CC 03-15-653e�-eo 1
C I T Y O F C U P EI 13 T I N 0
C a. 2 i f or -a -1- a
10321 So. Saratoga -..Sunnyvale Roac (C-I.ty Ha.!.1.)
Cupertino, Californ._.Ca , q0.1'I ,1 2 )-.1j505
PLACE. Board Ro
om, Cl'.1'< -. .,in.G �_:�:T":. �:�1 D.:." . �C•.i_c i:;
10300 Vista D1'', ("', Rio, Cal :_..fc.i'Ilic�
TIMES 8:00 P.M.
The Mayor asked everyone to join hj.m in prayer for
Supervisor Ed Lev_ -,a -
Councilmen present: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stolres,
Councilmen absent.: None
Staff present: City Manager, Phil Storm
City Clerk, Larry Martin
C-ity & Traffic Planner, Adde Laurin
Director of Public Works, Frank F1.nn.ey
Assist. City Engineer, Bob Shook
Chief Bldg. in6p., Bill Ben.evich
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
City A',to'rney., Sam- Anderson
The City Manager_ iatrod.uced the new Director of Public Works,
Mr. Frank F+'in.ric- . Pir�ti:r•es were Laken by the Press.
III MINUTES : OF T Eo PREVIOUS i` EEETIVII S, -- Mar .11 1 8- 11, 1065 ,
Correction4, to the Mil'atf � -' ct-
e s O Ma.�. c h �� �.
Page 8, paragraph 2, Coi,,-ncilr.,pan stc,kcs said the applicant's
name is Bob Sykes rather than Bob Saich.
Page 8, paragraph. 5 , the C ? ty Man-ger said. this would be an
increase of $3-40 per hour rather than 30¢ per hour.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to
approve the Minutes of March lst as corrected.
Motion carried, 5•-0
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Dempster,
to postpone review of t1le Minutes of March llth until the
next regular meeting.
Motion carried, 5•-0
There were no oral communi.cations .
Written Communications:
1. Invi..tat.ioiz to attend the deda_cat on ceremonies for. Bethel
Lutheran Church c;n. Su?.d_ ,r,, !1�a: i:'.. li :h.,. at 3 P.M.
2. Appeal by Park Murray, on Planning -I s denial for
application 4-z--65.
Moved by Councilmana Stokes, seco-nc ed by Councilman Noel,
to place appllcat,ion 4 Z7_65 on the April 5th. agen.da.
Motion. carried, 5-0
3. Letter from Attorney John Ii,a.;rI's regarding a business license
for D3,. Thompson for -in animal clinic on Sil-,ierado.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilr-o:a.n. Fitzgerald,
to refer this letter to the City Attorney.
i'lotion carried, 5-0
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded 'by Coi,.rncilman Dempster,
to receive and file the written. communications.
Motion carried, 5 -Fi
Chairman Gates wished to defer his remarks until. Council
reviewed each application.
1, ALPHA LAND CO.: Application 17-V-64 for. a Variance to
allow 10.4' side yards. Approved by Planning Commission
Resolution No. 245, March 8, 1965. Council Fesolution
No. 1076.
The City Planner said these buildings are already 1> and
have this side yard width.. This does not conform with our
Ordinance. The application originally requested subdivision
and the variance to ally^, 10,41 mide ysa-ds, The applicant
withdrew that portion of his a-p-J-1caLlon requesting the
subdivision of the property.
Chairman Gates said the R-3-H Ordinance, as it now stands,
allows a higher densitly with ore lame lot -than if you split
it up into small lots. An amendment to recki.fy this is
Moved by Co-ancilma.n Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
to adopt Council Resolu:ticn. No. 1076, including the stipula-
tion that the property will not be subdivided.
AYES: Councilman Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
2. CPM DEVELOPERS: Application 2-V-65 for Variance to allow
single family,tcr development, without increase in
density; )L.76 acres at W end of Dr. , (Deep Clif f e) ;
also Tentative Map., Approved by Comin. Resolution
No. 247, March 8, 1965. CoLiccil l,esoluti on No. 1077.
Mr. Anthony Guz a.rdo, 1;--93 U,,,Zion Street, San Francisco, pre-
sented the Pla.1:1to the City He explained
that th.e topography is 'crery steep and heavily w,-1-lded here and
special eil,.phasia has been placec' on. r e terit_,r:n of the natural
lay of the land ar�.d T .� e servation of tine trees. This develop-
ment will be a very sophisticated a-o,c,.a with their own recrea-
tion facilities. Ther3e is a cl.uF�Iter of hon)os in the center,
with R-1 on the perimeter of the property. Mr. Guzzardo said
they have done everything possible to orient the buildings
with t}-le area.
Councilman Noel asked how many large trees they would expect
to remove in order to develop this. M-,-. Guzzardo said they
did not plan to lose any of the large trees; the charm and
livability here comes from the amenities of this site si it
is to the advantage of the developer to retain its present
Councilman Dempster askeJ if the developer plans to sell the
lots or build on them. Mr. Guzzardo sai..d the developer will
build the homes for th.e purchasers,
Councilman Stokes referred to the Planning Commission condi-
tions concerning parking and asked ho,-T they propose to enforce
the parking restrictions. The City Planner said the lor)p
street wil]_ be a public street so vae will have 'the services
of the Police Derartm.ent. There will be no through traffic
here and there will be signs to guide any visitors and the
The City Planner said that, during the Planning Commission
Hearings, Comm. Small suggested perhaps if the loop street
is made a o-ne-way street there could be one parking lane,
one very wide moving lane, and no possibility for parking on
the other side of the street. A little of the street width
would be left over so that could be developed into a sidewalk
on the outside of the loop. If the Council so desired.,, the
City Planner offered to investigate this with the County
Sheriff 's Office.
The City Attorney quoted Section 1805 of the Street and High-
ways Code, which gives requirements of public streets.
Councilman Noel asked the City Planner i..f he approved of the
22 conditions set forth by the Planning Commission's Resolu-
tion. The City Planner said that he did and, in addition,
through a Minute Crde-r by the Planning Commission, it was
requested -the City Council also pay particular attention to
the drainage. One would have to have an easernient close to
the boundary of the golf course. He said he has discussed
this with the developer in his office.
Chairman Gates proposed that Drawing #3 be made a part of
the Development Plan, also.
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald,
to adopt Resolution No. 1077, including the 22 conditions set
forth by -the Planning Commission and, in addition:
_.3 -
23 . Partic-alar care should be taken that the d:::.,.7.inage and
sewage systeats are co'_7.struc't:ed -t0 of
the City Engincer, the Sanit-a,.ry District and the Flood
Control. D -.strict.
24. Map #3 is to be rrade a part of the Det-el.opment Plan..
AYES: Councilme-.O. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel., Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion. ca.rr:i.ed, 5-.0
3. JOHN RODRIGUES, JR.: Application. 3-U-65 for a. Use
Permit in a PC-H Zone; group of buildings for profes-
sional offices a:r.,.d shops; east of Saratoga -Sunnyvale
Road, opposite City Hall. Approved by Planning
Commission Resolut-lon No. L48, March 8, 1965.
Mr'. Rodrigues; presented his Development Plan to 'the Council.
He said Phase One wi.11 include the first three buildings
along Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road and appropriate parking
facilities for the 180:1 ratio sct for the develop-
ment. This has been. passed by the H-Control. The architecture
is very similar to the proposed City Hall, although he did
not realize it at the time the drawings were being prepared.
Roof materials will be thick, red clay shake and the exteriors
will be of stone, adobe and brick. The overall character of
the buildings will be maintained throughout the development,
but there will be some variation as to materials and slight
changes in the roof line in the various complexes within the
entire Development Plan. It will remain the same within each
complex, however.
Councilman Dempster asked the width of the private road.
Mr. Rodrigues said it 1.3 30'.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconder? by Councilman Noel,
that application 3-U-65 be approved, subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
1-12 Standard conditions.
13. Uses allowed are professional offices, plus a number of
semi-professional shops such as book stores, art shops,
pharmacies. D:ig shops such as superriarkets, department
stores, all--piL pose .d.rug stores i.Jill not be allowed.
14. Building height will be limited by requirements set
forth in the PO-H Ordinance; that is, to 1-1/2 stories
and/or 25 feet.
15. Parking ratio for the entire development will be 180 sq.
ft. gross floor area to parking space.
16. In addition to the 180:1 parking ratio, there shall be
loading spaces as required by our Parking Ordinance.
17. More detailed plans for buildings and plantings shall
be submitted to the Planning Cornmisa on for each stage �
of the development; this shall not necessitate a new
18. Above -mentioned plans shall be reviewed and approved by
the H-Control Commission.
19. All utilities shall be un.dergr. ound.
20. Procedure for revisions is as follows:
In the event that, the applicant shall. desire to make
any change, alteration or amcndment in the Development
Plan after it has been approved by the City Council as
As a condition to this Use Permit, a twr ii ten request and a
revised Development Plan shall be submitted to the City
If the size and general location of buildings is not
increased, and the City P:l, makes a finding that
the changes are m:lnor and do not affect the general
appearance of the area or the i.nte,re its of owners of
the Development Area, the
change on the revised plan.
Lhe applicant may appeal
property within or adjoining
City Planner may certify the
If such approval is withheld,
to the Planning Commission.
If changes are material, but the requirements in the
Zoning Ordinance and previously imposed conditions are
still adhered to, and the total floor area of buildings
is not increased, the City Planner shall submit the change
to the Planning Commission. If the change is denied by
the Planning Commission the applicant may appeal to the
City Council, as provided in Ordinance 002(a) of the
City of Cupertino.
A change in the Development Plan including change of
requirements or conditions, or an increase of the total
floor area of buildings, shall be processed as a new
application for a Use Permit.
21. Adherence to the presented Development Plan is a
condition for the granting of this Use Permit.
22. Temporarily undeveloped areas shall remain agricultural
or be used for sonic -thing equally suitable and sightly
until developed.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion cap ried , 5-.0
(See Minutes of March 9, 1965)
1. Application 172-HC-65, Humble Oil Company, 1330
Broadway, Oakland, Calif., requesting Architectural
and Site approval to construct a service station,
to be located on the northwest corner. of Saratoga -
Sunnyvale Road and McClellan Road.
H-Control Chairman Small said the Commission was not at
all happy with the proposal presented to them on March 9th
so a special meeting was called on March 12th to enable
the applicant to come up with revised plans. The special
meeting resulted in the addition of a canopy, all trash
bins will be on the inside, planters were added and
enlarged. The Fire Marshall passed the roof materials if
constructed. as proposed, accoi° to Mr. Bill Rogers,
representative of
Councilman Noel. asked if there was any choice of roof materials.
Chairman Small said the or_gina.l application, over a year. ago,
called for . -a mission tile roof.
Councilman Stor,�s. otated that a precedent was established
some. three morith.s ago .Uri:: 11 an applicant, after gaining the
approval of the Planni.nZ. Commission, ma: -le some changes at the
H-Control level, then learned that he must follow through
with his original plans. He did not feel the Council could
turn down one.appl_c.ant where economicsdictated some changes
in the original plan . and than approve anotl-or under the same
The Chief Building. Inspector said the man who represented
Humble Oil at.the H-Control meeting over a year ago had sat
through a lengthy meeting with the Mobil Oil people and,
when it was his turn, promised the H-•Control the very best,
believing it was the only way he would get H-Control approval.
Evidentally, he got carried away with his promises, which were
unrealistic to his employers.
Councilman Stokes asked the applicant if he was, at the pre-
sent time, building in Los Altos and in Sunnyvale. Mr. Rogers
said this will be the same type building as those except for
the roof. Cupertino does not allow shingle roof. Also, the
Los Altos station is block.
Standing on his original statements, it was moved by
Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Dempster, to deny
H-Control application 172-HC-65.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Stokes,
NOES: Councilmen Noel, Finch
ABSTAINED: Councilman Fitzgerald.
MoL1.on tried, 2• 2
The City Attorney advised Councilman Fitzgerald should vote
in order to carry on City business.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
that application 172-HC-65 be returned to H-Control for
further evaluation.
Councilman Noel asked what should be done with .this then.
Councilman Dempster said the Council should follow precedent.
Councilman Noel did not feel we are going to have any more
applications for service stations in Cupertino. Mayor Finch
said we have no assurance of this so long as there are
undeveloped corners in Cupertino.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes
NOES: Councilmen Noel, Finch
Motion carried, 3-2
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Noel,
to approve H-Control decl'fions on applications 3-U-65 and
14 9-HC -64 .
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
mot-i.oh car.;';._-d, 5- 0
A Los Altos -Cupertino Garbage Company - Franchise application
with increase in a;J ]..c ra'Ge:, from $ 1 � li 0 t,) $1 ,75 .
Mr. Steve Musanti, 101 First Street: Los Altos, said he felt
he had stated all the facts in his letter a;:Id asked the
Council if they 11ac any q(.;cs-i:ions.
The Mayor asked for comments from the a'adience , Mr. John
Tillman, 10846 South Blaney, questioned the difference in
rates being charged Cupertino citizens -- some are as low
as $1.40 and some are as high as $2,50 for the same services.
The City Manager said there is a difference in rates between
R-1 and duplexes. After further questioning, it was dis-
covered Mr. Tillman lives in San Jose,
Mr. Jim Small, 19872 Merritt Drive, Cupertino, asked if the
garbage people would consider a trash day for extra prunings
and things. He asked if there was some way to negotiate; for
a trash day for other than regular garbage days. Mr. Musanti
said this could be arranged and the charge could be pro rated
among the citizens. Councilman Dempster was opposed to this
on the basis that perhaps not all citizens would care to take
advantage of this extra service and, therefore, Should not be
charged for it.
Councilman Noel wanted to know what other cities are
serviced by this company. He was told they are: Los Altos,
Portola Valley, Los Altos Hills, Wood-,,ide, Cupertino, Alviso,
and part of San Jose.
Mr. Ralph Beasley, 21613 Terrace Drive, asked if it would be
in order to request an audit to see if the increase is
justified. He was told this has been done. He then asked if
it would be in order to perhaps put this out to bid, in case
anybody else is interested. Mayor Finch said that the type
of service rendered is just as important as the price; that
is, it would not necessarily be wise to award the franchise
to the lowest bidder because the service m.igizt not be as good.
This franchise has been publicised and no other company has
come forth with an offer as yet.
Mr. Beasley then wondered if perhaps a 10-year contract is
too long. He would rather see something in the neighborhood
of 5 years with option after 5 years.
Councilman Dempster asked Mr. Musanti if it was their intent
that this increase will take care of the future 10 plus 5
years. Mr. Musanti said they have to purchase some new
equipment and thE. banks will be more receptive to them if
they have a 10-year franchise than if it is only for 5 years.
He said he could not predict whether or not this rate increase
would suffice for the next 10 years plus 5.
Councilman Dempster asked how far ahead they have projected
their costs. Mr. Musanti said it was for about 5 years.
Councilman Noel asked the applicant if they are contemplating
a raise in rates for the other 6 cities when their contracts
come up.. Mr. Musanti said they are paying more than Cupertino
is now, and they intend to ask for more when those contracts
come up.
Councilman.Noel asked if the applicant would be at all in-
terested in a smaller increase at this time. Mr. Musanti
said they would not.
Dr. Joseph Brown, 10365-Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road; Cupertino,
suggested that perhaps if they get the increase the City
could.insist.the citizens leave their garbage cans behind
or just outside their fences, rather than out at the curb.
Mr. Musanti said the cans don't have to be down by the curb.
Councilman Stokes said the notice sent out by his company
to new Cupertino residents states that they must be out by
the curb
Councilman Fitzgerald, along with Councilman Dempster, felt
the service Cupertino has:been roceiving is very good;
however, they must justify the increase in rates. They both
felt that.10 years is too long.
Councilman Dempster suggested 'there should be an annual
audit submitted so that we would then know what the gross
is each year.
Mr. Bob Schoen, 20678 Shelley Drive, said he read about this
increase in.the papers so he made a survey. Belmont resi-
dents pay $1.50 per month for 1 can; Palo Alto residents pay
$1.60 per month for 2 cans; Sunnyvale residents have no _limit
and they pay only $1.25 per month. The City Manager said
this is because the City collects the money. To summarize,
Mr. Schoen said that most citizens in Cupertino are not
against the rate increase but are quite interested in getting
added service .for the pruninbs and things from their 7500 sq.
ft. ranches.
Councilman Noel asked Mr. Musanti, "If we go along with the
$1.75, can we impose trash or lawn clippings pickup once a
month?" Mr. Musanti said his company could not do this at
the $1.75 figure.
MINUTE ORDER (supplimental to franchise)
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to
have.the.City Staff look into the possibility of negotiations
for trash pickup, to be paid for only by those who use it,
since it would be unfair to impose -all Cupertino citizens with
the added cost if they don't use the extra service.)
Motion carried, 570
Moved by Councilman Dempster that the Franchise be awarded to
Los Altos -Cupertino Garbage Co. for 10.years at the rage
increased to $1.75 for'a 5-year.period, to be renegotiated
by the collector and the City at the end of 5 years.
The City Attorney advised that this was material and could
cause a breech of contract.
The motion was v-,*ithdrawn by Councilman Dempster.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded. by Councilman Fitzgerald,
that the franchise be awarded to Los Altos -Cupertino Garbage
Company for a 10- erwr contract, for a 1 „75 for -the next 5
years.and that the contract also carry a 5-yeas option clause
and an annual audit of gross revenue.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
A ORDINANCE NO. 305: Rezoning property of I. K. Ishimatsu
from R-1:B-2 to PO-H; 2.7 acres, west side of Miller Ave.,
1000' south of Stevens Creek Blvd. Second Reading.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
to have Ordinance No. 305 read by title only
Motion carried, 5-0
This was done by the City Clerk.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Dempster
that Ordinance.No. 305 be enacted.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
B ORDINANCE NO. 002(a-1): Appeal procedure for Use Permits.
Second Reading.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Dempster,
to have Ordinance No. 002(a-1) read by title only.
Motion carried, 5-0
This was done by the City Clerk.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
that Ordinance No. 002(a-1) be enacted.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
C �OMTNANIC,E, iNO. 30LI : Approving the Annexation of Certain
Contiguous Uninhabited Territory, Designated "Mercedes 64-5,
Revised" to the City of Cupertino in Accordance with the
Provisions of Section 35300 et seq. of the Government Code of
the State of California. Second Reading.
Moved by.Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
to have Ordinance No. 3o4 read by title only.
Motion carried, 5-0
This was done by the City Clerk.
Moved by Councilman Stones, seconded by Councilman Noel;
that Ordinance No. 304 be enacted.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
D ORDINANCE NO. 302: Rezoning property of Angel Diaz from
R-3-11 to C-1-119 one --fourth of an acre, approximately, north
side of Stevens Creek Blvd., 4081 west of Vista Drive.
Second Reading.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
to have Ordinance No. 302 read by title only.
Councilman Fitzgerald asked if we have the dedication yet.
He was told that we have. He then said that this property
is up for sale already. Ile wondered if the applicant proposes
to build the building he presented to the Council. He felt
we should ask the applicant to come to the next. Council
meeting and tell us what his intentions are,
Chairman Gates said that the opinion of the Planning Commission
is that to zone commercially a 50' wide piece of property on
Stevens Creek Road will not contribute to a combined commercial
development, on the Blvd. It was their feeling it would have
been better if this property owner had gotten together with
his neighbors and come in together with a plan.
Mayor Finch said he always tries tojustify land use rather
than consider individual plans because too often what gets
built does not look at all like the plans presented to the
Council. He feels C-1-H is proper zoning along Stevens Creek
The City Attorney advised that if we grant commercial zoning
on this property and then decide it is not proper use of the
property, we can revoke the zoning.
Councilman Dempster said he is not in favor of going ahead
with this Ordinance because he does not feel it is in good
faith. If the applicant had come in and asked for rezoning
on the strength of its location rather than deliberately
misleading the Council by presenting plans for development
of the property, it would be a different story.
Chairman Gates quoted portions of Mr. Richarf Foust's state-
ments from the January 25th Planning Commission Minutes.
The applicant stated he had specific development plans and even
had a possible lessee already.
Councilman Stokes said he could think of several cases where
what was proposed was never built. He wondered if a time
limitation should be imposed on these zonings.
Mayor Finch repeated that he felt this was good land use. He
felt H-Control would decide whether or not its development
plans are proper.
Councilman Noel. felt the Council did not have enough facts
at this time.
Councilman Dempster wondered if perhaps the zoning should not
have been granifed at this time, hoping the Landowners would
get together and come forth with a lamer development plan.
Councilman Dempster feels we would be encouraging people to
come before the Council with plans, etc., which they have
no intentions of following through with, if this goes
through now. If they want rezoning, strictly on the basis
of location, then that is what they should present to the
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald,
to delay the Second Reading Of Ordinance No. 302, and turn
it back to the City Staff to find out the intent of the
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel
NOES: Councilmen Stokes, Finch
Motion carried, 3-2
E ORDINANCE NO. 303: Recreating Park & Recreation Commission.
Second Reading.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded`by Councilman Noel, to
have Ordinance No. 303 read by title only.
Motion carried, 5-0
This was done by the City Clerk.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to
enact Ordinance No. 303.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
F ORDINANCE NO. 200(a): Amending Ordinance 200 Relating To The
Sale of Fireworks. Urgency Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 200(a) was read by the City Attorney.
The City Manager said the Cupertino Optimist Club should be
inserted where it now reads "Cupertino Variety."
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to
enact Ordinance No. 200(a), amending Ordinance No. 200.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion 'Car.r.ied, 5-0
A Resolutions No. 1073 and 1074.
Resolution No. 1073 was read by Councilman Fitzgerald.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Noel,
to adopt Resolution No. 1073.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel., Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion ca,-ried, 5-0
Resolution No. 1074 was read by Treasurer Fitzgerald.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel,
to adopt Resolution No. 1074.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes,Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
He had nothing further to report.
1. Legislative Bills.
The League of California Cities requests the cities send
in a letter with their recommendation to support or not
to support the Telephone In Lieu Tax (SCA 17).
Councilman Dempster wanted to put any action on this over
to the next meeting to give the Councilmen time to study
its ramifications.
Mr. G. R. Mutz, 1650 Warburton, Santa Clara, said he
represented Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in
this area, and he urged the Council not to support such
action. He gave statistics to back up his arguments.
2. De Anza Development Program.
The off -site improvements would include the entire width
of Stevens Creek Blvd., Stelling Road and McClellan Road.
They plan to start work in August, after the crop has
been harvested. In order to program this, L.I.D. has
been proposed for all of Stevens Creek Blvd., all of
McClellan Road and all of Stelling Road, to handle the
increased traffic generated from the College.
The City Manager said Dr. Flint has asked that the City
pay for a soil analysis and an appraisal. Time is of
the essence in this matter.
Councilman Dempster asked if there would be any actual
out-of-pocket expense to the City The City Manager
said there would not.
Councilman Fitzgerald 'asked if th.'_s would also include
the College right-of-way..
Mr. Cutler, Dean of .Scrvices of College, said they
are trying,to accelerate this^ogram, he was under the
impression .it was the College that was underwriting the
soil analysis and the appraisal. He said, the sooner the
project gets going the sooner the City will enjoy its
It was established the area in front of the park will be
the City's responsibility..
Chairman Gates said there is a very good opportunity
here,for the City to save some mature trees; one row of
them is :almost in line with the center line of the street.
He asked if Stevens Creek, at this point, will have a
median strip. The City Manager said that it would and
that.he will certainly look into.the possibility of
saving these trees.
Moved -by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Dempster, the City Manager to inform Dr. Flint of Foothill
College, that the City of Cupertino will give their full
cooperation in programming this L.I .D . , inc lia.d-ng the
entire width of Stevens Creek Blvd., Stelling Road, and
McClellan Road. Our City Attorney will review all
matters concerning this,L.I.D. along with the College's
Chairman Gates asked if the Planning Commission could be
involved in this. He was given a negative answer.
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Old Pump and Water Mann Station.
The Water Commission has recommended the City dispose of
it. The City Manager has asked several ranchers if they
would be interested in it. Some indicated they might be
if the City would take it out, which would be of con-
siderable expense.
Western Pump has offered $350 for it and they will take
it out. The City Manager recommended we also "throw in"
the old verticle pump at Stelling and McClellan and we
will cap that well.
So moved, by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
4. Accidents at Rodrigues and Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road.
It seems that we average about one accident a day at
this spot. The City Manager asked -the Council to authori2e
a traffic study for this intersection.
So moved, by Councilman'Noel, seconded by Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
5. The City Manager suggested that there should be some
liaison between the City Council and the City Hall
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman
Fitzgerald, to have the City Manager act as the liaison
between the City,Council and the City Hall Architect.
Motion carried, 5-0
6. The improvement of the street on North Blaney is
practically completed.
7. Mobil Oil has requested relief from the requirement of
a masonry wall between their property on Stevens Creek
Blvd. and Stelling Road and the adjoining R-1 on the
basis that it will soon be rezoned. The City Manager
recommended a wood fence would be adequate in this case.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Dempster,
to eliminate the stipulation that a masonry wall be con-
structed between the commercial and the R-1 for the Mobil
staticn at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Stelling Road, but
that the standard masonry wall is to be built if, at the
end of one year, the adjoining property has not been
Motion carried, 5-0
8. Regnart Creek Culvert.
It has been established that the Franklin -Windsor
Development Company's portion of the cost of this
culvert is $7,360.00.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman
Stokes, to authorize the City Manager to accept the
$7,360.00 from Franklin -Windsor Development Company in
conjunction. with the Agreement.
AYES: Councilmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
9. Concrete curbs south of Calabazas Creek, in front of
Councilman Stokes asked if the irrigation is in the median
strip here. He was told that it is. Cost estimate for
these curbs is $1,500.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman
Fitzgerald, to authorize the City Manager's Office to
obtain bids for this job.
Motion.carried, 5-0
1. Tract No. 3128, Blossom View South (NW corner of
Blaney Avenue and Merrit Drive.)
It was the recommendation of the City Engineer to authorize
the City Engineer to inform the developer and his bonding
company that the improvement bonds may now be retired.
So moved, by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
2. Tract No. 3322, Deep Cliffe Estates, Unit 2.
It was the recommendation of the City Engineer to adopt
Resolution No. 1078 accepting grant of easement from
Deep Cliffe Development.
So moved, by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Angel Diaz property (north side of Stevens Creek Blvd.,
400 feet west of Vista Drive.)
It was the recommendation of the City Engineer to adopt
Resolution No. 1075, accepting roadway dedication from
Angel Diaz, et. ux.
Councilman Stokes said this would be inconsistent with
previous Council action at this meeting.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman
Fitzgerald, to.table this item.
Motion carried, 5-0
The City Attorney stated he has reviewed the contract with
Mr. Blessing for the City Hall.
He, had nothing to report at this time.
He was ill and could not attend this meeting.
1. The Cluster Ordinance was passed by the Planning
Commission. As soon as it has been retyped, it will
be distributed to the Council. Public Hearings could
start April 5th.
So moved by Councilman Dempster.,. seconded by' Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
2. Loopholes have turned up in the multiple dwelling
ordinances. The Planning Commission has issueda Minute
Order requesting -the City Council freeze this before
soneon.e makes use of these loopholes, to the detriment
of the city. The City Planner suggested a time limit
be placed on applications, co-rAng in from today, on.
Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconied by Councilman Noel,
that as of this date, any new applications under R-3-H,
R-24-H, rezoning and tentative maps, will be subject to low
the revision nog beinf made at the Planning Commission
Councilman Noel requested a copy of the Ordinances as
now read.
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Chairman Gates intiated a Minute Order suggesting the
freeway periphery gives the impression of a city to
passersby. This has a material value to the citizens of
Cupertino. This Minute Order was triggered by the appli-
cation for use of land next to the freeway and the
corporation yard, for a welding supply company. The
Planning Commission feels the City Council should consider
relocating the corporation yard because at this point the
freeway rises and it would be quite difficult to hide
the corporation yard with landscaping.
The City Manager said he has been looking for a suitable
location for the corporation yard for 4 years and still
feels this is it. He feels it can be effectively land-
scaped; the freeway isn't scheduled to go by here for
10 years and by that time, the trees and shrubs will be
Councilman Stokes said he understood that if it was
decided this was not proper use of the property, that
it could be sold by the City and a new location sought.
Mayor Finch reminded the Council that the State Corpora-
tion Yard will be where Stevens Creek Freeway meets
Stevens Creep Blvd.
Chairman Gates argued that if the corporation yard goes
in here it opens the door for other, similar uses.
The City Manager said we must have the service centrally
located and he cannot think of a better location for it.
Mayor Finch felt that, primarily, it is. how it is treated
that really counts. Properly landscaped, it does not
have to be an eyesore.
Councilman Stokes felt the Planning Commission was
justified in requesting a study on relocation of the City's
corporation yard.
A. Councilman Noel wanted to know if there has been a replace-
ment for the vacancy on the Water Commission yet. He was
told this has not been done as yet.
B. Councilman Stokes said, as far as he could see, nothing has
been done to clean up the property by the freeway and Blaney.
This was referred to the City Attorney.
A Mr. Ralph Beasley said his area was generally opposed to the
service station at McClellan and Bubb Road. Now a survey has
been made asking the residents if they would shop at this
corner if a shopping district were developed here.
The City Planner said the area south of McClellan and east
of Bobb Road has a five -acre parcel zoned commercial.
Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to
adjourn to a personnel session at 10:45 P.M.
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to
adjourn the meeting at 10:50 P.M.
City Clerk
/s/ Paul H. Finch
C I T Y 0 F CUP E n T T N 0
c? :':'..fc.·l~::""~_a
1032l So. Saratoga-Sunnyva,~ Rc~~
Cupertino, Callfornl~, ~014 ph:
\': ~ !..:" .' ~ ~)
MINUTES OF THE ftEGULAR Þ'....,.'£lNG OF ':':.:;:; CITY CC,;;¡:;;IL - i~!it'c;' 15, 1965
Board Room, Cupertino Scho~l Distric~
l0300 V1eta Drlve, Cupcrtlno, Callfc~nia
8:00 P.M.
The Mayor asked e\'e~y"na to Join hIm jn SllC:1t pra:)'er for
Supervisor Ed Levin.
Councilmen present: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes,
Coun~11men absant: Núne
Staff present:
Clty ~nnaGer. Phil Storm
C ~t~t CIE::rk, Lar~y :·!3rt1n
C 1 ty &: 'rro. ff.l.~ Plar.!-,er, Adde Laurin
r;l:cc~to'[" cr P._lh2il' ~~.:.::.~ks, F:",'].!"'.k Finney
A~s1,:~. C:~j. b.:j·· ~~r, }Job 2hùok
Chief Bldg. Ii1sµ., Bill }3ef'.8Vlch
':>?cc"':'::"~·- Se!"~::-..:-tr-""y, I.o.ts Ira·!ards
Cl~~ ~. t~,~~·:~, :.m An~pr~on
Tte City Iw".anagcr Ifltl'Jo:l~ced tl'<2 1"_' '¡ ;)~:"-'cct,_ . c:..'" ?.A~'l;~~ Works,
:.~. Fr'arJc ¡"::nrl.t;~'. P~,~t:~:r~s \'Ic!'e i.akcn hy tre :C're'-,3.
III :·IIWJTES OF THE ?~Z,/I(1US ...::::::~nJ~ _ /3:-C~1 1 3; 11, l~16j.
Correction3 to the Mln\!~f.:5 0:' ¡'£.T'ch l~'-..:
Page 8, paré.gra;:r_ 2, Co\:..~ci1r.~n sto-kef> "a~d the app) icant 's
name is Bob Sykes rather than Beh Saieh.
Pag.. 8, paragraph 5, the City Manúger said this would be an
increase 01" $3.40 p"r hour rathe:' than 30¢ per hour.
Moved by Councllman Stokes, secondeå ty Councilm:1l1 ~Io')el, to
approve the Minute3 of ~2rch l3t as corrected.
Motion carried, 5,0
Moved by Councilman Noel, 3cconded by Co~~cilman Dempater,
to postpone review of t~e Minutes of ~~rch 11th until the
next regular rneetlng.
Motion carr1£å, 5-0
1"] ORAL AND WR!TTE..'i cc..¡.t,~..;r-:::C.:~.?IC~S
There were n() l,ral CO:!1,,,:."~¿tic!'.s_
Writte~ Co~tn1catlo~a:
1. Invitation to attend the ~ed1~at~on cercT~n1e8 for Bethel
Lu';;heran Cnurch on Su.~d":" .~,,:-1: !,th, at; 3 r.M.
2 . "ppeal by Park !'.a.1:T3Y, C!l Plar:.lng COllCl1s31on's denial tor
application 4-Z-65.
MoTed _ CCNIICllan Stolœs, lMtCond~d ~7 Cwncllman Noel,
to place applIcation '-z-65 on tile .11 5th agenda.
Motion oarr1ed. 5-0
3. Letter troa Attorney Joh."1 Bay~:: reprd~g a bua1Deee l1cell84l
tor Dr. !boIIpeon tor an animal cl1n1c on Sl1ve1'340.
MoY1td _ COUo'1cllman Stokes, secome:! by Ct.WlCllJDan l"1tzgerald.
to reter th1a lette¡' to tt'.e City Att?Mle7.
Motion carrled, ~-O
Moved by Counc1lman Stokes, seccnd~ù by Coun~:lman Dempster.
to receive and 1"ile the ..--rltten ceeDun1cat:ona.
Motlon car!'led, 5 -',
Chairmn Gate8 Nlshed to defer his :'e!!"ark~ u::tU Cc';~:U
!'e.iewed each a~plication.
ALPHA :';'1;;) Cu.: Ap;>l:ca~ion 17-'1-64 fc,," a ....arlar.ce to
allow 12.4' s~je y::.!'d8. ;'ppro\"ed by Planning CO::::::i3sion
Re&olut~on Xo. ~1.5. :'I.arch 3~ 196:h C."u.r.cl1 Resolutlcn
So. 1::>76.
The City fh:::¡e~ 3a:d th"se l.uilding:! are a)_rt'ady tunt ar.d
r.ave t.hin s!de :~rd wt~!h ~ ':f¡4 3 dvt'!~ i1ct conform with our
('r:1 "'..~..ance.. T":~ a;>plic°'= t...L ::.-. 01'.~ '~~,:·;t.lly :"~~\"'eu~!:d zubdlvls1cn
and the variance &J allCJw lO."~ I <,Ue iL'·'~;¡. The appljcant
wIU·.jl'ew that ~')rtlon ot his app:a~ai;:o:l re.:¡ucsVng tt;e
subdiviaio"1 of the ?roperty.
Chalrman Gates said thp
allows a higher density
It up into Bcsll lots.
R-3-H O,.d1l'~r;,: ~, a·c ,t noW stands,
with one largt' lot than if you split
An amendment to rectify this is
Moved by Councl1man Fitzgerald, seconded by Coun~ilman Stokes,
to adopt Councll Resolution No. 1076, Including U.e stipula-
ticn that the pr~perty will not be subdlvided.
Counc1lmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, FInch
Motion carried, 5-0
2. CPM DEVELOP~~3: Application 2-v-65 1"01' Variance to allow
single 1"amily cluster ~evelopmen~ with~~t increase in
density; 1!.76 ac,-es at \J r,1'1d of Fjverslde Dl'" (Deep Cll1"1"e);
also Tentative :~;>. Ap;;ro,ed by Pla.on1ng CO~ft. Resolution
No. 247. March 8, 1965. Councl1 Resolut1on No. 10;7.
~7. A~th~nl Gùzz~~~~, ~2~: ~~1on Str~et Sa~ ~·~~~1sco, Frc- I
~èi-.t,-:<.l t.h...: -¡'('1~',';_.'·";·~:i?: ....;: t}:f' C!;;! CG:..!.;-,~11. He explained t~e t.-:.ço[:r:.A~{:"! ~.'J ':~'.- !-\tt'er ~ ,~ rr;L1....·~..l~,· ..,,--..dE:d. r.ere and
special etr:pha.cia ......a.u bs¿:"'. ::..:!:::-::.: ':':": .,;'\~~...!'. ~ of the r.atural
lay c1' thE: :..and aj.~:! f-re::.-:·t"v3:'tic!"!. or :.:..,~ t¡"t,;:t:~. This dcv·elop-
!œ::t will be Ð. ....~r:! sOl :-~.:~:;:att:d. 3-;:"ea with ;"he!r cwn recrea-
tion facl1ltlea. Thc,~ ;", .~ C:!.l;ter of b..~,:·~. In the center,
with R-l on the perl!!'.etc~ ,,1' !;r:.e prC>¡Jert;r. Mr. Guzzardo sald
they have done everythlr.g ¡:.ossib:;.e to orient the buildlngs
with the area.
CouncllJ:!ar Noel asked how trany large trees they would expect
to remove in order to de\"e:op this. Mo". Guzzardo said they
dld not plan to lose any of the large tre~5; the chaL"m and
l1vab111ty here coœs trom the 'lmen1ties of this site u') it
1s to the advantage of t~a developer to retain its p~eee~t
CC1J!".cllman Dempster aske,~ i:- ~he devel:J..c·r plans to sell the
lets or bulld on them. y~. Guzzardo sald the óeveloper will
è~:d the homes 1"or the purc~ase!'s.
': :;-·....r:--ilmD.n StokeE r~rer~·~j, to -~ r.e Pla:¡;..1r.:; CC1:':11ss1on c,,:1J1-
t~...:=-s CC!1~£I·n~:1g parkir.g a:-.j 2::::~:e~ ho··r t~,-::·:~ .~C()~(\3e to enforce
~:-_~ ;.arking re:!tr1ctlcns. 'ît:.:: C:1ty j'::"__ .,-':!r' ~,~::~ i.:.'1e ) "',"P
~::"~-:,,,:" will ".:;~ a p'Lòhl!.c st:"'eet so \ol£ wil: h2.,~c the E2rvlce3
:;-:' : :~e reI ~ce De,;~: t:.:ent. :,r.\..-;'e wil) 'hP. no'Jg~ tr~ffic
r:~:'-? ~.:d ther~ w.:.l:l. :)12 s~ ..-';: ~o ;'_:..'.'': ::~~y '¡-'.:--.~.-(."':':J (-H~d t.he
r.:::¿. c"^":':.ers.
::-.? :::J r'lar~."":· ~a:'j tr_¿-~. .i-..:.r.~rg tLe PlarmlrJ-ß Comniszl(-n
E:--:'::~R, CDrr.~;.. ._~'-âll ~ ..,-.~ ~·...ej .' ..·till.p~ ".f ~ :.12 ':0C'P 3tr¿c~
1~ ::"..l...;.ê a o.'e-Wá.:"" ~":rec::' r~:-:':~': '.:_....;:d ~>:' .~;.,_ ¡..,ar.t~l"":,,-; l~n1c,
0:-.-: ·;2:'Y wide ,::::::ovlng 13.:"..e, :.:~è. FO~,;...::';jJ::.t:r fl.:' 1-;.1.!~kjne (,n
tL-:? ::>~!" slje c~ th·-: r-tr¿-'\. .-=t l!.t~,le of +...(.1'; str'-'et width
ft"c¡;.:':' be lE=ft Cvt.¡" S(, '"h~~ ('C;lJ 1~'-, d+:::9JE:1.:;p;_j into a sidewalk
C:'. t:-.e ct:.csld....: c·~· t:-:.c }00~. If t~'e CC...!L~j: S0 àesll'?d, thr;!
C1::.· ;!" u~f"ercd. to 1:-:"ß:~.\:e I".IJ:'~ ;.¡it.r.. tt,t County
St"~::~'S Office.
T:.e :~.ty Attor!:.~:: quoted Se.::tlan l8G~ of tr:. '::'tr~ct and Fl~h-
wa:..õ :~je, \.hich glves req,.I1l'e:r."Hts of publi2 s':reeots.
CC-,,:,=-.,-'~:ma.n Noel aE~~ed the C:!.ty Planr'::~ ~f fj-9 approved of the
22 ::~j~tjoús set forth by t~e Plannlr.g Cc~~~~s~onls Rc~olu-
t~c:-.. rhe City said tha'~ he did ar..d, 1:: á.~~1ti0n,
tr.:·:·c,;c. a Ihnute Crd€~ by the ;'lapi1~ng Corr.n:isslon, it was
req"":'t:' :;:~ed the City Counc ~l a l~c F"iY ¡:-arr.1cula::, atter..tion to
tl':.e :':-3.1nage. Cr..e ~/ould. }~a\~e t·~ have £on (:a~e~,€n+:: close to
the '::e:.:r.:lary 01" the golf co¡;.r,,,,. He iJa:::I ¡-,e r2~ r\l<,v...ssed
this ~ith the developer in his office.
Ct.a::..r~.a~ Gates PI".)[..·oseJ. t::ac .Jrawir.g :7"3 be ::i~.1e 3. ¡:art of
tr.~ :t~elopme~t Pla~, ~l~D.
~~c\-e': '!:... ::'-O\.:nc!l~_¡:"'; N'o<eJ. ;::( _ c!".Jed 1::',{ C()·'.a!l Fitzgerald,
to a'::;.<: ?esolui:tor. Hc. :1...'::, !.l~~_~:;'J.':'r.g t!..~ 22 ccndlt1on3 set
rort~. ::'. :.he Plé'_:1:"'.in3 C...,::~:.-:":-:;'}1::: .~:.;', ~l. .-·:;':j!.t1c!'l:
.. ,-
Pa:'tlcü.lar C~~ ::¡,hou: ~ L.C ta}r~.~. ~;hat tt! \1....~1l"' and
newage zystt;;~ ar~ co~~tr~te;~ tv 1;~~ :: :..1.::"....::'~~1c;:, of
t}~e City E..~1::~e:", the S3!".it:lry D~t:t.~1ct and. ~he Floo1
Control D~~~~~:~.
Map #3 111 to ~ ¡'':.~e a ;;ari. ,-i' ~t.e De'{!!1opment Plan.
Counci1r::-..n Dccpllter, Fitzgerald, Neel, Stokes, Finch
!5otlon ca:oried, 5-0
3. JOIIIf RODRIGUBS. JR.: Appl!cat1on 3-U-l6 ~or a Use
Perm1t 1D a Ie-B Zone; croup ot bu1ldlDp ~or protes-
slonal ot1'~ and ahops. east ot Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road, oppoan. C1t)' Hall. Approved by P1amW1g
CODR1ssion Resolutlon No. 248, March 8, 1965.
M!'. Rodr1gues presented h1s Develoþment Pun to the Council.
He sald Phase (be w111 include the 1"ust three bu1lù1ngs
alon¡; Saratoga-SwllQ'vale Road and appropriate parking
1"aci11ties 1"or the 180:1 ratio IIct 1"or trÆ er.t~re develop-
ment. This has beer. ¡,acned by tt,~ H-C::'ll":rel. TI".e architecture
ir nry slmilar to the proposeå Clty 1'.1111, altho~h he did
no. !'ealize it at tr.~ tlme the draw~s were be1ng p!'epa!'ed.
Roof :::a.terials w';'l... :>e thlck, red cJ':! shai.', "r,l the, exteriors
,,·i:: :e of stor.e, aë and brick. The o\'·.¿:a~l cr.2.::·.1c:'~r of
the :~~ldingo will :e ~1ntained thrGugho~t :h~ ~ovelop~nt,
but ::-.e~'e wIll t(. :.:.:e v~r:tat1o!'l a~ to materials and z11ght
cha:-.g~5 in t;he =-~(.,~ :1.~c 1:: t!:e \ ~r·:tous c :.:-:.tJlexes .....ithin the
ent~:'e gevelop:r~:-.t :' --é.n. It wi~l rer.;al:1 the sar:.e within each
cc~~:e~, however.
Cot::".:~:t:".an Demp3~e:- 2~¿~d the w::'~i-:h of the ;:-:-ivate road.
Mr. E:~r!6ues sai~ ~: ~5 30'.
r·1ove':' :y Councl1t:".d:". :tOØrf:~8.. sec'::1èed by Cou!'"¡ l\ùel,
that ;"plicatlo~ ;-~-55 tc approved, 3uhject ~o the fellow-
1ng :=~,::1t1ons:
~~a~dard ccr~~~~:~s.
~ses allowed a~e pro1"cssior41 offices, pl~ a ~umber ~f
se=1-)rofessi:::~a:' sho?s su~h as '00'< stcres, art shops,
;~4ra:ac1es. Big I!hOP3 such as supermarkets, department
s::1'es, a11-pu!'~ç~e drug stores will no~ be allowed.
=.:i:ding he~¡;ht "::1 be li:r.oted by requlrell".ents set
:"'::-th in the PC-:: Ordlnan;;e; tha t 1s, t:ç. 1-1/2 stories
.i~~/or 25 feet.
r&!'~1ng ratio !o!' the entire development ~111 be 180 sq.
:'~. gross tloçr a:-ea to I.r-I! parking space.
:~. a.ijlt1on to ':;!",e l30:1 parkl!',g I'at1o, t-·.e!'e I.:ha11 be
::.a:i1r.g spaces as required t.y ,,= Park1./:g (:~.=, inan:e.
!/::!'c detailed pla::s 1"01' buildlngb ard plantlngs sr~Ül
te submitted to the Planning COr.~is3icn tor each stage
c~ the develcp~~:; this shall ~ot ne~ess1tate a new
~t~vc-mentioned plana shall be reviewed ar~ approved by
t¡-~ H-Control Co~-1l1øion.
A:: util1ties :¡b:'l be U!:C:er¡:;rvund.
20. !':'C'Cd·,rc !'or ~c'¡islo~!r. 1s as follows:
Ir. the even~ t}1at the ~~ :J?llca :; ~~a¡~. d~31re to maice
a::y c~:1nge, alteration or a;--!_,¡jr.~n~ in the :Jeveloptœnt
Pla~ after it toaD begn approvec! by the City Co-.mc1l as
as a condit~o:j to t:,t¡¡ Use Per:n1t, a ttr! tten request and a
rnised Development Pl::.n s'vill be suh~Lted to the Clty
It the &ize and general locat1on 01" hu1ld1ngs 18 not
1ncreaH4, and tbe C1ty P1anrc::o makes a t!nd1r.g that
tbe changes are II1l1Or and do not attect the genera1
appearance ot the area I)r the Interests ot owners ot
propert7 w1tbin or adjo1n1ng the Development Area, the
Clt7 Planner -7 cert1ty the change on the rev1sed plan.
It sucb aPFoval ls withheld, the appl1cant may appeal
to the Plann1r.g Colllll1.s310n.
I1" changes are material, but the requlrell'.ents 1r. the
Zo~1r~ ~lnance and previously imposed conditions arc
still adhered to, and the total floor area of bul1dingD
is r.ot increased, the City P1anner shall 3ubm1t theœange
to t¡-.e Planning Co~~ission. If the change is denied by
the Fla!'.ning Conr.issicn tLe appl1~ant my appeal to the
City :cuncl1, aD pro\'i:.!E:d ¡n Ord1m"ce 002 (::) .,f the
C~ty ~f Cuperti::o.
A ~~~~ge in the ~eve~~p~ent Pl~~ ~rcludi~ cr~r~e of
rec;:...;.i:-err.ents or cor.dlt1.:-,ns, or an InCrea3€ of tt~e total
tlc'~ ,rea of buii~ir~s, snaIl be processed as a !'.eW
apr:~~3tlon fçr a ~3C PErmit.
Aèr.e~e¿ce to the ~~esented ~cvelcp~cnt Plan i~ a
cc~:~tfon for tt.e ~~anting of this Use Pcr~lt.
Te~;~~ar11y undC7r:oç~d areas s~111 rewaln a3rl~~ltural
or te used :01' s:~=thir~ eq~11y sulta~le ar.d sightly
unt:: developed~
C:'J::cilmen Derr.pster, F1tzferald, Note 1, Str,kes, Pi:1~h
Motic:: ca!'ried, 5-0
(See :':inutes ot ¡'.arch 9, 19(5)
1. Appllcation l72-~C-65, Hümble Cl1 Corr.pany, 1330
E!'cadway, Oakla~, Ca11f., requesting Architectural
a:1d Site approvai to construct a service statlon,
to be located on the r.orthwest corner of Saratoga-
SU!'~yvale Road arñ ~£Clellan Road.
H-Contrcl Chairman S~ll sald t~e CO~i~3ion ~~s r.ot at
all ha;;py with tr.e proposal presentE:d to them on ~~rch 9th
so a special meetir~ was called o~ ~~rch 12th to enable
the applicant to co~e ~p with rc\'ised plans. The special
meeti:,.; resulted i:: the addl~:or. ot " canopy, all trash
bins will be on t!1e inside;ters uere edJ,=,d and
enlarged. The Fire ~~rsha]l passed the roof lI'.aterials it
conatr¡;.cte1 as p~~posed, acco~dL~g to ~. B1:l Rogers,
represe::tative 01" H~b12 Cil.
CC1;ncll:-a:1 ~"el a¡¡k~c! lr thet"e was any choice 01: roof ~te!'ial~
:halr:-.a:-. :':,.1 ~a1~ tile c:,! appl1cation, over a -¡car ag?,
called fc~ a ~~~~ic~ tile ~c~f.
Counc11~~ Sto~es ~ta~e~ tt~t a þrccedcnt wa~ estab113heð
some th:'ce ::onths at;o t<t.en an appllcant, after galn1r.g the
approval ot the ¡'lamdr.,: Ccaø.1ss10n. cade Sc¡¡t8 charges at the
B-Control level, then learr.ed that he Inu...t follow through his orig1nal plana. F..e c1id not reel the Council could
turn down one applicant where ecoDOlll1cs dlctated Bome changes
111 the original plan and tben approve another under the same
'!be Ch1et a..11d1ng IDapector said the man who repreaente:1
Bulllble 011 at the H-Contro1 _t1.llg over a year ago had sat
tbrough a lengthy œet1ng nth the Mob11 011 people and,
when it was his turn. prom1aed the H-Control the very best,
believing it was the cnly way he wculd get H-Contr01 apFoval.
Evldentally, he got carried away wlth his promises, wh1ch were
unrealistic to his employers.
COl.:llcllca:: Stokes aSked the applicant If he \'/as, at the pre-
st"nt tir:-.s, building in Los Altes and in Sunnyvale. Mr. Rogers
Eald this will be the S~~e tT~~ building as those except for
tt~ roof. Cupertln0 does ~~t ~l¡ow shl~01e roof. Alse, ~he
Lc3 AltC5 st~tlon i3 blocE..
Standir.g ::: nls 01'1;;1:-.:1 ~:a~e~r.ts, :_t was move-d by
C·~cl1=a~ 3to~es, se~cr-1~j t7 Co~~cl1~n De~~Hter, tc ~~~V
~-Cont~2: :?plicatlc~ 172-~:-~5.
~lES: ::·:.~~l~~n De~ps~~~, :~~¿~=,
S:ES: ::·=.~":':'rr..en Nc~l, ':1:-.=:-.
~TAI~==: :our.c1lr.a~ Fi"z~e~":~.
~J~~C~ ti~=, 2-2
~}~ City ~::~rney advis~~ :~~.:1~n Fitzgerald should vc~e
1~ orde~ :: ~arry on ::'~y ~S~~~5S.
~~ved by :c~c!lman ~e~ps~e~, secor~ed by C~unc11~a~ Stc/.~s,
t~at ap~:~:atlon l72-H:-65 te returned to H-Control for
f'·zther e·.-a:~t1f'n.
Ccuncl1=ar. ~ee1 asked what s~,~ld be dor~ ~ith this then.
Councl1=a~ :'empster saij tr~ :~~cil should follow pre~eje!'t.
Cour.cil:r.a~ ~oel dld not 1"eel we are going to have any :ncre
applicatlc!'~ for serv1ce statIor~ In Cupertino. ~ayor ?
aald we r~.e no assurance ef this so long as there are
undevelc¡:e::' corners 1n :¡;.pertlno.
Cc~.cllmen Dempster, i'ltzgerald, Stokes
Cc~_:il~n Noel, PInch
Motion carr1ed, 3-?
Moved by Cc-uncll:na:l DeCl;.ster, seconded by C01mcilman :!,;,e 1,
to appr~\e H-Control jecl~lcr~ o~ a~pllcatlons 3-u-6S and
Co~.c1l~n De~pster, P~tzüer~ld, Noel~ Stokes, P~~h
Motlcrl ca~ied, 5-0
A Lû8 Altos-Cupert~no 3a=DaEe Co:pany - Fra~chise appllcaticn
.~th incre~se in basic ra:~ fron $l.~O tr, ~1.75.
Mr. Steve ~~santl, lOl First St!'eet, Loa Altos, said he 1"elt
l1li bad stated all the 1'acts 1n ltls letter ar;d asked the
CGancll if they had an)' questions.
~ Mayor £sked tor CO_%:.1;1I trom the audience. Mr. John
'Pt11_n, 10846 South B1aDe7. questioned the dltterence in
iat:es being charged CU~1no cltlzenc -- some are as low
_, _ $1.40 and some are a8 Mgh as $2.50 1"or the same servlces.
~ City Manager said there 18 a dlt1"erence in rate8 beto;~en
B-1 and duplexes. Arter further questloning, It was dls-
cowered Mr. Tl1lman Uve8 in San Jose.
Mr. Jim Sma 11 , 19872!'itt ¡)rlve. CupertinO, asked it the
sarbage peo~~~ would cor~:~er a trash day for extra prunlng8
am thlngs. He asked 11' there was some way to negotlat" for
a trash day for other regular garbage days. Mr. Musanti
sald this ~ould be a!'rar~e~ ar¿ the charge could be pro rated
a~ng tr.e cltizens. C~U!'.~::~n De~pster was opposed to this
or. the tasis that perr¿ps r.~1; all citizens ~ould care to take
aë.var.tage ::>~ this ext:"a s;;:""V"lce and, th€refore, :..::bould r:ot be
crA:"ged fer ~t.
:~-.:r,cill:'.ar. Xcel wante:: :~
serviced b:. this co:;,."",.::;.
?~r~ola Va:l¿y, Los ~:~cs
a.r.ë part ::>1.' Sa:"l Jose..
,:r.~w .hat other cities are
~e was told they are: Los
~:lls, woodside, Cupertino,
~. Ralp~ ~~sley~ 2:é:~ _~~ra~e Drive, asked if it would t~
~. crder t~ ~equest a~ a~i~~ t8 s¿c ~r the increase 15
:~tified. ~e was to::: :~:~ ,-~s beer. He then aske:: if
~~ would be 1~ order ~: ~~~~2~~ put this out to bid, in case
~r.-Jbody e:s~ 1s 1nte!'~s~e~. :2Jor Finch said that the tJ;e
~r service re~jereà ~s :~~~ ~~ i=por~ant as the r~:ce; tr2t
~s. it wculd r.ot nccs~.::.:'~::· :': wise to auard t)le frá
:~ the lcwest bldder te~~~êe ~~e serv~ce ~Jght ~ot be as g~o1
7:-":'5 franct:ise has be~:-. ;.~ :~~1se:1 a~ no o'ther CQ:!:pa!".:; !".:;'s
::o:e forth ¡..lth a.n of:"'~:, ~s :-~'t.
~. Beasley then wonëe~e~ :~ ;e~r~?s a 10-year contract ls
";00 long. He would rat::e!' s~e s::>::>ethinc in tpe neignbcrr,~<:>d
~r 5 years ~~th op~lc~ a~'t=~ 5 years.
Co~cilman ~e~pster aSE-ej ~~. Xusanti if it was their 1r.ter.t
that this l~crease w~l: t~/~ care of the future 10 pl~s 5
years. ~:r. ¡':usanti sa:c\ t:-.ey have to purchase some new
equj.pment a~d th<. banks w~:: be more receptive to the'1l if
they have a lO-year f!'a!'~:::~e than 11" it is only for 5 years.
Be said he could not pre~ic~ wtÆther or not this rate increas,
would sut1"Jce for the r.ext 10 years plus 5.
Councilman De~rster aske= :-~~ far ahead they have projecte~
~be~ costs. ~b. ~ruza~ti ~~è it w~s for about 5 years.
'!!-' ,>
Counc~:=;':: Noel askeé '::::æ "i'Plicant it they are contea::platir.g
a rais'.õ :.:. rates fer ~ ~her 6 cities when their contracts
come ',;:;. :.!r. Musant~ sa.::: they are --;:aying ~re than Cupertino
1s nc~, ~-r; they 1nte~ ~:; ~8k for more when those contracts
come ;:.;:.
Counci:::a::. Noel aaked :J tœ ~?:)licant \lCuld be at a11 In-
tereste:' 1::. a smal:da- '---- Ul!le at this tln:e. Y.r. PJuBantl
aald tb:¡ yould not.
Dr. Joæ;à Bz.oown, 103ii5 SiU'atoga-Sw:.qvale Road, CUperUno,
II\Igg8S~ that perbapli ~~ Cbey ge t the 1ncrease the C11:7
could iJ:;s1st the c1~SsIe_ leave thelr garbaë;~ cans behind
... just :uts~dethe1.r~· e.. rather than out at the curb.
a-. Muaa::tl said the caDI! :!cJD't- have to be down ~ the curb.
CouncilE: Stokes 8&14 ~ DOtice sent out by h1B c~Y
'to new : -..ertlno re....-. a1:ates that they must be out by
the c=~.
Counc~:::a:: Pitzgerald. !Ù.cog with Councilman Dempster. f'elt
the se:'7~:e Cupertino !:aJ! ~en receiving is very good;
boweve!'. :r.ey must ~1-~ the Increase 1n rates. Tbey both
f'elt t¡-¿~ :0 years 18 ~~ long.
Counc1:",,-~, Jempster s-~s<;.e:1. there sh~'-lld be an ar.r.ual
audlt .-.:::~tted so trz,: ye v:1"olld tOOl'. ;a:OI< what the g:<,css
is e":~. : ~:._ .
~. B:: ":~oen, 20672 !=e::~7 Drive, sald he read a~a~': thi3
~c:'ea:~ :.:: the paper~ ~': ~_-: :r.ade a s".l:'vey. Bel~o~t res1-
-:'ents ;:~:- .:.50 per ==.:: ~:!' 1 can; Fal: Alto res1:J.ents pay
¡ 1.60 ?ö~ -:::~.:h for" : "-~-'; 31.:-.nyval~ ':'2s1dents r.av,", ~-: :imit
E.:1d t:-.¿:- ;¿:t only $1.~5 ;~= :::~nth. T:-.2 ":lty :wb:-..aCe:- sa~:i
-;h1s ~~ :~:::use the C~~7 ==l:'ects the ::.:r.ey. ';0 s-,--~::,~ze,
}I:. S::-.:~~_ said that :::-:~-: :~~1~ens ~!". :'.l?ertlno ar,= :-..ot
æ:.ga1r.s: :_.._~ :-ate 1n~~~:;-: :-...:: are c:u~:= lr..tereste=- ~. g-::";t1ng
added so:;:- ~:e fer t:-.e ~-=-:::_~s at:~ ~~~:-.~5 fror:1 the~:" "";:-0 sq.
~t. ::'ê.:"..: :_~ ~.
:ounci:~.....:.:: ~cel a5~:eè. .,~. :~~ant1.# "::.. ~:; ;;0 alo:"~ ,,1~:-. t.he
1:1.75, ::.~_ ·...a impose ~:-~.-... = lawr. cl~;::'::':1,;3 p1cr:up ::::ce a
:.::ntr.,:, =. ~:usant~ ~::.::"'~ :-~s compar..:\- .:::.¡ld not do -;:-.~s at
-:.he $:. -:: :·~~'..lre.
CNUTE :.=.::;:. \suppl1.::e::'~: '::: rranch~s2'
Koved =:.- ::o=cl1man 51;:..œ~, s.econded è:.t ~;œl, to
have, t~_e =:'~y Staf1" lc~£ ~::; the poss~Hl1ty of nesot1at10ns
~or tr~.~, ;::k-up, to ~ ;:a~ for only ~:r those who use ~t,
.1nce ~: ..:~d be ur.t'a1: ':0 1:::pose all :'-lpertino c1tlzer-a with
the ad~e~ : :st 11" they ~= ',: use the ext!'a service.)
Mot1.= :.arr1ed, 5-C
Jlcved ty = :-:.cl1man De~..e:- that the ?!'~r.chise be awa:-ded to
Los Alt:!-:~ertino G=~ge ::0. 1"or 1:> :;ears at the rate
~reas=~ ~: $1.75 1"or ~ =-yea:- perioè.. to be renegotiated
'!J7 the ::::::tcr ~nd t:-£:~~7 .:.t the er.:: cf 5 years.
'tb! Clt¡ _'_~::rney adv~ that thls was ::1a1;erlal and could
cause a :~=~:h of co~~~~_
The :n:~~::-: .as witl':d~VI: by Councilmar. Dempster.
Moved :::c :~"JI1cllman Sto;œz¡, :;econJed by Councilman Fltzgerald,
that tt." :~anchise be awa..-1~d co Los ,Uto:i-Cupertlno Garbage
Compar,¡ ~:~ a lO-year c~n~¿ct, for $1.75 for the next 5
"..ars a:>:: that the <.cnt='act also carry a 5-year optlon clause
and ar. a.::..-:ual au11t or gross revenue.
:=cllmen Dempøter. Fltzgl.'ra1d, Noel, Stokes, Pinch
Rot1oc~led, 5-0
A (¡¡mIN:.N:3 SO. 305: ñ.ezor.1ng propert.~' ct I. K. Ish1matsu
trom R-::3-2 to PO-H; 2.7 acres, west side of Miller Ave.,
1000' s='.1th of Stevena Creek Blvd. Second Reading.
Moved t7 ~øt;:E~er, secor.ded by Councilman Stokes,
to hav~ .::-c~nce No. 3C5 read by title only
~o~1~ carried, 5-0
This "='.5 ':'::-..e by tha :~~7 ;:¡erk.
Moved :::: ::u.n.::ilmar. 3t:;;œs, seconded by :ìe:::¡:ster
'that ~:::':-..i::ce No. 3:'5 t-e e:-..acted.
: c-.;::: illl'.en
~--1""---- ,
Fitzgerald, Noel, Stc~es, :~~:h
:~~~~== ca~~led, 5-J
ORDIK.':.:~:Z :~:. OC2(c--: ¡: r:.;';Æal proce:'~e fo:- US~ F~:,,-:-..~..':s.
5ecor..c. ?:!:'~nG.
~~oved =::- :::.;r.cllma:: .:.'::._~_, ~E-:;c.:è·::l t::: C01..:..."1c11::,2.:". :'~~;5':~r,
'to ha.\"-= ~:-':'~:"'.ance ~;:. ::~ a-:ì !'e~~ 1':. ...1.tle onl~·.
:.::w: ~~~ ':a:,:"1cd.. 5-0
This Ì'í:'': ..:.::-.-:! b~~ ::.::: ..:~'";:- __.c:;;:'Á.
~oved ::; ::: ''':':;'C1 :...:=~~-:~:".. secondc.5. ~/ St -:.~es..
that .:':-::":-...l:--..=e No. ::2:=--:') ~e enn.cte"~_.
AYES: ::~~:11men ~e~5~~~, ?itzsera1d, ~oel, St~E-es, ?lr.~h
NOES: ~;:" _:~
~C~~=~ ~arrled. 5-0
4)JQ),'J;)fA)i.'"E.)I(). 3()1>: :'ppr=1r~ the Annexation of Certa1:'.
Contig¡;.:::..s ¡;ninhabit..,=· 'rerrltor;¡, Designated "¡~rce~es 54-5,
Revlsed' :: "the City o~ ~rt1no in ;'cccrdance with the
Provis~:~.s :of S..ctlc::. 353::>0 et seq. of the Gcverncer.t C:>:1e 01"
the Sta:~ ::' CaU1"orr.a. Se::ond Readlng.
Moved 1::; : :'mcilman ::.e-;;~ter, secor.ded by Councl1r:an StoE-es,
to have ::--:i~!'.ance N:>. 3~ :-ead by titJe O:1Jy.
Mc:icn ca:-:-ied, 5-0
Th1s wa~ dore by the ~1ty Clerk.
Moved by CouncllD'an Sto;:e:¡, seec·"dcd by CNuwilman Noe;!."
that Ordinance No. 304 be <:r.acted.
Councilmen Dem~~ter, Fit~=erald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
Motlon carr1ed, 5-0
D amINANCE NO. 302: RezoLir.g propert;r of Angel D1az 1"rom
R-3-H to C-l-H; one-fourth 01" an acre, approÁlmately, north
side ot Stevens Creek Blvd., 408' west of Vista Drlve.
Second Reading.
Moved by Councllman De~pster, seconded by Councilman Stokes,
to have Crdlnance No. 302 read by title only.
Councilman Fltzgerald asked if we have the dedication yet.
He was told that we have. P.e then said that this property
Is up for sale already. He wondered if the applicant propose:
to build the bulldlng he presented to the COlli~cil. He felt
we should ~sk the appl1cant to come to the next Council
=eeting and tell us what his intenti~ns are.
Chair~n Gates said tr¿t the opinion of the Plar~ing Commissi,
is tlmt to zone cOD'r.~r~lally a 50' wide piece of pr~perty on
~tevens ~reek Road will n~t contribute to a co~blned co~rci,
de.elopment on the Blv~. It was their fee'ing it would have
been better if tM_s p!'~?€rt;; o>mer had gottC:1 together with
his neighbors and co~e in tc~ether with a plan.
:·:a;¡or Flr.~h said he a:::~;¡s t:::,1es to justify land ¡;.se rather
t~4n co~sid~r Indlvlaual pla~s òecause too ofter. ~r~t gets
built dces not look,,: ,,11 11:-:e the plan~ presented to the
:ounc1l. r.e tee Is ~-_-~ := p~oper zoring alor~ Ste.ens Creek
~~e City ~ttorney advised that if we grant co~~ercial zoning
en this p:.'cpert~l ar.è. ~::-::::: :':-;,:::~dc it 1s not [-rQper use of the
pr~perty we can revc/.~ t~~ zonln~.
C~·x;.cl1¡.~r. Dempste~ sal1 he 1s not 1n favor c~ C0i~~ ahead
~ith this LTdlnance be~ause he does not feel it is in goed
~alth. If the applica~t haj come in and asked for rez~ning
o~ the st:::'ength of its locatlon rather than delibe~ately
o1sleadir.g the Council t;¡ p!'esenting plans for d, 'lelop~nt
o~ the property, it would be a ditferent story.
Chairman Gates quoted portior~ of Mr. Richarf Foust'R state-
ments from the January 25th Planning Conrn1ssion Hlnutes.
The appllcant stated he r~d specific development plans and eve
had u possible lessee already.
Councilman Stokes said he could think o~ several cases where
what was proposed was r.e'ler built. He No~dered if a time
I1mitation should be 1=~~3=~ on these ~onings.
Mayor Finch repeated he felt this "as good ]a:-.d use. He
f'elt H-Control would de~ld~ ~. th t i d 1 t
- - n:.e er or no 1;s e'le opmen
plans are proper.
Cour.c~l:mn Noel Celt the ::ouncll did not have enough facts
at t::.:'s t1œ.
Cou:-.::11mn Dem~5ter won~cred if ;,crl.a?s the zoning snould not
Mve been gram.ed at tic.l.s t1l::c, ;-_O?1ng the landowners would
get together alX! forth w1t¡1 a lar¿;er Jevelopment plan.
CouncUmn Deçster f'eels _ we would be encouraging people to
come bef'ore the Councll with plar.s, etc.. whiCh they have
no 1ntentl'Jns of' f'o11owing through with. 1f' thls goes
through DOV. U tbe~ want rezoning, 8t'rlct17 on the bad8
of' locatlon. then that 18 what the7 should present to the
Moved by Councll111an Noel, secorded by Councllman Fitzgerald,
to delay the Second Reading or Ordinance No. 302, and turn
it bac:.c to the Clt7 Star1" to 1"100 out the intent 01" the
AY"-S :
Councllmen Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel
Councilmen Stokes, Finch
Motlon carried, 3-2
E ORDIX~~CE NO. 303: Recreating Park & Recreation Commission.
Secor':: Reading.
Mov~~ èy Council~r. Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to
have :'!'dinance ~;o. 303 read by title only.
~"otion carried, 5-0
Thle .as don,; èy the C1ty Clerk.
Move~ :, Cour.cil~r. Stokes, seconù~d by Councilman Noel, to
enac~ :rdinance :¡:. 303.
~cuncil=er. ~e~?ster, Fltzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
~"ct1on ccrriol:, 5-0
F ORDI:;,';:;~=: NO. 20J:a): Amending Ordinance 200 Relating To The
Sale :: FireworE.s. Urgency Ordinance.
Ordir~~.::e No. 200(a) was read by the City httorney.
The City Manager said the Cupertlno Optimist Club should be
inse!'ted where it now reads ·Cupertino Variety. It
Moved by Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman Stokes, to
enact Crdinance No. 200(a), amending Ordinance No. 200.
Councilmen Deçster, Fltzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
Motion carried, 5-0
Resolutions No. 1~3 ~rA 1074.
~eso¡ut1~n No. 1073 ~as read by Counc1lman P~tzgerald.
~oved by Counc11~~n De~?s:e~, 5eco~~~è by Cour.c1lman Noel,
to adopt Resolution ¡¡o. 10':'3·
Counol1mer. D.empsto:r, Fitzgera::'", Noel, Stokes, Finch
Motion c2.!'r1ed, 5-0
Resolut1o:l No. 1074 was read by Treasurer Fitzgerald.
Moved by Counci1i1&n Stokes, seccmded by Ccnmcllaan Noel,
to adopt Reao1ut:s..-.n 110. 1071;.
COW1cl1men !Jempster, Pitzgerald, Hoe1, Stokes, P1uch
Motion carried, 5-0
He had nothlng 1"urther to rep:!'t.
1. :.e¡;islative 3ills.
:~.e League of California Cities req'.lests the cities send
i~ a letter wit~ their !'~oc~er~atio~ to support or not
~: support t~e :~lepho~a ~~ ~ieu Tax (SCA l7).
::=cilrnan Lempster ;<a!'.tej to put any action on this over
~: 7he next ~eti!'~ to give the Ceuncilr.~n ti~ to study
:ts ~am1f1cat1~r~.
::. G. R. Mutz, 1650 War~~tc~, Santa Clara, said he
:-ep:-el'ented Pacific Telep::::-.e and Telegraph Company in
~~ls area, arA he urged t~e Council not to support such
~::ion. He gave statistios ~o back up his arguments.
2. :e ~~=a Develop~~t ~o~r~~.
T~e eff-site i=p!'ove~~nts would include t~e entire wldth
c~ Stevens Creek Blvd., Séelling Road and McClellan Road.
:~eJ plan to start work ir. ';ugust, after the crop has
èe~n harvested. In order tù program this, L.I.D. has
èee~ proposed 1"01' all of S~ève~s Cree~ Blvd., all of
Y..:::lellan Road and all of Stelling Road, to har.dle the
i~.::!'eased traf1"ic generated from the Collegp..
City Manager sald Dr. ?llr.t has asked
for a soil ar~lysls a!'~ a~ appraisal.
essence 1n this matter.
that the City
T1.':1e 1" of
Cc~.~~lman De~pster ~~¿eG if ttere would be any actual
cut-cf-pocket expe~~~ to the C:ty. ~h~ City Manager
said there would not.
:ouncllman F1t~5erald a3ke~ if this would al~o include
tte College rlght-or-w~y.
~. &utler, Dean of Services of the College, aald they
are trying to accelerate this program. He was under the
laapresslon it was the College that was underwrlting the
soil ana:qB1a and the ap?ra1sAl. He said, the sooner the
pro,foct get. going the sooner the Clty will enjoy its
It IIIIS establ1abed the area in front of the park w111 be
the C1t7's re.pI)I'.81b1Uty.
ô:ba1r1llan Gates said there is a very good op~rtun1t7
here for the ~1t7 to /lave some mature trees; one row of
them ls almost in 11ne with the center 11ne of the street.
He asked If Stevena Creek, at this po1nt, wl11 have a
median strlp. The City ".anage~ said tt'.&'.; it would and
that he wll1 certainly look into the possibl11ty 01"
saving these trees.
~oved ~y Counc1lman Noel, seconded by Councllman Dempster,
to direct the Clty Manager t.:> 1nform Dr. Flint of Foothill
college, that the City of Cupertino wl1l ~¡ve their full
cooperation In programmir.g thls L.I.D.. 1nclt1d~ng the
entire width 01" Stevens Creek Blvd., Stelling Road, and
~:cClellan Road. Our City ;'ttorney will review all
=a~ters concerning this L.I.~. along with the College's
3, ttorney.
:r.airman Gates asked if the Planning Co~.iss1on could be
i::volved ir.. tr.~s. He \:as E;lven a negative õ.ns\..¡er.
:':ctlcn c:::.r-:~ied, 5-0
3. ~ld PuClp ar.d Water COl"l:rJ: at :,!ann Station.
7he Water Ce~issio,- ~s ~è:c~en1ed the City dispose of
~~. The C~t.:; ~r..e.c:·:::' !'\.:ls :_.s~:èè. several rar..chers if they
ftould be 1nte!'eated in i~. ¿oc~ i!'dicated they might be
~f the City would take It ~~t, which would be of con-
siderable exp~~sc.
'estern Pu~p offer~d ,~5:) fer it ar.d tt.ey will take
It out. The Clty ¡·!anaser !'eco:r:"!ended \:e also "thrOW in"
tt'Æ old vertic Ie pu~p at Stelling and McClellan and ~e
ftill cap that well.
Sc moved, by Councilman De:r.pster, _'econded òJy Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
4. Accidents at Podrigues and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road.
It seems that we average about one accident a day at
this spot. The City Manager asked the Council to authoriæ
a tratfic study for this intersection.
So moved, by Councilman Noel, secor.ded by Councilman
F1 t zgera Id .
~otion carr led. 5-0
7he C1ty !4ani1::;er :>ug¡;e3 ted that t:.ere shouM be some
l1a1sor. bet...een t:1e City Cou:;cil and t;-("' City Eall
Moved by C(;\;,,:~i'1.tT'.3~~ J.:r. iJste~, ~ecor.ded 't-y councilman
Fitzgerald, to have the Cit~ ~~nager act as the liaison
between the City Council and the City Hall Architect.
Motion carried. 5-0
6. The 1mpr'OYement 01" the street on Nc,rth Blaney 1s
pract1ca117 completed.
7. Mob1l 011 bas requested rel1ef trOUI the requirement 01"
a 1118sol11"J' _11 between their propet'ty on ~tevena Creek
Blvd. and Stelling Road and the' adJoin1ng R-l on the
basls that it will soon be rezoned. The City Manager
recommended a wood fence wauld be adequate in this case.
Moved by councilman Stokes, seconded by CouncUman Dempster,
to el1m1nate the stipulation that a masonry wall be cc.n-
structed between the comcerclal and the R-l for the Mobil
station at Stevens Creek Blvd. and Stelling Road, but
that the standard masonry wall is to be built if, at the
end of one yea~, the adjoining property has not been
:.1ot ior. ca~rled, 5-0
8. Refnart; C:"~e? ':;1.11vert.
It has b€e~ ~stablrš;~j th3t t~e Fra~~11n-Wlr.à3cr
t'_ ~1r _ ~evelo~~~t :o~~riy's p~!'t1or. of the cost of this
\.L-....:;- .........t-D :ulvert ~i~:?6ù.00. ~ /
\.:...-~- (i -\ :,:oved by :ê~,,, r:.."..pster, sec~r:,t.d by Councilmar.
,. ~~<'J' Stokes, te a' the City :,lar",ger to accept the
~~,~ $7,360.00 fro~ Frar.kli~-"ir.~sor Development Company in
~ i: . conjunction with t!." Agree:r.ent.
~ï=-S: Cour~l\~en ~e~pster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
~;CE.S: NCr'_e
:.Iot ien "ar:-ied, 5-0
9. :cncrete curbs south of Calabazas Creek. 1~ front of
~~ur..cl1C18n Stokes asked 11' the irrir,,,tion is in the median
strip here. He was told that it is. Cost estimate for
these curbs is $l,500.
~eved by Co~.=ilman De~pster, seconded by Councilman
Fltzgcrald, to authorize the City !-lana.;;el' 's Office to
obtain bids for this job.
Motion carried, 5-0
1. Tract No. 3l2ð, Blossem VleW South (!f,¡ of
Elaney Avenue and ~errit Drive.)
It was the !'eco~n1atien c~ the City Enginec~ to authorize
the City Engineer to info:-:: the developer and his bonding
company that the i::oprove~r.t bonds œy new be reeiretJ.
So moved, by Cour.cil=an 1e=pster, seconded by Councllman
Motion car~led, 5-0
2. Tract No. 3322. Deep Cliffe Estates, Unit 2.
It was the reco~:1Ciat1on ot the Clty Engineer to adopt
Resolution No. 1078 accepting gra:.t ot easement from
Deep ClUte Development.
So moved. b)' Councilman Noel, seconded by Councilman
Motion carried, 5-0
3. Angel Dia? property (north side of St~vens Creek Blvd.,
400 fe~t west of Vista t:ive.)
It was the rec~~r~ation of the City Engineer to adopt
Resolution No. 1075, aocepting roadway dedication from
Ar~~l Dlaz, et. .~.
(;ouncilman Stokes s:.iJ this "ould t"! incensistent with
pr~vlous Cour.cl1 ~ct~~~ a~ ~~ls mect~~~.
~oved by COQ.c11~2n ~2~pste:', seconded ty Council~an
Fltzg~rald to t:;t:e t::~s ~ten:.
:~:~1:~ ~~:.~!~jJ 5-J
The ~1ty Attorr.ey state:' ::e r":1S :'~vle·.-:e;i tr.e CC:1tr3.ct with
!'.r. ?less1ng fe!' U:e .::1t;; :DE.
E REPC:iT OF THE BU¡W¡::-} I:;3?E~T-=~
He had nothing to report at this t1:>e.
He was 111 and could not atter~ this Cleetir~.
1. The Cluster Ord1r~r.ce was passed by the Planning
Commission. As soon as it ~~s been retyped, it will
be distrlbutea to the Ccun~il. Public Hearings c~uld
start Apr1J. 5ti:.
So ~oved by Ccun~il~n ~e~rste:', seconded by Councilman
~oticn carried, 5-0
2. Loo~::.)leg have tur.-.ed up 1n the \p.ütlple dwelling
crc:.~-=~.ces·. Tw. ¡-:zr.:¡lng Com~sflon hns 1s~5\:.eda :"lnute
Orde~ request1ng the City Councll free=e tbis before
sonec::" makes use or these loopholes, to tee detrlment
of tje city. The Ci~y Plawor suggested a time limit
be p¡aced on app1Lcatlons cOI~r~ 1n 1"ro~ toda7, on.
Moved by Councp_n DeQpster, secor.ded by Counc11ø.~ Noel,
that as ot tb111 da1;e. any new appl1catlona \lD4er R-;:-H,
R-2_-H, rezon1l!S alii! tentat1ve aaps, ,,111 be U]).1ect to
the re"la1on nOlI' be1ng made at the Plann!Dg Coaa1!!s10n
Cauncll1Dan Noe1 reca-sted a copy ot the OrdbIances as
now read.
~s.on carrled, 5-0
3. Chairan Oates 1JIt;iated a Minute Order suggest1r.g the
1"ree~y perlpher"J' g1ves the 1mpresslon ot a clty to
passersby. Th18 œ. a material value to tt.e citizens of
Cupe!'t1no. Th18 JUnute Order was triggered by the appli-
cation for use of land next to the freeway and the
corpcrat10n yard, fc:- a welding supply company. The
Plar:.i~ Commlss1on 1"eels the ~ity Councl1 should consider
rel:-:::;.ting the c",.'?:)ration yard bt:cause at this point the
free"',,~' rises ar.= ~t ..ould be quite di1"tlc·..:":; to hide
the =:rporatio~ j~:-= ...ith lar:~sc~~ing.
T!:e :~:y Manager 1!"~1. he has been lookir.¿ ~:!' a suitable
lo~"~::: 1"01' the c:r;cration y~rd for 4 ye,,!'s a~ still
fet -.~ : his 1s it. ::E feels it can be ef~e:": ~ ve::¡ land-
sc~p¿~; the rree~~7 :5~'t s~t£juled to g~ =J here for
10 :;~::;.rs and by ":;:-¿":; ":;l::.e, the trees ar.à sc:·~ts will be
t'2::o,:,:'e:' .
C:'~.: ~:::,.an Stokes ~!:.i~ he understood that ~~ it was
de.::1iei this was ::~t ~roper \òSe of the ;;rc~"rty. that
It ::~:j be sold ty the Clty arñ a new lcc,,";~cr: 3e~ht.
r-~~''::- ?inch re~;~:' ";he Cour..c~l that the ":-;f:1te :orpora-
tl:~ ,~rd will be Y~ere Stever~ ~reek Fr~e."7 =eets
Ste.~~5 Creek Bl.:.
Cha~r~z~ Gates a:-~..ed that if the corporat~~:: yard goes
in ~."re it opens t:-..e ::001' for ~ther, si~la!' uses.
Tr"? :1'::; ~.3nager s,,~j we II!U3t have the se:-'õlce centrally
leca~;~ and he car_-~t think of a better :ec"tion for it.
Ma:;c~ ?inch felt t!".at,, it is r.c·... It is treated
that !'~ally '::ounts. Properly landscaped, It does not
have t: be an eye5~~~.
Cour.:l1~n Stokes felt the Pla~~ing Commission was
just:~~ed in requestlr~ a study on relocation of the City's
ccrp:~::;.tlon yard.
z U1~FIN:.3:~ ?JSlNESS
A. CO\IDC~:::':¡':' Noel Hanté!:i ";:: ~:...ow if ';::ere has been a replace-
ment f::- ':h.z vac:wcy = ";:.~ ·...ater ~~::mls:;ion yet. f.e was
told t~s has not beer: ::c::e as :.~;;.
B. Councl1::ar. StC\{r - ja1d. aJ5 tar as he could see. has
been dc::e to deal. up ~be property by the 1"reeway and B1aney.
This was referr;¡;i to ~be City Attorney.
.A Mr. Ral¡;h Beasley 15&14 Ma area was generally opposed to the
service stat10n at and &bb Road. Now a survey has
been ca:'e asking the res14ents 11" they would sho;> at this
corner ~ a ~i'5trlct were developed here.
The Cl':;; Planner said the area south 01" McClel1an and east
01" Bott ,,;:ad has a f'lve-a::re parce::' zoned
X=I ADJOUP-~.."r
!l.oved ty :<'uncilman S";c;æs, seconded by Counc~:=r. :,001, to
aG.Jour:-. ~: a persor:.e: session at 10:115 P.M.
,.--. --
~oved :; :c~c11~~~ S~:~ seconded by Counc11=a~ 3to¿es, to
adJour:- ~~.e ,reetin¡; __ :: :;0 P.M.
;'.?PROVE;; :
Isl Paul H. ?~r.: ~.
r._ .__ .
1... .
.. '.1..-...- , t.,..(,.~.1.
, -
\ llh l--<.
City C:,,:-;::