CC 05-18-6510321 Soo Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road �52-4505
Cupertino, California, 95014
CAL17 CP_RT ___-
TIME: 8:30 P�M,, May 18, 1965
PLACE: City Hall
Councilmen present: Fitzgerald (8:35), Noel, Stokes, Dempster
Councilmen absent: Finch
Staff present: City Manager, Phil Storm
City Clerk, Larry Martin
Director of Public Works, Frank Finney
City Engineer, Bob Shook
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
Ci+�izens present: Mr. Ward Crump
Mr, Ray Crump
Mrs. Juanita McLaren
Mr. Mike Splitstone
The meeting opened with.the Director of Public Works displaying a map
of the area under discussion, color coded to show the areas under the
jurisdictions of Cupertino, San Jose and Santa Clara County.
The situation is actually two basic problems. The first is the widening
of Bubb Road as it crosses Regnart Creek, The second is the enclosing
in a pipe of the creek as it proceeds upstream through the Baywood
Terrace Subdivision to Lindy Lane.
It was recommended that the Bubb Road problem be solved by placing a
culvert and earth fill to replace the existing bridge, This project
would run $44,000 and would not include slope easements. He suggested
that perhaps Mr. Crump, who has already dealt -with the property owners
in this area, could work this out,
Mayor Dempster asked whether the Flood. Control is willing to contribute
anything to this project. The Director said they are willing to con-
tribute $12,500 to both problems, The Bubb Road portion would pro-
bably merit approximately $5,000 to $7,000 of the total $12,500. This
represents their estimated cost of maintenance of the creek in that
The City Manager asked if it will be necessary, under this proposal, to
tear out the existing bridge. The Director said that it would be
difficult to obtain proper compaction unless the bridge comes out.
The City Manager then reviewed the encumbered and unencumbered monies
available under the "2107" (gas tax) and the "186" (Collier -Unruh),
He said one year's entitlement of "186" money is to go to the building
of the Tantau overcrossing, However, the Council should not be con-
cerned with this until Tantau is developed, Another project coming up
will be the Stevens Creek Blvd. improvement program, which will run
$25,000. We are also obligated to contribute to stop light installa-
tions at Bollinger & Blaney, Homestead and Mary,' and Homestead and
Wolfe, and Stevens Creek and Wolfe.
The City Manager went on to explain that we can go to bid on any pro-
ject and use General Funds as long as this is approved by the State;
then, when the money comes in, we can put it back into the General
Fund. On this basis, it would appear that we have enough to get the
bridge under way..
The City Manager said he haJ spoken with Mrs. Madsen, and she has
agreed to dedicate the approximately 150' @.long her property. In addi-
tion, the lady who lives on the south side of the creek is her friend
and Mrs. Madsen feel, she can convince her to dedicate aloo. However,
they will be "very disappointed" if �i.ny of the trees are removed.
Some.months ago, Mr. Crump submitted a pra osal for the realignment of
Regnart Creek to enable the straightening of the meandering roadway.
.The Director presented the tentative map which provided for the elimi-
nation of the Qhanne1 and,creek and substitution by a reinforced concrete
pipe. The cost, including only enough backfill to adequately cover the
pipe is estimated to be ;$48,000, including engineering,, The 60" pipe
required b.y the County Flood Control is based on ultimate development
of the entire drainage area.
Mr. Crump was asked if he had been assured of financial help from
other agencies; He said that, at one time, he felt they would be
.eligible. -for Flood Control credit of $12,500. He is not at all sure
this,still holds true. San'Jose has declined any financial responsi-
bility here.:- Santa Clara County never did agree to contribute toward
this pro. '6ct .
Thu -Director felt the Flood Control would still contribute the $12,500,
and also the difference between the :cost of a 60" and an 84" pipe,
('approximately '$4000 in this :case)'
Mr,-Crumpsaid the drainage channel is serving Baywood Terrace Units 1
and 2, for which -those'propert.y owners have 'contribut.ed $17, 000 in
storm drain fees . This Was corrected as . $13-, 000 . ' Unit 5 storm drain
-fees will be about $13, Ob0 ..($6, 000 net),, The Candy Rock net fee is
$11,000. Mr. Crump said't.hat Unit'5 could absorb the $17,000.
Mayor,,.Demps.ter asked if the realignment could be.%handled up to the the bridge right away, Tile Director said
. that it could. Drainage fees in the. amount of $31,00.0 *are available.
Mayor Dempster stated that if we use the $31,000'.and'it.'does not put
us in jeopardy,.and if.Mr. Crump comes. up'with'�$17,000, the next prob-
lem is the bridge.
Councilman Fitzgerald felt that the, bridge is •needed h( w, arid. the traf-
fic in that area.. is -increasing all the time.
The City Manager' felt that the Director::can 'now.jell" his ideas as far
as construction of the bridge. it concerned, and'he and the,-C-1ty
Counci'1 can have the finances worked out,
Councilman Stokes asked if it is possible to userthe existing bridge
for one-way traffic. The City Manager said this is note practical.
TYie best thing to do would be to construct a whple new'bridge. The
present one is slightly out of line, which would throw the road off.
Councilman Noel asked if'there would be any savings by undertaking
both these projects at.the same time. The Director said there would.
Mr.. Crump.'. offered to contribute fill, which would be a saving.
Mr.'Mik'dSplitstone said he is waiting for review of the Candy Rock
plans for 52 homes, and then will be ready to go, Lindy Lane will be
improved up to the curve.
Mayor Dempster asked the City Manager if this project were expedited, ,A;,
if we would be in any financial bind. The City Manager said he could
foresee no problem with either the bridge or the storm drainage projects.
Mr. Crump said he is willing to take over the projects, with proper
financial arrangemer_ts, or let the City do the job. The City Manager
felt the City should do the combined projects.
Mayor Dempster asked about the status of Mary Avenue. The City Manager
said that until June 30, 1966, we are pretty well tied up.
Councilman Stokes asked about the status of improvement and maintenance
of the city streets, The City Manager said some major work was done
this past year, but there is no heavy street work scheduled for this
year, other than general maintenance.
The City Manager asked permission of the City Council to proceed with
plans and specifications for the Bubb Road culvert and for enclosing
of Regnart Creek in a pipe,
So moved, by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
AYES: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Noel., Stokes, Dempster
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Finch
Motion carried, 4--0
The Director of Public Works then asked about the area beyond this
(specifically, Mrs. Madsen's 150').
Mr. Crump said most of this 150' is not actually on Mrs, Madsen's pro-
perty; it is existing County right-of-way and Mr. Crump's property.
Mr. Crump does not feel it will cost any more to connect the two pieces
than it would to put in the approaches.
The Director asked how far we want to backfill where the channel is
quite deep. He recommended backfill only to the point of safe clear-
ance over the pipe, It could cost as much as an additional $48,000
to bring it all the way up to future street grade,
The Director asked Mr. Crump if the City has his permission to use any
and all plans prepared to date for this project, in any manner we see
fit. Mr. Crump said this is satisfactory with him.
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to adjourn
to June 7th, 8:00 P.M., at the Portal School Library.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
J. Robert Dempster
City Clerk
10~ 50. Saratc¡;.::-Sunnyva1e Roe4
C....- ::.1.Do, Cal1~c:-::1a, 95011;
CALä..%'(,..~.lf.rA ---
8:30 P.M.. May 18, 1965
City Ball
. present: P1tzgerald (8:35). Noel. Stokes. Dempøter
. absent: Pinch
.;..;.~.\"þ :::.;
ItJ -
c, -
~ .. .
.. '>,.
St:aft' ~-4.8ftt:
C1ty .... ..... ,-_ 11111 Storm
Cl ty C1ezk.' J:IIn7 Martin
DirectoP or: ftdI11c Works, Pr8nlc P1nnei'
Cll:'. ~ ... JIob Shook
RecordlDg Se ......1.&17, Lois Inwards
Mr. Ward C:.__
Mrs. J~œ JIcLaren
Mr. Mike SpU.Utone
'I!re !lllee' oper.i!'j with the D<.-rec:~r of' Public Works displa71ng a map
or 1:œ area unde!' discussion. cclor co:1ed to s!1ow the area,; ~er the
:·~¿et1ons 0:' <::.;pert1no. "an .108i! and Santa Clara Coun':;;.
.. present:
::-::e ~~=tlon is a.:tually two =aa1c problems.
':.~ -:r,~= Road as ~: crosses Reg:2rt ~ek. The
1-"1 æ. ~;>e 01" tt:¡, creek as It procee-'..s upstreal:1
':e__=i! Subdiv1s~":-: to Lindy ~.
The first is ~he widening
second 1s ':r.e encloslng
t hrollgh tt.e 3a¡vood
::': lIe..S =-ecommen:i~·:i that the Bo.:tt 3ca.~ problem be solved b;¡ ¡::lacing a
c:.l_-=.-:: and ear~:: :'lll to rep:..a:e ,:!)e existing 1:rldge. T"::is pI"Oject
"'G'.-~ =-= $!¡!¡,O:: a:1d \~ould roC': ::.n:::::¡t:e s]ope ep..sements. ne "uggested
o.:æ-:: ;F-::,bap8 14r. ::-t:ClP, who i"..a.s æ.L.""",ò.d;¡ dealt >11th the Prc;;-e:-':7 owners
in -.... ~ area, c:~:d work thls COlo.:.
~~':::- ~pster a~~~j whether ':~~ ?:c~d CO:1t~' Is w11lin3 ':c cc::tr1bute
8.uJ - .-.£ to th.!s ;r·.:'ject. ~.e j4~'tor ~;~ (·i.e~r w111~n.g to con-
o.:rL.._~ $12,50C ~: ooth pre!>l!!=:. 'P.;, ,:.....';- 1':' portion w~·..ld ¡;:ro-
œè~ ment ap.:-:;>;~::ate]y $5,X" ';.: $'·,0GO of tt:e total $12,500. This
re~_ -4=0:8 the:':- ~s~~mat.;:-d ccs-; c~ =a1nte'ìn.r'.::e o~ the cree~ ~ that
The ~-=7 Manage!' ~s·<ed 11' It ~J.J. be necess:ll'J-, ¡;.nder this proposal, to
tear :r.;t the exls~~n:> brldge. '!'be DU'ector s!lld that It would be
::~~~-l': to 01:~.1~~ pM per e~....:':~=n unl,¡::.s tLe bridge cooes out.
The C1~ Manage!' ~::.en revlewec! the eÐCUJllbered end unenc'-'I:I~red monies
a......-·..'e under ~"e "210'7" Cpa tax) L"ld the "l86" (Co1li£!r-Ur.nlh).
Be ~ one yea!"s entitlea:eat or ·186" money is to go to the bulldlng
o~ ~ Tantau o\-e:-:rossing. ~_1rer. the Council should not be con-
e... ~ with th1s :.;ntH Tantau is llleYeloped. Another project com1ng up
~~ be the Ste.e.~ Creek Bl'Jd. .. _ ~.,ement program, whieh v11l run
_:>,oŒ). We a:r;. also obl1gated to contr1bute to stop llght 1-"1stalla-
t:2.aB at; :!3011in¡;e!' a: Blaney, ~ and Mary, and Homestead and
VoUe. and Ste.~s Creek and Yelle.
'%be C1"1:7 Manager went on to exp'."" th3t we can go to bld on ar;y pro-
;~ z::IIl use Ge::e:-al Funds as 1.cmg as this is approved by the SUlte;
t;1zII,. wben the ::!Oney comes in, _ aID put it back l:1to the General
P - CID this ba"is, 1t wO\Üd 2.__ .. that we have. encugh to get the
1>... - ~ cnðer way.
DIe Clt7 ManaSi!!' said he ha.= svken ,~ith Mrs. I'.adsen, and she has
~_~ to dedl:a:e the npproxizately 150' alon~ her P1~~ertv. In add1-
uan. the lady who lives on -;l1e so~tl "lde c>:' ti1e cree/. ls '¡er 1"riend
..s Mrs. Madse~ ~e~lB she can convince her to dedlcate also. However,
~ 1I1J.J. be "ver. dlsappolr.ted" It (,ny o~' the trees are reClOved.
_ _tha ago, Mr. Crump ¡¡~t~P.d a prc;:<>sal 1"or the real1.gnment 01"
- _ oot; Creek to enable the straightening of the meandering roadWBYll·i tor presented the tentative mnp 1fh1ch provided tor the e 11-
JIiIIU'" ~ the channe1 aJId creek and substitution b7 a re1Dt'orced concrete
....... ~ cost. includ1D8 oal7 enough bac"fll1 to adequate1y cover the
, i\iIiJIa:;;Þ ..U_ted to be $48.000. includ1ng engineering. '!'be 60" pipe
.... I ~Jd 117 the County lP100d Control ls based on u1t1ate development
fIIj-eø1;1re dr81nage a~.
",r,'",,':1o .
1Ii:~ .~. _ was asked 11' he b84 been assured ot t1nanc:1a1 he1p trolD
""-'-~cies. He said that. at one time. he felt the)' would be
-.""11. ·tor Flood Control credU ot $12,500. He is not at all sure
.... 8tö111 holds true. SaD .Toae has decl1ned an;?' financial respona1-
MJ.1Q here. Santa Clara COUD~ never dld agree to contribute toward
alia Jll'l)3ect.
BI;; D1nctor felt the Flooc1 Control would stll1 contribute the $12.500,
-.I a180 the dlfference between the cost of a 60" and an 84" pipe.
(__-...1-te1y $!:OOO in th.1a case).
1Ir. Cn.-p sald the drainage channel ls se!'Ving BajWood Terrace Units 1
..s 2. tor.h1.::!: those property ownera have contrib'.¡ted $17,000 In
~ drain fees. This ,.,UI ~rrected as $13,000. Unlt 5 øto1"lll drain
~_ w1.l1 be abcut $13,000 ($6,000 net). The Candy Rock net 1"ee is
~.OOO. Mr. =:-:.::!p sald t!".ao: -;nlt 5 cou::1 absorb tt.e $17,000.
Jlll7cr Dempeter as~ed 11' the ~lgnment could be handled up to the
~ .1tho..t ""tting 1n tt..e ~ridge rlght away. The Director said
~t It could. ::-ainage t~~s :.!':. the amc.ur:t of $31,000 are aval1able.
Jlll7cr DelPpater s:ated that :.~ ...e ~se the $~1,OOO &!".:1 i': does not put
~ in Jeopardy. and it Mr. Cr=¡: cO::les up with $17,COO, the next prob-
~ ~ the brl~;e.
~~:.lman P1t=;era1d felt t~~o: the bridse 1S neede~ r~"', and the trat-
~~ 1::. that area is increas1:"..g all the t~::i!.
~ Cl~ Managi!!' felt that ~')e I;lrector can 1'0'" jell :-.18 Ideas as far
as COD81;nrctlo~ o~ the brlC:g~ 1a concerned, and he ar.:! the Clty
CoImcU can ha"..e the f1nanc~5 ...orked out.
!:'c!mC~ Sto~es asked It :. t ~ possible :0 use the exlstlng bl'idge
~cr one-1I&Y tn:'I'lc. 'l'he Ci";Y Manager sai.,¡ th1s Is net practl,,"l.
~ best thlng :0 do would be to construct a whole r.ew bridge. The
~eut one Is slightly out c~ 11ne, wh1ch ,"ould tt.row the Nad off.
::t,."..., Noel asked 11" t:,ere would be any savings by undertaking
~ tbeae pro:ects at the __ tllDe. The Dlrector sald there would.
ao. C:'-'-p of1"ered to contribute tlll, whlch would be a savlng.
a-. R1Jre Spl1tstone sald he 1.8 1I&1tlng 1"or review
p"-- £,or 52 hoces, and then .111 be ready to go.
~ _ ...0114 up to the curve.
of the r.andy Rock
Lindy Lane wlll be
-.,.cr Ðelçster asked the City Manager 1f th13 project were expedited,
U _ ~uld be 1n any f1naDc1al bind. The City t'!-nager sald he could
L"_ ._ no problem wlth e1tœr the brldge or the storm drainage projects.
1Ir. ~ _. sald he is wlll1ng to t!Ùe over the projects, wlth proper
r- J.a], al'l'8l1ðements, or let the City do the Job. The Clty Manager
L"e1t ~ City should do the COIIbined proJect~.
Mayor Dempster asked about the status of Mary Avenue. The City Manager
~ that untl1 June 30, 1966, we are prett;)" well tied up.
Counollman Stokes asked about the status of improvement and ma1ntenancß
of the clty streets. The Clty Manager said some major work was done
this past year, but there 1s no heavy street work scheduled 1"or this
year, other than general ma1ntenance.
!be C1ty Manager asked permiss10n of the C1ty Council to proceed w1th
p,..... and specl1"1cat1ona ror the D.rbb Road culvert and for enclosing
ot Regnart Creek in a p1pe.
So _vecS, by Counclll1BD Øoe1, seconded b:1 Councl1man Stokes.
Couno1llllen Fitqera1d, Noel, Stokes, Dempeter
Counc111118D JP1nch
~t1on carrled, 4--0
!be Director of Pub11c Works then asked about the area beyond this
Ca¡JeC1f1ca11y, Mrs. Madaen's 150').
Mr. Crump sald most of tb1a 150' 1s not actua11y on Mrs. Madsen's pro-
1""£ L,,; 1t 1s exlsting Count)' r1ght-of-way and Mr. Crump's property.
Mr. Crump does not fee1 It w111 cost any more to connect the two pleces
ttan it would to ptlt in the approaches.
The Director allked how far we want to back1"l1l where the channel is
~te deep. He recommended backfl11 only to the polnt 01" safe clear-
ance over the plpe. It could cost as much as an add1tlonal $48,000
to brlng It all the way up to future street grade.
The Dlrector asked Mr. Crump i1" the Clty has hls permlssion to use any
and all plans prepared to date for thls project, In any manner we see
tit. Mr. Crump sald this 1s satlsfactor,r wlth hlm.
Moved by Councllman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to adjourn
to June 7th, 8:00 P.M., at the Portal School Llbrary.
Meet1ng adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
J. Robert Dempster
/ ...-:
,-, ·ll4..~