CC Resolution No. 9268 RESOLUTION NO. 9268 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY AND SANTA CLARA COUNTY REGARDING BOOKING FEES WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council a proposed agreement between the cities of Santa Clara County and Santa Clara County regarding booking fees; and WHEREAS, the terms, conditions and provisions of the agreement have been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney and the City Manager. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby approves the aforementioned agreement and authorizes the City Manager and the City Clerk to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Cupertino, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this J.1..th... day of January , 1995 by the following vote: YQ1!: Members Qf~ ~ Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Bautista, Burnett, Sorensen, Dean None Koppel None ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/ Kim Marie Smith City Clerk resolutilres9268.doc /s/ Wally Dean Mayor, City of Cupertino KICHIBI'1' A AGRBSKBNT BETWEEN Tff& CITIES OF &AN'.rA ClARA COUNTY AllD SANTA CLARA COUNTY f\~GI>.RIHNG BOOKING FEES ~VXS!D ÐSCKMDBR 5, 1996 1- Ii tla~ fee booking IX'YJllent tor each billable jurisdiction in the COunty 1:0 be in e£f~t frolD FY 1995 (July I, 1994) throu9h Py 1997 (June 30. 1991). 2. In order to simplity ~he process ~he iGGue of r6~r04c:tivity conceptually agreed to during FY 1994 will be waived and the new proceGG will be effective July·'i, 1994 as ~e8cribod above. " 3. The flat fee payment froll! each jurisdiction \tOuld be set to capture $4.5 mUlotl to reiJllbuue booldnq costs in the':. Deþart.D1ent of Correction and oth~r supporting ac¡encies in each of the ~bove mentioned three years. .8xhibit B identifies the charge that would be aUoce.ted to e«eh .j.uri8diccion on an «nnual basiS. I ... The paJlllent woul<1 be due on January 1 of eAch of tbe three fiscal years identified (FT 1995, PY 1996 end PY 1997). . 5. For every percentage reduction in che auilbez: of booJd.D( S by cities from the œøe yeu f'T 1993/1994 measured on June 30, 1997, the County will reduce the $4,500,000 in bas. Y~4r billflble. booking charges by a. like percent¡age, .' ~ to ð maJtiJDum of 1.5' for the succeeding three years;. The base year Rulllber of bookings is set at 3Z,SOO. 'rt the contrary oc<:UrG, the percentage increase frosn the PY ~993/1994 base year would be added ~o ~he $4,500,000. 6. Tile booking charge will be adjusted by .'11 annual inflation factor based on tbe San F:r«nci.eo/Oðkland Conll'U1ller Price Xnd.¥ or increAses in actual county personnel costs whicHever is lower and vill no1: exceOO U per year (0 maximum of 1.2' over che life of tbe agreement). The infl-t.tiol1 factor will be calculated on the b~u ~ char<¡e .fter it·has been adjusted for the reduction in the number of bOokings as described above. . 7. The recalculated DSle ye6r billable ÞooJt1ng charges will be the b~sia for. che County boo~1nq feea for fiscal yeora; 1998 through 2000 (July 1, 1997 through June 30, 2000) 8. Nothing ill this aqrccmønt frolR the eftective date of July 1, 1994 precludes the adoption of alt~rnativ. bookin9 tee. that reflect futur.. c:hangeG in the booking process due to technolcx¡ical imnrovelllent5. ørocedural chang-eq or changes in law. ·~Ml"AK'3Vl't VI' rKVi'V;)~1J UVV"'IN~ "£Ie WITH CALCUlATION BASE.D ON THE EXISTING CALCULATION COMPONENT __ M.aùo. Jai! 8oo1in& FIKility aJRRENT PROPOSED COMPONF.NT COMPONENT =.s.:~-=--= cn.c:-r .. .....===--- $62.78 $62.78 CoII~ CeJnet lOf WOID"D $3333 S1J.~ AdmJøistladve Boontg Activity $1.46 $1,46 o-ifntioA $12.DO 5.'1.40 ~0vW.cad St2.71 S12.71 CQuty Ovedle:ld S8.6) Sll,63 Mediad SÞiI <MIhead $14.Ð7 S2.31 $14.01 S231 Mellbl HnIIkSbfI ()vedrad SOAO $0.07 SQ.40 $0.01 Owas Raeov~'G ~ Scaff ~ $9.43 $U5 S9.4) $I.SS - .- ~. .. TOTAL $179.14 St38.46 ~ EXHIBIT: C DlfFF.R~ $0.00 $10.28 $0.00 S20.4O SOJ1O $OJJO $0.00 $0.00 50.00 . $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 $40.61 . ' . BOOKING SUMMARY ,BY JURISDK'TION t:XIilRlTB FY 1993 fY 1994 FYlm f'Y 1995 PROPOSEO .nnuSOrCI1ON AcnJAL AcruAL BUOGET CALCUlATION SCENAlUO Cað1pbtU 5Ö2,98S $119.624 51440581 SUO.JS<i $9S,m ~,...... ¡BS,7s:.~ 512..:;,576 5149,3511 $144,992 $98,708 Gilroy sso.m S79.192 S~.1t4 $92.,916 563,256 lø AJtm 562..122 $46,208 m.84S 554,216 $36,909 Los Alros Hills $3.948 $2,736 , SJJ07 S3.:UO $2,ISS ...... G>.tal SI07.442 . $109,744 S131Þ1G Sl~763 SS'/'.«>o Milpita$ S1W,8S0 SZ5Z,I68 S304.TJe S2.9S,870 ,5201.424 Monic Sc.cno $2,2S6 SUZO 51.831 $1.783 51,214 Mocpa Hill 529,469 SU)6lI $10,330 SJ9,15 1 S26"-OO MoUDWa VIeW W6.0S6 S209,304 S:Ö1.,971 $2"J18 - $161.186 "'. AIro m2.tn6 $2A6,0IIS sm.429 S21!8,736. . .5196,568 SaIl Jose $4,142,198 53.741,712 S4m,593 $4,391,211 $'2,993.103 SaaÞcw. $437,100 $311.184 S448,6?A $(,~t2 .' $296,491 SUa""p $33,840 $21.432 $2S,9QJ $25,146 S11,t19 ~ $278.757 S?A9.280 SJOU87 S'l9Z.482 $199.111 0Iher (SdIoob) 5711.764 S2036S $24.617 S23,898 " Sl<i;z69 Salt lose AIrpon S28Z sm 5184 Sl7t "S138 Total City $6,28:5.921 S5,633,656 $6,809,000 $6,610.VOO WOO.OOO .' . Actual CoI1~ for AttachmeD.~ B aud C Vary Dlae to Adjustments Based oa City Input '. ~ .'