ASAC 51,733.1August 120 1957 P.O. Box 580 Cupertino, California 95015 Aeric Neon Displays Tiro James Lo Golden 810 23rd Avenue Oakland,, CA 94606 SUBJECT.- Application ASAC 51,733.1 Dear Mr. Goldono This letter will confirm: the decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Camnittee given at its regular mRaetixig of Ault 10 0 1987. The subject application approved per the conditions specified in the enclosed r of ASAC Resolution No. 13040 The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Camittee is final unless waled within fire working days to the City Ca=110 Sincerely, CIT OF CUPERTINO RandaiRo' Tsuda- Planner'1 enclosure 1517331(ASAC)