CC 02-24-65C I T" 0 .F' C U PERT I N O California. 10321 So. Sarato-a-Sunnyvale Road Cupertino, Calif., 95014 ph: 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING FOR REVIEW OF MISSION STYLE ARCHITECTURE FOR THE NEW CITY HALL TIME: 8:00 P.M., February 24, 1965 PLACE: Cupertino High School Auditorium Councilmen Presb.nt: Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch Councilman Absent; Dempster Staff Present: City Clerk, Larry Martin Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards Guest Speaker: Architect, Mr. Will Blessing Mayor Finch felt that it was unbelievable that, with a petition signed by 450 people and a half -pale ad in last week's Courier announc- ing this meeting, that only fifteen people felt it was worth the time and effort to come to this meeting. He was disappointed in the lack of interest by the citizens of Cupertino. The Mayor then introduced Mr. Blessing, who showed colored slides of his concept of two versions of mission -type architecture for the new city hall. He cited the problems of a full mission style building; one of which is that it would appear to be practically all roof, another being that it would pose a problem of where to put the mechanical equipment on the roof. Mr. Blessing said that some of the characteristics of mission - type architecture are: clay tile roof, wrought iron railings, heavy redwood beams, paving, tile, plaster, the cloistered look, and porticos. He tried to incorporate these characteristics in the two renderings, one of which had two verstc-)ns. One rendering had a stately look, similar to that of the Wells -Fargo Bank Building. The other had a the parapet which created a covered walkway. This could have a concrete top, where the mechanical equipment could be concealed. Mr. Blessing recommended concrete verticle columns because of the maintenance factor involved, and possibly exposed heavy redwood beams for the overhead. There could be a wrought iron or reinforced concrete railing around the covered walkway. Mr. Blessing described a Type 5 building -- steel or wood frame with fire retardent roof and reinforced concrete columns for earthquake stresses. The estimated cost of this city hall would be $304,580.00 without a basement or $381,5 80 with a basement. The building will be slightly raised whether or not there is a basement, mainly because we won't have to dig down so Rar into the ground and also because of the drainage factor. There was some techni- cal discussion between Councilman Stokes and the architect. -1- Mr. Blessing said the soil report indicates there is a strata 3-1/2 to 4 feet down and we must go below that, otherwise there.will be excessive settling. The footings will be generally smaller. The excavation will have to be done whether or not there is a basement. There was some discussion of details with the audience. Mr. Peter Emig asked how that shade of yellow for the exterior happened to be chosen. Mr. Blessing said this could be changed. Mr. David Laing felt these renderings were a marked improvement over previous concepts. He felt this building would be more compatible in the Town. Center. After checking the opinions of each of the Councilmen, Mayor Finch asked whether this matter should be decided.tonight or at the next Council meeting. Mr. Blessing said he would be out of town, but the renderings will be there. He also offered to loan us the colored slides, but was told the renderings would suffice. Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Fitzgerald, to place this matter on the agenda for March lst. Motion carried, 4-0 Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Noel, to adjourn the meeting at 8.30 P.M. ATTEST: P. City Clerk APPROVED: -2- s/ Paul H. Finch Mayor 0 \.iA.&.L&. V.l"¡u'G 10321 So. Saratoga-Sunnrta1.e Rœ4 C _ Uno. Callt., 95014 ph: 252-45C5 ~~ OF TIlE SPBCIAL PIAD"~ Pal REVD:."W OF MISSION STYŒ ARCHn'BCTURB pœ 'ftŒ HEW CITY HALL ....,.. : 8:00 r....Î'ebruarJ 24, 1965 ~ ~ laP School Auditorium ~: co 11'1-0 Pre~: ftt"l& .14. JIoe1. StOIœB, P1nch 1" 11'1_.. Abeent: De~t;er a-rr l'ftI..nt: C1t7 C~. I.er17 Martin Recor41Jl& Secretary, Lo1B Inwards 9uJ I~ Speaker: Arch1~. P.r. Will Blesslng MalOr P1nch felt tbat It was unbelievable that, with á petition .~r- by 450 people ao1 a œU'-;age ad in last week's Courier annOll!'}C- 1::ì¡; ~b1a meet1::g, that onl7 ~U'tec::. peopl" feh it wa" wê.rth the time aD! errOl't to cc.. to th1B _t~. He was disappointed in the lack of ~~t b:f the :~t1zena o~ C\6;Ier't1r.o. The Maycr then in~ed ,":. Ble~~l"g, who showed colored .l~~. of his c:r.cept ot two Yer3~Or~ or mission-type archltect~e for :~ :>e'W clty ¡-.!::. He cite'.! the ;>"40blems of' a full mission style ~~~~; one :~ whlch is t!:&t 1t would appear to be practically all r=:, another ~ing that 1t ~ ;>~se a problem of where to P'.lt the ~:a~cal eq".11pr:ent on ti".e r-x.r. Mr. B:!ssing said tbat BO:!Oe ot the ch3.racteristics of ~ssion- t:r;le a..-ch1tect::e are: claJ' tile roof, wrought iron ral1ings, heavy rl~ wed beams, paying, tIle. pla.~er, the cloistered look, and porticos. He tr~ to incorporate thelia ebarac4,;erist4cs in the two renderings, o.ce ~ vhlc.h t.!~ ,;wo ;.~rL!1",-,~.s. C._e rEr..de:,:1r~ had a ::-tately J.GQ£, sJ.m1::'ar 4,;0 :2t of tho? ìiel18-l'ar~o Bank ~ldlng. The .:>ther had a tile parapet wtdch created! .::oyered walØaJ'. This could have a concrete top, where the _chanical equipamt could be concealed. Mr-. Blessing recolDIDended cOD.._~ vertic:. columna beca-. or the maintenance 1"actor involved, aD! ;¡oøalbly uJ 08ed heavy rwcbrooc1 bealllB 1"01' the overhead. There could Þe . 1a'OUght i!'cn or re1n1"orced ccncrete ral1ing around the oovered _a.aJ'. Mr. Blessing de8Cr~bed a 'r7Pe 5bul1ding -- steel or wooc1 1"rarDe w1th r1re retardent roof aad re~orced concrete columna tor earthquake au...... The est1:ated eost or tb1a city hall would be $304.580.00 w1~ ..I. a base_t or $381.580 w1th a basen:ent. The building w111 Þe .....sÞt'ly r31seà whethel' or not there is a - I _l1t. -1nl7 because _ _.~ bave to dig down so tar 1ato the F . lUllS 11 'lao because or the cJnajnage factor. There was so.e techni- ea1 .u.eua.lf)n between Couac"'-" Stokes and the architect. ·1- 111'. Bleseing said the eoil report 1nc.1catesthere 1e a strata 3-1/2 to _ 1"eet down aM we must gl) below that, otherwlse there will be excessive ~11ng. The footings ",ill be genera:"ly smaller. The excavation will -.e to be dcae whether or not there is a basement. 'l'here vas SOIll8 discus.10ft 01" details with the audience. Ifr. l'8ter EII1g asked how that shade ot yellow tor the exterior happened to be chosen. JIr. BlessiDg :;a14 1;h1s could be changed. Mr. David IIdIIis t'eU these render1Jl:;a wcre a aarked improveœnt over ¡reyioua c:œ.-.cepts. He telt this bIIU4111s would be ¡: Ore compatible 1D the 'l'own C -er. Arter Chec!dng the øplDiona 01" each ot the Coano1JJ.ft, Ma701" n-b asked 1<bether this _tter .houle. be decided ton18ht or at the aezt; Councl1 _eting. Mr. BJess1ng aeid he would be 014 ot' town, but UIe render1ngs Will be there. FIB alao ottered to 10en us the no10red s1.Jdes.. but was told the ~lIder1ngs wo;W1 sut1"1ce. Move:!. by Counci~n Stokes, seconded by Councillan Fitzgerald, to p].ace this :atter on the agend& 1"or March 1st. Mot10n carried, 4-0 Move;: by Councilman Stc<tes, "econèed by Councilman Noel, to ad~n the ""'~t1n5 at 8:30 P.;~. APf'RCVED : Isl Paul H. Pinch Mayo:" Aft'ES'l': t~,t<.,,- , " l(v. . ~ City C:e!'o: -2-