CC 10-19-65
10321 South SaM.t:nø··~ln>:yvale JIoe.d
C...,..,,,t1DO, Calltomls, 95014
phone: 252-4505
Clf! 0' CUPBRfllfO
~ ,. 'I'RB JOI1I'l' ~.uIII W TBB C1ft CUUIlli,Uo, TBB vøa OOI.a:,.~CJN,
All) __. -, All) CCIIJIJI!'
lDI.:8:00 P.II. . 'f"~..,. October 19. 1965
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IlÎIIIlfwf umtœDS ..... .. 1Iu Ja. V4U_Ift'l.... r 'JoJ "'"'011
......1 'it -. J1J -....... ~-" I( ~tIIII' _~JCJa.dì-·
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1IIIIf- . , CCIII'IIIr ..4. - &OO~w. . L n ... aay.. Ai elt. Jr.
....~ D pter a1d tlda ""0"'" ... . CODt1llUat1t a or tile wa1:er .ta117 111
re1aUcD to 1IaUco 1&11r. JIlt.... elt tIleD pn Ida -Sapp'l_--Â to
h~_. Report JIo. 1. J'eaa1b11J.~ ot 8e1'91DS ftl1co ftJ1r.. dated
Oct~b.. 18. 1965.
The Director ot Pub11c Vorb b1. report. ... _14 the
vater co.pany'. pollcy tor re1llbure_nt la it the aubd1vi..1on _ter
1178~ 1a .1zed to aenl on17 tL 11vea there 1a DO N~t;
t_~~~er. it an ovel'll1s1ng 18 required to se"1 _ tutuN develop-
ment beyond thelr aubdlvi.slon. then aome re1mbura_nt 1a 10 order.
Ve have 2 or 3 such caaea 10 the Clty. '!'here la DO rel.buraement
un1... an ovel'lllz1ng la required. Profits der1wed rro. the o¡leret1c.n
ot a _tel' coIlp8J1)' are genere1l7 plowed back into repairs, replacement
ot 01d or inadequate lines, and other 1JDprove..nta to the _ter aptem.
The Director aåld that pb;ya1ca11y thia area can be se"ed. The prin-
clpal que.t1on is what 1a th1a project going to coat and what de_gas
11111 be inv01ved. S1sty-three par cent ot va11co Uea within calltoml&
Vater Company tl'llnch1r.ð and there wou1d undoubtedly be ~ de_gea
to pay. The alDOunt la aa yet undeteraalred.
The Director read two letters tro. Mr. Walter ward, I1enerel J(anager
ot Vlt1lco Park. The letter ot October 15th stre.aed the iJDPOrCance of
the quallty ot the water needed to aerve vallco and enclosed a coW
ot their Company Resolution. It gu&l'IInteed a .1nl_ pachaae ot o"~
bmdred acre teet ot water annual17 bJ' tho! tenanta ot valleo. The
second letter was In regard to the October 6th Mark n.o-a water
Repcrt, and again streaaed the importance ot the quallty ot the water
needed tor _nutacturlng purpoaes, and how thia playa a vel'J' Important
part in the dec1Bion ot large companles In 10cat1ng thelr plants.
~. Leonard coltlDlented that he would like Mr. Auaack to research the
:ca- 110. on page II, near the bottOll ot the pege, In his report. ~
said that it la an 18" line on Ste1l1ng, pel'll1~e1 with Highway 9;
he remembel'll watch1ng it be1ng put in.
K~. Leonard questioned wh&ther the relml,uraement policy 1s nonl&l
PE'QCedure. And, atter a euraol'J' exalD1.nat1.on, he dld not tee::' th¡¡
proposala in the Aumack report are acceptable. He requested time an:!
the opportun1ty to reter thla report to the Vallco engineers tor
review and evaluation.
Mr. I-W'II then POled the question: -What IS In it for the C1ty?"
The c..~. ":!Do School Distrlct 18 very costly to every homeowner 1n
Cupert1Dø. Be added that Palo Alto. SurmJvale, aIll Santa Clara have
s_ 1'1t t;o "ve their own _ter co·~·"'''es.
Be l'e1t tbat the ke;r questlon tor the Clt;r ls one ot stepping to~
111tJ1 D.-~t"'" ud COUl'8Ce aøI _ it on a BOund ~s18. tbere 18
..e ~ to belleve t..t growth 01' CUpertino ls t.linent It we
!aft ..-JtQ _tel'.
........ . .
111'. J. Ar11e G11mre. a eullit1't1ìlo ¡ãoOp.çI.,J owner. ..ld be' ."e4 to "
tbÞ dQ JD 1959 ud ... 1t pøoIIue the IIonta V1sta vater COIaJI8Ø::-.
'JbII__"~ qllltpt,",Î n..._-- 1& to apuodOUl"-~
1Ie&'9Jce. ...... the 0.....,,, ~Q bere to do this. Be t_1a tld.a
.-_..... ....~t.teII r,...!Þb4.; ._,
111". Jldy1l-~~'."" aœtlsel';¡ ~'111"0.....~ 0_1'. a&2d tlat 11',.-
tile C1Q sa ~-1n.",""",sa.._ to CUpert1no. there are ana
in tile Mn. tlat do not haft _tea- ~t. Be annexed to the C1t;J of
CUpøt;JDo1lØl.JDpeIt to be ...........4-'" u... U pri..te _ter 0 ....~t..
w111 DD1; ~. b1Ii area.. he t_1a it behooves the Clt;r to do 80. :-
III'. .. II. ~..r. 01' ftr1aD u.oc1at..; 1;..1; 11; 18 s..pent1_
to haft! ..-Ht;J .ter 1ft order to pt qual1t;r co.pen1n to c_ 1;0
lIIa;ror nl.dl~1;er reques1;ed the vallco people make coaaents !)n 1;he Clt;J's
Nport. ADo1;her _et1ng wUl be set up 1n the near future.
Moved by Counc:llan 'P1tzgera1d, seconded by Council_n P1nch. to
adjourn tile _eting at 9:05 P.M.
J. Robert Dempster
K" /:'.
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D1reC~r or Nbllc WorkS