ASAC 51,674.1P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95015 Mso Alice Seigrist 217.0ak Meadow 1.0s Gatos® C 95038 SUBJECr: Application ASAC 51067401 Dear Ms. Seigristo This letter' will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee given at its regular meeting of July 27, 1987 The subject application was approve, per the conditions specified in the enclossed copy of ASAC Resolution No. 12990 The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee is final unless appealed within five working- day to the City Council. Sincerely; Com' ®F Randal R. Tsuda Planner T Enclosure Lt516741(ASAC) citm of C #b 10300 Torre Avenue P.O. Sox 580 Cupertino, California 95014 Cupertino, California 95015 Telephone: (408) 252-4505 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 24 September 1986 Ed Morrissey 20823 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 100 Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT: Application ASAC-51,67401 This Tetter will confirm the decision of the :Arch and Site Approval Cam9 � 7 p uttee given at its regular meeting .o�-Se D 2� :1986 to approve your 'tenant sign subject to the conditions contained in the enclosed cOp `es of ASAC Resolution Nos. 1235 and 1236x- 1. The Comittee also rec miended approval of your proposed canvas awning.. Staff has scheduled the awning as a consent calendar. -item. before the <City Council at their meeting of October 6 19860 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:. We appreciate your participation in the Design Reviev processor ,A CITY OF CUPERTINO Planner I