ASAC 51,658.1 Tree RemovalAM
Cft4 of Cuperthw
10300 Torre Avenue P.O. Bou 580
Cupertino, California 95014 Cupertino, California 95015
Telephone: (408):252-4505
July l6a 1986
I. K. IshimatSU
I020r 'Y® Plate .
OVertino'. CA. 9501
Application ASAC 51,65801 Tree Removal
This letter will confirm the decision ®fthe Architecbiral and site
Approval o qiv at its r8gUlar r0fting Of JUly 14, 1986 to
approve the above -referenced applicati sub' to the ccrditions
ion ject
c&itained in 1 of ASW Resolaian No. 1215 0
We appreciate�ca��� �°
Design Review process.
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