CC Resolution No. 9017 RESOLUTION NO. 9017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING A CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR THE TWENTIETH YEAR (1994-95) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAMS WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 provides that funds be made available for the Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino participates in the Community Development Block Grant Program, in order to provide affordable housing opportunities for very low and low income persons and families; and WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino is required to follow a Citizen Participation Plan in the disbursal ofCDBG funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby adopts the attached Citizen Participation Plan for the Twentieth Program Year (1994-95). PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 18th day of January ,1994, by the following vote: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the Ci~ Council Bautista, Burnett, Dean, Sorensen, Koppel None None None APPROVED: 181 Barb Koppel Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: 181 Kim Marie Smith City Clerk January 18, 1994 5:00 P,M, February 18, 1994 5:00 P.M, March 3, 1994 3:30 P,M. March 21, 1994 6:45 P.M. g:/mmlmisc/cdbg City of Cupertino 1993-94 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen Participation Plan Meeting and Application Schedule Adoption of Citizen Participation Schedule Project Proposal Application Deadline Community Development Department, City Hall, Lower Level · Project proposals must be submitted to the City no later than 5:00 P,M. on this date, There will be absolutely no exceptions Affordable Housing Committee Meeting City Hall, Lower Level, Conference Rooms C&D · Affordable Housing Committee to review project proposals and hear testimony from applicants · Affordable Housing Committee makes recommendations on funding Recommendations are forwarded to City Council on March 21, 1994 City Council Meeting (Public Hearing) City Hall, Council Chambers · Council to approve final recommendations for City CDBG funds