CC 11-23-6510321 South Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road Cupertino, California, 95014 CITY OF C U PE RT IN0 California ��- -- - p1ione: 2 2-65'9 i' Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting or the City Council TR E: 8:00 P.M. PLZX1:: Reading Room, Portal School Library' N. Blaney Ave., Cu ertino I SALUTE TO VKE FLAG II POLL CALL Councilmen present! Finch, Fitzgerald, Dempster Councilmen absent: Noel, Stokes Planning Commissioners present: Frolich, Tracumor Staff present: City Manager, Phil Storm City Attorney, Sam Anderson Director of Public Works, Frank Finney Director of Piaraning, Ackde Laurin City Clerk, Larry- Iiartin Recordin- Secretary, Lois Inwards III PUBLIC FE ARINGS A. VALLE'y T.ITLL C10111PAf-,Z (Page Properties): Application 9-U-65, for a Use Permit for. a 50-acre, one -family Cluster Development within a PC-H uor_e, east of Mary Avenue, i)ortl of Stevens Creek. Blvd. Approved by Planning Commission --solution 'No. 301. Appeal re conditions (continued from November l5%h). Mayor Dempster announced that one Councilman was out of town and another was 1.11, so the applicant had been cont=ted and advised that all would not be present at this meeting. The applicant indicated thhat he preferred to have the core considered when all Councilmen were present, if at all possible. It was decided that this Council ncet,ing would be ad.icurned to next Monday, Novcmber 29th; the City Mancge.r to notify al! of the meeting place. Application 8-U-65 would be reviewed at that time. IV AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR CITY MALL It was moved by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald that since there has been some discussion of the deletion cf some: items from the City Hall plans, due to higher -than -expected construction costs, that the low bid, made by Puruley Construction Company, be accepted, with the provision that we have the right to negotiate with the Contractor, and that the Mayor appoint a ccmamit+tee to go over this. The City Attorney agreed that this would be parm.issable. AYES: Councilmen Finch, Fitzgerald, Dempster NAYS: None ABSENT: Councilmen Noel, Stokes Motion carried, 3-0 -1- V MISCELL& EOUS A. The City Manager said that two mem'Ders of the H--Control Committoe are interests-�d in the vac, n,.y on t%e Planning Co,auois:sion. Mayor Dempster ins the City 171,ina.t er_ to ecnd out a memo to interestcd persons that a nceu Plan_- ing Cc-.sA,—,si.cner w+.l.l be a.yr Fointed at the adjourned uneeting ri xL Hunday, November 29+:11, .:t 7:4-5 P.M. B. The City Tlanagcr rcmintled the Mayor and Courrcilrnen abo,it 02e LeaSue of Via' if,;rnia C`Lt es' meeting. TP,'-yor Dempster and Cattricil- man Fin^h indicated they would .a'.!:cnd. C. The City Manager requested an Eyerutive Session at 8:10 P.M. So moved, by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Fitcgerald. Motion carrier?, 3-0 VI ADJOURNMENT Moved by Cou^cilt:an Finch, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald, to adjourn the meeting to 7:45 P.M., Monday, November 2 Lh. APPROVED: /s/ T. Robert Dempoter tlayor )A_ "LE S`I: C't7 Clerk -2- , . .. 10321 Soutb !:aratot!a-S.-,.de 110M <:u¡>ert111o, c..~,í:>m14. 9:N14 p~ne: 2>2·~~O>' CIT'!' 0' r.nPEIt'rIIfO CalU~r.>b ~..... of tile All,).."". "'U.. of tile Clty ~U - November 23, 1965 t'B1 1Ua: I n .:00 P.!Ie ....ÜC .... I8cCa1 SclM»l L1w87. U'JOO .. BlaDe) A"... Cupe..tino SAUID 10 _ _ IØJ. tAU. C~U"" pHI CooD:i~ ""r 'I ri<IcIa. Pi>.z¡eI'aW. ~t... : 1081. Stolta Pl~...1ø¡ t' -"Û""I preaeat: ProUcb, Tr&£aL'Cl" Staff pna.t: City *'>leer. Ph1l 5tOl'll City AttoneJ. 5... And....on Director oC """lie Uuru. r......:. Pi"""y DtrfJCt~ Cof ?~&L31c&. AdcJe 1.I!ur1n City Clerk, w-r,o ~lart1!l leco~in; :;""nta."Y. Lois I_ucla II! l'CEU'= e:-l.sIJ1:S r.r A. \':;' ¡:y 'n'r'..I CaŒ'Ar.f (Pe¡e Pro;><!rtiea): AppUcadoo &-U-65, Ccr a r.. P'nll1t. for . SO-.cce. or:~-f::..1~y Clut;tr:r &e1."C"!o~ct ..-ithi¡¡ a Pt-II :oee. U2t of ØKJ AYeIa~. IIOt t;, of S:.cvc.n~ Cr'-~~ nlv~. "?prone! by ,l_ÜI£ CaalisaiMl ~ ,lu:loo tic. 301. A¡:pnl re eo::<!lt1c.aa (cont1r>u£d f...... .....aoIIoT lSd.). It.:yo.. Deoo;Iat.r ...-_... that one eoU!OC:ilman """ out of t""" and U'..;-tbcr waa ill. 1'0 tt.e arëtl~Z.Dt bad ~!'~ cor.t:ct.:d an~ .:dvt sed tbt "U _lei not ... p........t at tU.3 rJlCting. The a:>plloo""t i:o!icatÑ t:.:tt be ~ferceoJ to have the c"~" consU......d when ,,11 Co1c:1:1lDcD tMr8 pr......t. if at aU po8øible. It 1õ" d.ac:""'" th''', tbia CDuncU nceti"3 would loe ødjc......,...¡ to 1:o><t I'.oDdQ. .,.,...... '9th; tt-.£ City 2'.3...~"r to noti~y all of tb.. :.;e:1a& placc. Ap¡lUcatioc II-;;-~:; 1o....id W r~v¡",,""¡ at t::": t1õ:IC. ,\\l.\JI,"II::: G!" comucr fOR cm III.U It w..., cov£d b7 CcMm<:U.... p,-",,:.. aecond£d "7 Councilman F'.t..(:..r~lo! tbt .inee there baa been SOllIe ':'1scuaa1on 01 th~ üelettc:'.o c: a:onE. ':':'C"'tl;,J free c:' Cit7 Ball pla:a.a. d\A co b1&b£r-tbaD-CJt!,~ctc-J cor..:¡tru~t.i(·D cC"::t.a. tl..t tile 1"" bid. ..... by Pur.ley Ccnsuuct1..n C;;~:any, w ..cc..;>::e.!, vit:' tile pr091a1c;n tbat _ hsYCI the dgi>.t to nec"U..t" vith thc Conlractor. .... ~ the Mayer appoint a cc¡z;a1ttee t.o &0 CV"!'t' t.!':.11. 'De City Attoraey -sreed that this would be p..--.liaaable. A'ŒS: lU.YS: i\E$:::!t¡: COUUCl...... linch, Fiuleralc!. Da:Dpf;ter None Co,"ncilaen IIoel, StoLet: Motl{'D c~.rr'!ec!. 3-0 -1- · L ï , n lO3Œl.Lt'JIIO'JS A. 1M City If:IDIISer ..W ~""t..- '>o!r. of thlt R-r.cmPt")l C-1t~ee an il't_ÞooI to tIIa "ec¡;""y .... t'" i'~..cl.oe euGiø3Ú>G. ~ Dnpeter ~rooo:".III! tt:e City _;er rft coo:d out . -- to iateM,..at "II tIIn . DeW I'~IIS ~aiGDer .UL Joe I'p- rotJowd .~ eM "Ji _ . _uac am::t i/aftIIay. D;.~GIIba;' ~..b. a& 7:45 1'''' I. ftII CUy t- 1 . . ·lr doll ..,. .. CDIwICttMD ~ tba ...... of _U~ CkJ,u' _t..... lI/:¡'IC.....ter... eø-U- _ flr.la ...~- -.. dIIF -U ettad. c. 'ilia Ctf7 r 1 r n....._ _ r.-tft Sans. a& 1:10 .... 10 ..... ~ ~n- ...... auad," ., co.ctt.D PI, .1£.... -.cÞo canW. 3-0 AR__ -.. .,... ., Coa!3CI.~ ft8da. nedrð .. c-I.~ f1t......W. to a4Jouna tM _U.,. to 7145 1'.11.. 1ÞDd.,. ..1 . or 2')tla. AdlMfo.u: /./ :1. IIDbort no.~ !kíDr -C~< / ~~ , Clt¡ Clark - -2- ~ 4 t