .~ . .... - ....'... ·O~l~. &IllS he . ,,' _ Z'JI.c~", ¡oded ~,,~al or t~, ~1_t1øn. .. b7 Couoc. 1IDal. WO""''III ~. counc. ftnCh. to close the IWb11c 1Ieàr1nCB'. '.' : A'ÍB81 Counc. 1r!nch. l'1tSS8ft1d. 1Ioel. Stokes. J)eIIpBter ]lAYS': Mons . Motion carried. 5-0 Moved by Council.-n Noel, seconded b7 eouncllun Pitllserald, to ask for the P1r8t Re."'f1S or Ordinance No. 324. AYBS: Counc. ftnch, Pitzgerald, Noel. Stokes. Ilellpøtar ]lAYS: Hone Motion carried. 5-0 ; B. VALLE! TITLE C<IIPAHY (Page Properties) Application a-u-65 for a Use Penit f'or a 5O-&cre one-taallY Cluater DeYelopaent w1th1n a I'C-B Zone, east of *17 A"enue. north of StaYeJØ creek Bl'fd. APPI'O"ed ~ Pl.,...1. eo..1.sion Resolution 110. 301. A~ re conditiona (cont1nued t'roII Decetlber 20. 1965). 1Ir. II1tte~n aa1d he bad snuoal corrections to the Resolu- tion. '1'be7 are as tol101ll: .... 2. .last ~J b. ahDU14 ~I ·...together on the a¡¡plicant', reY1aed Resolution to .li.s.nat...." .... 3, second paftC1'&J b rl'Ola the botto.. line Ii, the word .plana should be ctansed to =--4 "Use Pel'll1t.· rase 4. paragraph 6. laat line ahould~: ·1Ir. Mittelan said it should not be the Ci1:7'a b\1rden.· 1Ir. Mittelman sugeated the tollcnl1D& .od1t1cations to the Revised Proposed JIetIOlution (as aMnded dur1nS the Cit7 Cø~Cll Meet1nS on 12/9165)1 rase 4. Condition (6)(e) Delete in Ita eøt1.-'1:7...and add to the and on CcIDd1t1on (19) . (.... 7) tbe t01lo1l1ng: . "Applicant aball enter into a Subd1Y1aion asre-t wIth the .011:7 ~OI" eacb ,...e ot tbè deftlo..-t. am 'sha'll be ~ to pq·tOI' tbe ....,~. checking an4 'inapeetl1on leu peJ'tIIl"hll to t..tdevelop.ent '., phaa.pr1ol' to ~.~e. or a bld'01~, pIIø1t. ·JI!i&'.5 . CoDll1tion '12) »*1." . the 11th and 5tb lines (all words . . . 1'oll~ ...wlleMallPi..O~·)·an4.1naert in their .. ..' ~¡.ce the f'oUow1Dà'·.· . c'· -7- ~.~ ...--.,.~ . . Page 5 · . ..as a part at the deta1led plan N.-.rred ';0 in COndition (l3) be~ow." Condition (~3Hg) Delete...and add to (17) the foUo..- 1ng subparagrapb: "(c) Approved ~s _1811 be incorporated in each ftnal SUbd1rlaioD Jll:P afrected.· . . Co~~1tl0Diao)j~ puqraph) ·J)e1~. tbe. 1'ollow- ing: ." '..-.". "'--:-:.' .;!.. .¿ ~~··_se 8 ':"r" "1D_~e.:~CBDIIOt proceed.a1;..a~nable II "_ "'IS t_~ . ~.. .or....~ ....piI! P.D ~ ÍJÛ'8Sftpb1d.tb: "JÞ case of'.. l'a8e 8 Para 3~ !)th~: Insert tbe 1Iórð wbe'N ~r the , woJ.'4~. ' 6th uDe: !ñae~.o1'4 prorla1ona after the word BUch. 7th UDe: Atter the WON ~ add tbe roll01l1ng: " . ~ ~and iIaJiJ exceptions shall prevail." .'" Mr. Mit;telman and the City Attorne1 went over the 1'BIDlt1cations of' Section 20. Moved b1 Counc. Moel. seconded b7 Counc. pitzgerald, to accept the changes, as per th1a discussion. AYES: Councilmen Pinch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 The Director of Public 1Iortes then gave his report on Mary Ave. He said we have a -Si_ high density project going in here; there .,. aloc be a s1Jl1lar project planned for the Nathanson property. The DireCtor f'eels that Mary Avenue IIIWIt have 4 1110Y1ng lanes, whether or not it extends to He_stead Road. A median strip should be installed, for both safet) and for aesthetics. This could provide left-turn stacking lanes at the two intersections. So_ unite might f"ront <..n Mary Avenue at the lower lert corner on the map. Emergency parteing and/or a walkwB7 were aløo proposed by the Director. Arter going over in detail the alternative street widths. the Director of Public Vortes reco-med a total width of 78 reet. The Planning Director rec..-ended the Director of Public Works' Plan 5, and spec1t'ically: a. 4 IIOving lanes b. 20' instead of la' between the moving lanes at intersection This 18 the m1.n1Bm distance that would 1II&ke 1t possible to earely cross ';"1e direction of the _in road at a time. c. Tapering of the _1an. strip to 10' (14' between the moving lanes) in the normal cross-secti.'n; this tapering can eaail1 be done. . d. Blle1'loGdcy parte1ng only; nol'llBl perking is both unnecessar;¡ and dangerous. e. Sidewalk: The appl1cant has proposed a winding f'ootpsth near Mary Avenue; this will be satisfactory. provided that th18 footpath U.-t marteed "Private. no trespassing." f'. Location of the t'\.\1;ure roadwaYS in relation to existing road1Ia7 makes cona.\derable d1t'rerence in construction costs 8. It should be specU'ied on an actual layout of' the street, wœt the developer 111 to 181 and what the Clt7 should pay. h. Bntrance to the Central Parte will be necesllB1'7 thl"".:gh a triangular unused area of" the a¡.;:-l1cant's propertY. -8- "~-'" . . Mr. K1ttelman lald tbe7 atoe .1111.'1g to put 1n the curb and sutter along the ~ting street, 19' additional at north .:J1d or property; Sectl~ 5 JlllldSan strip reduced to II'. CoUJtc1lllen Stokes IIId JIoel reel .idewalks will be needed here, so near the college aDd IIoINs~ High SchoOl. 1Ir. II1ttelan aa14 .be Sa 1d.llDS to cOllplete the 1'ull 60' .treet. ~. Stoirea rHIS 1~ ~ be 1zTeåØQÌUllb1e t;ò,compromiBe OD a aJar street 1d4t:b, . . "0 , ......, ,-·r,._ 00aDc. nDcb reellÎ -tile' púín preaentecl .... pactlc:al and feels ... __10M coa14 be .-de. sq. lOt w14e .-diaD strip --,ø4_.. . . ". '. .;;. . 0 .~, ... . ',IId~,løIID1ta ~Jooa1 real estate'brokn'. 11&14 JDed1an stripe c:aJI be vaT T. j 11'D Ia. She' clte4_1Ï1ie .re;:ently, at a ftI7' low spaeCÌ. accSdental17 hÌt one aDd íU4 consldera1:le ._~ to her car. . Counc. Fitzgerald ~ like to get as cloile to 90' street as possible -- at l..t a 78' minimum, reprdle.. or what we do with it. Counc. Noel belie"e. the wider the bettor -- a sidewalk is needed more than a -'1an strip. 1Ir. Mittelman feels a 90' right-of-way detracts from the project. The Director of Public Works recommended 78' right-of-way. The Director of Plann1ng agreed to th1s, with the addition of two feet at intersections only, for safety. Moved by Counc.Stokes. seconded by Counc. Pinch, that there is to be a 10' min1_ planted 1lled1an strip along Mary Avenue. AYES: Counc. Pinch. Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes. Dempster JlAYS: IIone Motion arried. 5-0 Mo"ed by Counc. Noel. seconded by Counc. Pitzgerald, to defer tb1B,application ror two weeks to allow for a cost analysis of' the street. Motion carried, 5-0 Y.U ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIOIC' FOR. ADOPTION A. The C1ty AttornB7 read the title at Itesolution No. 1212. Moved by Counc. StoIqts. ,seconded by Counc. Pitzgerald, to adopt Resolution 110. 12l2. AYES: Counc. P1Dch. fitzgerald., Moel, Stoke.. Dempster NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 -9- 'IXII PAYDIG 5IU.S A. RuolutlonB No. 1210 am 1211. TreU.œer Pitzgerald read Resolution Mo. 1210. Jlt:ftd by Counc. lIoe1. seconded by Counc. P1nCh. that Resclution No. l210 be adopted. A1:3S: Counc. ~b. Pitzgerald, Moel, Stokes. Dempster !fAts: IIone Motion carried, 5-0 . , ?:'ssurer Pit&geIft1d read Resolution Ho. 1211. 110m ~ ('.ouriô~ ~. seconded ~ Counc. JIoel. that R_lution 1110. 1211 be eðopted. AY] S: Counc. P1DCb. Pitzgerald, JIoel, Stokes. DemPSter !fAts: IIone MoUon carried, 5-0 Dt REPORT CE' OPPICBRS A. REKF." OP CITY TRMSUREII He ~ not~ng further to report. B. REi'Œ!:' OF CITY MAJlAGBR 1. San Jose State College now nas a Study-Work Program ~=r its graduate students, which will begin in July. ~e Colloage to pay ~, City to pay 10:' of the wages. Jt:...ed by Counc. Stokes, secor.:ied b7 Counc. Pitzgerald, :.: have the starr notif7 the College we are in agree- ~t with this Pl'OgrBC and will probablY uti1ize some =~ their students. Motion carried, 5-0 2. cr': IUe iJlpro,,_,ts and It'l'III drainage. '1'he ¡)e A!1za :::lege wishes these 1Mtallation costs to be paid for aX made a part of the Assessment District proceedings, e-ren though the7 are preparing to install them at this ': i:De. K:7ed by Counc. JIoel. seconded by Counc. Pitzgerald, t~t the City approve the fo~tion of an Assessment D'..strict b7 De Anza College. Motion carried, 5-0 3. 'n>e City Manager requested authorization to hire anotheI .-n tor the Su-eet Department. So DOVed by CouDc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel. AY3S: Counc. r....DCh. Pitzgerald, Noel, St.okes. Dempster NUS: None IIot10n carried, 5-0 -lO- . C. REPCRT O? DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS He hud :-~thing further to report. D. REPORT OF CITY ENGINEI!R J. Trao~ No. 3604, Footh111s, Unit 2, east side of' Foot- hill Blvd. at Voss Ave. City Engineer recommends acoeptance of improv~ents. So moved b7 Counc. Pinch. seconded by Counc. Stokes. IIotion carried, 5-0 2, Tract No. 3896. BQ1tood Terrace. Unit 5. west side of a.tbb Road at Regnart Roa4. City Engineer recommends the devel";>ê!r and h18 bonding COlllpany be inf'ormed that the bond t.,." the lIOdels 1187 now be retired. So moved by Counc. pltzprald. seconded by Counc. Noel. IIotion carried, 5-0 3. L.J. & D.V. Gree, west side of Hillcrest, 350' north of ~escent Drive. City Engineer recommends adopt10n of' Resolution No. 1213, accepting roadway dedication from L.J. Gree, et.ux. So moveè by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel. AYES, Co~c. Finch, Pitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster NAYS: Xcne Motion carried, 5-0 4. Str::t lighting. City Engineer recommends adoption of Reso¡ution No. 1208 authorizing execut10n of agreement cc~o:~ing procedures f'or expense of st~eet lighting jis:~icts annexed to the City of CUpertino, by the I'.aF~ and City Clerk. So move: by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel. AYES: _o~nc. Finch, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster NAYS: :;c"e Motion carried, 5-0 E. REPOR'!' 0:' CITY ATTORNEY. He had notning f'urther. ... . . REPOR:' 0:' BUILDING INSPECTOR. He had nothing further. G. REPORT OF RECREATION DIRECTOR. He had nothing further. E. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PLANNING. He had nothing Å·urther. X -:JNFINISIIED S:;SINESS Council adjo~rned to an executive session at 12,45 A.M. Moved by Cour.c. Finch, seconded by Counc.Stokes to table the City Perks discussion until the next regular meeting. . Motion carried, 5-0 XI JŒW BUSINESS -- There was none XII ADJOURNMENT Moved by COLmc. F1nch, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adjourn the meeting at 12:55 A.M. APffiOVED: .n_~......, ,/ y Clerk _ /s/ (J{4.;~, ~- J. Robert Dempster Mayor -11-