CC 05-04-651.0321 So. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road 252-4505 Cupertino, Calif,, 95014 C I T Y_ O F C U P r R T I N 0 Callfc- �,nia_ MINUTES OF THE ADJO' 'RrT_°D MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TIME: 8:00 P.M.., Tuesday., May 4, 1(-)e5 PLACE: Collins School Library Councilmen present: Finch (8:10), itzge,ca.ld, Noel, Stokes, Dempster Councilmen absent: None Staff present: City Manager, Phil Storm City Attorney, Sam Anderson Dir, of Public Works, Frank Finney Recreation Director, John. Parham Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards Also present: Parks and Recreation Commissioners Linn, Loomis, Sedlak, Wilson and.Acker Mesdames Loren Acker and Robert Kanuch, of the Cupertino Junior Women's Club Mr, Sim Jackson, Cupertino Junior Chamber of Commerce Attorney Jon Harward and wife, Mayor Dempster said that, if the Commission did not mind, the Council had a few items of unfinished business t..ey should attend to before the joint meeting commenced, Ordinance 200B was read by the City Attorney,. Moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to enact Ordinance 200B. AYES: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Finch Motion carried, 1.4-0 Ordinance 285A was read by the City Attorney, Moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Noel, to enact Ordinance 285A, AYES: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Dempster NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Finch Motion carried, 4-0 The City Manager said he had checked with the Library Commission and found there were no persons in this area who were interested in filling the 'vacancy created by Mrs. Gue.rerro's term expiring so it would be in order for the Council to endorse Mrs, Guererro for another term, if they so desire. So moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Coancilman Noel, Motion carried, 5-0 M Moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Noel, to have a five-minute Executive Session.,, P4 ...ot ion carri.E: a, 5-0 Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Cotlnc.l_lman. Stokes, to adjourn the Adjourned Council Meeting at 8:1.5 P,M. ATTEST: City Manager Motion. carried,,. 5--0 A PROVED: _ /s/ J. Robert Dempster Mayor Addendum The City Manager had another item to bring before the City Council: We are proposing a basement in the City Fall, A sprinkler system down there would be a needless expense and he is opposed to it. Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to eliminate the sprinkler system from the basement of the City Hall, Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Councilman Finch, seconded by Councilman Noel.., to adjourn the Council meeting at 9:35 P,M, APPROVED: ATTEST: i, / I.It L ity 'Manager _Ls/ J. Robert Dempster Mayor 1 f I 1032:1 So. 5:¡rato¡;;.-;;u..-:r.y-:.:!: ~ r~~j CUpertino, Call~., 95~lt 252-~505 C ! ': Y 0 F C iJ P ~ ::1 T t n f' chI i ~.~ J.JITã ,~' ~. MINUTES OF TIŒ ADJC';-;UlW M.,:.::n:'(} 01' ':HE CITY COUNCIL 8:00 P.~:., Tuesday, fI.ay 4, ls>ó5 TDŒ: PLACE: Coll1ns Schoo1 Library -- CouncUmen prese:'lt: Councilmen absent: St;aft present: P1Dch (8:10), Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokea, Dempster Noee ì~ C1t)" Manager, Phil Storm Cit)" Attorney, SaI:I Anderson D1r. or P'.abl1c Works, Prank P1.nney Recreatlofl Dire~tor, Jom Parham Recording BI'CNtar,y, Lola Inwards Parlca and Recreatlon COIDIIIlasloners Lirm, Loomis, Sedlak, Wl1son and Acker Mesdames Lore¡1 Ack..r a!'¡d Robert Y.::much, 01" the Cupertino Jt:!lior Women's Cll..b Mr. ~1C1 Jackson, Cl.lpertino Junior Ct'.amber 01" Commerce Attorney Jon Harward arA wi~e. ( ¡ Also present: Mayor Dempster said that, :f the C~~lisstðn did not mind, the Council had a 1"ew items 01" un1"inl:::hed b'J:::lness th":, ~I:o\l:'d a :tend to before the Jo1nt meetir~ commenced. Ordinance 200B was read by the City Attorney. Moved by Co¡;.nc1lman Fitzgerald, seco~ed bj Ccuncil~n Stokes, to enact Ordln3nce 2009. AiES: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Noel, Stok~s, Dempater NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Finch Motion c~rried, t-o Ordlnance 285A was read by the City Attorney. Moved by Councilman Fltzgerald, seconded by COl.lncilman ~~El, to enact Ordinanoe 285A. AYES: Councilmen Pitzgerald, No~l, Stok~s, Dempster NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman ~inch M~tion carried, 4-0 The Clty Manager sald he had checked with the LlbraFJ Commission and round there were no peracna 1.., this area who were interested in 1"111ing the ..acancy creatgd by Mrs. Quererro's term explring so it would be in order tor the Councl1 to endorse Mrs. Guererro 1"or ;.nother term, 11" the;)' so desire. So moved by Councllman P1tzgerald, seconded by COl.1l1cl1man Noel. , Motion carried, 5-0 JIoYed by Council::Jan P!tz~~:1. secon,;ej b~r CouTtcl1:a.n Noel.. ~o r~~ve a n...-e-mlnt:te: E.'t.e~utlve S¡~!!~-:'::-:l. ~o~::'on ca:.':'~· ~J ::-') ~ by CounclllllBn tõOe:. ~-=:'-¡')!'d toy COltT1cllman S-.o"e!J, ~o aJjou:on the AdJOIU'l'Ied C'J=cll M~et1n2; ð~ u:, P.:-:. Motlún c~~je~, 5-0 .¡., AI-mOVE!J: /s/ J. Robert Dem08ter IIQOr .....&~r: -- ~'1ty Manager . .lddtmdum '!be City Manager had another item to bring before the Clty Council: We are proposing a baaemen~ 1D the City Hall. A sprL"1kJ.er system down ÜIere would be a needless c.L~e and he is opposed to 1t. ."ned by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councl1man Noel, to ellm1nate ~ sprlnkler system t'roaI ~he basement of the Clt-J Ha11. Moticn carried, 5-0 ROYed by Councilman Pinch, seconded by Councilman Noel, to adjourn the Councl1 meeting at 9:35 P.K. APmoVED: Is/ J. Robert Dempster Mayor ~i': -. 1 .,.:.¡C: L ~, C ty· ger -2-