ASAC LT21TM86July 31, 1937 P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95015 Thrust IV Inco Don lapidus 2093 kgs_ Drive Mountain view,, CA 94043 SUBJECT: Application 21-M-86 Thrust IV Inco 0 Dear Mr. lapidus: This letter will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Canuittee given at its regular meetingof 0uly 27, 1987. The subject application was approved per the conditions specified in the enclosed copy of ASAC Resolution No. 13020 The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Ccmnittee is final unless appealed within five working days to the City Council. Sincerel yo CI` Y OF CUPERTINO Randal R. Tsuda Planner I Enclosure T-T21M6 (ASAC)