ASAC 51,728.1July 311 1987 Jensen Corporation 900 Nom San Antonio Roadf #101 Los Altos, CA 95022 P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95015 SU CTa plication ASAC 51,728.1 Dear Gentlemeno This. lett will confirm the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Canuittee given at its regular meeting of July 271 1987. The subject a lication was approved per theconditions specified in the enclosed,CCPy of ASAC elution Noo 13000 The decision of the Architectural and Site Amaral Comnitt-ea ; c% f i v,a i July 27, 1987 7:00 PM Conference Room No. 160170 Temporary City Hall 10430 So De Anza Boulevard SUBJECT: APPLICATION ASAC 51,728.1 °o JEMSEN CORPORATION: Requesting approval of a 3000 square foot addition to an existing industrial building located on the east side of Blaney Avenue, approximately 415 feet south of Homestead Road. You are hereby notified that tie --Architectural-- and -Site- Approval Committee will review the subject application at the date and time specified above. Please attend the meeting and participate -in the discussion if this matter is of interest to you. The application_ is on file and may be read by the public in the Planning Department at the Temporary City Hall at 10430 S. De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, CA. This notice is sent to you as a courtesy and is not required by an ordinance of the City. not=281(rd6)