CC 02-08-65103?1 SO. SARATOG-A-SUT-1,1 VALE, i:�.OAD, CUPERTINO, CALIF. 95014 52-4505 C I T 3' 0 F C U PERT I .NT, 0 Cupertino, California MIT,RITES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF, THE CITY CUJNCIL, 2; 8/65 Place: City Hall, 10321 South Saratoga. -Sunnyvale Road Time: 8:00 P.M. I Meeting Galled to order by Mayor Finch II ROLL CALL Councilmen present: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes, Finch Councilman present: Noel Staff present: City Manager City Attorney Recreation Director Parham III ORAL COMIMUNICATIONS' 1. The Mayor asked if there was any business to be conducted prior to going into a Personnel and E.Kecutive session. 2. The City Manager stated that he had two items to bring to the Council's attention. The City Manager reported that he had received an agree- ment from the Bank of America outlining the conditions under which they would serve as Paying Agent for the $1,450,000 bond issue. The City Attorney had reviewed and approved the agreement. It was moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes, than the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. Ayes: Councilmen Dempster, Stokes, Fitzgerald, Mayor Finch Noes: None Absent: Councilman Noel 3. The City Manager reported that he had received word from the architect that he would be avail- able on February 23 or 24 to px-esent the renderings on the City Hall. ko J 0 M Inasmuch as the Elei-m-, .tary School. Board uses t.-1,.e Board Room on the 23rd, it was �-. e opin_'Loi-.. of the Couno-°..'1 1:;hat the ilenderings shoal_d have a. Publ..12.i.; ?: w.r'.r�g cr?. #.:►.:� 4th, Mayor F:i.ncll suggested P � G e i) '�) i �u ,,,e'j 'ri i-i �;..d. t� . G. �..c:%.1 :oi..c.:x c.. t:._ai; r�..�.e mee rig be held at the Cuperti_,o high Sch,001 if it was available,, Moved by Councilman Dempster, sec;on:u.ad by Count ;-1ma.n. Fitzgerald, that the public Y,'ear_t.ng be held Febr.,.ary 24 at 6,00 P.M. at the Cupertino High School if th.e aud:zt-:�+:r. _um was a.va:ila.{.)1e, Motion carrAed, Councilman Noel, Absent 4. Councilman Stokes suggested that an adverti-sement be placed in the Cupertino CvUrlier giving notice to the p't:Lblic that a meeting would be held for the purpose of displaying and view- ing the architect's rend.aring for the C1.ty Hall, The notice should be a quarter of a page in the Coorie r issue of February 17, and should be placed in the Want Ad section. The Councilmen being in agreemen.t with the suggest.I cn, Councilman Stokes moved that a quarter of a page be placed in the advert-i oirg section of the Cupertino Courier on February 17, i965 for the pi:,.r-- pose of giving notice of a public hear3.ng for the rev7.ew*10-j.g of the architect's rendering of the Cicy Hall, seconded by Councilman Der-i?psterm Motion carried, 4E 0 Councilman Noel, Absent 5. The Mayor explained t...zat this mee t;li.r.g had been called for the purpose of interviewing applicants for "Llhe Recreation and Park Committees and an Exel --fts.ve session w+.th th.: lard sppra-isal for the five (5) parks. Moved by Councilman Dempster, seconded by Councilman Stokes, that the Council go into a Personnel and Ex.ecut-ve session, Motion carried, 4--0 Councilman Noel, Ab_-en, Time: 8:10 P,M, IV RECONVENED Moved by Councilman Stokes, seconded by Councilman Dempster, that the meeting be adjourned® Time: 11:15 P,M- ATTEST: City Manager APP ROVED: L� Paul_ H` Finch Mayor _ OM ---„- 103"1 SO. SARA'1'OOA-SUmmrALE ?OAD, ctJPER'l'I110, CALI!!'. ~::nl¡ "'5?-1'505 CITY OF ¡;UPERT!NO CUpertlnc. Ca1i1"orn1a !IIIJIJTES OP '1'HE AD.1cmuœ1> IØ:rING OF T!!E CITY COO1«:IL, 2/8/65 Place: City Hall, 103~1 South Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road T1me: 8:00 P.M. , I· lL~et1hg called to oreer 117 p..ayor Finch II. ROLLcALL Councilmen pr~~ent: Dempster, ~itzgerald, Stokes, Finch Councilman present: Noel Sta1"t' present: Ci ty ""r.~ger City Attorney Recreation Director Parham III OP~L COMMDlrrCA~I0~~ 1. The Mayo~ asked if thcre was any business to be conducted pr~or to going into a Personnel and ~ecueive session. 2. The City Manager stated that he had two 1tem3 to brln~ to the Co¡;.ncil's attention. The City MarAger r~port¿d that he had received ún 3;r~e- ment fro'll the !3;t"k ot AClerica outlining the conditions under which they would serve as Pay1n; Agent for the $1,h50,~~ bond isoue. The City Attcrney had re~lewed and approved the oll"reement. It was t':-c>vt'd 1rJ ('c"¡~cil!:"...n De!l:~ste~. seconded by Counc11man Stoke". oha~ tbe foI.ayor and City Clerk be authorized to exec~te c.}:~ a~rc€::'I'3nt;. Ayes: Councilmen Dempster, Sto:'es, Fitz3erald. ¥..ayor Pinch Nces: Ncne Absent: Councilman Noel 3. The City Mana~er reported that he had received word from the architect that he would be ava11- a~le on Pebruary ?3 or ?4 to present the renderings on the City Hall . Ir.asmuch !S :~ Elell't:r.tar,y School 3c~rd US!!S tp.e Board Room on the 23Tè., 1': waf: the; cp1n1c.u of tr.p Cour.cll that thi! ~er1ngs ~;";;;..:J.à !>d.e a pl.:1:11-:: :::'!!'.r.::S en tr:~ ,;~th. Yp.ye:r F1nch s;¡g.;e$-",:1 !U1r1 the C<"""cl1 ,"o;"r:a'·"ã t"..I!.t t:>e mee4;lr.g be held at :~ CUperti':.o }'..1.gh 3chool .'.~':'¡;Ol"1um 1f it was available. MoftId b7 CoUDCi~ Dempster. Be'"..ondad by Coun.'1lman P1t?.gerald. 1;ba1; UIe pIlbUc t.~1r.g be held Pebn¡ary 2'J ..t &:00 p.~. at the ~ H1&h Scb:>'Jl 1t' tt-.e audi.t~UI1I \i¡lS aV2.1lable. Jt:t1on ca1'1"1l!d. ~-O Co\:ncllœn Noel. Ablien~ 4. ~"1lDBn StoJæs suggest4'!d t;ba1; an adrertl";;JJen!; be p:iaced 2-D t.be C'o1pcrt~ c..:ar1cr gtv1Dg notice to the p¡bUc th3t 2- ~ WO'.!1d t~ held for !;~e purJ)O:!'! ct (!1spla7ing and v1e1f- :> iDS the arc}'l..1:~~t I s rendarl.n6 !'cr tn€ City ::.'111. !be DOtice s~·.;l::' be a c¡uarter ot a ¡age in the Co-.tr1er 15s1le or Fe~I'In1')' ~:-, a..-x! should be placed in the Want Ad &ect;1on. The Counc1lmen be~.g 1n ag.:.'eement ,..11;h the s-,>:,.,;c~t.~cn, Cou.'"1cilr;nn Stalœs moved tha: : :r.arter or a page be placed :In the a·jverti:3:i.r.g SI'"t.1on 01" the C-~:-~~1no Courter on FebrJ- -1')' J7, 1965 for the pw:- pos~ ot g1v1ng !:::~~e of a pubU,c hæri1"3 fr')r t¡-.e reviewing of the a:-ch1tect's ren;i~:-':'~~ of the C.1cy Hall, se:~C1.!e" ty C:vr.':il!;1¡\n DePp3~r. ~c~:cn ca!'!'1ed, ~-O ~:·..,,:ilma.n Noel. .'\bsent 5. ~?- :.Jayor .:':-:;:::':'~òj t:"'lt tr..:ls ".2.,t~,:g ¡-~j t£en .::alled for th" r;urpose Qt i:':~~=:i~w1ng a~11c2.!':ts fc:" :~--= Recreation a~':! Park ~ttees a.::': ~.:: :';{n~11tl'\·e 3~gsi·:·T) w:'.t~ ":,,:~ lar..è apprtilZal ~or the fl-..:? .:; ,:"d!'ks. !:""'i:'! t7 Cca;nci::-~-_ :e ::pster, seconded by ::..:....,c~ ¡~.a11 St-::k€s, ¡-,t.at tte Co·~.cl1 go ~~:: ~ ?ersolü,el a~d ~~ecu~~~~ ses~1on. :. .-:!.-.: ~"'_:T1f:~, ...-0 ~:·-=-..::1...J..a~:1 !.oel, A.b~·?:·- ':':.:.e: 8:1C .- , IV P.EC~ÆD ~ved by Cou.;...:-;':~::. Stoke3.. seconded ¡,/ :. _~r_c:':.lT.úr~ z:..:io.¡:stcr. t~t the mee~:'~.; :e adjourned. ':'1Jae: 11:15 :-,:,'. APPRO'JC: /s/ Paul H. Pinch Ma~~r AT'l'ES'l': , '; ~-..i~ . « .,J /,1'-- ~I ., n;;.¿e!' , t .