ASACLet9U83AJuly 15, 1987 P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95015 Gregory Group, Inc 220 Twin. Dolphin Drive, Suite C Redwood City, CA 94065 SUBTECT: Application 9-U-83 (Amended) Seven Springs Ranch Dear Gentlemen. This- letter will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site .Approval Corimnittee given at its meeting of July 13, 1987. The subject application was recamended for approval per the conditions specified in the enclosed copy of ASAC Resolution No. 1293 This application has been forwarded to the City Council for final -review and will be placed on the Consent Calendar at their-meeting--of-July -ZG, " 1987. Sincerely, _ CITY OF CUPPERTINO _ } Randal Ra Tsuda -Planner I RFT omdj Enclosure 83A(ASAC) PTOTIC; OF PUE=C MEETING CITY OF CUPERTINO ARCTECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL CCHMI= July 13, 1987 7000 PM Conference Roan No. 160170 Ty city Mall 10430 S. De Anza Boulevard SUBJECT. APPLI=OM 9-U-83 ( ED) GREGORY QUJP (SEVEN SPRINGS RANCH Requesting approval of final site, landscaping, and architecturalplans for recreational facilities as single family detached hos located generally south of Rainbow Drive,' east of Upland Way and gest of the Southam Pacific Railroad right of way. You are herby notified that the Architectural and site Approval C=mttee. will review the subject application at the date and time specified above. Please attend the meeting and participate in the discussion if this matter is of interest to you. The application is on file and may be read by the public in the Planning DeparbTent at the Tmporary City Rall at 10430 So De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, CA.