ASAC 51,721.1July 15, 1987 P.O. Box 580 C.upertiao_,Californ.i.a 95015 -Chevron U.S.A., Inco 2Annabel Lane, Suite 200 San Ramon-, CP, 94583 SUBJECT. Application ASAC 51 72101 Dear Gentlemen: This letter will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Cottee given at its regular meeting of July l3� -1987. The subject application was approved per the conditions specified in the enclosed copy of ASAC Resolution No. 12910 The decision of the Architectural_ and Site Approval Comi.ttee is final unless appealed within five working days to the City Council. Sincerely, II CI'T'Y -OF CUPERTINO Randal Ra Tsuda Planner -I =:mdj