iUL 1965
10321 South Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road 252-4505
Cupertino, California, 95014
C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N"0
TIME: 8:00 P.M., Monday, July 26, 1965
PLACE: Portal School Library
Councilmen present: Fitzgerald, Stokes, Dempster
Councilmen absent: Finch, Noel
Water Commissioners present: Bonacich, Johnson, Schoen, Harrison
Water Commissioners absent: Ellis
Staff present: City Manager Phil Storm
City Attorney Sam Anderson
Dir. of Pub. Works Frank Finney
City Clerk Larry Martin
Recording Secretary Lois Inwards
I. Joint Meeting with the Water Commission
The City Manager said Councilman Stokes had requested a joint meeting
with the Water Commission to discuss the program of the development of
the Cupertino Water Service. In addition, the Councilmen have received
copies of the Vallco Park Water Report.
Chairman Harrison said the Water Commission has had the opportunity to
read the Vallco Park Water Report, but has not had time to discuss the
ramifications of it as yet. Therefore, the Water Commission was not
prepared to give any opinions or recommendations at this meeting.
The Director of Public Works then gave his oral report, supplemented
by two exhibits; one being a color -coded map of the areas served by
the California, San Jose, and Cupertino Water Companies; the second
showing pressure zones, well locations with rough capacities of each,
and storage facilities. He used overlays of recent and up -coming
subdivisions and De Anza College, which will have an effect on our
water supply.
The Director said there are four elements to be considered when dis-
cussing the water situation:
1. Source of supply
2. Means of transmission
3. Facilities for storage
4. Distribution system
The Director then reviewed the consumption rate graph. He said our
source is in pretty good condition. Our transmission lines are in
pretty good condition; however, attention is needed at the Orange Avenue
main and Palm Avenue needs a short replacement piece. Our present
storage capacity is 0.62 million gallons. We require 1.67 million
gallons of storage; therefore, we need to construct an additional
storage capacity of 1 million gallons.
It was the opinion of the Director that improvement of the gallery is
justified in that the elevation difference makes pumping less expensive,
would decrease our pump tax, and would help establish our riparian
rights to the water in Stevens Creek.
In answer to Councilman Stokes' question, the Director said there are
now 1695 Cupertino Water Service users. This figure does not include
the proposed 620 living units to be developed within this service area
in the near future.
Councilman Stokes asked about the overlapping areas shown on the map.
The City Manager said this came about because we do not as yet have the
facilities to serve all of them.
Councilman Stokes then asked about the undeveloped areas. The City
Manager said that, with the development of the Stoneson property, we
will have lines to service this area. The college and the central park
areas will be served by the Cupertino Water Department, also.
Councilman Fitzgerald asked how much the water tank that we need so badly
will cost. The Director said it will run approximately $100,000.
Mayor Dempster, referring to the Mark Thomas Report, asked what the
Department of Public Works has done in regard to expansion'of the water
system. The Director said that little can be done in this respect
until the imported water is available. This should be by 1967 or'68.
The City Manager said he met with Mr. Fowler, Chief Engineer for Santa
Clara, last week. They brought in water, starting July 1st of this
year. The Rinconada Treatment Plant installation will be started in
1967. California Water Service and San Jose Water Works have signed
contracts with the Flood Control to guarantee the start of these lines.
Santa Clara has signed a contract to import water,
Cupertino is in the enviable position of having two outlets: one where
the railroad tracks cross Stevens Creek Blvd., and the other where
Lawrence Freeway crosses Stevens Creek Blvd. Before we can get this
water, we must sign a contract. In'addition, we have to pay for the
taps onto the transmission lines -- about $4000 to $5000. Water will
be available in March of 1967. We should be thinking about making
arrangements for this. Cost will be $46 per acre foot plus $16 per
acre foot underwater tax for a period of five years.
Mayor Dempster asked about the Water Department's expansion program.
The City Manager said that it was his opinion that the object in ob-
taining the Water Department was that some day it would operate the
water service within the entire City.of Cupertino.
The City Attorney advised there is no limitation as to who can purchase
this water. In a water shortage, residential use takes precedent over
industrial use, according to Law.
Councilman Stokes, in reviewing the Milpital situation, said it appeared
that water should be sold only through municipalities. He said
Milpitas is involved in a.situation that will be reviewed by the Board
of Supervisors regarding whether or not water should be sold strictly
through municipalities..
Councilman Stokes asked if, since imported water will be available in
1967_, are any studies being made as to its potential use. He also
asked what it would cost. It.wa's brought out that these studies have
not been made as yet, and that.the,cost of imported water will probably
be double that of local water. It was also brought out that the pump
tax will most likely be raised to bring the price of local water in
line with the imported water and, thus; encourage use of the imported
water. There was then some discussion of the'quality of the local
versus the imported water.
Comm. Schoen said the water from the well seems to be of poor quality.
He asked what treatment, there will be at Rinconada. Local water has
250 P.P.M. hardness as opposed to 100-125 P.P.M. hardness after treat-
Chairman Harrison wanted'to know vahat the cost to the Water Department
would be for the taps....It.was brought out'.that it would be $6200
annually, whether or not the imported water is used.
Comm. Schoen asked whether Cupertino Water.Service would take over the
California Water S'er'vice obligations when and.if we decide to import
wateri The.City'Manager said a new contract would probably have to be
Mr. Louis Stocklmeier, 22120.Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, went into
a technical discussion of the engineering problems involved.
Councilman Stokes stated that, in our present distribution system, there
are some sections of inadequate mains. The Director of:Public Works
said they are repairing and replacing in the most urgent places first,
then taking care of the minor maintenance and repair.
II Vallco Water Distribution
Mr. Walter Ward, of Park, said that since the Master Plan was
done, three major developments have entered into the picture:De Anza
College,' Vallco 'Park, and -.the possibility. of imported water. Nolte
representatives, Mr.— horen.Johnston and Mr. Ken Hankins, next spoke
o.f'Vallco's water requirements. Copies of Vallco's written. report were
distributed. Mr. Johnston said Vallco will require 1-1/3 to 2 million
gallons per day. Their studies show they could develop water. from Wells
if they put in storage facilities. Mr. Hankins said that, until th:e
imported water is in, Vallco could probably get water.from the City of
Santa Clara. They would not have to develop their own facilities if
something could be worked out between:Cupertino and,Santa Clara.
Mr. Burrell Leonard, Vallco Park, felt that this would be a good oppor-
tunity for the City.of get into the water business. He
said Vallco's purpose in coming to this meeting was to see if the
technical people involved can pursue this and come to an early decision,
Vallco is willing to do business with Cupertino Water Service.
Mr. Louis Stocklmeier said he had .some interesting statistics relating
to heart disease versus hard and soft water. The hard water cities have
a much lower incident.,of heart disease.
Councilman Fitzgerald asked Mr. Leonard if he felt the pump tax will be
raised within the next two or three years. Mr. Leonard's opinion was
that it will be.
The City Manager invited Mr. Walter,_Ward and -the Nolte representatives
to the next Water Commission meeting to further discuss this matter.
Mr. Ward said there is of urgency here,.. -.since they would like
to proceed -With - the L.I.D; project early this fall. Chairman Harrison
said they will'call the meeting within the next two weeks. (NOTE: The
Water Commission, during the Council's executive session, decided they
could meet on Wednesday, August llth, 8:00 P.M., at City Hall.' The
City Manager is requested to confirm this with them.)
Mr. Leonard said that,. if the City of Cupertino does not take this
over, they will probably go to the City of Santa Clara for water service.
Councilman Stokes asked Mr. Leonard when a substantial amount of water
would be used by Vallco. Mr. Leonard said that in such cases, the
lead time is considerable.. He estimated it at 4 or 5 years.
Mr. Otis Forge, 20691 Homestead Road, Cupertino, felt that imported
water would be cheaper.
The City Attorney asked if Hetch Hetchy water for Vallco Park had been
ruled out. The City Manager said that water source has been investigated
and it would have cost over a million dollars to get the water into
Cupertino. Economically, it is pretty much out of the question.
Mr.. Will Lester said the quality of local water is not too good. He
asked about the quality of imported water. He was told that it is less
hard. One of the proposed Vallco firms is quite concerned about the
quality of the water.
On recommendation by Chairman Harrison, it was moved by Councilman
Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to authorize the City Manager
to contact Santa Clara City and the Flood Control relative to a tem-
porary water supply until we could service Vallco, etc.
Motion carried, 3-0
III Twin Palms, Unit 2
Chairman Harrison submitted the following motion from the Water Dept.:
"At a special adjourned meeting on July 14, 1965, the City of Cupertino
Water Commission passed the following Resolution:
"To recommend that the City Council amend the present Ordinance to allow
that when a developer is required to put in offsite water main, regard-
less of size, to get service to his development, that a reimbursement
agreement be entered into to require a reimbursement for cost of off -
site labor and materials pro rated in accordance with area of develop-
ment by any other developments for a period of ten years. The City
Engineering Department will decide upon the limits of the area to be
subject to such a reimbursement agreement. The City will act as agent
to collect the required reimbursement from future developers and will
forward fees to last known address,of original developers and this will
be the City's sole liability.
AYES: Comm.: Bonacich, Harrison, Johnson
NAYS: Comm.: Schoen
ABSENT: Comm.: Ellis
Motion carried, 3-1 It
Councilman Stokes felt that if this connection at Stevens Creek Blvd and
Lawrence Expressway will serve a good portion of the City as well as
Vallco, either the City should be in the water business or it should not.
These considerations should be incorporated into our Master Plan.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald, that the
City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution for a reimbursement
agreement, as recommended by the Water Commission.
AYES: Councilmen: Fitzgerald, Stokes, Dempster
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Finch, Noel
Motion carried, 3-0
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald, that the
Director of Public Works be instructed to work with the Water Commission
and make a recommendation to the City Council as to whether the Mark
Thomas Master Water Plan should be revised or brought up-to-date, or
whether a whole new study should be made.
Motion carried, 3-0
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald, to
adjourn to an executive session at 10:15 P.M.
Motion , carri,ed, 3-0
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald, to
adjourn at 10:55 P.M.
� 11 • 0_11
ATTEST: j /s/ J. Robert Dempster
City Clerk
-4 -
10322 SGath Sarat,,;;a-S>mnyval., Roa4
~. Cal1rO;:-~1, 95011¡
. I T Y 0 P CUP E R T I NO
8:00 P.M., Monday, Ju17 :.::6. 1965
l'brtal S.::!'Jool Library
pc' .......
.- II, present:
,... - absent:
JP1t;zpra1d. Stokes, Dempster
P1Dcb. Hoel
v.. C~ 1"'loners pres en'" ~(' Johnson. Schoen, lJarri.aon
vat.r C.. I"alon~rs absent,: R111.
S~ present:
C1t)" Manager Ph1l Storm
C11;7 Attorney Sam Anderson
Mr. or Pub. Works Prank Pinney
Cl1;7 Clerk Larry Martin
Reccrdlng Secretary Lois Inwards
I. ;~1n~ Meetir.f .:~~ the Water ~~colssion
Tr~ :~..:;y ~nager ~:::. Councll= 'st-ckes had requested a jc1r.: ,,
w~~ ~~e .a~er C:~~~55i"n to d1sc·.ss the program of the de~elcp=ent of
tr~ :;;.;pert11!O Wa:.:" .>¿:",·ice. !:: Ã:1:U:lon, the Courlcl1men :-.a-:e rece1ved
cc;:'_~ of the Va:::: :ark Water ?epor';..
c!"~~ Harrls:~. õ~i.' the Water :c.=ission has had the C~V-:"': ~:-.1 ';.y to
~~ -::-,e 7allco :'-:", hater P.e;.c:"':, =:~': tillS not had time tc :'lS:·~S5 the
~::"'::a::'ons 0:'" ~ -: 3.S yet. 7:-.-,!:",,!:"'::re. the Water Commlss1,,::-. vas :1ot
pr~;E--e:1 to give ~~; :plnion5 :;r !'e:ocoendations at thls =ee';.lr~.
T:'"...e =-:":-oector of :-_:::.: Works ~!".~~ ga.-Ie his oral report. s:.¡;.;:.:~=er;ted
t7 -:>or:: exh1bits; :~.= ::eing a :::::r-:oje::l map of the areas ~¿,:-:e:i ;;y
t:-A ~:ltornia, ~~~_ ::se, and C-~per:lno Water Companies; tr.e se~onj
s!"~~ pressure ::~~S, well :~:a~~:;ns with rcugh capaciti~s :;~ each,
ar~ r~crage 1"ac~::::¿5. He us~:' :;yerla;(s of recent and u~-::;=i~¿
~..;.::r-=. r~s1ons an': :~ .;~=a Colloe'g~. v:-...i::h will :-.ave an effe:::-: ..... :....;.r
wa~~ s;.:pply.
T'P-d!' =~-ector sa:: ::-.';:'I! are !~~ e:e~ents to ce cons1der~ .:-.~r.. 1~s-
c-~~ the wate:" si:~ation:
1. Sc.urce of supply
2. Means of transmission
3. Pacllities for storage
_. ~lstrlbution system
T'-....e ~-rector the~_ :-~\·iewed the =naumpticn rate graph. He sal:' o:.¡r
II~ ls 1n pre:~:" >;ood condit1=>n. Our transmission lines are L"l
.-.",,__,T good con=:~:~n; howev~r, attention Is needed at the Ora"6e Avenue
~ and Palm A\-e~-"~ needs a soort replacement plece. Our present
s~e capacity ls 0.62 m1l1ion gallons. We requlre 1.67 !:::ll1on
r'-...... or storag~; therefore. lie need to construct an addltional
s~e capacity::' 1 million ga11ons.
I-:; ... the opin:~~ ::' the Director th4t improvement of tt.e gallery is
J'- ~r1ed in that ~::e elevation dlrterence makes pumping less expensive,
_'''' decrease o~!' OUmp tax, and lIO\Ùd help establish our rlparlan
rf~ to the "ate!' in Stevens Creek.
In'" U.!I' to Councilman Stokes' quest1on, the Director said there are
nøIt 1695 CUpertino Vate,r Service users. This f1gure does not include
tbe propoeed 620 living unlts to be developed within th1s servlce area
1D UIe -.r t'uture.
ç" 111_ Stokes asked about the overlapping areas shown on the map.
'file C1~ lllnager said th1s came about because we do not as yet have the
f'-4111U. to serve a11 ot them.
C~ n_ Stokes then asked about the UJldeveloped areas. The Clt7
- .-r 8a14 that, with the 4evelo~t ot the Stoneson property, we
1d11 ..,. 11Ma to service thU area. tile conese and the oentral pari[
~ ..s.u. be served by the CUpert1œ vater Department, a1so.
C n_ P1tZpft.1d asked how _cb the water tank that we need 110 b8d17
1d.U~. The D1rector 8&1.4 1t wUl 1'UD approximatel)' $100,000.
..........:u', reterr1n& to .the IIU'tr 'I'bomas Report, asked what the
17 _ - t ot l'Ubl1c Works baa done 10 reprd to expansion ot the water
~ '!be Director said that l1tt1e can be done 1n this respect
.~, t:be 1JIported water ls avall.ab1e. Th1s should be by 1967 or '68.
'!'be C1.tIJllnager said he met with Mr. Fowler, Chief Engineer for Santa
C1ara, 'Iii!'lweek. 'D1ey brought in _tel', starting July 1st of this
~. '!!Ie JI1nconada Treatment Plant 1n8tallat1on will be started in
1S67. Ca1U'omla Vater Service and San J'ose Water Works have signed
,,~ ccmracta wlth the Flood Control to guarantee the start ot these 11nes.
I,. '- Sa:1ta Clara has slgned a contraot to 1IIIport water.
c-~;II!rt~ ls in the envlable posltion of havlng t\~O outlets: one whe~
:!:e rallroad tracks croSS Stevena Creek Blvd., anñ the other where
ra-..~e ?reeway crosses Stevens Creek Blvd. Before we can get ';t.1.:;
va':-er, ve must slgn a contract. In addltion, we have to pay 1"or the
=;:& =";t) the transmisslon l1nes -- about $4000 to $5000. Water wl1l
~ &~ble 1n March 01" 1967. We sho~ld be thlrk'.n¡: about ma.k~,.g
iU':'!!nge.ents 1"or this. Cost wl11 be $46 per acrt: foot plus $16 per
a.::oe ~oc'; underwater tax 1"01' a perlod of five yearll.
~7Cr ~ter asked about the Water Department's expanalon prograCl.
~ ::1t7 Manager said that It was his op1nJ.on that the object In o~-
-.Jt·..1~ the Water Department _s that some day it would operate the
wa':-er servloe w1tt.1n the entire Clty of CUpertino.
7::.e ~t7 AttomeT .1dvlsed there ls no llmltat10n as to who can purchase
~~~ va:er. In ã vater shortage, residentlal use takes precedent oVe~
~.1.8~r<-&l use, ac~ording to Law.
:.~,;;::)CtiJ:an Stokes, 1n rev1ewing the M11pltal sUuat1on, sald It appea~j
~::a: _ter should be sold on1y through røuni.clpal1tles. He sald
!C..:p1taJS 1s involved in a s1tuatlon that w111 be reviewed by the Board
::.~ S!¿pern.aors regarding whether or not water should be sold strict1y
tL_-J~ aun1c1pallties.
Cc<""'~ Stokes asked If, sin~e 1cpoTted water will be avallable in
1967. are &n7 studles belng made as to 1ts potential use. He also
asked 1Ibat It wouU cost. It was brought out that these studles have
DCt been _de as yet, and that the coat of 1IIIported water wl11 probab17
be 15oub1e that of local water. It vas also brought out that the pump
tax 1r1.1.1 ~st 11lcely be raised to bring the prlce 01" local water In
:uDe ntb the Imported water and, thus, encourage use 01" the imported
.ater. ~re was then some dlsCU8s10n of the quallty 01" the local
....ersus the Imported water.
ec-c Schoen sald the water from the well seems to be ot poor quallty.
&It aalœd what treatment there will be at R1nconada. Local _ter has
2SO P.P.... hardnes$ as opposed to 100-125 P. P.M. hardness a1"ter trea.t-
-me .
~i I. amøon wanted to kDoIf 1Ibat the cost to the Water Department .
_'I" be tor the tape. It was b~ out that it would be ~ t· :"
£. H7_ whether or not the Iaported ater is used. 4 :. ',. \- -, \-
o ~ aakad whether C\lpert1Do Vater Servlce would take over the
_1I1I,--.da Vater Service obUpt:1- 1Iben and it we ãec1de to 1Jçort
~- . 2be City Manager sa14 a _ contract would probab1;V baye to be
...... .
1Ir.. ~. Stockllleler, 22120 S&..~ .. cnek BJ.vd, cupertino, went 1."1to
. ~ -' 9-1 41acuaslon ot the -.,,-- I riDs . problellll 1nvol veð.
- ,wi i.,Stokes stated tIa~_ Sa oar present d1atr1but10D ayBa._ ~bere
....~ ot 1Da4equat.a _11_. '!be D1reotor ot 1'\ab~ 1IInÞ
~.. repa1r1ns 8øI J''ij':a...... Sa the IDOst urgent plac" ftrst.
. ~,1jj] -.,. cue or the II1nor _11- ....-"" and repair.
u: -''....fttllr D1atr1b1At1oa
lIP"; _'~ Ward. of' vallco l'aK_ A14 that since the Master Plan ...
~ -. f:I .. _Jor deve10¡amt:a have entered 1nto the picture: De ArIza
il!ftU....1IIU1co Perk, and tile po..J.bJ.11t7 óf' 1IIIported water. 1Io1te
. _ .ltl'ta1;1ves. 1tI'. Thoren JolIDstoo and Mr. !ten Hank1ns, next .poke
or -'1'1....,. .ater requ1reIDent:a. Coples ot Vallco's written report were
~. 1tI'. Johnston aa14 V& wl11 require 1-1/3 to 2 IIIllllon
.......... per da7. Thelr stud1es sbow they could develop water from w811s
U UIe7 ¡»t 1n storage facl11tle.. 1Ir. Hank1ns sald that. unt11 the
~ _ter Is 1n. Val1co could probably get water 1"rom the Clt;V 01"
:s.....L4 C1ara. They 1io1.!"ld not have to develop thelr own fac1l1tles If
.. "h1T1g could be worked out betlreen Cupert1no and Santa Clara.
R='. ~..-e11 Leonard, Vallco Pane. :"elt that th1s would be a good oppor-
~'t7 tor the CitY" of CUpertino to g..t 1nto the water buslness. He
~ 7a11co' s pur¡:ose in coming to this meeting was to see i1" the
~e;a1 people 1n"lOlved can ¡NrSUe this and come to an early declslon,
~= 1a wl11ing to do bus1neas with Cupertlno Water ~..- .I:~e..l . ,-1 .
1Ir. IDu.11I Stocklmeler said he had some 1nteresting statist1cs relating
tc r-.rt dlsease versus hard and SGtt water. The hard water cltles have
a -..en 10wer 1ncldent 01" heart d1.Seaae.
Cc;r.¡:xl1_n Pltzgerald asked 1Ir. Leonard 11' he 1"elt the pump tax will be
r-1-eó within the next two or three years. .JoIr. Ll!onard's op1n10n was
tb&~ ~t .111 be. .
~ C~~ Manager l."1vited JoIr. Walter Ward and the Nolte representatives
to the neltt Water Commission aeet1.Dg to 1"urther discuss _th1s matter.
R='. 1Iard _ld there Is a note or urgency here, since they would 11Jce
to proceed wlth the L.I.,D. proJect early this 1"all. Chalrman Harrison
sa;f..:1 the7 w111 call thè meeting within the next <;wo weeks. (HorE: The
~ Co 'uion, during the Co1ml:11's executive session, decided they
~,,, .eat on Wednesday. August 11th. 8:00 P.M., at Clty Hall. The
a~ , is requested to COI1ttr. th1a wlth them.)
1Ir. T.-...s sald that. If the City or Cupertino does not take this
ower. the7 wl11 probably go to the City of Santa Clara 1"or water service.
CI - 1;_.. Stokes asked Mr. Leonard when a substantial amount of _ter
---,,, be used by VaHco. . Mr. I--...s said that In such cases. the
1-.1 ~ 1a considerable. Be est1JBted It at 4 or 5 years.
1Ir. 0tU Forge. 20691 Homestead Road. Cupert1no, felt that 1mported
_~.ouJ.4 be cheaper.
'!lie City Attorney asked If &etch Betcb7 water for Vallco Park bad been
za1ed out. The C:l.ty Manager ~ that _ter source has been 1nvestlgated
... 11; -00"" have cost· over a 811111ft1 dollars to get the water into
C._ r L1ao. - l$i::ol1Oll1cally, 1t 1a pretty much out of the question.
1Ir. Vll1. Lester said the qua1.1ty Of local water 1s not too good. He
&..."'" about the quallty or 1aq)ortfld water. He wall told that 1t 1s less
bald. CDe ot the proposed Valleo tirms is quite concemed about the
~H1;,( ot the 1Iater.
01 Jr"Cl mdatlon by Cha1nan Barr1son, It 1IaS moved by Co\U1cilman
l'.1. 1 .s1d, lIeconded by Co1mc11-n St?kes, to author1Ze the Clty Manager
to .....1:4010 Santa Clara C1ty and the P:ì.?Od Contro1 relat1ve to a tem-
~ ater supply \U1t11 we cou1d lIel""l1ce Vallco, etc.
1IDt1oncarried, 3-0
/ ~þ1aa, 11n1t 2
4~""'~' -' ,
..~aubIf'.tted tile tol1OW1D¡ motion tfta''t:hIt: .ter Dept.:
...~ .;....... ''''.-, , .
¡.'~1a1 ~·.jLt.JíìCoD Jù17 14, 1965, tlíe'~ òt CUpert1no
, .. ~~ '."1011 paneG 10118 tollOldng Resolut1on:
~ nU_lnd tbat the C1t;v COuncil Ul..mr1 the prellelit Oì'cÙDance to I&1low
~ 1IIben a developer 111 requ1red to PIt 1n otts1te ater main, regard-
~ot a1ze, to get lIe1'V1ce to IWs developaent, t....t a rellllburllement
.....a ..t be entf'red 1nto to a reimbursement tor cOllt ot ott-
s1œ Jabor and ater1a1a pro rated 1n accordance w1th area ot develop-
~ by _8117 other dev:e1opøents tor a period 01" ten years. The C1ty
-.,--er1ng Department 11111 dec1de upon the limlts o~ the area to be
IlUbJect to such a reimbúrll.-ent agreement. The C1ty 1d1.1 act as agent
to collect the required rellllburllement from future developers and w111
1'~....d tees to last known address.o1" origlnal developers and th1s wl11
be the City's sole liabl1lty.
~naclch. Harrlson, Johnson
Motlon carried, 3-1 n
C~ilman Stokes felt that 11" this connecti~n ~~ 3tcvens Creek Elvd and
La~_~.ce Express1laY will serve a good portion of ~he City as well as
~lco, elther the Clty should be In the water business or it should not.
""',Te considerat1ona should be incorporated Into our Ma8ter Plan.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councl1man Fitzgerald, that the
Clty Attorney be 1nstructed to prepare a Resolution 1"or a relmbursement
~_ement, as recommended by the Water Commisslon.
Fitzgerald, Stokes, Dempster
Finch, Noel
~otlon ~arried, ~-O
NoYed by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Pitzgerald, that the
D1rector of Public Works be 1nstruoted to work with the Water Commission
and .ake a recommer.c1ation to the Clty Council as to whether the Mark
yt.-- Master Water Plan should be revlsed or brought up-to-date, or
wbetber a whole new study should be made.
Motlon carried, 3-0
Noved by Councllman Stokes. seconded by Councl1man Fitzgerald, to
adJ"Urn to an executlve sesslon at 10:15 P,M.
Motlon carrled, 3-0
Mo....c1 by Councl1man Stokes. secomed by Councl1man Pltzgerald, to
~ at 10:55 P.M.
C1ty Clerk
J. Robert Dempster
/ rµ;-
....... . c...-