ASAC 51,691.1s a is 1 April 14, 1987 F'or'est Straight 10366 Avenida Lane Cu ino, CA 95014 SUB=.- Application ASAC 51, 69101 Dear Mr. Straight: This letter will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Caamittee given at its mar neeting of April 130 1987. The subject application was approved per Md-dbits A 1st levo, B 1st Rev. and Info 1st Rev.. The decision of the Caamittee is final unless appealed within five working days to the City Counci.lo Sincerely, CITY OF CUPERT%NQ-_ Randal. R. Tsuda Planner I letstraight (rd3 ) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CTTY OF CUPEE2'L'TNO ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL CCMFi1TTEE March 9, 1987 7000 PM Conference Room No. 160170 Temporary City Hall 10430 S. DeAnza Boulevard SUBJECT, APPLICATION ASAC 51,691.1 °e FORREST STRAIGHT (DAVID BM=CCI) Requesting approval of architectural and sitep l.ans for a _ detached guest house. Project is locate at the western end of Avenida Lane at 10366 Avenida Lane. You are hereby notified that the Architectural and Site Approval Committee will review the subject application at the date arm time specified. above. Please attend the meeting and participate in the discussion: if this matter is of interest to you. The application file is on file and may be read by the public in the Planning Department at the Temporary City Hall at 10430 So De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, CA. This notice is sent to you as a courtesy and is not required by an ordinance of the City. 41 leg516911(rd3)